Mitotic Sentence Examples
The central body probably plays the part of a nucleus and some observers consider that it has the characters of a typical nucleus with mitotic division.
In pathological cell-division it happens occasionally that the segmentation of the cytoplasm is delayed beyond that of the mitotic network.
Some of the nuclei within multinucleated cells may occasionally be engaged in mitotic division, the others being in the resting state.
The mitotic index is the fraction of cells in a microscope field which contain condensed chromosomes.
The histology of the tumor, including nuclear pleomorphism and the mitotic count, are of no value in predicting clinical outcome.
Invasion is a defining characteristic of malignancy, as is nuclear pleomorphism and high mitotic activity.
One way DNA damage can arise is during a process called ' mitotic recombination ', which occurs when cells divide.
During cell division, the duplicated centrosome helps to organize the mitotic spindle.