Modeling Sentence Examples
Results of this testing fully corroborated earlier modeling.
Longer term costs and consequences will be explored using decision analytic modeling.
Abstract We address the issue of modeling a simple timeout in timed automata.
Kate Moss has lost her modeling contract with High Street chain H&M despite making a groveling apology earlier this week.
Activities included architectural modeling, psychological testing, map making, a photographic portraiture project, and a memorial plaque sculpture project.
The usual concept of risk aversion generated through utility curvature seems inappropriate for modeling loss aversion.
We have used molecular modeling methods to study the interfaces between calcite crystals and monolayers of stearic acid.
Several teaching modules involve student development in systems thinking, systems modeling, business analysis, managerial cybernetics and change management.
Air pollution dispersion modeling was carried out to predict ground level pollution concentrations in the boro in 2004.
We are using FT-ICR MS (and specifically electron capture dissociation) along with molecular modeling to probe their gas phase structures.
AdvertisementYou also study econometrics, which forms the basis of modeling and testing in banking and finance.
Experience in ecosystem modeling, remote sensing and GIS would be advantageous, as would field experience in Africa or in savanna ecosystems.
A paper describing an experimental and modeling study of low pressure sulfur and nitrogen doped premixed methane flames has been published.
The title of my thesis was The modeling of solid oxide fuel cells for power generation, ' writes Ben Todd.
An EU IST project is currently working on diffusion modeling in silicon germanium alloys.
AdvertisementResearch will be grouped under the generic headings of Platforms, Sensors, Data Handling, Modeling and Blue Skies research.
She is an expert in modeling biogeochemical process and coastal aquifer hydrodynamics.
An integrated approach to modeling hydrology and water quality in glacierised catchments.
The model provides a useful, yet simple tool for modeling of the perturbed ionosphere.
The aim of the collaboration between Sheffield and Aberystwyth is to combine modeling studies with experimental observations of the high- latitude ionosphere.
AdvertisementForster, P. M. de F. (1995) Modeling ultraviolet irradiances at the Earth's surface.
I am the Chief Editor of Ocean Modeling, an online refereed journal at Elsevier Press.
In this study, observations of ozone laminae made in Feb. 1995 during the SESAME campaign were modeling using the contour advection technique.
Hence modeling accurate predictions, especially long-term ones, is either downright impossible or fraught with immense difficulties.
The approach will be to apply 3-D numerical modeling methods to existing ship-board magnetometer survey data.
AdvertisementIn it I used both VLBA and MERLIN observations to study circumstellar masers and did theoretical modeling of both water and oh masers.
In this paper we explore the use of graphic calculators in developing mathematical modeling skills.
The researchers used mathematical modeling to measure pesticide exposure for children aged between 18 months and four years old.
Model Aircraft Let your 3D skills take flight with 3D World's in-depth guide to modeling this Sea King helicopter using 3ds max.
Survey of a modeling hierarchy, from relativistic quantum mechanics to fluid dynamics.
Research in a variety of fields, ranging from fracture mechanics to ecological modeling.
The candidate should ideally have experience in statistical data analysis and/or numerical modeling and in mountain meteorology.
In order to support that flexibility, the user has to write an import program in the integrated modeling language mistral.
It is also possible to predict polymer specificity using molecular modeling.
During the calculation of structures considerations of theoretical chemistry and applied molecular modeling are also taken into account.
Multilevel multivariate modeling is illustrated by an example in orthodontic research.
For this we are using molecular modeling to investigate docking of the novel compounds, as well as conventional mutagenesis and expression techniques.
He is performing computer modeling of the performance of liquid crystal twisted nematic LCOS display devices.
The project has been funded to investigate the causes of cardio vascular problems and cancer using numerical modeling.
Modeling the persistence of volunteer oilseed rape (Brassica napus ). Ecological Modeling.
Blender Those more familiar with the interface used by Blender, the popular open-source 3D modeling package may be interested in instinctive Blender.
They note " Computational modeling has strengths orthogonal to the strengths of either traditional research discipline " (p. 7 ).
This project consists of new laboratory and modeling studies on the transport and behavior of pollutants discharged from coastal outfalls.
The theory of modeling is a direct outgrowth of this organization concept.
Laboratory work will be complemented by both chamber and modeling studies, to provide improved mechanisms for aromatic oxidation.
In this project we hope to develop these ideas to the modeling of interspecific brood parasitism.
Modeling climate and land use influences on spatial patterns of UK plant biodiversity.
Wyn Williams uses powerful computer facilities for intensive numerical modeling of the underlying physics of magnetism in mineral grains.
He is now working on molecularly imprinted polymers and the rational design of polymers using molecular modeling and computational chemistry.
The project will combine analytical studies and numerical modeling tools for simulating wave propagation in fractured porous rock.
Of particular interest is the modeling of ultrasonic wave propagation through heterogeneous media.
The mouth of the mortar was thickened with a ring of modeling putty.
In any case, such imitation seems surprisingly rare except in a modeling experiment using specially prepared videos.
Modeling Bounded rationality In Agent-Based Simulations using the Evolution of Mental Models.
The main benefit would be to provide more precise input to modeling of the contribution of wave refraction to inshore wave climate.
Also worth mentioning was the good natured ribbing given to Donald Angie due to his his foray into the world of male modeling.
Despite many years of research, accurate real-time modeling of the rainfall runoff process is still difficult to achieve.
Image analysis, modeling skills, and experience with biological samples will be an advantage.
Unfortunately this young sculptress was at that time modeling a bust of C__ .
Sample results of the STM modeling are presented in Figure 3. All simulations show that sea-level rise promotes physical changes in island shorelines.
Real-time trajectory modeling accurately simulates the dynamics of the space flight.
The paper then discusses the use of geographically weighted regression (GWR) which can be used to improve spatial modeling.
Others develop and apply mathematical models, including stochastic modeling and decision analysis.
She will also visit scientists in the Center for Global Atmospheric Modeling, who work with the state-of-the-art Earth Simulator supercomputer in Japan.
She was educated at an all-girls ' school, and after leaving, tried her hand at several jobs, including modeling swimwear.
We consider a class of Petri nets suitable for the modeling and behavioral analysis of globally asynchronous locally synchronous locally synchronous (GALS) systems.
The moment tensor for the forces at the source would be a valuable additional input for modeling.
The modeling work at APL goes back thirty years for the terrestrial thermosphere.
The bottle rim was again thickened with a ring of epoxy modeling putty.
They then added several stories to the library using 3-D modeling techniques.
A testing time Further modeling will be used to analyze the likely benefits of other control methods and their optimal timing.
The schema transformation repository (STR) allows for schemas to be defined in terms of the the data modeling concepts in the MDR.
We proceed as is usual for modeling a problem, by defining variables.
A significant improvement was found for modeling within-word variation.
We use 2D finite-difference modeling methods to compute the propagation of seismic waves in simplified volcanic structures.
Quantum mechanical modeling techniques have been used to study many different zeolites and the roles they play in the reactions they catalyze.
Work Completed Black box regression modeling was carried out on a 15 - year sample of annual rainfall runoff data.
Modeling Bounded Rationality In Agent-Based Simulations using the Evolution of Mental Models.
And do it all in real-time without any complicated commands or modeling.
Analyzes involved proportional hazards modeling and adjustment for confounding by known cardiovascular risk factors and for regression dilution bias.
This modeling technique provides synthetic earthquakes, which frequency content is the same as the observed one.
Unfortunately this young sculptress was at that time modeling a bust of C__.
This PhD project will be concerned with the modeling of several magma flow conditions and the corresponding seismic wavefield.
They include growth curve modeling, sequential acceptance sampling and partial least squares regression.
The amazing grace snugly up against spongy modeling material.
Modeling considerations, stiffening ribs, extensive tables of relative effects for various arrangements.
It culminated in an industry workshop to share experience with streamline modeling held in July 2001.
When modeling the spread of HIV it is vital to subdivide the population by sexual orientation and drug use.
This will be carried out by detailed ice cap survey; ice sheet modeling; and subglacial process.
He is now responsible for reliability modeling and analysis of deep submicron devices covering oxide integrity, hot carrier, electromigration and ESD.
It 's now object-oriented -- and the analysis is subsumed under the general term " modeling ".
We consider a class of Petri nets suitable for the modeling and behavioral analysis of globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) systems.
Modeling and study of the structures of the wild-type human thyrotropin receptor and hormone.
This was an essential step to create a coherent modeling syntax and semantics for the transposition process.
Modeling that heart connection for the world through arts unfolds mysteries.
Learning how to decorate a baby nursery for a small room can be a challenge, especially if you dreamed of modeling your baby's first dwelling space after a photograph from a posh children's catalog.
Children learn language through modeling those around them.
For example, finalists sometimes win modeling contracts with premiere agencies, as well as scholarship money and more.
Megapixels and higher are used for those professional shots like modeling poses, headshots, or poster size pictures of people or landscapes.
Modeling agencies are a vital tool for anyone who aspires to see her face grace the cover of magazines or to set foot on European runways.
Ultimately, no matter where you reside, all modeling agencies basically operate in the same manner.
The first step to getting picked up by a modeling agency is to submit your pictures and information. is a common place to find modeling jobs.
Reputable modeling agencies will never ask you for money up front.
Modeling agencies make money when you make money, end of story.
However, modeling school graduates are rarely seen by the industry pros that matter, and most find themselves in the same place they started, only thousands of dollars poorer.
These "schools" also disguise themselves in the forms of talent searches, modeling competitions, and workshops.
Remember, people are already banging down the doors of modeling agencies, and many of these places receive literally thousands of submissions per week.
Local modeling agencies are your best bet when you are first starting out.
In fact, it is almost impossible to land a contract with one of the larger modeling agencies until you taken a few steps up the ladder.
If this article easily discouraged you, you may not be cut out for the modeling industry.
Best of luck to you as you encounter the crazy, glamorous, and rewarding world of modeling agencies.
A natural stylist with a random launch into makeup and modeling, she knew she could help others find style without spending a fortune.
Naturally doing what I do and incorporating the skills I have gathered in my 20 years of being in the business of modeling, makeup, and fashion.
The most important way people get taken when breaking into modeling is with the photography.
You do not have to have a full portfolio to attract a modeling agency.
Instead, you want to lightly enhance the cheekbones and work with contour more than color when it comes to taking photographs for modeling.
One of the first lessons learned in modeling school is to draw attention to your natural beauty, not your brightly colored makeup.
Not only is Rhianna a world renowned pop star, she's dappled in fashion modeling and fashion designing as well.
Whether she is looking for work for her modeling career or photos for her husband, sometimes being reminded of her motivation is helpful.
This is especially important for boudoir models with no previous modeling experience.
Individuals new to nude modeling may need extra encouragement and assurance throughout the shoot in order to get the sexiest poses from them.
Some workshops cover the basics of photography in addition to live modeling sessions.
Cover the cake with chocolate modeling clay paying attention to the details of the face (mouth, eyes etc.). Make a food dye wash with water and black food coloring then paint on shadowing.
Prior to putting the modeling chocolate on the cake inject it with red syrup.
Fondant and modeling chocolate make a cake look great - especially Halloween cakes as you can make a stark white fondant covering and do blood splatter on it.
Role-playing, modeling, and other techniques teach the students the correct process for dealing with emotions.
Looking for more modeling tips for teenagers?
We have some tips to help you get your modeling career off to a great start!
The following tips and tricks of the trade should help to guide you in the right direction for getting your foot in the door of a modeling agency.
One of the very first things you should do when considering launching your modeling career is to have photos taken of you.
Models have to do the footwork if they want to get modeling jobs.
Another way to get some experience and exposure is to participate in modeling events, such as wedding shows in the spring.
Unfortunately, many so-called modeling agencies and photographers want to take inappropriate photos of clients, especially of young teenage girls.
There is no credentialing agency to oversee who can call themselves modeling agents.
Anyone can say he or she is a modeling agent.
The modeling business is a dog-eat-dog world.
If you can't keep appointments, are always late or like to argue with people, then modeling isn't for you.
You may find yourself modeling swimsuits in the freezing cold and wearing parkas in the summer.
The following information will help you decide if a modeling career is for you.
However, what is beautiful to a parent or relative isn't always what the modeling industry is looking for.
Consumers know what to expect when they see these particular ads and modeling agents know exactly what type of model to send on these assignments.
Height isn't the only pre-requisite to a modeling career anymore, since people can be a body-part model, petite model and plus-size model.
Weight also plays a big part in the modeling business, but not as much as it previously did.
Still, don't expect to land modeling gigs if you are overweight, unless you are a plus-sized model.
It all depends on the type of modeling that you will be doing.
Teens sometimes believe that they can land great modeling jobs while in school without sacrificing anything.
They may think they can say "no" to modeling jobs because they have a game or will be in a play.
It is very important to know that modeling is a business, not something you can choose to do whenever you want.
Having an agent doesn't guarantee modeling jobs.
It is also important to avoid any modeling agencies that require you to pay for modeling, makeup or acting classes through them.
If you live in a rural area and there are no agents around, you'll simply have to look further if modeling is your dream.
Try using Yellow to find listings for modeling agencies in your area.
Don't expect a modeling agent to track you down to give you a contract.
Make sure your parents are aware of your modeling desires before you start sending out your photos and resume to prospective agents.
Often times your parents will have to drive you to modeling jobs, so you'll have to include them in your plans.
Prospective teenage models should seriously consider all facets of a modeling career before they invest their time in this choice.
Finally, understand that modeling is a job and it will come first above all other activities, including sports, drama and even prom.
A modeling career is tough, but it certainly has its rewards.
A model search for teens is one of the best ways for you to break into the modeling industry.
This is your chance to make a good impression on many different people in many areas of the modeling industry.
Check with local modeling agencies and the mall because they usually have information on these events.
New Faces Models and Talent website has a database of teenagers who are waiting to find modeling jobs.
Whenever you receive a call or inquiry about your modeling, research the company.
Many fraudulent companies out there will promise you modeling jobs as long as you pay them a specified fee.
Finding teen modeling jobs may take a while.
If you are thinking of becoming a tween model, or you are a parent considering getting your child into the modeling business, read on for some tips and tricks of the trade.
The modeling business, no matter what your age, is a difficult business.
Even if a child has the face of an angel, they may never get a modeling job unless they have the right representation and great looking photos.
Once a model has an agent and has worked a few jobs, using a professional photographer may ensure even more modeling jobs.
Most modeling agencies are located in major cities.
If you want your child to succeed in modeling, travel will be a major part of the job.Look in your local phone books for modeling agents or talent agents.
Be aware that modeling schools are rarely modeling agencies.
Modeling schools teach tween models poise, how to apply makeup, how to prepare for interviews with potential clients, and the basics of the modeling business.
Unfortunately, true scam modeling agencies frequently change their names to avoid being caught, but using the Better Business Bureau can help you weed out some of the bad agencies.
An open call is a time when a modeling agency will see prospective tween models in person.
You can find out if a local modeling agency has an open call by calling them directly.
I do my best to juggle charity functions, school, friends, family, getting my modeling and acting career off the ground and dealing with everyday life situations.
The fashion and beauty tips here appear to be endless, however, it's in the Modeling Tips and Fashion Tips sections that you may be able to mine the best gold nuggets.
Teen modeling is an extremely difficult industry in which to get involved, but when the right agency picks up a teen model, she often rockets to stardom in no time flat.
Models have to work very hard; modeling requires much more than a pretty face!
Lithe and with very expressive eyebrows, Shepherd has been highlighted as a brand new star on the modeling scene.
Another gorgeous set of expressive eyebrows, but not just any angular model; Carolina also brings highly coveted posing skills to the modeling world.
To a certain extent, male modeling developed along side of female modeling.
Male models also have a few areas of modeling at their disposal that women have trouble breaking into.
Often, male models in their teens don't wake up and decide to go into modeling but instead, are discovered by agents.
Often, teens are in the best position to start modeling versus their twenty-something competition because there is a much larger market available to them.
The first step to becoming a model is figuring out what type of modeling you would like to do.
Modeling requires certain knowledge like poses and being aware of your body.
Practice your modeling skills so that you can be prepared to land jobs.
With any hope, the modeling jobs will roll in for you.
However, if modeling is something you are passionate about, keep at it until you make it.
There are different levels of success in modeling and if you are dedicated, you are sure to meet one of those levels.
Modeling makes a good hobby for tween girls because it is fun, allows them to make new friends, and promotes a positive attitude and patience.
Modeling is an attractive hobby for young girls who like the thought of being the center of attention, and getting their hair and makeup done often.
If a teen girl or her parents decided that giving modeling is a good idea?
Getting into the modeling business isn't always easy, but it can be very rewarding.
If a young girl is passionate about becoming a tween girl model, then she will likely do well with her modeling.
When first starting a modeling career, one of the beginning and most important steps is to take a few modeling classes, your local youth center or your school may offer modeling classes after school and on weekends.
Modeling classes are a great, relatively inexpensive, way to see if you or your daughter will enjoy modeling, and if you will want to pursue it further.
An agent is necessary for becoming successful in modeling, as they know where all the jobs and casting calls can be found.
Join a modeling class to decide if you enjoy modeling or not.
Tween girl models can learn a lot from modeling, including patience, responsibility, and self-confidence.
If you want to get into the modeling business, it's good to do it when you are young.
The younger a model starts when she gets into the modeling business, the more exposure she will get with modeling agents and modeling companies.
Many towns and cities offer modeling classes at their local YMCA, or youth community center.
A modeling class is an excellent way to figure out if you really want to pursue modeling or not, since they usually are not very expensive, and they show you the ins and outs of being a mini model girl.
These contests can sometimes get expensive in the more competitive shows, so pick an amateur show or contest to practice your modeling skills.
Of course, you will need your parent's support and consent when trying to break into the modeling business.
Image isn't everything, even in modeling, don't stress about things you cannot change about yourself.
Get an agent if you think you want to get more serious in your modeling career.
An agent is necessary if you want to make modeling a career, since an agent knows all of the important details of the modeling business as well as where shows and auditions are held.
Mini modeling offers young girls an opportunity to feel special and make a little extra money of her own..
If you are passionate about pursuing a modeling career, and want to break into the business as a teenager, then becoming a young model is a probably good idea for you.
As with any extracurricular activity, you will need permission from your parents to begin modeling, in most cases at least.
Young models can learn a lot from modeling, from self-esteem to discipline.
Like with any hobby, modeling takes practice, and if you are looking to turn your modeling into something more than just an after school activity, you will have to put more time into it than others who model just for fun.
If you are not a teenager yet, tween modeling would be a good option for you.
Take a few modeling classes, they will help you understand how your body moves better, as well as give you great inside tips on modeling from more experienced women.
Also, if you take a modeling class and decide you dislike it, then you won't have to waste money on shows and portfolios.
A portfolio helps modeling agencies decide if they want to hire you or not, so getting a good one done is an important part of becoming a model.
Check online and at local malls to find beauty pageants or modeling shows in your area, then sign up for a few.
Modeling won't get you anywhere if you don't enjoy it.
Assure girls that modeling isn't everything, and if they lose a pageant that it's the end of the world.
Modeling can be a good hobby for teen girls, as it teaches them self-control, patience, and respect for others.
While this may not always be the case, modeling can be a fun hobby for teenagers and pre-teens.
If you decide that modeling is something that you want to pursue, you will probably want to know what a model's life is like.
Spending time practicing your modeling is very important.
If you decide to enter a beauty pageant or modeling contest, then there will probably be more experienced and older models there who can give you tips on practicing for beauty pageants.
When you are trying to get started in the modeling business, having a good quality portfolio is a must.
There are many different types of modeling, from advertisement models, to hand and foot models.
If you are going to choose modeling as a hobby, then you will need to decide what area of modeling you want to go into.
A good agent, along with a nice portfolio, are important in a successful modeling career, and you can usually find agents through other models, or through local modeling agencies.
Parents who have a daughter interested in modeling will want to watch out for a few things however.
Getting started in the modeling business is fairly easy; going to a few modeling workshops or classes can help you get started, but booking shows and jobs through an agent is a good way to start modeling as well.
Teenage Internet models have many opportunities to show off their skills and gain some modeling experience.
This might help a teen see if a modeling career is right for him or her, or to model as a hobby.
Another advantage of Internet modeling is that the teen can live anywhere in the country instead of having to relocate to one of the coasts or to a catalog Mecca, like Chicago.
If you've done any print work and have tear sheets from modeling jobs, include those in the portfolio as well.
There are many predators online and making modeling images public can cause one of the predators to target you.
Finding actual modeling jobs is challenging.
You get exposure through the modeling as well as some photos you can use to impress future clients.
Over time, you can start charging a fee for your modeling and eventually move into larger markets.
Another option is one of the many modeling contests that run online.
If you live in New York, Seventeen Magazine, holds a modeling contest each year as well for youth aged 14 to 20.
Many other clothing stores and magazines run modeling contests throughout the year.
While a Google search for "teen modeling" will turn up thousands of results, be very cautious as you move forward toward your modeling career.
Remember that modeling is a job, therefore you should make money and not pay money to others.
If modeling is what you truly want, know that it won't be an easy road.
Be open to unusual opportunities, such as helping display a car at the car show or online modeling for a local tanning salon and you will likely find success.
While most famous models are older, there are many job opportunities for teens and pre teens in the modeling business.
Modeling can be a fun hobby for pre teens, and can help build self-confidence in young girls if they are not pressured to win competitions or job auditions.
When girls are in modeling just for the fun of it, then modeling is a great activity, though if a girl feels pressured to look a certain way, then modeling can become a harmful hobby.
Making a portfolio is usually not very expensive and it can help your teen get more modeling jobs.
Beauty pageants are also another option for girls who are looking into modeling.
Enroll your son or daughter in a few modeling classes so they can learn a few things before heading out to a show or audition.
While getting started in a modeling career can seem like a daunting task, if it is approached as a fun thing, then it can become a great way for parents and children to bond.
Visiting fashion and modeling agency websites and teen magazines might help teens learn more about the latest in photography and trends.
While the modeling industry is known for seeking a particular look and body type, there are opportunities out there for a variety of different girls.
You'll need to create a professional portfolio with both head and body shots of yourself that you can submit to modeling agencies.
You just never know when you might get your big break, so be prepared with your modeling knowledge and a memorable portfolio.
Supermodels often start modeling at a young age, and most supermodels are teenagers or young adults.
Part-time modeling as a hobby is fairly easy; if a teenager wants to get serious about modeling it can be hard and sometimes tedious, but if the teen enjoys it then modeling can become a very rewarding experience.
Parents of teens who model can also use modeling as a way to bond with their child.
If you are a teen or pre-teen who thinks that she might want to become a teenage supermodel, then you will first want to start modeling in general.
The younger you are when you start modeling, the easier it is to becoming a teenage supermodel.
Getting a lot of modeling jobs means that photographers and modeling agencies know your work and want you to model for their magazine or television advertisements.
To become well known in the modeling business, you will need to get your name and face out for agents to see.
All things take time to get good at, and modeling is no exception.
Your first few photo shoots and jobs may not be the best, but you will learn a lot from all of them and get better at modeling as time goes on.
Your teenage girl might decide that she wants to start modeling at a young age, and stick with it all through her teenage years, and possibly even longer than that if she is good at it.
Teenagers who model are more likely to develop self-esteem issues because of the competitiveness that comes along with modeling.
Parents who notice anything strange in their teenager's behavior after they start modeling should make sure that modeling is not affecting them in a negative way.
If modeling is causing problems, then parents should have their children quit or take a break from it.
Teens and parents should ask several questions before getting involved with a modeling agency.
Some parents and teens think that they'll be able to manage the modeling business themselves and won't need an agency.
Having their finger on the pulse of the modeling world, an agency will often be one of the first places to look for auditions and calls for models.
A modeling agency takes care of all of the busy work such as paperwork, following up and the like.
Many modeling agencies - even those that focus highly on teens - still require an interview for admission.
Try to focus in on the type of modeling you'd like to do.
Especially for teens, there are numerous contests meant to highlight a teen's modeling ability and intelligence.
Even if you don't win the ultimate prize (often a modeling contract with a famous agency), you may make contacts along the way to help you get started with a smaller agency.
You may even want to schedule a shoot with a photographer who specializes in modeling shoots.
So many teens look into modeling because of the glamour they see on television shows like Make Me A Supermodel or America's Next Top Model.
While these types of shows are a glimpse into the world of modeling, they don't accurately reflect the world of teen modeling.
Through community-based organizations like 12-step programs, positive role modeling and peer counseling are stressed.
Similar in consistency to modeling clay, fondant is a sugar paste made from (in its basic form) confectioners' sugar, glucose (or corn syrup), and water.
The frosting resembles modeling clay in its firmness and is a cake decorator's dream since it can be used to sculpt figurines, form roses and other embellishments, and coat entire cakes in one smooth, professional layer.
Its doughy consistency means that it is a lot like modeling clay, so it's more versatile than other frostings, and it can be used to mold and shape intricate decorations and embellishments.
Visit the LoveToKnow article Make a Rose Out of Gum Icing or Modeling Paste for directions to make a blooming rose.
Alternatively, use fondant to create a rainbow that goes up and over a tiered cake, with a leprechaun made of sculpting fondant or modeling chocolate sitting on one of the middle tiers below.
Have them floating around a larger leprechaun, shamrock or pot of gold image, whether piped or made from modeling chocolate or fondant.
She was subsequently offered a modeling contract with the company and became their "Blue Zone" girl.
This also opened the door to other modeling opportunities.
She made a name for herself as a model and landed a job modeling for Guess jeans.
During the mid 1960s, Tom strengthened his hold on American audiences by modeling himself after popular crooners like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin with his release Green Green Grass of Home.
Lindsay Lohan hit the ground running with a professional career at just three years of age when she worked for the Ford Modeling Agency.
Her rise to the top of the modeling heap was not without challenges, including surgical steps that made her stand out from the crowd.
Although Price had many interests, a friend suggested that she pursue modeling.
She was quickly discovered by a modeling agency and signed a contract with the London newspaper, The Sun.
Katie Price's modeling career took off in 1996 when she appeared in The Sun as part of the "Page 3" pictorial.
Bit early by the acting bug, she participated in many school plays and musicals and began taking modeling classes at the age of 14.
She has often been quoted as saying that her mother only paid for tuition, and that she started modeling to pay the phone bill and other expenses.
At just 16, Ivanka began modeling, and was represented by Elite Model Management.
Her modeling jobs took her internationally to Paris, Milan, and London.
With her forays into reality television, a line of perfumes, modeling, and even music, Paris is particularly savvy at keeping herself at the center of media attention.
Anyway, a photographer saw one of the cards and my modeling career was born.
The show also explained that Taylor beat her addiction and left modeling to raise her twin boys.
Beyonce, fresh off of landing the distinguished honor of "Most Desirable Woman" by, has now landed the coveted Sports Illustrated modeling gig.
Prior to attending Loyola Marymount University in 1991, Elite Model Agency offered her a modeling job.
Tyra Banks began in high fashion, but got the most exposure when she moved to commercial modeling.
She was one of the original Victoria's Secret "Angels," modeling in their catalog and runway shows.
In addition to modeling in the United States, her runway career took her to the fashion capitals of Milan, Paris, Tokyo and London.
With years of modeling industry experience, Tyra Banks ventured into new territory by creating a reality television program.
America's Next Top Model debuted in 2003 -- a model search where contestants competed for a $100,000 modeling contract with Cover Girl, as well photo spreads in fashion magazines.
After she retired from modeling, it seemed that her weight was still up for discussion.
Banks retired from modeling in 2005, after participating in her final Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
She decided to leave modeling to focus on her TV show.
Sanjaya has remarked that he is "more than a musician" and hopes to explore acting and modeling opportunities.
She was kicked off Flavor of Love 2 after it was revealed that she did nude modeling while a student at Northeastern University, among other adult entertainment-style movies.
He left after one year to pursue a modeling career.
She's also one of the Victoria's Secret Angels, modeling in both print and on the runway.
A visiting aunt took photographs of then nine-year-old Katherine Heigl and sent the photos to several New York City modeling agencies.
Natalie reportedly found the world of modeling "boring" and decided to pursue an acting career -- in 1994 she landed the role of Mathilda in the film The Professional.
Patridge says that she took the photos and sent them to Playboy magazine in hopes of landing a modeling gig.
After her stints on stage in Annie, The Sound of Music and Beauty and the Beast, her talent agency encouraged the now 11 year old to attend a convention held in Los Angeles by the International Modeling and Talent Association.
Deschanel promoted Barack Obama in the 2008 U.S. presidential election by modeling a t-shirt emblazoned with the word 'Hope' on the front.
His mother, Clare, worked for a modeling agency, so at the age of 12, Robert Pattinson was also doing some modeling work.
She was also the subject of a sex tape scandal in 2007, which led to a modeling gig with Playboy magazine, where she posed for a ten-page spread and cover shot.
Julia was soon signed on with a modeling agency, as well as an acting school.
She started modeling early in her life and has held the titles of Miss Teen Oregon and Miss Teen USA.
She has done modeling for a number of fashion houses, including Heatherette.
Stewart attended Barnard college in New York City and went into modeling to pay for tuition and living expenses.
He was involved in the local amateur theatre scene and began modeling when he was 12 years old.
While singing and dancing at a local restaurant a talent agent spotted her and suggested to her mother that the little girl give professional modeling a try.
In 1992, when Klum was just 18, she won a national modeling contest.
The prize was a $300,000 modeling contract with the company Metropolitan Models.
After landing the much coveted magazine cover, people in the modeling and entertainment industry began to take notice of the German beauty.
Though she experienced a whirlwind of success in her early modeling days, Heidi Klum managed to stay out of the tabloids and live her personal life relatively quietly.
She also pursued modeling, and while this career was short-lived, her good looks and touch of exoticism made her relatively successful.
What many people may not know about Martha Stewart, born Martha Kostyra, is that she had an early career in modeling.
At the age of 10 she was discovered after participating in school plays, and soon she was acting in commercials, providing voiceovers, and modeling for print advertisements.
Edward Furlong has also tried his hand at modeling, appearing in ads for The Gap and Calvin Klein.
She quit school to pursue modeling and show business, making a move from fixing others' smiles to displaying her own.