Mistreatment Sentence Examples
The latest news comes from Britain's Daily Mail newspaper, reporting on an alleged court document "containing accounts of acrimony and mistreatment during their four-year marriage."
A handful have emerged from what has been labeled a secret gulag, and have given deeply disturbing accounts of horrific mistreatment.
The injury varies in severity, but more serious injuries should be treated with respect, since ongoing problems may be caused by mistreatment.
These specially formulated products are designed to combat the detrimental effects of aging on hair, including damage caused by years of mistreatment.
Since many instances of child abuse, neglect, or mistreatment involve a parent perpetrator, a quality day care environment can be a lifesaver for a child at risk.
This abusive behavior can occur in all types of dating relationships and the mistreatment includes physical, sexual, mental, or emotional abuse.
Many nannies are also caring for children who are still too little to communicate mistreatment or neglect.
One of the verified true stories of mistreatment at Waverly involved the use of electroshock therapy that caused loss of speech and even death.
In the civil wars the government was also held responsible for damages to these properties and for the mistreatment of foreigners residing in the country.