Misinterpretation Sentence Examples
The story began based on the misinterpretation of a picture.
That decision is not only wrong, it is a misinterpretation of the rules.
She smiled weakly at his deliberate misinterpretation of the cliché.
In regard to Scripture alone does he maintain that seeming error or discrepancy must be due to our misinterpretation.
By this process of forgetfulness and misinterpretation, mountains, rivers, lakes, sun and sea would receive human attributes.
The Ombudsman found that parts of the consultant's referral letter to social services were open to misinterpretation.
To read our proposal as 'to allow 0.9% of GMO content in products labeled organic ' is a clear misinterpretation.
A passage in a treatise falsely ascribed to him (De Disciplina Scholarium) and a misinterpretation of a passage in Cassiodorus led early scholars to suppose that he spent some eighteen years in Athens pursuing his studies, but there is no foundation for this opinion.
This is a pure supposition inconsistent with chronology, and based only on a misinterpretation of a passage in the De Consolatione.
But after all the misinterpretation of contemporaries and the destructive criticism of later times, the book as a whole leaves upon us an impression of peculiar strength and charm, and imparts a sense of the relations of things truer, because less mechanical, than the laboured reasoning of smaller men.
AdvertisementHis criticism of Berkeley (in the second volume) is, however, based on the common misinterpretation of his theory (see Berkeley).
And now, for the better setting forth of his doctrines, to silence pedants, and confute malignant misinterpretation, he published a collection of his writings.
It is proved that the specific instances on which Barrande's generalizations were founded were due to his misinterpretation of the overturned and faulted strata, but his conception of the simultaneous existence of two faunas, one of more ancient and one of more modern type, and of their alternation in a given area, was based on sound philosophical principles and has been confirmed by more recent work.
His undoubted seriousness and his immense personal reputation did not, however, save him from the excesses of calumny and misinterpretation; and in order to impose some moderation upon his aspersers the duke thought it necessary to send a challenee to one of the most violent of these, the earl of Winchelsea.
The second culminates in the mountain of Santi Deca, or Santa Decca, as it is called by misinterpretation of the Greek designation of "Aytot Abca, or the Ten Saints.
AdvertisementIt was mainly the opposition to the Homoousios, as a formula open to heretical misinterpretation, and not borne out by Holy Writ, which kept together the large party known as Semiarians, who under the leadership of the two Eusebiuses carried on the strife against the Nicenes and especially Athanasius.
The name Adamas became corrupted into the forms adamant, diamaunt, diamant, diamond; but the same word, owing to a medieval misinterpretation which derived it from adamare (compare the French word aimant), was also applied to the lodestone.
Nevil Story Maskelyne has shown reason for believing that the stone which Tavernier saw was really the Koh-i-nor and that it is identical with the great diamond of Baber; and that the 280 carats of Tavernier is a misinterpretation on his part of the Indian weights.
In later times, by a misinterpretation of his name (or from the identification of the Greek god with the ram-headed Egyptian god Chnum, the creator of the world), he was pantheistically conceived as the universal god (TO 'ray).
The information concerning his parentage bears the stamp of genuineness, and disposes of a rival theory based upon a misinterpretation of Idyll vii.
AdvertisementThis view, however, has not met with general acceptance, on the ground that, in Semitic mythology, the moon is always a male divinity; and that the full moon and crescent, found as attributes of Astarte, are due to a misinterpretation of the sun's disk and cow's horns of Isis, the result of the dependence of Syrian religious art upon Egypt.
But as regards the first of these, it is rather a case of condensed citation than of misinterpretation; the second is explained by the writer's carelessness as shown in other passages, and all are solved if a considerable interval of time elapsed between the compilation of the Constitutions and the spurious Ignatian epistles.
By this process of forgetfulness and misinterpretation, mountains, rivers, lakes, sun and sea would receive human attributes, while men would degenerate from a more sensible condition into a belief in the personality and vitality of inanimate objects.
Sending Valentine's Day email cards can be a fun way to share the holiday with someone you're dating, but cards should always be carefully chosen so there is no misinterpretation of their intent.
How does the practitioner do in cases of RSPK (poltergeists), misperception / misinterpretation, and fraud?
AdvertisementThe internet has an abundance of stories about tattoo mishaps caused by misinterpretation.
Fichte (the younger) did not escape this misinterpretation of Lotze's true meaning, though they had his Metaphysik and Logik to refer to, though he promised in his Allgemeine Physiologie (1851) to enter in a subsequent work upon the "bounding province between aesthetics and physiology," and though in his Medizinische Psychologie he had distinctly stated that his position was neither the idealism of Hegel nor the realism of Herbart, nor materialism, but that it was the conviction that the essence of everything is the part it plays in the realization of some idea which is in itself valuable, that the sense of an all-pervading mechanism is to be sought in this that it denotes the ways and means by which the highest idea, which we may call the idea of the good, has voluntarily chosen to realize itself.
Over and above the general criticism, which may now be said to have been completely answered by the investigations of Zahn, Lightfoot and Harnack, one or two special arguments have been brought against the Epistle to Polycarp. Ussher, for instance, while accepting the other six epistles, rejected this on the ground that Jerome says that Ignatius only sent one letter to Smyrna - a mistake due to his misinterpretation of Eusebius.
I explained about Betsy's visit and our misinterpretation of Martha's note.
His criticism is based on the common misinterpretation of the scientist's theory.
But after all the misinterpretation, the book as a whole leaves upon us an impression of peculiar strength and charm.
This is a pure supposition inconsistent with chronology, and based only on a misinterpretation of a passage in an old book.