Misunderstanding Sentence Examples
There are materials for misunderstanding here.
It was all a misunderstanding.
Through some misunderstanding, he reported on his return that the count had accepted all the terms offered, including the retention of the tricolour flag; and the count published a formal denial.
Unhappily every step led to a fresh misunderstanding.
Some misunderstanding caused an outburst of ignorant ill-feeling on the part of the students, who proceeded to such lengths that Fichte was compelled to reside out of Jena.
Couples are often separated by misunderstanding or family disapproval.
For this reason, we must correct a common misunderstanding.
Some misunderstanding has been caused by the confusion of Edom (cis) and Aram (o,·) in viii.
In October he was recalled to England in consequence of some misunderstanding with the admiralty, or the ministry, which has never been explained.
That way, you have something to rely on if there is a misunderstanding about what the insurer agreed to cover.
AdvertisementDeveloper Landon Fuller feels that there has been some misunderstanding.
The name Jarchi, formerly used for Rashi, rests on a misunderstanding.
The explanation of the very perplexing changes which the character of Gawain has undergone appears to lie in a misunderstanding of the original sources of that character.
To identify Epicureanism with Cyrenaicism is a complete misunderstanding.
Sometimes a misunderstanding has arisen from not observing that this regulation is to be construed according to the tabular full moon as determined from the epact, and not by the true full moon, which, in general, occurs one or two days earlier.
AdvertisementAs was only natural, his studied fairness did not satisfy partisans on either side; and his efforts towards conciliation laid him open to much misunderstanding.
He will either ignore you and you will likely not hear from him again, because he got caught in deceptive behavior and you called him on it or he will call you trying to 'explain' this misunderstanding.
Plutarch's statement that the Thirty Tyrants removed the bema so as to face the land instead of the sea is probably due to a misunderstanding.
Tennyson, who only knew the Arthurian story through the medium of Malory, has, by exaggeration, largely contributed to this misunderstanding.
The break down in connecting with your date seems to be rooted in miscommunication, leading to misunderstanding, which may explain why there are no call backs for a second date.
AdvertisementBy learning to interact with people across cultural lines, communication and cooperation grows and bridges the gaps of misunderstanding and differences.
The dispute was of very old standing, and the settlement by arbitration in 1899 of the acute misunderstanding between Great Britain and Venezuela regarding the western boundary of British Guiana, and the reference to arbitration in that same year of the FrancoBrazilian dispute, led to an agreement being made in 1901 between Brazil and Great Britain for the submission of their differences to the arbitration of the king of Italy.
A misunderstanding as to the manner in which these should be dealt with was the immediate occasion of the publication by Hutchinson in 1724 of Moses's Principia, part i., in which Woodward's Natural History was bitterly ridiculed, his conduct with regard to the mineralogical specimens not obscurely characterized, and a refutation of the Newtonian doctrine of gravitation seriously attempted.
Gyraldus, writing in 1540 (Libellus de re nautica), misunderstanding this reference, declared that this observation of the direction of the magnet to the poles had been handed down as discovered "by a certain Flavius."
Even with regard to the Medina passages, however, a great deal remains uncertain, partly because the allusions to historical events and circumstances are generally rather obscure, partly because traditions about the occasion of the revelation of the various pieces are often fluctuating, and often rest on misunderstanding or arbitrary conjecture.
AdvertisementEgyptian writing lent itself only too easily to misunderstanding, and the writings of one period were but half intelligible to the learned scribes of another.
The use of the terms northern and southern as applied, not to the existing MSS., but to the original books, or to the Buddhism they teach, not only does not help us, it is the source of serious misunderstanding.
The aftermath of Fremont's filibustering acts, followed as they were by wholly needless hostilities and by some injustice then and later in the attitude of Americans toward the natives, was a growing misunderstanding, and estrangement regrettable in Californian history.
Janet had foster-housed Martha for a short time last year as a favor to the child's jailed mother, but in January she imposed on the Deans' good nature to look after the young girl after being arrested and sentenced to sixty days in lock up after a check writing "misunderstanding."
I was under some … pressure from the demons after some stupid misunderstanding regarding Darkyn.s daughter and a few others, so I took it and came here, he said.
Hundreds of victims have recently fallen for a variation that plays upon people's misunderstanding about how bank cashier 's checks work.
Sarah, you got way too much flack based on a misunderstanding of the Flash's purpose.
Cut to hilarious misunderstanding involving a shop-window mannequin and a cadaver.
Is it on the Sun for wilfully misunderstanding the " chav " thing again?
The report dispels the common misunderstanding that chronic diseases mainly affect people in the wealthy countries.
This betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of how difficult true modernisation actually is.
Still, where there is widespread misunderstanding, the material probably needs rewriting.
The paperâs line is that this was an unfortunate misunderstanding.
Other elements in the Popular Front speak of a ' tragic misunderstanding ' .
This interpretation is based on a gross misunderstanding of what the term unlettered actually means.
Lord Carey says that bitterness, hostility, misunderstanding and strife now separate provinces from one another and divide individual provinces.
While there is still residual misunderstanding in some people's minds, the misconceptions of many have lessened over the years.
Ask your property owner to put everything s/he is offering in writing, it will save any misunderstanding later on.
Could the widespread misunderstanding of evolutionary theory explain the appeal of Intelligent Design creationism?
At the same time their avoidance of exact definition embodied in a rig i d creed, together with their disuse of the outward ordinances of Baptism and the Supper, has laid them open to considerable misunderstanding.
Article 8 of the Treaty of Paris, concluded in the same year, stipulated that "if there should arise between the Sublime Porte and one or more of the other signing powers any misunderstanding which might endanger the maintenance of their relations, the Porte and each of such powers, before having recourse to the use of force, shall afford the other contracting parties the opportunity of preventing such as extremity by means of mediation."
One consequence of this belief that andragogy should recapitulate pedagogy is that a great misunderstanding of adult literacy education occurs.
The level of detail in the report leave little scope for misunderstanding.
If you have a good uvular fricative, there are many malt whiskies you can order...without suffering embarrassment or misunderstanding.
Her spokesman at Outside Organization told The Sun newspaper, "We believe there has been a misunderstanding.
A publicist for The Dolce Group said, "Malin is working with his legal team to properly handle the misunderstanding and the charges."
It might be the latest reality television scandal, or it might be a big case of misunderstanding.
Narcolepsy is an often-misunderstood sleep disorder, and this misunderstanding has shaped the history of narcolepsy for the past 300 years.
If everyone was truly fluent in body language, misunderstanding would decrease and communication between people would be taken to a much higher level.
This can lead to a great deal of misunderstanding between parents and child, and between peers and the child.
Even those who may share a homeland and a language will find themselves embroiled in a misunderstanding from time to time.
And he who would understand what he remembers to have been said, whether in a dream or when he was awake, by the prophetic and enthusiastic nature, or what he has seen, must first recover his wits; and then he will be able to explain rationally what all 1 This misunderstanding of Acts ii.
Whether this type is more conveniently designated by the word Iberian, or by some other name (" Eur-african," " Mediterranean," &c.) is a matter of comparative indifference, provided that there is no misunderstanding as to the steps by which the term Iberian attained its meaning in modern anthropology.
The plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Sardinia and Turkey recorded in a protocol, at the instance of Lord Clarendon, their joint wish that "states between which any misunderstanding might arise should, before appealing to arms, have recourse so far as circumstances might allow (en tant que les circonstances l'admettraient) to the good offices of a friendly power."
Lee, from the beginning of the mission to Paris, seems to have been possessed of a mania of jealousy toward Franklin, or of misunderstanding of his acts, and he tried to undermine his influence with the Continental Congress.
Its polemic against the philosophy of experience has exposed it to general misunderstanding, as though it claimed some a priori path to truth.
What hopes of success there were in such a struggle Germain and the North cabinet dissipated by their misunderstanding of the situation and their friction with the generals and the army in the theatre of war.
Superstition, misunderstanding and hatred caused the Christians trouble for many generations, and governmental repression they had to suffer occasionally, as a result of popular disturbances.
Various causes of possible misunderstanding between Great Britain and France were removed by the convention of 1904; and a similar treaty was concluded with Russia in 1908.
It is not till the 6th century of our era, in the reign of Justinian, that we find bubonic plague in Europe, a s a part of the great cycle of pestilence, accompanied by extraordinary natural phenomena, which lasted fifty years, and is described with a singular misunderstanding of medical terms by Gibbon in his forty-third chapter.
It is implied that the present distress is but a passing phase, resting on some misunderstanding; meantime, the example of apostolic constancy should yield strong reassurance.
In the case of Tearchus, the miscellaneous levies which he employed himself and those which composed the Egyptian and Assyrian armies opposed to him, and the lands that Egypt and Ethiopia traded with, must all have been counted, partly through misunderstanding, partly through wilful perversion, to his empire.
If Dauger was the "mask," it is just as well to remove a misunderstanding which has misled too many commentators.
Text and translation are often spoken of together in Pahlavi books as Avistak va Zand (" Avesta and Zend "), whence - through a misunderstanding - our word Zend-Avesta.
Through some misunderstanding, word was sent to Theodore that the present would be accepted, and he felt that he was now safe; but in the evening he learned that it had not been received, and despair again seized him.
In distinguishing philosophy from the sciences, it may not be amiss at the outset to guard against the possible misunderstanding that philosophy is concerned with a subject-matter different from, and in some obscure way transcending, the subject-matter of the sciences.
Having thus got a Cronus, the Greeks - and " the misunderstanding could have happened in Greece only " - needed a myth of Cronus.
The policy of the Assembly, moreover, hopelessly aggravated its misunderstanding with the king.
In the process of doing this it also tries to clarify a misunderstanding that pressure balances are inherently primary standards.
Remember, dear boy," and he drew Pierre's arm downwards, "it is simply a misunderstanding.
If there is any misunderstanding and discord between you and Mary, I can't blame her for it at all.
While there is still residual misunderstanding in some people 's minds, the misconceptions of many have lessened over the years.
Under this misunderstanding he signed the sham Dover treaty on the 31st of December 1670.
Similarly, in regard to Albania, Visconti Venosta exchanged notes with Austria with a view to the prevention of any misunderstanding through the conflict between Italian and Austrian interests in that part of the Adriatic coast.
The question of the union with the Greek church, especially, gave rise to a misunderstanding between them which soon led to a rupture.
At the battle of Kolin he led the left wing, which, through a misunderstanding with the king, was prematurely drawn into action and failed hopelessly.
The modern misunderstanding of " substance " has been a main cause of the confusion of modern thought.
The campaign was opened by the victory of Oudenarde, to which the perfect union of Marlborough and Eugene on the one hand, and the misunderstanding between Vendome and the duke of Burgundy on the other, seem to have equally contributed.
Owing to some misunderstanding, a vessel, the " Neptune, " was despatched to the Cape before the opinion of the colonists had been received, having on board 289 convicts, among whom were John Mitchell, the Irish rebel, and his colleagues.
The misunderstanding of his position led to the publication in 1830 of a second part of Pusey's Historical Enquiry, in which he denied the charge of rationalism.
Princess Mary wrote that she was in despair at the misunderstanding that had occurred between them.
The tradition that the utterance of the name in the daily benedictions ceased with the death of Simeon the Just, two centuries or more before the Christian era, perhaps arose from a misunderstanding of Menalioth, 109b; in any case it cannot stand against the testimony of older and more authoritative texts.
When the case was tried, the assembly held that the charge of heresy was based on a misunderstanding, but that "by want of due care in his mode of statement he had given some ground for the painful impressions which had existed."
From the standpoint of the post-exilic age, the older delineation of the history of Israel, especially in the books of Samuel and Kings, could not but appear to be deficient in some directions, while in other respects its narrative seemed superfluous or open toi misunderstanding, as for example by recording, and that without.
The publication of Doctor Akakia, which brought down upon the president of the Academy a storm of ridicule, finally alienated Frederick; while Voltaire's wrongs culminated in the famous arrest at Frankfort, the most disagreeable elements of which were due to the misunderstanding of an order by a subordinate official.
There has also to be considered whether the text of the poetical passages has not often become corrupt, not only from ordinary causes but through the misunderstanding and misreading of north Arabian names on the part of late scribes and editors, the danger to Judah from north Arabia being (it is held) not less in pre-exilic times than the danger from Assyria and Babylonia, so that references to north Arabia are only to be expected.