Monotony Sentence Examples
Nothing could add to the sterility and the monotony of these mallee scrubs.
There is complete absence of uniformity and monotony.
This breaks up the monotony of the dress and adds a hint of color or glitz to the dress.
There is therefore a certain element of artificiality in his treatment; and this, since it is easier to copy defects than excellencies, has been perpetuated with wearisome monotony by versifiers who chose him for their model.
It stands upon the great Canterbury plain, which here is a dead level, though the monotony of the site has been much relieved by extensive plantations of English and Australian trees.
Changes in color along a corridor help reduce monotony and oppression.
First, it alleviates the monotony of a limited diet.
Hanging out in online writing communities is a great way to break the monotony of everyday freelancing life.
If your family has those boredom blues, there are many games kids can play to relieve the monotony.
You can find different recipes to help to break the monotony by changing the taste a bit.
AdvertisementAs a slave, his religion was mere emotionalism, which served to break the monotony of the cruel scourge of slavery.
Nothing breaks the monotony of a long day in front of the computer like a wad of paper falling through a cheering basket.
Many people choose driving instruction to escape the monotony of a 9 to 5 office or factory based job.
Public speaking is something that comes round with regular monotony.
Blamgrab came out of his tower, muttering profusely about the endless monotony of the " Egg and Sandwich theory " .
AdvertisementCharacter Of The Newer Attic Comedy The pieces are of tiresome monotony.
The one great object aimed at should be to present an agreeable contrast - a floral picture; and, as at particular seasons a monotony of tint prevails, it is useful at such times to be in possession of some strong glaring colours.
The chief faults of this were excess of ornament, antithesis, alliteration and assonance, monotony of rhythm, and the insertion of words purely for rhythmical effect.
How did we endure the monotony?
Wearing a colored tux can break some of the monotony of the black tuxedos that tend to be at proms.
AdvertisementAdd a few throw pillows in varying shades of red to break up the monotony a bit.
Tall men can always benefit from a shot of color or hint of a pattern, to break up the monotony of a monochromatic palette (which only adds inches to an already tall frame).
It will definitely break the monotony with unique exercises for the Wii Balance Board as well as making yoga and strength training fun with bowling, soccer, and more.
Solve the problem with a belt, which breaks the monotony and shapes the silhouette.
But the midlands, the west, and the south of England, in spite of an absence of great elevation, contain no plains of such extent as might make for monotony.
AdvertisementYet second-hand romance and second-hand emotion are surely better than the dull, soul-killing monotony which life brings to most of the human race.
If you do opt for a monochromatic color palette, add one well-placed accessory to your look to break up the monotony - a bold scarf or a chunky necklace does the job nicely.
The biggest fault that can be said with Endless Ocean for the Wii is the monotony.
It's important to take advantage of these opportunities, allowing yourself to break away from the monotony of daily life.
Help them break out of the monotony of their me state of mind by finding service projects they can do or service organizations they can join.
Full color, fun and inviting, these games offer a small respite from the monotony of traveling.
One problem with reality TV that has occurred within the past few years is monotony.
But there are no perpetual snow-fields, no glaciers creep down these valleys, and no alpine hamlets ever appear to break the monotony.
Evidently the idea of the great Yokoya experts, the originators of the style, was to break away from the somewhat formal monotony of ordinary engraving, where each line performs exactly the same function, and to convert the chisel into an artists i It is first boiled in a lye obtained by lixiviating wood ashes; it is next polished with charcoal powder; then immersed in plum vinegar and salt; then washed with weak lye and placed in a, tub of water to remove all traces of alkali, the final step being to digest in a boiling solution of copper sulphate, verdigris and water.
But slight differences may readily be detected even where no feature interferes noticeably with the monotony.
In the summer the dry bed is smooth and very hard, and when the skies are clear the monotony of the landscape is sometimes broken by a mirage.
On the south side, from the Tapajos to the river Madeira, the banks are usually low, although two or three hills break the general monotony.
The inhuman monotony of her tone made him realize she was the threat.
Sir Arthur had spent many a long weekend with his friend at Bridewell, hoping to relieve the monotony of city life.
Their design set out to avoid the monotony of the uniform grid plans of the nineteenth century housing.
From this point I am able to quote from the journal which I kept in order to vary the monotony of the long sea-voyage.
Now the darkness seemed to completely surround us, not a glimmer, or even a building to break the sheer monotony.
Then you might get some reprieve from the monotony you all keep complaining about - just a polite suggestion.
In some instances indeed the monotony of their external appearance was broken by small shops, occupying the front of the principal houses, and let off separately; these were in some cases numerous enough to form a continuous façade to the street.
Above all, the sacred book of laws, the Vendidad, breathes throughout the spirit of the Sassanian period, in its intolerance, its casuistry degenerating into absurdity, and its soulless monotony.
One way to break up this fashion monotony is to take a look at special school occasions and then plan accordingly.
At first glance, it may appear that two water signs are the ideal matched set, but for Scorpio, there needs to be some sparks flying or she'll create them just to break up the monotony.
Consider bringing along a small cooler filled with cheese, sandwich meats, bread, salads, and drinks to help ease the culinary monotony.
Given the chance, most children will naturally enjoy healthful foods and come to prefer the endless variety offered by whole foods over the monotony of processed sugars and fats.
Generally, this diet is a short term solution both because it is difficult to maintain such a low calorie diet for any real length of time and because most people struggle with the monotony of consuming the same soup day in and day out.
These variations can add an extra challenge to your pushup workout as well as breaking the monotony that many people experience from doing 100 pushups a day.
Depending on how many people you follow, you can have a nice slideshow to break up the monotony of reading the text only Twitter posts.
Throughout the northwestern region uniformity of features characterizes the scenery, betokening even at a distance the general monotony of structure.
Their monotony is varied only by the fruitful river-valleys and poljes, or upland hollows, where the smaller towns and villages are grouped; the districts or cantons thus formed are walled round by a natural rampart of limestone.
The freedom and the inexhaustibleness of the undeserved grace of God is a subject to which this gifted son constantly returns with "a monotony which is never monotonous."
The boy varied the monotony of his studies by pranks which revealed his unbalanced character, including an attempt to raise spirits with the aid of Dr Faust's Hallenzwang.
Grand seigneurs, like the prince of Conde, the duc de Nevers and the marquis de Vardes, were glad to vary the monotony of their feudal castles by listening to the eloquent rehearsals of Malebranche or Regis.
For the next three or four centuries there is little to note but the continual evidence of open or secret resistance to these decrees, and the parallel frequency and stringency of ecclesiastical legislation, which by its very monotony bears witness to its own want of success.
Gurgling water, strips of sward and tall forest trees, backed by green hills, make a scene completely unlike the usual monotony of Persian landscape.
Corfu is generally considered the most beautiful of all the Greek isles, but the prevalence of the olive gives some monotony to its colouring.
Its almost complete absence in some of these works makes for monotony and produces a sense of dullness, which may not be inherent in all the details of the music, but is none the less distinctly present.
The average elevation of the surface of the state above the sea-level is less than that of any other state except Louisiana, but there is not the monotony of unbroken level which descriptions and maps often suggest.
The monotony and lifelessness of this form of architecture are shown in the meaningless way in which details, suited only to the Venetian methods of veneering walls with thin marble slabs, are copied in the solid marbles of Verona.
Tiring of the monotony of a scholastic life, he joined a troupe of travelling actors.
A great part of Ashanti is covered with primeval and almost impenetrable forest.1 Many of the trees, chiefly silk-cotton and hardwood, attain splendid proportions, the bombax reaching a height of over 200 ft., but the monotony is oppressive, and is seldom relieved by the sight of flowers, birds or beasts.
Vocalic harmony is the internal bringing together of vowels of the same class for the sake of greater euphony, while vocalic dissimilation is the deliberate insertion of another class of vowels, in order to prevent the disagreeable monotony arising from too prolonged a vowel harmony.
The writers of the silver age found fault with his prolixity, want of sparkle and epigram, and monotony of his clausulae.4 A certain Largius Licinius gained notoriety by attacking his Latinity in a work styled Ciceromastix.
In some instances indeed the monotony of their external appearance was broken by small shops, occupying the front of the principal houses, and let off separately; these were in some cases numerous enough to form a continuous façade to the street.
Level plains, with rich open meadows and cultivated lands, the monotony of which is in some parts relieved by beech woods, are separated by slight ridges with a general direction from N.W.
Here, again, the theology was further developed, and an attempt made to annul the old dualism by envisaging both Ormuzd and Ahriman as emanations of an original principle of infinite time (Zervan), a doctrine which long enjoyed official validity under the Sassanids till, in the reign of Chosroes I., the sect of Zervanites was pronounced heretical.i But, above all, the ritual and the doctrine of purity were elaborated and expanded, and there was evolved a complete and detailed system of casuistry, dealing with all things allowed and forbidden, the forms of pollution and the expiation for each, &c., which, in its arid and spiritles1 monotony vividly recalls the similar prescriptions in the Pentateuch.
Long sweeps of grassy upland bestrewn with boulders lead from the stream beds up to the snowfields, yellow, grey or vivid green, according to the season and the measure of sunlight, fold upon fold in interminable succession, their bleak monotony being only relieved by the grace of flowers for a short space during the summer months.