Misuse Sentence Examples
It led, among other consequences, to an enormous misuse of bleeding.
Try not to misuse nouns as verbs or adjectives.
Accidents from the misuse and careless handling of explosives are unfortunately too frequent in mines.
It was the main concern of the national agency on alcohol misuse.
Misuse of any chemical can cause serious environmental impacts.
The loss to the economy of premature death from alcohol misuse is around £ 2.4 billion each year.
The Misuse of Drugs Act seems impervious to amendment or repeal.
No person shall intentionally interfere with, or misuse anything provided by the University in the interests of health, safety or welfare.
The FDA has been notoriously lax in dealing with the misuse of drugs in the dairy industry.
In my opinion what we had here was a blatant misuse of his position described as chair of a publicly funded body.
AdvertisementThese procedures also indicate the actions to be taken in the event of suspected computer misuse.
It is aimed at young people, parents, professionals or anyone concerned with solvent misuse.
Marcuse criticized the misuse of science because it also legitimizes social and economic hierarchy.
Our company will make every effort to tackle drug misuse at work effectively.
What can be done to prevent the misuse of alcohol?
AdvertisementGiven the level of misuse identified by ICE Ergonomics, would it be advisable to explicitly ban such visors at night?
Some institutions are looking at digital watermarking techniques to prevent misuse.
The warranty does not apply to damage resulting from abuse, accident, alteration, improper assembly, misuse or tampering.
Females between the ages of 12 and 17 are more likely than males to abuse OTC medicines, while males between the ages of 18 and 25 were more likely to misuse them.
The chief risks involved in taking the TAT are a bad "fit" between the examiner and the test subject and misuse of the results.
AdvertisementThe cord can become damaged through misuse or exposure to water.
The warranty is void if the product has been subject to misuse, neglect, accident, improper maintenance or repair or unauthorized modification.
According to the Safe Kids fire prevention fact sheet, fires are most often caused by adult cigarette use, electrical malfunction, and misuse of heating equipment.
Since they don't have an ownership stake in the car, they may misuse it.
Serious side effects have been reported with the use and misuse of diet supplements.
AdvertisementFor example, service contracts don't normally cover failures caused by misuse of the product.
Most warranties will not cover damage caused by misuse of the product or if the product was used for commercial purposes.
In order to encourage your children's trust, never misuse this information, and allow them their online space without repeatedly posting comments to their account.
Those people who use MySpace from work may be in the position of potential disciplinary measures for misuse of internet privileges, and such sites can be helpful for that purpose.
That leads to the whole system beginning to fail, in much the same way that keywords and metatags stopped working so well due to the misuse of popular tags like "sex" on many websites.
His financial administration was sound and he guarded against any misuse of the revenues of the state.
It was not possible to ascertain why the likelihood of misuse was not more apparent at an earlier stage.
Many had co-morbid substance misuse and a history of self-harm.
Themes include bullying, drugs misuse & healthy eating.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (a type of counseling) is the most effective response to crack cocaine misuse.
We have promoted conferences and seminars on reducing drug supply and cutting drug-related crime, and have produced reports on housing and crack/cocaine misuse.
The highlight of the collection is Little Gods, the study of an aging Spanish nobleman awaiting trial for misuse of his power.
Mental health patients using opiates were more likely to receive substance misuse interventions than patients using other drugs.
Drugs of misuse include opiates such as heroin, stimulants such as cocaine and crack, hallucinogens such as LSD, and cannabis.
Most relate to heroin and misuse of the synthetic opiate, methadone.
Treatment can alter the natural history of opioid dependence, most commonly by prolonging periods of abstinence from illicit opioid dependence, most commonly by prolonging periods of abstinence from illicit opioid misuse.
Acquisitive crime (particularly shoplifting, burglary and fraud) are the primary means of funding drug misuse.
But parliamentary sovereignty had been established - Charles II knew he could never misuse power the way his father had done.
It is vitally important that substance misuse training should also be present within the undergraduate syllabus.
This often leads to drug misuse or even unscrupulous supply of out of date drugs.
Our warranty covers against defective workmanship only, misuse or wilful damage will render the warranty void.
The consequence of this misuse of the term "curate" was that the title of "perpetual curate" fell into desuetude in the Anglican Church, and an act of parliament (1868) was passed to authorize perpetual curates to style themselves vicars (see Vicar).
The explanation of the dual kingship is probably this - the Tui Tonga were regarded as the direct descendants of the original head of the family from which the people sprang; regarded with reverence, and possessing unlimited power, they came to misuse this and discontent resulted, whereupon, to protect themselves, they appointed an executive deputy.
Charlemagne legislated with vigour against this tendency, trying to make it easier for the poor freeman to fulfil his military duties directly to the state, and to forbid the misuse of power by the rich, but he was not more successful than the Roman government had been in a like attempt.
The misuse of the Eddic metaphors made the lyrical and epical poetry of the day hardly intelligible, and, to make matters worse, the language of the poets was mixed up with words of German and Danish origin.
At Eylau, at Wagram, and later at Waterloo, his method of acting by enormous masses of infantry and cavalry, in a mad passion for conquest, and his misuse of his military resources, were all signs of his moral and technical decadence; and this at the precise moment when, instead of the armies and governments of the old system, which had hitherto reigned supreme, the nations themselves were rising against France, and the events of 1792 were being avenged upon her.
Context There is a strong link between drug misuse and crimes such as shoplifting, burglary, vehicle crime and theft.
But Parliamentary sovereignty had been established - Charles II knew he could never misuse power the way his father had done.
Substance abuse disorders were uncommon but a substantial proportion of individuals had problems with alcohol or drug misuse.
Therefore, outward-facing borders need to be tightened to prevent misuse of internal harmonization.
Ultraviolet radiation such as that which occurs with a welder's flash or use of a sunlamp, can also cause an abrasion, as well as misuse and mishandling of contact lenses.
If the corneal abrasion is due to contact lens abuse, then the consequences of further misuse of contact lenses must be thoroughly discussed with the eye care practitioner.
An assessment tool that is appropriate for one goal is often inappropriate for another, leading to misuse of data.
Parts on rice cookers may wear out from repeated use or be damaged by accident or misuse.
Fleurys inclination was not to misuse Frances traditional policy by exaggerating it, but to respect his sworn word; he dared not press his opinion, however, and yielded to the fiery impatience of young hot-heads like the two Belle-Isles, and of all those who, infatuated by Frederick II., felt sick of doing nothing at Versailles and were backed up by Louis XV.s bellicose mistresses.
Prezzybox.com is not liable for product misuse or indirect, special or consequential damages.
Vision Internet Limited explicitly disclaim responsibility for this script including any damages that might result from the use or misuse of the script.
There were two incidents of misuse of aluminum phosphide.
Of course, women can be underweight for other reasons, such as illness or drug misuse.
If there is a malfunction with your Crock Pot within that time frame and it's not related to neglect or misuse, JCS may, at the company's option, repair or replace the appliance.
These coincidental hazardous drinkers represent the ' potential ' or future burden of alcohol misuse on hospital services.
The sheriffs were kept very tightly in hand, and under incessant supervision; once in 1170 nearly the whole body of them were dismissed for misuse of their office.
In 1896 Peters was condemned by a disciplinary court for a misuse of official power, and lost his commission.
Inherited incapacity for the choice of good is the punishment for Adam's misuse of freedom.
The remainder of the National Liberals only won forty-five seats in 1881, and during the next three years they were without influence on the government; and even Bennigsen, unable to follow Bismarck in his new policy, disgusted at the proposals for biennial budgets and the misuse of government influence at the elections, retired from political life.
The offer was couched in flattering terms, and conveyed an express assurance of "the largest freedom of speech in philosophy, which the prince is confident that you will not misuse to disturb the established religion."
The peril attending the misuse of pictures in churches was recognized, but it was believed to be more than counterbalanced by the instruction given through them when their presence was not abused.
As regards water, its deficiency or excess is a relative matter, and although many of the minor maladies of pot-plants in windows and greenhouses controlled by amateurs depend on its misuse, water alone is probably never a primary cause of disease.
The supply of oil in this area was estimated at from 15,000,000,000 to 20,000,000,000 barrels; and the National Conservation Commission of 1908 expressed the opinion that in view of the rapid increase of production and the enormous loss through misuse the supply cannot be expected to last beyond the middle of this century.