Miserable Sentence Examples
I've been miserable without you.
Would winter be less miserable if the house was warm?
I love you and it's been miserable without you.
Physical ills were miserable, but this depression was unbearable.
She didn't care if he was miserable or not—she hadn't ordered him to babysit her.
Their condition is miserable.
It was understandable on Morino's part, but it must have been miserable for everyone else concerned.
Dean continued to feel miserable but Fred was on a roll.
Look, he was making my life miserable.
You'd make my life miserable.
AdvertisementIn the twentieth year of Artaxerxes (445 B.C.), Nehemiah the royal cup-bearer at Shushan (Susa, the royal winter palace) was visited by friends from Judah and was overcome with grief at the tidings of the miserable condition of Jerusalem and the pitiful state of the Judaean remnant which had escaped the captivity.
But owing to the thaw and the subsequent break-up of the miserable Korean roads, six weeks passed before the columns of the army (Guard, and and 12th divisions), strung out along the " Mandarin road " to a total depth of six days' march, closed upon the head at Wiju, the frontier town on the Yalu.
She wasn't spending an eternity miserable.
For now, he was content to make her life miserable while she fed him information about Gabriel.
For many years such characterizations as "Wilderness City," "Capital of Miserable Huts," "City of Streets without Houses," "City of Magnificent Distances" and "A I1udhole almost Equal to the Great Serbonian Bog" were common.
AdvertisementThere are only a few scattered settlements within its borders, and a few nomadic tribes of savages eke out a miserable existence on the coast.
I know, I'm a miserable old bugger.
The condition of Sicilian laborers is also miserable.
But if we cannot have them then we become miserable.
The stannary prison was a miserable dungeon at Lidford Castle.
AdvertisementYou want to make my life miserable?
During the first half of the 19th century wholesale clearances had been effected in many districts, and the crofters were compelled either to emigrate or to crowd into areas already congested, where, eking out a precarious living by following the fisheries, they led a hard and miserable existence.
Unlike most of our contemporaries at the time we didn't make music for any other reason than it made us absolutely miserable not to.
You may feel miserable, like crying, or you may go off your food.
Put them in to poor accommodation and gave them a miserable pittance to try and feed and clothe themselves.
AdvertisementWho art thou, miserable man, who would smother and extinguish in others the fire of God's Spirit which it has pleased him to kindle in them ?
The immediate effect however of what Knox thus approved was to bring his cause to its lowest ebb, and on the very day when Mary rode from Holyrood to her army, he sat down and penned the prayer, "Lord Jesus, put an end to this my miserable life, for justice and truth are not to be found among the sons of men!"
On a nice day, I would be miserable whilst sitting and watching happy smiley people walk by.
Feeling ' low ', ' miserable ' and tearful for no apparent reason.
The bazaars are miserable structures, covered with mats laid on rafters of date trees.
Surely God loves a pleasant life; whoever is miserable, he hath a full contentment.
I'd heard that live, The Kills usually just stand there, looking miserable.
My days were made miserable by a steady stream of offensive comments.
He gets so miserable, that he creeps away.
The weather remained just as miserable, tho, with a worryingly thick mist enveloping the landscape.
The poor thing is miserable but we love each other and I want to keep her.
Santarosa was killed, apparently because he was too miserable and desperate to care to save his life, when the Egyptian troops attacked the island of Sphacteria, near Navarino, on the 8th of May 1825.
Valdemar was brought up at the court of the German emperor, Louis of Bavaria, during those miserable years when the realm of Denmark was partitioned among Holstein counts and German Ritter, while Scania, "the bread-basket" of the monarchy, sought deliverance from anarchy under the protection of Magnus of Sweden.
As described by Laestadius (1827-1832), their condition was very miserable; but since his time matters have improved.
The pre-social state of man, in his view, is also pre-moral; but it is therefore utterly miserable.
She didn't care if he was miserable or not—she hadn't ordered him to babysit her.
Cynthia tried, but she was so incredibly honest in every aspect of life it was nearly impossible for her to act anything but as miserable as she felt.
You should abase yourselves as miserable friends.
Yet I fear that the same feelings now exist that made you so miserable a year ago, even perhaps augmented by time.
Daniel is soon asleep in his own bed; Alistair had never seen him looking so miserable.
I played to some miserable bastards in a small bar in the center of Manchester for very little laughter or money.
Josie has been really miserable; she came down with something that made her very hot and limp and rather bleary looking on Wednesday.
Tho I consider myself a cheery soul, this man made me look like a miserable curmudgeon in comparison to his genuine bonhomie.
Some sections experience marginal but very real gains, while others see their already miserable conditions grow even more desperate.
We have also provided a training center for the refugees who also share this miserable destiny.
Technology makes people miserable, sparking technology to avoid the miserable people.
I have had many periods in my own life when I have been downright miserable and unhappy.
It says and does not say that London is utterly miserable.
On a wet, windy and thoroughly miserable Friday I decide to meet a couple of friends at Ascot.
They're a pretty miserable lot on the whole.
We are joyful, therefore, because we are truly miserable!
The whole exercise brought home to me just what a miserable sham of a show EastEnders was.
Whilst the people are good, the beer is good and the staff are brilliant, the Landlord can be a miserable old so-and-so.
Hiding their faces they rejoin the huge throng of miserable humanity - again in silence.
Oh, was there in all the world a more miserable wretch than he!
In the meantime the colony at Buenos Aires had been dragging on a miserable existence, and after terrible sufferings from famine and from the ceaseless attacks of the Indians, the remaining settlers abandoned the place and made their way up the river first to Corpus Christi, then to Asuncion.
Nor is this surprising when we consider the marvellous skill of Continental and especially German taxidermists, many of whom have elevated their profession to a height of art inconceivable to most Englishmen, who are only acquainted with the miserable mockery of Nature which is the most sublime result of all but a few " bird-stuffers."
These requests, however, remained unanswered, and the Prussians and Saxons spent the night before the battle shivering in their miserable bivouacs.
The Boer farmers were now in a miserable plight, but towards the end of the year they received reinforcements, and in December 460 men set out under Andries Pretorius to avenge themselves on the Zulus.
It is not uncommon in popular writings to attribute this superiority to a crusader strain - a theory which no one can possibly countenance who knows what miserable degenerates the half-breed descendants of the crusaders rapidly became, as a result of their immoral life and their ignorance of the sanitary precautions necessary in a trying climate.
It cannot reasonably be subordinated even to the moral faculty; in fact, a man who doubts the coincidence of the two - which on religious grounds we must believe to be complete in a morally governed world - is reduced to the " miserable dilemma whether it is better to be a fool or a knave."
The miserable faces trudging round the city center make my lunch break the most depressing hour of the day.
We do this as a matter of survival; if we obsess over every minor problem that crosses our path, we'll never accomplish anything, and we might be miserable.
A wrong fit in a bra can make you feel miserable throughout the day.
This can be very frustrating for those who wonder what is worse, being miserable with allergies or sleeping through allergy season.
It's also hard to tell your child "Too bad, do it anyhow" when he is obviously miserable.
No wonder you're depressed and miserable.
Compromise is imperative in a relationship because without it you have one person who is always happy and one who is always miserable.
Many gowns fall to the ankle in order to keep you warm and toasty, but you can find shorter nightgowns if a very long one makes you hot and miserable just thinking about it!
She thought what they had was special, never realizing he was miserable.
In the meantime, he had to come up with a plan to make Deidre miserable.
The only thing jealousy did was make people miserable.
The condition of the numerous agricultural laborers (who constitute one-third of the population) is, except in some regions, hard, and in places absolutely miserable.
In Venetia the lives of the small proprietors and of the salaried peasants are often extremely miserable.
It would seem that in his fits of despondency one of the thoughts that marred his dreams of human improvement was the apparently inexorable character of economic laws, condemning thousands of labourers to a cramped and miserable existence, and thousands more to semistarvation.
The claim was contested by the Bhonsla rajas, and for more than half a century the miserable country was ground between the upper and the nether millstone.
The miserable collapse of the Polish chivalry during the Bukovinian campaign of 1497 had convinced every one that the ruszenie pospolite was useless for serious military purposes, and that Poland, in order to hold her own, must in future follow the example of the West, and wage her warfare with trained mercenaries.
The nobles who dominated the diet did nothing to remove the most crying evil of the country - the miserable state of the peasants, who had been freed from personal serfdom by Napoleon in 1807, but were being steadily driven from their holdings by the landlords.
The condition, however, of the Polish peasants was too miserable to admit of their being easily made subjects for bucolic poetry.
There is an artificial air about the idylls of Szymonowicz which makes one feel too keenly that they are productions of the Renaissance; one of their best features is the humane spirit towards the miserable peasantry which they everywhere display.
A later period, that of the miserable epoch of Augustus III., is described very graphically in the memoirs of Matuszewicz, first edited by Pawinski at Warsaw in 1876.
In the eleven years of his administration, Odessa rose from a miserable village to an important city.
A rigid monotheism appeared to Plotinus a miserable conception.
His defence of Amsterdam against the AngloRussian expedition under the duke of York was completely successful; the invaders were defeated, and compelled, after a miserable retreat, to re-embark.
This quarter was inhabited altogether by workers in wool, and as the city was small, the aristocracy lived close by in noble mansions which are now miserable memorials of past prosperity.
The miserable condition of his country, and his own very precarious situation, weighed heavily upon his sensitive soul, and he suffered severely both in mind and body.
In addition to the local pain and tenderness, there is a high temperature accompanied with shiverings or occasional rigors, the patient becoming daily more thin and miserable.
Being in a miserable minority in parliament (1S7 Unionists against 379 Liberals, 51 Labour members, and 83 Nationalists), some form of consolidation among the Unionists was immediately necessary, and negotiations took place between Mr Balfour and Mr Chamberlain which resulted in the patching up of an agreement (expressed in a correspondence dated February 14th), and its confirmation at a meeting of the party at Lansdowne House a few days later.
The few and miserable triumphs of Sweden during the Seven Years' War were due almost entirely to young Sprengtporten, and he emerged from it with a lieutenant-colonelcy, a pension of X20, and the reputation of being the smartest officer in the service.
It may also be thought of as retributive, as a reversal of present conditions so that the miserable are comforted, and the prosperous laid low, or as a reward or punishment for good or evil desert here.
On the evening of Sunday, the 9th of February, Mary took her last leave of the miserable boy who had so often and so mortally outraged her as consort and as queen.
These four years were perhaps the most miserable and degrading in Swedish history (an age of lead succeeding an age of gold, as it has well been called) and may be briefly described as alternations of fantastic jacobinism and ruthless despotism.
A few lotus trees and some rock-cut tombs are here found beside a miserable mud hamlet on the hill slope, with a modern tombhouse (kubbeh).
While leading this vagrant and miserable life, Johnson fell in love.
The miserable state of public finances and the depression of trade doubtless helped to induce them to perform a duty which they ought to have performed from the first; but their chief motive was the desire to escape the menace of universal suffrage or, at least, to make sure that it would be introduced in such a form as to safeguard Magyar supremacy over the other Hungarian races.
When Lord John Russell brought forward his Ecclesiastical Titles Bill, Bright opposed it as "a little, paltry, miserable measure," and foretold its failure.
For centuries, the country was ruled by dictators who imposed their cruel wishes on the miserable population.
Pensioners are forced to retire and then eke out a miserable living.
However not wanting to sound like a totally miserable git, I thought I'd wish everyone a Happy New Year.
I feel heartbroken at the miserable scenes on the TV reports.
The fortified castle and the miserable hovel seem to have been then the almost only distinction of dwellings.
And Geoffrey Towers as Reuben manages to become more likeable the more miserable and self-destructive he gets.
There are child-abuse memoirs, eating-disorder memoirs, and, of course, the miserable Irish childhood memoir.
It seems that he was a " most miserable miserable miser.
Good thing you're in the Tory party, you miserable sod.
The Jews say, ` Come to us ye who are sinners, ye who are fools or children, ye who are miserable, and ye shall enter into the kingdom of Heaven.'
You want me to be miserable, you want us to be separated....
If allergies are making your child miserable, consider working with a physician who is well-versed in both conventional and herbal medicine.
With quick intervention, you may be able to save your pet from a miserable death.
That I've been making you miserable.
She unfolded her jacket collar and hunkered down in the saddle, cold and miserable.
The dwellers in a malarious region like the Terai (at the foot of the Himalayas) are miserable,.
No patriotic Pole, we imagine, can read the history of this miserable war without feeling heartily ashamed of his countrymen.
Notwithstanding the intrigues of Turkan Khatun, Malik Shah was succeeded by his elder son Barkiyaroq (1092-1104), whose short reign was a series of rebellions and strange adventures such as one may imagine in the story of a youth who is by turns a powerful prince and a miserable fugitive.'
It was noted for the first time in this February speech, but the most striking instance was in a speech on Mr Osborne Morgan's Burials Bill in April 1875, in which he described a Quaker funeral, and protested against the "miserable superstition of the phrase `buried like a dog.'" "In that sense," he said, "I shall be buried like a dog, and all those with whom I am best acquainted, whom I best love and esteem, will be ` buried like a dog.'
The popular legends of Sicily also inspired his muse; he was the first to introduce the shepherd Daphnis who came to a miserable end after he had proved faithless to the nymph who loved him.
The extortions necessitated by these wars for the maintenance of armies and the incompetence of the viceroys brought Egypt at this time into a miserable condition; and the numerous political crises at Bagdad prevented for a time any serious measures being taken to improve it.
Their eldest son was the miserable Henry Darnley, second husband of Mary Stuart.
Dumeril, the administrator of the reptile collection of the Jardin des Plantes, the living specimens of which were at that time housed in a very miserable structure, situated at a short distance from the comparatively sumptuous building which was erected some years later and opened to the public in 1874.
For five years the king braved all anathemas, but about 1002 he gave up Bertha and married Constance, daughter of a certain Count William, an intriguing and ambitious woman, who made life miserable for her husband, while the court was disturbed by quarrels between the partisans of the two queens.
They have always been mild-tempered, low, and unintelligent, and are to-day a poor and miserable race.
The churches and manses were frequently of the most miserable description, if not falling to decay.
Jules Breton has coloured the days of toil with sentiment; others, like Courbet, whose eccentric "Funeral at Ornans" attracted more notice at the Salon of 1850 than Millet's "Sowers and Binders," have treated similar subjects as a vehicle for protest against social misery; Millet alone, a peasant and a miserable one himself, saw true, neither softening nor exaggerating what he saw.
In Scotland the regent's assassination in 1570 opened a miserable civil war, but it made no permanent change.
If, he continues, we are to live after death, it is of importance for us to consider on what our future state may depend; for we may be either happy or miserable.
It was a miserable libel and was at once rebutted by Goodyear.
Political insight is wholly wanting to Socrates; all the orthodox emperors blaze forth in a uniform light of dazzling splendour; even the miserable Arcadius is praised, and Theodosius II.
Paul was aware of his mother's half-intentionfor it does not appear to have been more - and became increasingly suspicious of his wife and children, whom he rendered perfectly miserable.
Bertinoro much improved the status of the Jews in the Holy Land; before his migration thither the Jews of Palestine were in a miserable condition of poverty and persecution.
Unable to marry Stella without destroying Vanessa, or to openly welcome Vanessa without destroying Stella, he was ' thus involved in the most miserable embarrassment; he continued to temporize.
I am sure my days will be very few; few and miserable they must be.
But Bunyan's notions of good and evil had been learned in a very different school; and he was made miserable by the conflict between his tastes and his scruples.
There had been a time when the cant of such fools would have made Bunyan miserable.
This gave rise to a civil war, which lasted till 1841, and not only left the country weak and miserable, but afforded an evil precedent which has since been too frequently followed.
On our action now depends the question whether our children shall curse or bless us; whether we shall live in their memory as promoters of civil strife, with all its miserable consequences, or as joint architects of a happy, prosperous and united state.
Oaks, elms, hickory, honey-locusts, white ash, sycamore and willows, the rapid growing but miserable box-elder and cottonwood, are the most common trees.
Meanwhile taxation was heavy, the whole nation was seething with discontent, andwhat was worstno way was visible out of the miserable situation; ministers and councillors were repeatedly displaced, but their successors always proved equally incompetent to find a remedy.
A miserable remnant alone escaped destruction in its perilous flight round the north and west of Scotland.
A few miserable groups of Indians and half-breeds have their small villages along its southern portion.
In 1661 a crown commission was issued for the trial of certain miserable creatures, some of whom were condemned to be burnt.
But the first movement disclosed the miserable state of the army.
The ancient capital, Jezreel (Zerin), is now a miserable village on a precipitous spur of Gilboa; north of this are the small mud hamlets, Solam (Shunem), Endur (Endor), Nein (Nain); on the west side of the plain is the ruin of Lej j fin (the Legio of the 4th century, which was then a place of importance).
To such a miserable pretence of freedom they all preferred servitude, which at least ensured them a livelihood; and the middle class of freemen thus became gradually extinct.
The history of these three miserable years cannot be told except at impossible length.
The queens marriage was miserable; and she consoled herself in a way which at once made her court the scandal of Europe, and upset the French kings plans by providing the throne of Spain with healthy heirs of genuine Spanish blood.
The mob then insulted his miserable remains, stuffing stampedpaper into his mouth.
It comes as no surprise then to discover we love comedians like Jack Dee, who focus upon the mundane and miserable.
The only closet is a miserable wooden erection, with two compartments.
Disk 2 Your Name's Not God, It's Edgar Edgar has a pretty miserable existence.
Anyone who suffers with hay fever knows how miserable it can make you.
Don't make yourself miserable by talking to someone who upsets you for an hour or more.
You can encourage her to come out of her shell, but you can't force her (and doing so would only make both of you miserable).
Of course, you must stay away from colors that she doesn't like at all costs - you don't want your little Easter Egg to be a miserable mess on Easter Sunday.
There's no telling how many parents have suffered the miserable realization of learning that baby has thrown off yet another shoe during her last outing.
Dog ear problems can make your pet miserable.
There is nothing worse than feeling miserable all day at work in something you dislike.
Wearing tee shirts gets boring and long-sleeve shirts can feel hot and miserable.
Anyone who's had to suffer food poisoning knows how miserable an experience that is, so whatever methods we employ to prevent that will be worth it.
If you get tired of commanding miserable A.I. characters, try online.
Nothing is more miserable than waking up in the middle of the night because it's rained and you and your sleeping bag are soaked!
The child with a herpes infection is usually miserable and needs generous cuddling and comfort in spite of the infection.
Everyone remembers the kid who was forced to sit out visits to the pool, or stand around looking miserable in the shallow end because he'd never learned to swim.
Often overlooked, these long sleeved styles can be the difference between a miserable night spent shivering and actually having a good time.
As much as you are looking forward to having your baby dressed in her Halloween best, there is always the possibility that she will be miserable in her costume.
Co-workers are bound to make your life miserable with gossip and trust me - it is pretty impossible to hide healthy attraction.
Your girlfriend moved to a new city and within a week she makes a new friend and is having fun, while you're miserable without her.
I have been divorced for 2 years and I am very miserable alone.
Have a friend or lover who is constantly miserable and you want to help?
It could be that she is comfortable with being miserable.
Complaining brings people together to commiserate and to support each other in how miserable their situation is.
Nevertheless, she is not miserable enough, because if she were she would leave.
Then express to her how miserable your life has been without her in it.
It may take some time, but ultimately we are miserable.
Has your family scheduled one of those miserable holiday vacations that only emphasize the fact you never learned to ski?
If you don't have a good dose of social skills in your astrological makeup, you're going to be miserable because Leo won't change.
This sign, in its balanced form, presents a stable, hygienic, noble individual, but an inauspicious astrological aspect can result in a hypercritical, paranoid and stringent individual who makes a miserable partner.
Everyone has different priorities in life, so it's fine to ignore some frugal living tips if you know they are going to make you miserable.
Since kids outgrow their footwear quickly, it is vital that you stay on top of shoe shopping without making your kids miserable.
Selecting properly fitting boots designed for the type of hiking that you participate in can make the difference between a comfortable, enjoyable hike and a miserable experience.
Not only do you feel miserable by the end of the day, but you are doing more damage than you can imagine as well.
However, these are going to, most likely, make you miserable during a Hot Yoga practice.
After a traditional meal, you may feel bloated and so full that you are actually miserable.
The site is organized by the letter of the musical the track is from (meaning that lyrics to On My Own from Les Miserable is under 'L').
With competition such as Richard Hatch and Jonny Fairplay, it's clear that Russell must be extremely devious to warrant such a label.Russell's strategy involves making everyone around him miserable.
Half way through another miserable summer holiday with the Dursley's, Harry receives word that his friend Ron's family are refusing to let him miss the Quiddich World Cup.
The child is gifted with the ability to communicate with the dead at the location of their death, and his life is made miserable by his inability to shut them out.
Social networking sites also have become sort of a cyber "playground" where cyber bullies make life miserable for others.
I hate to dispute you, but I'm not miserable.
She had no way of guaranteeing him that something she'd done wouldn't return to make them both miserable.
She was meant to stay here, to marry one of Romas's brothers, and to be miserable the rest of her life.
I haven't done anything to be forgiven for and you're making my life miserable.
In this they were not successful; but a government stipend of 200 thalers was given him, and even this miserable pittance was of great importance, so straitened were his circumstances.
In 1009, however, in accordance with a resolution made by the witan in the preceding year, !Ethelred collected such a fleet "as never before had been in England in any king's day"; but owing to a miserable court quarrel the effort came to nothing.
The absence of good bark, dugout timber, and chisels of stone deprived the whole Mississippi valley of creditable water-craft, and reduced the natives to the clumsy trough for a dugout and miserable bull-boat, made by stretching dressed buffalo hide over a crate.
I'll race the miserable wooden donkey any day in the week! cried the cab-horse.
What equates to an incredible college program for one student may be miserable for another, which is why you have to take your personality and goals into account when you think about schools.
Forcing the wrong schedule on your family isn't fair to anyone and will only make you all miserable.
She rose to see how far away they were from the horizon, miserable in the heat.
And stay away, you miserable...
He dwells with great force upon the different treatment applied by Ford to the characters of the two miserable lovers - brother and sister.
All promised well, but no sooner did his position seem assured than a miserable court intrigue was formed against him.
To solve this difficulty many of the ancient Fathers and the modern critics have been put to miserable shifts.
Later in this year he made a most miserable fiasco of the campaign against Montreal, and this finally brought his military career to a dishonourable end.
The class of peasant proprietors being restricted to a small number of wealthy peasants, the bulk have remained tenants at will; they are very miserable, and about one-fourth of them are continually wandering in search of work.
He was glad, and at the same instant began to pity the miserable man who stood before him, but the task he had begun had to be completed.
If not for the painkillers Mansr gave her as soon as she awoke and her newest discovery to distract her from the lingering pain, she'd be too miserable to move.
But before St Louis sailed for Damietta there intervened the miserable failure of one Crusade, and the secular and diplomatic success of another.
By 1520 philanthropic churchmen directed their attention to the miserable conditions of the natives; but remedial legislation was largely nullified by the rapacity of subordinate officials, and before the end of the 16th century the natives disappeared as a distinct race.
The place was previously known as Corrego Secco, which Dr George Gardner described in 1837 as "a small, miserable village."
After his death in 289 comes another miserable and obscure period of revolution and despotism, in which Greek life was dying out; and but for the brief intervention of Pyrrhus in 278 Syracuse, and indeed all Sicily, would have fallen a prey to the Carthaginians.
The State also admitted that large classes of its citizens - the clergy, students, crusaders, widows and the miserable and helpless in general - were justiceable only by Church tribunals.
In answer to the doctrine of final cause, of design in nature, he points to those things which cause destruction and danger to man, to the evil committed by men endowed with reason, to the miserable condition of humanity, and to the misfortunes that assail the good man.
But these orders and reports were only on paper, nothing in them was acted upon for they could not be carried out, and though they entitled one another Majesties, Highnesses, or Cousins, they all felt that they were miserable wretches who had done much evil for which they had now to pay.
I am miserable in your absence yet the simple memory of you is enough to sustain me during those interminably long intervals when we are apart.
Thunder cracked overhead. Rhyn had ignored the rain, accustomed to being miserable. Hell was either broiling or freezing, and the Alps were just as cold. The underworld's chilled rain didn't compare.
Not till the 13th of February were the miserable remnants of the population permitted to rebuild their houses and cultivate their fields once more.
On the accession of the emperor Paul in 1796 she was deprived of all her offices, and ordered to retire to a miserable village in the government of Novgorod, "to meditate on the events of 1762."
He would take her to a planet with larger tarantula-cats, where she would be trapped in some room like this for the rest of her miserable life!
The revolutionaries went about among the excited people with baskets, begging coppers for their destitute and miserable governor.
During these miserable years everything like patriotism or public spirit seems to have died out of the hearts of the Hungarian aristocracy.
Let us not seek to penetrate what mysteries they contain; for how can we, miserable sinners that we are, know the terrible and holy secrets of Providence while we remain in this flesh which forms an impenetrable veil between us and the Eternal?
On the entrance of Vespasian's troops into Rome he was dragged out of some miserable hiding-place, driven to the fatal Gemonian stairs, and there struck down.
She survived her husband, her son-in-law, and eight out of her twelve children, and she passed the last miserable years of her life in poverty, solitude and ill-health.
If my mother happened to be near I crept into her arms, too miserable even to remember the cause of the tempest.
His blood quickened with bloodlust at the thought of ending the life of another miserable vamp.
Just as much, she feared seeing them miserable, because of her brief involvement in the mix.
The nation had outgrown dependence upon foreigners, and after his death no German emperor interfered with anything but miserable failure in Italian affairs.
The registered Cossacks objected to being placed under a Hetman not freely chosen by themselves, and those who were not included in the militia objected still more strongly to the prospect of being reduced to the miserable condition of Polish serfs.
But Amy, scarcely by her own fault, is drawn into certain breaches of definite moral laws which Defoe did understand, and she is therefore condemned, with hardly a word of pity, to a miserable end.
Being shy and constantly taunted with the opinions and fate of his grandfather, he appears to have been rendered miserable by his schoolfellows, and to have left Winchester in 1686 for a course of foreign travel.
But he took the score with him to Paris, and, as he himself tells us, " when ill, miserable and despairing, I sat brooding over my fate, my eye fell on the score of my Lohengrin, which I had totally forgotten.