Misunderstood Sentence Examples
They proved that he misread events and misunderstood his own position.
In adolescence, I felt alone and misunderstood.
Hence we find various expedients adopted in the Targums for avoiding any reference to the Deity, which might be misunderstood by the people, or which involved apparent irreverence.
It was naturally and widely misunderstood.
Just as the prophet often misunderstood traditional traits of the sacred history, he may, as an unlearned man, likewise have often employed foreign expressions wrongly.
Russian explorers and natives of India trained for geographical reconnaissance, and employed in connexion with the great trigonometrical survey of India, had done so much towards clearing away the mists which enveloped the actual course of the river, that all the primary affluents were known, although their relative value was misunderstood, but the nature of the districts which bordered the river in Afghan Turkestan was so imperfectly mapped as to give rise to considerable political complication in framing the boundary agreement between Great Britain and Russia.
She began to think she'd misunderstood the pictures when a green sprout appeared at the center of the fountain.
The age in which Lotze lived and wrote in Germany was not one peculiarly fitted to appreciate the position he took up. Frequently misunderstood, yet rarely criticized, he was nevertheless greatly admired, listened to by devoted hearers and read by an increasing circle.
Segregation was the one general method of fighting the disease; but, unfortunately, it was misunderstood by the people and led to some deplorable outbreaks.
Although remote access services can be extremely effective, they are often underutilized and misunderstood.
AdvertisementFarmers are often misunderstood and sometimes vilified by the public.
Mother of the bride etiquette is often misunderstood and may lead to confusion.
Whether you think he's a misunderstood genius or a violent and misogynistic homophobe, there's no doubt that Eminem has made his mark on the rap scene.
Since laser hair removal is such a popular but misunderstood procedure, there are several myths that have come up on the subject.
Instead, they believe that what is thought to be a demon is really just an angry ghost or a misunderstood spirit.
AdvertisementIf she doesn’t have someone in her life who understands what is happening, she can be misunderstood.
His letter to Burghley,' who had told him of the queen's displeasure with his speech, offers no apology for what he had said, but expresses regret that his motives should have been misunderstood.
The account given of him agrees in general with the statements in Beowulf, though the nature of his relations with Ali (Onela) has been misunderstood.
However, in addition, search engine copywriting has developed into a misunderstood craft.
A local expert and the rangers will take you on a night walk around Three Sisters Recreation Area looking for these misunderstood creatures.
AdvertisementMisunderstood and under-appreciated, Buchanan created a vision of politics that was both more radically egalitarian and more secular than anything before.
And not all conventional historians have ignored or misunderstood the radically individualist nature of 19th century feminism.
The artist as a rebel battling against society, a tortured and misunderstood genius, has a powerful hold on our collective imagination.
What is also undoubted is that Gascoigne is a tragic, gifted and misunderstood individual.
The character of the Assyrian domination over Israel must not be misunderstood; the regular payment of tribute and the provision of troops were the main requirements, and the position of the masses underwent little change if an Assyrian governor took the place of an unpopular native ruler.
AdvertisementLarge commercial interests were in fact involved in the forward policy, " the period of heavy capital expenditure was over, that of profits about to commence," and the power and intentions of Japan were ignored or misunderstood.
These, to the present day, have been misunderstood (see The Archbishops of St Andrews, by Herkless and Hannay, for details).
Wiseman travelled slowly to England, round by Vienna; and when he reached London (11th November) the whole country was ablaze with indignation at the " papal aggression," which was misunderstood to imply a new and unjustifiable claim to territorial rule.
The term "black tie" can be misunderstood and therefore not properly executed.
Otherwise, your grieving might be misunderstood as not wanting to be with him.
Though he recognized the legality of the Stamp Act of 1765, he considered the measure inexpedient and impolitic and urged its repeal, but his attitude was misunderstood; he was considered by many to have instigated the passage of the Act, and in August 1765 a mob sacked his Boston residence and destroyed many valuable manuscripts and documents.
A statesman whose words have to be interpreted by an esoteric meaning cannot fairly complain if he is often misunderstood.
The explanation of this phenomenon is to be found in the fact that anthropomorphisms, as such, were not necessarily avoided, but only in those cases where they might be misunderstood by the people.
Large commercial interests were in fact involved in the forward policy, "the period of heavy capital expenditure was over, that of profits about to commence," and the power and intentions of Japan were ignored or misunderstood.
The deeper aspects of Berkeley's new thought have been almost universally neglected or misunderstood.
In Holland and Zeeland William was supreme, but elsewhere his aims and his principles were misrepresented and misunderstood.
It is probable that the character of the roll has been quite misunderstood.
The explanation of the fact may partly be that the mechanical and other discoveries of the most ingenious minds among them, when not in constant requisition by later generations, were misunderstood or forgotten, and even in other cases were preserved only as rules of thumb by the craftsmen and experts, who would jealously hide them as secrets of trade.
But the master misunderstood the disciple; and the harsh repulse of Ohlenschldger silenced Hauch for many years.
They were not intended, however, to answer the questionings of a 20thcentury European questioner, and are liable now to be misunderstood.
His very dogmatism brought him many enemies, but at times, especially when he went in advance of his time, he was a much misunderstood man.
In June 1858 intelligence was received in Constantinople of an outbreak of disease at the small town Benghazi, in the district of Barca, province of Tripoli, North Africa, which though at first misunderstood was clearly bubonic plague.
Appearing at Vienna, he was again brought 3 The statement that Jerome's family name was Faulfiss, is founded on a misunderstood passage of Aeneas Sylvius, Historica Bohemica.
His attitude towards the mother country at this time, however, must not be misunderstood.
As Bacon's conduct in this emergency seriously affected his fortunes and has been much misunderstood, it is necessary to state, as briefly as possible, the whole facts of the case.
It may be said that in the and century only one Christian - Marcion - took the trouble to understand Paul; but it must be added that he misunderstood him.
Sometimes he misunderstood the astronomical science of the ancients, sometimes that of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe.
To this length Eusebius himself was unwilling to go, and so, convinced that he had misunderstood Arius, and that the teaching of the latter was imperilling the historic belief in the divinity of Christ, he gave his support to the opposition, and voted for the Nicene Creed, in which the teachings of the Arians were repudiated.
In the same spirit, under the reviving influence of ancient philosophy (with which, however, he was imperfectly acquainted and the relation of which to Christianity he extravagantly misunderstood), he argues that the old Greek moralists, as inculcating a disinterested love of good - and so implicitly love of God as the highest good - were really nearer to Christianity than Judaic legalism was.
Yet Locke's ethical opinions have been widely misunderstood; since from a confusion between " innate ideas " and " intuitions," 'which has been common in recent ethical discussion, it has been supposed that the founder of English empiricism must necessarily have been hostile to " intuitional " ethics.
There was a school (with internal divisions) which regarded ancient fable as almost entirely " a disease of language," that is, as the result of confusions arising from misunderstood terms that have survived in speech after their original significance was lost.
Another school (also somewhat divided against itself) believes that misunderstood language played but a very slight part in the evolution of mythology, and that the irrational element in myths is merely the survival from a condition of thought which was once common, if not universal, but is now found chiefly among savages, and to a certain extent among children.
But having defeated the duke of Savoy he had no hesitation in making sure of him by a marriage; though the Swiss might have misunderstood the treaty of Brusol (1610) by which he gave one of his daughters to the grandson of Philip IL On the other hand he astonished the Protestant world by the imprudence of his mediation between Spain and the rebellious United Provinces (1609).
His first work, published in 1828, as an answer to Hugh James Rose's Cambridge lectures on rationalist tendencies in German theology, showed a good deal of sympathy with the German "pietists," who had striven to deliver Protestantism from its decadence; this sympathy was misunderstood, and Pusey was himself accused of holding rationalist views.
While grief is normal and natural, it is also the most neglected and misunderstood experience, often by the grievers and those around them.
Many also experience stress when they feel underappreciated or misunderstood.
The symptoms of ADHD often lead a teen to feel angry and misunderstood, more so than their neuro-typical peers.
From the outrageous pirate Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, to the sweet and misunderstood Edward Scissorhands, Depp has proven that he can play just about any role.
This eliminates potential problems with foreign accents and misunderstood communication, though Norwegian continues to hold all its crew members to exemplary standards of service.
The child's response to loss can be misunderstood by adults, especially by those who are also grieving.
Though sometimes necessary, these drugs cripple the immune response and are often misunderstood, abused, and over-prescribed.
Teenagers are frequently misunderstood, and so are their hair styles.
Emo styles, in particular, may be misunderstood by parents and adults who see the styles as rebellious or uncaring.
Those wearing the emo trend are often considered "emotional" and misunderstood, but their style is anything but lacking.
Of the steps in the process for buying foreclosed homes, simply finding the "right one" is easily the most misunderstood.
The "potential negative side effects" are likely misunderstood or undefined.
However, in reality, there are no less than three possible origins for the word and a number of different meanings, many of which are widely misunderstood.
Virgo men, and Virgos in general, are probably the most misunderstood sign in the entire zodiac.
If she hasn't spent much time developing her communication skills, Pisces can be seen as anti-social and remain misunderstood most of her life.
The tender-hearted trait that's so prominent in Cancer is often misunderstood by other zodiac signs.
Even though many parents have the natural ability to nurture and the desire to praise and love, parenting challenges can turn even the most patient and understanding adult into a frustrated and misunderstood parent.
Are all of these witness events imagined or misunderstood naturally occurring phenomena, or is there something truly magical and perhaps supernatural about the Ouija board?
The psychic ability of empathy is often misunderstood.
Leo's refusal earned him the respect of the older man, but Greenlee misunderstood and, devastated at the idea that Leo would take money to never see her again, ended the relationship.
They do not read body language well and sarcasm is often misunderstood.
And CD business cards are great for follow ups, where you can ask questions about particular aspects of your presentation that your prospect may have missed or misunderstood, and you can immediately clarify.
Losing a job for any reason is traumatic enough, but losing a job as the result of a business owner's decision to downsize can be easily misunderstood.
Beware the misunderstood genius who claims he knows something about dieting that conventional science doesn't.
Too many people have misunderstood the low-fat idea, thinking the less fat they can consume, the better.
Emotional eating is one of the most misunderstood eating disorders (although not an official medical diagnosis) disrupting lives.
Reinsurance is often misunderstood by the general public, but it is certainly an important factor in how insurance works for life, home, and vehicle plans.
Many of the parolees at the center enjoy seeing this second chance for the misunderstood dogs, as they themselves work towards a brighter future.
Because it can be so diverse, Gothic fantasy art is easily misunderstood.
While Celtic, German and other European mythologies offer up fairies as cautionary tales, modern literature embraces the array of dark to light by painting the dark, gothic fairies as misunderstood, troubled and layered creations.
Posting incriminating content - Everyone likes to have funny status messages, but if they include obscenities, they could be seen by the wrong eyes and misunderstood.
No one had more to do than Retz with the outbreak of the Fronde in October 1648, and his history for the next four years is the history of that confused and, as a rule, much misunderstood movement.
This has been misunderstood in many ways - the mistake going so far as in some cases to suppose that Voltaire meant Christ by this opprobrious expression.
After he had minutely arranged the Eastern Detachment in a series of rearguard positions, so that each fraction of it could contribute a little to the game of delaying the enemy before retiring on the positions next in rear, the commander of the detachment, Zasulich, told him that " it was not the custom of a knight of the order of St George to retreat," and Kuropatkin did not use his authority to recall the general, who, whether competent or not, obviously misunderstood his mission.
The method of Forbes (in which the conductivity is deduced from the steady distribution of temperature on the assumption that the rate of loss of heat at each point of the bar is the same as that observed in an auxiliary experiment in which a short bar of the same kind is set to cool under conditions which are supposed to be identical) is well known, but a consideration of its weak points is very instructive, and the results have been most remarkably misunderstood and misquoted.
But finally it appeared that the viceroy had either misunderstood or exceeded his instructions; and on the 19th of February 1795 Fitzwilliam was recalled.
Moral goodness, then, in a " sensible creature " implies primarily disinterested affections, whose direct object is the good of others; but Shaftesbury does not mean (as he has been misunderstood to mean) that only such benevolent social impulses are good, and that these are always good.
The Roman case is often misunderstood, because the later Roman writers did not fully understand the case themselves.
Much more important were the papers entitled Rettungen, in which he undertook to vindicate the character of various writers - Horace and writers of the Reformation period, such as Cochlaeus and Cardanus - who had been misunderstood or falsely judged by preceding generations.
His disciples misunderstood what he said, but they trusted and followed him.
The significance of Parkman's work consists partly in the success with which he has depicted the North-American Indians, those belated children of the Stone Age, who have been so persistently misunderstood alike by romancers, such as Cooper, and by detractors like Dr Palfrey.
This scheme has been widely misunderstood; it has been assumed that an entirely separate fund was created, and that in years when the specified sum was not paid into this fund, the purpose of the government was not carried out.
Long misunderstood and slandered, Adrian VI., the last German pope, is now by all parties ranked among the most revered and most worthy of the popes.
The case is again often misunderstood because the words "patrician" and "plebeian," like so many other technical Roman and Greek words, have come in modern language to be used in a way quite unlike their original sense.
The House was enraged at the supposed project (then much misunderstood) of the " Undertakers "; objection was taken to Bacon being elected or serving as a member while holding office as attorney-general; and, though an exception was made in his favour, it was resolved that no attorneygeneral should in future be eligible for a seat in parliament.
While Theseus was in Crete, Minos, 1 The story of Theseus is a strange mixture of (mostly fictitious) political tradition, of aetiological myths invented to explain misunderstood acts of ritual and of a cycle of tales of adventure analogous to the story of the labours of Heracles.
For this unfortunate issue Louis was not without blame; for from the very first, owing to an exaggerated idealism and love of antiquity, he had totally misunderstood the national character of the Greeks and the problems involved in the attempts to govern them by bureaucratic methods.