Momentous Sentence Examples
I waited until evening to make my momentous call to Agent Brennan.
It is noticeable that, while he held his office in the curia through that momentous period of fifty years which witnessed the Councils of Constance and of Basel, and the final restoration of the papacy under Nicholas V., his sympathies were never attracted to ecclesiastical affairs.
His mind, however, was also busy with the momentous problem of gravity.
But these years were momentous for Judaism.
The year 1494 is a momentous one in the history of Italian politics.
These decisions led to momentous results.
His experiments, in the same year, on the photographic registration of stellar spectra, marked an innovation of a momentous character.
Into the complex history of this momentous age it is impossible to go in any detail.
In these circumstances Gladstone arrived at a momentous decision.
Strong in their conviction of the truth of Aristotelianism, the Arabians carried out their logical results in the theological field, and made the distinction of necessary and possible, of form and matter, the basis of conclusions in the most momentous questions.
AdvertisementBut these accusations only dramatize the moral and political confusion into which, over this momentous question, the Arabs have fallen.
We are also planning to present a truly momentous Crystal Mark.
Kat and Martin also signed the lease for the new building in Camden which was a pretty momentous occasion.
What can have been the trouble which produced effects so momentous?
On a personal note, scoring a goal at the Festival football match was a particularly momentous occasion for Tessa.
AdvertisementDisarmament Diplomacy Issue No. 18, September 1997 Editor's Introduction September's issue reviews a hectic and potentially momentous month.
And, Mr McAvoy continued, the proposed changes will prove more momentous than any education policy enacted since 1944.
Conversely, developments that can seem momentous as they unfold can come to be regarded as less so with the passage of time.
The decision to leave home felt momentous, and the drive to California took a week.
In the authentic ambiance it was a momentous occasion to look back to the future.
AdvertisementThis was a momentous occasion, for hitherto only eleven prelates and twenty-three magnates had attended.
The controversy was a momentous incident in the Jewish life of the period, and though there is insufficient evidence against Eybeschiitz, Emden may be credited with having crushed the lingering belief in Sabbatai current even in some orthodox circles.
Luther was thus roused to publish his momentous ninety-five theses on the subject of indulgences on October 31, 1517 (see Luther) .
His son, Leif Ericsson, and others of his followers were concerned in the discovery of the North American coast (see Vinland), which, but for the isolation of Iceland from the centres of European awakening, would have had momentous consequences.
He failed to bring out the momentous fact that up to the i 2th century the empire was the bulwark of Europe against the East, nor did he appreciate its importance in preserving the heritage of Greek civilization.
AdvertisementFor instance, the well-known description (in chap. xlvii.) of the preposition " in " occurring in a theological dogma as a " momentous particle which the memory rather than the understanding must retain " is taken directly from the first Provincial Letter.
Yet the momentous change which finally crushed out Congregationalism, by substitution of legal coercion for moral suasion as the final means of securing unity, came relatively late in the history of the ancient Catholic Church.
Amid all the momentous changes the part of Ali was a difficult one.
Still more momentous was the Spartan action in crushing the Olynthiac Confederation (see Olynthus), which might have been able to stay the growth of Macedonian power.
As in his active career he had wrought organic changes in the ordering, direction and control of fleets, so by his historic studies, pursued after his retirement, he helped greatly to effect, if he did not exclusively initiate, an equally momentous change in the popular, and even the professional, way of regarding sea-power and its conditions.
The battle, which took place at Flodden, or more correctly, at the foot of Brankston Hill, on Friday the 9th of September 1513, is among the most famous and disastrous, if not among the most momentous, in the history of Scotland.
The key, however, is to find a gift that conveys the special meaning of this momentous occasion.
Some parents are so focused on creating their essential newborn layettes and learning about childbirth that they forget important tools that will help document the momentous occasion.
The year 1990 was momentous in the world of photography.
An anecdote about how the couple met or how preparations for the momentous occasion progressed.
Couples should investigate each company thoroughly to determine its reputation and whether or not they feel comfortable working with them for this momentous occasion.
What political aspirations were revived, what other writers were inspired by these momentous events are questions of inference.
The last exilarch of importance was David, son of Zakkai, whose contest with Seadiah had momentous consequences.
The lack of early systematic theological training certainly had a momentous effect upon his development.
Seldom has it happened, since the discovery of the law of gravity, that so profound an impression has been made upon the scientific world at large as by the revelation of the part played by germ-life in nature; seldom has any discovery been fraught with such momentous issues in so many spheres of science and industry.
Thus it was a pagan emperor who in this momentous dispute ultimately determined what was orthodox and what was not;.
It was the Salandra Cabinet which took the momentous decision of bringing Italy into the World War on the side of the Allies, and it conducted the Government of the country during the first months of the campaign more successfully than any of the succeeding war Cabinets.
This is the most satisfactory, as it is the most obvious, explanation of his utter indifference in presence of one of the most momentous problems that ever pressed for solution on an English statesman.
But the establishment of the Frank kingdom, and still more the re-establishment of the Christian empire as the source of law and jurisdiction in Christendom, had momentous influence on the history of the Italianized Lombards.
Very soon afterwards he must have begun work upon his plans and models, undertaken during an acute phase of the competition which the task had called forth between German and Italian architects, for another momentous enterprise, the completion of Milan cathedral.
The six years of his residence in the West had given Athanasius the opportunity of displaying a momentous activity.
On the other hand a third project of marriage alliance which Henry carried out in 1503 was destined to be consummated, and to have momentous, though long-deferred, results.
Its results were momentous and durable in proportion as they were the outcome of causes which had been working long.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
The momentous consequences of this step belong to the next section, and it now remains for us to state the condition of the church and society in the century preceding the Anglo-Norman invasion.
Here Luther in 1519 held his momentous disputation.
And Boniface also helped on the alliance between the papacy and the Carolingian dynasty, which, more momentous even than that between Clovis and the bishops of Gaul, was to sanctify might by right.
The passage of this KansasNebraska Bill, one of the most momentous in its consequences ever passed by the Federal Congress, was largely a personal triumph for Douglas, who showed marvellous energy, adroitness and resourcefulness, and a genius for leadership. There was great indignation throughout the free states; and even in Chicago Douglas was unable to win for himself a hearing before a public meeting.
By these momentous inductions the geometrical theory of the solar system was perfected, and a hitherto unimagined symmetry was perceived to regulate the mutual relations of its members.
Throughout the momentous months which followed the biography of Necker is part of the history of the French Revolution.
Regardless of which traditional wedding gifts you ultimately decide to give, most bridal couples will agree that the gift of your presence during this momentous time in their lives is the greatest gift they can receive.
The idea of damaging the dress that was specially chosen for such a momentous occasion is another reason some brides find TDD poor taste.
Graduation is a momentous occasion for students of all ages, from kindergartners to high schoolers to candidates who have just earned their master's or doctoral degrees.
This incident of hugs and forgiveness between the sworn archenemies could all be just a bunch of hearsay as there were no cameras to record the momentous event for posterity.
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Retirement is an important milestone in life, and to mark this momentous occasion you'll want to choose the right retirement gift.
Like plenty of other things, carousel horses didn't become a momentous success until they traveled to the United States where they became more colorful, fanciful and profit-worthy.
These are usually related to more momentous causes including mental illness or pathological conditions in the child's life, either in the home or in some other facet of the child's environment.
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Buying a home is a momentous event, and visiting LoveToKnow Mortgages is the first step toward responsible home ownership.
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A momentous trend ensued, and Roxy Swimwear enjoyed watching women's surfing become a huge hit in its own right.
The best proposals are planned with as much attention to detail as selecting the engagement ring, because they take into account the personalities of the individuals involved as well as their expectations for this momentous occasion.
A little forward planning will help ensure a momentous time is had by all and that everyone has fond memories of a wonderful celebration.
As the centerpiece for these momentous occasions, kids' birthday cakes often set the theme for that year's celebration, with decorations and favors often matching the cake.
The day a ballerina tries on her first pair of pointe shoes is a momentous one.
It was a momentous reveal moment, because Elizabeth told Jason that he, not her husband, was the father of her unborn child.
High school graduation parties mark one of the most exciting times in a teenager's life and are a great way to celebrate a momentous achievement with family members and friends.
While many graduates still go on to college or trade school, high school graduation is no less momentous.
High school graduation parties, whether they are hosted by the school or the graduate's family, are a fun way to celebrate the momentous achievement of graduating from high school in the company of family members and friends.
A graduation is a momentous event, and finding unique graduation party ideas can make celebrating this educational milestone special and memorable.
The sixteenth birthday is a momentous occasion often connected to a large party.
Though brief, Cairolis term of office was momentous in regard to foreign affairs.
When, however, he was again attacked by Charles Martel, the Saracens renewed their ravages, and Odo was defeated near Bordeaux; he was compelled to crave protection from Charles, who took up this struggle and gained his momentous victory at Poitiers in 732.
This was the favourite shrine of Mary of Guise, who betook herself hither at momentous crises in her history.
This momentous event for the southern kingdom was scarcely the outcome of a challenge to a trial of strength; it was rather the sequel to a period of smouldering jealousy and hostility.
In the sphere of European diplomacy, no less than in that of French politics, the results of the coup d'etat of Fructidor were momentous.
His fine presence and his tact on ceremonial occasions rendered the state some service when in 1896 he received the Tsar of Russia at Paris, and in 1897 returned his visit, after which meeting the momentous Franco-Russian alliance was publicly announced.
The establishment of a permanent tribunal at the Hague, pursuant to the Peace convention of 1899, marks a momentous epoch in the history of international arbitration.
This proved one of the most momentous steps taken in the history of South Africa, for the Indian population rapidly increased, the " free " Indians becoming market gardeners, farmers, hawkers, traders, and in time serious competitors with the whites.
The consequences were of course momentous.
After 1867 the greatest of modern Hungarian statesmen, Francis Peak, attached Csengery to his personal service, and many of the momentous state documents inspired or suggested by Peak were drawn up by Csengery.
Jansen ended by attaching himself strongly to the latter party, and presently made a momentous friendship with a like-minded fellow-student, Du Vergier de Hauranne, afterwards abbot of Saint Cyran.
It is surprising to observe how early the Christian Church assumed the form of a state, and how speedily upon entering into its momentous alliance with the Roman imperial government under Constantine it acquired the chief of the and rerc prerogatives it v'as so long to retain.
Gregory's position was almost inexpugnable at a time when it was conceded by practically all that spiritual concerns were incalculably more momentous than secular, that the Church was rightly one and indivisible, with one divinely revealed faith and a system of sacraments absolutely essential to salvation.
Or to put it more exactly, the "Apostolic Fathers" represent, chronologically in the main and still more from the religious and theological standpoint, the momentous process of 1 Cotelier included the Acts of Martyrdom of Clement, Ignatius and Polycarp; and those of Ignatius and Polycarp are still often printed by editors.
It was, then, a fact pregnant with the most momentous consequences that Leo IX.
Had that dynasty been prolonged for another century, there is every reason to suppose that it would also have dealt satisfactorily with Poland's still more dangerous internal difficulties, and arrested the development of that anarchical constitution which was the ruling factor in the ruin of the Republic. Simultaneously with the transformation into a great power of the petty principalities which composed ancient Poland, another and equally momentous political transformation was proceeding within the country itself.
The momentous question was discussed at a meeting of the opponents of the Vatican decrees, and it was resolved to elect a bishop and ask the Dutch bishops to consecrate him.
But Hubert owed his success to the skill with which he manoeuvred for the weather-gage, and his victory was not less brilliant than momentous.
The effect of his withdrawal was momentous in its bearing upon Eastern affairs.
When he heard of the murder he was panic-stricken; and his expedition to Ireland (1171), although so momentous for the future, was originally a mere pretext for placing himself beyond the reach of Alexander's censures.
His reign, which began in October 1285, is one of the most momentous in the history of medieval Europe, yet it belongs rather to the history of France and to that of the papacy than to the biography of the king.
He had recently governed Ireland, at a momentous conjuncture, with eminent firmness, wisdom and humanity; and he had since become secretary of state.
Having thus settled this momentous dispute Henry spent his later years in restoring order in Germany, and in planning to assist his father-in-law, Henry I.
Yet this period was by no means sterile in developments destined to produce momentous results.
It became" the starting point of the most momentous and gigantic of medieval forgeries, the Isidorian Decretals," where it stands at the head of the pontifical letters, extended to more than twice its original length."This extension perhaps occurred during the 5th century.
This division of national sentiment within the monarchy, complicated by the approaching extinction of the Oldenburg line of the house of Denmark, by which, in the normal course under the Salic law, the succession to Holstein would have passed away from the Danish crown, opened up the whole complicated SchleswigHolstein Question with all its momentous consequences.
The events of the war that followed belong to the general history of Europe; but the tsar's attitude throughout is personal to himself, though pregnant with issues momentous for the world.
Before the momentous issue could be decided, however,Alexander died at Taganrog on the 1st of December (November 18, O.S.) 1825, "crushed," to use his own words, "beneath the terrible burden of a crown " which he had more than once declared his intention of resigning.
In that year he brought to a conclusion marriage negotiations not less momentous in their ultimate results, when Prince Arthur was betrothed to Catherine of Aragon.
As an enemy of the papal pretensions he took part in the momentous contest between Pope Gregory VII.
If we now turn to the actual stages by which this momentous passage from the manorial to the commercial arrangement was achieved, we have to notice first of all a rapid development of contractual relations.
This momentous change, which was to give a martial colouring to the whole policy of Sweden for the next hundred and twenty years, Regular dates from a decree of the Riksdag of Linkoping Army.
Its usefulness to Luther in his propaganda was no accident in its history; it originated in a controversy, and the varying views of the momentous struggle depicted in Gal.
The outcome of his teaching was a division of Mahommedanism vitally momentous to the world of Islam.
To give some idea of the widereaching functions of the police, the power assumed in matters momentous and quite insignificant, we may quote from the list of circulars issued by the minister of the interior to the governors of the various provinces during four recent years.
It was a momentous step, the essential prePassing of liminary to that fusion of the white races of South Act of Africa upon which the prosperity of the country depends; and a step rendering easier the ultimate 1909.
The introduction of Stoicism at Rome was the most momentous of the many changes that it saw.
The literary excellence of the work, and the flashes of light which it throws across a momentous but dark epoch of history, combine to give it exceptional importance among the relics of late Roman literature.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
The rejection of Prince Menshikovs ultimatum was followed by momentous consequences,.
The execution was as excellent as the conception, and if we reflect that it was begun in the midst of that momentous war which raised England to her climax of territorial greatness in East and West, we may easily realize how the task of describing these portentous and far-reaching events would be likely to strengthen Burke's habits of wide and laborious observation, as well as to give him firmness and confidence in the exercise of his own judgment.
The capture of the Bastille was hailed throughout Europe as' symbolizing the fall of absolute monarchy, and the victory of the insurgents had momentous consequences.
A far more radical remodelling of the army was undertaken at Babylon in 323, by which the old phalanx system was to be given up for one in which the unit was to be composed of Macedonians with pikes and Asiatics with missile arms in combination - a change calculated to be momentous both from a military point of view in the coming wars, and from a political, in the close fusion of Europeans and Asiatics.
No decision, however, could be come to as to the successor of the childless king, partly because of the multiplicity of candidates, partly because of Austrian intrigue, and this, the most momentous question of all, was still unsettled when Sigismund II.
Niebuhr's Roman History counts among epoch-making histories both as marking an era in the study of its special subject and for its momentous influence on the general conception of history.
Another series of momentous changes tpok place in the arrangement of services.
The consequences of this blow were momentous; it may be said to inaugurate the ghetto period.
The discovery by Richard Bright (1789-1858) of the disease of the kidneys known by his name proved to be one of the most momentous of the century.