Mix Sentence Examples
I didn't mix the two.
Even the scent of the room was a dark mix of oak and amber.
His scent drove her body wild, the mix of sweat, darkness, and man.
To make the former, mix I oz.
The answer was mix of advanced medicine and magic.
Sarah and Connor stood above, gawking at her with a mix of terror and awe.
The massive shepherd mix dog sleeping on her couch rose and trotted across the small apartment to her.
It's a mix of high-potency vitamins, electrolytes, and herbs.
After having previously roasted the tube and copper oxide, and reduced the copper spiral a, the weighed calcium chloride tube and potash bulbs are put in position, the boat containing the substance is inserted (in the case of a difficultly combustible substance it is desirable to mix it with cupric oxide or lead chromate), the copper spiral (d) replaced, and the air and oxygen supply connected up. The apparatus is then tested for leaks.
A torrent of nonsense escaped from Jade, a mix of words that made no sense.
AdvertisementHer body settled, and she recalled the look on his face with a mix of excitement and dread.
The air was filled with electricity and the battlefield a mix of red fog and purple lightening.
They do not mix with the Abyssinians, and never marry women of alien religions.
Mix eggs with lemon juice and stir this mixture slowly into warm soup (to cook but not curdle eggs ).
I didn't use the cocktail mix.
AdvertisementIt was just as spectacular as those on earth, a brilliant mix of pinks, oranges, burnt yellows, reds, and purples.
He complied and kissed her deeply, enjoying the taste and feel of her despite the mix of salty tears.
Jack, the shepherd mix, nudged her, and she trotted down the stairs and up the steps to her elderly neighbor's condo.
The right mix was in so Dean turned on the machine.
The restaurant serves an eclectic mix of seafood, poultry, red-meat and vegetarian dishes.
AdvertisementShe filled the bladder with wine, sealed it, and shook it to mix the contents.
Raw, unguarded, a mix of desire and surprise that caused her cheeks to flush and her body to yield beneath him.
The German regulations are apparently based on a keen appreciation of the fact that while one particular denaturizing agent may have little or no effect on one industry, yet it would be quite fatal to the success of another; there is consequently a great choice of denaturizing agents, and in certain cases it is sufficient to mix the alcohol with a reagent necessary for the purpose in hand, or even with a certain amount of the final product, it being only necessary to satisfy the state that the spirit is not available as a beverage.
In one, applicable only to liquids which do not mix, the two liquids are poured into the limbs of a U tube.
In this case the fluids must mix.
AdvertisementMs Ginger Cake 's meal was a great mix of Jamaican and other food and we finished with a most praiseworthy syrup sponge.
Due to its unflavored character, vodka is perfect to fortify other spirits and mix with a variety of ingredients with successful results.
The menu offers a mix of comfort foods, such as macaroni and cheese with bacon or smoked chicken quesadilla, while the entrees provide a choice of beef, poultry, and seafood.
I don't have any what-cha-call-it to mix.
Just as much, she feared seeing them miserable, because of her brief involvement in the mix.
But about half a mile below Geneva this limpidity is disturbed by the pouring in of the turbid torrent of the Arve (left), descending from the glaciers of the Mont Blanc range, the two currents for some distance refusing to mix.
A possible alternative is to burn the limestone first and mix the resulting lime with clay, the mixture being burned as before.
The lake (Llyn Tegid) is crossed by the Dee, local tradition having it that the waters of the two never mix, like those of Alpheus and the sea.
The emperor agreed to summon Luther under a safeconduct, and that he should be heard; but he refused to mix his case with that of grievances against Rome.
They shall mix equally with Brahmans and beggars, with the 1 The historicity of this convention, not now usually admitted by scholars, is maintained by Bishop Copleston of Calcutta in his I Buddhism, Primitive and Present (1908).
The flow of the liquids, in and out, can be so arranged that the motion is very slow, and hence the liquids of different densities do not mix.
It is customary to mix these colours together, thus producing a curious ginger-coloured yarn, which upon being dyed black in the piece takes a fuller and deeper shade than can be obtained by piecedyeing a solid-coloured wool.
The pioneers of the work were confronted with many difficulties; most people condemned the fibre and the cloth, many warps were discarded as unfit for weaving, and any attempt to mix the fibre with flax, tow or hemp was considered a form of deception.
In some cases diffusion takes place to a limited extent, after which the resulting mixtures do not mix with each other.
All that we have to observe at present is that, in the cases in which the fluids do not mix of themselves, the potential energy of the system must be greater when the fluids are mixed than when they are separate.
The tension of the surface separating two liquids which do not mix cannot be deduced by any known method from the tensions of the surfaces of the liquids when separately in contact with air.
If three fluids which do not mix are in contact with each other, the three surfaces of separation meet in a line, straight or curved.
Conversely, if two fluids mix, it would seem that T'12 must exceed the mean of T 1 and T2; otherwise work would have to be expended to effect a close alternate stratification of the two bodies, such as we may suppose to constitute a first step in the process of mixture (Dupre, Theorie mecanique de la chaleur, p. 372; Kelvin, Popular Lectures, p. 53).
How the Saracens, when they took him prisoner, he being half dead with a complication of diseases, kindly left him "un mien couverture d'ecarlate" which his mother had given him, and which he put over him, having made a hole therein and bound it round him with a cord; how when he came to Acre in a pitiable condition an old servant of his house presented himself, and "brought me clean white hoods and combed my hair most comfortably"; how he bought a hundred tuns of wine and served it - the best first, according to high authority - well-watered to his private soldiers, somewhat less watered to the squires, and to the knights neat, but with a suggestive phial of the weaker liquid to mix "si comme ils vouloient" - these are the details in which he seems to take greatest pleasure, and for readers six hundred years after date perhaps they are not the least interesting details.
In contrast with the mutual friendliness and loyalty of the Pharisees, their behaviour towards one another is lacking in courtesy, and when they mix with their fellow-countrymen, they are as offhanded as if their fellows were aliens."
The compressors being set to work, the air is caused to issue from the lower end of the pipe and to mix in fine bubbles with the rising column of water, sometimes several hundred feet in height.
Under these conditions the gas is dealt with in separate streams, which mix when the holder is reached.
The fundamental objections to oil gas for the enrichment of coal gas are, first, that its manufacture is a slow process, requiring as much plant and space for retorting as coal gas; and, secondly, that although on a small scale it can be made to mix perfectly with coal gas and water gas, great difficulties are found in doing this on the large scale, because in spite of the fact that theoretically gases of such widely different specific gravities ought to form a perfect mixture by diffusion, layering of the gas is very apt to take place in the holder, and thus there is an increased liability to wide variations in the illuminating value of the gas sent out.
Oil and water do not mix.
For labels, &c., it is usual to mix sugar or glycerin with it to prevent it from cracking.
Our Deidre is a mix of human and immortal.
I want to oblige, only I want the mix to kill them.
He felt both enchanted and tortured by the heady mix of Elisabeth Sidwell, "God's Promise."
With the exception of a few isolated pockets of green, most of the East Coast was shaded with red, orange, or yellow, while the Midwest was a mix of greens and yellows.
She hesitated until recalling Jack, the shepherd mix she'd left with Mrs. Watson.
Lana started forward again and circled the transport, puzzled by the mix of uniforms.
The Visual Arts course at Salford always draws a diverse mix of students with career prospects.
Acid gases, given off when we generate electricity, mix with sunlight and water in the atmosphere to produce acid rain.
The new songs ' mix of styles is proving sufficiently adaptive to win him burgeoning audiences around the world.
These different air masses do not mix because they have different temperatures and densities.
The result is a 5.1 mix that sounds amateurish at best.
Animation is also fantastic as it is a subtle mix of CGI and cel animation is also fantastic as it is a subtle mix of CGI and cel animation.
Mix a little sincerity and gumption in your hard-line approach, and perhaps you'll get somewhere and not antagonize others.
They are extremely hard wearing whilst keeping a high esthetic appeal due to the glass particles within the mix.
Place on top of the baked breadcrumb mix and cover with the mincemeat, chopped apricots and brandy.
The lower parts of their arms were constructed from the mud mix supported on wooden armatures.
Voices are used in particular sections, and synth sounds sometimes augment the mix.
This mix of techniques has proven to increase the learning of the individual, encourages teamwork and maximizes the benefits to the organization.
Then we sow a mix of fescue and browntop bent, and irrigate immediately afterward to give a quick, even emergence.
Process 1. Dissolve gum arabic in water and mix it with a pigment and a solution of potassium bichromate or ammonium bichromate.
Melt the low fat spread over a gentle heat and mix the crushed biscuits into the melted fat.
Add a little lemon juice, the cognac or dry white vermouth and mix through seasoning with a little black pepper.
Obtain (or make up) a potting mix which you consider appropriate for growing bonsai in.
Not many bookies thought that Warwickshire would be in the mix last year.
Mix with your favorite foundation or apply direct to the skin to instantly brighten your complexion.
Then the furnaces fire up to prepare the molten bronze - a mix with 22 or 23% tin is used.
The analog mix buss utilizes classic Neve transformer mixing topology.
Combine softened butter with the egg and water and half the Glutafin Pastry Mix, and beat with an electric whisk for 1 minute.
A good campfire will have a mix of stunts.
Jay's latest production Late Night Tales is a compilation mix cd of his favorite tracks drawing on his musical inspirations.
Is composed of a program that new mix cd.
Now, among traditional medicines, there is a mix of the good, the bad, and the powdered chalk.
Add the feta cheese chunks, chopped nuts, olives, and sliced tomatoes and turn gently to mix.
Mix in 1 Tbsp chopped fresh thyme or 1/2 teaspoon dried; fill each tin with 1/2 teaspoon goat cheese, sprinkle with mushrooms.
Featuring an eclectic mix of New York loft meets vintage chic.
Mix together with 100g cooked (canned is fine ), drained chickpeas.
Mix together 1 tsp cinnamon with 1 tbsp icing sugar, then mix thoroughly with the ground almonds.
Mix Salt and Vinegar [or Lemon Juice] together to make an abrasive surface cleaner.
Add to the mix bounced lighting, and liquid base face makeup, and you have the recipe for dramatic close-ups.
For coughs, grate a clove of garlic and mix with honey.
Add the shredded coconut into the melted chocolate and mix it with a spoon.
A good recipe for compost is a mix of John Innes No. 2 and normal multi-purpose compost.
Mix together 1tsp each of olive oil, sesame oil and lemon or lime juice and ½ tsp coriander seeds.
The Mix & Match Activity garden has colorful rings and garden critters that can be sorted and stacked onto three soft flower stems.
Mix in the butter until the mixture resembles bread crumbs in texture.
A typical mix being 2 parts of brown crumb, 2 parts of sensas roach, with 1 part of PVI binder.
Sprinkle in the flour and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes then add the tahini paste and crumbled stock cube and mix well.
Add the curry paste and/or cucumber, mix in well and fry for 3-5 mins.
It's partly political and partly cultural and it's a mix of the two.
Mix the Cheese, Parsley, Breadcrumbs and chopped Onion with a large cupful of Carrot Water.
Do not mix cyclizine or prochlorperazine with diamorphine for intramuscular or bolus subcutaneous injection.
Despite trying to drink as much water and energy mix as possible I still felt slightly dehydrated by the end.
There was a good mix of sightseeing, culture, tasting the local delicacy (guinea-pig) as well as time to ourselves.
Remove a couple of heaped dessertspoons of this crumble mix and set to one side.
Add finely chopped spring onion, cucumber and fresh dill, and mix with a small amount of natural live yogurt.
The food puts most restaurants to shame, with a mouth-watering mix from confit of duck and grilled john dory to saddle of rabbit.
Using a wooden spoon, slowly mix in the water until the mixture forms a pliable dough.
On base models, the mix of black and gray plastics looks dour.
Add rising unemployment and economical downturn in to the mix, and things get very interesting.
The result is a wonderfully eclectic mix of visions of Brian May.
This double issue has a somewhat eclectic mix of articles on a range of different topics.
She wanted to create a shopping emporium that bought fond childhood memories and a touch of nostalgia together with a truly modern mix.
The Orthodox Church offers a characteristic mix of monkish asceticism, mystical exaltation, and a special cult of beauty.
Arabs are now in the majority throughout - creating a potentially explosive mix.
The mix contains Baileys ' popular Garlic Supplement which adds its familiar aroma and flavor helping to tempt the fussy feeder.
Prepare a potting media mix suitable for growing ferns in.
The mix of polyester filaments are coated in a gloss finish, making them easy to clean.
Furthermore, it is not possible for the infinite and finite and finite to mix, making an infinite finite.
Fluidics system The fluidics system The fluidics system is essential for transporting the particles from a random mix into and orderly stream of single file particles.
Rather than burn field stubble, farmers could mix the organic residue with nutrients to make cattle fodder.
I am particularly fond of the Dr. Mix massacre of ' I Can't Control Myself ' .
Throw in tempting freebies as well and you will have a potent marketing mix.
Magix Music Maker 2003 fulfills a similar function, allowing users to also add their own live instruments and vocals to the mix.
Those broken capsules won't feel so glam after the third or fourth mix.
American poets form the starting point, although the mix is promised to become global later.
Using the foil to hold the butter, coarsely grate it into the mix.
Use horticultural grit or mix 2 to cover seeds lightly.
Just received a funky, groove heavy mix called " It All Looks Good From Here.
There's also a delicious smoothie you can mix up for you and your mates and our home-made guacamole that's ready for dipping.
In order to maintain their high standards and meet strict planning guidelines, the company specified dry mix mortar in white and plain colors.
Your guinea pig will eat guinea pig mix and hay as the main part of his diet.
He has shown what happens when you mix celebrity and fundamentalism, two of the most potent hallucinogens of the modern world.
This mix includes a dwarf ryegrass to increase the hardiness of the sward.
Just warm it up and mix it until the hashish or hashish oil is dissolved in the butter.
Set the post in place, and adjust the height as necessary with more mix.
Adding a little groundbait or some crushed hemp or pellet to stiffen the mix as I did is the easiest solution.
Give the heap a good mix Within a few days, the heap is likely to get hot to the touch.
Simply mix and place the Duo Treat in the freezer and be ready to enjoy some great home-made ice cream.
Mix and Match with scanned images Using the same principle as above, you can include images in your resources.
This varied mix gives this friendly young band an almost indefinable sound.
Simply combine the marinade ingredients and then let this spicy mix do all the hard work.
Sumdy's Dad live, with their unique mix of cracking covers, fantastic originals and all round insanity... .
Playing a high energy mix of African township jive, reggae, salsa, latin and funk.
The turquoise and cream fabric is from a vintage Japanese kimono and is a silk mix.
I mix in about 1 1/2 to 2 cups then knead in the rest on a lightly floured surface.
Medium sized flat round wool knops in a mix of sizes.
To give the impression of an old lath and plaster ceiling, the new ceilings were coated with a coarse sand mix.
Lebkuchen spice mix (organic) I remember the smells of Christmas biscuits and cakes being made.
You shouldn't mix lime render and cement render.
Mix 4 parts white spirit with 1 part linseed oil.
For larger amounts, mix in kitty litter or pour one-inch layers of paint in a cardboard box lined with a plastic bag.
Mix 3 drops per 10ml of base - for a quick drying readily absorbed base use our aloe & seaweed gel or moisturizing lotion.
Mix diced mango with finely chopped fresh red chili and chopped fresh coriander.
Vegan Pastry Case 3oz margarine 6oz flour 1oz sugar water to mix Rub the margarine into the flour.
In a rapidly evolving digital marketplace, we see 4Play as a potent tool in the marketing mix.
Then it adds well choreographed, staged and executed martial arts and acrobatics into the mix.
One to mix the martinis, the other to call the electrician.
Ask a player to mix the matchboxes together and throw them up in the air.
Foods such as homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, cake mix and mousses can contain raw eggs and therefore carry the risk of salmonella.
Impressive imagination and individuality combined with that musical mix reveals Lowe as a peerless melodist and a songwriter of panoramic originality.
It's a bit of a mix here; tapas, Italian and Greek meze all feature on the menu.
Tensions are high as the different races, religions and cultures seldom mix, breeding mistrust and fear of anything that is different.
These comprise a complete mix of tenures and house types ranging from one bedroom flats through to four bedroom houses.
Some Far East holiday itineraries include tear-shaped Sri Lanka, Japanâs Nagasaki and Mumbai â a heady mix of bhajis, bazaars and Bollywood.
This group exhibition brings together a diverse mix of artists, both in terms of personal geography and artistic preoccupation.
And thereâs the usual mix of news, views and opinion from around the world of small business and enterprise.
To help you apply the concepts, the course provides a carefully balanced mix of tuition, case study, assignments and exercises.
It's a rich mix of all sorts; from the Islamic to the High Tech.
Apply Apply your knowledge of, say the marketing mix, to a particular situation.
Lay the slabs on a standard mortar mix, remembering to slope the whole patio away from the house slightly.
They must be cemented in place side to side through the wall and ramming cement mix to fill around and above them.
Warren added an extra eight-channel input box to the 324 for the samplers to come up via a separate stereo mix.
Add the yeast mixture and mix to a soft dough, adding more warm milk if necessary.
Crush 4 boiled new potatoes and mix in 1 tsp grain mustard, chopped parsley, freshly ground black pepper and 1 chopped shallot.
The two other approved drugs include disulfiram, sold as Antabuse, which makes people nauseous when they mix it with alcohol.
Being able to include their products in our offering means we can provide the best pick and mix solution to match individual client needs.
You just need brightly colored flowers, with a good mix between cultivated and wild flowers, including nettles and thistles.
The clientele are local with a mix of some visitors to London who seemed rather nieve.
I mix it 1 part to 6 parts golden flowery orange pekoe (GFOP ).
An unusual mix today, this must have seemed outlandish 300 years ago.
The tissue is then dehydrated, and transferred to propylene oxide, which will mix with the resinous embedding medium.
Mahi mahi wrapped in plantain leaf and served with a salad of palm heart shavings and green papaya was a delicate mix of flavors.
Mix with salt and pepper to taste and form into round patty shapes, squeezing mixture together.
Mix enough water into a dessert spoon of crunchy peanut butter to form a paste and stir this in to the vegetables.
Or alternatively, try the current trend of reportage photography or even a mix of the two.
Mix both extracts, pour into a clean pan, reduce by boiling until juice measures 1½ pints.
The underneath of this roof, i.e. the roof ceiling will now have a mix of cane showing and red ceramic plates.
The mix, whilst still pliable is cut by special tools, each with its own design.
Using a wooden spoon, slowly mix in about 500ml of warm water, until the dough becomes pliable.
Mix the frozen petits pois into the softened onions.
Simply cut the pomegranate in half, scoop out the flesh then mix it in.
The next stage is to mix them with about 75 million cold positrons.
To mix a couple of metaphors, the time bomb is ticking and we stand on the edge of a very steep precipice.
If so, you can create a very attractive finish with the traditional mix (including quartz ).
Add the cooked quinoa, cheese, potatoes, cooked pepper mixture, salt, pepper and thyme and mix well.
You can also have a mix of UFH, rads and towel rads.
Mix together the sugar, wheat and barley, chopped raisins, and cover with 1 gallon hot water.
Mix in the remaining 1 tbsp chopped parsley and serve with the hot courgette ratatouille.
Mix in ½ cup drained chopped roasted red peppers and ½ cup chopped fresh parsley.
Also, he's done a dub reggae DJ mix cd.
This can be a mix of formal, informal, creative and/or reportage style photographs.
It will probably contain a mix of uses including residential.
This allows automatic changes to the fund portfolio, reflecting a less volatile mix of investments as the client nears retirement.
Sadly, the mix on both is pretty lightweight, crying out for a Manchester sized bass riff to hang its coat on.
Mix lemon rind, juice and honey into the hot syrup, add gelatine, stir well.
This new Taggy Tones album brings a mix of traditional and revival rockabilly, played with a lot of passion.
At the time of the planned extention, it was proposed that a mix of new rolling stock and existing would ply the route.
Mix well until it gets quite runny and sticky.
Mix it with washed coarse sharp sand, around 1 part lime to 4 of sand.
Once the tomato sauce is hot mix half the beans with half the sauce.
His unique mix of experience in comedy writing, editing and technical savvy made him a great fit for the essential co-director's position.
They shake their sequined hip scarves to a mix of classical and contemporary Middle Eastern music.
The ground floor screed was also made up of a hemp mix.
Meanwhile Vidar was on the gin and alka seltzer - a strange mix that I can't see catching on.
Mix some red wine vinegar, mustard and chopped shallots in a small bowl, then add some olive oil.
The exact mix ratio was found to be of vital importance when balancing good conductivity against low shrinkage.
Then mix in a jaw dropping performance by the film's controversial director as a degenerate white slaver.
Mix 3 tsp soy sauce with 2 tsp clear honey, 1 crushed garlic clove and the juice of half a lemon.
Mix the bicarbonate of soda, nutmeg, mixed spice into the flour turning well.
Mix the remaining sour cream with the finely chopped spinach.
Often the tattooist used his own spittle to mix the color but occasionally urine was used instead.
Ms Ginger Cake's meal was a great mix of Jamaican and other food and we finished with a most praiseworthy syrup sponge.
Mix the Grout to the manufacturers recommendations and then spread it over the tiles using the rubber squeegee.
Aimed at more tribal floors, it's the ' Dub ' mix which is the true standout.
Mix also had a famous steed, Tony the Wonder Horse.
Mix with treacle or golden syrup, making a rather stiff mixture.
Just mix a bowl of rubbish with some mad caps, then stir-fry it with jabberwocky.
Jasmine Birtles Jasmine manages to mix finance and comedy a kind of laughing stockbroker!
Merkel argues she wants a broad mix that includes solar and wind energy, two renewable sources the past government heavily subsidized.
Remove the onion, mix it with the cabbage and add the sultanas.
Mix everything together and add 1 tablespoon sunflower oil or butter and finish with finely chopped parsley.
Remember to use either superscript or brackets in your work - do not mix these styles.
A lovely mix that is sure to be a sweet treat for your little sweetheart!
Lovely individual pastry tartlets made with fresh orange zest filled with delicious dark chocolate mix topped with fresh orange segments.
I suddenly realize that being a poorly paid telephonist and hob-nobbing with the ' glitterati ' can be a difficult mix.
Developer attitudes Developers vary in their approach to mixed tenure development; many would prefer there to be no tenure mix.
Add the Fraser sisters and Georgina Boyes to the mix and you have something utterly transcendent.
Remove pan from heat, add teaspoon of vanilla essence, beat until the mix is thick then pour into greased tray.
Perhaps mix normal and sweet potato, or add in some mashed turnip or swede as well.
The next step is to undercoat all of the terrain with a mid to dark gray undercoat mix.
The skill mix that is required these days and the increasing demands made on nurses makes a review urgent.
Mix a 200g tub of low fat soft cheese with 1 beaten egg, 2 tbsp powdered sweetener and 1 tsp vanilla extract.
These websites normally consist of a mix of articles and relevant products and services from third-party vendors.
Into this I mix vermiculite to help with moisture retention.
Exclusively designed collections offer versatile, mix and match outfits, in a variety of color palettes.
Method Mix the oil and vinegar together to make the vinaigrette.
Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl and mix in the ground walnuts.
In a small bowl, mix together the eating apple, cut into thin wedges, and fresh sage sprigs.
Something for everyone A mix of very witty wordplay, physical comedy and musical sketches, the Revue really offers something for everyone.
A subtle textured acrylic mix yarn perfect for knitting.
For a lovely rhubarb fool, mix 150g low fat plain yogurt with 150g low fat soft cheese.
Add the caster sugar, cinnamon and 3 beaten egg yolks and mix well to form a stiff paste.
There will also be table tennis and table football to encourage youngsters to mix together and communicate.
Rich Mix's stylish food made the party zing " Routledge Publishers.
Throughout his career he desired, says Swift, his intimate friend, to be thought the Alcibiades or Petronius of his age, and to mix licentious orgies with the highest political responsibilities.
No instance, however, of a phenomenon of this kind has been discovered, for those liquids which mix of themselves do so by the process of diffusion, which is a molecular motion, and not by the spontaneous puckering and replication of the bounding surface as would be the case if T were negative.
The Bagshot Beds in the west form infertile tracts of sandy soil, covered with heath and pine, where space is available for the great camps and military training-grounds round Aldershot, and for the extensive cemeteries at Woking The London Clay in the east is more fertile and crowded with villages, while the East Anglian portion of the basin consists of the more recent Pliocene sands and gravels, which mix with the boulder clay to form the best wheat-growing soil in the country.
The gig went reasonably well, considering a bizarre mix of mainly comedians and a few punters in the audience.
Mixing the Putty Ensure that you mix the putty very thoroughly, or the setting time will increase dramatically.
If so, you can create a very attractive finish with the traditional mix (including quartz).
You can mix colors of Floam together to create a rainbow of colors.
Spontaneous recall was above the norm, increasing by 36% when the six sheets were including in the mix.
Redeploy existing physiotherapists and review skill mix to meet proposed waiting time targets.
Place the mix in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Well, the thin mix does n't exactly help on the version of the CD I have, which is n't the remastered version.
Grate over some nutmeg, and mix in about half a pound of ricotta cream cheese.
Find the right mix of sources and build your sales engine to exploit the massive potential of the roofline market.
Mix carefully, allow to stand at room temperature for several hours or overnight.
Meanwhile, mix the flour, salt and spices together and rub in the butter.
Tips Composting works best with a good mix of dry, tough materials with wet, sappy materials.
His unique mix of experience in comedy writing, editing and technical savvy made him a great fit for the essential co-director 's position.
Rub seasoning mix onto ribs, pressing into surface.
Meanwhile Vidar was on the gin and alka seltzer - a strange mix that I ca n't see catching on.
A commercial film distributor and cinema owner, Balch handled an eclectic mix of art cinema and sexploitation films.
This spice mix creates a taste that is beyond the ordinary sheesh kebabs.
The center 's monthly ceilidh involves a mix of storytelling and singalong sessions and attracts a diverse group of attendees.
Vivien 's life becomes a chaotic mix of friendships, youth club, skinhead violence, A levels, discos and college.
Then mix in a jaw dropping performance by the film 's controversial director as a degenerate white slaver.
Grass mowings Mix well with tougher items to avoid a slimy mess.
Invite the children to bring over the ingredients and mix in the smoothie maker.
Mix the egg yolks with the spinach mixture then gradually fold in the egg whites.
Aimed at more tribal floors, it 's the ' Dub ' mix which is the true standout.
The dressing is again a mix of some of the stir-fried vegetables.
In a large bowl, mix remaining stuffing ingredients with onions; season.
The new blend, based on a mix of sucrose esters, also eliminates the need for lecithin, and partly replaces gelatine.
Meanwhile mix the cheese with the cream and sun-dried tomato paste to make a smooth sauce.
A lovely mix that is sure to be a sweet treat for your little sweetheart !
To make tarragon butter, mix together 2 tbsp.
With a tottering tower of CDs sitting on the window sill, patiently waiting for review, it 's clearly time for another mix.
For students who like to mix the buzz of city life with the tranquility of the countryside, there really is nowhere better.
It generally turns out as an unholy mix of Pakistani and Welsh.
They needed a Balance of Investment study to identify the most cost-effective mix in the future support vehicle fleet.
Situated in Norway 's mild southern regions, the Western Fjords present a stunning mix of towering peaks, verdant meadows and traditional architecture.
Separate mix lubrication is provided by a variable delivery volumetric pump.
The DTS track is the best of the three, with a nice heavy bass sound and clear, well-balanced mix.
Where else can you mix with unpretentious people while listening to the killers and eating a wham bar !
Wind tunnel tests resulted in an optimal mix of aerodynamic penetration and high protection.
Interesting times are ahead for operators who have the vision to create the right mix of wired and wireless cable networks.
Now mix to a dough, starting with a wooden spoon also use your hands.
There 's an eclectic mix of people on the site - from youngish couples to the retired with a mix of social groups.
Rich Mix 's stylish food made the party zing Routledge Publishers.
Next, mix the ingredients until they are fully cohesive.
Her outfits are an amusingly eccentric mix of colors, patterns, and textures.
You're going to be absorbing a lot of information from customers, and you need to creatively mix this data with your original idea and come up with something new.
Because every founder brings his or her own mix of personal traits and skills to the startup, every founder is going to experience the challenges in his or her own way.
Also, most people have a mix of missionary and mercenary qualities; it's unusual to find someone who is 100% pure.
If you choose to use rice cereal, mix it with enough breast milk or formula to thin it out sufficiently to form a thin soup.
Add a touch of navy or denim blue for a little boy, or mix in some pretty pink and white with the red for a little girl.
Of course there are numerous other options, particularly when you throw men into the mix.
When you add dating into the mix, single parenting can become downright challenging.
Are the children given a mix of individual and group projects?
If you are searching for friends of the same gender, then bringing your child into the mix means making new friends for him or her, too.
Mix cake mix with water, vegetable oil and egg whites.
The batter yield is 4 1/2 cups; separate into three equal portions to go into the pans for baking; color all three, or mix and match.
You can mix and match invitation wording with any design or style this company has available.
Be aware that 120 degrees F. can still burn your baby, so always mix hot water with cold water before it touches your child's skin.
Mix and match your fabrics and your colors in curtains, bedding, throws, pillows, and more.
Showers that are mid-day or mid-morning can offer simple finger foods, like fruit kebabs and trail mix.
Others mix a variety of flowers in both the corsage and the centerpieces.
While pink is still the popular shade for girls, modern style adds black or chocolate brown to the pink mix for a more sophisticated and edgy vibe.
Some baby monitors add a camera feature to the mix so that the handheld remotes now provide visual displays of baby's proceedings.
Make your own applesauce (or buy baby applesauce from the store), puree peaches or other fruits to mix with plain yogurt, or give small pieces of banana (grapes too for older babies).
They also allow you to custom mix different teas to come up with your own unique flavor.
Mix up the types of cat food you purchase; buy wet food as well as dry food.
Decide on the optimum mix of features that you need and then select the best model for you and your budget.
You'll also want a mix of early-, mid- and late-blooming flowers so that you have color as long as possible.
Don't be afraid to try new herbs and spices and mix them up in your own ways.
Custom colors are more expensive because the printer must mix primary color combinations of black, blue, magenta and yellow, until he matches the desired color.
This adds to the rich mix of influences in the country and is reflected in many architectural styles.
In most cases, it's best to get a mix of shapes or at least purchase filler beads along with your gemstone beads.
Mix the characters up with different hats, eyes, buttons, and even colors and sizes to create a whole sock monkey family for your kids, your friends, or just for your own amusement.
Getting a mix will ensure plenty of fun, opportunity for experimentation and an introduction to fireworks you haven't tried before.
Arrive at a good mix to make your child happy and to make sure that your holiday gifts serve a useful purpose.
If you have a Trader Joe's near you, there is probably an aisle of beer you can mix and match into a six-pack.
When you add Macs into the mix, the possibilities increase.
Each mix is formulated to provide all of the essential amino acids that are so necessary for healthy cellular production.
Your cat's life stage - Kittens, adult cats and senior felines all have very different nutritional needs, so it's important to begin your search by choosing an age appropriate mix.
In a clean baking dish or on a large plate, mix the wheat germ, fish flakes and catnip.
The fur wad inside of the gut also collects food particles, and the entire mix becomes compacted.
Mix 1/4 cup baking soda with water in a spray bottle.
If you mix scented and unscented, they will last longer.
Mix 1/2 cup salt and 1/2 cup flour in a bowl.
The vet gave him shots for three consecutive days, and sold us cat food, a mix of chicken and fish.
I'm not looking to become a breeder, but I'd really love to own cats, and think that it would be an interesting mix and a great project.
Today she added something to the mix; she actually started to suckle on my sweatshirt in conjunction with the kneading.