Modest Sentence Examples
She collected a handful of the material in modest protest.
Mia found it challenging to find a prom dress that met her modest standards.
Be it as it may, both seem happy as pigeons in a bird bath with their modest lives.
Even on this holiday, one of the busiest days of the year, traffic remained modest by urban standards.
She was modest about her accomplishments even though she had a lot to be proud of after the dance competition season.
At the appointed hour, however, he entered the modest house Speranski owned in the Taurida Gardens.
Howie stood in front of his modest hotel waiting for us.
Slipping into a modest two-piece swimsuit with a skirted bottom, she grabbed a towel and headed out at a brisk walk for the beach.
Gia had dreams of being a movie star, but meanwhile she is working a modest job as a waitress.
Their dates had been modest, but was that by preference, or because he had limited funding?
AdvertisementIn character he was modest, kind and sympathetic, ever ready to help and encourage serious students, generous in his judgment of the works of others, a most cheery companion, full of wit and humour.
All his absent-mindedness and inability to enter a room and converse in it was, however, redeemed by his kindly, simple, and modest expression.
It is not impossible to find modest clothing for girls in stores.
The church is a modest building, long, narrow and aisleless.
Kutuzov was occupying a nobleman's castle of modest dimensions near Ostralitz.
AdvertisementIt was a family of lesser gentry, owners of modest estates.
Well, I think I am more modest than you seem to think.
The result was that he lost the appointment, and with it one-half of his very modest income.
The Hardy Sarcococcas (Sarcococca) - Are neat and pleasing evergreen shrubs possessed of but a modest flower beauty, though of more than ordinary value, because of their suitability to shaded positions and their rich green lustrous foliage.
Frenze Bridal has a collection of modest styles up to size 32.
AdvertisementThese online eyewear stores include prescription safety goggles with modest pricing, although stronger prescriptions do tend to drive up the cost.
Swift's grave humour and power of enforcing momentous truth by ludicrous exaggeration were next displayed in his Modest Proposal for Preventing the' Children of Poor People from being a Burden to their Parents or the Country, by fattening and eating them (1729), a parallel to the Argument against Abolishing Christianity, and as great a masterpiece of tragic as the latter is of comic irony.
This is offered to associations affiliated to the IAO for a modest sum depending on the work involved.
Paying rather modest awards in two even more modest stages was never going to be well received.
The consequence of the ancient evaporation, by which the great Pleistocene lake was reduced to its present modest dimensions, and of the ceaseless modern daily evaporation, is the impregnation of the waters of the lake with salts and other mineral substances to a remarkable degree.
AdvertisementThere are options available that look current and are still modest.
In fact, Nintendo would much prefer it if DSi owners would sail over to the official Nintendo site where they can upload games via WiFi onto their handheld consoles for a modest fee.
Even modest improvements may justify the costs of ECE.
Forget about a modest one-piece in basic black.
Otherwise, you can leave the shirring loose and get a more modest fit.
Alcohol intake should be modest or go away entirely, not only because the high caloric content (alcohol is almost as energy dense as pure fat) but also because it can potentially mess up your ability to burn body fat effectively.
While some exercises are ideal for specific sports or particularly suited for certain medical conditions, we'll take a look at a selection of simple strength training exercises that can be done even in a modest home gym.
You may find your perfect bra within the modest collection.
However, a modest orbital eccentricity is plainly not incompatible with life.
Small companies which and a sliding have modest effects hfma's employees versus.
There was modest improvement in blood iron levels, showing that iron in rice endosperm is absorbed by the body.
Sales were modest until my son, a high school freshman, decided not to sell chocolates during his school's annual sale.
From the north west, the tower is a bride, Solemn and modest, her two bridesmaids allowed A little frivolity.
The family whose names are recorded have held at best a modest place among English gentry.
Despite these modest successes, tho, I couldn't make a single carve gybe.
To supplement these, we are seeking additional funds to provide a modest honorarium, per course.
Deb is so incredibly modest you would never guess she teaches horary from her own website!
With all his modest intention he is a past master of the little country idyll.
I'm assuming that you have a modest skill with Guitar but that you find doing it on your own a rather insular experience.
Fuel poverty can only be cured if households live in adequately insulated dwellings that can both retain heat and be heated at modest cost.
The collections which Mrs Rylands assembled in the 1890s are of such quality as to justify this relatively modest investment in their future.
Jim was an honorable and modest man, a hard wor k er and always willing to help anyone at any time.
The modest technical demands include limited shifting for the string players and the maintaining of a constant tempo tho various changes of meter.
The dives I made were relatively modest to just short of 20m with the second morning dive only 10m, maximum.
The primary concern at the meeting was the comparatively modest number of Parties that have ratified the Joint Convention.
Despite of its fairly modest size at present, the signs are there that suggest a positive future for the club.
These wines are also available for surprisingly modest prices in the United Kingdom through London fine wine merchants, The Wine Treasury.
Next to that vision, the Samba weekend of this year's Festival seems rather modest.
In the second quarter, eurozone growth remained modest at 0.5 per cent.
To a new member of the club in the late 1980s the expeditions could appear modest to say the least.
Or for you competetive types out there, just munch on one slice of garlic bread at a modest 150.
Therefore they will be helpful in single case studies in cognitive neuropsychology in which, typically, control sample are modest in size.
Although of modest elevation it does command a splendid view northeastwards across Loch Tulla to the stark emptiness of Rannoch Moor beyond.
The wettest day in March was 7 th with a rather modest 6.5 millimeters rainfall.
The cost of normal potash recommendations as shown in the table is modest and is covered by only a very small yield difference.
Calcium supplementation was associated with a modest but not significant reduction in the risk of adenoma recurrence.
Circumstances have changed beyond recognition since and rightly demand a rethink, but these modest gains have also been under threat.
Penguin's market share remained steady overall in a market that showed only modest growth in the period.
But, behind a somewhat stern exterior, Brian was a modest and very likeable man.
For 2008, we are forecasting a modest upturn in the pace of UK GDP growth, to 2.5% .
Why betray the incognito of this modest country-side without historical association or picturesque sites to commend it to the antiquary or the tourist?
An enumeration of George Sand's novels would constitute a Homeric catalogue, and it must suffice to note only the most typical and characteristic. She contracted with Buloz to supply him with a stated amount of copy for the modest retaining fee of 160 a year, and her editor testifies that the tale of script was furnished with the punctuality of a notary.
We know nothing of the bride except that she was beautiful, modest and "brought up in the fear of the Lord."
His modest, homespun figure has indeed been unduly eclipsed by the brilliant and colossal shapes of his heroic father and his meteoric son; yet in reality Charles XI.
Out of a portion of the ancient markets a hotel-deville of modest dimensions has been constructed, and in the hospital of St Jean are a few pictures.
He also says that not a sheet had been seen by any other eyes than those of author and printer, a statement indeed which must be taken with a small deduction; or rather we must suppose that a few chapters had been submitted, if not to the " eyes," to the " ears " of others; for he elsewhere tells us that he was " soon disgusted with the modest practice of reading the manuscript to his friends."
After the exodus, which perhaps took place about 1300 B.C., they moved northwards again and founded a state of modest dimensions, which attained a short-lived unity under Solomon, but succumbed to internal dissensions and to the attacks of Assyria and Babylon.
Eleazar Albin between 1738 and 1740 produced a Natural History of Birds in three volumes of more modest dimensions; but he seems to have been ignorant of ornithology, and his coloured plates are greatly inferior to Catesby's.
When Louis V., king of the Franks, died in 987, the Franks, setting aside the Carolingians, passed over his brother Charles, and elected Hugh Capet, son of Hugh the Great, as their king, and crowned him at Reims. Avoiding the pretensions which had been made by the Carolingian kings, the Capetian kings were content, for a time, with a more modest position, and the story of the growth of their power belongs to the history of France.
The whole district adjoining the Areopagus was found to have been thickly built over; the small, mean dwelling-houses intersected by narrow, crooked lanes convey a vivid idea of the contrast between the modest private residences and the great public structures of the ancient city.
For a town of such importance, which is also the seat of the metropolitan of Servia, Belgrade has very few churches, and these are of a somewhat modest type.
He was the author of a Greek commentary on the Apocalypse, avowedly based upon that of Andrew, his predecessor in the archbishopric. In spite of its author's modest estimate, Arethas's work is by no means a slavish compilation; it contains additions from other sources, and especial care has been taken in verifying the references.
Palacky had received a modest appointment as archivist to Count Sternberg and in 182 9 the Bohemian estates sought to confer on him the title of historiographer of Bohemia, with a small salary, but it was ten years before the consent of the Viennese authorities.
In many of their homilies Christ's baptism is also regarded as his regeneration by water and spirit, and this view almost transcends the modest adoptionism of the Thonraki as revealed in the Key of Truth.
Even more striking is the fact that in civilized countries what is permitted at certain times is forbidden at others; a woman will expose far more of her person at night, in the ballroom or theatre, than would be considered seemly by day in the street; and a bathing costume which would be thought modest on the beach would meet with reprobation in a town.
The pathology of the present day is more modest; it is content to labour and to wait.
Croce has elaborated the various philosophic sciences in treating of the various theories to which they give rise, and he has completed the doctrines with their history, either, as in the case of the Aesthetic, with a masterly historical survey of previous speculation on the subject, or in a more modest form in appendices.
It proved a congenial task, and led to the writing of his Personal Memoirs, a frank, modest and charming book, which ranks among the best standard military biographies.
The twelve years covering the publication of the first of Comte's two elaborate works were years of indefatigable toil, and they were the only portion of his life in which he enjoyed a certain measure, and that a very modest measure, of material prosperity.
Only in our own day has the existence of the southern continent been demonstrated within the modest limits of Antarctica.
He wrote in 1729 A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency, which argued that a plentiful currency will make rates of interest low and will promote immigration and home manufactures, and which did much to secure the further issue of paper money in Pennsylvania.
After escaping from the chains of his passion for the beautiful but reckless Mrs Woffington, Garrick had in 1749 married Mademoiselle Violette (Eva Maria Veigel), a German lady who had attracted admiration at Florence or at Vienna as a dancer, and had come to England early in 1746, where her modest grace and the rumours which surrounded her created a furore, and where she found enthusiastic patrons in the earl and countess of Burlington.
His tastes were singularly modest, his manners rather reserved, but always kind and considerate for humble folk.
Though his own account of his share in the campaign is characteristically modest, one can gather from it that the success of the British troops was chiefly owing to his assuming the command at an important crisis during the battle of Kirkee.
This was at once answered by a paper entitled A Just and Modest Vindication, 6-c., the first sketch of which is imputed to Sidney.
In the following year a more modest proposal was made by the Crown in the shape of a capitation of six gulden, to be levied on every nobleman at the beginning of a campaign, for the hiring of mercenaries.
He had published in 1575 The firste pane of Churchyarde's Chip pes, the modest title which he gives to his works.
Arany at once resolved that it was his duty never to leave his father again, and a conrectorship which he obtained at this time enabled them to live in modest, comfort.
He was satisfied with the modest position of director of the archives at the Foreign Office, where he stayed till the revolution of 1848, when he was dismissed, and retired permanently into private life.
Under the consulate he accepted a modest place in the court of cassation, where he soon became procureur-general.
Coarse fisheries, albeit in modest numbers, have developed, as to a greater degree have rainbow trout fisheries.
As for Jeffs, as far as he had been aware it was a modest cottage, subject to a secure tenancy.
It is relatively modest, but has detached columns and a big segmental pediment and the spandrels of the doorway in open-work.
Most of the conference was based at Avondale House, a modest stately pile where Charles Stewart Parnell lived, in the Wicklow hills.
One of those traditions is hejab, or modest Islamic dress, the ubiquitous symbol of Iranian women.
For 2008, we are forecasting a modest upturn in the pace of UK GDP growth, to 2.5 %.
Since she was a modest person, she requested that her guests did not bringextravagantgifts to her retirement party.
Your team needs to keep things in perspective and realize that perfection isn't the goal here but achieving a modest level of viability is.
Instead, keep it simple and pick up some modest prizes such as scented lotions or candles that match the shower colors and won't cost a fortune.
If you want a digital voice recorder to take random notes, to record your thoughts as you drive or walk or to record reminders, than a modest model will work fine.
You can narrow down your choice considerably by deciding if you want sexy swimwear or something more modest or functional.
It has a modest 128 MB, and is compatible with the new Direct X 10.
There will be some fees involved, but they should be modest and transparent.
However, the fee should be modest and properly disclosed right away, in writing, with no fat up-front fees.
Expect to pay a modest fee, but it should be clearly disclosed up-front with no fine print.
Many studies demonstrate a modest improvement in symptoms.
The teams deliver high-style and innovative ideas while maintaining a modest price tag.
With a little research and a modest investment, a truly amazing home theater can easily be enjoyed by your family and friends.
Lyndhurst is modest by "Gilded Age" standards, although the rooms all feature vaulted ceilings, decorative moldings and other Gothic details.
There are many options available for a kitchen island, ranging from extravagant custom islands, to modest islands that provide additional counter space and storage.
As more people create their so-called McMansions, large and elaborate houses where modest homes once stood, master suites are becoming more commonplace.
Use it sparingly to create modest, yet beautiful eyes for the work day, and apply it heavier for dramatic, sexy eyes that are perfect for an evening out on the town.
Wash your eyelids with modest, sheer shades that complement your coloring.
The company's fragrance collection is modest, with a sampling of scents available to suit the differing personalities and moods of Liz ladies and the men in their lives.
Sized just right for holding a modest selection of beauty products and accessories, these tables are as functional as they are refined.
Note the word light - it is, indeed, a fairly modest sparkle, not glittery or unbecoming in the least.
Ladies, modest is good--one or two buttons undone on that shirt is alluring, but your bikini shot is probably going to make you look a bit wilder than you really are.
The program also has very modest system requirements and can even work with computers that run older versions of Windows, have little hard drive space, and have slow processors.
For personal or religious reasons, you may just prefer to look modest and elegant instead of wearing a dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.
Sydney's Closet has a wide selection of modest prom dresses including prom dresses with sleeves.
Dreszing offers many modest yet fabulous designs that will put you in the prom spotlight.
Beautifully Modest has an outstanding line of gorgeous prom dresses with sleeves.
Modest formal dresses are a stylish and attractive option for young women who prefer a more demure style than many formal gowns.
Formal teen dresses are perfect for many occasions, and there are many ways to make even the raciest gown more modest.
No strapless or spaghetti strap designs; wider straps, cap sleeves, or dresses with sleeves are more modest.
More demure or feminine colors; modest dresses are rarely shockingly bright colors or coated with spangles and glitter.
Modest silhouettes that do not cling to a woman's curves; A-line, empire, and princess dresses are frequent choices for modest attire.
Young women choose to wear modest dresses for a variety of reasons and occasions.
A modest prom gown is appropriate for a school that has strict dress code guidelines, while a modest formal dress is suitable for formal church events such as weddings.
Modest dresses can also be warmer in cold climates because less skin is revealed, or a young woman may prefer modest attire because she is shy or has a more demure, reserved personality.
Some cultures also stress modest attire for young women.Regardless of the reason for fashionable modesty, a modest dress can be an attractive, beautiful gown suitable for any formal dance or event.
It can be difficult to find modest formal gowns at dress shops, boutiques, and teen clothing stores.
Fortunately, there are several ways to turn an otherwise racy dress into a more modest selection.
A saucy bolero, elegant shawl, faux fur wrap or even a well placed neck scarf can conceal a plunging neckline or back to make a gown more modest.
Even if the dress is daring, it will seem more modest if it is worn with sensible heels, classic jewelry, and other modest fashion accessories.
A soft voice, gentle smile, polite manners, and other modest behavior can offset the initial appearance of any dress.
To keep this look as modest as possible, it's best to avoid a body conscious fit.
The typical tea-length shortened hemline flatters the leg, yet adds a modest and timeless retro flair to a typical prom gown.
Whether you want a sleek satin dress that is worn off the shoulder or a modest spaghetti strap dress, you'll be sure to find a dress to please in this new collection.
Brides interested in a more modest wedding dress may choose a halter design, and halters with a keyhole embellishment are sophisticated as well as cool.
Many churches do not permit strapless designs without a more modest cover or wrap.
Women whose dress cannot be modified or who cannot find an appropriate modest wedding dress can speak with the temple matron or bishop about using a temple dress provided by the church.
For example, a simple matte silk dress with lace wrists and neckline is a modest and simple choice.
Instead, visit a bridal boutique that specializes in modest dresses or gowns for LDS weddings.
Offering the latest trends with modest styling, the dresses from Bridal Expressions are contemporary choices for today's LDS bride.
Visit Totally Modest to find dresses that meet LDS standards with sleeves, higher necklines and high backs.
Wedding dresses worn for only the marriage ceremony and not the sealing should still be of a modest nature.
Brides may also choose to change from their temple sealing wedding gown into a different modest wedding dress for the wedding reception.
Opt for a modest wedding dress and other modest attire that is more suitable to a religious event.
They are also great for brides on a budget, with reasonable price tags and modest wedding dress designs.
The jacket is not only a solution to the temperature, but also a way to cover arms that they wish to hide or to adhere to more modest dress requirements during the wedding ceremony.
If your bridesmaids have a modest dress budget or you are funding all the dresses, include consignment shops, department store clearance sections, and online auction sites such as eBay in your search.
Christmas weddings are often laced with opulent grandeur, so small weddings with modest yet elegant touches are a welcome alternative for couples who enjoy the season but do not want to overwhelm the occasion.
When planning a holiday wedding, even a modest one, it is a good idea to keep a wedding planning checklist handy so nothing is forgotten during this hectic but exciting time.
Despite her modest success as a model and singer, it was the reality series The Simple Life which really catapulted Hilton to stardom.
He pled no contest to the charges, did community service, and paid a modest fine.
Her single Go-Go Dancer met with modest success-giving her the confidence needed to pursue other goals.
Jessica Simpson started her career with modest popularity as a singer.
Never fear - celebrity dress knock offs are available to suit more modest budgets.
Although ratings were initially weak, the show built a modest fan base and viewer numbers increased when the show moved to Thursday nights.
Osmond continued to record country music, having modest success with her albums.
Others, however, aren't so modest, and contain nudity and other questionable content.
After these two racy roles, she played more modest characters in Gremlins, alongside Zach Galligan, and Drop Dead Fred.
Boxer shorts can be easily mixed and matched with a favorite boys t-shirt and its modest cut will not embarrass your son if he is caught with his pants down.
Modest dresses for girls are available in contemporary, classic and simple old-fashioned designs and a trend toward dressing modestly is growing.
This trend toward wearing modest attire is popular among fundamental religious and others who want to return to styles from simpler times.
With the growing interest in dressing modestly, websites and online businesses selling modest clothing for women and girls have blossomed.
Many of these sites have been started by women with daughters who had a hard time finding modest dresses for girls or for themselves.
Along with this eclectic group of entrepreneurs comes variety in styles and interpretations of exactly what modest means.
While simple and modest this style is not for every girl who wants to dress modestly.
The problem some people face is that the definition of modest is not clear-cut because the meaning is colored by one's belief and culture.
With the selection of modest clothing available today, girls who want to be modest can still dress in the latest fashions with clothing selections that are both stylish and modest.
This means fun colors and fabrics and modest dresses that can still make a girl feel beautiful.
They may have sleeves or be sleeveless, but they should be modest.
Modest Handmaidens offers a good selection of girls' patterns, including several prairie dresses that are adorable and modest.
Whether your lifestyle calls for modest dresses or you simply want a prairie dress for your girl for school or play purposes, you can still find this style even today.
During the Civil War period, women's and girls' dresses had modest collars, and usually had long sleeves, sometimes with a puff at the shoulder.
For special occasions, clothing was more ornamented and less modest.
Girls' modest clothing can be a bit of an ambiguous phrase.
Modest clothing doesn't attract attention to itself and conceals essential parts of the body.
Finding modest feminine clothing for girls can really be a task in a time that is dominated by jeans and T-shirts.
Again, it is difficult to account for what exactly constitutes modest, especially since different people may hold to different standards.
The most modest garments will feature muted and soft colors, avoiding bold, bright shades and harsh prints.
Some modest apparel has worked hard to incorporate more modern trends into the designs.
There is a large array of online retailers boasting girls' modest clothing.
Shopping in stores for modest apparel will be as simple as adhering to the aforementioned guidelines.
The accommodations are modest and the hours are long, but you receive free room and board.
In addition, low and modest budget cruises are popular with families.
Yellow Root (Zanthoriza Apiifolia) - A curious dwarf shrub, native of the eastern States of America, and so modest in flower that it has never been popular in gardens.
Even modest ranch house renovations can update your residence and increase your satisfaction with your home.
We started Michael Andrews Bespoke with the modest goal of changing the way men buy clothes.
Find a modest selection of fishing shirts in plus sizes here.
While some women love prancing around in thongs, others are more modest and feel better in a boy short or chemise.
The panties provide more coverage than bikinis or thongs, so for curvy girls who don't want to show it all off, you can still look alluring while still being somewhat modest.
Some women, whether they are plus size or not, may not enjoy wearing extremely revealing lingerie, and therefore choose more modest items.
Likewise, if you're wearing a super short miniskirt, a modest top is in order to keep your overall look classy instead of tacky.
Modest plus size bridal gowns are alluring in their mysterious nature.
However, a bride does not have to be aloof in order to embrace a modest wedding gown.
Modest plus size bridal gowns have a number of different looks to consider.
Some styles can be a little low-cut but many are quite modest.
Modest wedding gowns are ideal for creating lovely form.
Modest wedding dresses for full figured women do not have to have long sleeves.
Necklines for plus size halter dresses vary; some are quite daring while others are modest.
Both carry a modest selection of push-up bras in plus sizes, and selections change often.
Are you the daring type who would like to show everything, or the modest type who prefers to keep some things left to the imagination?
Since the bra is extremely lightweight and completely translucent, it offers very little by way of coverage and is not at all modest or discreet.
If you're looking for comfort, style and more modest coverage when you head to the beach or pool, swim shorts may be exactly what you are after.
Apparel ranges from sexy looking to modest, from sleeveless to long sleeves.
The modest style of this costume has a blue long sleeve top which reaches to the waistline and is paired with a longer white sleeveless vest.
Prom dresses are separated into ball gowns, designer wear and modest dresses.
If you have impressive cleavage, show it off in a modest yet low-cut top.
The classic teddy design, also called a chemise, can be comparatively modest.
One caveat is that this site is a touch on the amateur side, but don't be turned off by its modest appearance.
Cotswold started in 1974 as a modest building in the Cotswolds.
The older child's self-esteem can be bolstered by involving him in the care of the newborn in modest ways, such as helping out when the baby is being diapered or dressed or helping push the stroller.
A number of clinical studies have indicated that garlic can offer modest reductions in cholesterol.
When infants first get up on their hands and knees, they make modest attempts at movement, rocking or swaying in the direction they want to go.
Some of the sites listed below are free, while others charge a modest fee to obtain an obituary listing.
The look is great paired with an edgy prom gown, or it can contrast a modest dress.
Some jobs may require you to live in the city while in other cases, you can earn a modest living or beyond in rural areas.
Suites vary from the VIP "Windsor Suite", which played host to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip during their stay in San Francisco in 1988, to more modest junior suites, which feature a separate living/dining area as well as the bedroom.
For a fabulous one-piece, a Thais Purple strapless swimsuit is a sure bet for showcases gorgeous shoulders, while providing modest coverage everywhere else.
Your two-piece can be as modest or as minimal as you prefer.
It's a modest selection for the woman who doesn't want to bare all while still showing her love of country.
She is seen wearing a modest white bathing suit and playing with her kids.
Some find it a more modest take on the bikini, but even women who feel less confident about their torsos are usually comfortable wearing this style.
If you are more modest, try a cover-up such as a wrap or a skirt over your suit.
Beach coverups are also the modest gal's best friend on the beach.
You'll find examples of all types of beach coverups, no matter how modest (or UV-protected!) you'd like to be on the beach.
If it happens to be a private beach that doesn't require modest swimwear, go ahead and pack your thong, but bring a cover up or shorts just in case.
The modest one-piece swimsuit used to be the only type of swimsuit you'd see on the beach, but it was quickly overtaken in popularity by its more modern counterpart, the bikini.
There are many kinds of bikini bottoms, some designed to be revealing (showing nearly everything), others made to suit more modest tastes.
Many women prefer them to other types of bathing suit bottoms since they are comfortable and modest.
There are many available out there, so whether you favor modest or bold looks, there's something to suit everyone's taste!
Others are cut lower and offer a more modest appearance that covers the entire rear.
If you tend to sport a more modest look, then consider opting for a simple bikini wax.
When you look at this richly colored black side-tie string bikini, with its minimal bottom proportions and the scantiest of triangle top fabric, modest will be the last word that comes to mind!
Before the Brigitte Bardot bikini, most swimwear looks were rather modest.
These are already matched in color and pattern and include tankini tops paired with modest bottoms; you have additional options in cover-ups such as board shorts or skirted bottoms.
You can opt for more modest swimwear by wearing a banded halter top with a skirted bottom.
Sure, showing up on the beach in a see-through swimsuit, or bottom-baring G-string bikini may garner a lot of attention from beach goers, but they can make more modest swimmers feel quite uncomfortable.
They're a modest solution for parents who don't want their young daughters to wear revealing two-pieces; and they're suitable for grown women who like the convenience of a two-piece suit with almost the full coverage of a one-piece.
This is a way of being modest, covering and perhaps tightening your torso, while also being comfortable.
For a more modest look, however, there are also one-piece suits to be had.
For the more modest woman, try a string bikini or a thong bikini that will still keep you covered, but will have you looking sexy as well.
Her bikini is comparatively modest and age-appropriate for a young teenager.
She wore a white one-piece that looked extremely modest from the front, but sported a thong-cut from the back.
The nice thing about playing with fabric and accessories is that you can turn a perfectly modest and plain swimsuit into something special.
If you're a looking for something a little more modest and athletic, but you don't want to negotiate on style for comfort, try looking at Athleta, a cute sportswear store.
There are a lot of variations in sheer swimwear, including mesh and two-toned designs, and it's usually the best way to be daring and yet modest simultaneously.
A faux tankini gives the look of a swim dress without being quite so modest.
You can choose styles considered more modest - like a sports-bra style top and full-coverage bottoms.
The bottom of the bikini is modest and houses decorative pink bow details on each side leg.
Board shorts for girls are usually modest, touching down to the knee or just below.
With so many adorable swimsuits available for girls, including tankinis and other suits that are modest and yet comfortable, why might a girl rather wear board shorts?
It's also nice for both parents and girls to have a more modest look.
While a tiny bikini may be a no-no for you, tankinis can be a great compromise between a modest swimsuit for you and a two-piece for her.
Sarongs, terry cover-ups or tee shirts/shorts are okay to toss on for a few moments; however, they are not a proper substitute for a modest bathing suit if that is the appropriate attire for the location/event.
Consumers feel comfortable wearing timeless classics and period fashions harkening back to the modest, good old days.
The classic swimsuit contains a modest, medium leg cut with a scooped front and back.
Available in two different color combinations, this JoJo Swimsuit hits the right balance between modest and sexy.
The bottoms are high cut in classic 1980's style, but the suit might be considered modest by some modern standards, even though the overall effect is still very sexy.
Swim has a wide selection of swim styles that range from modest to sexy.
Many designers keep the taller woman in mind and create long torso tankinis for those who want to be a bit more modest and comfortable, while still looking fantastic.
The suit has a modest V-neckline and scoop back, and the legs are moderately cut to give the illusion of greater length without sacrificing rear coverage.
Surprisingly, the Sinful bikini is one of the more modest Look bikinis, but keep in mind; this is by Look's standards.
It takes a daring lady to brave the micro bikini in public, but even modest women can take advantage of the look in other situations.
Suits You also has a number of swimsuits with clear plastic ties, so that the illusion is of only a few strategically glued pieces of fabric keeping you legal, if not modest.
This is a fantastically cut suit because it enhances the bust via a deep V-neckline front, slims the torso and waist with clever ruching details, and does all this while providing modest rear coverage.
While the top portion of this coverup is opened to reveal a shiny, bronze bikini, the rest of the look is surprisingly modest.
A modest bathing suit that is still attractive and stylish is always available if you know where to look.
In a swim world dominated by invisible swimsuits and jaw dropping Brazilian bikinis, you may feel as if you are the only person left in the universe searching for a modest bathing suit.
There are terrifically stylish and fashionable swim options available to you, and because everyone has their own definition of what they consider "modest", we'll provide you with a wide array of looks to choose from.
Board shorts are a great option for those who'd like to appear a bit more modest on the beach.
Tankinis are another stylish and versatile modest bathing suit option.
Not only do these modest bathing suits keep you covered, but they are elegantly stylish and fashionable.
If your personal faith calls for you to be completely covered, then we have modest options for you as well.
This site offers modest swim looks for young girls, teens and adults at reasonable prices.
Modesty is a highly subjective term, and selecting modest swimsuits for girls is a topic mothers and daughters have wrangled over for decades.
Athletic suits are more modest than some, simply as a matter of functionality.
A swimsuit in Duluth might tend to be more modest.
Some two piece suits are surprisingly modest, particularly those with boy-cut legs and athletic styled bras.
When searching for modest swimsuits for girls many opt for swim dresses or skirted suits.
There is no one store that specializes in modest swimwear, but several stores carry a nice assortment that includes modest choices.
Junonia offers an array of plus-sized swimwear that tends to be modest.
If you're not willing to bare it all in a bikini, there's no shame in turning to more modest swimwear.
In fact, one-piece bathing suits have come back with a vengeance and there are a number of cute options available to the more modest consumers.
Modest swimwear provides better overall coverage, leaving more to the imagination.
While no swimsuit can completely cover body flaws, the modest suit is more sympathetic to any potential imperfections.
If you've decided to go with the modest look, here are a few style suggestions.
The tankini is the most modest of all the two piece options.
If you're looking for modest, retro swimwear, chances are you'll want to take your search online.
No matter what style of swimsuit works best for you, you should feel no shame in choosing a more modest cut.
This will enable you to try the suit on before you buy it to make sure that it's both modest and flattering for your figure.
There are many modest two piece bathing suits juniors can enjoy wearing and parents can approve of without hesitation.
Many designers are aware of this and make modest two piece bathing suits juniors will like and that will be suitable for their particular age group.
Junior swimwear can be modest and fashionable.
YumDrop covers the spectrum of skimpy to more modest monokinis.
Swimwear, the actual cut of this swimsuit is pretty modest.
One of the best advantages to this look is that it's able to provide modest coverage, without forsaking style.
She wanted to create attractive suits that fit well, yet were modest enough for a mom going swimming with her children.
Some women, regardless of what their bodies look like, just prefer a more modest suit.
Not only for competitive swimmers, a racerback tankini is a supportive, modest bathing suit that girls and women can wear just for fun.
The swimsuit might be considered almost modest, but it's really more of a pleasant tease.
If you're looking for modest one-pieces, Roxy Quiksilver swimwear is not for you.
If you prefer a more modest look, there are classic tank swimsuits available for purchase, often in a simple solid color.
Some monokinis can be quite modest and cover up almost as much as a typical one piece, but others are made for the bold sunbather.
Although the original monokinis didn't offer any top coverage, today's monokinis are more modest yet still appeal to women who want to sport a revealing swimsuit.
The neckline is almost tame when compared to other sexy monokini swimsuits, but the knotted sides connecting the front and back are anything but modest.
The small netting design of mesh fabric provides a slightly more modest look than designs with bigger patterns, like fishnet.
Other women choose to wear it in a more modest manner, donning a cover-up until they are ready for more exposure.
Fortunately, the tankini has been generating a lot of attention over the last five years and now swim boutiques and department stores have racks full of these modest, yet, potentially sexy swimsuits.
More modest beach goers can also get in on the act with Skinz' more family friendly beach styles.
That notwithstanding, the briefs cling to their modest intent by offering full coverage.
This very sexy fabric appears rather modest from a distance, but up-close and personal; it's a whole other story!
There are bikinis that are more modest, with halter top coverage or full coverage bottoms.
Swim dresses can be short and sassy, or quite modest, depending on your personal sense of style.
Swimmers of this era wore extremely modest swimwear that reflected street clothing of the day.
One piece swimsuits are always popular, and modest swimsuits are still regarded as the only acceptable swimwear by a great cross-section of society.
Their suits for teens trend towards the slightly more modest so that girls can feel attractive without being overly sexy; this will please parents as well.
It's not that there isn't a great selection of bikinis out there; many of them are modest enough to keep parents comfortable and still cute enough to make girls happy.
The tank top's swim-ready cousin is called the tankini and its flattering, yet modest, shape has made it a big hit amongst women of all shapes and sizes.
These are great tops for women who prefer to keep most of their midsection covered or feel too modest to wear a smaller bikini.
Tankini swimsuits also let you show a bit of your cute belly, but they are modest enough that you don't have to worry about showing off more than you want.
If you are in the market for a look that is a bit more modest, but equally stylish, then Hapari may just have what you are searching for.
A tankini skirtini swimwear combination is very popular with plus size women, as they offer a more modest look.
While some parents may balk at a revealing bikini, tankinis provide a more modest swimsuit that many adults can accept.
Billed for being modest, these swimsuits are also trendy and vibrant.
She is wearing a relatively modest peach bikini and has her head tilted back with her eyes closed, looking very relaxed.
Since Taylor has a classic style, it wouldn't be too surprising to see her in a vintage bikini - something that is still more modest and yet has charm and appeal.
Many young models are used in advertisements in a way that some people find alarming, but a girl made up to look much older selling perfume or cosmetics is very different from an underage girl modeling even the most modest swimsuit.
The triangle top tends to be the most popular bikini top because many now have adjustable coverage, allowing you to be somewhat modest or totally daring!
However, a suit with a more modest cut that can also allow you to actually swim can still be super-sexy.
The underwire tankini is for the modest girl who doesn't mind a little flash of skin, but wishes not to put herself on display for the whole beach.
If you like less coverage on the bottom, then a Brazil cut may work for you, but full coverage bottoms are available as well for those ladies who like a more modest bottom.
ViX swimwear offers an air of sophistication whether you're baring almost everything or you're a little more modest in a bikini.
While it would be consid