Misericordia Sentence Examples
Giovanni Evangelista, San Marco, della Misericordia and San Rocco, on the other hand, built themselves magnificent gild halls.
A Misericordia hospital is to be found in almost every town of importance, and recolhimentos for orphan girls in all the large cities.
Maria della Misericordia is an ornate example of early Renaissance work.
The Hospital da Misericordia (1569) was rebuilt in 1640.
The Senate occupies a plain unattractive building on the west side of the Praga da Republica, and the Chamber of Deputies an ugly colonial building in Rua da Misericordia, originally used as a city hall and jail.
Chief of these is the Misericordia Hospital, popularly known as the " Santa Casa," belonging to a religious brotherhood dating from 1591.
The public buildings include the church of Sao Francisco, dating from the early part of the 19th century, the municipal hall, a fine theatre, the Misericordia hospital, a public library containing about 25,000 volumes and a great central market.
To the 12th century belong the collection in the MS. of Saragossa (Caesaraugustana) to which attention was drawn by Antonio Agustin; that of Cardinal Gregory, called by him the Polycarpus, in 8 books (about 1115); and finally the Liber de misericordia et justitia of Algerus, 10 scholasticus of Liege, in 3 books, compiled at latest in 1123.
Among its public buildings are the government palace, the legislative and municipal hall, the "Quatro de Setembro" theatre, Misericordia hospital, public market, sanitation and public works, building, courts, police headquarters, barracks, &c. The town is characteristically Portuguese in appearance, its buildings being one or two stories in height, plastered and frequently coloured outside, with large rooms, thick walls, and tile roofs to ensure coolness.
De Misericordia et Justitia, a collection of biblical and patristic extracts with a commentary (an important work for the history of church law and discipline), which is to be found in the Anecdota of Martene, vol.