Monopoly Sentence Examples
The state tobacco monopoly was abolished in 1817.
Venice lost her monopoly of oriental traffic.
No one has the monopoly on truth.
In the personal computer market, Microsoft holds a monopoly.
The cell phone company began to have a monopoly in the rural area because it was the only carrier with good reception.
The desire to obtain the monopoly of the spice trade has been a potent force in the fashioning of Asiatic history.
There was little interest in another round of Monopoly.
Cloves, however, form its chief product, though the trade in them is less important than formerly, when the Dutch prohibited the rearing of the clove-tree in all the other islands subject to their rule, in order to secure the monopoly to Amboyna.
But the English were simple traders or explorers; far more formidable were the Dutch, who came to the East partly to avenge the injuries inflicted on their country by the Spaniards, partly to break the commercial monopoly of the peninsular states.
The caravan trade was created by the Ghadamsi merchants who, aided by their superior intelligence, capacity and honesty, long enjoyed a monopoly.
AdvertisementThe class of traders who made a living by disreputable means and attempted to keep a monopoly of the island on which they settled, became notorious under the name of " beachcombers," and for each of the many dark chapters in Polynesian history there must have been many more unwritten.
It did little to colonize New France, and in 1660, after more than thirty years of its monopoly, there were not more than 2000 French in the whole country.
Henceforth in name, if not in fact, monopoly is ended in Canada.
Though opposed to a monopoly of political power in the South by the great slaveholders, he deprecated anti-slavery agitation (even favouring denial of the right of petition on that subject) as threatening abolition or the dissolution of the Union, and went with his sectional leaders so far as to demand freedom of choice for the Territories, and protection for slavery where it existed - this even so late as 1860.
Under Justinian a monopoly of the trade and manufacture was reserved to the emperor, and looms, worked by women, were set up within the imperial palace at Constantinople.
AdvertisementThe position of the archipelago, at the " cross-roads " of the North Pacific, has made it commercially important since the days of the whale fishery, and it has a practical monopoly of coaling, watering and victualling.
Fearless and patient navigators, they ventured into regions where no one else dared to go, and, always with an eye to their monopoly, they carefully guarded the secrets of their trade routes and discoveries, and their knowledge of winds and currents.
In 1780 all the Europeans in Laraish were expelled by Mohammed XVI., although in 1786 the monopoly of its trade had been granted to Holland, even its export of wheat.
Indeed, this and the kindred linoleum business (also due to Nairn, who in 1877 built the first linoleum factory in Scotland) were for many years the monopoly of Kirkcaldy.
Tzibos took advantage of the extreme poverty of the Lazi to create a Roman monopoly by which he became a middleman for all the trade both export and import.
AdvertisementHaving failed to prevent the commercial treaties, Count Kanitz introduced a motion that the state should have a monopoly of all imported corn, and that the price at which it was to be sold should be fixed by law.
He created for himself a monopoly in the chief products of the country, to the furtber impoverishment of the people, and set up and kept going for years factories which never paid.
In January 1661 a land commission was appointed to investigate the financial and economical conditions of the kingdoms; the fiefs were transformed into counties; the nobles were deprived of their immunity from taxation; and in July 1662 the Norwegian towns received special privileges, including the monopoly of the lucrative timber trade.
When it is remembered that the ideal of both the authorities and the people is the ultimate monopoly of the home market by Hungarian industry and trade, and the strengthening of the Magyar influence by centralization, it is easy to understand the progress of Budapest.
Admission to the higher magistracies carried with it admission to the senate, and by the close of the struggle (about 300 B.C.) the political privilege of the two orders was equalized, with the exception of certain disabilities which, originally devised to break the political monopoly of the order, continued to be attached to the patricians after the victory of the plebs.
AdvertisementThe principle of government monopoly in trade being thus established, President Kruger now turned his attention to the further securing of Boer political monopoly.
The process of liming, which originated at the time when the Dutch held a monopoly of the trade, was with the view of preventing the germination of the seeds, which were formerly immersed for three months in milk of lime for this purpose, and a preference is still manifested in some countries for nutmegs so prepared.
Originally AT&T was the sole monopoly on telephone company (telco) phone services in the U.S., or a lack of them according to the testimony of many customers.
The government policy would, they alleged, create an absolute and objectionable monopoly.
The cultivation was formerly a monopoly of the Spanish crown, but from 1817 payment of a tax, usually heavy, has been the only restriction.
Paper is a monopoly in Greece, and Grecian cigarette manufacturers, to escape the monopoly, have transferred their business to Egypt, where they make cigarettes from Grecian tobaccos by the aid of Greek workmen.
Tobacco cultivation is a government monopoly, and in 1905 the crop amounted to about 106,572,000 ib, yielding a profit to the government of some £3,500,000.
Their highly favoured position in England, contrasting markedly with their refusal of trade facilities to the English in some of the Baltic towns and their evident policy of monopoly in the Baltic trade, incensed the English mercantile classes, and doubtless influenced the increases in customs-duties which were regarded by the Germans as contrary to their treaty rights.
He conceived it as " a religious monopoly " to which " the nation at large contributes," while " Presbyterians alone receive," and which placed him in " a relation to the state " so " seriously objectionable " as to be " impossible to hold."5 The invidious distinction it drew between Presbyterians on the one hand, and Catholics, Friends, freethinking Christians, unbelievers and Jews on the other, who were compelled to support a ministry they " conscientiously disapproved," offended his always delicate conscience; while possibly the intellectual and ecclesiastical atmosphere of the city proved uncongenial to his liberal magnanimity.
Their asceticism degenerated into legalism, their claim to a monopoly of pure Christianity made them arrogant.
The port has a practical monopoly of the passenger traffic between the Cape and England.
This monopoly had been abolished in 1787, and the trade had been declared free to all Danish subjects, but practically the old arrangement was continued under disguised forms. Jon Sigurbsson began a hard struggle against the Danish government to obtain a reform.
To the south, the English, French and Dutch, though often in rivalry with one another, combined to break in on the monopoly of the Spaniards.
As regards Spanish America, England was content to profit by theAsiento treaty, which gave her the monopoly of slavehunting for the Spanish colonies and an opening for contraband trade.
In 1804 free banking was restricted to such an extent as to give practically a monopoly of the business to associations receiving special charters, and as these charters were generally awarded as favours to politicians the system was a formidable agency of corruption.
The merchants of Amsterdam and Hoorn soon formed themselves into the New Netherland Company, and on the 11th of October 1614 received from the States-General a three years' monopoly of the Dutch fur trade in New Netherland, i.e.
On the expiration of the charter of the New Netherland Company (1618) the StatesGeneral refused to grant a renewal, and only private ventures were authorized until 1621, when the West India Company was chartered for a term of twenty-four years; to this company was given a monopoly of Dutch trade with the whole American coast from Newfoundland to the Straits of Magellan.
William Kieft was appointed director-general late in 1637, and in 1638 the Company abandoned its monopoly of trade in New Netherland and gave notice that all inhabitants of the United Provinces, and of friendly countries, might trade there subject to an import duty of io %, an export duty of 15%, and to the requirement that the goods should be carried in the Company's ships.
These boards were now given the monopoly of the right to import certain wares (sometimes private buyers were allowed to purchase, but only on condition of selling the goods imported to the board); they were also entrusted with the reception of the instalments of raw materials already mentioned as released from bond in Germany.
At first this organization acted as agent of the newlyestablished approvisionment departments; it was only later that it received the monopoly of the right to import certain articles, the Government at the same time placing at its disposal certain wares with which to pay for them.
Her dress was of Spitalfields silk; her veil of Honiton lace; her ribbons came from Coventry; even her gloves had been made in London of English kid - a novel thing in days when the French had a monopoly in the finer kinds of gloves.
Railway communications are practically monopolized by the South Eastern & Chatham Company, a monopoly which has not infrequently been the cause of complaint on the part of farmers, traders and others.
By 1755 the obstacle to westward expansion had been thus reduced by half; outposts of the English colonists had penetrated the Allegheny and Cumberland plateaus, threatening French monopoly in the transmontane region, and a conflict became inevitable.
In the second half of the 17th century the monopoly system and the employment of slaves and forced labour gave rise to many abuses, and there was a rapid decline in the revenue from sugar, coffee and opium, while the competition of the British East India Company, which now exported spices, indigo, &c. from India to Europe, was severely felt.
Daendels, however, maintained the existing restrictions upon trade and even made rice a state monopoly.
It has the principal tobacco and cigar factory of the state monopoly, which employs about 2500 hands, and has besides a large and important textile and glass industry, corn and saw-mills, pottery and brewing.
The conseil general fell more and more into the background, the members of the other councils gradually obtained the privilege of being irremovable, and the system of co-optation resulted in the creation of a close monopoly of political offices in the hands of a few leading families.
Foreign chapmen eagerly competed for special privileges of Skanor and Falsterbo, and the Hanseatic merchants in particular aimed at obtaining a monopoly there.
This he did in 1869, thus securing for the Greenford Green works a monopoly of alizarin manufacture for several years.
They were determined to break up the Spanish monopoly in the new world, and in the pursuit of this endeavour they were led to challenge Spain in the old.
Steel seems to have been made here from native iron in 1727, and in 1740 the General Court of Connecticut granted three Connecticut citizens who sought to make steel in "Symsbury" a fifteen years' monopoly of making steel in the colony.
Rent is a monopoly price, equal, not to what the landlord could afford to take, but to what the farmer can afford to give.
The Jesuits abandoned the system of free education which had won them so much influence and honour; by attaching themselves exclusively to the interests of courts, they lost favour with the middle and lower classes; and above all, their monopoly of power and patronage in France, with the fatal use they had made of it, drew down the bitterest hostility upon them.
Of the revenue, about 64% is derived from customs and excise; 9% from property, road, military, slaughter and salt taxes; 1.7% from the gunpowder monopoly; and the remainder from various taxes, stamps, government lands, and postal and telegraph services.
He secured for France an excellent system of railways without making them a state monopoly, and he conducted the complicated negotiations for the treaty of commerce with England which was concluded in January 1860, and subsequently arranged similar treaties with Belgium and Italy.
The government monopoly which had long existed was abolished in 1867 and free trade was established in salt between the members of the customs-union.
The kidney fat of all sheep and the skins of all goats slaughtered in the public yard are perquisites of government, the former being used for the manufacture of soap, which, with snuff, is a government monopoly.
The business being a monopoly of the East India Company, and a very profitable one, the company at an early stage of its development endeavoured to ascertain whether tea could not be grown within its own dominions.
In 1834 the monopoly of the East India Company was abolished and an era of rapid progress in the new industry began.
The cultivation of opium is a government monopoly, and no person is allowed to grow the poppy except on account of government.
Berlin has no practical monopoly, such as is possessed by London or Paris, of the celebrated museums and galleries of the country.
Bismarck took the opportunity of avowing that his ideal was a monopoly of tobacco, and this statement was followed by the resignation of Camphausen, minister of finance.
Proposals to increase it had been made in 1869 and in 1878, and on the latter occasion Bismarck for the first time publicly announced his desire for a state monopoly, a project which he never gave up, but for which he never was able to win any support.
At his invitation a conference of the finance ministers met in July at Heidelberg; they agreed to a great increase in the indirect taxes, but refused to accept the monopoly on tobacco.
Few of the proposals were carried in their entirety, many were completely lost; the tobacco monopoly and the brandy monopoly were contemptuously rejected by enormous majorities; even an increase of the tax on tobacco was refused; the first proposals for a subsidy to the Norddeutsche Lloyd were rejected.
The condition of parties was such that Bismarck could not hope to win a majority for his schemes, especially as he could not obtain the monopoly on tobacco on which he depended to cover the expense.
At the same time a most active production of modern designs was proceeding, stimulated by rewards, with the result that the supply of clocks, lamps, candelabra, statuettes, and other ornaments in bronze and zinc to the rest of Europe became a monopoly of Paris for nearly half a century.
They are eaten fresh, or as nearly fresh as may be, for the art of curing them is not generally practised, owing to the exigencies of the salt monopoly.
In other words, excise duties in India are not a mere tax upon the consumer, levied for convenience through the manufacturer and retail dealer, but a species of government monopoly.
Opium is issued for local consumption in India from the government manufactories at Ghazipur and Patna in the Behar and Benares Agencies, and sold through private retailers at a monopoly price.
For exactly a century, from 1500 to 1600, the Portuguese enjoyed a monopoly of Oriental trade.
The Dutch were the first European nation to break through the Portuguese monopoly.
It was deliberately based upon a monopoly of the trade in spices, and remained from first to last destitute Decline of the true imperial spirit.
Despite the united resistance of the civil servants, and an actual mutiny of two hundred military officers, Clive carried through his reforms. Both private trade and the receipt of presents were absolutely prohibited for the future, while a substantial increase of pay was provided out of the monopoly of salt.
The railways, however, have taken away from the city its monopoly of the traffic in wheat, though its share in that trade still amounts to from 400,000 to 480,000 a year.
Its growth at first was slow, but on the abolition of the Cadiz monopoly in 1778 it became a free port and its trade increased so rapidly that it soon became one of the chief commercial centres of South America.
This monopoly lasted until the Mexican War of Independence forced the Spanish government to regard the Philippines as being in the East instead of the West.
In 1723 Major Davel, at Lausanne, and in 1749 Henzi, in Bern itself, tried to break down this monopoly, but in each case paid the penalty of failure on the scaffold.
Meanwhile the Dutch and British East India Companies had been formed, had destroyed the monopoly so long enjoyed by the Portuguese, and to a less extent the Spaniards, in the trade of the Malayan Archipelago, and had gained a footing in Borneo.
The first appearance of the British in Borneo dates from 1609, and by 1698 they had an important settlement at Banjermasin, whence they were subsequently expelled by the influence of the Dutch, who about 1733 obtained from the sultan a trading monopoly.
The revenue of the republic is derived mainly from customs duties, liquor, tobacco and slaughter taxes, railways and steamers, the postal and telegraph services, and the gunpowder monopoly.
The right to construct all railways in Armenia and north-eastern Asia Minor has been conceded to Russia, and the Germans have a virtual monopoly of the central plateau.
A majority of the voters approved of Jackson's fight against what Clay had once denounced as a dangerous and unconstitutional monopoly.
Essex was thus thrown upon his own resources, and his anger against the queen being roused afresh by the refusal to renew his monopoly of sweet wines, he formed the desperate project of seizing her person and compelling her to dismiss from her council his enemies Raleigh, Cobham, and Cecil.
The Methuen Treaty of 1703 prevented the establishment of some manufacturing industries in Portugal by securing a monopoly for British textiles, and it was only after 1892 that Portuguese cotton-spinning and weaving were fostered by heavy protective duties.
He even sent ambassadors to Rome to protest against ecclesiastical corruption, as well as to checkmate the Venetian diplomatists who threatened Europe with Ottoman of fhe vengeance if the Portuguese commercial monopoly were not relaxed.
The Oldembourg Company (1754) received a monopoly of trade with the Portuguese colonies in the East; extensive monopolist rights were also conceded to the Path and Maranhao Company (1755) and the Pernambuco and Parahyba Company (1759).
In Lisbon a chamber of commerce (Junta do commercio) was organized in 1756 to replace an older association of merchants, the ilIeza dos homens de negocio, which had attacked the Path Company; and in the same year the Alto Douro Company was formed to control the port-wine trade and to break the monopoly enjoyed by a syndicate of British wine merchants.
An experiment in government by decree had been made in May - October 1894; it was repeated in September 1905, when the king consented to prorogue the cortes until January 1906 in order to postpone discussion of the terms upon which the tobacco monopoly was to be allocated.
It was admitted that he had borrowed largely from the treasury, on the security of his civil list, and the Republican deputies accused him of endeavouring to assign the tobacco monopoly to one of his own foreign creditors, in settlement of the debt.
The existence of the secret treaty, well known to the Chilean government, rendered the intervention of Peru more than questionable, and the law passed by the latter in 1875, which practically created a monopoly of the Tarapaca nitrate beds to the serious prejudice of Chilean enterprise, offered no guarantee of her good faith.
The very rapid increase in the demand for anthracite coal (for the shipment of which Swansea has practically a monopoly) soon necessitated still further accommodation and in July 1904 was begun the King's Dock, which lies farther east and has an entrance direct from the bay.
After a time, however, the colonists, attributing the shortage of slaves and the consequent diminution in their profits to the Jesuits, began actively to oppose Vieira, and they were joined by members of the secular clergy and the other Orders who were jealous of the monopoly enjoyed by the Company in the government of the Indians.
He was, however, a too warm adherent of free trade principles to enjoy the confidence either of the Agrarian party or of Prince Bismarck, and his antagonism to the tobacco monopoly and the general economic policy of the latter brought about his retirement.
Although there were already fifteen banks in the state in 1837 yet the cry against monopoly was loud, and so in that year a general banking law was passed whereby any ten or more freeholders might establish a bank with a capital of not less than fifty thousand nor more than three hundred thousand dollars and begin business as soon as 30% of the capital was paid in in specie.
But the missionaries were not interested in the settlement of the country by Europeans, the fur traders were generally opposed to it, there was bitter strife between the missionaries and Cadillac, and the French system of absolutism in government and monopoly in trade were further obstacles to progress.
His father was the keeper of an "estanco" or office for the sale of the tobacco of the government monopoly.
The opium monopoly was the property of the Great Mogul and was regularly sold.
In the year 1757 the monopoly of opium cultivation in India passed into the hands of the East India Company through the victory of Clive at Plassey.
A good deal of morphine is exported to Japan from Europe, and generally passes into China by way of Manchuria, where Japanese products have a virtual monopoly.
The opium industry in Bengal is a government monopoly, under the control of officials residing respectively at Patna and Ghazipore.
It is a remarkable fact that the only Indian opium ever seen in England is an occasional sample of the Malwa sort, whilst the government monopoly opium is quite unknown; indeed, the whole of the opium used in medicine in Europe and the United States is obtained from Turkey.
The rapid extension of the railway system was also largely due to his energy and financial ingenuity, and he embarked on a crusade against the evils of drunkenness by organizing a government monopoly for the sale of alcohol.
In 1804 a company was chartered to build such a canal; in 1816 a route was surveyed; in 1823 a commission was appointed which recommended a route and suggested that the state take part in building the canal; in December 1826 a canal company was incorporated with a monopoly of canal and railway privileges within 10 m.
A monopoly of the American trade had previously been granted in 1788 to another private company, the Sholikof.
In accordance with this request the 5th marquess of Lansdowne, then secretary of state for foreign affairs, issued a despatch on the 8th of August 1903 to the British representatives at the courts of the powers which signed the Berlin Act, drawing attention to the alleged cases of ill-treatment of natives and to the existence of trade monopolies in the Congo Free State, and in conclusion stating that His Majesty's government would This concession was asserted by traders who had previously dealt direct with the natives, and by traders who hoped so to do, to contravene the provision of the Act of Berlin prohibiting any commercial monopoly in the Congo basin.
We found that a monopoly situation exists in favor of the PRS.
The ordinary revenue, obtained principally from the sale of spirits (28%), which is a state monopoly, from state railways (231%) and customs (roe %), steadily rose from a total of £132,750,000 in 1895 to a total of £214,360,000 in 1905.
The growing importance of the lagoon townships, owing to their maritime skill, their expanding trade, created by their position between east and west, their monopoly of salt and salted fish, which gave them a strong position in the mainland markets, rendered it inevitable that a clash must come over the question of independence, when either east or west should claim that Venice belonged to them; and inside the lagoons the growing prosperity, coupled with the external threat to their liberties, concentrated the population into two well-defined parties - what may be called the aristocratic party, because it leaned towards imperial Byzantium and also displayed a tendency to make the dogeship hereditary, and the democratic party, connected with the original population of the lagoons, aspiring to free institutions, and consequently leaning more towards the church and the Frankish kingdom which protected the church.
In a tree - A record of 240 hours was established for playing Monopoly in a tree house.
There even those that set out to collect every version of Monopoly that is created, and as long as there are popular movies and television there will most likely be new versions of the game.
This edition of Monopoly has you playing as either a Jedi, Sith or one of the Republic's minions.
Monopoly Clone Wars is based off of the Clone Wars animated series.
Like classic Monopoly, the time it takes to play the game varies.
Now Monopoly is a game played by millions in hundreds of countries.
You move around an updated classic Monopoly game board while trying to outbid your foes.
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The normal Monopoly rules are included of course.
Among the normal rules of Monopoly, you are also given special Spider Man rules in order to play a faster game.
This version of Monopoly features all that is Spider Man directly from the live-action movies directed by Sam Raimi.
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If you love Monopoly, SpongeBob SquarePants Edition is a fun twist on the original game.
This edition of Monopoly is played in a similar way to the original as well as some of the various other themed Monopoly games.
A unique feature of SpongeBob SquarePants Monopoly is the plankton coin.
Now you can play Sponge Bob Monopoly on your computer as well as in your living room.
Monopoly is a fun game for the whole family in any edition.
The printable downloads available are not going to be for games you can buy in the store, such as Monopoly or Candy Land.
Are you addicted to Monopoly, Sorry, or Clue?
For example, kids and adults alike love to play the Monopoly Electronic Banking Edition, as well as Monopoly Clone Wars and Monopoly SpongeBob SquarePants Edition.
Monopoly. This game is easy to play, and you can play a short version that lasts about 30 minutes.
In addition to the Game of Life, most board game eateries include other classic favorites such as Monopoly, Chess, Clue, and Backgammon along with games that are regional favorites.
When you pass or land on one of these (similar to Monopoly), simply receive your salary.
Finally, to build a city, you must replace an already standing village - similar to how hotels replace houses in Monopoly.
Monopoly is the most played board game in the entire world.
A fun variation of the game is playing an edition of Monopoly with a board made for your home state or country.
It is true that there are a few specific board games that just about every household in America owns, such as Monopoly, Life, and Scrabble.
Monopoly teaches a child to count money, to add numbers on the dice, to manage multiple loans/mortgages, and to read and follow directions on the property cards.
Board games such as Monopoly, Money Bags, Sudoku, Auntie Pasta's Fraction Board Game and Yahtzee can help children learn valuable math skills while spending priceless family time.
Games such as Yahtzee, Monopoly, Trouble, Sorry, Chinese Checkers, Chess, Battleship, and many other classic board games are ideas for math fun.
Eastenders Monopoly A version of the popular board game based on Albert's Square and other locations featured in EastEnders.
Thus in 1906 the salt monopoly was abolished at a cost to the revenue of 175,000, while the reduction of import duties on coal and other fuels, live-stock, &c., involved a further loss of 1I8,000, and an increase of over 1,000,000 in expenditure was budgeted for.
The sale of Nicaraguan spirits is a state monopoly.
The tendency towards state monopoly became more marked in the closing days of the Empire, the 4th and 5th centuries A.D.
In November 1620, when a new parliament was summoned to meet on January following, he earnestly pressed that the most obnoxious patents, those of alehouses and inns, and the monopoly of gold and silver thread, should be given up, and wrote to Buckingham, whose brothers were interested, advising him to withdraw them from the impending storm.
All tithes have been abolished, except those on cereals, carobs, silk cocoons, and, in the form of to% ad valorem export duties, those on cotton, linseed, aniseed and raisins (all other export duties and a fishing tax have been abolished); (4) sheep, goat, and pig tax; (5) an excise on wine, spirits and tobacco; (6) import duties; (7) stamps, court fees, royalties, licenses, &c.; (8) salt monopoly.
The monopoly for cutting and exporting the timber of the Mazandaran forests is leased to European firms, principally for box and oak.
The navigation is a state monopoly, leased out for 250 per annum.
When the steamers were ready to do the work they had been intended for, the farmer, or farmers, of the Gulf customs raised difficulties and objected to pay the cost of maintaining the Persepolis; the governor of Muhamrah would not allow any interference with what he considered his hereditary rights of the shipping monopoly on the Karun, and the objects for which the steamers had been brought were not attained.
Visit to Sir Henry returned to Persia soon afterwards, and in 1889 March of the following year the Persian government granted another important concession, that of a tobacco monopoly, to British capitalists.
It was during his stay in England that the shah, for two or three days without his grand vizier, who was mourning for the death of his brother, listened to bad advice and granted a concession for the monopoly of lotteries in Persia to a Persian subject.
Very soon afterwards the shah was made aware of the evil results of this monopoly, and withdrew the concession, but the syndicate did not get the money paid for it returned.
The concession for the tobacco monopoly was taken up by the Imperial Tobacco Corporation (1891).
Great Britain had almost a monopoly of maritime commerce in the Gulf, and was alone responsible for buoying, lighting and policing its waters.
Of this nature was the foreign policy of the Dutch company at the Cape of Good Hope; modified, indeed, in some degree from time to time, but governed by principles of jealous, stringent monopoly until the surrender of the colony by Commissioner Sluysken in 1 795.
His one great economic blunder was the attempt to make the sale of spirits a government monopoly, which was an obvious infringement upon the privileges of the estates.
Brentano (On Gilds) holds that it is wrong to represent such regulations as monopolistic, inasmuch as there was no question whatever of a monopoly in that time nor until the degeneration of the craftgilds into limited corporations of capitalists.
A thorough use of this translation will not be possible until we have it in good critical editions, and acquaintance with its language ceases to be the monopoly of a few privileged individuals.
Banka is principally noted for the production of this mineral, which was discovered here in 1710 and is a government monopoly.
The bank, which was granted a monopoly of banking business in the empire for fifty years, has a capital of Lsoo,000, has the power to issue notes, to mint the Abyssinian coinage, and to engage in commercial operations.
According to old usage, the post office was made a state monopoly for the express purpose of levying taxation by means of it.
And this cause no doubt is the need of the local authorities, and the difficulty of letting them have taxes of their own to levy which do not interfere with the imperial monopoly.
The plantations (perken) were originally held by the conquerors of the natives, the government monopolizing the produce at a fixed rate; but in 1873 the government monopoly was abolished.
Its position on the side of India nearest to Europe, its advantages as a port and a railway centre, and its monopoly of the cotton industry, are counteracted by the fact that the region which it serves cannot vie with the valley of the Ganges in point of fertility and has no great waterway like the Ganges or Brahmaputra.
Soon afterwards Pierre Poivre, intendant of Ile de France, seeing the freedom of the Seychelles archipelago from hurricanes, caused spice plantations to be made there, with the object of wresting from the Dutch the monopoly they then enjoyed of the spice trade.
Deposits of rock-salt, a valuable government monopoly, stretch from the department of Suceava in northern Moldavia to that of Gorjiu in Walachia, and are mined in the departments of Bacau, Prahova and Ramnicti Sarat.
In many places they have the monopoly of the wine and spirit shops, and retail trade generally; and as they are always willing to advance money on usury, and are more intelligent and better educated than the ordinary peasant, there is little doubt that in a country where the large landowners are proverbially extravagant, and the peasant proprietors needy, the soil would soon fall into the hands of the Jews were it not for the stringent laws which prevent them from owning land outside the towns.
His very reforms alienated the goodwill of all classes; of the nobles, by the abolition of forced labour; of the clergy, by the confiscation of monastic estates; of the masses, by the introduction of a tobacco monopoly and the inevitable collapse of the inflated hopes to which his agrarian reforms had given rise.
In nothing except the freighting of bulky and imperishable products, like cotton, coal and cereals, was the river ever able to contest the monopoly of the railways.
Tobacco was cultivated in New Granada and Venezuela in colonial times, when its sale was a royal monopoly and its cultivation was restricted to specified localities.
Salt is mined at Zipaquira, near Bogota, and being a government monopoly, is a source of revenue to the national treasury.
As governor he checked the issue of bank charters by the legislature and secured the enactment, in 1838, of a general banking law, which abolished the monopoly features incident to the old banking system.
Near the end of the century persistent stories of a North-west Passage caused the Spanish rulers to plan further explorations of the Pacific coast, so as to forestall other nations in the discovery of the alleged new route and thus retain their monopoly of the South Sea (Pacific Ocean).
The Hudson's Bay Company absorbed its rival, the North-west Company, in 1821, and thus secured a practical monopoly of the fur trade of the North and West.
Nearly all the Baltic goods, and most of those from Denmark and Norway, had been reaching London or Hull in foreign bottoms. Henry allied himself with John of Denmark, who was chafing under the monopoly of the Hansa, and obtained the most ample grants of free trade in his realms. The Germans murmured, but the English shipping in eastern and northern waters continued to multiply.
From this time forward the Venetian monopoly ceased, and the visits of English merchant vessels to the Mediterranean became frequent and regular.
Among these were Alexander Henry (1739-1824), who as early as 1760 had visited the site of Milwaukee, and who now obtained a monopoly of the Lake Superior trade, and Jonathan Carver, who in 1766 reached Green Bay on his way to the Mississippi.
A monopoly of bleaching was granted to the town, and thus a considerable trade in woollen and linen yarns was attracted to Chemnitz; paper was made here, and in the 16th century the manufacture of cloth was very flourishing.
The railways of the north-west have a monopoly of the business of hauling wheat, with the result that it costs 20 cents to ship a bushel of wheat from the Dakota field to Duluth, which is as much as it costs to forward it from Duluth to Liverpool.
From 1602 to 1786 commerce was a monopoly of the Danish government; in the latter year it was declared free to all Danish subjects and in 1854 free to all nations.
The Hanse trade replaced the English for the worse; and the Danish monopoly which succeeded it when the Danish kings began to act again with vigour was still less profitable.
The telephone service, inaugurated in 1900, is a state monopoly (both for construction and operation).
He was for the same reasons unsuccessful as a governor of the Tobacco Monopoly Company.
The trade of the Faeroe Islands was for some time a monopoly in the hands of a mercantile house at Copenhagen, and this monopoly was afterwards assumed by the Danish government, but by the law of the 21st of March 1855 all restrictions were removed.
This company was granted a monopoly of trade for ten years.
The parlement of Paris saw its monopoly Monamh.
Special mention must be made of the manufacture of tobacco, a royal monopoly, farmed out to a company, which increased the factories from seven to twelve and began by paying the treasury f3,400,ooo annually.
Another and a very serious consequence was that England secured the Asiento, or contract, which gave her the monopoly of the slave trade with the Spanish colonies, as well as the right to establish factories that is to say commercial agenciesin several Central and South American ports, and to send one cargo of manufactured goods yearly in a ship of 500 tons to New Carthagena.
Both Baker and ' The government monopoly in trade ceased after the death of Mehemet Ali in 3849.
It had a monopoly of the Yucatan trade and enjoyed large profits from its logwood exports, both of which have been largely lost.
Indians at once came to the place in large numbers, but they soon complained of the high price of French goods; there was serious contention between Cadillac and the French Canadian Fur Company, to which a monopoly of the trade had been granted, as well as bitter rivalry between him and the Jesuits.
After the several parties had begun to complain to the home government the monopoly of the fur trade was transferred to Cadillac and he was exhorted to cease quarrelling with the Jesuits.
The salt of the Dead Sea is collected and sold in Jerusalem; smuggling of salt (which in Turkey is a government monopoly) is a regular occupation of the Bedouin.
Under the old regime everything was a matter of monopoly and privilege, and to this state of things the constitution of the old companies corresponded, the sovereign rights accorded to them being also quite in accordance with the views of the time.
A successful company, even when it has lost monopoly or privileges, has, by its command of capital and general resources, established so strong a position that private individuals or new companies can rarely compete with it successfully.
Repressive as a state monopoly, it was!made doubly so from the fact that the government obliged every individual above the age of eight years to purchase weekly a minimum amount of salt at a fixed price.
This will absolve governments from making sure Microsoft does not use its Windows monopoly to unfairly muscle its way into other markets.
Sometimes governments justify their own terrorist acts by labeling any groups that resist their monopoly of violence " terrorist " .
The monopoly of foreign trade remains a bulwark against the economic intervention of capitalism.
This is in essence a crisis of state monopoly capitalism in Britain, which is in turn part of the general crisis of imperialism.
As with 20th-century Russian communism, it also lays claims to a monopoly on world views and remains intolerant of competition.
To help finance its governing activities, the Company had in 1773 acquired a monopoly of opium cultivation in Bengal.
Monopoly, with its thrilling property-owning rules and objectives, is highly educational.
They can undermine the governing elite 's monopoly of information in authoritarian systems.
Gazprom, which is already the monopoly supplier of Russian natural gas to Europe, now wants a similar monopoly over exports to Asia.
A rather scruffy looking Wesley Kerr then sniffed his was a location " far too grand to be on any Monopoly board.
In this way does planning become the handmaiden of land monopoly.
The implacable hostility of communism toward faith in God could be explained by its claims to a monopoly on world views.
Two monopoly references were made during 1998 on the supply of raw cows ' milk and the supply of impulse ice cream.
Data on the number of banks do not provide a clear indication of the level of monopoly power.
The price of British government insistence upon a monopoly of force comes at a high social cost.
A patent is a monopoly right which protects an invention for up to 20 years.
In any case, the parties have an effective monopoly on UK supplies of dry isinglass.
But Chavez is in possession of an already nationalized oil monopoly with massive current sales revenues.
Does anyone seriously argue that retaining a state monopoly in telecommunications is a sensible policy in today's rapidly changing information society?
Spain possessed the lucrative monopoly of the expensive cochineal dye.
At much the same the British broke the Dutch clove monopoly in India.
Isn't it appropriate for the name of the re-assembled monopoly to be re-cristened ATT?
A blueprint masterminded by EU health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou also contains moves to control sales through a state-run monopoly.
Bridgnorth boats had a virtual monopoly on the carriage of coal.
One such was over the defense of the state monopoly of foreign trade.
The MMD has primarily maintained its broadcasting monopoly through the manner in which they issue licenses.
Efforts to promote the Honduran tobacco industry as a royal monopoly proved less effective and encountered stiff local opposition.
In 1667, the VOC, by subjecting the city of Macassar in Sulawesi, broke the sultan 's monopoly in cloves.
Monopoly Here & Now Electronic Banking Monopoly has been dramatically transformed to keep up with changing lifestyles.
He comes from up North and his hobbies include arm wrestling, monopoly, cucumber packing and WWF wrestling.
The salt-pans at Cagliari and of Carloforte are of considerable importance; they are let by the government to contractors, who have the sole right of manufacture, but are bound to sell the salt necessary for Sardinian consumption at 35 centesimi (3d.) per cwt.; the government does not exercise the salt monopoly in Sardinia any more than in Sicily, but in the latter island the right of manufacture is unrestricted.
He negotiated with the elector palatine for the establishment of factories at Mannheim; suggested to the elector of Bavaria the creation of German colonies in Guiana and the West Indies; and brought down upon himself the wrath of the Munich merchants by planning a government monopoly of cloth manufacture and of trade.
The people of Ceos fought on the Greek side at Artemisium and Salamis; they joined the Delian League and also the later Athenian alliance in 377 B.C. They revolted in 3 6 3-3 62, but were reduced again, and the Athenians established a monopoly of the ruddle, or red earth, which was one of the most valuable products of the island.
Cabot had urged the feasibility of opening an easier channel for trade with the interior of Peru through the river Plate and its tributaries, than that by way of the West Indies and Panama; and now that his views were able to be realized, the interests of the merchants of Seville and of Lima, who had secured a monopoly of the trade by the route of the isthmus, were allowed to destroy the threatened rivalry of that by the river Plate.
So long, however, as India held the monopoly of the clove, the Malay Peninsula was ignored,'the Hindus spreading their influence through the islands of the archipelago and leaving traces thereof even to this day.
The Mahommedan traders from Persia and Arabia, following the routes which had been prepared for them by their forebears, broke down the Hindu monopoly and ousted the earlier exploiters so effectually that by the beginning of the i 6th century the spice trade was almost exclusively in their hands.
The government acquired the perpetual and exclusive wayleaves for telegraph lines over the railways, but the monopoly of the Postmaster-General does not apply to those numerous wires which are required for the protection of life on railways.
The monopoly conferred upon the Postmaster-General by the Telegraph Act 1869 was subsequently extended to telephony and wireless telegraphy, but it does not extend to submarine telegraphy.
The Edison Company announced its intention to start telephone business in London, and the Postmaster-General instituted proceedings against the company for infringement of his monopoly rights under the Telegraph Act 1869.
The committee reported (9th August) that the telephone service was not likely to become of general benefit " so long as the present practical monopoly in the hands of a private company shall continue."
The committee considered that the Post Office was not prevented either by legal agreement or by good faith from limiting or ending the monopoly of the company, and that competition appeared to be both expedient and necessary in order to extend and popularize the service and to avoid the danger that a purchase of the company's undertaking at an inflated price might be forced upon the government.
Tobacco is entirely a government monopoly; the total amount manufactured in 1902-1903 was 16,599 tonsa fairly constant figure.
While the theory of the sphere was being elaborated the efforts of practical geographers were steadily directed towards ascertaining the outline and configuration of the oekumene, or habitable F i tting the world, the only portion of the terrestrial surface known oekumene to the ancients and to the medieval peoples, and still to the retaining a shadow of its old monopoly of geographical sphere.
But the attention of the Portuguese was mainly devoted to vain attempts to maintain their monopoly of the trade of India against the powerful rivalry of the English and Dutch.
Hasty writers who Their forget the existence of the eastern Rome are apt to claim for the Saracens of Bagdad, or more commonly for those of Cordova, a monopoly of science and art at some time not very clearly defined by dates.
Since 1894 the government has had a monopoly in retailing spirituous liquors, but not wine or beer; but distilling, a very widespread industry, is left in private hands.
Moreover, such a system of regulation almost necessarily carries with it a guarantee of monopoly to the various companies concerned, and not infrequently large gifts in the form of subsidies, for without such aid private capital will not submit to the special burdens involved.
The Bank of Mississippi, at Natchez, incorporated by the Territorial legislature in 1809, was rechartered by the state in 1818, and was guaranteed a monopoly of the banking business until 1840.
Livingston and the inventive genius of Robert Fulton in the application of the steam engine to traffic on the water, had given to them a monopoly of all transportation by steam within the waters of New York.
Even churchmen had been alienated by his suppression of monasteries and by his monopoly of ecclesiastical power; and his only support was the king, who had now developed a determination to rule himself.
It is not in the decay of combination and monopoly or in the growth of competition that we must look for the distinctive characteristics of modern problems. A 17th-century monopoly was a very weak and ineffective instrument compared with a modern syndicate; the Statute of Apprenticeship was certainly not so widely enforced as the " common rules " of trade unions; and many of the regulations of past times, which look so complicated to modern eyes, were conditions of free enterprise rather than restraints upon it.
Apparently the same economic motives have led in the same age and in the same nation to monopoly and individual enterprise, protection and free trade, law and anarchy.
Europe persistently refused to assist the republic to preserve a trade in which she had established a rigid monopoly, and Venice was left to fight the Turk single-handed.
Berthelot that the workers in these processes, which were a monopoly of the priestly caste and were kept strictly secret, though fully aware that their products were not truly gold, were in time led by their success in deceiving the public to deceive themselves also, and to come to believe that they actually had the power of making gold from substances which were not gold.
The camphor trade being a government monopoly, the quantity exported is under strict control.
The salt monopoly is mentioned in I Macc. 30, 29; I I, 35, a suspected source, but supported in this detail by the analogy of Ptolemaic Egypt and Rome.
Naxos, the largest and most fertile island of the group, contains the highest mountain in the Cyclades (Zia, 3290 ft.); the island annually exports upwards of 2000 tons of emery, a state monopoly the proceeds of which are now hypothecated to the foreign debt.
Varro's statement, repeated by Pliny, that papyrus was first made in Alexander's time, should probably be taken to mean that its manufacture, which till then had been a government monopoly, was relieved from all restrictions.
Tobacco Regie.-From the beginning of the year 1884 the tobacco revenue has been worked as a monopoly by a company formed under Ottoman law, styled " La Regie Imperiale Cointeressee des Tabacs Ottomans."
This company has the absolute monopoly of the manufacture and of the purchase and sale of tobacco throughout the Ottoman Empire, with the exception of the Lebanon and Crete, but exportation remains free.
Things went better with it from that time until 1894-1895, when, owing to internal troubles in the empire, and the consequent fear of creating worse disorders, by the strict enforcement of the monopoly, the government withdrew most of its support, and contraband enormously increased.
Negotiations were initiated in 1910 for the prolongation of the concession of the tobacco monopoly, which reaches its term in 1913.
The scattered settlements of Europeans on the southern parts of the coasts are Danish, and the trade is a monopoly of the Danish government.
The trade of Greenland is a monopoly of the Danish crown, dating from 1774, and is administered in Copenhagen by a government board (Kongelige Gronlandske Handel) and in the country by various government officials.
The object of the monopoly is solely for the good of the Greenlanders - to prevent spirits being sold to them, and the vice,.
This may have been due in great part to the fact that the shipping and trade of Greenland became a monopoly of the king of Norway, who kept only one ship sailing at long intervals (of years) to Greenland; at the same time the shipping and trade of Norway came more and more in the hands of the Hanseatic League, which took no interest in Greenland.
Many of the colonists of the 18th century were convicts and other offenders; and in 1750 the trade became a monopoly in the hands of a private company.
In 1774 the trade ceased to be profitable as a private monopoly, and to prevent it being abandoned the government took it over.
The colonial period was one of strict repression, the intellectual life of the people being jealously supervised by the church to protect itself against heresy, and their progress being restricted by the Portuguese crown to protect its monopoly of the natural resources of the country.
The success of the Dutch East India Company led to the establishment of a similar one for the West Indies, to which a monopoly of the trade to America and Africa was granted.
The censure was re-established in 1820 and abolished in 1828 with the monopoly.
The Danish rule had, during the centuries following the Reformation, gradually brought Iceland to the verge of economic ruin; the ancient Parliament of the island, which had degenerated to a mere shadow, had been abolished in 1800; all the revenue of Iceland went into the Danish treasury, and only very small sums were spent for the good of the island; but worst of all was the notorious monopoly which gave away the whole trade of Iceland to a single Danish trading company.
In the earlier years of the administration the tolls upon trade in transit, which had existed from time immemorial and, had become the means of much extortion, were made a monopoly of the government, and were reorganized on an equitable and popular basis.
Land monopoly is an evil of large proportions in California to-day, but it is due to the laxness of the United States government in enabling speculators to accumulate holdings and not to the original extent of Mexican grants.
Whatever tended to infringe in the slightest degree on their darling monopoly was visited with the severest penalties, whether the culprit chanced to be high in rank or low.
Governments that try to squelch the new information technologies to protect their monopoly on power do so essentially at the peril of economic growth.
In this way, British state monopoly capitalism has been consolidated.
Then, in the middle of the first decade of the new century, the monopoly was broken by small, upstart companies.
The legal monopoly on local service remains, competition there remains restricted to the whims of politicians.
Most people like playing classic board games, such as Monopoly, Cranium, or the Trivial Pursuit, but you can also have a good time with silly group games like Twister.
According to Variety, a reality version of the popular board game, Monopoly is in the works.
Carter's children's clothing merged with Osh Kosh, and together the two brands have a near monopoly on baby and children's clothing name recognition in the US.
Norwegian Cruise Line has somewhat of a monopoly on this itinerary, as it is the only American-flagged ship sailing the Hawaiian Islands.
Board games such as Monopoly, Scrabble, Pente, and Sequence, to name a few.
The Monopoly franchise has seen close to 100 interesting variations of its game, including Dogs, Nintendo, SpongeBob Squarepants, Sports, Spider-man, and Star Wars.
If you are a fan of the Monopoly series, or have an interest in real estate type games, then this one is worth checking out.
And the platform shootout has been won by the computer architecture we now know as the PC - drop the IBM, toss in a little Microsoft monopoly, and ignore the generic nature of the term, thank you very much.
You can now play Monopoly online in a whole new environment, taking the classic family board game of real estate into the 21st century.
Games offers Monopoly 3 and other board games that can be downloaded as free demos.
Looking for some information on the available Monopoly games for online and PC play?
The newest variation of Monopoly has arrived!
There's a lot of multitasking taking place here and tycoon games are typically much more involving than a turn-based Monopoly.
Just as there are different ways to play Monopoly online, enthusiasts wanted a way to explore world domination again on a video game console.
If you're looking for a game website with simple classic games like Monopoly, Scrabble and Backgammon, then SpinTop Games is the online destination for you.
Edutainment, racing games, real time strategy titles, and even a Monopoly board game all hit the shelves as fans saw the first new Star Wars movie in years.
Nintendo may have held a virtual monopoly with the NES -- the Sega Master System was its only real competition -- but when the SNES hit the market, it was suddenly attacked by Sonic and crew.
Nintendo may have held a virtual monopoly with the NES, but when the Nintendo 64 (N64) came around, the company headed by Shigeru Miyamoto met some stiff competition from a little thing called the Sony PlayStation.
This is assuming that we're not including things like Windows Mobile-powered Pocket PC devices, cell phones, and other portable electronics that are capable of playing basic titles like Bejeweled and Monopoly.
Red Steel won't have a monopoly on the shoot-em-up market when the Nintendo Wii launches.
The Webbed Wonder is even featured in his own Monopoly game developed by Hasbro.
While Monopoly had been a classic best selling game since Grandpa was a child, there are constantly new versions becoming available.
One of the most unique new versions is Monopoly City.
Fast-paced board games with money (like Monopoly) give players math practices by counting money and making change.
Playing Monopoly on prom night is best with a small crowd, but it is possible to play in teams.
You might want to start with some of the classic games like Monopoly, Clue or Clue Jr., Pictionary, Scrabble and The Game of Life.
Monopoly - Everyone in the family has the chance to become the real estate tycoon.
Many classic games have been played since the 1940s with some, such as Monopoly from 1935, Chess dating back to the 1400s, and Parchessi dating back to 4 AD.
Monopoly - A dice-based real estate game in which players buy properties, build houses and hotels on the properties and then collect rent from other players when they land on the properties.
If you love the television show, you'll love Simpsons Monopoly.
It has all the wheeler-dealer aspects of classical Monopoly with the crazy, zany fun of the Simpsons.
The Simpsons Monopoly game is based on the characters and award-winning animated Simpsons television show which were created in the late 1980s by Matt Groening.
As the players purchase the properties, the owners can upgrade the properties by adding a monorail stop and station - not the typical houses and hotels as used in the classic Monopoly game.
The rules for playing the game are the same as the classic Monopoly game; however, the properties are named after the one-of-a-kind landmarks from Springfield, the city in the television series.
The history of the game Monopoly is a combination of stories - a home-made game becomes a worldwide seller, local inventor takes on a national game company and a depression era unemployed man becomes a millionaire.
Darrow who invented the Monopoly game in 1933; however, the game really started with an educational game called "The Landlord's Game" which was patented by Lizzie Magie in 1904.
When he developed Monopoly in 1933, Darrow decided to name the streets after Atlantic City streets and the railroads after the three railroads that carried wealthy travelers to Atlantic City.
By 1935, Monopoly had become the best selling game in America.
There are over 480 million Monopoly players worldwide.
Monopoly tournaments are held at local, national and international levels.
There are many theories as to why Monopoly has become the successful board game that it is.
The street names used for the Monopoly properties are based on actual street names in Atlantic City.
The Commissioner decided not to make the name change after vocal appeals from townspeople, Monopoly players worldwide and a written plea from the Parker Brothers President at the time.
Neiman Marcus offered a $600 chocolate Monopoly game in its 1978 holiday catalog.
The royalties from the sales of Monopoly made Darrow a millionaire.
Many families may not be aware of the interesting history of the game Monopoly, but the game continues to be enjoyed from one generation to the next.
Since every child should learn the value of money, why not show them how with Monopoly?
Monopoly and Risk have seen many reincarnations over the years and continue to change and evolve.
There are the popular games like Monopoly and Risk, but you can also find free board game instructions for games from way back in the past like Chessers, a game from the 1960's that combined Chess and Checkers into one fast pace game.
It joins the likes of Clue, Monopoly and the Game of Life.
Those days of sitting around the table playing a game of Monopoly and wincing as hotels were built on the "high-end district" can be visited again when you play Monopoly Here and Now World.
There have been an estimated 500 Monopoly players since its creation in 1935, and that number is still growing.
Darrow envisioned the game of Monopoly as he played a similar game on oil skin at his kitchen table.
Since its widespread release, the game has seen many changes to include themed Monopoly boards from sports teams to popular culture, television and movies.
The game has even seen an electronic version in the "Electronic Monopoly Banking Edition".