Mon Sentence Examples
This degree of precision is far beyond any we 1 Mon.
It was formerly in the ancient parish of Eglwysilan, but from that and Bedwas (Mon.) an ecclesiastical parish was formed in 1850, while the whole of the parishes of Eglwysilan and Llanfabon, with a total acreage of 14,426, were in 1893 constituted into an urban district; its population in 1901 was 15,385, of which 4343 were in the "town" ward.
Geffcken, Lex Salica (Leipzig, 1898), the text in 65 chapters, with commentary paragraph by paragraph, and appendix of additamenta; and the edition undertaken by Mario Krammer for the Mon.
There is an edition of the text of the Ripuarian Law in Mon.
There are seven large silk-moths, of which two only (Bombyx mon and Anthenaea yama-mai) are employed in producing silk.
In 1888 a special course of German literature was inaugurated at the Imperial University, and with it is associated the name of Mon Ogai, Japans most faithful interpreter of German thought and speech.
Mon YOsetsu, however, had more originality than Numanami.
Bali, the ancient language of the kingdom of Magadha, in which the sacred writings of Buddhism were made, was largely instrumental in forming all the languages of Further India, including Siamese - a fact which accounts for the numerous connecting links between the Mon, Burmese and Siamese languages of the present time, though these are of quite separate origin.
In 1347 the remainder of Zealand was redeemed, and the southern isles, Laaland, Falster and Mon, also fell into the king's strenuous hands.
In Upper Burma three productive irrigation works were planned at the opening of the century - the Mandalay, the Shwebo, and the Mon canals, of which the first was estimated to cost -Rx.323,280, and to irrigate 72,000 acres.
AdvertisementAfter a fierce and obstinate fight, in which Conrad and many other nobles fell the Germans were victorious; the Magyars were even mon thoroughly scourged than in the battles in which Ottos fathe had given them their first real check.
The chief sources for his life are the "Chronica monasterii Casinensis," in the Mon.
Up to the Conquest it is a revision of the translation contained in Mon.
See Liber historiae Francorum, edited by B Krusch, in Mon.
Assoc. Rep., 1905, p. 257), and has subsequently been confirmed by a discussion of the Groombridge proper motions (Mon.
AdvertisementOn the ruins of a medieval Christendom, hierarchically organized under the pope, grew up the " new mon archy, " or modern state, owning no law but its New own will.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Mod to Mon.
See Mon.
The chief streams besides the Irrawaddy are the Mon, the Maw, and the Salin, which are largely used for irrigation.
The betel-vine is largely cultivated along the Mon River.
AdvertisementCamacho took a prominent part in all financial debates and committees, was offered a seat in the Mon cabinet of 1864, and was appointed under-secretary of state finances in 1866 under Canovas and O'Donnell.
It has been preserved in Greek, Ethiopic, Armenian and Slavonic. The Greek was first printed at Venice in 1609, next by Ceriani in 1868 in his Mon.
Hiroshima mon amour (Hiroshima my Love, 1959) and Marienbad would be the other two connecting points in this triangle.
Thanks P jen (anonymous) Mon, 08 May 2006 aunties application another aunties application another aunties form question... no cheatin this time!
The lower motto (the motto of the British monarch) reads Dieu et mon droit (God and my right ).
AdvertisementTransfer rush for Sturrock Mon 30 Jan Paul Sturrock is hoping to add another midfielder before the transfer window slams shut tomorrow.
This banner bore the mon or badge of the samurai's clan and served to identify him and his allegiance.
Made all the has spent over careful mon this.
The maximum grade you can hold until you reach 8 years of age is 6th mon.
A group ID is equivalent to specifying all login names com- mon to that group ID.
Its main slogan was Touche pas à mon pote which appeared on badges and posters.
In order to avoid confusion it may be wiser to refer to it by one of its other com mon names, Eleuthero.
Pourtant j'ai mon projet, " she added in a lower tone.
The deputies having been dazzled by I tes anc reviews, Talleyrand and Marescalchi, ministers of foreign affain at Paris and Milan, plied them with hints as to the course to th followed by the consulta; and, despite the rage of the mon democratic of their number, everything corresponded to thi wishes of the First Consul.
His flight from the monastery of Sahagun, where his brother Sancho endeavoured to imprison him, his chivalrous friendship for his host Almanun of Toledo, caballero aunque mon, a gentleman although a Moor, the passionate loyalty of his vassal Peranzules and his brotherly love for his sister Urraca of Zamora, may owe something to the poet who took him for hero.
Next come Jehan le Bel, Waurins Recueil, Monstrelet, Chastellain, J uvenal des Ursins, and more limited works such as Crtons Cltronique de la traison ci mon de Richard II.
Mon Dieu! muttered Anna Pavlovna in a terrified whisper.
One can't everywhere say all one thinks, mon cher.
I wished to get a nap, mon cousin, but I can't.
Mon cher, it is heroism!
How do you feel, mon brave?
Why have you quarreled with Helene, mon cher?
Mon cher, even in this case you can't do without Michael Mikhaylovich Speranski.
Helene spoke of him as "mon page" and treated him like a child.
Oh yes, mon cher, he is the greatest man of the ages past or future.
I must tell you, mon cher," he continued in the sad and measured tones of a man who intends to tell a long story, "that our name is one of the most ancient in France."
Debs Hallsworth (debsuk) Mon, 29 May 2006 Religion Thread I ca n't because of who I am.
Shopping hours are Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri and Sat 9am-5pm, Thu 9am-8pm and Sun 10am-5pm.
Hope you enjoyed mon night, was wicked to see everyone again !
Destinations by Mon Cheri offers brides a selection of styles perfect for the beach or for European weddings abroad.
Cameron Blake dresses, part of Mon Cheri Bridal, are elegant and beautiful options for the mother of the bride.
Mon Cheri Bridals - Sells a variety of white dresses designed especially for destination weddings.
Sara Grace is an online shop offering selections in designer dresses for special events, prom, and bridal needs, including collections from Cassandra Stone and Mon Cheri.
The Roxy New Mon cross body bag (available at eBags) is dusky vinyl bag with two exterior pockets available in lavender-grey, black, or seaspray.
For example, British and American movies often use the phrase je t'aime, or even je t'aime mon amour (I love you, my love) without any need for translation.
Sorry, mon amour, but I fear him more.
Baron de Reiffenberg, Le Chevalier au cygne et Godfrey de Bouillon (Brussels, 2 vols., 1846-1848), in Mon.
Herold's edition (Originum ac Germanicarum antiquitatum libri, Basel, 1557), which has been reproduced by Karl von Richthofen in the Mon.
There is an edition of this code by Karl von Richthofen in the Mon.
To the westward there is a rapid drop to the wellwatered valley of the Yaw River, and then a rise over broken, dry country before the valleys of the Myit-tha and Mon rivers are reached.
On behalf of the whole family I beg you to come, mon cher!
There, you see, mon cher!
Well, mon cher, what are you doing personally?