Mixing Sentence Examples
She focused on mixing dish soap and lemon juice in her palm.
The hydrazones are best prepared by mixing the aldehyde with phenylhydrazine in dilute acetic acid solution, in the absence of any free mineral acid.
The human commensals were the totem-kin, whom Robertson Smith conceived to have been in the habit of sharing a common meal in daily life, or at least of not mixing with other kins.
But the Nazarite was equally bound to lay aside his holiness before mixing with common folk and returning to ordinary life; this he did by a sacrifice, which, with the offering of his hair upon the altar, freed him from his vow and reduced him to the same level of sanctity as ordinary men.
Hess now observed that in the process of mixing such neutral solutions no thermal effect was produced - that is, neutral salts in aqueous solution could apparently interchange their radicals without evolution or absorption of heat.
As a very great number of important chemical actions take place on mixing solutions, the method for such cases has been thoroughly studied.
Known quantities of the solutions are taken, and the temperature of each is accurately measured before mixing, the solutions having been allowed as far as possible to adjust themselves to the same temperature.
His remarks on horses, cattle, &c., are not less interesting; and there is a very good account of the diseases of each species, and some just observations on the advantage of mixing different kinds on the same pasture.
Nitrogen peroxide, NO 2 or N204, may be obtained by mixing oxygen with nitric oxide and passing the red gas so obtained through a freezing mixture.
The vine is largely cultivated both in Europe and Asia, and much Turkish wine is exported to France and Italy for mixing purposes.
AdvertisementIn order that there should be no change in the states of dissociation on mixing, it is necessary, therefore, that the concentration of the hydrogen ions should be the same in each separate solution.
Most of the rubber now manufactured is not combined with sulphur when in the form of sheets, but is mechanically incorporated with about one-tenth of its weight of that substance by means of the mixing rollers - any required pigment or other matter, such as whiting or barium sulphate, being added.
The inferior varieties of commercial "white lead" are produced by mixing the genuine article with more or less of finely powdered heavy spar or occasionally zinc-white (ZnO).
On mixing the eslactones and reducing (d + l)-mnanitol was obtained, identical with a-acritol.
With the latter system practically as much sugar is obtained from the canes as by diffusion, and the resulting megass furnishes, in a well-appointed factory, sufficient fuel for the crop. With diffusion, however, in addition to the strict scientific control necessary to secure the benefits of the process, fuel - that is, coal or wood - has to be provided for the working off of the crop, since the spent chips or slices from the diffusers are useless for this purpose; although it is true that in some plantations the spent chips have to a certain extent been utilized as fuel by mixing them with a portion of the molasses, which otherwise would have been sold or converted into rum.
AdvertisementA green pigment known as Rinmann's green is prepared by mixing I oo parts of zinc vitriol with 2.5 parts of cobalt nitrate and heating the mixture to redness, to produce a compound of the two oxides.
For efficiency the operation must be conducted with small quantities; caking may be prevented by mixing the substance with sand or powdered pumice, or, better, with iron filings, which also renders the decomposition more regular by increasing the conductivity of the mass.
The mixing may be effected in several ways.
The change of temperature of the solutions after the mixing has taken place is then observed with the usual precautions.
But the bundant steam given off by the volcano seems to have con- c ensed into copious rain, which, mixing with the light volcanic V
AdvertisementTaking the renowned yao-pien-yao, or transmutation ware of China as a model, the Takatori potters endeavoured, by skilful mixing of coloring materials, to reproduce the wonderful effects of oxidization seen in the Chinese ware.
It is this, that whereas the latter produce their chromatic effects by mixing the coloring matter with the glaze, Seif 6 paints the biscuit with a pigment over which he runs a translucid colorless glaze.
Hypochlorites were made, at ordinary temperatures, and chlorates at higher temperatures, in a cell without a partition in which the cathode was placed horizontally immediately above the anode, to favour the mixing of the ascending chlorine with the descending caustic solution.
It mixes with water in all proportions, the mixing being attended by a contraction in volume and a rise in temperature; the maximum contraction corresponds to a mixture of 3 molecules of alcohol and I of water.
Thus, the gases are not present in simple multiples of their combining weights; atmospheric air results when oxygen and nitrogen are mixed in the prescribed ratio, the mixing being unattended by any manifestation of energy, such as is invariably associated with a chemical action; the gases may be mechanically separated by atmolysis, i.e.
AdvertisementCalcium carbonate is obtained as a white precipitate, almost insoluble in water (1 part requiring Io,000 of water for soluticn), by mixing solutions of a carbonate and a calcium salt.
The mineral brushite, CaHPO 4.2H 2 0, which is isomorphous with the acid arsenate pharmacolite, CaHAs04.2H20, is an acid phosphate, and assumes monoclinic forms. The normal salt may be obtained artificially, as a white gelatinous precipitate which shrinks greatly on drying, by mixing solutions of sodium hydrogen phosphate, ammonia, and calcium chloride.
It is obtained as rhombic plates by mixing dilute solutions of calcium chloride and sodium phosphate, and passing carbon dioxide into the liquid.
The normal phosphate, (NH4)3P04,is obtained as a crystalline powder, on mixing concentrated solutions of ammonia and phosphoric acid, or on the addition of excess of ammonia to the acid phosphate (NH 4) 2 HPO 4.
Commercial iodine may be purified by mixing it with a little potassium iodide and then subliming the mixture; in this way any traces of bromine or chlorine are removed.
In the East, then as note, no one took wine without so mixing it.
Chromic sulphate, Cr2(S04)3, is prepared by mixing the hydroxide with concentrated sulphuric acid and allowing the mixture to stand, a green solution is first formed which gradually changes to blue, and deposits violet-blue crystals, which are purified by dissolving in water and then precipitating with alcohol.
Chromium ammonium sulphate, (NH4)2S04 Cr2(S04)3.24H20, results on mixing equivalent quantities of chromic sulphate and ammonium sulphate in aqueous solution and allowing the mixture to crystallize.
The noils are also in great demand for mixing with wool to make fancy effects in wool cloths for the dress goods trade.
It may be prepared by dissolving the metal, its oxide, hydroxide, or carbonate in dilute hydrochloric acid, or by mixing concentrated solutions of magnesium sulphate and common salt, and cooling the mixture rapidly, when the less soluble sodium sulphate separates first.
On mixing nitric acid with water there is a rise of temperature and a contraction in volume.
In mixing concrete there is always a tendency for the stones to separate themselves from the sand and cement, and to form "pockets" of honeycombed concrete which are neither water-tight nor strong.
The thorough mixing of the constituents is a most important item in the production of good concrete.
On the other hand, where the mixing platform has to be constantly shifted, hand mixing is the more convenient way.
In hand mixing it is usual to measure out from gauge boxes the sand, stones and cement or lime in a heap on a wooden platform.
Many types of mixing machines are obtainable; the favourite type is one in which the materials are placed in a large iron box which is made to rotate, thus tumbling the matrix and aggregate over each other again and again.
The materials are fed in at the top of the shoot and fall from shelf to shelf, the mixing being effected by the various shocks thus given.
Its strength varies within very wide limits according to the quality and proportions of the constituents, and the skill shown in mixing and placing them.
Frost will not injure it after it has once set, though it is essential to guard it from frost during the operations of mixing and depositing.
The mixing and laying should all be done very thoroughly; the concrete should be rammed in position, and any old surface of concrete which has to be covered should be cleaned and coated with fresh cement.
It has been found that by a particular treatment, in which the mixing of large quantities of vegetable colouring agents with the food plays an important part, the ordinary "canary yellow" may be intensified so as to verge upon a more or less brilliant flame colour.'
Sea sand may be advantageously used both for propagating purposes and for mixing in composts.
Thoroughly decayed, it is one of the best of all manures for mixing in composts for florists' flowers and other choice plants.
Pig dung is very powerful, containing more nitrogen than horse dung; it is therefore desirable that it should undergo moderate fermentation, which will be secured by mixing it with litter and a portion of earth.
When prepared by drying and mixing with various substances, night-soil is sold as desiccated night-soil or native guano, the value of which depends upon the materials used for admixture.
The same end, that of keeping the finer particles of the soil from mixing with the drainage crocks, may be attained by shaking in a little clean moss.
An excess of silicon or sulphur in the cast iron from one blastfurnace is diluted by thus mixing this iron with that from the other furnaces.
In the United States the charge usually consists chiefly of wrought iron, and in melting in the crucible it is carburized by mixing with it either charcoal or " washed metal," a very pure cast iron made by the Bell-Krupp process (§ 107).
On mixing dilute solutions of the diazonium hydroxide and the alkali together, it is found that the molecular conductivity of the mixture is much less than the sum of the two electrical conductivities of the solutions separately, from which it follows that a portion of the ions present have changed to the non-ionized condition.
According to the present law of the English Church, the mixing of the water with wine is lawful, if this is not done as part of or during the services, i.e.
In measuring conduction of heat in fluids, it is possible to some extent to eliminate the effects of molar convection or mixing, but it would not be possible to distinguish between diffusion, or internal radiation, and conduction.
The mud rake for mixing mortar is rather narrower than the modern form.
The method once exclusively used consists in mixing the raw materials with a large quantity of water in a wash mill, a machine having radial horizontal arms driven from a central vertical spindle and carrying harrows which stir up and intermix any soft material placed in the pit in which the apparatus revolves.
Thorough grinding and mixing are of the utmost importance, as otherwise the cement ultimately produced will be unsound and of inferior quality.
For use with wood which is exposed to moisture, as in the case of wooden cisterns, a mixture may be made of 4 parts of linseed oil boiled with litharge, and 8 parts of melted glue; other strong cements for the same purpose are prepared by softening gelatine in cold water and dissolving it by heat in linseed oil, or by mixing glue with one-fourth of its weight of turpentine, or with a little bichromate of potash.
Japanese cement, for uniting surfaces of paper, is made by mixing rice-flour with water and boiling it.
Fibrolysin is a modified form of thiosinamine made by mixing it with sodium salicylate Fibrolysin is freely soluble and may be given in hypodermic or intra-muscular injection.
Oxygen may be prepared by heating mercuric oxide; by strongly heating manganese dioxide and many other peroxides; by heating the oxides of precious metals; and by heating many oxy-acids and oxy-salts to high temperatures, for example, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, nitre, lead nitrate, zinc sulphate, potassium chlorate, &c. Potassium chlorate is generally used and the reaction is accelerated and carried out at a lower temperature by previously mixing the salt with about one-third of its weight of manganese dioxide, which acts as a catalytic agent.
It can be minimized by making the mixing as rapid as possible, and by using a large calorimeter, so that the excess of temperature is always small.
More volatile anaesthetics such as anestile or anaesthyl and coryl are produced by mixing with methyl chloride; a mixture of ethyl and methyl chlorides with ethyl bromide is known as somnoform.
Sodium hypochlorite can be prepared by the electrolysis of brine solution in the presence of carbon electrodes, having no diaphragm in the electrolytic cell, and mixing the anode and cathode products by agitating the liquid.
The decomposition is rendered more easy and regular by mixing the salt with powdered manganese dioxide.
Cupric hydroxide, Cu(OH) 2, is obtained as a greenish-blue flocculent precipitate by mixing cold solutions of potash and a cupric salt.
Copper quadrantoxide, Cu 4 0, is an olive-green powder formed by mixing well-cooled solutions of copper sulphate and alkaline stannous chloride.
Cuprous iodide, Cu 2 l 21 is obtained as a white powder, which suffers little alteration on exposure, by the direct union of its components or by mixing solutions of cuprous chloride in hydrochloric acid and potassium iodide; or, with liberation of iodine, by adding potassium iodide to a cupric salt.
A cuproso-cupric sulphite, Cu2S03, CuSO 3, 2H 2 0, is obtained by mixing solutions of cupric sulphate and acid sodium sulphite.
By mixing equal quantities of the two forms in aqueous solution heat is evolved and racemic acid, (C4H606)2.2H20, is obtained.
Barium nitrate, Ba(N03)2, is prepared by dissolving either the carbonate or sulphide in dilute nitric acid, or by mixing hot saturated solutions of barium chloride and sodium nitrate.
These salts crystallize out when the water is partially evaporated and may be used with hot water at home, the best imitation of the Carlsbad water being obtained by mixing with hot water the powdered Carlsbad salts (pulverformig), which contain all the constituents of the natural water.
The earliest invaders, under the name of Celtae, had occupied all central Gaul, doubtless mixing with the aboriginal Ligurians and Iberians, who, however, maintained themselves respectively in the later Provence and in Aquitania.
The term " antitoxic " signifies that serum has the power of neutralizing the action of the toxin, as is shown by mixing them together outside the body and then injecting them into an animal.
By mixing assayed samples he is able to produce an opium containing uniformly 10% of morphia.
There is, moreover, much reason to believe that sepulchral mounds were opened from age to age and fresh interments made, and in such a practice would be found a simple explanation of the mixing of implements.
This may be effected by mixing the dry chloridewith one-fifth of its weight of pure quicklime or one-third of its weight of dry sodium carbonate, and fusing the mixture in a, fire-clay crucible at a bright red heat.
It is obtained as a yellowish white precipitate by mixing solutions of a bromide and a silver salt.
Another method consists in mixing the powdered bark with milk of lime, drying the mass slowly with frequent stirring, exhausting the powder with boiling alcohol, removing the excess of alcohol by distillation, adding sufficient dilute sulphuric acid to dissolve the alkaloid and throw down colouring matter and traces of lime, &c., filtering, and allowing the neutralized liquid to deposit crystals.
Here the quinine acts as a bitter tonic. The tinctura quininae ammoniata or "ammoniated quinine" is made by mixing t 75 grains of quinine sulphate, 2 fluid oz.
The object attained by the air-lift is precisely the same as that attained by putting a pump some distance down a borehole; but instead of the head being reduced by means of the pump, it is reduced by mixing the water with air.
The rate of flow is largely dependent upon the proportion of bitumen it contains, and is of course retarded by mixing it with sand and stone to form what is commonly called asphalt concrete.
Neither is there any advantage gained by mixing this hydrate with sulphur trioxide; for when such a mixture is concentrated by evaporation, sulphur trioxide is vaporized until the same hydrate is left.
The spiritual jurisdiction of the bishop had hitherto been exercised in the ordinary national courts, with lay assessors frequently taking part in the proceedings, and mixing their dooms with the clergys canonical decisions.
He began at the bottom of the ladder, mixing with the Bohemian society that haunted the Temple, practising oratory in the free and easy debating societies of Covent Garden and the Strand, and writing for the booksellers.
Methane cannot be burnt in this way even when there is much hydrogen present, and several other methods have been proposed, such as mixing with air and aspirating over copper oxide heated to redness, or mixing with oxygen and burning in a platinum tube heated to redness, the carbon dioxide formed being estimated by absorption in potash.
Mixing with the coal gas oil gas, obtained by decomposing crude oils by heat.
Mixing the coal gas with water gas, which has been highly carburetted by passing it with the vapours of various hydrocarbons through superheaters in order to give permanency to the hydrocarbon gases.
Ferrous nitrate, Fe(NO3)2.6H2O, is a very unstable salt, and is obtained by mixing solutions of ferrous sulphate and barium nitrate, filtering, and crystallizing in a vacuum over sulphuric acid.
It may be obtained artificially as a white precipitate, which rapidly turns blue or green on exposure, by mixing solutions of ferrous sulphate and sodium phosphate.
Normal ferric phosphate, FePO4.2H2O, occurs as the mineral strengite, and is obtained as a yellowish-white precipitate by mixing solutions of ferric chloride and sodium phosphate.
An acid arsenate, 2Fe2(HAsO4)3.9H20, is obtained as a white precipitate by mixing solutions of ferric chloride and ordinary sodium phosphate.
Divers obtains it by mixing cold saturated solutions containing one molecular proportion of sodium nitrate, and two molecular proportions of acid sodium sulphite, and then adding a saturated solution of potassium chloride to the mixture.
Much of the lower ground is well adapted for agriculture, and yields grain in abundance; the principal fruit grown is the apple, from which cider is made in some districts; hemp, flax and oil are also produced, and mulberries are cultivated for silkworms. The wine trade is active, and the products of the vineyards are in great demand in south-west France and at Passages in Guipuzcoa for mixing with French wines.
The vertical section (A) shows the lower portion of the combs devoted to brood-rearing, the higher and thicker combs being reserved for honey, and midway between the brood and food is stored the pollen required for mixing with honey in feeding the larvae.
Hence the bruised seed is, of ter leaving the fiveroller mill, generally warmed at once in a steam-jacketed kettle fitted with a mixing gear, by passing steam into the jacket, and sending at the same time some steam through a rose, fixed inside the kettle, into the mass while it is being agitated.
Graham (Chemical and Physical Researches) recommended dialysis as the best mode of preparing gummic acid, and stated that the power of gum to penetrate the parchment septum is 400 times less than that of sodium chloride, and, further, that by mixing the gum with substances of the crystalloid class the diffusibility is lowered, and may be even reduced to nothing.
It is very refractory, and is applied by mixing with water and some bond, such as sodium silicate or gas-tar.
You must avoid mixing your blood with his and kill any whose does, or the creature will continue to destroy your people.
Static tubular aerator a system in which air is blown into vertical tubes submerged in a liquid, promoting mixing and oxygen transfer.
Mixing up the different ingredients and applying them doesn't prove too arduous.
They remind a little bit of early Pixies mixing gentle but haunting ballads which suddenly explode into guitar noise.
Drain well, then tip into a mixing bowl.
In a medium mixing bowl, soak bread cubes in chicken broth, turning to coat.
Mixing in GigaStudio GigaStudio 3.0 has a capable digital mixer built-in, with 128 channels and 32 fader groups.
The analog mix buss utilizes classic Neve transformer mixing topology.
With built-in echo circuitry you get impressive mixing results.
I am quite keen on the idea of mixing cedar wood cladding with areas of render.
Yamaha defined the first generation of affordable, professional digital mixing consoles.
In a mixing bowl, beat together the dissolved corn flour, egg, egg yolk and salt.
Put the diced cucumber into a large mixing bowl.
Some mixing wizardry by pal Jeff Garber (formerly of indie darlings National Skyline) finally whipped the album into shape.
Merry Widow 3cl vodka 3cl Dubonnet 3cl dry vermouth dash orange bitters Pour all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice.
The website is a series on online mixing desks.
He spoke of the laggers mixing asbestos in 40 gallon drums.
As we noted above, such mixing requires orbital occupancy corresponding to the doubly excited state of 5c.
The protein folding dynamics after mixing are measured by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence excited by a UV lamp.
Mixing the sexes will result in lots of baby gerbils.
However, most times I like randomly mixing my 4 gigs of mobile music, so gimme those 1 second pauses.
Somehow a man in his sixties might appear incongruous mixing with strong muscular players of a different generation!
Throughout much of the region tidal mixing is sufficiently intense to ensure that the water column remains well mixed throughout the year.
We are also combining the mixing device with a UV Raman spectrometer as a novel probe of fast folding kinetics.
Knocking off old lagging does not fit within any of them as readily as does mixing asbestos to form new lagging.
E.g. li font color="red " this is a red li font color="red " this is a red list item /font /li Be careful when mixing other tags within your lists.
Pour into the ingredients in the mixing bowl and add the marmalade.
Which famous writer collapsed and died whilst mixing a mayonnaise?
At CDF there is a unique opportunity to observe this mixing in Bs mesons.
It utilizes sealed silos, transfer conveyor and mixing units to minimize environmental nuisance to the local residents.
Marsh is good at mixing cynicism with guarded optimism.
I have investigated the modulation by the quasi-biennial oscillation of the tropical winds of the isentropic mixing in the tropics and subtropics.
You can even experiment at making your own textured paints by mixing sand with the paint of your choice.
Assume that the mixing takes place in the vapor phase.
Here his work involved mixing potions in the laboratory.
Mixing American pragmatism with Buddhist philosophy, the goal of Soka education is the lifelong happiness of the learner.
These systems have integral mixing, cleaning and pumping capability, and enough capacity for mud motor work and use of large reamers.
Mixing in with their hay encourages them to eat more roughage!
The mosaic design is based upon a crater or wine mixing bowl that sits within a central roundel.
With clear sides with cooking measurements on them, it is also extremely handy for mixing rehydration sachets.
Eliminate tape noise when mixing from multitrack, or to cut out noise from digital samplers and keyboards.
If your son likes tomato-based sauces, try mixing these with pasta, or serve some ratatouille with a meal.
The new HE-VA MEGA DAN can be used for mixing soils before the plow or to create minimum tillage seedbeds.
It seems that it is not doing enough ` mixing up ' to produce a genuinely random shuffle.
Add the spicy slaw to the cabbage and carrot, mixing well to combine.
I began by mixing both Long Axis stroke in warmup, which always helps me feel more slippery.
Water is added to form a slurry which may then pass to a wash mill for further mixing.
The graph to the right shows the effect of mixing time on the setting time of the plaster slurry.
Many enjoy mixing Spirulina powder in a green fruit juice smoothie as an instant breakfast, or a vegetable juice smoothie in the afternoon.
In one example it highlights how the BNP opposed huge investments in local schools, arguing it would promote social mixing.
The band play a tight set of catchy songs mixing American post punk sounds with pop melodies.
Checks carried out four years ago found substantial mixing of products.
You could try mixing a tweed sofa in a modern design with a chair in faux suede or velvet.
An important chemical precipitate that formed on mixing of the spring water and the seawater was iron sulfide.
Cult comedy troop Broken Lizard takes a swipe at the slasher flick, mixing in their own unique sense of humor.
Desire for mixed tenure There has been strong support in government for mixing tenure on newly built housing estates.
Outside, the sea and the descending torrents of rain were mixing in a wild tumult of spray and foam.
Editing & Mixing Digital Performer is simply unrivaled in the area of editing precision.
If each distributing flue is connected by means of a mixing valve with a cold-air flue, the warmth of the incoming air can be regulated to a nicety (see Ventilation).
The latter is the first writer on botany, and his works also contain interesting remarks on manures, the mixing of soils and other agricultural topics (see also Geoponici).
Mendel's object was to gain further knowledge as to lsm the result of mixing by cross-fertilization or interbreeding two strains exhibiting diverse characters or structural features.
Even then, however, the liquid nature of the substance, though advantageous in one or two directions, constituted a serious obstacle to its safe transport and storage and to its efficient employment; it was therefore not until Nobel produced plastic solid preparations by mixing the liquid with porous substances, such as gunpowder, or carbon and sulphur, and finally kieselguhr in a fine state of division, capable of absorbing and retaining considerable quantities of it, that it could be employed as a blasting agent (see Explosives, Dyna Mite, Cordite).
Spun silks are used largely for silk linings, hosieries, sewing threads, elastic webbing, lace, plush and many other purposes, such as mufflers, dress goods and blouse silks; also for mixing with other fibres in form of stripes in the weaving of various fabrics, or to be used in what are known as mixed goods, i.e.
Mixing the Putty Ensure that you mix the putty very thoroughly, or the setting time will increase dramatically.
We shall also investigate whether this mixing enhances the direct CHCC Auger recombination loss mechanism, by relaxing the normal momentum conservation requirements.
Mixing in with their hay encourages them to eat more roughage !
The usual construction is to use the planetary section for mixing, feeding the compound into a single screw extruder for metering.
Make the spring roll sealer by mixing together the flour and water into a paste.
Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl with a good pinch of salt.
A new mixing head enables the established LFI technology to be used for flax, hemp or sisal fibers.
The rationale for the colligative properties is the increase in entropy on mixing solutes with the water.
Lynn specializes in storybook wedding albums, mixing romantic, formal and informal memories of your wedding day.
These three colors are combined using subtractive color mixing to reproduce the range of visible colors.
Place the tamarind pulp in a small mixing bowl, pour over the boiling water and set aside to soften for 20 minutes.
The sticks thwart attempts to disguise alcohol by mixing it with soft drinks.
The screw runs at up to 500 rpm to achieve a mixing performance that normally requires a more expensive twin-screw extruder.
It's a curious formula mixing polemic, graphics, self promotion, built and unbuilt projects.
As someone seeking information in audio recording mixing, you search for tips and " reliable " hints to utilize when recording and mixing.
The bars are a stepping-stone to mixing with the locals and a place where vino tinto and tapas are particularly useful bargaining tools.
Mixing business with week we stopped mayas were a. Whist tournaments fashion that in a seas was the.
You should be very careful about mixing up a homonym and homophone in your test.
Mixing some strawberries into the banana or a little tomato into the avocado can give things an interesting twist.
Mixing gifts from both categories ensures that some of your presents will be greatly appreciated by the parents, and others may become favorite toys or books of the baby.
Do know that if you can't find a color that works well, you can try mixing colors.
As a substitute for lemon-lime soda, you can use vinegar by mixing two tablespoons of vinegar with one teaspoon of sugar in a quart of water.
If you're not an avid golfer, then mixing and matching your golf clubs can be a cost-effective way of entering the sport without putting out a lot of money upfront.
Consider mixing practical gifts with one funs.
If you do, transition your pet to the new food slowly by mixing gradually increasing amounts of Wellness with your usual brand.
Fill a parmesan cheese shaker with baking soda and add 10 to 20 drops of essential oils, mixing well with the baking soda.
When cats lick, they sometimes swallow a bit of fur and it winds up mixing with food particles in the tummy.
In a large mixing bowl, mix the turkey, wheat germ, ½ cup dried catnip, whole egg, Bisquick® and your water.
In a large mixing bowl, combine all of your ingredients.
After mixing, pour in the fish stock (or water) and oil.
Although there are many toilet training kits, you can easily toilet train your cat with a metal mixing bowl.
Add the flour mixture slowly to the first three ingredients, mixing until a soft dough ball is formed.
Once you have found the recipe you're interested in, collect the ingredients and your kitchen supplies and start mixing!
Most of the following recipes can be prepared with common kitchen equipment such as a saucepan, spatula or heat safe spoon and a mixing bowl.
Begin by mixing a small amount of the raw food in your pet's normal food and increase the amount of new food while decreasing the amount of the old food over a period of two weeks.
California Spangled Cat - This breed began by mixing a Siamese with a silver spotted Angora.
By simply mixing the pine litter slowly into the previous litter, a cat may gradually become accustomed to the stronger pine smell and the different texture in its litter box.
If you do choose to switch your cat to a new food, you'll want to do so slowly by mixing the new food in with the old.
Unsweetened juice is much healthier and ideal for mixing in a perfect cosmopolitan cocktail.
When you are mixing this fabulous beverage, keep in mind that every component adds depth and flavor to the finished result.
Since there is so much sugar in Champagne and making Champagne cocktails often involves mixing different kinds of alcohol, the day after imbibing may be a little painful.
If you don't want to bother with all the individual ingredients in a strawberry Daiquiri or you don't have much mixing time, purchase a premade strawberry Daiquiri mix.
As more liquors and mixes became available and mixing techniques became more sophisticated, grenadine was incorporated into a variety of drinks with different liquor bases and mixers.
Begin mixing on the lowest blender setting.
Having each bill's date tracked on an easy-to reference calendar will decrease your chances of mixing up dates or missing a payment by accident.
Avoid mixing personal and business debt.
Mixing and matching reversible cushion groupings also helps define separate spaces on a large deck or patio, and works well in establishing a more intimate dynamic without doing the difficult design work yourself.
It makes mixing and matching pieces from various collections very easy.
Mixing your own aromatherapy oils is a wonderful way to create a signature scent to enhance your environment.
Mixing essential oils is not a difficult process.
It is also important to wash your hands before mixing oils so that the oils are not contaminated.
The whole point of mixing your own aromatherapy oils is to create a personalized product.
Other natural remedies include mixing a tablespoon of salt and black tea, applying it to your hair, and rinsing after one hour.
Mixing two teaspoons of wheat germ and two teaspoons of yeast into buttermilk may also help prevent premature graying.
In the United States, the herbal products market is still wide open, with herbal production largely unregulated and many supplements mixing herbs, food extracts, vitamins and minerals into remedy-like potions.
Furniture that is upholstered with fabric or leather is the most comfortable, but mixing in some non-upholstered furniture, such as a wooden arm chair or rocking chair, will create a more eclectic room.
It's a delicate balance of mixing furniture and décor that seem to be at odds with each other, yet somehow work in the same space.
By mixing and matching various pieces and colors, you can make your room have a one of a kind appearance.
When mixing furniture, try choosing pieces that have some common elements.
Mixing materials is a great way to make a statement in any home.
You will be working with glazes and mixing colors during many of these processes.
Further, remember that mixing a dark glaze with a light base coat will make your room look dark.
Most paint stores offer custom color mixing.
Purchase mixing bowls, containers, and serving pieces in matching colors to create a sense of unity.
Mixing and matching patterns in bedding is common and can look great.
Try mixing red cabinetry with white walls or vice versa.
Mixing too many other bold and busy patterns with a zebra rug can make the room look cluttered and chaotic.
Mixing and matching your plates and glasses adds an interesting twist to table design.
They come in nearly all colors and shades, some in multicolor and size sets, and others individually, allowing for mixing and matching.
By mixing and creating her own products, she was able to individualize her makeup routine to match her unique colors and skin tones.Through this discovery, she started to see the need for cosmetics geared toward more global women.
When mixing your own lip colors, use red as an addition to brighten up your combination.
Try mixing sugar and a little olive oil - it's one of my favorite home skincare remedies!
When you are mixing different scents, always rinse your eye dropper in alcohol to avoid cross contaminating your essential oils.
Handcrafting makeup is a very laborious process, that involves the knowledge of mixing oils, vitamins and minerals to create a refined product.
In some cases, you may use a combination of powder and liquid to create your perfect shade (mixing NC and NW shades together, for example).
The end result, some 20 years after Parker began mixing scents, was Lovely.
Southern Magnolia Minerals offers a lineup of facial brushes, as well as makeup bags, sifters, mixing bowls and skin care products.
Mixing and matching these pots creates a world of new, elegant looks.
Mixing color cosmetic with such a powerful hair color can be intimidating.
That spectacularly cute photo can also be achieved by mixing up angles.
Chinese cooks are adept at mixing ingredients, flavors, and textures to produce satisfying meals that are an integral part of their lives.
Mix well and add vanilla extract and baking soda, mixing again.
A large, rubber tipped spoon, for example, can function as a stirring and serving spoon for big meals, as well as a spatula for scraping sides of mixing bowls.
In a large mixing bowl, combine corn, cucumbers, onions, garlic, and tomatoes.
Immediately remove the pastillage from the mixing bowl and wrap it in plastic wrap.
Mixing the basic colors of red, blue, green, and yellow will create new colors.
In a mixing bowl, beat together the eggs, milk, and dry mustard.
In a mixing bowl, beat together the eggs, flour, baking powder, one tablespoon of sugar and salt until well combined.
Shake things up a bit by looking at turkey and stuffing in a new way, or even mixing them together!
Instead of mandarin orange slices, mix 1/2 apple, diced, and 1/4 cup of dried cranberries into the salad after mixing the spinach and dressing.
In a mixing bowl, combine the cornmeal, flour, baking powder, salt, hot sauce, and onions together.
A straight dough mixing method might not be the best way to go.
This must be done within 12 hours of mixing.
Beat the white of one egg for every quart of stock and add this and the crushed eggshell while the stock is cold, mixing it in very thoroughly.
Do you want to order copies of individual pages so you have the option of mixing in a few traditionally created layouts?
Consider mixing printed scrapbook paper with purchased paper.
Many scrapbookers tend to make arrange their books in chronological order, but mixing photos from different time periods can be a way to add an unexpected twist to your project.
Experiment with a few recipe card sizes before deciding on one that works for you, or consider mixing and matching to give your book an even more unique look.
While creating all of your pages in the same style can result in a very sophisticated scrapbook, mixing digital and handwritten pages promotes a real home-cooking feeling.
Smallville, One Tree Hill, and Supernatural are popular dramas, with Smallville and Supernatural mixing supernatural elements with the traditional relationship and family issues.
Mixing brown satin fabric with a touch of Mossy Oak material makes it hard to notice the dress is camouflage at first glance.
Mixing work and school can be a challenge.
By scooping up a couple of new items and mixing them with what you already own, you can give your closet an instant makeover without breaking the bank.
If two or more teams make it across, have a show down between the teams after mixing up the location of the landmines.
Some require adding ice or mixing the drink in a blender to create a frothy concoction similar to a milk shake.
Before you begin mixing ingredients, set a skillet or shallow frying pan on medium-low heat.
If you sacrifice some flavor and richness by using one egg substitute, you may be able to make up for it by mixing chocolate chips or fresh fruit into your pancake batter.
Try grinding nibs in a mortar and pestle or spice grinder, mixing them with chili powder, cumin, paprika, pepper, salt, or other spices, rubbing the combination onto veggies, and grilling or roasting them.
To add protein to pasta recipes, try mixing in tofu, low-fat cheese, faux meat, beans, or a milk-based sauce.
Try mixing a balloon bouquet with some colorful blossoms.
By mixing them in with the deep and bold tones of the cooler months, however, they still work as unexpected wedding colors for fall 2010.
To infuse the flavors further, crush the berries before mixing them in.
While some decorators recommend not mixing animal prints, you actually can do this if you choose carefully.
Designers go out of their way to shake these patterns up further by mixing in unexpected colors for added interest.
Try mixing different kinds of animal prints together, such as zebra, leopard and cheetah for a mixture of colors, patterns and textures that's visually exciting, while giving your bathroom an exotic look.
You can use a large metal mixing bowl to bake the base of the cap.
Keep these tips and ideas in mind if you're mixing up a batch of fondant.
Add flavor to a batch of fondant by mixing in one to two teaspoons of a flavor extract, such as almond or chocolate, when you are mixing the liquid ingredients together.
The crux of the debate over the new pictures is whether they are actually Miley Cyrus and not the result of creative mixing and matching photos of other people with Miley's via Photoshop.
Some gowns are traditional, while others are for the funky and hip little girl who likes mixing pink and black.
A more 1980s look is now trendy, although older girls keep more to two color choices, rather than mixing it up so vividly.
There are knee socks, tights, leg warmers and leggings in wild colors and prints, and a huge selection of jeans, skirts, tops and sweaters for mixing and matching to any girl's content.
Mixing pracitcal construction with adorable flourishes, ruffled leggings for little girls are a charming accessory for the tiny set.
It's okay to change the food, but do so slowly, mixing the old food with the new over the course of a week or two.
The appeal of personalized shirts is great, for everyone from housewives and professionals to Geeks mixing love of dogs with love of high tech.
In a mixing bowl, mix together everything except for your hard boiled eggs, ketchup and bacon.
In a large mixing bowl, add all of your dry ingredients.
Put the flour and parsley in a large mixing bowl.
In a large mixing bowl, combine milk powder, brown rice flour, whole wheat flour, egg, water, and wheat germ.
If you must transition him to a new food for some reason, do it slowly by mixing the two foods together.
Once you reach this consistency, stop mixing.
In a large mixing bowl combine the flours, ½ cup corn meal and the bacon.
Add flour, a half cup at a time, mixing well after each addition, until it makes a stiff, dry dough.
Mar Vista Medical Center suggests mixing one part bleach with 30 parts water to successfully kill the parvovirus on surfaces.
Dahlia - Distinct groups of Dahlias present a fine effect, if the colors are well chosen, and many good effects are spoilt by mixing up tall and dwarf bushy kinds indiscriminately.
This bushy little tuft resembles the Maiden-hair Fern, and its leaves are just as pretty for mixing with cut flowers, and last much longer.
No matter which companion planting technique you try, do plant different types together in the garden, mixing flowers and vegetables or herbs and vegetables together.
Old fashioned kitchen gardens were famous for mixing such combinations together into pleasing patterns, and the reasons were practical as well as aesthetic.
Instead, add twice as much compost and manure as you normally would and turn it under, mixing it into the soil.
Since then, Esteban has recorded dozens of albums, mixing classical guitar technique with popular melodies.
This Do-It-Yourselfer deck plan is designed to be completed in one day as the floating foundation system distributes the weight on top of the soil and eliminates frost footings and cement mixing.
Quarry pavers can be used in this way to create a unique Arts and Crafts style design by mixing glazed and unglazed tiles in a random pattern.
Also known as synthetic wood, composite deck boards look like real wood but are made by mixing wood fiber and plastic resin.
Mixing pure gold with copper, nickel and zinc creates luxurious white gold.
When the occasion calls for black tie, pull out the tie and start mixing the rest.
They don't have quite as much of a silk selection, but you can still do some nice mixing and matching.
Though there's something to be said for mixing elements to create something fun and unique, it can be tricky to make something so unusual work.
The site also offers advice on dressing well and mixing and matching pieces so that you can be sure to always look your best.
Have fun with mixing and matching a few new items with ones you currently own to create a summer wardrobe that is versatile, fun and reflects your own individual style!
Mixing a traditional pattern with cutting-edge design, this polo is white with blue lapels and a partial argyle pattern on the front in blue and purple.
Mixing and matching pieces from several designers can result in a wardrobe filled with clothes that reflect your personality and individual style.
Clear Air Gardening offers a variety of fertilizers, compost bins, and informative articles on mixing your own fertilizers.
Because babies grow so fast, it's a good idea to shop with the idea of mixing and matching clothes in mind.
Add compost and soil amendments mixing them into the subsoil with spading fork.
Toppings - Mixing dried milk with half the required amount of water creates a thick 'cream'.
No mixing or fussing required.Even though it comes from a can, Batter Blaster isn't full of icky additives or processed ingredients.
It's OK for a few streaks of flour to remain visible in the batter when mixing items such as pancakes, scones, muffins, and quick breads.
The disadvantage of mixing your own juice is that you really do not have a good idea of how many vitamins that you are taking in.
However, for mixing and matching purposes, stick with solid colors.
Take advantage of the versatile nature of this fabric and enjoy mixing and matching plus size linen skirts with the other fabulous pieces in your closet.
By mixing and matching pieces, you will be able to get a more custom fit.
When heating or mixing chemicals in a test tube never look directly into it.
When mixing or heating chemicals in a test tube do not aim the tube directly at yourself or others.
Another option is to try mixing some warm milk into your oatmeal.
California poppy is also available as a liquid extract for mixing in tea.
Versace is unique in mixing colors that are bold and daring.
Go to the middle shed and pick up a piece of missing art - A Metal and Plastic Mixing.
Mixing colors with paint shops and color switches sounds easy enough until you realize the colors you need to mix are separated by doors, platforms, vacuum pipes and sometimes even a creature or two.
Although the recipe is not exact, mixing the ingredients together will result in a delicious sangria.
A one-day wine tasting trip is feasible and can be enjoyed mixing in three to four winery visits and either a quick picnic lunch or visit to one of the region's world-class restaurants.
Before we share some favorite recipes, it's important to note that the key to starting out making a good cocktail, before you even start mixing anything, is to buy good liquor.
The composites made by mixing cork granules and cement have low thermal conductivity, low density and good energy absorption.
Even after vigorous mixing, the water and chloroform separate into two distinct layers.
Receiving the right amount of electrolytes is very important, and thus homemade remedies such as gelatin (or adding salt or sugar to water) are not recommended because of the potential for quantity errors when mixing.
This batter is very much like a crepe batter, so you can mix all the ingredients in a blender, which makes the mixing easier.
If you're new to the exciting world of line dancing, you might be a little intimidated by seeing the seasoned pros and veteran fans mixing it up on the dance floor.
All three came from the melting pot of South American cultures, mixing the indigenous rhythms and the movements from other continents into an entirely new choreography.
Originally known as "Cuban Son" it became popular in the 1920s, taking elements of the mambo and other ballroom dances and mixing them with African folkloric moves.
This type of DNA is passed from mother to child without any mixing, so your mitochondrial DNA is exactly the same as your mother's DNA and your grandmother's DNA.
The trend seems to be in favor of mixing brown and red to create a natural looking tone.
A simple but striking style, mixing romance and elegance, is to braid your hair in a number of micro braids and then twist them together before winding them all around the top of your head.
Mixing the colors can create a whole new rainbow of hues to decorate with.
Mixing color and relaxants or perms is a recipe for damaged hair.
Veet Ready to Use Wax Strips for Legs, Body & Bikini are pre-cut strips with the wax already on that you apply and peel off so there’s no mixing or preparation needed.
Incorporate science by letting them experiment with mixing colors to see what happens.
If you have to have ice cream, consider mixing it with fruit.
Remember, you can be economical by purchasing a few nice pieces and then mixing and matching them with other maternity clothes.
Mixing and matching your way to the perfect swim look is sometimes the best way to go.
Many women enjoy mixing and matching their bikini tops and bottoms because it gives them even more versatility.
Try mixing and matching your prints and solids to put the focus on your body exactly where you want it.
You can personalize them by mixing and matching the tops and bottoms.
By mixing together styles and colors, the line is fun, funky and eclectic, guaranteed to help you stand out from the crowd.
However, if you'd like a suit that's a bit more substantial, that can be accomplished too via mixing and matching styles.
One of the great things about tankini swimsuits is that they are like bikini bathing suits, and you can have fun mixing and matching colors and patterns.
The most common way to wear this set is mixing a brightly colored or patterned top with a dark, often black, bottom.
Mixing and matching is the philosophy of our line.
You can choose from an assortment of tops and bottoms, mixing and matching as you go.
Pieces are sold individually, so you can express your own unique style by mixing pieces from different suits.
This look is designed for the discerning consumer who enjoys mixing and matching their swim look.
While some might select a thong bikini and others choose a topless monokini, still others will choose a bikini that allows for mixing and matching just as easily as it allows for a fantastic tan.
Tankinis are exceptionally easy for a child to wear, and they are also easy for mixing, matching, and replacing.
Striped tankinis are the perfect addition to any summer wardrobe, so stock up and have fun mixing and matching your tops and bottoms for a variety of looks all summer.
Their cupcake maker is exceptionally popular, and comes with everything your girl needs to make a sweet treat - four cake mixes, four frostings, mixing bowl, spoons and a spatula, and even a frosting tool.
It can also stain certain fabrics, so it's important to be careful with it and help younger children with the mixing.
After you have the cornstarch and water mixed together, begin adding the sand gradually, mixing and squeezing the substance as you add more sand.
You can make a drink called chia fresca by mixing seeds into a glass of cold water with a twist of lemon or lime.
If all you take is one over-the-counter multivitamin, you're probably okay, but if you start mixing your own cocktail of vitamins and minerals, you have to pay attention to your total daily intake of each thing.
The next time you eat an iron-rich food, such as red meat, consider mixing it with a high-C food as well to maximize the benefits of both.
Mixing the product with a flavored juice such as orange juice may improve the taste.
Tablets must pass into the stomach, where stomach acids begin breaking them down, mixing them with other foods or liquids ingested before passing into the small intestine, where the vitamins are absorbed and used.
Mixing soluble fibers with liquids may cause them to expand prematurely.
She also enjoys mixing up her wardrobe with cutting edge pieces, like a low-cut, fitted vest, or a metallic, glittering trench coat.
Mixing and matching also allows you to be creative.
Mixing and matching these pieces together, women can create outfits that are perfect for seeing them through the day in comfort and style.
It is only $40 more, but it includes a more powerful motor and mixing containers.
It's a highly versatile machine that can do just about anything you might need done in the kitchen from whipping, hooking dough, making ice cream, to mixing.
The mixing bowl is a five-quart stainless steel with an attached handle and detachable pouring shield.
The flat beater is great for mixing baked goods like cakes, cookies, and cheesecake filling.
This shield makes it easier to pour batter out of the mixing bowl and into baking pans.
The wire whisk, mixing bowl, pour shield, feet, and accessory knob are a simple switch.
The stainless steel bowl is designed for mixing, whipping, and kneading.
The glass blender bowl is for chopping small items and mixing boiling liquids.
The mixing whisk allows the food processor to whip liquid ingredients.
Due to the large capacity, mixing container and heavy motor the food processor can handle both large amounts of food and chop thick vegetables like beets.
The blender uses a proprietary vortex mixing mechanism and a clover-shaped carafe to increase efficiency and decrease blending time.
The lid covers the mixing cup to prevent spills while the blender is working.
The mixing cup fits over the base of the blender and holds the food or ice for blending.
The mixing cup is made from a thick glass designed to withstand pressure.
Most blender models have a dishwasher safe mixing cup.
Each mixing cup is specially designed for a model of blender, and the cup shapes or sizes can vary.
Work Bowl - The work bowl holds the food for chopping and mixing.
Mixing Cup - The thick glass mixing cup holds the food or ice for blending and can break if dropped.
The unit's unique three-spindle setup allows for quick mixing action to take place in three separate containers at one time.
It's a countertop appliance that automatically turns on whenever a metal mixing container is placed in position on the mixer and shuts off whenever the container is removed.
The appliance includes an optional stabilizer arm for ensuring your cup stays balanced throughout the mixing process.
The resulting product was the "Waring Mixing Machine," the first blender produced for household use.
As with most kitchen appliance inventions, the home mixing machine resulted from a combined effort, making it somewhat difficult to answer the question, "Who invented the blender?"
It comes packaged with a stainless steel whisk attachment and a 35-ounce mixing cup with a lid.
The blades, mixing bowl, lid and food pusher are all removable and dishwasher safe.
If you have a large dinner party planned and need the food processor for a number of dishes, having an extra mixing bowl or two on hand will help save time.
Mixing all of the ingredients to a smooth consistency by hand is also rather time consuming.
The five-quart model is equipped with a powerful 800 watt motor while the seven-quart features 1,000 watts of mixing power.
The mixer's motor includes a rugged, metal gear transmission for no slipping and superior high-torque mixing results.
Viking brand stand mixers feature a unique planetary mixing action that effectively reduces the need to constantly scrape the sides of the bowl.
In planetary mixing, the beater is turned in a clockwise pattern around the bowl while the shaft rotates counterclockwise.
This movement helps keep the contents in the center of the working bowl for more precise mixing results.
The multi-speed setting allows for maximum flexibility when mixing with the highest speed capable of handing the densest bread dough and the lowest speed delicate enough to whip up a sensitive meringue.
The Artisan mixer has seven speeds and three optional attachments to handle any mixing, blending or beating job you need to do in the kitchen.
There are seven different speeds on the mixer; higher speeds allow you to beat through thick mixes, while lower speeds keep thin liquids from spraying out of the mixing bowl.
It features a 250 watt motor and comes with a 4.5 quart mixing bowl.
It is a tilt-head style that can do anything from mixing batter to kneading dough.
The Braun M880 has 280 watts of mixing power with three speeds and includes a speed burst button to help you get that tough bread dough nicely kneaded.
It also has an electronic sensor that adjusts the mixer's resistance based on what you're mixing to allow for smooth, consistent mixing.
KitchenAid's five speed Ultra Power hand mixer is perfect for mixing cookie doughs, kneading bread dough or blending smoothies.
The beaters can act as a whisk for mixing eggs, soups, ice cream mixes and other liquids.
These attachments are ideal for making homemade bread and biscuits, or for mixing tough batters such as tortillas.
When you are finished mixing, press the On/Off button to stop the mixer.
Plastic Jar with Lid (Model number - 4917-008) - Oster's plastic jar holds six cups of whatever it is you're mixing or blending.
Whether due to misplacement or actual damage, the most common parts needing replacing on Rival's hand mixers are the mixing attachments.
Rival doesn't offer many solutions for purchasing replacement parts on the company website other than a few items like deep fryer filter replacements, mixing paddles, ingredient scoops and other parts for their popular snow cone maker.
It has an electric sensor that adjusts to the ingredients that you are mixing.
A nine speed can handle more heavy duty mixing and can smoothly transition from low to high speeds.
This feature can prevent ingredients from over mixing and creates a smoother final result.
In addition, it has SmoothSmart which allows low mixing to prevent splatters.
This means that a steady mixing speed is achieved no matter what the ingredient's consistency is.
The 250 watt motor makes this mixer powerful and able to perform anything from mixing batter to whipping egg whites.
KitchenAid food processors are dependable appliances that streamline many preparation tasks like chopping, slicing, shredding, pureeing, mixing and dough kneading.
The blades include a stainless steel multipurpose one for large chopping, mixing and pureeing jobs, a mini stainless steel blade for the four-cup bowl and a plastic dough blade that mimics hand kneading of yeast dough.
A unique triple-motion gear powers cast iron blades that reach all areas of the bucket to ensure thorough mixing, smooth results and optimum incorporation of chunky ice cream additives.
You'll also need a mixing bowl, measuring spoons, a double boiler, scissors, and mixing spoons.
You'll just need to devote a bit more time to finding supplies and mixing fragrance blends.
Guidelines for customizing your own Scensty fragrances don't need to be extremely complicated; after all, the concept behind mixing and matching Scentsy scents is meant to be fun.
With fragrances featuring sweet or spicy notes, mixing fragrances isn't all that different from cooking.
Try mixing it with "Baked Apple Pie" or "Caramel Spice" to sweeten these fragrances further.
As mentioned previously, mixing Scentsy scents may start to resemble cooking when you're working with food-based elements.
You could probably get away with mixing "Cinnamon Bear" and "Poinsettia Pine" for a more lively holiday fragrance, but it's probably a bit of a stretch to imagine "Bubblegum" blending well with "Pima Cotton" as the two themes conflict.
Mixing various types of vintage votives can also lend a very unique and eclectic feel to a room.
Some stations go even further than just mixing in a Christmas tune or two.
Decorate the cookies simply with purchased decorating icing or brush the cookies with a glaze made by mixing confectioner's sugar with milk or water.
Consider mixing up the more expensive brand ornaments with some generic round ball ornaments to complete the Christmas tree.
Finally, if you don't' mind mixing it up with non-BBWs, you can join Adult Friend Finder, which numbers plenty of BBWs, BHMs and all their admirers among its 24 million users.
Building an engagement ring involves mixing and matching component parts.
One of the benefits of mixing other metals with pure gold is that the color of the gold can be altered and enhanced.
In order for a wedding ring to be classified as "Black Hills gold," the mixing itself must have occurred in the Black Hills.
However, the various metals used in the mixing process have not necessarily been mined in South Dakota.
Historians have not pinpointed the exact moment when people began mixing metals to create two-tone jewelry; however, it's safe to assume this happened hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
Mixing materials and metal colors allows you to wear your wedding band with a variety of other jewelry items.
Geometric shapes, the use of contrasting materials, large colorful cluster settings and mixing gemstones with diamonds in ring designs were popular.
Couples planning to get a 3 stone ring often go with all diamonds rather than mixing gemstones.
Continue to eat foods such as vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs and meats, but avoid mixing them with any gluten containing food.
As with traditional pie crust, you will have the best results if you keep all ingredients very cold before mixing and avoid handling the dough any more than necessary.
While using a food processor is the easiest means of mixing and handling the dough, you can accomplish the same results using a standard pastry blender or wooden spoon.
Toss the dry ingredients together and mix well before adding the wet ingredients to ensure even mixing and a uniform pastry crust.
Add the almond mixture to the wet ingredients a little at a time, mixing well to combine.
Add half of the mixture to the batter, followed by half the milk, mixing well after each addition.
In a medium size mixing bowl, sift together the flours, sorghum, tapioca, cocoa powder, xanthan gum, baking powder and baking soda and set aside.
Add the eggs and egg yolks, one at a time, mixing thoroughly after each addition to the batter.
Designed to be trendy, these bags cross the comfort of slouchy Marc Jacobs bags with the girly charm of Dooney & Bourke, mixing in original combinations of colors, patterns, and fabrics.
Johnson has no qualms about mixing the otherwise unmixable patterns of fashion.
You can immediately see the possible scenarios when mixing these two elements and hoping for the best.
Color Lab Mixer (ages 3 and up) - Make bath time educational with this color mixing science set.
Always supervise experiments, especially ones that involve the mixing of chemicals or machinery.
Be it a good book shared on the couch or mixing up a batch of brownies to bake in the oven, children need quality time with their parents daily.
Since the game is a computer one, they can try different things without having to worry about mixing colors or making a mess.
Use safety precautions during science projects, especially ones that include mixing mediums.
This activity helps teach kids about volume and allows for some fun tactile mixing.
Place the hearts under the cups in a grid while players are out of the room, mixing up the sequence of where the pairs are.
Just like with the television, however, extravagant sound mixing features aren't necessary and only serve to increase the cost.
Another frugal gift idea is to purchase and measure out the non-perishable ingredients for a yummy recipe, print out the recipe itself on fancy paper, and put it all together in a mixing bowl with a wooden spoon.
Try mixing your meat with tofu crumbles, available in most produce sections, when making meatloaf.
Make the noodle dish even healthier by not using the high-sodium flavor packets and mixing up a spice combination of your own.
Constantly developing their style, Circa offers the best in comfort and durability, mixing the ultra-modern with the pleasantly simple.
As with a lot of the Miss Sixty line, the Jaiden has a look that vaguely recalls the 1970s, mixing retro style with modern flair.
Mixing them with an ensemble featuring loud patterns and other bright colors will water down the neon shoes' visual impact.
Mixing a homemade tattoo ink poses many health risks.
One of the most popular designs for mixing star and moon designs is to get a crescent moon with a star on the inside of the hollow side.
The problem of matching your skin tone is solved by mixing various colors together.
If the perfect color isn't at your fingertips, try mixing colors.
If you have a creative mind, take a shot at designing your own or mixing elements from more than one design.
Mixing a prime location with reasonable prices, the Belvedere is becoming one of the city's hottest hotels.
Mixing the right music with the right time and place of a road trip is like mixing the right wines with the right meal.
By mixing these four basic colors, both printers and copiers produce "full color" or "four color" printing.
Discrimination has been prevalent in society for as long as there have been groups of different cultural backgrounds mixing, whether it be for business, social interaction or economic need.
You could continue composing parts and mixing up rhythms to keep your audience entertained!
Making a cleaning solution for blackboards is as simple as mixing white vinegar into water.
Start by mixing three drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid into a cup of warm water.
When mixing the solution, pour it into clearly labeled spray bottles for convenience, and store the bottles in a safe area out of reach of children and pets.
Prepare a solution mixing equal parts of dishwashing soap and borax with one quart of warm water.
You should also consider wearing protective gloves when mixing recipes for deck cleaners.
If you want to try making your own window solution try mixing up 5 parts water to one part white vinegar, with a quarter teaspoon of dish washing soap.
Follow their instructions carefully, including using it in a well ventilated area and never mixing it with any other chemicals.
Glass measuring cups are great for mixing the lye and water, while a stainless steel pan can be used to melt the fats.
Mix the lye with the water (use cold water, some recipes even suggest partially freezing the water) in a large glass mixing cup.
Cold process soap making involves mixing lye with water and oils or fat.
It is very feminine, mixing chain trellisses with three-dimensional flowers crocheted in-the-round as a common theme.
The easiest way to get food coloring to disperse so it covers all the kernels is mixing it into melted butter or corn syrup.
Purchase a color wheel if you need assistance mixing your colors.