Montana Sentence Examples
As in … I'm in Montana?
Another montana product is coffee, whose successful development is prevented by difficult transport.
Fossil remains of mammals, fish and reptiles found in the Tertiary deposits of south-western Montana are preserved in the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and in the museum of the university of Montana.
One of the family's estates is here in Montana.
Cacao is another montana product, although like coffee it is cultivated in the warm valleys of the sierra, but the export is small.
There are two Forest kinds of rubber supplied by the Peruvian montana products.
Between 1880 and 1900 the average number of acres to a farm slightly increased - from 133.5 acres in 1880 to 151.2 acres in 1900 - instead of decreasing as in the older states of the Union; though the increase was not nearly so marked as in such states as Nevada, Montana, Wyoming and Texas.
A bare gland-patch behind the ear serves to distinguish the oribis or ourebis, as typified by Oribia montana of the Cape; lateral hoofs being present and the face-pit large.
Tobacco is produced in the vicinity and sent to other parts of the Montana region.
The main range of the Rockies follows the boundary line between Montana and Idaho west and north-west from Yellowstone Park in Wyoming to Ravalli county, then turns eastnorth-east to Lewis and Clark county, and from there extends' north-north-west into Canada.
AdvertisementAs far north as the gorge of the Missouri river in Montana, the Front range, facing the Great Plains, is a rather simple uplift, usually formed by upturning the flanking strata, less often by a fracture.
Peru is divided longitudinally into three well-defined regions, the coast, the sierra and the montana.
The forests drained by the Maranon, Huallaga and Ucayali form the northern portion of the Peruvian montana.
Following the increase of population north of the Columbia, the territory was divided, and Washington Territory was established on the 2nd of March 1853, with the river as the southern boundary to the point where it is intersected by the forty-sixth parallel, and thence along that parallel to the summit of the Rocky Mountains, thereby including portions of the present states of Idaho and Montana.
The main range of the Rocky Mountains separates that part which is drained west into the'Columbia river and the Pacific Ocean from that which is drained east into the Missouri and Mississippi rivers and the Gulf of Mexico, and from a very small part which is drained north-east into Hudson Bay; the water-parting which in Montana separates the drainage into Hudson Bay from the drainage into the Gulf of Mexico crosses only the north-west region of Teton county.
AdvertisementMontana has a few mineral springs, the best known being the Lissner Springs at Helena.
In 1894 Congress passed the Carey Act, under which Montana received title to i,000,000 acres of arid land on condition that the state would reclaim it by providing an adequate supply of water; the state accepted the offer, created an irrigation commission, and provided means for securing the necessary funds.
Sugar beets were first grown in Montana at Evans, Cascade county, in 1893 without irrigation.
In 1909 the number of sheep in Montana was 5,747,000, being exceeded only by the number in Wyoming; the number of cattle was 922,000, only 80,00o being milch cows, and the number of horses 319,000.
Coal was discovered in Montana before 1880, when 224 tons were mined.
AdvertisementWith the exception of the smelting and refining of copper, manufacturing is in Montana a decidedly minor industry.
Roman Catholics are more numerous in Montana than Protestants, having 72,359 communicants out of a total of 98,984 of all denominations in 1906, when there were 7022 Methodists, 4096 Presbyterians, 3290 Protestant Episcopalians and 2029 Baptists.
The state is governed under a constitution adopted in 1889, a month before Montana's admission into the Union.
The state educational institutions are the university of Montana (1895), at Missoula, the normal college at Dillon, the college of agriculture and mechanic arts (1893) at Bozeman; and the school of mines (1900) at Butte.
The first exploration within the borders of Montana was made in 1743 by Sieur de la Verendrye, who in that year led an expedition up the Missouri river to the Great Falls and near where Helena now stands; the first exploration in that part of the state which lies west of the main range of the Rocky Mountains was made by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in 1805.
AdvertisementIn 1864 Montana Territory was created, and in 1889 this Territory was admitted to statehood.
Marcus Daly (1842-1900) went from Ireland about 1857 to New York City, and thence to California and Nevada, and in 1876 reached Butte, Montana.
On the admission of Minnesota into the Union in 1858, the eastern section was again left unorganized until the 2nd of March 1861, when the territory of Dakota was created, including the present Dakotas and portions of Wyoming and Montana.
Helena is delightfully situated with Mt Helena as a background in the hollow of the Prickly Pear valley, a rich agricultural region surrounded by rolling hills and lofty mountains, and contains many fine buildings, including the state capitol, county court house, the Montana club house, high school, the cathedral of St Helena, a federal building, and the United States assay office.
It is the seat of the Montana Wesleyan University (Methodist Episcopal), founded in 1890; St Aloysius College and St Vincent's Academy (Roman Catholic); and has a public library with about 35,000 volumes, the Montana state library with about 40,000 volumes, and the state law library with about 24,000 volumes.
The town was laid out in the same year, and after the organization of Montana Territory it was designated as the capital.
It was estimated that the fourth project, the lower Yellowstone, on the western bank of the river of that name, would furnish water for 66,000 acres of land, of which 20,000 lie in Dawson county, North Dakota, and the rest in Montana.
On the 2nd of March 1861 the Territory of Dakota was created, including the present Dakotas and portions of Wyoming and Montana.
The northern section of the Great Plains, north of latitude 44, including eastern Montana, north-eastern Wyoming and most of the Dakotas, is a moderately dissected peneplain, one of the best examples of its class.
All these reliefs are more plentiful towards the mountains in central Montana.
Then turning more to the north-west through Wyoming, the ranges decrease in breadth and height; in Montana their breadth is not more than 150 m .,and only seven summitsexceed 11,000 ft.
Farther north in Montana, in spite of a decrease of height, there are to-day a few small glaciers with snowfields of good size; and, here the effects of sculpture by the much larger Pleistocene glaciers are seen in forms of almost alpine strength.
Several smaller basins occur in Montana, all somewhat dissected and drained through narrow gorges and canyons by members of the Missouri system.
The Proterozoic formations have yielded a few fossils in several places, especially Montana and northern Arizona; but they are so imperfect, their numbers, whether of individuals or of species, are so small, and the localities where they occur so few, that they are of little service in correlation throughout the United States.
The Montana series, most of which is marine, was deposited in water deeper than that of the Colorado epoch, though the series is less widespread than the preceding.
The Arid Transition life-zone comprises the western part of the Dakotas, north-eastern Montana, and irregular areas in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas, covering for the most part the eastern base of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains and the higher parts of the Great Basin and the plateaus.
New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire in the eastern part of the country, Louisiana in the south, and New Mexico, Arizona, California and Montana in the western part are distinctively Roman Catholic states, with not less than 63% of these in the total church body.
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, West Virginia, California, Colorado, Montana, Michigan, New York and Missouri were the ten states of greatest absolute production in 1907.
Finally, of true lignite beds, or of lignite mix d with sub-bituminous qualities, the states of North Dakota, Montana, Texas and South Dakota are credited with deposits of 500,000; 279,500; 23,000; and 10,000 millions of tons respectively.
Discoveries in other Cordilleran territories, notably in Montana and Idaho, made up, however, in part for the deficiency of California, so that in I 860 the total amount of gold produced in the United States was estimated at not less than $45,000,000.
The three leading producing states or Territories of the Union are, and since the early eighties have been, Arizona, Montana and Michigan.
Coal of a bituminous and also semi-anthracite kind is produced, the best mined on the Pacific slope of the continent, the coking coals of the Fernie region supplying the fuel of the great metal mining districts of the Kootenays in British Columbia, and of Montana and other states to the south.
Coarse sapphire is found in many parts of the United States, and the mineral occurs of gem quality in North Carolina and Montana.
In Montana, sapphires were discovered as far back as 1865, and have been worked on a large scale.
It extends into Montana, on the N., about 24 m.
The only railway approaches to the park are a branch of the Northern Pacific railway up the valley of the Yellowstone to the main gate at Gardiner, Montana, and a branch of the Oregon Short Line up the valley of the North Fork of the Snake to Yellowstone, Montana.
Cook and William Peterson, set out from the gold-fields of Montana with the express purpose of verifying or refuting the rumours, and they returned full of enthusiasm.
Washburn, the surveyor-general of Montana, and Lieutenant Gustavus C. Doane of the Second United States Cavalry, made the "Yellowstone Wonderland" widely known.
C. babylonica, 5 to 7 ft., has winged stems, silvery leaves, and yellow flower-heads from June to September; C. montana, 3 ft., deep bright blue or white.
The occurrence of red deposits in western Australia, Scotland, the Ural mountains, in Michigan, Montana and Nova Scotia, &c., associated in some instances with the formation of gypsum and salt, clearly points to the existence of areas of excessive evaporation, such as are found in land-locked waters in regions where something like desert conditions prevail.
The national and state governments had not built any works of reclamation excepting where the federal government, through the Indian department, had constructed irrigation ditches for Indian tribes, notably the Crow Indians of Montana.
His father, Thomas (1778-1851), was born in Rockingham (then Augusta) county, Virginia; he was hospitable, shiftless, restless and unsuccessful, working now as a carpenter and now as a farmer, and could not read or write before his marriage, in Washington county, Kentucky, on the 12th of June 1806, to Nancy Hanks (1783-1818), who was a native of Virginia, who is said to have been the illegitimate daughter of one Lucy Hanks, and who seems to have been, in 1 Lincoln's birthday is a legal holiday in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming.
The latter, a loosely drawn statute based on an Act of the state of Montana, sought to suppress all utterances of a disloyal character.
Several lines were also projected, two to penetrate the Ecuadorean montana.
He was conspicuously successful (1869-1886) in dealing with Indian outbreaks, fighting the Cheyenne, Kiowa and Comanche on Llano Estacado (1875) and the Sioux in Montana (1876), capturing the Nez Perces under Chief Joseph (1877), and defeating the Chiricahua Apaches under Geronimo (1886), and he commanded the United States troops sent to Chicago during the railway riots in 1894.
The species of timber almost exclusively planted are the red fir (Picea excelsa) and the mountain pine (Pinus montana).
The per capita wealth of the state was then reported as $2582.32, being exceeded only by the three sparsely settled states of Montana, Wyoming and Nevada.
Extensive deposits are mined in the United States, particularly at Butte in Montana, and in Namaqualand, South Africa.
As the result of the polling in November, 292 Republican presidential electors were chosen, and 155 Democratic electors, elected in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and the Southern states, represented the final strength of the Bryan and Stevenson ticket.
Custer (q.v.) and his command were killed in 1876 on the Little Bighorn in Montana, the Indians were thoroughly subdued and confined to reservations.
The lower division appears on the Newfoundland and Labrador coasts, and is traceable thence, in a great belt southwest of those points, through Maine and the Hudson-Champlain valley into Alabama, a distance of some 2000 m.; and the rocks are brought up again on the western uplift, in Nevada, Idaho, Utah, western Montana and British Columbia.
The middle division covers approximately the same region as the lower one, and in addition it is found in Texas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arizona, in western Montana, and possibly in western Wisconsin.
In Butte, Montana, reverberatories have in the past been preferred to cupola furnaces, as the charge has consisted mainly of fine roasted concentrates; but the cupola is gaining ground there.
At the Boston and Great Falls (Montana) works tilting reverberatories, modelled after open hearth steel furnaces, were first erected; but they were found to possess objectionable features.
The largest furnaces are those of the Boston & Montana Company at Great Falls, Montana, which have put through soo tons of charge daily, pouring their melted slag and matte into large wells of io ft.
The mountain sparrow (Passer montana) is abundant in Java and Singapore in a uniform equatorial climate, and also inhabits Britain and a considerable portion of northern Europe.
Closely allied to the Scotch pine, and perhaps to be regarded as a mere alpine form of that species, is the dwarf P. montana (or P. Pumilio), the " kummholz " or " knieholz " of the Germans - a recumbent bush, generally only a few feet high, but with long zigzag stems, that root occasionally at the knee-like bends where they rest upon the ground.
In 1863 the Territory of Idaho was organized; it included Montana until 1864, and a part of Wyoming until 1868, when the area of the Territory of Idaho was practically the same as that of the present state.
The militia was called out and regular troops were hurried to Shoshone county from Fort Sherman, Idaho and Fort Missoula, Montana.
From 1847 to 1887 the product of Michigan exceeded that of any other state; from 1847 to 1883 its copper product was more than one-half that of all the states, but after 1887 (except in 1891) more of that mineral was mined in Montana than in Michigan, and in 1906 and in 1907 the yield in both Arizona and Montana was greater than in Michigan.
The production of this lode declined in 1876, but the total production of this country was increased by discoveries in Colorado (Leadville) and Nevada (Eureka); and in more recent years silver-producing areas in other states (Montana, Utah, Idaho) have been exploited.
In 1832 a steamer ran to the mouth of the Yellowstone, and in 1890 the last commercial trip was made to old Fort Benton (Great Falls), Montana.
The interval of years witnessed the growth of a river trade and its gradual decline as point after point on the river - Kansas City, St Joseph, Council Bluffs (Iowa), Sioux Falls (South Dakota) and Helena (Montana) - was reached and commanded by the railways.
As then constituted, the Territory embraced the whole area to which the title of the United States had been confirmed by the treaty of 1846, and included the present states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and parts of Wyoming and Montana.
Montana Blanca, the highest point (2000 ft.), is cultivated to the summit.
The Montana (hill country) of Burgos, and in particular the district called the Alfoz of Lara, was the cradle of the heroes of the Castilian share in the reconquestthe count Porcellos, and the judge of the people, Lain Calvo, the infantes of Lara, the bastard Mudarra, and Ruy Diaz 0I Bivar, in whose lives legend and history are mingled beyond disentanglement, and of whom some are pure figures of romance.
In the central parts of North America the lacustrine plant-bearing deposits are of enormous thickness, the Dakota series being followed by marine Cretaceous strata known as the Colorado and Montana groups, and these being succeeded conformably by a thousand feet or more of lacustrine shales, sandstones and coal-seams, belonging to the Laramie series.
As in … I'm in Montana?
The solace in Montana is the spa sky.
Montana quot chad said to the step by your company's either present or.
Soon decorated newspapers Montana quot chad said is even made.
The small bed 5 to the right had yet another clematis, probably a Montana, plus a Geranium of some kind.
In addition they offered newly available American gemstones such as Montana sapphires and Mexican fire opals.
One of those small time hoodlums is Tony Montana (Pacino ).
While moving from Oregon to Montana several years ago, my husband was driving the U-Haul packed with all of our worldly possessions.
I'm Tony Montana, a political prisoner from Cuba.
Zig-Zag, t +41 (0)27 481 2205, also in Montana, t +41 (0)27 481 2205, also in Montana, takes children from 18 months.
Montana types soon produce a dense tangle of stems for nesting birds.
Montana has an area of 146,572 sq.
The development of Montana was scarcely begun when the discoveries of gold were made at Bannack, Beaverhead Valley, in 1862, at Virginia city, Alder Gulch, in 1863 and at Helena, Last Chance Gulch, in 1864.
Snowmobiling in Montana, you'll find some of the longest snowmobile trails in America.
Changes to the for hiking horseback lodge 's solace spa sky is montana 's.
Zig-Zag, t +41 (0)27 481 2205, also in Montana, takes children from 18 months.
We have applied this UV laser system to the analysis of single shards from Miocene tephra deposits from the Ruby Range in southwest Montana.
States that offer permits include Pennsylvania, Arizona, Indiana, Delaware, Montana, Maine, Mississippi, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Oklahoma, Texas and South Dakota.
The only portion of the United States that is empty of a Premium outlet mall is the area from Montana and North Dakota to Arizona and New Mexico.
Hanna Montana, Zack Efron, High school Musical, and Pirates of the Caribbean are just a few of the books for an older audience.
Examples include Hannah Montana gift cards and Shrek characters from the Disney movies.
Located in the mountains of Montana, the Sage Mountain Center includes on-site training, lessons and workshops.
If you don't happen to live in California, Montana, Wyoming or such places where geothermal systems are located, does this mean geothermal energy is out of the question for you?
George Armstrong Custer, known for his military defeat at the battle of Little Big Horn in Montana in 1876.
Topricin is a homeopathic skin cream containing arnica montana, a natural anti-inflammatory herb used in homeopathic skin creams to treat muscle and joint pain.
Celebrate Express offers up Hannah Montana, High School Musical, Backyardigans, Pokemon, Dora the Explorer, dogs and horse wall decorations - perfect for party decorations that can be reused in your child's bedroom when the party's over.
Hand crafted by Scott Walker in Thompson Falls, Montana, the tin chandeliers of One Guy Light Co. are simple but beautiful.
In 1987, a Rhonda Anderson, a Montana mom and parenting educator, went into business with Cheryl Lightie, a photo album company executive.
Yes, Montana, but they are icky and weird.
From her sold out concerts to posters and bedding, Miley and her alter ego - Hannah Montana - are all over stores this year.
For your tween girl, check out the Hannah Montana video game for Nintendo Wii and other gaming systems.
If you are looking for something fashionable and a little more reasonably priced, consider purchasing a Hannah Montana pink and silver satchel bag.
If you're searching for the Hannah Montana fan club, you're going to find yourself in Miley World.
By now, you probably know that Miley is the star of the Hannah Montana show on ABC Family.
She plays a young girl who leads a double life as an average high school student by day, and as pop star Hannah Montana on the weekends.
The show's incredible popularity has translated into Hannah Montana fever, so naturally there is an online fan club available for anyone who just can't get enough on television.
The "Hannah Montana Fan Club" does offer Miley Cyrus' mailing address.
She's all the rage, with concert tickets in high demand, and songs in the Top 10, so it's little wonder that every little girl wants Hannah Montana clothes.
Miley Cyrus, who plays Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel, is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus.
Any fan of the show will tell you that, for the character Hannah Montana, it's all about the shoes.
If you want to get the full experience of wearing Hannah Montana clothes, unique and interesting shoes are a necessity.
Disney has recently released a new line of Hannah Montana clothes in true Miley Cyrus styles.
Macy's and Limited Too also carry the Hannah Montana clothing line.
Whichever style of Hannah Montana clothes are right for your daughter, she's sure to love the exuberant colors and designs available.
Bozeman youth clubs offer fun, friendship and recreation for Montana teens.
Although the Montana Conservation Corps is part of the Americorps program for young adults, the organization also includes a Youth Crew Program.
As a part of Montana 4-H, the group offers even more opportunities for learning and leadership development at the state level.
Gallatin youth clubs offer recreation and instruction in this southwestern Montana county.
The Boys & Girls Club of Southwest Montana offers after-school programs with a wide variety of activities.
The Montana Conservation Corps, affiliated with the Americorps program, offers opportunities for service-minded youth who also have an appreciation for Montana's natural beauty.
Born Destiny Hope Cyrus on November 23, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee, Miley Cyrus is well known as her television alter-ego Hannah Montana.
Cyrus starred in the Disney hit sitcom Hannah Montana from 2006 through 2010, making a name for herself as both an actress and musician.
Billy Ray Cyrus is most recently known for playing the dad on Disney's hit show Hannah Montana with his real life daughter, Miley Cyrus.
She was offered the starring, high-profile role in the Disney Channel's hit show Hannah Montana, but turned it down to focus on her music.
Destiny Hope Cyrus, better known as Miley Cyrus and equally as well known as Hannah Montana, is the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus (best known for his serious mullet and hit song Achy Breaky Heart) and Leticia Cyrus.
She has appeared on Hannah Montana as well as dad Billy Ray's series Doc that ran on the PAX channel from 2001-2004.
When first auditioning for Hannah Montana, Miley did not have her sights set on playing the lead role; she originally tried out for the role of Hannah's best friend Lilly Truscott, currently played by Emily Osmet.
Hannah Montana had its series premiere in March of 2006.
The true test for the new show was yet to come, as the series premiere for Hannah Montana was aired just before the wildly popular movie High School Musical and guest starred High School Musical star Corbin Bleu.
The following week, Hannah Montana was moved to its regularly scheduled Friday night time slot.
The millions of viewers that tuned into Hannah Montana a week after its inaugural episode proved the show was a hit.
Younger sister Noah once entered a Disney Channel contest to win tickets backstage to meet Hannah Montana, to which Miley responded "You live with me!"
The world has gone Hannah Montana crazy and as a result, Hannah fans can join many-a Hannah Montana fan club.
The Hannah Montana Clothing Line - The clothes in this line are inspired by Miley Cyrus and include everything from purses to pajamas.
Hannah Doll - A doll line made in the likeness of Hannah Montana.
As with most ultra-popular celebrities, fan clubs crop up everywhere, making it easy for fans to join the Hannah Montana Fan Club of their choice.
While working on Miley's perfect outfit, the user or player of the dress up game can even listen to a few Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana tunes.
Most Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana dress up game websites are safe and very user friendly.
Hannah Montana dress up is a fun type of game that fans can play online.
Hannah Montana is a popular television character played by the actress and singer Miley Cyrus.
There are plenty of Miley Cyrus dress up games available, but you can also find some that are based on the Hannah Montana character.
Hannah Montana dress up is just a portion of the activities available on this site devoted to games based on her character.
Hannah Montana Make Up - Drag and drop different makeup looks over a photo of Hannah Montana's face.
Hannah Montana Halloween Costumes - This is a fun twist on the usual dress up games!
There are two other basic dress up games at this site, called Hannah Montana Dress Up and Hannah Montana Dress Up 2.
Hannah Montana is a Walt Disney production, so it's no surprise that the official Disney website has a few really neat Hannah Montana fashion-based games.
In this one, you'll be helping Miley Cyrus transform into Hannah Montana, choosing items to match a picture of the character.
There are several sites that have a collection of celebrity and character dress up games, including Hannah Montana.
Hannah Montana is such a fun character for young girls.
The mid-1980s proved to be a turning point for Marie Osmond when she, along with singer Dan Seals, recorded Meet Me in Montana, which turned out to be the number country song of the year.
If you purchase a Dora the Explorer nightgown in August for the upcoming Christmas season, she may have moved on to Hannah Montana by the time December rolls around!
Tween girls, who adore Miley Cyrus, can emulate their favorite star by wearing Hannah Montana clothes.
Hannah Montana is a mega-popular television show that airs on the Disney Channel.
Hannah Montana is Stewart's pop-music singing alter ego, with rock star status.
The Hannah Montana franchise now includes clothing, jewelry, apparel, and dolls.
Girls around the world have embraced Miley Cyrus and her TV character Hannah Montana to the point where Disney has now come out with an expanded Hannah Montana fashion line based on the character from the show.
With a global audience of more than 200 million, it appears every girl wants a piece of Hannah Montana.
For this reason, Disney executives have been unveiling new Hannah Montana clothing lines since the fall of 2007.
The Hannah Montana clothing line includes trademark sparkly and glittery accents.
In addition, most, but not all of the clothes, feature Miley Cyrus' image, although some only bear the Hannah Montana logo.
This stretch denim skirt features two back pockets, which are embellished with Hannah Montana's signature shimmering golden screen art design.
You don't have to attend a Miley Cyrus concert to snag cool Hannah Montana gear.
Due to the popularity of the clothing line, Hannah Montana fans may find it difficult to snag all of their favorite items.
If you have trouble finding Hannah Montana apparel where you live, consider shopping online.
You can find a huge array of Hannah Montana inspired tops, bottoms, pajamas, and accessories from the new Miley Cyrus clothing line at affordable prices.
Girls who are fans of Miley Cyrus love Hannah Montana dresses and other items in this mega teen star's clothing line.
Disney launched the Hannah Montana clothing line in the fall of 2007, and girls embraced the fashions as easily as they embraced Miley Cyrus on the hit TV show Hannah Montana.
Teen and preteen girls, particularly girls ages nine to 14, began copying Hannah Montana's trendy wardrobe by purchasing items from her clothing line as well as the show's related merchandise.
The clothing line features a wide array of items, including T-shirts, tops, capris, shorts, jeans, swimsuits, hoodies and Hannah Montana dresses.
In 2009, the Hannah Montana clothing line expanded to include a new line carried by Wal-Mart and launched by Miley Cyrus and fashion designer Max Azria.
Where can you find Hannah Montana dresses?
Head to Wal-Mart for all the latest dress fashions in true Hannah Montana style.Tank and scooter set - For those girls who want to wear dresses, but still love the casual look, a tank and scooter set is the perfect option.
Dress costume - If you're looking for a Halloween costume, your child can dress up as Hannah Montana in a costume that includes a dress, leggings and accessories.
Finally, your child can create her own Hannah Montana look by simply adding accessories and choosing uniquely paired items.
What's the best way to turn an ordinary dress into a dress fit for Hannah Montana?
Dazzling jumpers - Even the plainest denim jumper can be reinvented into something Hannah Montana worthy.
Beautiful vests - Pair a Hannah Montana styled vest with any dress to revamp your little girl's style.
Sewing patterns - If you're handy with a sewing machine, Simplicity offers several Hannah Montana patterns, many of which feature several clothing styles in one package.
Finally, complete the Hannah Montana look by accessorizing every outfit.
The commission accredits colleges and universities in Alaska, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Montana.
C. montana is another elegant plant requiring the same treatment as C. fragilis.
A. montana (Mountain Tobacco) is a European plant about 12 inches high, with smooth, lance-shaped leaves and yellow flowers 2 inches across in summer, the blooms gathered into threes and fours on hairy stems.
In Montana and other states of the inland region the species indigenous there have to bear as low a temperature as 40 degrees below zero.
S. montana is allied to S. alpina, but with larger leaves and purer blue flowers.
Other kinds are-O. montana, foetida, strobilacea, campestris, and its several varieties; all of these are dwarf, and thrive in sandy loamy soil in open spots in the rock garden.
J. montana is a neat, hardy annual with small, pretty bright blue flower-heads in summer.
T. montana is of graceful growth, and as it flowers at the same time it may be associated with the perennial Lupins and other border plants of the season.
T. fabacea comes very near T. montana, and has been confused with it, but it comes from the north of Asia; it is of fine habit and very free-blooming.
One of these pieces, a Sri Lankan moonstone and Montana sapphire necklace set in platinum is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
This sport coat is done in Montana Khaki and is machine washable.
Tweens will love non-stop Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers action, while adults will enjoy the ease of planning a family vacation to one of the company's many parks around the world.
Even Joe Montana didn't have to face that kind of challenge.
More for the girls, this game lets you play as Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus.
The 1983 blockbuster Scarface featured Al Pacino as gangster Tony Montana fighting for power and fame.
Scarface the movie follows the life of ex-con Tony Montana from his penniless refugee status to top-dog in the Miami underworld.
The film ends with Montana trapped in his mansion by dozens of hired killers.
The viewpoint while you're playing Scarface is from over Tony Montana's shoulder.
He reprises his role of Tony Montana, complete with Cuban accent and gratuitous swearing.
Armells Creek Outfitters-This Montana hunting guide takes small groups to hunt on over 70,000 acres of private land.
When you begin to study the facts of Yellowstone National Park, which covers 3468 square miles (or 2,219,789 acres) through Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, you are diving into an exciting story of the history of the United States.
Whether you are traveling for business or for pleasure, nothing can be more convenient than being able to use the same cellular phone whether you find yourself in Melbourne, Milan, or Montana.
The homeopathic remedy arnica (Arnica montana) may be used initially for a few days, followed by ruta (Ruta graveolens) for joint-related injuries or Rhus toxicodendron for muscle-related injuries.
Two particularly useful homeopathic remedies are arnica (Arnica montana) and symphytum (Symphytum officinalis).
The homeopathic remedy, Arnica montana, can be applied as a cream or gel to unbroken skin.
Arnica montana, at 30 ml (1 oz), taken one to two times per day is highly recommended.
Homeopathic arnica (Arnica montana) should be taken as soon as possible after the injury to help the body deal with the trauma.
Homeopathic Hypericum (Hypericum perforatum) is recommended when nerve endings are affected (especially in the fingers and toes) and Arnica (Arnica montana) is prescribed for shock.
The District of Columbia had the highest rates of TB, with 14 cases per 100,000 people in 2003; Montana and Wyoming had the lowest rate, with 0.8 cases per 100,000 population.
Hannah Montana wigs are popular costume wigs for dress up and for Halloween, but why?
Hannah Montana is the superstar alter ego of Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus, the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus), a fictional 14 year old girl and talented teen pop sensation.
The Hannah Montana persona was created for a new Disney Channel television show in March 2006, and the skyrocketing popularity of this down home teen idol has made it one of the most popular children's shows today.
Within months, mountains of Hannah Montana merchandise became available, including clothes, DVDs, soundtracks, video games, toys, books, and costumes, including Hannah Montana wigs.
There have even been live Hannah Montana concerts packed with fans eager to meet the teen superstar.
As the classic best-girl-friend-turned-superstar, it is no wonder that Hannah Montana is a popular dress up and costume choice.
The key to a great look is the perfect hair, and there are several costume wigs with Hannah Montana styles available.
There are occasional waves and other texture to the style, but generally speaking Hannah Montana's hair is as wholesome and down to earth as she is.
Hannah Montana wigs reflect that wholesome style by being simple and straight without excess flair or heavy styling.
Young girls will want to play dress up frequently, and caring for play wigs carefully will ensure they stay as bright and fresh as Hannah Montana's latest hit.
Minimal hair accessories such as small clips, barrettes, or head bands are perfectly suitable for a Hannah Montana style.
Many costume retailers offer Hannah Montana accessories and wigs for Halloween or any type of dress up play.
If an official Hannah Montana style is unavailable, most long blonde wigs with bangs can be trimmed or adjusted to create a similar appearance.
Hannah Montana wigs are a popular style choice for young girls interested in mimicking this hot teen sensation.
Hannah Montana has a secret side, after all, and so can every girl eager to be a star.
The following states have these laws in place - Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, and West Virginia.
Other Disney options include Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Hanna Montana, Finding Nemo, Tinkerbell and all the characters from Toy Story 3.
With her phenomenally successful television series, Hannah Montana, Miley soon found herself under the hot lights of fame and controversy.
Miley, as Hannah Montana, was quickly crowned America's darling.
Not only does she have a grueling taping schedule at Disney for Hanna Montana, but she's also under contract to release studio albums under the same name.
If you have played Hannah Montana Twister, then you will find the games very similar in gameplay.
Learning how to make a Hannah Montana costume is easy.
The hard part is getting your Hannah Montana wannabe to take off the rock star getup.
However, Hannah Montana is so hot that there are ample places to find inspiration.
Videos, magazines, and books are filled with photos of Miley Cyrus playing world-famous pop singer Hannah Montana.
The pictures reveal tons of details that can be used to help you learn how to make a Hannah Montana costume at home.
Given the astronomical prices of costume shop Hannah Montana outfits, it makes sense to create your own from items you may already have in your closet.
Thrift stores and consignment shops are also great places to find clothing and accessories needed to make a rockin' Hannah Montana costume.
If you are going to splurge on just one aspect of your Hannah Montana costume, then do so with the hair.
Hannah Montana's trademark hair is long and blonde.
In addition, Hannah Montana wears bolero jackets and other cropped layers that expose colorful tanks and tees.
Hannah Montana is seen wearing a variety of pant choices, though she clearly has a preference for leggings.
Hannah Montana doesn't hobble around in heels, so ditch the spikes and go for the boots instead.
But, not just any old boot will do if you plan to dress up like Hannah Montana.
No Hannah Montana costume is complete without a headset microphone.
Otherwise, buy a headset for a telephone and paint it purple to match Hannah Montana's.
Other must-have Hannah Montana costume accessories include bodacious costume jewelry.
What's more, you can tailor the costume to your specific size and add some personal touches that will set you apart from other Hannah Montana wannabes.
A Hannah Montana backpack is a great way for your little girl to identify with her favorite Disney channel program, even at school!
Hannah Montana is one of the hottest Disney productions to which young girls can relate.
Though older children will likely dismiss the show as silly and unrealistic, the middle school crowd might see Hannah as a powerful role model, and, hence, Hannah Montana paraphernalia is greatly desired by these youngesters.
Your best bet for locating an authentic Disney Hannah Montana backpack is to check out the Disney store either at your local mall or at its official online site.
It's easy to peruse your results, and by using the Disney store website you are likely to find the most up to date Hannah Montana merchandise, including the latest backpack styles.
Then, again, since Hannah Montana is likely to be a transient phase in your daughter's life, the quality level of her backpack may not matter.
Toys R Us advertises Hannah Montana bags and backpacks.
Theoretically, it shouldn't be all that hard to locate a Hannah Montana backpack since this show is marketed mainly to young children and growing adolescents.
Problems will arise when your little girl is asking for a specific Hannah Montana backpack model, particularly the one worn by her peers.
A sixteen inch black backpack with white guitar graphics, "Hannah Montana" screened in stage-lights yellow, charm chain and fanciful zipper pulls.
Hannah Montana backpacks are currently available in mini and standard sizes.
Moreover, if your child is really that intense about Hannah Montana, then you may want to buy her both, so that her dirty school playground backpack doesn't find its way to church and family events as well.
The Pro Shops Montana Leather checkbook cover is also available in brown, so you can coordinate it with your huntsman's favorite color scheme.
Featured on the same channel as Hannah Montana (Disney Channel), the Jonas Brothers is a band made up of three teen brothers.
You will discover hours of entertainment featuring popular Disney movies like Pirates of the Caribbean, and TV shows such as Hannah Montana.
Twilight seems to be the tween and teen answer to Hannah Montana.
Every state has a different application form, which various across the entire U.S., Massachusetts to Iowa to Montana.
Miley Cyrus is more than just Hannah Montana to youngsters and an icon to teens.
Prior to Life Unexpected, Butler appeared in Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, Zoey 101, Hannah Montana, iCarly, Ruby and the Rockits and The Wizards of Waverly Place.
Pontiac Montana - Another option is the Pontiac Montana, which featured a flexible third-row seating configuration.
Once again, not all Montana models offered seating for eight, so be sure to ask about the specific vehicle you are considering.
Calling all tweens (and tweens at heart) - these Hannah Montana MP3 downloads will put all of your Hannah M favorites at your fingertips.
Thanks to the mega popularity of Hannah Montana, MP3s of her music are easier to find than ever, so even if you aren't one of the lucky ones who scored tickets to her concert, you can still sing along any time you want.
Though she hardly needs introduction these days, Hannah Montana is a TV character played by actress Miley Cyrus on Disney Channel's wildly successful Hannah Montana show.
On the show, Cyrus plays both the role of Miley Stewart, average teenage girl, and the role of her alter ego, Hannah Montana, mega selling teen singing sensation.
It didn't take long for music to take center stage on the show, and the songs performed by Hannah Montana on the show quickly became popular with the massive audience of the show.
The music became such a draw in its own right that Miley Cyrus now tours doing dual shows of Hannah Montana music and her own music.
Tickets to Hannah Montana shows suddenly became the hottest tickets in town.
In fact, tickets to Hannah Montana shows became so hot that they landed a lot of people in hot water.
Tickets to Hannah Montana shows were selling out in a matter of seconds, and then the tickets were popping up in eBay auctions with price tags several times the face value.
All of the controversy has only served to jack Hannah Montana's popularity up another notch, and the demand for her music is at an all-time high.
Before you start looking for Hannah Montana MP3 downloads, be aware that finding free MP3s might be a tough task.
There are, however, tons of sites from which you can download all of the Hannah Montana you want for a fee, and you can rest assured that the music from these sites is legal.
Disney's Hannah Montana site - This official Hannah Montana site by the Disney Channel has lots of downloads to offer, plus fans will love playing the show related games and watching video clips of their favorite Hannah Montana moments.
Legal Sounds - The name says it all here - legal downloads of Hannah Montana songs.
Hannah Montana 2.0 - OK, this site isn't strictly an MP3 downloading site, but fans will love it anyway.
This Hannah Montana obsessed blogger keeps their finger on the pulse of the best Hannah Montana news, deals, and steals online, including where to get the best downloads. - Amazon doesn't have all of the Hannah Montana albums integrated into their new MP3 download section, but you can access some hard to find singles and special tracks here in digital format.
The sites listed here are reputable resources, but with something as popular as Hannah Montana, you can bet there are thousands of websites offering her music for download.
Ask any tween girl and she'll gladly spout all the Hannah Montana lyrics she knows (and more than likely, she knows them all).
Disney's popular children's television series, Hannah Montana, stars Miley Cyrus as the student by day, pop star by night.
Looking for lyrics to Hannah Montana's hits?
A variety of online resources are dedicated to bringing audiences the best of Montana's music.
On this site, Hannah Montana fans can really indulge in their favorite song.
However, Hannah Montana lyrics do boast their share of meaningful messages, especially for the teenage set.
Montana sings, Next time you feel like it's just one of those days/When you just can't seem to win if things don't go the way that you guys planned/Figure something else out!
Of course, these are just a few lyrics from the catalog of songs available in the Hannah Montana library.
Miley Cyrus MP3 downloads continue to be popular, even though her days as Hannah Montana have come to an end.
Miley Cyrus, daughter of one hit wonder country crooner Billy Ray Cyrus (whose Achy Breaky Heart lives on in infamy) had a meteoric rise to fame, thanks to the Disney Channel favorite Hannah Montana show.
In the show, which co-stars her father, Miley plays the dual roles of Miley Stewart, a normal girl in her early teens, and Hannah Montana, Miley's pop star alter ego.
The premise of the show is that most of Miley's classmates and friends are unaware that she is the same person as Hannah Montana, so she can pursue her show business dreams while maintaining the life of a normal teen.
The show's success has lead to a plethora of spin off merchandise and creative endeavors, from Hannah Montana bed linens, tooth brushes and furniture lines to CDs and concert tours.
A Hannah Montana movie is also in the works with a tentative release date of May 2009.
The tween set cannot get enough of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana, and there are rumors that Cyrus is set to become a billion dollar cash cow for the Disney Company.
The tide really turned for The Jonas Brothers after appearing on Hannah Montana, when the band was propelled into overnight superstardom.
Of course, kids' TV shows that focus on the lives of young musicians is nothing new - you don't need to look much further than Hannah Montana to know that the idea is frequently a winner.
Camp Rock is no doubt, popular with the Hannah Montana and of course, Jonas Brothers set.
They made an appearance on the uber popular Hannah Montana and eventually went on to get their own full length Disney feature film, Camp Rock.
A string of TV appearances also followed, including The Miss America Pageant and their important appearance on an episode of the Hannah Montana Show.
She played a guest starring role on an episode of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and made several appearances on the Miley Cyrus hit Hannah Montana.
Many other popular teen acts like High School Musical, Hannah Montana and Demi Lovato are associated with iCarly.
Hannah Montana Best of Both Worlds lyrics have been sung on the Disney Channel series since its premiere on March 24, 2006.
For those not in the loop of the feverishly popular show, Hannah Montana is a television series on the Disney Channel that features now-famous pop star Miley Cyrus.
The premise of the show is Miley Stewart, a plain girl whose alter ego is Hannah Montana.
Hannah Montana is a famous pop star herself and Miley is forced to keep her identity hidden from all but her closest friends and family.
From dolls to clothes and other accessories, Hannah Montana has become one of the biggest recent enterprises for the Disney Channel.
The theme song to the Hannah Montana series is called Best of Both Worlds.
Performed by Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana, the track runs in the series' opening title sequence and was written by Matthew Gerrard and Robbie Nevil.
Hannah Montana Best of Both Worlds lyrics is a popular search term due to the rising popularity of both the Hannah Montana series and Miley Cyrus herself.
Disney knew how to better market the pop group and used their popular Disney Channel series, like Hannah Montana, to introduce the group to their audience.
Nick Jonas is rumored to have dated Miley Cyrus of Hannah Montana fame from June 2006 through December 2007.
This television program is a favorite on Disney Channel, along with shows like Hannah Montana, Jonas, and Phineas and Ferb, all three of which have popular soundtracks as well.
Artists like Raven-Symoné, Aly and A.J., and Mitchell Musso are also featured on other soundtracks produced by Disney and star in shows like That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana.
She was even christened the "degenerate Hannah Montana" by the UK's Guardian paper.
The song is also a quick primer on the premise of the Disney Channel show that made her a star, Hannah Montana.
Best of Both Worlds is the theme song to The Hannah Montana Show, and the lyrics are strongly tied to the show plot.
She leads a double life as a normal teenager, going to school and hanging out with her friends, and as her alter ego, Hannah Montana, teen pop superstar.
Cyrus usually closes her live shows with a Best of Both Worlds performance, dressed in full Hannah Montana regalia.
Stay tuned to all the latest Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus news on her official website.
High School Musical and Hannah Montana are great television-inspired themes.
Cori is a fan of Hannah Montana and likes to play volleyball.
If Hannah Montana were to perform for a group of today's youngest Girl Scouts, she might be absolutely rocking it before an audience dressed in the style of the new Brownie uniform.