Modifies Sentence Examples
Equity as thus described would correspond rather to the judicial discretion which modifies the administration of the law than to the antagonistic system which claims to supersede the law.
It also modifies 28, and omits the second half of 29 and the whole of 30.
This enzyme modifies the host hormone ecdysone to render it inactive.
He speaks Finnish with Finns, Mongolian with Buriats, Ostiak with Ostiaks; he shows remarkable facility in adapting his agricultural practices to new conditions, without, however, abandoning the village community; he becomes hunter, cattle-breeder or fisherman, and carries on these occupations according to local usage; he modifies his dress and adapts his religious beliefs to the locality he inhabits.
Among the islands of the Malay Archipelago the force of the monsoons is much interrupted, and the position of this region on the equator otherwise modifies the directions of the prevailing winds.
This he modifies by explaining that self-interest is based on the relationships of life; a man needs money for the sake of his children, his friends and the state whose general prosperity depends on the wealth of its citizens.
But he modifies his Nominalism so as to approach, though somewhat vaguely, to the position of Aristotle himself.
It is the subject of the operation of certain forces in virtue of which it undergoes internal changes, modifies external objects, and is modified by them; and 4.
Another cause which might be supposed to modify the action of gravitation between two bodies would be the interposition of masses of matter between them, a cause which materially modifies the action of electrified bodies.
The westerly wind is almost constant and, in conjunction with the elevation of the land, greatly modifies the climatic conditions.
AdvertisementWard on the whole follows this triple scheme, but modifies it by new arguments founded on later German phenomenalism.
He modifies St Mark's style very freely, but he makes less change in the recorded words of our Lord, and he adheres more closely to the original language of the second document.
He also modifies the harshness of St Mark's style, and frequently recasts his language in reference to diseases.
Inoculation protects against attack, and greatly modifies the illness when it fails to protect.
The cold antarctic, or Humboldt, current sweeps northward along the coast and greatly modifies the heat of the arid, tropical plateaus.
AdvertisementAs to how far the narrow portion of the North Sea modifies the influence of the European continent, there seems reason to believe that the prevailing winds blowing up the English Channel carry oceanic conditions some distance inland, along those parts of the continent nearest to England.
Where he finds things which would obviously clash with the customs of his own day, he unhesitatingly modifies them.
As a writer, too, Gregory modifies Augustinian beliefs into forms which make them more available for Church teaching - a process very characteristic of Western Catholicism and carried still further in later centuries (notably by Peter Lombard).
The most important feature of this vowel is the rounding of the lips in its production, which, according to its degree, modifies the nature of the vowel considerably, as can be observed in the pronunciation of the increasingly rounded series saw, no, who.
It is based on a large mass of unpublished material, and considerably modifies, e.g.
AdvertisementIt also modifies behavior of " cw " command, setting the comment output format to Unicode.
My concern is how this encoding crux modifies the question, " what is the text?
Section 2(3) makes provision for Schedule 2 Part IV which modifies certain enactments for the purposes of WFTC and DPTC.
After all, any built mass modifies the microclimate.
This keyword modifies the starting search position for the pattern match function from the beginning of the packet payload.
AdvertisementMark will be presenting his research on space weathering, a process that modifies planetary and asteroid surfaces over time.
Late reflection Gain late reflection gain gain; This gain modifies the late reflection reverb level of the room.
The influence of environment on the organism may not be quite so potent as it was once believed to be, in the writings of Buckle, for instance,' and certainly man, the ultimate term in the series, reacts upon and greatly modifies his envircnment; yet the fact that environment does influence all distritutions is established beyond the possibility of doubt.
Or, if 1 It is true that he afterwards modifies this misleading identification by introducing the distinction between empirical psychology or the phenomenology of mind and inferential psychology' or ontology, i.e.
Late Reflection Gain late reflection gain gain; This gain modifies the late reflection reverb level of the room.
Although the exact mechanisms behind the success of ECT therapy are not known, it is believed that the electrical current modifies the electrochemical processes of the brain, consequently relieving depression.
As a heme precursor molecule moves through each step, an enzyme modifies the precursor in some way.
The most successful treatment programs are long-term, structured residential settings in which the patient systematically earns privileges as he or she modifies behavior.
A Cascading style sheet' or css is a cool HTML trick that allows you to add to or make a single change that modifies multiple pages on the same website.
The question whether this cause modifies gravitation admits of an easy test from observation.
In the west the climate is generally delightful, it being there greatly affected by the warm, dry " Chinook " wind which blows from the Pacific Ocean; to some extent the wind modifies the temperature nearly to the eastern border.
Again Ritschl modifies the doctrine of sin.