Monster Sentence Examples
That monster might have still been in the house!
What kind of monster do you think I am?
What kind of monster refuses to kill women?
He had never felt such shame and self-loathing. He closed the door to his room, and leaning against it, thought, what kind of monster have I become?
The dark monster sat in a dark corner of her mind and sobbed so loud, she thought them real.
I'm a deity, not a monster, Gabriel, and I happen to see the Future.
She was expecting some sort of alien monster to inhabit the brutal planet.
If this monster is truly stalking us, it's worth the risk of being more forward with Mr. Brennan.
But this is a monster and neither a man nor a father!
She wanted to think he'd done it to help her, but what kind of a monster could execute another in cold blood?
AdvertisementA Cnossian didrachm exhibits on one side the labyrinth, on the other the Minotaur surrounded by a semicircle of small balls, probably intended for stars; it is to be noted that one of the monster' s names was Asterius.
Molly will find out, someone, this monster that's killing all these people; he'll find someone and force them tell.
I created this monster that can hack into our systems and make herself disappear.
Successful so far by means of the mixture which Medea, daughter of Aeetes, had given him as proof against fire and sword, Jason was next allowed to approach the dragon which watched the fleece; Medea soothed the monster with another mixture, and Jason became master of the fleece.
Calling me a monster.
AdvertisementHe says she was a monster; and she was running straight toward the hills with a little lamb in her mouth.
The Dark Lord is the most powerful monster.
Her hand dropped from her eyes to reveal a furry, fanged monster from a nightmare framed against the light.
The country was ravaged by a monster, the Sphinx; Oedipus solved the riddle which it proposed to its victims, freed the country, and married his own mother.
God grant that the Corsican monster who is destroying the peace of Europe may be overthrown by the angel whom it has pleased the Almighty, in His goodness, to give us as sovereign!
AdvertisementShe ran into a blurry wall, shoved herself off, and smashed into another monster.
Now, you have an obligation to the monster you created.
I've not slept through the night since this monster began killing people!
Damian, I'm a monster, even in your world.
She steeled herself and turned, expecting to find a monster.
AdvertisementGetting ready to tear her shirt open and throw herself down for a monster?
Frightened and confused… Questioning everything about him…Thinking him a monster.
The monster which was born was shut up in the Labyrinth.
Incensed by the elevation to the rank of embassies of the Italian legation in Paris and the French legation to the Quirinal, and by the introduction of the Italian bill against clerical abuses, the French Clerical party not only attacked Italy and her representative, General Cialdini, in the Chamber of Deputies, but promoted a monster petition against the Italian bill.
The Irish contributed large sums, which were known as repeal rent, to the cause, and they held monster meetings in various parts of Ireland to stimulate the demand for repeal.
Sasha.s face was a mottled mess that made him resemble Frankenstein.s monster, with newly sewn stitches holding together the edges of swollen red gashes.
Legend has it that a giant serpent, similar to the Loch Ness Monster, lives in Sweden's fifth largest lake.
Gardner pocket rockets were used with a good squirt of Monster Tiger Nut liquid on each cast.
He re-emerges as Mecha-King Ghidorah-a cyborg monster in the future.
It's a relief the monster wasn't responsible for Vermont but I'd feel much better if I knew he didn't break into Julie's place.
She repeated the sentence over and over to try to block out what her senses told her about the size of the monster.
She wanted to see what the beast looked like, what kind of monster he'd be, yet knew if she saw him in full light, he was on his way to kill her.
She never thought she'd want to hear the monster's voice.
Tying her chosen anchor to one end of the rope, she sat to eat her sugary cube, checked again for the monster, and leaned out of the cave.
The idiots also said that anyone --I assume monster --can sense me 'cause you did claim me.
He deserved it for kissing her and making her feel things she never, ever, ever imagined she'd feel for any man, let alone a monster like him.
Your mate can fight like a monster.
They watched in silence, and when it was over, she turned to him whispering, "I'm not a monster."
One of the greatest curiosities was a huge skeleton brought from Joppa, said to be that of the monster to which Andromeda had been exposed.
Giovanni, a monster of cruelty and lust, was assassinated by some Milanese nobles in 1412; and now Filippo set about rebuilding his fathers duchy.
Actual figures of a monster with a bull's head and man's body occurred on seals of Minoan fabric found on this and other Cretan sites.
Elhanan of Bethlehem slew the giant Goliath of Gath, and David's own brother Shimei (or Shammah) overthrew a monster who could boast of twenty-four fingers and toes.
At the Calydonian boar-hunt her arrows were the first to hit the monster, for which its head and hide were given her by Meleager.
This, however, was promptly countered by a monster meeting of protest at Zara on Nov.
Roman literature, faithfully reflecting the sentiments of the aristocratic salons of the capital, while it almost canonized those who had been his victims, fully avenged their wrongs by painting Nero as a monster of wickedness.
Among the venomous reptiles and insects are the rattlesnake, the Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum), a poisonous lizard, and the tarantula (Mygale Heintzii), which, however, are common only in certain places and at certain seasons.
Shortly it may be said that he was essentially a mass of contradictions - brilliant, passionate to the point of mania, but utterly weak and unstable, capable of developing into a saint or a monster, but quite incapable of becoming an ordinary human being.
He actually ridiculed the coalition in a work entitled the Three-Headed Monster (Tpuaipavos in the Greek of Appian).
In 1835 he combined the short circuit of his monster magnet (of 1834) with the small "intensity" magnet of an experimental telegraph wire, thereby establishing the fact that very powerful mechanical effects could be produced at a great distance by the agency of a very feeble magnet used as a circuit maker and breaker, or as a "trigger" - the precursor of later forms of relay and receiving magnets.
Diocletian, the organizing genius, became a bloodthirsty monster, and Constantine, the murderer, a saint.
The oracle of Ammon having announced that no relief would be found until the king exposed his daughter Andromeda to the monster, she was fastened to a rock on the shore.
Here Perseus, returning from having slain the Gorgon, found her, slew the monster, set her free, and married her in spite of Phineus, to whom she had before been promised.
The Hindus believe he has appeared (I) as a fish, (2) as a tortoise, (3) as a hog, (4) as a monster, half man half lion, to destroy the giant Iranian, (5) as a dwarf, (6) as Rama, (7) again as Rama for the purpose of killing the thousand-armed giant Cartasuciriargunan, (8) as Krishna, (9) as Buddha.
The monster of the Odyssey has been " written up to date " after the Alexandrian manner and has become a gentle simpleton.
The voivode Radu (1462-75) was substituted for this monster by Turkish influence, and constrained to pay a tribute of 12,000 ducats; but Vlad returned to the throne in 1476-77.
That Python was no fearful monster, symbolizing the darkness of winter which is scattered by the advent of spring, is shown by the fact that Apollo was considered to have been guilty of murder in slaying it, and compelled to wander for a term of years and expiate his crime by servitude and purification.
On his deathbed Herod discovered that his eldest son, Antipater, whom Josephus calls a "monster of iniquity," had been plotting against him.
Several large stingrays were also caught, topped by a monster of 56 kilos.
Paul pulls a monster wheelie to get us in the mood.
Hibil allows himself to be half swallowed by the monster, but is unhurt, and compels his antagonist to recognize the superiority of Mana rabba, the God of light, and to divulge his profoundest secret, the hidden name of darkness.
This monster ride consists of four water slides.
Ebirah is a giant sea monster that looks like a shrimp.
This Godzilla monster has the ability to change shape which means it can travel by land, sea or air, just by changing form.
Ghidorah is a three-headed monster that first appeared in the 1964 movie Ghidrah.
This tyrant had made himself justly odious; and when he was hunted to death in 1259, the triumph was less for the Guelph cause than for humanity outraged by the iniquities of such a monster.
The Waverley Market for vegetables and fruit presents a busy scene in the early morning, and is used for monster meetings and promenade and popular concerts.
About ioo,000 people assembled, and a deputation handed to Mr Justh, the president of the Chamber, a monster petition in favour of universal suffrage.
He was not indeed the monster of iniquity he is popularly supposed to have been.
On the tenth, being asked the object of his visit, he handed the letter to the king, whose first plan for complying with it was to send him to slay the Chimaera, a monster which was devastating the country.
Large chevron-bones are suspended to the vertebrae of the tail, which was massive, and probably afforded a support when the monster was sitting up. The humerus has no foramen, and the FIG.
His good sense was strong, as well as his sense of justice, and these qualities stood him in good service as president, especially in his triumphant fight against the greenback monster.
Indeed, of this porcelain it may be said that, from the monster pieces of blue-and-white manufactured at Setovases six feet high and garden pillar-lamps half as tall again do not dismay the BishU ceramistto tiny coffee-cups decorated in Tokyo, with theil delicate miniatures of birds, flowers, insects, fishes and so forth, everything indicates the death of the old severe aestheticism.
The Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum), a poisonous lizard, whose bite is injurious but rarely, if ever, fatal to man, also occurs in the desert regions.
Meanwhile some monster Chartist demonstrations were being organized, and they commenced on the 4th of July with riots at Birmingham.
He stands in history as a bloodthirsty monster, yet in judging him one must remember the persecutions he endured and the terrible disease from which he suffered.
His good fortune, however, does not forsake him; he lands in Ireland just as a fierce dragon is devastating the country, and the king has promised the hand of the princess to the slayer of the monster.
When Laomedon refused to pay the reward agreed upon, Apollo visited the land with a pestilence, and Poseidon sent up a monster from the sea, which ravaged the land.
The lot fell upon Hesione, who was chained to a rock to await the monster's coming.
Heracles, on his way back from the land of the Amazons, offered to slay the monster and release Hesione, on condition that he should receive the wonderful horses presented by Zeus to Tros, the father of Ganymede, to console him for the loss of his son.
Here again, though to a less extent than in tree cults, the theriomorphic aspect recurs; in the north of Europe, in ancient Greece, in China, the water or river spirit is horse or bull-shaped; the water monster in serpent shape is even more widely found, but it is less strictly the spirit of the water.
Besides the anthropomorphic " giants, " mentioned above, Northern mythology speaks also of theriomorphic demons, the chief of which were Midgar6sormr, the " worldserpent," and Fenrisulfr, a monster wolf, the enemies of Thor and Odin respectively.
In this he is described as a monster of ugliness and deformity, as he is also represented in a well-known marble figure in the Villa Albani at Rome.
The chronicler known as Fredegarius Scholasticus relates that a queen was once sitting by the seashore, when a monster came out of the sea, and by this monster she subsequently became the mother of Merovech, but this myth is due to an attempt to explain the hero's name, which means "the sea-born."
The State, it now seemed to Hobbes, might be regarded as a great artificial man or monster (Leviathan), composed of men, with a life that might be traced from its generation through human reason under pressure of human needs to its dissolution through civil strife proceeding from human passions.
Many a large mammal coming to drink at its accustomed place is dragged into the water by the lurking monster.
It is a curious process by which the monster that symbolized heathenism conquered by Christianity has been evolved out of the first great rival of the God of Israel.
Thus Apollo has to fight the oracle serpent of Gaia, and it has been observed that where Apollo prevailed in Greek religion the serpent became a monster to be slain.
The promised Garter was withheld from Marlborough, and the incensed "Mrs Morley" in her letters to "Mrs Freeman" styled the king "Caliban" or the "Dutch Monster."
Beowulf, with fourteen companions, sails to Denmark, to offer his help to Hrothgar, king of the Danes, whose hall (called " Heorot ") has for twelve years been rendered uninhabitable by the ravages of a devouring monster (apparently in gigantic human shape) called Grendel, a dweller in the waste, who used nightly to force an entrance and slaughter some of the inmates.
One of Beowulf's friends is killed; but Beowulf, unarmed, wrestles with the monster, and tears his arm from the shoulder.
In each, a hero from Gautland slays a destructive monster at the court of a Danish king, and afterwards is found fighting on the side of Eadgils (Adils) in Sweden.
The Chartists, reviving the machinery which they had endeavoured to employ in 1839, decided on preparing a monster petition to parliament, which was to be escorted to Westminster by a monster procession.
The Chartists were induced to abandon the procession which had caused so much alarm, and the monster petition was carried in a cab to the House of Commons.
In this process the older Bel was deliberately set aside, and the climax was reached when the conquest of the monster Tiamat, symbolizing the chaos prevailing in primeval days, was ascribed to Marduk instead of, as in the older form of the epic, to Bel.
On monuments and cylinders he is represented as armed with the weapon with which he despatched the monster Tiamat.
At times this monster is also depicted lying vanquished at his feet, and occasionally the monster with the lance or the lance alone is reproduced instead of the god himself.
The epic reciting his wonderful deed in despatching the monster Tiamat and in establishing law and Order in the world in the place of chaos was recited in his temple at Babylon known as E-Saggila, "the lofty house," and there are some reasons for believing that the recital was accompanied by a dramatical representation of the epic.
Giants, as well as a blind or one-eyed monster, are frequently introduced, and the Aesopic fable is not without its representatives.
The Attic tradition, reproduced in Euripides (Ion 1002), regarded the Gorgon as a monster, produced by Gaea to aid her sons the giants against the gods and slain by Athena (the passage is a locus classicus on the aegis of Athena).
With some help from Father Mathew he kept the monster meetings in order, and his constant denunciations of lawless violence distinguish him from his imitators.
The swallower was the monster Ilkhwai-hemm.
Like Heracles when he leaped into the belly of the monster which was about to swallow Hesione, the Mantis once jumped down the throat of a hostile elephant, and so destroyed him.
He was in aftertimes denounced as a monster of vice, whose sins accounted for the Mahommedan conquest.
In Babylonian mythology "the old serpent goddess ` the lady Nina' was transformed into the embodiment of all that was hostile to the powers of heaven" (Sayce's Hibbert Lectures, p. 283), and was confounded with the dragon Tiamat, "a terrible monster, reappearing in the Old Testament writings as Rahab and Leviathan, the principle of chaos, the enemy of God and man" (Tennant's The Fall and Original Sin, p. 43), and according to Gunkel (Schopfung and Chaos, p. 383) "the original of the ` old serpent ' of Rev. xii.
He is represented as a monster with three heads or three bodies (triformis, trigeminus), sometimes with wings, and as the owner of herds of red cattle, which were tended by the giant shepherd Eurytion and the two-headed dog Orthrus.
The euhemeristic explanation of the struggle with the triple monster was that Heracles fought three brothers in succession.
At that time of the month, she turned into a complete monster.
In reality, my conversations with this monster were far more extensive and frightening but what follows is a highlighted version.
Pierre, I'm some sort of resurrected monster killed by a psychopath.
No, she could never become as cold and accepting of death as the men around her, even if they were at war with a monster like Czerno.
I mean, Sasha's created some sort of funky monster that even an immortal can't kill.
Jared, wounded and vulnerable, had been cornered by another demon in its monster shape with drool dripping off its teeth.
Frightened and confused… Questioning everything about him…Thinking him a monster.
Other groups chanted the rhyme as they pretended to be the monster.
Monster hit after hit was met with scattered applause and loud boos.
The gloomy dungeons are also populated by the ghosts of the wretches whose spare parts have been used to manufacture the monster.
The " monster " is fueled by envy and can over time devour the trust and harmony in a relationship.
A twist on classic monster fables, CURSED unleashes ancient omens into the modern world.
The seat cover of the Monster 620 comes in the same color as the mudguard, tank and cockpit fairing.
This Frankenstein Monster is very tall and emaciated, the actor's frame accentuated by make-up that makes him appear even more gaunt.
Mountain Base You see a large but dead Gila monster and a scrambled egg here.
Second course Circles crash through the tidal wave of monster post grunge rock that is Why.
First of all, he connected it to the monster which he had given a spiky haircut.
Perhaps the 135 ton monster rolling on to its tracks put the Western Region off diesel electrics to build diesel hydraulics.
First track ' Eight Mile Queue ' powerfully kicks in with a monster riff entwined with a groovy bassline and casio keyboard rock drums.
It's a much more delicate and florid piece than the loopy Mr. Vengeance or the rampaging monster of a movie that was Oldboy.
Meanwhile, Arun has noticed the spark of chemistry between Pat and Sheena and is quick to allow the green-eyed monster to surface.
The ball was actually the thing - Lucy's hideous monster - the Green Angel.
Well Rahab apparently was the name of an ancient mythical sea monster.
This is not a congenial creature in the Disney mold but an utterly terrifying monster with jagged teeth and eyes which blaze like torches.
Then - and how can I forget, we started a papier mache monster head.
You'll make a tasty snack for the sea monster.
We've got to be up early tomorrow morning to look for the wee monster.
Can you send me a picture of the loch ness monster?
The Officially original Loch Ness Monster Blog News & Views From the lochside Please read my disclaimer.
Monster illustrated paperback from the Oxford University Press, £ 12.99.
The green-eyed monster will be in the shape of Peter Taylor's devoted gray parrot, Merlin.
We are told that ' because of our misdeeds, this monster brought a great pestilence ' .
Monster UK The UK site of one of the leading international job portals.
You can rebuild this monster truck into an off-road rocket racer or stunt racer.
However a giant monster lurks at the bottom and their experiments wake the creature, which goes on a destructive rampage.
In particular, one track, On The Run; a monster synth riff with aircraft noises and wicked filter sweeps.
The Ducati Monster is an unfaired sports roadster style motorcycle.
As in a classic 1950s sci-fi thriller, our world is imperiled by a terrifying monster.
The monster is depicted in a manner clearly based on a fossil skull.
When he summons the monster she comes forth from the sea and embarks on a terrifying killing spree.
Nero was now a demonic monster from the abyss, and the ten kings no longer Parthians but ghostly helpers of Nero.
To the great half-serpent monster Typhon were ascribed numerous springs; he was also the cause of earthquakes, and when he buried himself in the earth he formed the bed of the Syrian 1 See Frazer's notes on Pausanias (1898), vol.
The greed and tyranny of several of the commissioners, and the bigotry and mismanagement of well-meaning fanatics such as Cradock and Powell, soon wrought dire confusion throughout the whole Principality, so that a monster petition, signed alike by moderate Puritans and by High Churchmen, was prepared for presentation to parliament in 1652 by Colonel Edward Freeman, attorney-general for South Wales.
Perhaps the red spot was a fire, or it might be the eye of an enormous monster.
Then the remains of Dave Lister 's curry is transformed into a rampaging monster.
Sonic Reducer is a swaggering monster of a punk song.
The Satan myth of the Christian religion is the obscene monster of the cult of ancient Babylon.
The first single from the album will be Poster Of A Girl, backed by a MSTRKRFT remix of standout album track Monster Hospital.
Legend has it that a giant serpent, similar to the Loch Ness Monster, lives in Sweden 's fifth largest lake.
The Monster Under My Bed by Charlotte Allen (aged 11) There is a monster under my bed a mysterious shadowy monster.
Sadly, in no time at all, the two stoners are brutally slain by some unseen hairy monster.
Can Bink solve the riddle of Greek mythology 's most terrifying monster or will he lose his kingdom, his princess and his life?
Duncan also got a tractor and Calum got a big technic lego monster truck.
Set against the 1960s Thalidomide drug scandal, this is a love story with show tunes, love songs and monster baby Tangos.
He was accused of being an unfeeling monster, the embodiment of unfair and unjust laws.
Such a merger would produce an ungainly monster in which our standards would be seriously diluted.
Three years later in 1994 the monster was unleashed on the world.
And God saw that they were unloosing a monster of evil.
He 's also on a vendetta against the evil powermongers who made him the lonely monster he is.
The special effect they used to create the monster in the movie was laughable.
Monster by Walter Dean Meyers looks at a young man's life as he is being prosecuted for felony murder.
Monster Gift Card is another gift card marketplace that also gives you Monster Points that are accumulated in order to buy gift cards.
Besides finding unique gift cards or specialized or localized gift cards, Monster Gift Card also allows you to buy and trade gift cards.
Hot toys for younger kids also include the Lalaloopsy Doll series, Sing-A-Ma-Jigs by Mattel, Fisher-Price's Bigfoot the Monster, Pillow Pets and anything Lego.
The Monster Librarian presents a full list for all ages.
Older children may enjoy books in this online collection that includes stories about monster makeovers, knights and a reindeer elf.
If you want to be a believable zombie or monster, you're going to have to dabble in the fine art of blood and gore application.
The Monster Makers Mask Makers Handbook by Arnold Goldman is great for those who want to put a lot of time and effort into their monster mask.
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Monster Joust Madness - Joust your way to notoriety in this anime war game.
Two games, Flee Camp Jellyjam and Monster Feast, offer a slightly scary experience while other activities include a trivia game and a monster maker.
Each episode ends with the revelation that the true cause of the excitement rests with a human perpetrator who was pretending to be a ghost or a monster.
To adopt a cute little monster, visit Moshi Monsters.
You receive virtual money, or Rox, to buy items to keep your monster happy and to buy rare items in the shops.
You adopt a Moshi Monster and raise it as a pet.
As a monster owner, your child will be able to make friends and post comments on other owners pages.
Directly below that link is another called "Adopt a monster," where you can create an account.
On the right side of the sign-in screen is a picture of a pet inviting you to Adopt a Monster now, which is the start of the new member process.
Under the Art Assets section, you can download Moshi Monster art like screenshots, maps, logos and Moshlings to use for free.
To create your own web page, use your web hosting service's templates or others found online, such as Template Monster.
Maids sing "Castles Are So Hard to Dust", the new monster sings "Its Alive" (all through which he imitates Elvis), while Ego sings about "Goin' Choppin" as he prepares to shop for body parts.
Elmo appears along the border, and so too do Cookie Monster and other friends.
Note that the pillowcase included with this sheet set features Elmo on one side and Cookie Monster on the other.
Bright yet small images of Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird and friends are scattered all over the sheets, and the red pillowcase features Elmo's face and name front and center.
This bedding features some of your child's favorite characters, like Bert and Ernie, Cookie Monster, Big Bird, or Elmo, everyone's favorite, furry, red monster.
Even if you don't find anything that's meant to fit a full-sized cake, most of the ideas in these books (such as decorating pumpkin faces on cookies or making monster cupcakes) can be used in different ways to fit bigger surfaces.
Although stunning in real life, Charlize Theron won her Academy Award for downplaying her beauty as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster.
Besides winning her Oscar for her starring role in Monster's Ball, Berry has starred in movies such as The Flintstones, X-Men, Die Another Day and Cat Woman.
After leading the trio to top-selling status and several American Music Awards, Beyonce struck out on her own with a string of award-winning albums and singles including the monster hit Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It).
Ferguson appeared in a commercial for Rice Krispies, as well as the 1986 movie Monster in the Closet.
With sexually charged roles in movies like Prozac Nation, Monster, and Black Snake Moan, Ricci has successfully broken the child star mold.
With his incredible talent and striking good looks, it wasn't long before he was landing starring roles in films such as Brokeback Mountain, Monster's Ball, and A Knight's Tale.
In 2001, Berry played the role of Leticia Musgrove, the wife of a man on death row, opposite Billy Bob Thornton, the racist prison guard whom takes part in her husband's execution in the gritty film Monster's Ball.
In the Valley of Elah (2007) - In this film, Brolin worked with Oscar winning director Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby, Letters from Iwo Jima), Charlize Theron (Oscar for Monster) and Tommy Lee Jones (Oscar for The Fugitive).
She has also dated NFL star Troy Aikman, musician Bob Schneider, actor Ryan Gosling and co-star Matthew McConaughey.In 2004, Bullock took her godson to meet the star of the reality TV show Monster Garage, Jesse James.
Monster Garage aired from 2002 to 2006, and documented James and his crew as they built custom motorcycles.
These stars and many others have been featured on Monster Garage.
Her acting has also been lauded with an Oscar win for her role in Monster's Ball.
Her acting resume is widely diverse, however, and in 2001 she won the Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role for her portrayal of Leticia Musgrove in Monster's Ball.
Her beauty shines through despite roles that don't have her looking her best, such as in Monster.
Halle Berry - She was the first African-American woman to win a Best Actress Academy Award, earning it for her role in Monster's Ball in 2002.
Sandra Bullock's life was relatively quiet on the personal front until 2010 when public scandal erupted from Bullock’s marriage to Monster Garage’s Jesse James.
The outer cotton fabric is treated with a waterproof polyurethane coating, so your girls won't get soggy when splashing in monster puddles.
Many items are T-shirts, but costumes are also available, with Elmo and Cookie Monster being popular for Halloween.
The line incorporates Shaun's love of music, sports, and travel with features that contain hand-drawn art and elements of humor, including the return of the once limited edition of skate monster.
The cast includes characters like the neon-orange clad DJ Lance Rock and his imaginary monster friends.
Adults may imagine being chased by a strong, dark male figure or shadow, while children may envision being chased by a fantasy figure or animal, such as a dinosaur or monster.
Essentially then, one is left with an appearance of that of some otherworldly creature, a vampire, a monster, an alien even!
Whether you plan on dressing up as a zombie, vampire, mummy or a monster, there is a scary lens for you.
You may simply opt for the glow in the dark contact lenses, which aren't limited to one type of monster, but definitely are not natural.
Aeronaut Skyride - Not so much a ride as a way to travel, this skyride travels between Banbury Cross, Rhinefeld, and Aquitaine areas, over part of the Loch Ness Monster roller coaster.
Loch Ness Monster - A Busch Gardens mainstay, Loch Ness reaches 60 mph, with plenty of loops and a tunnel.
The Loch Ness Monster typically has short lines, so you can jump on this coaster almost any time of day.
A Scrambler, Monster, bumper cars, swinging ship, and free-wheeling swings are all fun options for everyone.
Spooky music plays continuously, while periodic shows such as monster parties and spooky sing-a-longs are fun options for everyone.
You may not have planned to visit Monster's Inc Laugh Floor because it's tucked away near Tomorrowland, but seeing it on the map could remind you.
Many young boys (and girls) love nothing more than to play with monster trucks, so let them take a virtual truck for a race through the desert in Excite Truck.
It attaches itself to hosts and turns them into slobbering, sluggish monster that only want to spread the word... and the disease.
The roster of enemies has been updated as well with plenty of new baddies, including a ferocious looking green imp called the Vulgar and another monster that's an enhanced version of the original Hell Knight.
While the main protagonist is a young lady who goes to her grandfather's mansion after he is brutally murdered by an unknown monster, you get to take on the persona of eleven different characters in this game, spanning over two millenia.
Saving this player, you will earn the "Midway Monster" achievement.
In Rampage you are a giant monster whose only goal is to destroy cities with his arms and legs.A good feature worth mentioning is that the game offers you tips on play and how to use the controls.
For those looking for a Pokemon-like fix, prepare for the Summer 2009 release of Monster Hunter 3.
Rather than collecting millions of items and lugging them to fight a weak monster, you're only allowed four weapons.
She explains that an evil monster named Zant is trying to merge the Twilight Realm with Hyrule and turn it into a land of darkness.
The game involved you leveling a city as a giant monster, eating people, smashing vehicles, and climbing up buildings and punching the ever-loving hell right out of them.
A gigantic were-rabbit monster is threatening entries into the Giant Vegetable Competition which, of course, Wallace and Gromit plan to enter.
Monster design is somewhat sloppy towards the end as you encounter the same exact mobs you killed as a lower level grunt, only now they're a different color and bigger.
This monster stains the glass and teeth.
As the story goes, a village child had been kidnapped by a monster and the warrior was watching for its possible return.
In answer to the villagers' prayers to kill the monster, the great spirit sent a powerful storm, which turned both mountaintop and warrior into stone.
They may resist going to bed at night because of fear of the dark or of some monster lurking under the bed.
Typical childhood nightmares include dreams of abandonment; of being lost; of falling; or being chased, bitten, or eaten by a monster or hostile animal.
By the age of five, the frightened young dreamer may identify the attacker as a monster or wild animal.
Other job search sites like Monster, Career Builder, and HotJobs are generally teeming with sales positions.
Monster's job site is extensive, and provides many benefits to job seekers.
Monster can also help you keep up with the jobs for which you have applied, save jobs you want to apply for later, or simply let you browse through the jobs to see if anything catches your eye.
Monster also allows individuals to store their resumes online.
The oversized hood allows a boy to put on his best monster impression.
The first is just a hooded towel with a cheerful monster face - plus ears and horns - on the head and paw pads in the covered corners.
The Stretch Monster was a green figure with large ears and teeth.
Like Stretch Armstrong, the Stretch Monster could be positioned in different ways and would bounce back into place afterward.
These are essentially bright red fuzzy gloves designed to look like the paws of a certain shaggy monster.
Ages 3 and up - If you want a riding toy with traction tough enough to handle wet grass, mud, gravel, and more, then you'll need a Power Wheels vehicle with monster traction.
You may even find Monster in My Pocket if you travel to Great Britain.
Japanese Godzilla toys allow children and collectors alike to enjoy an iconic movie monster.
Japan is the birthplace of Godzilla, a giant fictional monster created by atomic radiation.
Godzilla is a 6-inch vinyl figure from Bandai that recreates the monster's look from a bygone era.
The deluxe 4-inch Godzilla figure from the Ultimate Monster Collection is a highly detailed toy, also from Bandai.
There are multiple 3-inch PVC Godzilla gashapon, including some of the monster's supporting cast members.
The 7-inch Mecha Godzilla vinyl figure highlights one of the monster's many opponents.
Readers can find news about the latest toys featuring their favorite giant monster.
Gund carries a line including Ernie, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and many different Elmo designs - always a preschooler's favorite.
Other Sesame Street characters are available in the TIckle Me line including Big Bird and Cookie Monster.
The beautiful Halle Berry wore an Elie Saab dress to collect her Best Actress Oscar in 2002 for Monster's Ball.
Again, you're probably rolling your eyes at the memory of some eager-but-unskilled kisser who was something of a cross between the monster from Alien and a labrador retriever.
But the objective is not to amass treasure or defeat the monster.
The green-eyed monster is one of the worst things for destroying a perfectly good relationship.
Obviously, general job search sites such as Monster and Career Builder will have listings for people interested in writing and editing positions.
As long as he can control the green monster, Taurus can have the complete picture of a loving spouse and family.
This can become a breaking point if he carries the green monster too far and his lover can no longer tolerate the constant questions and suspicions.
Like the mythical Jason facing down the monster Hydra, Aries can work harder and smarter than anyone when the situation calls for it.
Kids love to express themselves through arts and crafts, regardless of whether it is by building a Play Doh monster or creating the next masterpiece out of sidewalk chalk on the driveway.
If you know the child likes Barbie dolls, consider giving a Monster High or Liv doll.
Lego Creator Monster Dino-At around $90, this toy is pricey, but kids get to create a moving, noise-making creature!
Color Me Hungry, with that lovable Cookie Monster, lets kids place various vegetables in their corresponding color space, which is a good way to teach colors.
Finally, in the 1930's, the time was right and Universal began releasing the films that are now known as their classic "monster" movies. 1931 saw the release of Tod Browning's version of Dracula and James Whale's version of Frankenstein.
In the Olden Days, Midnight Movies meant 'creature features', bad B monster movies with cheesy special effects, shown two at a time at a midnight showing at the local theater on Halloween.
The film's tagline, "more fearful than the monster himself," is a great representation of how classics used a single line of copy to solidify a classic horror movie poster.
In this 1948 film, the classic comedy duo meet the famed monster and a cast of other frightful characters.
Highlights of the film involve comparisons between Costello and the monster himself.
These include not only cameras for ghosts, but also one for leprechauns and even one for the Lockness Monster.
In more urban areas, the Chupacabra in Texas has taken on the role of scary monster in the closet - the Mexican-American equivalent of the boogeyman - that keeps children on their best behavior.
While not as venerated as the Loch Ness monster, the creature has acquired a cult following, and many a tale of El Chupacabra still causes a collective shiver through those gathered around the campfires and fireplaces of the American West.
The legend of the Loch Ness Monster is an intriguing tale of a mysterious creature living within the depths of Loch Ness in Scotland.
The public was immediately intrigued by the idea of a monster residing within the waters of Loch Ness, and before long there were plenty of sightings and theories to follow.
According to Scotland Calling, a Scottish tourism website, the earliest reports of the Loch Ness Monster were from approximately 565 A.D.
According to the legend, it was in this year that a swimmer was reportedly rescued from the waters of Loch Ness after encountering a lake monster.
While this report undoubtedly captured the attention of the local residents in the area, mass media communication was not yet in place to make the Loch Ness Monster a global phenomenon.
While stories of the Loch Ness Monster seem to ebb and flow within the media, a new sighting or image of Nessie, as the creature is known, is usually all that it takes to prompt a new interest in this old legend.
Images of what may or may not be the Loch Ness Monster have been in circulation since the first photograph was distributed in 1933.
Is the legend of the Loch Ness Monster a true tale, or is it merely a fairy tale that has continued to grow as the result of mass appeal?
There is no Loch Ness Monster whatsoever, and people are either mistaking other things in the water as a monster or are making the stories up.
The Loch Ness Monster is a paranormal phenomenon, either as the ghost of a dinosaur, an alien entity or another otherworldly being.
The main appeal of the Loch Ness Monster is that its existence has yet to be proved or disproved.
The legend continues to live on because there is no concrete evidence to conclusively state without a doubt that there is no monster living within Loch Ness.
The Loch Ness Monster is one of many mysterious creatures that are thought to inhabit the Earth just like Sasquatch and the Chupacabra.
Legends, myths and stories abounded among the locals, but it wasn't until the 1930s that the world paid attention to the Loch Ness Monster.
The first known reference to a monster in or near Loch Ness, Scotland comes from sixth century legends in which a monster plagued the locals.
In the 1930s, the famous "Surgeon's Photograph" made the newspapers and depicted a dark, swan-like neck and head rising out of a rippled body of water, and the hunt was on for the monster.
Despite using sonar equipment and modern technology, to date, scientists have found no conclusive proof of the monster's existence.
The monster is said to resemble the size of an elephant along with its skin color and texture.
There are many arguments both for and against the existence of the monster.
Among the most frequent speculation by modern day enthusiasts is that the Loch Ness Monster is actually a plesiosaur or its descendant that survived the extinction of the dinosaurs by migrating between the sea and lochs.
However, there are multiple tales of monsters living among the various lochs in Scotland, and some of the attributes of those creatures may have been bestowed upon Nessie (the affectionate name given to the Loch Ness Monster).
While interest has waxed and waned over the years, there was a resurgence in 1933 when anecdotal evidence brought the monster back to the front page.
Topics range from debunking rumors about the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot and psychics such as Sylvia Brown to historical explorations of past researchers like Harry Houdini.
Thefowlswere actually becoming somewhat of a nuisance in the area and rare enough that if someone spotted one at night, the bird could be mistaken for some kind of scary monster.
A few select styles, such as the men's Monster cleats, are available for personalization with colors, logos, or ID's.
Doral Spa and Resort - Doral, located in Miami Florida, is best known for its "Blue Monster" and "Great White" championship golf courses.
A person sets up their criteria and is provided a best-fit match survey which is best described as Monster meets eHarmony.
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Monster Auto is one more Canadian auto website that lets you examine classified car listings in order to gauge the current value of your own used car.
For example, Erin's missions may have her fighting the odd time-wasting car insurance monster on one mission and preventing overpriced car insurance from taking over the world in another.
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Monster Lyrics - Monster Lyrics has one of the most extensive list of Swift lyrics around, and they also have a forum you can visit to chat with your fellow Swift fans.
The Twilight movies have become monster hits, and the soundtracks that accompany each film have also fared well with music fans.
Halloween may be the perfect time to listen to Monster Mash song, but in reality, this fun novelty tune can get everyone singing along any time of year.
The original version of Monster Mash was recorded and released as a single in October 1962, by Bobby "Boris" Pickett and The Crypt Kickers.
It was released both as a 7 inch single and on the full length album The Original Monster Mash, a monster theme album.
Monster Mash was inspired by an ad lib Pickett performed on stage at a concert with his band The Diamonds.
Pickett and Capizzi decided to run with the success of that and to create an entire song around that voice and a monster theme.
The resulting song told the story of a monster who created a new dance and was sung in a Karloff-style voice.
The Monster Mash borrowed the foot steps from the Mashed Potato but added lurching, "monster arms" to the mix.
The Monster Mash dance was supposedly the dance created by the monster in the song.
Pickett has also played extensively with the theme over the years, releasing a few different versions of the song, including Monster Holiday and Monster Rap.
Monster Mash has been covered countless times, but the best known cover version is by The Misfits.
There are tons of places to listen to Monster Mash song online.
Check out the following links to get your Monster Mash fix.
Last FM - There is no need to have a Last FM membership to listen to the full version of Monster Mash on this site.
Rhapsody - If you have a Rhapsody membership, you can listen to Monster Mash an unlimited amount of times on this site.
YouTube - Don't expect more than a spinning record as a video, but let this YouTube clip play for a crystal clear Monster Mash listening experience.