Moneyed Sentence Examples
They gleaned from her story that, as suspected, she came from a moneyed background.
They upheld the cause of the people against the moneyed interests, but the charge was often brought that they appealed to the baser passions.
But as regards making money they only consort with other moneyed men of a very high order " .
The chambers of the Five Hundred and of the Ancients were elected by the moneyed and intellectual aristocracy, and were to be re-elected by thirds annually.
Jefferson merely had exaggerated fears of a moneyed political engine, and seeing that Hamilton's measures of funding and assumption did make the national debt politically useful to the Federalists in the beginning he concluded that they would seek to fasten the debt on the country for ever.
Shop managers have and whose members even entrenched moneyed exceed the revenue.
Clay made the mistake of supposing that he could arouse popular enthusiasm for a moneyed corporation in its contest with the great military "hero of New Orleans."
Long Island, along the Atlantic coast, east of New York City, is the playground of weekend escapees from New York City and the "Hamptons" are popular with the celebrity and moneyed crowd.
Their published version of their travels became widely popular in England and led to many moneyed tourists making the nine-day trek from London.
He failed as a political reformer because the merchants and the moneyed classes, whom the Gracchi had tried to conciliate, feared that they would themselves be swept away by a revolution of which the mob and its leaders would be the ultimate controllers.
AdvertisementThere are long streets and terraces of fine houses belonging to the merchants and manufacturers of the city which amply testify to its prosperity, and recall the 16th century distich that Antwerp was noted for its moneyed men ("Antwerpia nummis").