Misspelt Sentence Examples
In the same loose 'sense the word is often applied to the two most beautiful of the family Anatidae, belonging to the genus Aex (commonly misspelt Aix) - the Carolina Duck of North America, Ae.
It has been sometimes misspelt "Tapacolo," as by C. Darwin, who gave (Journal of Researches, chap. xii.) a brief but entertaining account of the habits of this bird and its relative, Hylactes megapodius, called by the Chilenos "El Turco."
Personally, there's nothing that dents my confidence more in an online business than poorly written, grammatically incorrect, misspelt copy.
I spotted few misprints, tho Maud Gleason's name is twice misspelt on p. 12.
The most solid result of his campaigns is that his battlefield, misspelt Grampius, has provided to antiquaries, and through them to the world, the modern name of the Grampian Hills.