Miracle Sentence Examples
A miracle has happened!
In retrospect, it was a miracle none of us fainted.
This miracle was achieved by tact and management.
All change is a miracle to contemplate; but it is a miracle which is taking place every instant.
Never mind he spent three years constantly riding the bench, hoping against hope for a miracle, as he practiced, cheered and hustled with unbridled enthusiasm.
Then I lost a grandson and thanks to a miracle, he was returned to me, unharmed.
The miracle forms the subject of a celebrated fresco by Raphael in the Vatican.
This product has been a miracle cure for me.
How many days, months, years had she prayed for a miracle like the one in her hand?
Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?
AdvertisementWe should be enjoying this miracle, not fighting and accusing.
Most products that claim to be a miracle are going to raise some eyebrows.
She'd always hoped Wynn found some miracle cure, even while checking things off her bucket list.
Magic is a child's interpretation of a miracle, or anything they can't understand.
More vexing than the inexplicable medical miracle was the creature that did it.
AdvertisementAt one of the altars in this crypt occurred the miracle of Bolsena in 1263.
He went to Bologna, and studied under the friendly tutelage of Guido; thence he proceeded to Rome, where he painted, in the Cistercian monastery, the "Miracle of the Loaves."
Soon after his death the story of the miracle of "Garnet's Straw" was circulated all over Europe, according to which a blood-stained straw from the scene of execution which came into the hands of one John Wilkinson, a young and fervent Roman Catholic, who was present, developed Garnet's likeness.
She opened her eyes, expecting a miracle to occur and the battle to be won.
The steak was like mousse, the onions were a miracle of candy floss texture.
AdvertisementUnfortunately, there is no miracle cure for fighting maturing skin.
I indulged in no vain illusion; I believed in no miracle; I was quite sensible of the sort of hallucination into which I had fallen; I neither sought to intensify it nor to escape from it.
To the men who fought against the rising truths of physical philosophy, it seemed that if they admitted that truth it would destroy faith in God, in the creation of the firmament, and in the miracle of Joshua the son of Nun.
She didn't miss Hannah's stunned look, as if it were a miracle her homely sister could catch the eye of anyone!
This congruity of the miracle with divine truth and grace is the answer to Matthew Arnold's taunt about turning a pen into a pen-wiper or Huxley's about a centaur trotting down Regent Street.
AdvertisementBut we must know what we mean by miracle.
She would be helping them achieve a miracle and they would be helping her with a financial problem.
Inasmuch as several well-marked races of mankind, such as the Egyptian, Phoenician, Ethiopian, &c., were much the same three or four thousand years ago as now, their variation from a single stock in the course of any like period could hardly be accounted for without a miracle.
It is so called from one of several wells or springs in this district, near which miracle plays were performed by the parish clerks of London.
Designed to remove deep cat urine stains and odor Nature's Miracle Orange-Oxy Power Just for Cats has a fresh orange scent.
How helpless can people feel, in the face of such adversity; it would take a miracle to save us now.
They are still bamboozled by the oval game but, in Rome, they always recognize a miracle.
A miracle happened â the red bracts that are associated with Christmas appeared on the weed.
Hawaii honeymoon vacations could take you to a miracle trip to the most enchanting beaches of Hawaii.
Whereas Descartes made the union between them a violent collocation, Geulincx practically called it a miracle.
It was said that the Emperor was leaving the army because it was in danger, it was said that Smolensk had surrendered, that Napoleon had an army of a million and only a miracle could save Russia.
My Miracle Baby offers clothing, towels, and blankets, among many other personalized gifts.
Lotze has shown how the possibility of miracle can be conceived.
The sun rose and sank, but the expected miracle did not come to pass.
In the devastation of the north of England which followed the Conquest, Beverley is said to have escaped by a miracle attributed to St John; the Norman leader, while about to enter and pillage the church, fell from his horse dead, and the king, thinking this a sign that the town was under the protection of heaven, exempted it from pillage.
Whether it was an unforgivable sin or a miracle, the twins were living babies now.
The earlier spiritualism was founded upon facts in nature, which did not need the desperate expedient of a miracle to explain.
Women are usually willing to trial any product on the market, hoping it may provide a miracle cure.
Plus, the book does not provide the reader with the miracle formula.
Hume maintains that no evidence, such as is available, can make a miracle credible.
Jesus expected the miracle to end a forty year cosmic battle, assuming him to be an Essene.
This work, described by one of his friends as " a miracle of boldness," is full of originality and suggestiveness, but its publication awakened against him a storm of theological prejudice, which followed him more or less through life.
You can find the Miracle Beam at Petco.com for about $9.00.
He proclaimed the tree's survival a miracle and likened it to the Christ Child.
When Dusty found Bianca, she swore she'd seen a miracle, for the master assassin was the last person in either world she'd ever have thought would fall to something like love.
An attempt is made to get rid of the distinctive nature of miracle when the exceptionalness of the events so regarded is reduced to a new subjective mode of regarding natural phenomena.
She worked a miracle there in an incredibly short space of time.
La Esmeralda, the libretto of an opera founded on his great tragic romance of Notre-Dame de Paris, is a miracle of lyric melody and of skilful adaptation.
He was present at a conversion of this sort, though the miracle beheld by the people was invisible to the missionary.
Not necessary, my tailor is a miracle worker.
Maternity clothes would only serve to remind him that she was pregnant, rather than underline the fact that they were sharing a miracle.
The "Asian miracle" and the discourse on Asian values questioned the dominance of the western development paradigm.
That's an Old testament miracle, of course.
Timotheus, again pronouncing sentence of death, was struck with blindness, but immediately healed by the powerful intercession of the saint, a miracle which converted nearly five thousand men on the spot.
Those must have been some miracle bristles on your old broom.
Unfortunately, there are no miracle cures or easy answers.
He thinks of Windex as a miracle cure-all and that kimonos were invented by the Greeks, along with philosophy and astronomy.
Chlorophos (PBI) containing diazinon & chlorophos Soil Pest Killer (Miracle) containing pirimiphos-methyl Both are dusts used at sowing or transplanting.
After ten weeks I felt quite disheartened as my hoped for miracle had not transpired.
No one can suppose that going tabloid is some miracle elixir.
Legend states that he restored the broken eggs to whole a miracle for which he became famed.
We cannot at once keep sacred the miracle of existence and hold sacrosanct the capacity to destroy it.
But even a miracle of western statecraft would only lead to Afghanistan's impoverished neighbors seizing a greater share of this lucrative trade.
Only a miracle would have stopped the club falling through the relegation trapdoor.
This miracle was naturally regarded by the Pope as a complete vindication, and the saint was sent home to England in honor.
It is interesting as the residence of Lazarus and his sisters, and a favourite retreat of Jesus (see especially John xi., which describes the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus at this place).
Dacier, however, and others who adhere to the Christian view of the miracle, admit that the appellation of "Thundering" or "Lightning" (KEpavv000Xos, or KepavvoOpos) was given to the legion because there was a figure of lightning on their shields.
The doctrine of Evolution, instead of increasing the difficulty of conceiving the possibility of miracle, decreases it; for it presents to us the universe as an uncompleted process, and one in which there is no absolute continuity on the phenomenal side; for life and mind are inexplicable by their physical antecedents, and there is not only room for, but need of, the divine initiative, a creative as well as conservative co-operation of God with nature.
The proof of the possibility of miracle leads us inevitably to the inquiry regarding the necessity of miracle.
If it be asked why the character may not be displayed in ordinary acts instead of miracles, the answer may be given, "Miracle is the certificate of identity between the Lord of Nature and the Lord of Conscience - the proof that He is really a moral being who subordinates physical to moral interests " (Liddens' Elements of Religion, p. 73).
As the sacrifice of the mass is the central mystery of the Catholic faith, so the seven orders of the hierarchy culminate in that of priest, who alone is empowered to work the daily miracle of the altar (see Holy Order).
Also the Acts of Peter and Andrew, which among other incidents recount the miracle of a camel passing through the eye of a needle.
What secret power, I wonder, caused this blossoming miracle?
But even a miracle of western statecraft would only lead to Afghanistan 's impoverished neighbors seizing a greater share of this lucrative trade.
Organ transplant is not a miracle cure by any means.
Their unflinching courage is a miracle of grace in itself.
Your campers you see fight CHIPCO International the unfolding miracle of.
The multitude rejoiced at the miracle, and was gladly vanquished by the power of God.
A miracle is not a violation of the laws of Nature except for ignorant people.
The universe had one final miracle to reveal; the birth of a full moon from the womb of mother Earth.
Theyre not miracle workers, but they can often help when the regular route wont come through for you.
The following day 's concert wrought the miracle which was trailered in the opening paragraph of this account.
The miracle seems as if it could have only occured if a celestial figure was in control.
It should go lengthwise for when baby is small, and then can eventually be measured and hung vertically if you choose to continue use of the chart after your tiny miracle has become an active toddler.
My doctor calls me the "miracle patient."
The Miracle Beam is a laser cat toy that will keep your cat in stitches for as long as you care to play.
Secondly, do your homework and never, ever spring for the "miracle solution" offered by some slick guy calling you out of the blue.
The American Medical Association took a stance against naturopathy in the 1920s, calling it quackery, while it promoted the so-called miracle drugs that were being introduced to the medical community at a rapid rate.
Nicknamed the miracle plant or the natural healer, humankind has known of the medicinal uses of aloe vera for more then 4,000 years.
Considered a miracle substance by many people, aloe vera gel provides many health benefits and contains numerous healing properties.
Suddenly, every ointment and cream seemed to have what many called a miracle oil.
In The Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System, author Paul Chappuis Bragg identifies the following hair symptoms in relation to potassium deficiency.
It only means that it is not a miracle cure for losing weight, improving your vision or finding that extra energy you need.
For those who rely on prescription glasses or contact lenses, this is indeed a miracle!
If you've wondered how exactly this miracle product works, wonder no more.
While this product does seem to be something of a miracle cure, please keep in mind that it can only work if you currently have lashes.
Consider it the instant antidote to a dull, dreary day, a miracle worker when you don't look or feel your best and an adorable piece of eye candy to add a flash of color to your vanity.
There will always be a food or substance that is hailed as the new miracle or wonder.
By some small miracle he finally understood (I think it was Andie's ability to talk "stupid").
The actress had called her pregnancy a "miracle," because she and Moder had given up hope after trying for more than a year to conceive.
Upon the arrival of the newest member of the McConaughey clan, Matthew commented that he and Camila were "..so happy to have created the greatest miracle in the world-Having a child and making a family.
She continues to be an advocate for the Children's Miracle Network, the nonprofit she co-founded, and spends her time performing with her brother and being a public speaker.
The front is embroidered in silver with text that can read "Heaven Sent", "Miracle" or "Angel Bebe."
Carnival employs some of its largest "fun ships" to cruise to nowhere including the popular Carnival Miracle (departing from New York) and Carnival Triumph (departing from Norfolk).
Carnival Miracle is also home to Camp Carnival, which is specially designed for children under the age of 12.
Carnival offers two-day cruises to nowhere departing from Norfolk, Virginia and New York, New York via the Carnival Miracle (NY), Carnival Triumph (VA), Carnival Dream (NY) and Carnival Glory (VA).
Carnival Dream and Carnival Miracle feature two-night cruises departing from New York Harbor.
I already know the vet bill will be high, but I was hoping for a miracle.
Gentle Leader dog collars may not be a miracle answer to training difficult dogs, but they are worth considering if your dog is not responding to other methods of training.
These veritable miracle workers are essential for special evenings out or anytime you want to show off a smoother, sleeker silhouette.
Among them is the Miracle Vest, a cotton and rubber shaper that wraps around the midsection and works to whittle down the waistline, flatten the stomach and even lift the breasts.
For women who remembered how fussy hair styles could be even 20 years before, the bob was a miracle.
With the Miracle Point Eyeglass Magnifier, you'll love the fact that its design allows it to be slipped right over your usual pair of eyeglasses.
This was the case with Miracle Strip Amusement Park in Panama City, Florida, which closed in 2004 due to declining attendance, and the MGM Amusement Park in Las Vegas, which gradually shrank and closed as attendance dwindled.
Aluminum was the new miracle substance, was light weight and easy to care for.
It is awe inspiring as you marvel at the beauty of a flower, the magnificence of the pyramids or the miracle of the growth of a human embryo.
Inspired, he cultivated the plant and sold it as a miracle money tree and his new business thrived.
If you desire long and lustrous straight black hair styles, remember that there is no miracle pill for hair growth and that every process to which you subject your hair has an impact on it.
For those who suffer from lackluster hair, Wen may be your miracle in a bottle.
Stylists are not miracle workers, so be understanding if the stylist is honest enough to tell you that the style is impossible to create in your hair.
Rather than wish for a miracle on how to prevent grey hair, you're better off taking a stance against this natural aging process by coloring your hair as soon as the greys become noticeable.
Sorting through them to find what you need is challenging, but thanks to the miracle of technology, a lot more convenient than ever before.
Many of these stories are meant to be a bonding experience but sound more like horror stories that are meant to scare you into a perpetual state of pregnancy rather than ever experiencing the miracle of childbirth.
This Certified Nurse Midwife was an angel and a miracle all in one.
Depending upon your personal preference, you can purchase your maternity bottoms in no belly, under belly, mid-belly, classic belly, miracle belly, or all-around belly styles.
Available belly panels include no belly, under belly, mid-belly, all-around belly, classic belly, miracle belly, and pull-on belly.
There are no belly, under belly, mid-belly, all-around belly, classic belly, miracle belly, and pull-on belly styles.
In fact, it's quite common for women to consider their second children to be "miracle" babies.
Once pregnancy is confirmed, it doesn't take long to think about a new wardrobe, and that's when Miracle Maternity can be a big help.
Miracle Maternity offers contemporary clothing that is comfortable as well as fashionable.
Comfort and style is what Miracle Maternity is all about.
Miracle Maternity often has sales, so check their website frequently.
Besides clothing, what else does Miracle Maternity offer?
Miracle Maternity has a fashionable bag that is a leather and tweed fabric.
Miracle Maternity accepts Visa, American Express, and Mastercard.
If you aren't satisfied with your merchandise, Miracle Maternity allows to return clothing within fifteen days of receiving it.
Now that you see what Miracle Maternity has in its selection, as well as how easy and convenient it is to purchase clothes online, you can also check out other options and learn how to get on the mailing lists for maternity catalogs.
Nova's special Life's Greatest Miracle is an excellent choice for parents who want to watch any stage of a baby's development, from conception to childbirth.
Miracle Maternity Boutique has contemporary flair merged with comfortable designs.
Many of the current 2006 swimsuits also include selections made with Miracle Bra technology to give you the maximum in support and enhancement.
Victoria's Secret Miracle Bra Collection of swimwear can you the maximum lift and padding to give you a look as sexy as Jillian Barberie's.
Miracle Bra bathing suits pivot off of the push-up bra model, bringing lift and cleavage to your favorite swimsuits.
Miracle Bra bathing suits take the concept of Victoria's Secret's push up bra, the Miraculous, and converts it into their swim bikini top styles.
In another attempt to simplify the swimsuit shopping process, Victoria's Secret offers the Miracle Bra in the same cup sizes as their regular bra.
Before you shop, note that there are no Miracle Bra bathing suits.
Instead, the Miracle Bra is sold separately as a top.
The great news is that if this is your favorite style, you'll be able to have a bit more coverage while still enjoying the benefits of the Miracle Bra.
Ordering swimsuits online can be a dicey prospect, particularly because you won't be able to try on the styles you like, but when it comes to the Miracle bathing suit, you can visit Makeup 411.com.
If you are looking for a bikini top that is guaranteed to provide plenty of cleavage and lift for your bust line, then the Miracle Bra may be for you.
In terms of push up styles, turn your attention to the Miracle Bra Collection.
The Miracle Bra was originally intended for Victoria's Secret's lingerie line, but the design works so well at increasing the depth and fullness of the bust, that it became a natural fit for the company's swimwear line as well.
Two such choices worth investigating are The Miracle Bra push-up twist halter one-piece and the Magicsuit firm control, twist front, one-piece.
Prices range from $74.00 for the Miracle Bra suit to $134.00 for the Magicsuit.
Try the Miracle Bra from Victoria's Secret and a pair of boy shorts.
Board shorts may as well be called "miracle shorts" because they can hide so many figure flaws.
Looking slim and trim in a body shaping look may seem like a miracle, but the fact of the matter is that plenty of cutting-edge technology goes into the performance of these suits.
How does Miracle Suit accomplish his seemingly impossible task?
That’s because Cyberswim offers one of the widest selections of Miracle Suits.
If you are searching for a miracle on your next outing to the beach or pool, it can easily arrive in the form of the Miracle swimsuit.
The Miracle swimsuit promises something most women would sign up for in the blink of an eyelash; the ability to look "10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds".
Miracle swimsuits help you to look your very best by way of the Miratex fabric.
Moreover, and in addition to the Miratex fabric, Miracle swimsuits also contain a healthy does of Lycra Spandex.
As might be expected, because Miracle swimwear comes equipped with cutting-edge fabric, caring for your suit takes careful consideration.
Miracle suit recommends that you wear an older suit if you plan on spending time in one.
Independent analysis -- Many supplement companies like to parade out guys in lab coats in their ads along with a few sensational claims about this or that miracle benefit.
If there's truly a miracle food, it is the humble chia.
Miracle Mineral Supplement, or MMS, is touted by many as a cure for most any disease or condition.
According to its promoters, this supplement is the miracle cure-all for many of the most virulent diseases affecting people today.
The Miracle Mineral website claims that this preparation has been tested on more than 75,000 disease victims in Africa, and speaks of scientific trials conducted in a prison in Malawi, East Africa that are purported to support their claims.
There seems to be little evidence to back the claims of Miracle Mineral makers.
The claims made by Jim Humble and others on behalf of Miracle Mineral are widely disputed by medical professionals, and the FDA has not approved it as safe an effective for the treatment of any of the diseases it claims to cure.
While there is no proof that these chemicals are harmful in the doses recommended by the makers of Miracle Mineral Supplement, studies have yet to prove their safety over the long term either.
One must wonder when a product is touted as a miracle cure for most everything, as it seems the medical community would be quite excited about such a monumental discovery.
As with any preparation taken for medicinal purposes, consumers would be wise to consult a health care professional for advice before taking Miracle Mineral products.
In the Heat Surge advertisements, the company uses the word "miracle" to describe its space heater and the way the word is used is another misleading sales tactic.
According to Clark's comments to the press, the school has to raise its own funds in order to remain in operation, so Oprah's check was a miracle for the children who attended the school under scholarship funds.
You can be a part of the miracle by donating blood yourself, or encouraging others to do so.
Delta - With the SkyWish program, you can give your miles to over 15 charities, including the American Cancer Society, Children's Miracle Network, Habitat for Humanity and the Nature Conservancy.
Midwest - This smaller carrier has what it calls the Miracle Miles program.
In case it wasn't apparent before, this movie is nothing like Miracle on 34th Street.
The singer asks the shepherd, "Where are you coming from?" and the shepherd recalls the miracle in the stable.
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which always ends with Santa Claus and was made yet more famous in the film Miracle on 34th Street heralds the beginning of the season.
With hints of red, orange, olive green, sky blue, brown, yellow, sea green and so many more all vying for attention, it's no small miracle that the finished product is so playfully elegant.
Ben Stiller, in a green jumpsuit, pretending that, through the miracle of green-screen technology, he appeared to be a disembodied head.
Another perennial classic, Miracle On 34th Street follows Kris Kringle, a Santa at Macy's who actually believes he is Santa Claus.
Miracle on 34th Street - The 1947 version is the best version of this Christmas classic.
Starring Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke, The Miracle Worker tells the story of Hellen Keller, a blind and deaf girl who is taught to communicate by a woman named Annie Sullivan.
Bottom line, it is fun to make shoes that respect the real shape and miracle of feet, and it is fun to participate in the ebb and flow of collective ideas as expressed in fashion!
This unusual looking shoe does more than just raise brows - it's a veritable miracle shoe for the athlete who seeks to keep his or her feet protected and remain comfortable at the same time.
Furthermore, while these often are made to sound like "miracle pills," the truth is that the weight-loss achieved while using them is quite minimal -- 9 to 10 percent of starting weight over the course of one year.
Rather than risk hard-earned money on an uncertainty like a miracle diet patch, invest in healthy foods and exercise.
With so many ab workouts advertised on television, you hear about everything from "amazing" fad diets to the lady down the street who has her own miracle solution.
Obviously, there isn't a miracle supplement to melt those pounds off.
As a fruit, grapefruit is good for you, but the jury is still out on whether it's a miracle food.
Honey and cinnamon both can be beneficial to health, but no studies back up the claims made about this miracle weight-loss aid.
When a promised miracle comes along that seems to be endorsed by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, it's easy to hope that this is finally the one thing that will help you.
While you can perform some exercises to firm up the muscles in your chest, short of surgery, there's no miracle treatment.
With the magic of technology and life-prolonging miracle drugs all around us, why should people exercise in this day and age?
Scratch the surface and you'll discover that the "fix" is a so-called miracle cream, exercise gadget, diet supplement or weird type of diet.
When you remove the ganache from the refrigerator, a miracle will have taken place.
The miracle of good lingerie is that it can lift, enhance, minimize, or control to make you look and feel beautiful.
On the face of it, the Body Shaper sounds like a miracle garment.
In fact, Grandma would have given her eye teeth for such a miracle.
Billy Crystal as Miracle Max paired with Carol Kane as his wife are hilarious together and Christopher Guest plays a wonderful right hand man to the villainous Prince Humperdink, portrayed by Chris Sarandon.
Scotty - Montgomery Scott served as the engineer who always pulled a miracle out of his hat to make the ship hold together or go faster.
The first thing you need to know is that there's no such thing as a miracle cream.
The most recent addition to the miracle products that claim to repair damaged skin is copper peptide.
Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream is a less-than-$10 miracle worker for some of the most extreme cases of dry hands.
Touted as everything from a "dream cream" to a "miracle in a jar," this non-irritating cream promises to smooth away wrinkles just minutes after application.
With the tremendous advances in skincare and technology over the years, it's quite possible that one day we could all be putting ourselves on waiting lists for this miracle cream.
The best thing you can do when choosing an anti-aging cream is to use it without expecting an overnight miracle.
Below you will find a few of the industry leaders, as well as tips for keeping your skin healthy and youthful outside of the miracle tonics!
In case you have not guessed, Edward is a vampire, only by some miracle of nature, he does not have fangs, nor does he drink human blood.
Miracle on Ice hockey jerseys are made of 100 percent polyester and have mesh side inlays.
We were content to allow him this small title of uniqueness knowing it was killing him to be so close to a scientific miracle with hands tied and mouth gagged against announcing his findings to the world.
Miracle of miracles, Cynthia picked up the phone on the first ring.
Miracle of miracles, Gladys is awake and it ain't even noon yet.
Urban's bull was once more promulgated, at the council of Vienne in 1311, by 1 The pope's decision, so the story goes, was hastened by a miracle.
If there were, it is not a miracle; if there were not, it is " (Essays, p. 224).
The most frequent are the miracle at Cana, the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the paralytic carrying his bed, the healing of the woman with the issue of blood, the raising of Lazarus, FIG.
In such circumstances nothing less than a miracle could enable human ingenuity to fathom the secret.
It would have been a miracle if the first generation of Mexican and South American history had not been anarchical.
We cannot well claim more than these three kinds of reality for the first and the last signs, the miracle at Cana and the resurrection of Lazarus.
His collected works, prefaced by a fulsome panegyric, in the course of which it is said that " he was a miracle of nature, and rather seemed to be the immediate production of God Almighty than born of a woman," were produced by his son-in-law, Thomas Wilson, in 1619.
But no remains exist of the priories of Augustinian canons at Canterbury (St Gregory's; 1084), Leeds, near Maidstone (1119), Tunbridge (middle of 12th century), Combwell, near Cranbrook (time of Henry II.); the nunnery of St Sepulchre at Canterbury (about 110o) and Langdon abbey, near Walmer (1192), both belonging to the Benedictines; the Trinitarian priory of Mottenden near Headcorn, the first house of Crutched Friars in England (1224), where miracle plays were presented in the church by the friars on Trinity Sunday; the Carmelite priories at Sandwich (1272) and Losenham near Tenterden (1241); and the preceptory of Knights of St John of Jerusalem at West Peckham, near Tunbridge (1408).
The Holy Spirit was supposed to be manifest in various striking ways, in prophecy, speaking with tongues and miracle working.
Owing to a miracle which he is alleged to have worked on a child suffering from a throat affection, who was brought to him on his way to execution, St Blaise's aid has always been held potent in throat and lung diseases.
As Dr Milligan has said very well, " It is not only in things to which we commonly confine the word miracle that the Divine appears.
The "miracle of St Januarius" did not occur before the middle of the 15th century.
Different writers style her "the tenth Muse," "the flower of the Graces," "a miracle," "the beautiful," the last epithet referring to her writings, not her person, which is said to have been small and dark.
Faith in the divinity of Christ does not rest upon a miracle in nature, but upon a miracle in the moral world.
Shortly after the appearance of the Provinciales, on the 24th of May 1656, occurred the miracle of the Holy Thorn, a fragment of the crown of Christ preserved at Port Royal, which cured the little Marguerite Perier of a fistula lacrymalis.
The Jesuits were much mortified by this Jansenist miracle, which, as it was officially recognized, they could not openly deny.
The truth is, it would have been a miracle indeed if the style of the Koran had been perfect.
Darwin and his generation were deeply imbued with the Butlerian tradition, and regarded the organic world as almost a miracle of adaptation, of the minute dovetailing of structure, function and environment.
St Augustine observes that, though Africa was full of martyrs' tombs, no miracle had been wrought at them so far as his knowledge extended.
One of them relates, probably following the legend of St Eustace, the miracle of the conversion of St Hubert.
The excitement produced by this miracle led to yet another attack, destined this time to be successful, on the life of Jesus.
He acquired a reputation as a worker of miracles, and on this ground was sent to Rome as an envoy, where (legend tells) he exorcised from the emperor's daughter a demon who had obligingly entered the lady to enable Simon to effect his miracle.
The scientific method, then, is to consider each " miracle " on its own merits, according as we find reason to suppose that it has reached our author more or less directly.
While heretical on so many points, he was a firm believer in supernatural Christianity, and frequently took the field in defence of prophecy and miracle, including anointing the sick and touching for the king's evil.
Several Russian friends and companions, from Kiev and Old Novgorod, are recorded by Daniel as present with him at the Easter Eve "miracle," in the church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Besides furnishing the early playwrights with material for miracle plays, it has supplied episodes and apologues to many a writer, including Boccaccio, John Gower and Shakespeare.
Up to this point he has mentioned no miracle.
Whether He intervenes directly by miracle, or merely sets His laws in operation, He is master of men's fate.
What he would have been as a poet, if, instead of visiting Europe in early life and drinking in the spirit of the middle ages under the shadows of cathedral towers, he had, like Whittier, grown old amid American scenery and life, we can only guess from his earlier poems, which are as naturalistic, fresh and unmystical as could be desired; but certain it is that, from his long familiarity with the medieval view of nature, and its semi-pagan offspring, the romantic view, he was brought, for the greater part of his life, to look upon the world of men and things either as the middle scene of a miracle play, with a heaven of rewarding happiness above and a purgatory of purifying pain below, or else as a garment concealing, while it revealed, spiritual forms of unfathomed mystery.
If so, parliament was told that temporal possessions ruin the church and drive out the Christian graces of faith, hope and charity; that the priesthood of the church in communion with Rome was not the priesthood Christ gave to his apostles; that the monk's vow of celibacy had for its consequence unnatural lust, and should not be imposed; that transubstantiation was a feigned miracle, and led people to idolatry; that prayers made over wine, bread, water, oil, salt, wax, incense, altars of stone, church walls, vestments, mitres, crosses, staves, were magical and should not be allowed; that kings should possess the jus episcopale, and bring good government into the church; that no special prayers should be made for the dead; that auricular confession made to the clergy, and declared to be necessary for salvation, was the root of clerical arrogance and the cause of indulgences and other abuses in pardoning sin; that all wars were against the principles of the New Testament, and were but murdering and plundering the poor to win glory for kings; that the vows of chastity laid upon nuns led to child murder; that many of the trades practised in the commonwealth, such as those of goldsmiths and armourers, were unnecessary and led to luxury and waste.
Whether a miracle or sheer guts I don't know.
A Chou En Lai verdict on Gordon Brown Samuel Brittan The Financial Times 22/07/05 Is Gordon Brown's supposed economic miracle based on sand?
He needed a bloody miracle, that's what he needed.
He experienced at first hand the application of new holistic management practices that produced the Japanese post-war economic miracle.
How does God work in acts of special providence or miracle in a world governed by the laws of physics?
It's a miracle anyone survives past puberty, what with all these global crises.
In one of his works Plutarch tells about a miracle of the Greek general Pyrrhus.
When, conscious of his helplessness, he combined his pleading with earnest supplication did the miracle of a spiritual resurrection happen.
Benedict Spinoza, the eminent Jewish pantheist (1632-1677), to whom miracle is impossible, revelation a phrase, and who renews pioneer work in Old Testament criticism, finds at least a fair measure of liberty and comfort in Holland (his birth-land).
The miracle and the doctrine mutually illuminate one another.
For fuller busted women, this miracle garment lifts the breasts and pushes them together.
A healthy diet, exercise, flattering wardrobe and positive attitude will do more for you than any purported "miracle" garment.
Remember, sexy and erotic lingerie can work a small miracle in your love relationship and enhances self-confidence.
The album was followed by numerous other albums like These Are Special Times, A New Day Has Come, One Heart, Miracle and Taking Chances.
The story of Chanukah professes the miracle that the oil lasted eight full days - the length of time necessary to press more oil - and therefore a menorah is lit each night of the celebration to commemorate that event.
Every character a fairy tale is expected to have is represented in a unique way - the princess bride is neither a princess, nor a bride and the fairy godmother is a haggish miracle worker named Max who lives with his equally haggish wife.
Whether it's foundation packed with sunscreen or an anti-stretch mark cream suddenly touted as the new wrinkle erasing miracle, there's simply no dearth of skin care products formulated to help us reclaim our lost youth.
The water is more than just an anti-aging miracle treatment, though.
If it means all experience it assumes the point to be proved; if it means only common experience then it simply asserts that the miracle is unusual - a truism.
And this being the case, the complete conditioning causes of the miracle will be found in God and nature together, and in that eternal action and reaction between them which perhaps, although not ordered simply according to general laws, is not void of regulative principles.
So for Schleiermacher "miracle is neither explicable from nature alone, nor entirely alien to it."
The test of a miracle is, were there present in the case such external conditions, such second causes we may call them, that wherever these conditions or causes reappear the event will be reproduced.
When the existence of God is denied (atheism), or His nature is declared unknowable (agnosticism), or He is identified with nature itself (pantheism), or He is so distinguished from the world that His free action is excluded from the course of nature (deism), miracle is necessarily denied.
To the Israelites, however, it was a miracle, an unexpected intervention on the part of Yahweh, and the first of many marvels which he performed on behalf of the people of his choice.
But, if Jesus really cured leprosy or really restored the dead to life, we have miracle plainly enough in the region of healing.
Commodus, who was with his father when he died, erected to his memory the Antonine column (now in the Piazza Colonna at Rome), round the shaft of which are sculptures in relief commemorating the miracle of the Thundering Legion and the various victories of Aurelius over the Quadi and the Marcomanni.
This triumph was universally considered at the time, and for long afterwards, to have been a miracle, and bore the title of "The Miracle of the Thundering Legion."