Molt Sentence Examples
After their next blood meal, they molt once again into the adult stage.
After about two days it makes the final molt to reveal the pretty pupa.
After the first molt of their skin, they descend and go off on their own.
The young spiders then molt to the second stage and begin feeding.
The nymphs undergo five molts, becoming successively larger after each molt.
Young male eiders will molt several times before reaching full adult plumage in their second year.
On average, an adult spider molts once a year whilst younger spiders may molts once a year whilst younger spiders may molt more regularly due to their bodies growing faster.
This hypothesis, however, does not accord with the theory of the development of the earth from the state of a sphere of molt s en rock surrounded by an atmosphere of gaseous metals by which the first-formed clouds of aqueous vapour must have been absorbed.
His successor, Ailill Molt (463-483), son of Dathi, is remarkable as being the last high-king for Soo years who was not a direct descendant of Niall.