Missives Sentence Examples
Together we might peruse some of the more notable entries submitted to that inane contest in case a gem lays molding in the rubble heap of stupid begging missives from fantasying idiots.
The claimants concluded missives for the new premises in December 1993.
In Scotland a lease includes missives of let that are not to be completed by the grant of a new lease.
Candidates must be able to handle their own caseload from start to finish including noting title and completing missives.
Are the existing standard missives for sublets which provide a right to compensation for a sub-tenant a disincentive to sub-letting?
At one point we got regular missives from the TV licensing heavy mob.
Just sending out Oxbridge style missives, that seem, at best, condescending, and at worse, attacking.
In my opinion the Missives in this case unlike in Bamberger provide for a terminus ad quem following rescission.
Long-winded multi-page missives make employees groan and are often ignored.
Whether we regard him as a priest who published poem after poem in praise of an adored mistress, as a plebeian man of letters who conversed on equal terms with kings and princes, as a solitary dedicated to the love of nature, as an amateur diplomatist treating affairs of state with pompous eloquence in missives sent to popes and emperors, or again as a traveller eager for change of scene, ready to climb mountains for the enjoyment of broad prospects over spreading champaigns; in all these divers manifestations of his peculiar genius we trace some contrast with the manners of the, 4th century, some emphatic anticipation of the 16th.