Misrepresentation Sentence Examples
This, however, was a misrepresentation of his words.
But we have always to be on our guard against misrepresentation, exaggeration and falsehood.
The goods and marks being the same, misrepresentation and damage could be safely inferred.
For the Love and Hate of Empedocles and the Nous (Intelligence) of Anaxagoras, Democritus substituted fixed and necessary laws (not chance; that is a misrepresentation due chiefly to Cicero).
He bore popular abuse and misrepresentation without the slightest murmur or sourness of temper.
He is prejudiced against the Saracens, against the French, and against all the rivals or enemies of his master; but he is never guilty of deliberate misrepresentation.
By means of the grist tax (which he had proposed in 1865, but which the Menabrea cabinet had passed in 1868), and by other fiscal expedients necessitated by the almost desperate condition of the national exchequer, he succeeded, before his fall from power in 1873, in placing Italian finance upon a sound footing, in spite of fierce attacks and persistent misrepresentation.
He has been freely charged with gross misrepresentation, an accusation to which he laid himself open, for instance, in the account of the birth of James, the Old Pretender.
Adoption fraud may involve the misrepresentation and fraudulent concealment of a child's pre-adoption history.
He was a born agitator, and as such tended to exaggeration and misrepresentation.
AdvertisementI might fitly let the matter pass without remark, were it not needful to rectify a grave misrepresentation.
The Civil War, especially in its opening chapters is, however, not altogether free from traces of misrepresentation.
The inflammatory writing of the newspapers indicated, encouraged by many persons holding high positions both inside and outside Egypt, created, by every process of misrepresentation, an anti-Christian and anti-European feeling among the mass of the people.
Hence the reconstruction of all categorical judgments by merging subject and predicate, either on Brentano's or on Bradley's plan, is a misrepresentation even of normal categorical judgments of existence.
There is perhaps no serious misrepresentation involved in regarding a key-thought of this type, though not necessarily expressed in those verbal forms, as pervading such logic of the present as coheres with a philosophy of the absolute conceived from a point of view that is intellectualist throughout.
AdvertisementThe picture drawn may be a caricature, or a misrepresentation of the fact - as that of the father of Demosthenes, " blear-eyed with the soot of the glowing mass," &c. - but it is, with rare exceptions, realistically conceived, and it is brought before us with the vivid touches of a Defoe or a Swift, or of the great pictorial satirist of the 18th century, Hogarth.
Misrepresentation of the facts - The Act prohibits debt collectors from lying or making claims to the consumer or to anyone else in order to collect the debt.
Television has also caused a misrepresentation of the technology - there's nothing that can actually detect anything paranormal (other than people and perhaps animals).
It is true that he looked upon general society as a waste of time and that he disliked poetry as "misrepresentation"; but he intensely enjoyed conversation, gave good dinners and delighted in music, in country sights and in making others happy.
Secondly, it is much more a misrepresentation of categorical judgments of non-existence.
AdvertisementThis law had in effect secured the misrepresentation of the mass of the people in the diet, the representation of the country population at the expense of that of the towns, of the interests of agriculture as opposed to those of industry.
The Caps struck at once at the weak point of their opponents by ordering a budget report to be made; and it was speedily found that the whole financial system of the Hats had been based upon reckless improvidence and c prof the wilful misrepresentation, and that the only fruit of their long rule was an enormous addition to the national debt and a depreciation of the note circulation to onethird of its face value.
This gross misrepresentation has made hypothesis a kind of logical fashion.
The speeches abound in details which may be accepted as authentic, either because there is no reason for misrepresentation or on account of their circumstantiality.
Sella, the real head of the Lanza cabinet, was worn out by four years continuous work and disheartened by the perfidious misrepresentation in which Italian politicians, particularly those of the Left, have ever excelled.