Modes Sentence Examples
Several modes of heating are adopted.
It may be the outgrowth of many differing modes of thought and feeling.
In fresh-water Hydromedusae the life-cycle is usually secondarily simplified, but in marine forms the life-cycle may be extremely complicated, and a given species often passes in the course of its history through widely different forms adapted to different habitats and modes of life.
It may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.
Animal diet implies the greatest variety with regard to locality and the modes of procuring the food.
Free or native sulphur, known also as "virgin sulphur," occurs in connexion with volcanoes and in certain stratified rocks in several modes, viz.
There are certain fundamental relations common to all tractive problems, and these are briefly considered in §§ i and 2, after which the article refers particularly to steam locomotives, although §§ 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10 have a general application to all modes of traction.
The social instincts and industrious habits of ants have always made them favourite objects of study, and a vast amount of literature has accumulated on the subject of their structure and their modes of life.
In general, Europe has in historic times shown itself decidedly hostile to Asiatic institutions and modes of thought.
The simplest modes of preparing pure glycerin are based on the saponification of fats, either by alkalis or by superheated steam, and on the circumstance that, although glycerin cannot be distilled by itself under the ordinary pressure without decomposition, it can be readily volatilized in a current of superheated steam.
AdvertisementThe one, a law of blood and death, opening out each day new modes of destruction, forces nations to be always ready for the battle.
In order to 'ascertain what modes of action are most conducive to the end in view, and what motives are best fitted to produce them, Bentham was led to construct marvellously exhaustive, though somewhat mechanical, tables of motives.
Of the writers of this period, therefore, it is necessary to notice only such as describe some improvement in the modes of culture, or some extension of the practices that were formerly little known.
Natural laws are just the modes of the unfolding of God's perfection.
The two modes of growth are directly opposed, and at first sight it appears that this fact negatives the view that Endopterygota have been derived from Exopterygota.
AdvertisementIt is almost impossible to believe that any species of insect that has for a long period developed the wings outside the body could change this mode of growth suddenly for an internal mode of development of the organs in question, for, as we have already explained, the two modes of growth are directly opposed.
L'Herminier arrived at the conclusion that, so far from there being only two or three different modes by which the process of ossification in the sternum is carried out, the number of different modes is very considerable - almost each natural group of birds having its own.
The treatise itself is a discussion of the Aristotelian categories, specially of the six subordinate modes.
Chemical literature was full of the phlogistic modes of expression - oxygen was '" phlogisticated air," nitrogen " dephlogisticated air," &c. - and this tended to retard its promotion.
From the biological point of view the reference of certain modes of behaviour, termed instinctive, to faculties of mind for which "instinct" is the generic term is scarcely satisfactory; from the psychological point of view the phrase "without necessary knowledge of the relation between the means employed and the end attained" is ambiguous.
AdvertisementIt will be seen that from the biological standpoint there fall under the stricter definition those hereditary modes of behaviour which are analogous to hereditary forms of structure; and that a sharp line of distinction is drawn between the behaviour which is thus rendered definite through heredity, and the behaviour the distinguishing characteristics of which are acquired in the course of individual life.
By the patient study of the behaviour of precocious young birds, such as chicks, pheasants, ducklings and moorhens, it can be readily ascertained that such modes of activity as running, swimming, diving, preening the down, scratching the ground, pecking at small objects, with the characteristic attitudes expressive of fear and anger, are so far instinctive as to be definite on their first occurrence - they do not require to be learnt.
The instincts of nest-building, incubation and the rearing of young, though they occur later in life than those concerned in locomotion and the obtaining of food, are none the less founded on a hereditary basis, and in some respects are less rather than more liable to modification by the experience gained by the carrying out of hereditarily definite modes of procedure.
For modern interpretation hereditary modes of behaviour afford experience; in no other sense can it be said that experience is inherited.
Granted that instinctive modes of behaviour are hereditary and definite within the limits of congenital variation, the question of their manner of genesis is narrowed to a clear issue.
AdvertisementThe tendency of the evolution of intelligence is towards the disintegration of the stereotyped modes of response and the dissolution of instinct.
Natural selection which, under a uniform and constant environment, leads to the survival of relatively fixed and definite modes of response, under an environment presenting a wider range of varying possibilities leads to the survival of plastic accommodation through intelligence.
These terms relate to the modes of nutrition.
During recent years the controversies with regard to the modes of formation of these structures have entered on a new phase.
They held that the duality of natures implied a distinction between two modes of sonship in Christ - the natural or proper, and the adoptive.
The magnetic condition assumed by a piece of ferromagnetic metal in different circumstances is determinable by various modes of experiment which may be classed as magnetometric, ballistic, and traction methods.
Probably the foremost among them is Sigismund Justh, who died prematurely in the midst of his painful attempt at reconciling French " realistic " modes of thought with what he conceived to be Magyar simplicity (A puszta konyve, " The Book of the Puszta," prairie of Hungary; A Peitz legenddja, " The Legend of Money "; Gdnyo Julcsa, " Juliet Ganyo "; Fuimus).
To meet this exigency, Zarlino proposed that for the lute the octave should be divided into twelve equal semitones; and after centuries of discussion this system of "equal temperament" has, within the last thirty-five years, been universally adopted as the best attainable for keyed instruments of every description.3 Again, Zarlino was in advance of his age in his classification of the ecclesiastical modes.
Eight of them, it is true, fell into disuse; but the medieval Ionian and Hypo-ionian modes are absolutely identical with the modern natural scale of C; and the Aeolian and Hypoaeolian modes differ from our minor scale, not in constitution, but in treatment only.
Perhaps those which were to be sung according to the old Davidic mode formed the nucleus of the collection, and to these were added other poems to be sung according to the more intricate Korahite and Asaphic modes.
The whole aim of Terence was to present a faithful copy of the life, manners, modes of thought and expression which had been drawn from reality a century before his time by the writers of the New Comedy of Athens.
He lived at the meeting-point of three distinct civilizations - the mature, or rather decaying, civilization of Greece, of which Athens was still the centre; that of Carthage, which was so soon to pass away and leave scarcely any vestige of itself; and the nascent civilization of Italy, in which all other modes were soon to be absorbed.
A consequence of this change of circumstances was that comedy was no longer national in character and sentiment, but had become imitative and artistic. The life which Terence represents is that of the well-to-do citizen class whose interests are commonplace, but whose modes of thought and speech are refined, humane and intelligent.
There can be little doubt that all unnatural and artificial modes of life tend to deterioration of the powers of resistance of the organism to disease.
So various are the conditions of selfregulation in various animals, both in respect of their peculiar and several modes of assimilating different foods, and of protecting themselves against particular dangers from without, that, as we might have expected, the bloods taken from different species, or even perhaps from different individuals, are found to be so divergent that the healthy serum of one species may be, and often is, poisonous to another; not so much in respect of adventitious substances, as because the phases of physiological change in different species do not harmonize; each by its peculiar needs has been modified until, in their several conditions of life, they vary so much about the mean as to have become almost if not quite alien one to another.
In the mutual behaviour of such cells, toxins, and antitoxins, and again of microbes themselves, we may demonstrate even on the field of the microscope some of the modes of such actions, which seem to partake in great measure at any rate of a chemical quality (agglutinins, coagulins, chemotaxis).
But this superficiality was accompanied by such wonderful acuteness within a certain range, by such an absolutely unsurpassed literary aptitude and sense of style in all the lighter and some of the graver modes of literature, by such untiring energy and versatility in enterprise, that he has no parallel among ready writers anywhere.
In cases of obstruction or of palsy of the gullet, his three modes of treatment are ingenious.
The modes of distillation enumerated above all occur in manufacturing practice.
Moreover, long habituated to snail-like modes of travel, the people did not rapidly appreciate the celerity of the locomotive.
La Mode illustree; Les Modes, monthly.
He wrote Addresses on the Kingdom of God (1827), History of the Alton Riots (1837), Statement of Anti-Slavery Principles (1837), Baptism, its Import and Modes (1850), The Conflict of Ages (1853), The Papal Conspiracy Exposed (1855), The Concord of Ages (1860), and History of Opinions on the Scriptural Doctrine of Future Retribution(1 878).
By the time when Latin literature begins, the genuine Roman religion had already been overlaid by foreign cults and modes of thought, by the classical period it was - except in formal observance - practically buried and to a large extent fossilized.
The final goal of Greek philosophy was only reached when the great thinkers of the early Christian Church, who had been trained in the schools of Alexandria and Athens, used its modes of thought in their analysis of the Christian idea of God.
The difficulty is further diminished when it is proved, as it can be proved, 2 that the modes of energy represented in the atomic spectrum acquire energy so slowly that the atom might undergo collisions with other atoms for centuries before being set into oscillations which would possess an appreciable amount of energy.
The earlier papers deal chiefly with the properties and modes of synthesis of cloud chain hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
We shall discuss the disturbance which is propagated from the source to the ear, and which there produces sound, and the modes in which various sources vibrate and give rise to the disturbance.
As a preliminary to the investigation of the modes of vibration of certain sources of sound we shall consider the formation of " stationary waves."
We shall deduce the modes of vibration of the air column in a cylindrical pipe from the consideration that the air in motion within the pipe forms some part of a system of stationary waves, one train being formed by the exciter of the disturbance, and the other being formed by the reflection of the train at the end of the pipe.
The first mode of vibration gives the " fundamental tone," and the succeeding modes are termed " overtones."
We may illustrate the successive modes of vibration by using as pipe a tall cylindrical jar, and as exciter a vibrating tuning-fork held over the mouth.
We shall then show that on certain limitations two trains of disturbance may be superposed so that stationary waves may be formed, and thence we shall deduce the modes of vibration as with pipes.
The various modes of vibration may also be exhibited.
The velocity of a disturbance along such a bar, and its modes of vibration, depend therefore on the elastic properties of the material and the dimensions of the bar.
It is easy to deduce the modes of vibration from stationary waves as in the previous cases.
A commission was appointed to consider the best modes of retrenchment, and the outlay on shows and games was cut down to the lowest possible point.
Its object was to exhibit by means of certain formulas the way in which the products of agriculture, which is the only source of wealth, would in a state of perfect liberty be distributed among the several classes of the community (namely, the productive classes of the proprietors and cultivators of land, and the unproductive class composed of manufacturers and merchants), and to represent by other formulas the modes of distribution which take place under systems of Governmental restraint and regulation, with the evil results arising to the whole society from different degrees of such violations of the natural order.
Yet even this intimate penetration into the modes of thought of the desert may be explained by prehistoric Indian communication.
This great advance, which is the result of the gradual focussing of a century's work in the minute exploration of the exact laws of optical and electric phenomena, clearly carries with it deeper insight into the physical nature of matter itself and its modes of inanimate interaction.
Maine's power of swiftly assimilating new ideas and appreciating modes of thought and conduct remote from modern Western life came into contact with the facts of Indian society at exactly the right time, and his colleagues and other competent observers expressed the highest opinion of his work.
The graphite veins in the older crystalline rocks are probably akin to metalliferous veins and the material derived from deep-seated sources; the decomposition of metallic carbides by water and the reduction of hydrocarbon vapours have been suggested as possible modes of origin.
An inspector is required to hold a certificate of qualification, and for his guidance general regulations are made by his local authority as to modes of testing weights, measures and weighing instruments.
Since Neoplatonism originated in Alexandria, where Oriental modes of worship were accessible to every one, and since the Jewish philosophy had also taken its place in the literary circles of Alexandria, we may safely assume that even the earliest of the Neoplatonists possessed 1 The resemblance would probably be still more apparent if we thoroughly understood the development of Christianity at Alexandria in the 2nd century; but unfortunately we have only very meagre fragments to guide us here.
The introduction of infinite series into mathematics effected a great change in the modes of calculation and the treatment of the subject.
A close study of the exact modes of evolution and of the philosophy of evolution is the distinguishing feature of this period.
The small Trypanosomes resulting from either of these modes of division differ from typical adults by their stumpy, pyriform shape, the position of the kinetonucleus near the flagellar end of the body, and the absence, during the first part of their youth, of an undulating-membrane.
Without assigning to each element its due value, no sound comprehension of his modes of thought can be attained.
Hellenic ways and modes of thought begin to appear in the towns only in the later 2nd century.
The work consists solely of a list of symbols of the various scales and modes, and is probably only a fragment.
Those who did so were suspected of an inclination towards novel and dangerous modes of thinking, then rife on the Continent and slowly finding their way to England.
The recognized modes of communicating the afflatus, power or numen to a person or thing to be consecrated are many, and only a few can be enumerated.
Our knowledge is relative," said he, " first, because existence is not cognizable absolutely and in itself, but only in special modes; second, because these modes thus relative to our faculties are presented to and known by the mind, only under modification, determined by these faculties themselves."
The reforms, however, which his new modes of teaching involved, and even some of his new doctrines, such as the non-infallibility of Aristotle, brought him into collision with other teachers in the university.
Unlike the Hindu, Xenophanes inclined to pantheism as a protest against the anthropomorphic polytheism of the time, which seemed to him improperly to exalt one of the many modes of finite existence into the place of the Infinite.
Thus God, the causa sui, manifests himself in an infinite multiplicity of particular modes.
Two modes of conferring knighthood appear to have prevailed from a very early period in all countries where chivalry was known.
In both of them the essential portion seems Modes of to have been the accolade or stroke of the sword.
These, however, may with propriety be regarded as but different names for the same pigmentary substance, the variations in the character of which are attributable to the different modes in which the pigments are manufactured.
The general relation between parent and filial organisms is discussed under Heredity and Embryology; many of the details of the cellular processes are dealt with under Cytology, and the modes of reproduction exhibited by different kinds of animals and plants are treated of in the various articles describing individual groups.
The recognition of the various forms of buds and their modes of disposition in different plants is a matter of the first consequence in the operations of pruning and training.
Wall trees, it must be evident, are placed in a very unnatural and constrained position, and would in fact soon be reduced to a state of utter confusion if allowed to grow unrestricted; hence the following modes of training have been adopted.
It was formerly the custom to include with the Fungi the Schizomycetes or Bacteria, and the Myxomycetes or Mycetozoa; but the peculiar mode of growth and division, the cilia, spores and other peculiarities of the former, and the emission of naked amoeboid masses of protoplasm, which creep and fuse to streaming plasmodia, with special modes of nutrition and spore-formation of the latter, have led to their separation as groups of organisms independent of the true Fungi.
In addition to these accidental modes of dispersal, however, there is a series of interesting adaptations on the part of the fungus itself.
He was well skilled in the modes of warfare that suited the country and the times.
Moreover, if we remain faithful to the fundamental conception that the contents of the mind are merely matters of experience, it is evident in the first place that as impressions are strictly individual, ideas also must be strictly particular, and in the second place that the faculties of combining, discriminating, abstracting and judging, which Locke had admitted, are merely expressions for particular modes of having mental experience, i.e.
These principles of association determine the imagination to combine ideas in various modes, and by this mechanical combination Hume, for a time, endeavoured to explain what are otherwise called judgments of relation.
The first is the type of a certain a priori view, then regarded as the safest bulwark against infidelity, of which the main tenets were that the being of God was capable of a priori proof, and that, owing to the finitude of our faculties, the attributes and modes of operation of deity were absolutely incomprehensible.
Ft50s, and meant a number of individuals having common characters peculiar to them, and so forming a group which with other groups were included in a higher group. The application of the term was purely relative, for the higher group itself might be one of the "species," or modes of a still higher group. In medicine it was used for the constituents of a prescription.
The comparison between the increase of population and food had not, perhaps, been stated with sufficient force and precision," and "few inquiries had been made into the various modes by which the level" between population and the means of subsistence "is effected."
Starting from this principle he was driven to geometry for insight into the ground and modes of emotion.
When two or more modes of accounting for a phenomena are equally admissible as not directly contradicted by known phenomena, it seems to Epicurus almost a return to the old mythological habit of mind when a savant asserts that the real cause is one and only one.
A powerful force of cavalry was now raised, while at the same time the infantry were drilled in new and more effective modes of fighting.
For the restoration of the text, however, scripts the works of ancient scholars on its readings and modes of writing are more important than the manuscripts; which, however elegantly they may be written and ornamented, proceed from irresponsible copyists.
In Ptolemaic times not only were Macedonian dates sometimes given in Greek documents, but there were certainly two native modes of dating current; down to the reign of Euergetes there was a fiscal dating in papyri, according to which the yotr began in Paophi, besides a civil dating probably from Thoth; later, all the dates in papyri start from Thoth.
All these names are derived from the size and appearance of the crystals, their uses and the modes of their production.
Variation provides the material for selection, and although opinions may differ as to the nature of that material, the modes by which it comes into existence and their relative values and permanences, there is an increasingly wide consensus of opinion that all such material has to pass through the sieve of natural selection and that the sifted products form new varieties and species, and new adaptations.
Regarding heat (matiere de feu or fluide igne) as a peculiar kind of imponderable matter, Lavoisier held that the three states of aggregation - solid, liquid and gas - were modes of matter, each depending on the amount of matiere de feu with which the ponderable substances concerned were interpenetrated and combined; and this view enabled him correctly to anticipate that gases would be reduced to liquids and solids by the influence of cold and pressure.
In the introductory lectures on the philosophy of religion he gives a rationale of the difference between the modes of consciousness in religion and philosophy (between Vorstellung and Begriff).
The Lutherans interpreted this to mean the right to frame ecclesiastical regulations for various principalities and to make changes in public worship. Luther busied himself in simplifying the service, in giving advice, - anxiously sought for, about the best modes of organising ecclesiastical affairs.
Actual modes of expression are shown to embody distinctions which average intelligence can easily recognize and will readily acknowledge, though they may tend by progressive rectification fundamentally to modify the assumption natural to the level of thought from which he begins.
It is natural, then, that the central contribution of the Sceptics to the knowledge controversy lies in the modes (Tp07rot) in which the relativity of phenomena is made good, that these are elaborated with extreme care, and that they have a modern ring and are full of instruction even to-day.
In these the single method of Bacon is already split up into separate modes.
This device was never remote from the constructions of writers for whom the teaching of Spinoza and Leibnitz was an integral part of their intellectual equipment, Other modes of correlation, however, find favour also, and in some variety.
Others, such as the Barycentrische Calciil of Mobius, and the Methode des equipollences of Bellavitis, give elegant modes of treating space problems, so long as we confine ourselves to projective geometry and matters of that order; but they are limited in their field, and therefore need not be discussed here.
The views of life held by the ordinary mortal as well as his aims and motives must be radically altered; and simultaneously a change must take place in his modes of speech, conduct and thought.
The character of the country and the nomadic habits of many of the natives of the interior, who rarely occupy their villages for more than a few years in succession, have not proved favourable to pastoral modes of life.
They are therefore liable to be modified from time to time, or to be superseded by more convenient or more comprehensive modes of statement.
As an example of the method of determination of the normal modes we may take the double pendulum.
The motion of the system consequent on arbitrary initial conditions may be obtained by superposition of the n normal modes with suitable amplitudes and phases.
The normal modes are further distinguished by an important stationary property, as regards the frequency.
If in (21) we imagine that x, y, I denote infinitesimal rotations of a solid free to turn about a fixed point in a given field of force, it appears that the three normal modes consist each of a rotation about one of the three diameters aforesaid, and that the values of in are proportional to the ratios of the lengths of corresponding diameters of the two quadrics.
In the higher normal modes there are nodes or points of rest (y = 0); thus in the second mode there is a node at a distance .1901 from the lower end.
So far from attempting to raise their standard of spiritual life, or even leaving it to ordinary intercourse to gradually bring about a certain community of intellectual culture and religious sentiment, they deliberately set up artificial barriers in order to prevent their own traditional modes of worship from being contaminated with the obnoxious practices of the servile race.
Widely different, however, as is the character of the two leading gods are also the modes of worship practised by their votaries.
Simple and uncritical in his modes of thought, and apparently devoid of any striking originality, he collected in his numerous and elaborate treatises the results of such research in theology, philosophy, science and history as was in his time possible in Syria.
But Modernism soon broadened into a thoroughgoing revolt against the modes of thought and methods characteristic of the latterday Vatican; its motto is that Catholicism is the strength of popery, but popery the weakness of Catholicism.
Meanwhile the Provencal poets had developed their modern language with incomparable richness and dexterity, creating forms of verse and modes of emotional expression which determined the latest medieval phase of literature in Europe.
Thus, while Christendom was still preoccupied with the Crusades, two main forces of the Renaissance, naturalism and enthusiasm for antique modes of feeling, already brought their latent potency to light, prematurely indeed and precociously, yet with a promise that was destined to be kept.
At the close of the century the knowledge of Greece and Rome had been reappropriated and placed beyond the possibility of destruction; the chasm between the old and new world had been bridged; medieval modes of thinking and discussing had been superseded; the staple of education, the common culture which has brought all Europe into intellectual agreement, was already in existence.
The Renaissance closed the middle ages and opened the modern era, - not merely because the mental and moral ideas which then sprang into activity and owed their force in large measure to the revival of classical learning were opposed to medieval modes of thinking and feeling, but also because the political and international relations specific to it as an age were at variance with fundamental theories of the past.
The large tract of land owned by the Luray Caverns Corporations covers all possible modes of entrance.
Perhaps the most comprehensive of the fiscal reforms of the Empire was the reconstruction of the land tax, based on a census or (to use the French term) cadastre, in which the area, the modes of cultivation and the estimated productiveness of each holding were stated, the average of ten preceding years being taken as the standard.
In respect to the first head there is a well-marked " integration " of the modes for meeting the cost of the public services.
Security, and in particular the absence of arbitrary impositions, combined with convenient modes of collection, have come to be recognized as indispensable auxiliaries in financial administration which further aims at the selection of really productive forms of charge.
Finally, in all countries though with diversities due to national peculiarities, the modes of account and control have been brought into a more effective condition.
The modes employed are various, but they all rest on the sovereignty of the state, whether exercised by the central officials or by the courts.
The needs of the central government lead to its retention of the more profitable modes of procuring revenue.
Great Britain, France and Prussia furnish good examples of these different modes of preserving local administration from financial collapse.
As his object was new and hitherto unproposed, so the method he intended to employ was different from all modes of investigation hitherto attempted.
The criticism of the demonstrations is introduced later in close connexion with Bacon's new method; they are the rival modes of procedure, to which his own is definitely opposed.
Further, it is hinted that these general qualities may be looked upon as the modes of action of simple bodies.
Modern distinctions of moral and ceremonial being unknown, ancient systems must be judged in the light of those modes of thought which could not view religion apart from life.
An important consequence of thus giving the study of primitive religion the wide scope of a comparative hierology is that magic is no longer divorced from religion, since the sacred will now be found to be coextensive with the magicoreligious, that largely undifferentiated plasm out of which religion and magic slowly take separate shape as society comes more and more to contrast legitimate with illicit modes of dealing with the sacred.
Even Mahommedanism felt the spell of the same modes of thought.
But Ballanche made a sincere endeavour to unite in one system what was valuable in the opposed modes of thinking.
The greatest difficulty in his way is not temperature, but the presence of parasitic diseases to resist which his body has not been prepared, and modern knowledge is rapidly defining these dangers and the modes of avoiding them.
The foundation of the system is the doctrine of one infinite substance, of which all finite existences are modes or limitations (modes of thought or modes of extension).
At the present day, "usury," if used in the old sense of the term, would embrace a multitude of modes of receiving interest upon capital to which not the slightest moral taint is attached.
The Parthian magnates, on the other hand, with the army, would have little to do with Greek culture and Greek modes of life, which they contemptuously regarded as effeminate and unmanly.
Indeed, his identity seems to have been lost in the various modes of spelling his name adopted by the older chroniclers, who call him indiscriminately-4 Alymbeius, Asembeius, Asembec, Assimbeo, or Ussan Cassano.
When the argument from analogy seems to go beyond this, a peculiar difficulty starts up. Let it be granted that our happiness and misery in this life depend upon our conduct - are, in fact, the rewards and punishments attached by God to certain modes of action, the natural conclusion from analogy would seem to be that our future happiness or the reverse will probably depend upon our actions in the future state.
Though generally temperate in his views, he was extremely incisive and often violent in his modes of expressing them, so that he made many enemies and sometimes incurred the displeasure of the press-censure and the ministers, against which he was more than once protected by Alexander III.
It follows that of " parts " of the soul, as previous thinkers imagined, there can be no question; all that can consistently be maintained is that from the centre of the body - the heart - seven distinct air-currents are discharged to various organs, which are so many modes of the one soul's activity.'
What really is - the Pneuma - neither increases nor diminishes; but its modes of working, its different currents, can be conveniently distinguished and enumerated as evidence of so many distinct attributes.
However, the younger Stoics endeavoured to meet the assaults of their persistent critic Carneades by suggesting various modes of testing a single presentation, to see whether it were consistent with others, especially such as occurred in groups, &c.; indeed, some went so far as to add to the definition " coming from a real object and exactly corresponding with it " the clause " provided it encounter no obstacle."
These processes are conceivable only as " modes " of mind, changes in the soul's substance, and the same is true of the higher conceptions, the products of generalization.
By means of these the modes of cultivation, and especially of separation, of bacteria were greatly simplified.
The modes by which bacteria produce their effects also became a subject of study, and attention was naturally turned to their toxic products.
The modes of cultivation described apply only to organisms which grow in presence of oxygen.
His psychological doctrine explained all the functions of the soul as modes of motion, and denied any separation of the reason from the faculties of sense-perception.
In his Misere de la philosophie (1847) he lays down the principle that social relationships largely depend upon modes of production, and therefore the principles, ideas and categories which are thus evolved are no more eternal than the relations they express, but are historical and transitory products.
His seven years' residence in the Low Countries brought him into close relations with modes of thought differing essentially from his own; and, though he was neither by temperament nor training inclined to be affected by the prevailing Augustinian doctrines of grace and free-will, the controversy into which he fell on these questions compelled him to define his theological principles more clearly.
The two modes of progression overlap in human life, but the child's tendency when learning is to rest on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands, unlike the apes, which support themselves on the sides of the feet and the bent knuckles of the hands.
Both ideas, or both modes of expressing what is fundamentally the same idea, have this in common, that life is not a sum of the qualities of the chemical elements contained in protoplasm, but a function first of the peculiar architecture of the mixture, and then of the high complexity of the compounds contained in the mixture.
Now, though a pure specialist may be an abstraction of the mind, the tendency of specialists in any department naturally is to lose sight of the whole in attention to the particular categories or modes of nature's working which happen to be exemplified, and fruitfully applied, in their own sphere of investigation; and in proportion as this is the case it becomes necessary for their theories to be co-ordinated with the results of other inquirers, and set, as it were, in the light of the whole.
We may then say that psychology is occupied with the natural function of Intellection, seeking to discover its laws and distinguishing its various modes (perception, representative imagination, conception, &c.) according to the various circumstances in which the laws are found at work.
Together they form the three simple modes of solidarity, or unity with contemporaries, - obedience, union and protection - as well as the three degrees of continuity between ages, by uniting us with the past, the present and the future.
It is the commonest of minerals, and is met with in a great variety of forms and with very diverse modes of occurrence.
The severe training through which he had passed had given him such an experimental knowledge of all the modes of religious melancholy as he could never have gathered from books; and his vigorous genius, animated by a fervent spirit of devotion, enabled him not only to exercise a great influence over the vulgar, but even to extort the half-contemptuous admiration of scholars.
We have now to consider what are the necessary factors of safety, and the modes of their application.
Further complications arise when the lower walls of the mother zooid become thickened and interpenetrated with solenia, from which buds are developed, so that lobose, tufted, or branched colonies are formed.The chief orders of the Synalcyonacea are founded upon the different architectural features of colonies produced by different modes of budding.
As regards the modes of reproduction among the Graptolites little is known.
As already indicated, the limbs of different mammals are specially modified for various modes of life; and in many cases analogous modifications occur, in greater or less degree, throughout the entire body.
In his admirable papers upon the modes of teaching arithmetic and geometry, originally published in the Quarterly Journal of Education (reprinted in The Schoolmaster, vol ii.), he remonstrated against the neglect of logical doctrine.
Its modes and motives vary considerably according to climate, race, civilization and other circumstances; but it would be difficult to name any religious system of any description in which it is wholly unrecognized.
Yet it seems plain that he considered Sabellianizing reduction of the Divine Persons to phases or modes in the unity a lesser evil than regarding the Logos (with Arius) as a creature, however dignified.
But the mind, in becoming gradually stored with its " simple ideas " is able to elaborate them in numberless modes and relations; although it is not in the power of the most exalted wit or enlarged understanding to invent or frame any new simple idea, not taken in in one or the other of these two ways.
If there were no sentient beings in existence, the secondary qualities would cease to exist, " except perhaps as unknown modes of the primary, or, if not, as something still more obscure."
The hypothesis, that even our most profound and sublime speculations are all limited to data of the senses and of reflection, is crucially tested by the " modes " and " substances " and " relations " under which, in various degrees of complexity, we somehow find ourselves obliged to conceive those simple phenomena.
Such are modes of quantity in space, and time and number, under which Locke reports that we find ourselves mentally impelled towards immensity, eternity and the innumerable - in a word, towards Infinity which seems to transcend quantity; then there is the complex thought of Substance, to which we find ourselves mysteriously impelled, when the simple phenomena of the senses come to be regarded as qualities of " something "; again there is the obscure idea of the identity of persons, notwithstanding their constant changes of state; and there is, above all, the inevitable tendency we somehow have to refund a change into what we call its " Cause," with the associated idea of active power.
But the historical origin of the questions at issue is to be sought rather in theology than in metaphysics, while the discovery made from time to time by men of science of the inapplicability of natural laws or modes of operation (which they have been accustomed to regard as of universal range and necessity) to the facts or assumed facts of human activity, is a constant source of fresh discussions of the problem.
No kind of evidence can be adduced sufficient to prove that consciousness is a secretion of the brain, an effect or even a consequent of material processes or modes of motion.
And many scientific thinkers, while professing allegiance to a theory which insists upon the independence of each parallel series, in reality tacitly assume the superior importance if not the controlling force of the physical over the psychical terms. But a mere insistence upon the complete independence of the physical series coupled with the belief that its changes are wholly explicable as modes of motion, that the study of molecular physics is competent to explain all the phenomena of life and organic movements, is sufficient to eliminate the possibility of spontaneity and free origination from the universe.
The phenomena of life and growth and assimilation have not been satisfactorily explained as mechanical modes of motion, and the fact that identical cerebral movements have not been discovered to recur makes scientific and accurate prediction of future cerebral changes an impossibility.
This faith, again, may be conceived in two modes, essentially distinct though usually combined.
We might further derive from the general spirit of Christian unworldliness that repudiation of the secular modes of conflict, even in a righteous cause, which substituted a passive patience and endurance for the old pagan virtue of courage, in which the active element was prominent.
Objections, both general and special, might be urged by a Hobbist against these modes of formulating man's natural pursuit of self-interest; but the serious controversy between Hobbism and modern Platonism related not to such principles as these, but to others which demand from the individual a (real or apparent) sacrifice for his fellows.
In the utilitarianism of Paley and Bentham the proper rules of conduct, moral and legal, are determined by comparing the imaginary consequences of different modes of regulation on men and women, conceived as specimens of a substantially uniform and unchanging type.
Y positions of the heavenly bodies in space, and the changes of those positions with time, constitute the primary subject of investigation by the elder school; while the new astronomy concerns itself chiefly with the individual peculiarities of suns and planets, with their chemistry, physical habitudes and modes of luminosity.
The first broad view of the country shows us a basin-shaped island consisting of a central limestone plain surrounded by mountains; but the diverse modes of origin of these mountains, and the differences in their trend, suggest at once that they represent successive epochs of disturbance.
This art, however, appears not to have been, as some other modes of ascertaining the will of the gods undoubtedly were, of genuine Aryan growth.
Similar modes of divination were practised, it would seem, among the pre-Islamic Arabs.
Partly under the influence of Mazzini, the freedom of Italy became his ruling motive in life, - its emancipation, not only from foreign masters, but from modes of thought alien to its genius, and detrimental to its European authority.
We have now a background upon which to view the book, and, on the one hand, it has become obvious that the records preserve - as is only to be expected - Oriental customs, beliefs and modes of thought.
It is usual to regard the more primitive character of J and E as a mark of antiquity; but this ignores the regular survival of primitive modes of thought and of popular tradition outside more cultured circles.
It is the designation of these outward things which forms the " first intention " of names; and it is only at a later stage, when thought comes to observe its own modes, that names, looked upon as predicables and universals, are taken in their " second intention."
Logic does not come in contact with things, except as they are subject to modification by intellectual forms. In other words, universality, individuality and speciality are all equally modes of our comprehension or notion; their meaning consists in their setting forth the relations attaching to any object of our conception.
The three modes of the universal before things, in things, and after things, spring from Arabian influence, but depart somewhat from his standpoint.
Several modes of expression are employed.
Before considering the results of palaeobotanical research, some account must be given of the way in which the evidence is presented, or, in other words, of the modes of preservation of vegetable remains.
However, a thrifty, industrious, self-reliant agricultural life developed, labour was native-born, the women of the household worked in the fields with the men, some employment was found for every season, and a system of neighbourly barter of food products took the place of other modes of exchange.
For the whole mass of cognisable fact, the mundus intelligibilis, is contained impliciter in each monad, and the several modes of apprehension can only be regarded as so many stages in the developing consciousness of the monad.
Up to the stage indicated by the Dissertation he had been attempting, in various ways, to unite two radically divergent modes of explaining cognition - that which would account for the content of experience by reference to affection from things without us, and that which viewed the intellect itself as somehow furnished with the means of pure, rational cognition.
An absolutely new conception of experience was necessary, if the fact of cognition was to be explained at all, and the various modes in which Kant expresses the business of his critical philosophy were merely different fashions of stating the one ultimate problem, differing according to the particular aspect of knowledge which he happened to have in view.
The modes under which it is possible for such given difference to become portion of the conscious experience of the ego, the modes under which the isolated data can be synthetically combined so as to form a cognizable whole, make up the form of cognition, and upon this form rests the possibility of any a priori or rational knowledge.
Productive imagination is thus the concrete element'of knowledge, and its general modes are the abstract expression of the a priori laws of all possible experience.
The mathematical principles are the abstract expression of the necessary mode in which data of sense are determined by the category in the form of intuitions or representations of objects; the dynamical are the abstract expression of the modes in which the existence of objects of intuition is determined.
Under the dynamical principles, the general modes in which the existence of objects are determined, fall the analogies of experience, or general rules according to which the existence of objects in relation to one another can be determined, and the postulates of experience, the general rules according to which the existence of objects for us or our own subjective existence can be determined.
But experience is for us the combination of data of sense in the forms of productive imagination, forms determined by the pure intellectual notions, and accordingly experience is possible for us only as in modes corresponding to the notions.
These ideas, the expression of the various modes in which unity of reason may be sought, have no objects corresponding to them in the sphere of cognition.
The native tribes adapt the myth to explain the different modes of life among themselves and white men.
It was an ironic allusion to 19th century modes of narration.
Three modes of operation and storage, optimum portability, and image storage are critical requirements for the professional photographer.
Parnell's and Edward Saunderson's shared penchant for "eighteenth-century modes of thought and expression," is another example.
Modes of masculinity varied considerably according to the social milieu into which one was born.
This slightly arcane sequence creates a global abbrev, which will apply in all modes.
The Pyrrhonians thought that there were modes which could induce withholding assent to the results of reasoning.
Shooting modes include automatic, easy, movie mode, photo review, economy mode and scene mode.
The reference to autopilot modes is included because the ELACs are the EFCS's interface to autopilot modes is included because the ELACs are the EFCS's interface to autopilot functions.
The reference to autopilot modes is included because the ELACs are the EFCS's interface to autopilot functions.
These would be expected to encourage commuters to switch from car to other modes.
Kant resolves this contradiction by assuming two points of view or modes of existence.
Capabilities extend to all modes of CE and to sensitive UV, MS or fluorescence detection.
His research focuses principally on documentary modes in theater, film and television, with a special interest in television docudrama.
Participants were studying in a variety of modes including exclusively distance based, and predominantly dual mode, or face to face mode.
The Singleplayer and Co-op modes are truly emergent and unpredictable.
Sample size was calculated on the basis of establishing equivalence of the two modes of care.
The failure modes of smart sensors suggest that smart sensors might be more susceptible to common cause failure modes of smart sensors suggest that smart sensors might be more susceptible to common cause failure than conventional ones.
It is a genetically heterogeneous condition which shows both recessive and dominant modes of inheritance.
A transport assessment will be required to assess the need for any off-site highway works and improvements to encourage non-car modes of travel.
This method enables identification of wave modes observed in electric field components.
Monochrome display is not really adequate for debugging most graphics modes, because some colors have the same luminance.
Different modes guide the user through the best route for their mode of transport.
There's also a new control system that allows you to alternate between shuffle and normal playback modes by shaking the Walkman three times.
Improved bus service will attract patronage from car, from slow modes and will generate new travel.
It introduces patterns characteristic of the idiom, such as modes,, the blues scale and the minor pentatonic.
The phase speed of the L and R wave modes have the same phase velocity at this frequency.
In particular, the technique is suited to measurement of surface phonons and vibrational modes of adsorbates.
In both modes the user may perform photometry using either the traditional aperture method or using optimal extraction.
Keston, D.A. and Laing, E.W. and Diver, D.A. (2003) Bernstein modes in a weakly relativistic electron-positron plasma.
The scene modes you can choose from are twilight, Twilight portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape and Beach.
We find extremely long-lived modes of spin precession, named ' persistent precessing domains ' (PPD) at the lowest achievable temperatures.
Control Modes The CN2110 provides precise, solid state proportion control with automatic reset (PI) that will control most heating applications.
At the moment little has been released regarding the single player modes of the latest installment of Ridge racer, the legendary drift racer.
Most of these masterly works are visual creations of emotional and perceptive concepts that depict the ragas or musical modes of Indian classical music.
Includes X-linked recessive and Autosomal recessive modes of inheritance.
This map was designed for saber purists that enjoy full force, saber only, team game modes.
There is a lack spontaneity in existing modes public transport.
There are two modes to deal with non-crystallographic symmetry.
Different means of transport are connected in properly designed interchange terminals, such that transfer between modes is smooth and easy.
The available scene modes are twilight, Twilight portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape, Snow, Beach, Fireworks, Candle.
This genre of literature, fusing so many modes of inquiry and imagination, has a political undertow - even a political purpose.
We may find determinate modes of interpretation in the eighteenth-century variorum, if we are not distracted by our modern predisposition to indeterminacy.
We investigate the propagation of well-defined vector modes along strongly guiding rectangular waveguides.
Since the time of these early experiments, various other modes of detecting the existence of electric waves have been found out in addition to the spark-gap which he first employed, and the results of his observations, the earliest interest of which was simply that they afforded a confirmation of an abstruse mathematical theory, have been applied to the practical purposes of signalling over considerable distances (see Telegraphy, Wireless).
All these are regarded by Geulincx as modes of the divine thought and action, and accordingly the end of human endeavour is the end of the divine will or the realization of reason.
No a priori difficulty can be said to stand in the way of evolution, when it can be shown that all animals and all plants proceed by modes of development, which are similar in principle, from a fundamental protoplasmic material.
The differentiations of structure that char acterize animals and plants are being shown to be orderly and definite in many respects; the relations of the various parts to one another and to the whole, the modes of repetition of parts, and the series of changes that occur in groups of repeated parts, appear to be to a certain extent inevitable, to depend on the nature of the living material itself and on the necessary conditions of its growth.
Both sexual and asexual reproduction occur, but there is usually no definite succession of the two modes, marking that alternation of sexual generation (gametophyte) and asexual generation (sporophyte) which characterizes the higher groups.
The modes of government amongst civilized peoples have little influence on political geography; some republics are as arbitrary and exacting in their frontier regulations as some absolute monarchies.
The central governments of all civilized countries concerned with external relations are closely similar in their modes of action, but the internal administration may be very varied.
And though there was positive gain in the removal of idolatrous and corrupt modes of worship, there was also positive loss in the disappearance of this old genial phase of Hebrew social life and worship. It involved a vast difference to many a Judaean village when the festival pilgrimage was no longer made to the familiar local sanctuary with its hoary associations of ancient heroic or patriarchal story, but to a distant and comparatively unfamiliar city with its stately shrine and priesthood.
In Maxwell's Manual, pp. 120 seq., no less than sixteen terms are given to express the different kinds of striking, as many for the different kinds of speaking, eighteen for the various modes of carrying, &c. An unnecessary distinction has been made between High Malay and Low Malay.
It is indeed sometimes urged that instinctive modes of behaviour should be so defined as to entirely exclude any reference to their psychological concomitants in consciousness, which are, it is said, entirely inferential.
The absence of the musical titles, however, ma y be taken as an indication that the last collection of psalms was formed in a different place from that in which the earlier collections had arisen; and if, as seems probable, we may identify this place with the Temple at Jerusalem, the absence of musical titles is easily explained, for the number of skilled musicians who there ministered, and who would, of course, possess the tradition of the various modes and tones, would make precise musical directions superfluous.
The doctrine of heredity in disease thus took a larger aspect; the view of morbid series was no longer bounded even by the life of the individual; and the propagation of taints, and of morbid varieties of man, from generation to generation proved to be no mere repetition of fixed features but, even more frequently, to be modes of development or of dissolution betraying themselves often in widely dissimilar forms, in series often extending over many lives, the terms of which at first sight had seemed wholly disparate.
Here we enter upon one of the most interesting chapters of disorders and modes of disorder of this and of other systems. It has come out more and more clearly of late years that poisons do not betray even an approximately indifferent affinity for all tissues, which indeed a little reflection would tell us to be a priori improbable, but that each tends to fix itself to this cell group or to that, picking out parts for which they severally have affinities.
It is on our familiarity with modes of transmission such as these, and with the exact analyses of them which the science of mathematical physics has been able to make, that our predilection for filling space with an aethereal transmitting medium, constituting a universal connexion between material bodies, largely depends; perhaps ultimately it depends most of all, like all our physical conceptions, on the intimate knowledge that we can ourselves exert mechanical effect on outside bodies only through the agencies of our limbs and sinews.
The distinction between villeins in gross and villeins regardant, of which much is made by modern writers, was suggested by modes of pleading and does not make its appearance in the Year-Books before the r 5th century.
Mourey in France, independently of one another and of Argand, reinvented these modes of interpretation; and still later, in the writings of Cauchy, Gauss and others, the properties of the expression a + b I were developed into the immense and most important subject now called the theory of complex numbers (see Number).
Reference should be made to the articles Reflexion, Refraction, and Caustic for the general characters of reflected and refracted rays (the article Lens considers in detail the properties of this instrument, and should also be consulted); in this article will be discussed the nature, varieties and modes of aberrations mainly from the practical point of view, i.e.
Intermarriage led to the adoption, even by the rich, and especially by women (see GoA), of Asiatic dress, manners and modes of thought.
When Miss Keller speaks, her face is animated and expresses all the modes of her thought--the expressions that make the features eloquent and give speech half its meaning.
At the moment little has been released regarding the single player modes of the latest installment of Ridge Racer, the legendary drift racer.
Array readout mode The NIRI array is read out in different modes for different kinds of observations.
The series invites Jewish, Christian and Islamic theologians back to the word, recovering modes of scriptural reasoning that underlie modernist reasoning.
It is also consistent with Onsager 's reciprocity relationship or symmetrical coupling between all energy modes.
The flash modes you can use are auto, fill, off, digital red-eye reduction.
This map was designed for Saber purists that enjoy full force, saber only, team game modes.
To provide a bit of extra help with picture taking there are a range of scene modes available to you.
Gamers get their chance to play to the crowd PC gamers have been enjoying spectator modes for several years.
Segment registers and the stack pointer will not be passed between modes.
The mode is initially vanilla, but you can toggle these modes by giving a null string as string.
Fares will be integrated with other public transport modes in the city.
The available scene modes are Twilight, Twilight Portrait, Soft Snap, Landscape, Snow, Beach, Fireworks, Candle.
Know that a string can vibrate in different modes.
Improving Accuracy The accuracy of the models can be improved by including higher order waveguide modes.
Even tho I 'm no wrestling fan, I was wrapped up in the sheer amount of modes on offer.
Brush off the thesaurus and replace those colloquialisms with formal modes of speech.
Just like traditional tattoos, cosmetics that have been dyed onto the skin must be taken off with laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, or other modes of surgical procedure.
Looking your best is the norm for modern society, and even non-conformist modes of personal expression are increasingly accepted.
Phonics has three different modes to teach your child letters by sounding them out.
This game bunches three learning modes into one by having your child play with letter recognition, reading and vocabulary.
The various types of shooting modes available for point and shoot cameras is important.
Having modes that allow the user to optimize shots will create the best photos.
From action photography to night portraits, having a range of pre-set shooting modes simply makes life easier.
Pay attention to the various camera modes (like portrait and outdoor) and remember to adjust them when the scenery or subject changes.
Film cameras may also modes to choose from, such as portrait or landscape.
Usually, a point-and-shoot 35mm will have from two to six modes.
Set up a shot and take photos of it using various camera modes.
The Z-Series is best suited for advanced amateur photographers who appreciate advanced controls and a broad range of color modes.
Allows you to shoot in various settings such as Portrait, Landscape, Sports, Night Portrait, Party/Indoor, Beach/Snow, Sunset, Dusk/Dawn, Night Landscape, Close-up, Museum, and Fireworks Show, Copy or Back Light modes.
Scene button provides 17 user-selectable shooting modes such as night, flash, low light, portrait, fireworks and snow.
If you want to enhance your photos, you need to experiment with different shooting modes.
The photographer can choose between automatic, semiautomatic and fully manual modes.
Artistic control on both point and shoot and SLR cameras is determined by the modes.
Both types of camera have a number of preset automatic modes which may be ideal for certain situations.
Certain digital cameras may also include semiautomatic modes such as shutter and aperture priority; these modes allow you control over an aspect of the process and allow the camera to choose the settings to best accommodate your choice.
These cameras often have a number of automatic modes which use generic, appropriate settings for different compositions and light settings.
They also have the automatic modes of a point-and- shoot and the fully manual capabilities of an SLR.
It offers multiple shooting modes so you can use automatic help when pressed for time, or gain artistic control with a fully manual mode.
Many camera models offer a range of automatic modes, such as backlight, landscape and action photography modes.
Review each camera's documentation and choose a camera with the modes that interest you most.
What's more, the nine-point system functions in both automatic and manual modes.
Besides the standard exposure available in automatic modes, the Rebel XT provides a fair amount of extra exposure control in "Image Zone" presets such as Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Night, and Sports modes.
This is important for beginner photographers, as you will want to have easy access to your camera's flash and other modes.
Environmental standards are closely regulated to ensure preservation of one of the most isolated archipelagos left on earth, thus travel by water is restricted to small, environmentally regulated modes of transportation.
Others have blinking lights, and still others feature both modes so you can choose the one that suits your needs.
Some collars offer the option of two modes - steady light or blinking light.
It uses LED technology, and all collars come with a three-function switch for off, flashing and steady modes.
Electric heaters for use in a garage come in a variety of sizes, styles and installation modes.
Main Modes Leather Factory offers a wide range of men's leather jackets and coats, with a few available in big and tall sizes.
Different design modes let players complete scenarios or build the wildest coasters they can imagine.
The focus is on online multiplayer, including several different game modes appealing to this sub-genre.
To unlock the Ultimate Balance Test and Scale Challenge Modes, choose your Mii.
The ultimate goal of Wii Fit Plus is not to cheat or find easy ways to unlock modes and stamps; you’re supposed to work towards goals.
There are five game modes including Dance Off, Challenge, Free Play, Shop and Dress Up.
This sequel includes a few modes of play.
There are a few different modes you can partake in.
The game modes found here open up as you start playing the games and building high scores.
Play in a variety of modes, and listen to classic tunes from the 80's.
You can still customize your car if you want to, but TDK has added mission modes and scenarios, simplified tuning options and more cars.
You can choose how you race and those modes are simply called Arcade and Simulation.
It's a 2 on 2 matchup in Beach Volleyball where you bump, set, and spike your way through Arcade, Exhibition, Tournament, and training modes.
Clicking on it (in Classic and Action modes) brings up a small white pointer arrow that indicates a spot where a swap can be made.
In Action and Classic modes, a bar across the bottom shows your progress.
While you mostly kill enemies or the bad guy's bosses or take over a town, you do have basic exploratory modes which allows you to find treasure, talk to other townspeople, buy and sell weapons and equip your army.
There are several special modes to unlock as well, giving you plenty of reason to keep coming back.
New modes were introduced like no shield fighting and enemy health regeneration.