Minority Sentence Examples
His minority was a time of anarchy.
The minority among the "nations" chose him as rector in opposition to the elected candidate, Aubri de.
Students on March I 1921 numbered 2,111 men and 1,145 women, 2,328 students being Letts, 803 minority nationalities, 125 foreigners.
These educated classes form only a small minority of the population.
He was a member of Congress from 1893 to 1895, and from 1919 to 1921, being Speaker from 1911 to 1919 and minority leader thereafter; he was defeated in the election of 1920.
During his minority, which lasted till 1840, the country was well administered by a British resident.
But how do the poor minority fare?
His indignation was aroused by the barbarities inflicted upon the Hottentots and Kaffirs (by a minority of the colonists), and he set himself to remedy their grievances; but his zeal was greater than his knowledge.
The French navy being left unemployed during the minority of Louis XIV., Duquesne obtained leave to offer his services to the king of Sweden, who gave him a commission as vice-admiral in 1643.
The circumstances of his minority are not recorded, nor is anything related of the Scythian inroads which occurred in the latter half of the 7th century B.C., although some passages in the books of Jeremiah and Zephaniah are supposed to refer to the events.
AdvertisementAs a member of the Royal Commission on the Poor Law he signed the Minority Report.
A lad named Sobhuza, born about 1898, was selected as paramount chief, Naba Tsibeni, his grandmother, being confirmed as regent during his minority.
He took a prominent part in the government of Germany during the minority of King Henry IV., and was the leader of the party which in 1062 seized the person of Henry, and deprived his mother, the empress Agnes, of power.
Speaking broadly the development was from rigour to indulgence, and the three schisms referred to voiced the protests of the puritan minority.
It must also be remembered that in the greater part of the land which they possessed the Danes were but a small minority of the population.
AdvertisementThe hand of a strong man was still needed to keep the peace in the newly-constituted realm of all England, and the evils of a minority were not long in showing themselves.
The factions which had prevailed during the reign of Edward the Martyr seem to have continued to rage during his brothers minority, yet iEthelreds earliest years were his least disastrous.
But he made head against it with the aid of mercenary bands, the loyal minority of the barons, and the shire-levies of his English subjects.
The moment that he had got rid of the honest and capable old justiciar Hubert de Burgh, who had pacified the country during his minority, and set the machinery of government once more in regular order, Henry gave himself over to fostering horde after horde of foreign favorites.
Hence it came to pass that in the campaign of 264 Simon was supported by a minority only of the baronial class, and the The kings army was the larger.
AdvertisementThe three years regency of Isabella, during the minority of Edward III., formed a disgraceful episode in the history of Regency of England.
But the Lollards were a feeble and helpless minority; they no longer produced writers, organizers or missionaries.
It Qioucester was clear that there would be a long minority, and proclaims that the only possible claimants for the regency were himself the queen and Richard of Gloucester.
He left a council of sixteen to rule during his sons minority.
But the members who favored the king, and who formed a considerable minority, wished to see a certain liberty of religious thought, together with a return under a modified Episcopacy to the forms of worship which prevailed before Laud had taken the church in hand.
AdvertisementThey were known to be only a comparatively small minority of the population, and though they had been cruelly persecuted, they had suffered without a thought of resistance- Dread of the dissenters, therefore, had become a mere chimaera, which only those could entertain whose minds were influenced by prejudice.
His Letters concerning Toleration laid down the principle which had been maintained by Cromwell, with a wider application than was possible in days when the state was in the hands of a mere minority only able to maintain itself in power by constant and suspicious vigilance.
If the danger of French invasion was a reality, it was so mainly owing to the deplorable condition of Ireland, where the The Act natural disaffection of the Roman Catholic majority of Union of the populationdeprived of political and many with d social rights, and exposed to the insults and oppression ft an of a Protestant minority corrupted by centuries of ascendancyinvited the intervention of a foreign enemy.
He saw that to establish peace in Ireland the Roman Catholics would have to be enfranchised; he realized that to enfranchise them in a separated Ireland would be to subject the proud Protestant minority to an impossible domination, and to establish not peace but war.
It was a bribe little likely to appeal to the Protestant minority which constituted the Irish parliament, and to them other inducements had to be offered if the scheme was to be carried through.
For the third time in his career Lord Derby undertook the formidable task of conducting the government of the country Lord with only a minority of the House of Commons to nerbys support him.
Attention was drawn in the House of Commons to the insufficient supply of cordite provided by the war office, and the Housenotwithstanding the assurance of the war minister (Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman) that the supply was adequateplaced the government in a minority.
A final remainder under the marquess's settlement brought back castle and lands on the failure in 1553 of the heirs male of the body of Henry VII., and Henry, Lord Berkeley, had special livery of them in his minority.
On this very point of reform the nation was already divided into two parties, though only the minority held with Szechenyi.
The marsupials also attain their maximum development in Australia (" Notogaea " of the distributionists), extending, however, as far west as Celebes and the Moluccas, although in these islands they form an insignificant minority among an extensive placental fauna, being represented only by the cuscuses (Phalanger), a group unknown in either Papua or Australia.
His first term as governor, during which he seems to have been extremely popular with the majority of the colonists, was notable principally for his Berkeley religious intolerance and his expulson of the Puritans, who were in a great minority.
The more rationalistic minority thereupon formed the Free Religious Association, "to encourage the scientific study of theology and to increase fellowship in the spirit."
Its followers were still a minority in the House of Commons; an angry Reform agitation was going on; an ingenious resolution founded on the demand for an enlarged franchise serviceable to Liberals might extinguish the new government almost immediately; and it is pretty evident that the Tory leaders took office meaning to seek a cure for this desperate weakness by wholesale extension of the suffrage.
It turned on the successive schisms in the ruling minority.
During his minority he was placed under the regency, first of his mother and latterly of his uncle, Dom Pedro.
During the protracted minority she administered the affairs of the duchy with the greatest prudence, strengthening its resources and improving its position in spite of the troubles of the Seven Years' War.
These causes reduced the Episcopalians, who included at the Revolution a large section of the people, to what is now, save in a few corners of the west and north-east of Scotland, a small minority.
The second brother Edmund (c. 1472-1513), succeeded his father while still in his minority.
He tried to retrieve his position in the country, and succeeded in a great measure, by granting a very liberal constitution (January 1889, or Dec. 1888 O.S.) at a time when all agitation for a new constitution had been given up. Then, to the great astonishment of the Servians and of his Russian enemies, King Milan voluntarily abdicated, placing the government of the country in the hands of a regency during the minority of his only son Alexander, whom he proclaimed king of Servia on the 6th of March 1889.
The leading man of the regency was Jovan Ristich, who had already been regent during the minority of King Milan (1868-1871).
Plans of further conquest in Morocco, resulting in 1437 in the disastrous attack upon Tangier, and followed in 1438 by the death of King Edward (Duarte) and the domestic troubles of the earlier minority of Affonso V., now interrupted Atlantic and African exploration down to 1441, except only in the Azores.
The infante's share in home politics was considerable, especially in the years of Affonso V.'s minority (1438, &c.) when he helped to make his elder brother Pedro regent, reconciled him with the queen-mother, and worked together with them both in a council of regency.
Bishop Fabian suffered martyrdom in January 250, and, when Cornelius was elected his successor in March or April 251, Novatian objected on account of his known laxity on the above-mentioned point of discipline, and allowed himself to be consecrated bishop by the minority who shared his views.
In this reign too was passed the statute of Kilkenny (q.v.), a confession by the crown that obedient subjects were the minority.
A committee on the Irish Land Acts was closured at the end of July by the casting vote of the chairman, Mr Morley, and the minority refused to join in the report.
The report - or rather the collection of minority reports - gave some countenance to those who held that Ireland was overtaxed, and there was a strong agitation on the subject, in which some Irish Unionists joined without perceiving the danger of treating the two islands as " separate entities."
As in Servia, there is practically no middle class between the peasants and the educated minority; and the commercial element consists to a great extent of foreigners, especially Germans, Hungarians, Italians and Jews.
In 1396 homage was rendered to him in Denmark and Sweden likewise, Margaret reserving to herself the office of regent during his minority.
His death and the minority of his sons, Hugh Capet and Eudes, gave the Carolingian dynasty thirty years more of life.
Richelieu had been able to surmount these difficulties because he governed in the name of a king of full age, and against isolated adversaries; while Mazarin had the latter against Richelicu him in a coalition which had lasted ten years, with aria, the further disadvantages of his foreign origin and a royal minority at a time when every one was sick of government by ministers.
The Directory, then, was in a minority in the country, and had to be ever on the alert against faction; all possible methods seemed legitimate, and during two years appeared Struggle successful.
The Moslem inhabitants, being in a minority, have often shown themselves fanatical and turbulent.
This revival of Church and monastic influence began during the reign of Alphonso XII., 1877-1885, and considerably increased afterwards under the regency of Queen Christina, during the long minority of Alphonse XIII., the godson of Pope Leo XIII.
On the part of the Arabs, who, though a small minority of the invaders, were the ruling element, there was a marked absence of proselytizing zeal.
He recovered all the immense grants of crown lands and rents, impounded by the nobles during his minority.
His minority came to an end in 1066.
These were the chief printed media of his anti-Government propaganda; but he took every advantage of public activities, such as membership of the local municipality and the organizing of Shivaji and Ganpati celebrations, to work upon the prejudices and passions both of the masses and of the educated minority.
His widow was left regent during the minority of his son Pandolfo, who was nicknamed Pandolfaccio on account of his evil nature.
Last year ethnic minority officers rebelled against the Met, urging a boycott of recruitment campaigns.
But for a very considerable minority, it was the greatest imaginable affront.
However, from 1933 the minority ' Sudeten ' German population increasingly agitated for incorporation into Hitler's Reich.
The report does note a minority of intelligence analysts believes the tubes are for conventional weapons, not a nuclear program.
Only a minority of the population lives in the rural and mostly arable countryside.
Long term use A small minority of people with severe asthma need to take steroid tablets for a longer period.
Only the Tories and a tiny minority of the labor MPs would support a war without explicit UN authorization.
Participants will include youths, adults and key workers with ethnic minority backgrounds from groups, organizations and networks throughout Edinburgh.
In my view it's best never to give bigots who preach hatred against a minority a platform anywhere, whatever the reason.
This continued until a minority of citizens, motivated by bigotry, began to drive wedges between elements in our society.
Having searched all 17 of Tower Hamlet's wards we discover that native brits are a minority in no fewer than 12!
Since the financial year end we have completed the buyout of the minority shareholders in the company.
In 1984, he believed the opportunity to milk the cash cow feeding other minority sports was too good to miss.
To make its own services more culturally competent, Diabetes UK has been reviewing its own practice in relation to minority ethnic groups.
Students from ethnic minority families tend to choose vocational courses at university - law or medicine rather than English or philosophy, for instance.
Normally, you could not give a tinker's cuss about minority party debates.
Infection with the dengue virus is not normally life-threatening, but in a minority of cases the potentially deadly dengue haemorrhagic fever ensues.
They are a political minority even more despised than the Communists used to be.
Convergent beam electron diffraction In many materials, the crystal structure of minority phases is not known.
The incomes of ethnic minorities Some minority groups have prospered in Britain, but others remain severely disadvantaged.
In a small minority of women, it has been considered to be a cause of pelvic discomfort or backache.
This minority was so displeased with the elections that it decided to take no part in the rest of the elections.
The minority of families where such tests may prove disruptive are not " marriages made in heaven " .
But even tho I be in a minority, here again I think he was not what I regard as a great doer.
Such finer points of Marxist dogma or strategy were confined to a minority.
Under the current voting system, a single party can achieve dominance on a council despite securing a minority of the votes cast.
Of course, no adjustment of borders, however Draconian, could make every minority in the Middle East happy.
Use color wisely You may have noticed that the Orwellian dystopia being filmed in Minority Report has a cold, blue feel.
In addition, a tiny minority have core capital funding earmarked for adult basic skills learning.
A good example is residential care for black and ethnic minority elders.
The Forum has close links with the Department for Education and Employment's Advisory Group on raising ethnic Minority Pupil Achievement.
The majority of vaccinated birds did not excrete any virus, the minority excrete any virus, the minority excreted 10,000 to 100,000 times less virus than controls.
Even the Warnock Committee had a minority report which regarded the human embryo as unsuitable for destructive experimentation.
Minority Report is the bits and pieces of great film noir.
State clearly on any advertising fliers " We welcome applications from black and minority ethnic people.
A vocal minority seemed fond of the word " mission " .
However, in a minority of cervical cancer cases, the HPV viral genome fails to integrate into the host genome.
Do we have a special grapheme for a sound only used by a minority?
Less well known was the part played in this campaign by ethnic minority groups.
But the small minority of advocates boasted one particularly high-profile convert.
I appreciate that it can be said that this is an argument that the minority view is correct and is therefore impermissible.
At times she seemed inclined toward the position of docetism, a minority Gnostic position which denied the physical incarnation of Jesus altogether.
Christianity is an irrelevant minority sect, they argue.
For a few years, Renault was also a minority shareholder in the Volvo Car Corporation.
European Acquisition Capital have invested for a minority stake.
Many scientists do not share their pro-GM stance, and molecular geneticists are but a minute minority of all scientists.
The British public, in whom there had always been the latent desire to retrieve the surrender to the Boers which had followed the disaster at Majuba, were at last awakened by the ministerialist press to the necessity of vindicating British influence in South Africa, and the government soon found that, in spite of a highly articulate Radical minority, the feeling of the country was overwhelmingly behind them.
The rebuke infuriated the Conservative deputies, who, protesting against Crispis words in the name of the sacred memories of their party, precipitated a division and placed the cabinet in a minority.
The monarchical principle was shaken to its foundations by the English revolution of 1688; it was shattered by the French revolution of 1789; and though it survives as a political force, more or less strongly, in most European countries, "monarchists," in the strict sense of the word, are everywhere a small and dwindling minority.
John Sigismund was recognized as independent prince of Transylvania and of sixteen adjacent Hungarian counties, Queen Isabella to act as regent during his minority.
But as the immigrants were of very different foreign nationalities, the country became a collection of heterogeneous ethnical elements, amid which the ruling Magyar race formed only a minority.
Thus, with the succession uncertain, with the Turk at the very door, with the prospect, dismal at the best, of a long minority, the political outlook was both embarrassing and perilous.
But Thurzo was the last Protestant palatine, and, on his death, the Catholics, at the diet of Sopron (1625), where they dominated the Upper Chamber, and had a large minority in the Lower, were able to elect Count Miklos Esterhazy in Thurz6's stead.
His successor, Kalman Szell, obtained an immense but artificial Szell, majority by a fresh fusion of parties, and the minority pledged itself to grant an indemnity for the extra parliamentary financial decrees rendered necessary by Hungary's understanding with Austria, as well as to cease from obstruction.
On the reassembling of the diet, Count Albert Apponyi was elected speaker, and the minority seemed disposed to let the government try to govern.
The irreconcilable minority, recognizing this, exhausted all the resources of " technical obstruction " in order to reduce the government to impotence, a task made easy by the absurd standing-rules of the House which enabled any single member to block a measure.
Universal suffrage had already been adopted in the Cis-leithan half of the monarchy; it was an obvious policy to propose it for Hungary also, and thus, by an appeal to the non-Magyar Kristoffy's majority, to reduce the irreconcilable Magyar minority Universal to reason.
A trial of strength took place between him and Mr de Justh, the champion of the extreme demands in the matter of Hungarian financial and economic autonomy; on the 7th of November rival banquets were held, one at Mako, Justh's constituency, over which he presided, one at Budapest with Kossuth in the chair; the attendance at each foreshadowed the outcome of the general meeting of the party held at Budapest on the 11th, when Kossuth found himself in a minority of 46.
Special linguistic and other privileges were assured to the Italian minority in the Dalmatian towns, but no corresponding charter was granted to the four to five hundred thousand Slovenes and Croats annexed to Italy.
On her death-bed Anne, very unwillingly and only at his urgent entreaty, appointed him regent during the minority of the baby emperor, Ivan VI.
The minority who had taken an active part in the revolt were arrested on a charge of murder, and the others were liberated.
The Moderates were in a minority in the chamber of 1815, but Decazes persuaded Louis XVIII.
While his colleague Tolstoi would have raised Elizabeth Petrovna to the throne, Menshikov set up the youthful Peter II., son of the tsarevich Alexius, with himself as dictator during the prince's minority.
The most lucrative of the lord's rights were wardship and marriage, but the feudal theory of these also was non-economic. The fief fell into the hands of the lord, and he enjoyed its revenues during the minority of the heir, because the minor could not perform the duties by which it was held.
In 1913 his party was in a minority in the Lower House and he therefore resigned in favour of Mr. (afterwards Sir) Joseph Cook; but at the special election of Aug.
In the critical division which ensued Gladstone voted with the government, who were left in a minority.
The House divided, and the government were left in a minority of nineteen.
The queen sent for Disraeli, who declined to take office in a minority of the House of Commons, so Gladstone was compelled to resume.
His words were taken from sources so classical as to be intelligible to only the highly educated minority.
From 1727 to 1750 he was bishop of Lubeck, and administrator of Holstein-Kiel during the minority of Duke Charles Peter Ulrich, afterwards Peter III.
He procured the election of his son Andrew as prince of Pskov, and a powerful minority of the citizens of the republic of Novgorod held the balance in his favour against the Muscovite influence, but his ascendancy in both these commercial centres was at the best precarious.
The consequent minority of men has been destructive of the sexual morality of the women, which formerly stood high.
Though proclaimed king, he was regarded as a mere name by the unruly nobles to whom a minority was convenient.
In the new Chamber of 1816 Villele found his party in a minority, but his personal authority nevertheless increased.
Wars and civil commotions occupied the period of his minority and Savoy lost Freiburg and many other territories.
Such Italian as is spoken by the lingering minority has marked divergences of pronunciation and inflexion from the language of Rome and Florence.
On the death of Rohan the French knights disagreed as to the selection of his successor, and a minority were able to elect, in 1797, a German of weak character, Ferdinand Hompesch, as the last Grand Master to rule in Malta.
In the Assembly, to which he was returned in 1791 by the department of Seine-et-Marne, he voted generally with the minority, and his views being obviously too moderate for his colleagues he resigned in 1792 and was soon after arrested on suspicion of being a reactionary.
During his minority his grandmother Queen Catherine and his great uncle the Cardinal Prince Henry acted jointly as regents.
On the death of Francis (5th of December 1560), Catherine became regent during the minority of her second son, Charles IX., and now found before her a career worthy of the most soaring ambition.
During his minority the kingdom of Buganda was governed by regents.
His influence in the estate of the clergy, however, was cast against the union of the three estates in a single assembly, and he voted in the minority of his order which in the middle of June opposed the merging of the clergy in the National Assembly.
The situation was critical, for the hard-won domains of the house of Capet seemed likely to fall to pieces during a minority.
As they formed only a minority in the diet, they could only draw up a protest, which was signed by John Frederick of Saxony, Philip of Hesse, and fourteen of the three towns, including Strassburg, Nuremberg and Ulm.
Their population is divided between a white minority, among whom there are to be found strains of Indian blood, and a coloured majority, sometimes docile and industrious, sometimes mere savages.
The president had undertaken to coerce his own party to do something against its will, and it was only by the aid of the Republican minority that the passage of the repealing bill was at last made possible (October 30th).
Thus by an act of 1542 the earl of Arran was declared regent during the minority of Mary.
Their consent was necessary for the marriage of a successor to the crown during minority.
During his minority the empire was governed by his mother Theodora, who in spite of several defeats inflicted upon her generals maintained the frontiers against the Saracens of Bagdad and Crete.
Although the government of which he thus became a member held office for only ten months, being placed in a hopeless minority on making an appeal to the country, Macdonald from this time forward took a position of constantly increasing weight in his party.
These German demands, which were exactly analogous to those formerly put forward by the Czechs, so long as they were still in a minority, now roused violent opposition among the latter.
A constitutional amendment pro viding for minority representation in the House of Representatives was rejected in 1889 by a large popular vote.
This resulted in rending the colony into two irreconcilable factions, and in October 1856 Cabet with the minority (172) withdrew to St Louis, Mo., where he died on the 8th of November.
It is true that they do not include the whole even of the ecclesiastical literature of the sub-apostolic age, not to mention what remains of Gnostic and other minority types.
At the general election of 1841 the Whigs returned in a minority of seventy-six, and Lord Melbourne was defeated on the Address and resigned.
During his minority the empire was ably ruled by the praetorian prefect Anthemius and Pulcheria, who became her brother's guardian in 414.
When about 1439 Queen Jane was married to Sir James Stewart, the knight of Lorne, Livingstone obtained the custody of the young king, whose minority was marked by fierce hostility between the Douglases and the Crichtons, with Livingstone first on one side and then on the other.
Nowhere were the nations Christian, but the Christian faith was everywhere accepted by a not insignificant minority.
Here too the Arab conquest (641) put an end to the oppression of the native Christians by the Greek minority; but this did not afford the Coptic church any possibility of vigorous development.
Of German towns in Czechoslovakia (most of them with a considerable Czechoslovak minority), Liberec (Reichenberg), and Jablonec (Gablonz), are important industrial centres.
In towns and districts in which there lives a considerable section (20% or more) of citizens speaking a language other than Czechoslovak, schools are to be provided, the instruction to be imparted in the language of that minority.
Such a minority has also a right to a proportionate amount of the funds set aside by the State or by the local authorities for purposes of education, religion or philanthropy.
The courts of justice and the public offices are also required to pay due regard in respect of language to the desires of a minority which numbers at least 20% of the inhabitants of the locality.
Not only was there in 1918-21 a sharp contrast in policy between the Czechoslovaks and the minority races living within the republic - the Germans and the Magyars - but each nationality was split up into a multiplicity of factions.
Neither a turbulent minority, nor the neglect of an absentee king; neither the revival of separatist tendencies in Lithuania, nor the outbreaks of aristocratic lawlessness in Poland, could do more than shake the superstructure of the imposing edifice.
He was crowned, as Augustus II., on the 15th of September 1697, and his first act was to expel from the country the prince of Conti, the elect of a respectable minority, directed by the cardinal primate Michal Radziejowski (1645-1705), whom Augustus II.
Equally disastrous to the state was the identification of the king's administration with one party in the church, and that with the party in an immense minority not only in the nation but even among the clergy themselves.
After a visit to England on business in connexion with the cotton trade, which was not successful and brought on him excommunication from his caste, he was appointed in 1874 to administer a native state in Kathiawar during the minority of the chief; and there he died in August 1875.
The district was mainly inhabited by peasants; it contained few important towns, and the bourgeois were but a feeble minority.
In May 1275 the party of Marie secured for Philip, the king's second son, the hand of Jeanne, the heiress of Navarre and Champagne, along with the guardianship of the kingdom of Navarre during the minority of Jeanne.
The system of representation that, with the rapid growth of population in the north-east sections, especially in the city of Baltimore, placed the government in the hands of a decreasing minority also began to be attacked about this time; but the fear of that minority which represented the tobacco-raising and slave-holding counties of south Maryland, with respect to the attitude of the majority toward slavery prevented any changes until 1837, when the opposition awakened by the enthusiasm over internal improvements effected the adoption of amendments which provided for the election of the governor and senators by a direct vote of the people, a slight increase in the representation of the city of Baltimore and the larger counties, and a slight decrease in that of the smaller counties.
But the main features of the budget were adhered to, and eventually passed the House of Commons on the 4th of November, in spite of the persistent opposition of the scanty Unionist minority.
He was one of the regents of Scotland during the minority of Alexander III., but in 1255 was deprived of this office and his lands forfeited for treason.
He entered the Holstein-Gottorp service, and after the death of the duchess Hedwig Sophia, Charles XII.'s sister, became very influential during the minority of her son Duke Charles Frederick.
Everett was a member of nearly all the most important select committees, such as those on the Indian relations of the state of Georgia, the Apportionment Bill, and the Bank of the United States, and drew the report either of the majority or the minority.
In the chamber he was in a minority, since genuine Republicans of all varieties began to see what his success would mean, and his actions were accordingly directed to keeping the public gaze upon himself.
The surviving wife or husband and the minor children, if any, may occupy the homestead right during the minority of the children, and the surviving wife or husband is entitled to the right during the remainder of her or his lifetime.
Practically they are selected by caucuses of the majority and minority parties.
Nevertheless, the system here described, being an election by states, is not the same thing as a general popular vote over the union, for it sometimes happens that a person is chosen president who has received a minority of the popular vote cast.
The cry was easily raised by the Conservative minority that this was to vote reward for rebellion.
Others Followed The Example Of The Jews, And Adhered To The 4Th Of The Moon; But These, As Usually Happened To The Minority, Were Accounted Heretics, And Received The Appellation Of Quartodecimans.
The Mahratta troops were defeated simultaneously at Maharajpur and Punniar (December 29), with the result that the Gwalior government signed a treaty ceding territory with revenue sufficient for the maintenance of a contingent force to be stationed at the capital, and limiting the future strength of the Gwalior army, while a council of regency was appointed during the minority to act under the resident's advice.
During his minority the state was administered for eight years by a council of regency.
In 1226 he was appointed chancellor by the council governing during the minority of Henry III.; and when the king in 1236 demanded the return of the great seal, Neville refused to surrender it, on the ground that only the authority that had appointed him to the office had power to deprive him of it.
A third party proposed a regency during the minority of the heir-apparent, Princess Kaiulani, but in her absence this scheme found few supporters.
Though the Scottish Churches Bill, the Unemployed Bill and the Aliens Bill were passed, a complete fiasco occurred over the redistribution proposals, which pleased nobody and had to be withdrawn owing to a blunder as to procedure; and though on the 17th of July a meeting of the party at the foreign office resulted in verbal assurances of loyalty, only two days later the government was caught in a minority of four on the estimates for the Irish Land Commission.
Being in a miserable minority in parliament (1S7 Unionists against 379 Liberals, 51 Labour members, and 83 Nationalists), some form of consolidation among the Unionists was immediately necessary, and negotiations took place between Mr Balfour and Mr Chamberlain which resulted in the patching up of an agreement (expressed in a correspondence dated February 14th), and its confirmation at a meeting of the party at Lansdowne House a few days later.
On the other hand, the great opportunity now open to the papacy on its spiritual side, is proved by the growing respect in which it has been held since 1870 in the English-speaking countries, where Roman Catholics are in a minority and their Church is in no sense established.
His minority, 1272-1277, was an alternation of palace revolutions and civil wars, in the course of which his brave Kumanian mother Elizabeth barely contrived to keep the upper hand.
Minority representation is.
The three commissioners and the three auditors in each county are chosen by the same limited vote process as the supreme-court judges, thus allowing a representation to the minority party.
It increased the number of senators and representatives, created the office of lieutenant-governor, substituted biennial for annual sessions of the legislature, introduced minority representation in the choice of the higher judiciary and of the county commissioners and auditors and provided (as had an amendment adopted in 1850) for the election of all judges by popular vote.
The person next in consideration to the two great lamas is the regent, who is an ecclesiastic appointed during the minority of each Dalai lama.
During the minority of the fifth (really the third) Dalai Lama, when the Mongol king Tengir To, under the pretext of supporting the religion, intervened in the affairs of the country, the Pan-ch'en Lo-sang Ch'o-kyi Gyal-ts'ang lama obtained the withdrawal of the invaders by the payment of a heavy war indemnity, and then applied for help to the first Manchu emperor of China, who had just ascended the throne.
Some of his worst actions as a politician were due to a sincere, though exaggerated, gratitude for the support which the Papacy had given him during his minority.
When in 1747 "the Associate Synod," by a narrow majority, decided not to give full immediate effect to a judgment which had been passed in the previous year against the lawfulness of the "Burgess Oath," Gib led the protesting minority, who separated from their brethren and formed the Antiburgher Synod (April loth) in his own house in Edinburgh.
By the common law, if a villein were made a knight he was thereby enfranchised and accounted a gentleman, and if a person under age and in wardship were knighted both his minority and wardship terminated.
He was only six years of age when he received the title of Augustus, and during his minority the conduct of affairs was in the hands of his mother, who purposely neglected his education.
Personally a devout Catholic and opposed in principle to the spread of sectarianism in Poland, Sigismund was nevertheless too wise and just to permit the persecution of non-Catholics;' and in Lithuania, where a fanatical Catholic minority of magnates dominated the senate, he resolutely upheld the rights of his Orthodox subjects.
Three days after this discovery Lord Lindsay, Lord Ruthven and Sir Robert Melville were despatched to Lochleven, there to obtain the queen's signature to an act of abdication in favour of her son, and another appointing Murray regent during his minority.
The majority of the Brethren out of Plymouth supported Darby, but a minority remained with Newton.
The title of the sovereign is king of Bavaria, that of his presumptive heir is crown-prince of Bavaria, and during the minority or incapacity of the sovereign a regency is declared, which is vested in the nearest male agnate capable of ascending the throne.
Therefore Aldo's marriage combined two important publishing firms. Henceforth the names Aldus and Asolanus were associated on the title pages of the Aldine publications; and after Aldo's death in 1515, Andrea and his two sons carried on the business during the minority of Aldo's children.
After receiving a good education, he undertook the government of Austria in 1 4 11, and succeeded, with the aid of his advisers, in ridding the duchy of the evils which had arisen during his minority.
The smallest minority is thus sure of one seat."
He was a member of the royal commission appointed in 1909 to inquire into the law of divorce, and with Sir Lewis Dibdin and Sir William Anson signed the minority report.
Lincoln was very popular among his fellow legislators, and in 1838 and in 1840 he received the complimentary vote of his minority colleagues for the speakership of the state House of Representatives.
But under the prevalent conditions a vigorous rule was impossible, and during Ottos minority the royal authority was greatly weakened.
The mass of the people, as Metternich rightly observed, wished for rest, not constitutions; but the minority of thoughtful menprofessors, students, officials, many soldiersresented the dashing of the hopes of German unity aroused by the War of Liberation, and had drunk deep of the revolutionary inspiration.
In Prussia a majority of the Tipper House and a very large minority of the Lower House (193 to 206) voted for an amendment expressly empowering the police to break up meetings in which anarchistic, socialistic or communistic doctrines were defended in such a manner as to be dangerous to society; the Saxon Conservatives demanded that women at least should be forbidden to attend socialistic meetings, and it remained illegal for any one under twenty-one years of age to be present at a political meeting.
He was elected to the states-general of 1789 by the noblesse of Paris, and was the spokesman of the minority of Liberal nobles who joined the Third Estate on the 25th of June.
He died in 1439, and just after his death a son was born to him, who was called Ladislaus Minority Posthumus, and succeeded to the duchy of Austria and to the kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia.
In this conflict the tactical advantage lay with the monarchy; for the Magyars were in a minority in Hungary, their ascendancy was based on a narrow and artificial franchise, and it was open to the king-emperor to hold in terrorem over them an appeal to the disfranchised majority.
The German-speaking population was very small, consisting chiefly of government officials, railway servants and Jews; but there was a large minority (some 43%) of Ruthenes.
The southern Sla y s had neither the unity, nor the organization, nor the historical traditions of the Czechs and Poles; but the Slovenes, who formed a large majority of the population in Carniola, and a considerable minority in the adjoining territory of Carinthia and the south of Styria, demanded that their language should be used for purposes of government and education.
As soon, however, as power was transferred to a parliament, the Germans must inevitably be in a minority, unless the method of election was deliberately arranged so as to give them a majority.
By the help of the Clericals they won enough seats to put the Liberals in a minority in the Reichsrath, and it would be possible to revise the constitution if the Czechs consented to come.
On this the Germans, now that they were in a minority, left the diet, and began preparations for resistance.
The German members of the government resigned, their place was taken by Clericals, Poles and Czechs, Smolka was elected president of the Lower House of the Reichsrath, and the German Liberals found themselves in a minority opposed by the " iron ring " of these three parties, and helpless in the parliament of their own creation.
There was a large minority of constitutionalists; they might easily become a majority, and the Right were therefore obliged to support Taaffe in order to avert this.
The Sla y s, however, required that, even when a small minority of Slav race settled in any town, they should not be compelled to go to the German schools, but should have their own school provided for them; and this demand was granted by Prazak, minister of education under Count Taaffe.
Hitherto all business had been done in Italian, the language of a small minority living in the seaport towns.
A proposal to this effect was introduced by them in the diet at the end of 1886, but since 188 2 the Germans had been in a minority.
This request caused great excitement in Styria and the neighbouring districts; the Styrian diet (from which the Slovene minority had seceded) protested.
The German constituencies, though allotted in a proportion unduly favourable, left the Germans, with 233 seats, in a permanent minority as compared with the 259 Slav seats.
The Germans who helped Henry to win the Sicilian crown did not become a new element in the island, but only a source of confusion during the minority of his son.
During his minority the land was torn in pieces by turbulent nobles, revolted Saracens, German captains seeking settlements, the maritime cities of Italy, and professed French deliverers.
The Reform Bill was carried with a clause for minority representation, and in the autumn of 1868 Bright, with two Liberal colleagues, was again returned for Birmingham.
Aubert was one of the minority who signed the agreement with the reservation that in so doing he would not violate any law, and was elected pope on this understanding; not long after his accession he declared the agreement null and void, as infringing the divinely-bestowed power of the papacy.
In accordance with the custom of his predecessors he left the throne to a son still in his minority, A bul-Mahdsin Vusuf, who took the title Malik al-Aziz, but as usual after a few months he was displaced by the regent Jakmak, who on the 9th of September 1438 was proclaimed sultan with the title Malik al-Zhir.
Perceiving that the coming struggle would be essentially a financial one, he retained the ministry of finance in his own hands; and, strong in the support of the king, the Landsting, and a considerable minority in the country itself, he devoted himself to the double task of establishing the political parity of the Landsting with the Folketing and strengthening the national armaments, so that, in the event of a war between the European great powers, Denmark might be able to defend her neutrality.
Technically Charles was, without doubt, guilty of high treason, and the considerable minority of all classes which adhered to Sigismund on his landing in Sweden in 1598 indisputably behaved like loyal subjects.
The latter doctrine had triumphed at the council of Chalcedon, and was held by the whole Western Church, but Egypt, great part of Syria and Asia Minor, and a considerable minority even in Constantinople clung to Monophysitism.
The evidences of this travel (which are really incontestable, though a small minority of critics still decline to admit them) consist of (1) some fine drawings, three of them dated 1494 and others undated, but plainly of the same time, in which Diirer has copied, or rather boldly translated into his own Gothic and German style, two famous engravings by Mantegna, a number of the "Tarocchi" prints of single figures which pass erroneously under that master's name, and one by yet another minor master of the North-Italian school; with another drawing dated 1495 and plainly copied from a lost original by Antonio Pollaiuolo, and yet another of an infant Christ copied in 1495 from Lorenzo di Credi, from whom also Diirer took a motive for the composition of one of his earliest Madonnas; (2) several landscape drawings done in the passes of Tirol and the Trentino, which technically will not fit in with any other period of his work, and furnish a clear record of his having crossed the Alps about this date; (3) two or three drawings of the costumes of Venetian courtesans, which he could not have made anywhere but in Venice itself, and one of which is used in his great woodcut Apocalypse series of 1498 (4) a general preoccupation which he shows for some years from this date with the problems of the female nude, treated in a manner for which Italy only could have set him the example; and (5) the clear implication contained in a letter written from Venice in 1506 that he had been there already eleven years before; when things, he says, pleased him much which at the time of writing please him no more.
The anarchic weakness of the reign of Stephen enabled David to secure his hold of northern England to the Till, but the death of his gallant and gentle son Henry, in June 1152, left the succession to his son, Malcolm the Maiden, then a child of ten, and David's death (24th of May 1153) exposed Scotland to the dangers of a royal minority.
His death in 12 4 9 left the crown to his son, Alexander III., a child of eight, in whose minority began the practice by which parties among the nobility seized the person of the sovereign.
The brilliant and sustained effort which made Scotland independent was almost paralysed by the deaths of Bruce and the Good Sir James of Douglas, during the minority of David II.
For nearly two centuries each reign began with a long royal minority, increasing the power and multiplying the resolved to stand by the Steward and the blood of Bruce, preferred the heavy taxation and the turbulence inevitable under such a king as David to union under an English prince.
The king escaped the evils of a long minority, was a " free king " and managed his own policy.
It is impossible here fully to unfold the tortuous intrigues which darkened the minority of James.
Again Scotland had to endure a long royal minority.
But a small minority remain stubborn in their belief that without The Beatles the musical landscape would be a very different place.
A small minority of people who develop symptoms suggestive of CFS have an underlying anxiety or depressive disorder.
What I am proposing is that the select minority of accurate OBE reports are simply cases of dream telepathy.
Minority Report, his first film with his new best mate Steven Spielberg, was a cracking science fiction thriller.
The ones who do have a clear understanding of this are in the minority.
The soldier emperors were understandably unhappy at having a large minority of dubious loyalty in the threatened provinces of the east.
Membership has changed considerably but the degree of representation of minority viewpoints remains questionable.
Labor have selected three new ethnic minority candidates in safe or very winnable seats for the next general election, expected next year.
Like the other members of this minority, he stoically endured the taunts of unemployed Polish youths in his neighborhood.
In the estate of the nobility he headed the liberal minority under the guidance of Adrien Duport, and led the minority of forty-seven noblemen who seceded from their own estate (June 1789) and joined the Tiers Etat.
She was born on the 28th of August 1619, in the prison of Vincennes, into which her father and mother had been thrown for opposition to Marshal D'Ancre, the favourite of Marie de' Medici, who was then regent in the minority of Louis XIII.
After Richelieu's death her father became chief of the council of regency during the minority of Louis XIV., her brother Louis won the great victory of Rocroy in 1643 (see CoNDE), and the duchess became of political importance.
The view, originally held by all Presbyterian churches in Great Britain and on the Continent, that union with and support by the civil government are not only lawful but also desirable, is now held only by a minority, and is practically exemplified among English-speaking Presbyterians only in the Church of Scotland (see Church of Scotland).
The minority of the sultan gave full play to the anarchic elements in the state; the soldiery, spahis and janissaries, conscious of their power and reckless through impunity, rose in revolt whenever the whim seized them, demanding privileges and the heads of those who displeased them, not sparing even the sultan's favourites.
Like Gardiner, he could hardly repudiate that royal supremacy, in the establishment of which he had been so active an agent; but he began to doubt that supremacy when he saw to what uses it could be put by a Protestant council, and either he or Gardiner evolved the theory that the royal supremacy was in abeyance during a royal minority.
Moreover, if a minority involved an abeyance of the royal supremacy in the ecclesiastical sphere, it must do the same in the temporal sphere, and there could be nothing but anarchy.
When, at the beginning of March 1876, these contracts were submitted to parliament, a group of Tuscan deputies, under Cesare Correnti, joined the opposition, and on the 18th of March took advantage of a chance motion concerning the date of discussion of an interpellation on the grist tax to place the Minghetti cabinet in a minority.
Zanardelli, minister of justice, secured in June 1888 the adoption of a new penal code; state surveillance was extended to the opere pie, or charitable institutions; municipal franchise was reformed by granting what was practically manhood suffrage with residential qualification, provision being made for minority representation; and the central state administration was reformed by a bill fixing the number and functions of the various ministries.
In the worst days of anarchy, in the minority of William or under the no-reign of Robert, the robber-baron could commonly give elaborate reasons for every act of wrong that he did.
This expedient, indeed, probably also conveyed a veiled threat to the Magyar chauvinists, who, discontented with the restrictions placed upon Hungarian independence under the Compromise, were agitating for the complete separation of Austria and Hungary under a personal union only; for universal suffrage in Hungary would mean the subordination of the Magyar minority to the hitherto subject races.
The latter two, uniting with the two retiring consuls, Sieyes and Ducos, were to form the nucleus of the senate and choose the majority among its full complement of sixty members, the minority being thereafter chosen by co-optation.
Nevertheless, despite Bonaparte's marvellous skill in rallying moderate men of all parties to his side, there remained an unconvinced and desperate minority, whose clumsy procedure enabled the great engineer to hoist them with their own petard and to raise himself to the imperial dignity.
This produced a split in the ranks of Social Democracy between the Majority and Minority sections (Bolsheviks and Mensheviks).
The Ruthenians are not in a majority in any county, but in four they form a minority of from 36 to 46% (Maramaros, Bereg, Ugocsa, Ung) and in three others (Sáros, Zemplen, Szepes) a minority of from 8.2 to 19.7%.
But the Coalition represented, in fact, not the mass of the people, but only a small dominant minority,' and for years past this minority had neglected the social and economic needs of the mass of the people in the eager pursuit of party advantage and the effort to impose, by coercion and corruption failing other means, the Magyar language and Magyar culture on the non-Magyar races.
From the literate minority, therefore, agency has to be drawn in sufficient strength to take down every particle of the information dictated by the heads of families.
He was sincerely religious; but his wellmeant efforts to unite the Lutheran and Reformed Churches, in celebration of the tercentenary of the Reformation (1817), revealed the limits of his paternal power; eleven years passed in vain attempts to devise common formulae; a stubborn Lutheran minority had to be coerced by military force, the confiscation of their churches and the imprisonment or exile of their pastors; not till 1834 was outward union secured on the basis of common worship but separate symbols, the opponents of the measure being forbidden to form communities of their own.
The first two names he earned by the ferocity with which he repressed the disorder of the nobles after a long minority; the third by his victory over the last formidable African invasion of Spain in 1340.
In the elections which followed in Bohemia the influence of the government was sufficient to secure a German majority among the landed proprietors; the Czechs, who were therefore in a minority, declared the elections invalid, refused to take any part in electing deputies for the Reichsrath, and seceded altogether from the diet.
On this a portion of the Protestant minority drafted a legal protest, in which the signers declared that they meant to abide by the decision of the diet of 1526 and refused to be bound by that of 1529.
Democracies are thereby prone to the majority abusing the rights of the minority.
Iraq 's Sunni Muslim minority held the reins of power during Saddam Hussein 's rule.
That could inspire Turkey 's own restive Kurdish minority.
Early retirees enjoying the good life are in a minority.
The organization argues for greater diversity in the press and scrutinizes media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints.
I hope that a vocal minority will not scupper the Crowness project for the rest of us.
In December 1884, the majority seceded rather than expel the minority, and formed a new organization called the Socialist League.
People of ethnic minority groups have the legal right to self-government in areas where they account for more than one-third of the local population.
The RCOG 's own website mentions " psychological sequelae " which it says only a minority of women experience.
Around Kirmán sh áh the population is predominantly Kurdish but toward Hamadán the majority become Iranians with a large Turkish minority.
However, it is not just this sizable minority which needs homosexuality to be adequately covered.
Recent research concentrates on the sociolinguistics of minority languages and indigenous peoples.
Her research focuses on minority culture in the southwestern Chinese province of Yunnan.
His books spawned cult films such as Blade Runner and Minority Report.
Lawson squash blossoms setting is the his character along the house minority.
Closures constitute a stranglehold on the Palestinian economy (David McDowell, The Minority Rights Group) 19.
Perhaps its time for us to live and let live and to drown out the strident voices of the minority who find this impossible.
No, democracy is not identical with the subordination of the minority to the majority.
On the basis of this Comrade Foster arrives at the singular conclusion that I sympathize with the minority group.
The only exceptions to this are a tiny minority of badgers which show distinct, visible tuberculous lesions.
The tyranny of the minority in the short-term would lead to democracy for the majority in the long-term.
Some schools may also have identified underachieving groups of ethnic minority pupils for support.
Statistics show that certain ethnic minority groups are currently underachieving in terms of school standards.
Unfortunately however the very fact they are such a minority means that this levy would by no means provide all the funding needed.
Case vignettes will be used to illustrate the issues of working with minority families.
Minority group analogies are vitiated by the fact that we are not a minority.
I think we have a vociferous minority against a silent majority.
The oppression of minority peoples in our country is appalling.
Adopting an infant can be very expensive, but it doesn't always have to be, especially if you are adopting a minority child or a handicapped child.
For those who are willing to adopt minority infants and special needs infants, the wait may be considerably shorter.
Minority adoption specialists place minority children with adoptive families.
Minority adoptions can take a shorter amount of time to facilitate, and they may also cost less than traditional adoptions.
Single parents are no longer in the minority.
While composting may have been practiced by a minority in the past, it is gaining in popularity for a variety of reasons.
While Dr. Ravnskov provides a compelling case against the idea that lowering serum cholesterol can reduce heart disease risk, he is in the minority.
Unfortunately, most traditional restaurants do not make much of an effort to cater to vegetarians, since they remain a small minority of the population.
However, the condition is more common among teenage girls and minority youth.
These infants represent an extreme minority, so it is no wonder such clothing is difficult to find.
If you're a minority, look for scholarships related to your ethnicity or gender.
Some of the offerings are quite specific, like the NCAA scholarships for student athletes and the American Chemical Society's programs for minority students pursuing chemistry-related degrees.
Because Macs make up a minority of the total computer market, they're also less likely to get computer viruses and often less likely to crash.
There are other treatments and medications available for heartworm if your dog happens to be in the minority of dogs who display an adverse reaction to the drug.
However, they are in the minority, and although they may possibly be correct, enough people in the men's dress arena have accepted the name and the knot to make it standard.
Though the popularity of organic foods is growing every day, it is still the minority of produce, meats, and goods purchases.
Unfortunately, a small minority may be looking to take advantage of people.
The answer is yes, though most people won't experience any of the effects, but a small minority will experience one or more of the common issues that arise when gamers invest too much time playing video games.
I'm having a few flashbacks to my other three games and I'm predicting the future better than Agatha from Minority Report with some missions from my upcoming tour of duty in Double Agent.
This is because Apple products, with the exception of the iPod, are in the minority.
Minority health addresses the special medical and health needs associated with specific ethnic and other minority groups.
This fact poses health issues that are specific to ethnic and other minority groups.
Additionally, the propensity for certain diseases or illnesses is of concern in certain minority groups.
The primary minority groups in the United States are Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans and Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, and gays and lesbians.
Researchers and policymakers have attributed the poorer health of minority Americans in part to their reduced access to medical care and the lower quality of primary care they receive.
Cancer is a serious national, worldwide, and minority health concern.
There is great disparity among the cancer rates in minority groups.
The burden of diabetes is much greater for minority populations than the white population.
Parents of minority children should contact their family physician or other healthcare provider when they have any concern about their child's health.
Most physicians say the diseases that relate to minority health are best treated with nationally accepted standards of care.
Ross. "Are Minority Children Under- or Over-represented in Pediatric Research?"
A rash described as an erythema (skin reddening) resembling erysipelas accompanies FMF attacks in a minority of people.
Although most individuals with spina bifida have normal intellectual function, learning disabilities or mental retardation occur in a minority.
In a minority of cases, however, the reverse happens, and parents feel emotionally distant from their surviving children.
Minority children comprise most of the foster care population, with the largest groups being African American and American Indian children.
In a minority of children, nighttime bladder control does not develop until after the age of five; this situation often occurs in families where there is a history of enuresis (bedwetting).
The overwhelming majority of these homicides occur within the confines of inner cities, and the average victim is a member of a minority group.
A small minority of children (16%) who spent 30 hours or more per week in child care settings were reported to have higher levels of problem behaviors (such as fighting) than children who spent less time in care.
A minority of women with complicated UTIs may require surgical treatment to prevent recurrent infections.
The test administrator should be informed before psychological testing begins if the test taker is not fluent in English and/or belongs to a minority culture.
Special focus may be placed on minority groups that have been under-represented in the past.
A small minority of teenagers who harm themselves by swallowing or inserting foreign bodies suffer from schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder.
A minority of cases of Angelman's syndrome are due to new mutations in this same area of genes.
The prevalence data on STDs, HIV, and AIDS in adolescents indicate that younger women, gay and bisexual teens, and poor, urban and racial/ethnic minority young people have higher rates of STDs and HIV relative to their peers.
A minority of children with conduct disorder whose behavior does not improve as they mature will go on to develop adult antisocial personality disorder.
However, a minority of males with XYY syndrome may have increased amounts of some hormones involved in sperm production.
If you know you're greeting a Tamil (the largest minority), you can substitute, "Wanacome."
Implantation bleeding occurs in a minority of women.
This includes schools for children in inner cities, helping to improve the welfare of minority women around the world, and elevating the educational and financial success of minorities in both America and abroad.
Before the Great Depression, a minority of Christians bought trees to decorate their homes at Christmas, but Depression tree growers cut and sold their trees for Christmas when the market for landscape trees evaporated.
Dating is hard enough for the majority, but when you're caught up in a small minority of individuals, the stakes are even higher.
Regardless of what you are called, little people often feel as if they are in the minority, especially when it comes to the dating game.
There are general writing associations, associations focusing on special interest areas such as professional associations for editorial writers and groups to meet the needs of women and/or minority writers.
Generally the goal of an ESL program is to mainstream language minority students into a regular child education classroom as soon as possible.
Immersion programs are bilingual education programs in which language minority students are only exposed to English.
Late-exit bilingual programs allow language minority students to remain in the bilingual classroom for most of elementary school.
Congress reported that in cases where African-American children are a minority, a higher percentage of African-American children are identified with mental retardation and emotional disturbance than white students.
Atkins was in The Blue Lagoon with Brooke Shields who was in Freeway with Kiefer Sutherland who was in Phone Booth with Colin Ferrell, who was in Minority Report with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with...
In Minority Report, Tom Cruise's character uses a Nokia cell phone.
Overall, children, seniors, and members of minority groups are statistically the most likely to be living in poverty at any given time.
He cites asthma within minority populations as an example, suggesting all parents in this demographic prompted their children to fake a cough in order to get a diagnosis of asthma.
Special efforts are made to service minority members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups, veterans, women and the disabled.
Non-profit organizations, government agencies, resellers, small businesses, minority owned businesses are examples of possible candidates for tax exemption.
Government Loans for Small, Women-owned and Minority Businesses - This resource provides a summary of individual loans and who is eligible.
The New York City Economic Development Corporation is another opportunity specific to New York residents and aimed at minority and women business owners.
Ectomorphs are in the minority, with figures that tend to be long and lean.
The FSA was concerned that consumers in the UK were being led to believe that most drivers would be able to qualify for a discount on coverage costs, when a minority of policyholders get these types of price breaks.
The gay rights groups counter that you could not replace another minority group in for the "gay" or the "girl" in I Kissed a Girl and still get away with the song.
Yul Kwon has been busy promoting a charity to raise awareness of the need for minority bone marrow donors.
This leads to flame wars between the OTPers and advocates of minority pairings.
Robots in sci-fi are often used as symbols of other things; most typically as a minority ethnic group, as in Isaac Asimov's famous short story, the Bicentennial Man.
This help, however, is not dependent on the taxpayer's minority status, but instead on their income levels.
He had long hated the Romans, who had taken Phrygia during his minority, and he aimed at driving them from Asia Minor.
This act was amended in 1897 to meet the wishes of the Roman Catholic minority, but separate schools were not reestablished; nor was the council divided into denominational committees.
The opposing minority were now powerless, and the younger fellows who had been his pupils were more inclined to follow him than others would have been.
The governor is aided by a privy council, an advisory body to which the governor nominates a minority of unofficial members, and a council general, to which is confided the control of local affairs, including the voting of the budget.
In his youth he was one of the infantes (princes) of Aragon who took part in the dissensions of Castile during the minority and reign of John II.
The claim of the emperor Maximilian to be regent during the minority of his grandson was recognized by the states-general.
During Ivan's minority the country was governed, or rather misgoverned, first by his mother, and then by rival factions led by great nobles such as the princes Shuiski and Belski.
Peter, and that Sophia should act as regent during the (IL), minority of the two young sovereigns.
There was disagreement from the first, however, with regard to the measure of loyalty to the king, and in 1643, when Massachusetts had asserted her claim to this region and the other three New Hampshire towns had submitted to her jurisdiction, the majority of the inhabitants of Exeter also yielded, while the minority, including the founder, removed from the town.
Apart from the rivalry of the factions within the Assembly, there was the question of the Mussulman minority, dwindling it is true,' but still a force to be reckoned with.
The child, Chinna Ranga Rao, was invested by Bussy with his father's estate, but during his minority it was seized by his uncle.
Pop. just under 10,000, Moslems being in a slight minority.
The rights of the king of Jerusalem chiefly appear when there is a vacancy or a minority in one of the principalities, or when there is dissension either inside one of the principalities or between two of the princes.
He was one of the regents during the minority of James V., and was chiefly responsible for this king's action in allying himself with France and not with England.
Congress neglected to pass certain laws which were required by the constitution, and which, as regards municipal autonomy, independence of the judiciary, and congressional representation of minority parties, were intended to make impossible the abuses of centralized government that had characterized Spanish administration.
At the end of August he appeared before Budapest, the siege of which had already been raised by the defeat of the Austrians; the infant John Sigismund was carried into the sultan's camp, and the queen-mother, Isabella, was peremptorily ordered to evacuate the royal palace, though the sultan gave her a diploma in which he swore only to retain Budapest during the minority of her son.
The king is not mentioned - which on Credner's view is explained by assuming that the plague fell in the minority of Joash, when the priest Jehoiada held the reins of power - and the princes, councillors and warriors necessary to an independent state, and so often referred to by the prophets before the exile, are altogether lacking.
Of these the Slovaks are the most important,, having an overwhelming majority in seven counties (94'7% in Arva, 66.1% in Saros), a bare ma j ority in three (Szepes, Bars and Poszody) and a considerable minority in five (40.6% in Gomor, 22.9% in Abauj-Torna).
The Ruthenians are not in a majority in any county, but in four they form a minority of from 36 to 46% (Maramaros, Bereg, Ugocsa, Ung) and in three others (Sáros, Zemplen, Szepes) a minority of from 8.2 to 19.7%.
Next to the Slav races in importance are the Rumanians (Vlachs), who are in an immense majority in ten of the eastern and south-eastern counties (90.2% in Fogaras), in eight others form from 30 to 60% of the population, and in two (Maramaros and Torontal) a respectable minority.'
This plan was upset by the queendowager Elizabeth, who determined to rule both kingdoms during the minority of her children.
But it is only a select minority who attain to the rank of heroes after death, only the distinguished men of the past.
They won back over a hundred seats, returning 273 strong, but were still in a minority, the Liberals numbering 275, Labour members 40, and Irish Nationalists 82.
A youth was considered to be in his minority until he was tattooed, and in former times be would have no chance of marrying until he had, by submitting to this process, proved himself to be a man.
The term of senators is four years, that of representatives two years; and in the election of representatives since 1870 there has been a provision for "minority" representation, under which by cumulative voting each voter may cast as many votes for one candidate as there are representatives to be chosen, or he may distribute his votes (giving three votes to one candidate, or 12 votes each to two candidates, or one vote each to three candidates), the candidate or candidates receiving the highest number of votes being elected.
The religious changes he objected to both on principle and on the ground of their being moved during the king's minority, and he resisted Cranmer's project of a general visitation.
The progress of Catholicism was undeniable, but yet Wiseman found himself steadily opposed by a minority among his own clergy, who disliked his Ultramontane ideas, his Romanizing and innovating zeal," especially in regard to the introduction of sacred images into the churches and the use of devotions to the Blessed Virgin and the Blessed Sacrament, hitherto unknown among English Catholics.
When he entered the House of Commons, he found himself a member of a small and discouraged minority, who had been soundly beaten at the general election, mainly on the issues of tariff reform, Chinese labour in the Transvaal, and religious education.
Chilperic retrieved his position, took from Austrasia Tours and Poitiers and some places in Aquitaine, and fostered discord in the kingdom of the east during the minority of Childebert II.
In the diet held at Speyer in 1529 a compact Roman Catholic majority faced a weak Lutheran minority.
A minority in such a case could only maintain their protest if they were prepared to defend each other by force in case of an attack.
Up to this time, John Quincy Adams was regarded as belonging to the Federalist party, but he now found its general policy displeasing to him, was frowned upon, as the son of his father, by the followers of Alexander Hamilton, and found himself nearly powerless as an unpopular member of an unpopular minority.
To the minority of strict Jews he was therefore " the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not "; but the majority he carried with him and, when he was dying (165 B.C.) during his eastern campaigns, he wrote to the loyal Jews as their fellow citizen and general, exhorting them to preserve their present goodwill towards him and his son, on the ground that his son would continue his policy in gentleness and kindness, and so maintain friendly relations with them (2 Macc. ix.).
Battle Of Dover This famous and important naval victory was won off the town of Dover by the ships of the Cinque Ports on the 21st of August 1217, during the minority of King Henry III.
But as yet the idea of unity made but little headway, for southern Italy was too widely separated by geographical conditions, history, tradition and custom from the rest of the peninsula, and the majority of the Liberals - themselves a minority of the population - merely aspired to a constitutional Neapolitan monarchy, possibly forming part of a confederation of Italian states.
But in yielding to the will of the majority he excited the displeasure of the minority, the genuine zealots, who in Moawiya were opposing the enemy of Islam, and regarded Ali's entering into negotiations with him as a denial of the faith.
The small minority which still retained the name joined the Original Seceders in 1842, the resultant body assuming the designation of United Original Seceders.
The period of minority was exceptionally anarchical, even for Castile, but as the cities, always the best supporters of the royal authority, were growing in strength, Henry was able to reduce his kingdom to obedience, and, when he took the government into his own hands after 1393, to compel his nobles with comparative ease to surrender the crown lands they had seized.
He was prominent in the debate which resulted in the defeat of the Democratic Morrison Tariff Bill in 1884, and, as minority leader of the Ways and Means committee, in the defeat of the Mills Bill for the revision of the tariff in 1887-1888.
He took a leading part in the government of Germany during the minority of King Henry IV., and was styled patronus of the young king, over whom he appears to have exercised considerable influence.
Beowulf, out of loyalty, refused to be made king, and acted as the guardian of Heardred during his minority, and as his counsellor after he came to man's estate.
Protestants, with the exception of a small minority in the Anglican communion, unanimously reject the doctrine of purgatory, and affirm that "the souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness and do immediately pass into glory."
Henceforward the minority of James was disturbed by constant quarrels between a faction, generally favourable to England, under Angus, and the partisans of France under Albany; while the queen-mother and the nobles struggled to gain and to regain possession of the king's person.
There is no reason to believe, however, that these attacks represented the feeling of any save a small minority of the politicians; the people never wavered in their devotion to the president, and his election would have been unanimous in 1796, as in 1792 and 1789, had he been willing to serve.
The minority must, he insisted, be protected from "the tyranny of the majority."
The Southern minority recognized, therefore, that they must henceforth direct the policy of the government in all questions affecting their peculiar interests, or their section would undergo a social and economic revolution.
The Constitution, if strictly interpreted according to Calhoun's views, would secure this control to the minority, and prevent an industrial upheaval.
Her admission with two Senators would have placed the slave-holding states in the minority.
It was initiated by Queen Catherine de' Medici, regent during the minority of her son Charles IX.
A schism occurred in 1652, the last three with a majority of the members contending for general redemption and for the laying on of hands as indispensable to fellowship, Olney, with the minority, maintaining particular redemption and rejecting the laying on of hands as an ordinance.
A long minority weakened the royal influence in both countries, and Magnus lost both his 1 A legendary list of kings gives to this Charles six predecessors of the same name.
Sweden during the minority of his only son and successor, Charles XI., a child four years old, hastened to come to terms with Sweden's numerous enemies, which now included Russia, Poland, Brandenburg and Denmark.
But it soon became evident that the Caps were playing a losing game; and, when the Riksdag met at Norrkoping on the 19th of April, they found themselves in a minority in all four estates.
In these circumstances, the " Landtmanna " party in the Riksdag, who desired the lightening of the military burden, joined those who desired the abolition of landlordism, and formed a compact and predominant majority in the Second Chamber, while the burgher and Liberal parties were reduced to an impotent " intelligence " minority.
Instead, then, of twenty-two free traders representing the majority of the Stockholm electors, twenty-two protectionists, representing the minority, were elected, and Stockholm was thus represented in the Riksdag by the choice of a minority in the capital.
According to this constitution the sovereignty resides in the nation, but suffrage is restricted to married citizens over twenty-one and unmarried citizens over twenty-five years of age, not in domestic service, who can read and write, and who are the owners of real estate, or who have capital invested in business or industry, or who receive salaries or incomes proportionate in value to such real estate as investment; and as 75% of the population is classed as illiterate, and a great majority of the labouring classes is landless, badly paid, and miserably poor, it is apparent that political sovereignty in Chile is the well-guarded possession of a small minority.
The dominant element in this minority is the rich landholding interest, and the constitution and the laws of the first half-century were framed for the special protection of that interest.
Frederick, whose authoritative temper was at once offended by the independent tone of the Arnoldist party, concluded with the pope a treaty of alliance (October 16, 1152) of such a nature that the Arnoldists were at once put in a minority in the Roman government; and when the second successor of Eugenius III., the energetic and austere Adrian IV.(the Englishman, Nicholas Breakspear), placed Rome under an interdict, the senate, already rudely shaken, submitted, and Arnold was forced to fly into Campania (1155).
Many members of the clergy, particularly those of the higher ranks, have very liberal ideas and are in favor of progress and reforms so long as they are not against the shar, or divine law; but, unfortunately, they form the minority.
Administration, Revenue, eec. - The country is administered as a crown colony, the governor being assisted by an executive and a legislative council; on the last-named a minority of nominated unofficial members have seats.
The time must eventually arrive when the Boers will be in a small minority, as the country is very sparsely peopled; and would it not therefore be a very near-sighted policy to recede now from the position we have taken up here, simply because for some years to come the retention of 2000 or 3000 troops may be necessary to reconsolidate our power.
Castelar soon became famous by his rhetorical speeches in the Constituent Cortes of 1869, where he led the republican minority in advocating a federal republic as the logical outcome of the recent revolution.
The abdication of Amadeus led to the proclamation of the federal republic. The senate and congress, very largely composed of monarchists, permitted themselves to be dragged along into democracy by the republican minority headed by Salmeron, Figueras, Pi y Margall and Castelar.
This resignation was not an unfortunate event for the country, as the federal Cortes not only made Castelar chief of the executive, though his partisans were in a minority in the Parliament, but they gave him much liberty to act, as they decided to suspend the sittings of the house until 2nd January 1874.
In all the white population is in a minority; in most the climate is unsuitable for European colonization, nor is the commercial value of the colonies commensurate with their extent.
Estevao Soares, archbishop of Braga, placed himself at the head of the nobles and churchmen who threatened to usurp the royal power during Sancho II.'s minority, and negotiated an alliance with Alphonso IX., by which it was arranged that the Portuguese should attack Elvas, the Spaniards Badajoz.
Our Wykeham first appears in the public records in 1350 as keeper of the manor of Rochford, Hants, during the minority of the heir, William Botreaux.
Although Spanish is the language of the dominant minority, Quichua, Aymara and Guarani are the languages of the natives, who form a majority of the population.
He was one of the minority of five in the Senate who voted against the proclamation of the empire, and he opposed the creation of the new nobility and the divorce of Napoleon from Josephine; but notwithstanding this he was subsequently created a count of the empire and officer of the Legion of Honour.
On the 7th of September 1159 he was chosen the successor of Adrian IV., a minority of the cardinals, however, electing the cardinal priest Octavian, who assumed the name of Victor IV.
The government of Count Taaffe, in recognition of this concession by the Bohemians, consented to remove some of the grossest anomalies connected with the electoral system of Bohemia, which had hitherto been grossly partial to the German minority of the population.
He was then only five years old, and during his long minority the power was disputed between his mother Brunhilda and the nobles.
During the minority of Charles, Adrian was associated with Cardinal Jimenes in governing Spain.
The brother of Ferdinand, Don Carlos, the first pretender, fought seven years, during the minority of Isabella, to dispute her title, and her rights were only maintained through the gallant support of the army, the Cortes and the Liberals and Progressists, who at the same time established constitutional and parliamentary government, dissolved the religious orders, confiscated the property of the orders and of the Jesuits, disestablished the Church property, and attempted to restore order in finances.
The years of his minority were marked by an embittered struggle for the control of affairs between two rival parties, the one led by Walter Comyn, earl of Menteith, the other by Alan Durward, the justiciar.
Ivan was made to distribute beakers of wine to his sister's adherents with his own hands, but subsequently, beneath the influence of his uncle Prozorovsky, he openly declared that "even for his sister's 1 Ivan V., if we count from the first grand duke of that name, as most Russian historians do; Ivan II., if, with the minority, we reckon from Ivan the Terrible as the first Russian tsar.
Under the laws of Maine a householder owning and occupying a house and lot may hold the same, or such part of it as does not exceed $500 in value, as a homestead exempt from attachment, except for the satisfaction of liens for labour or material, by filing in the registry of deeds a certificate stating his desire for such an exemption, provided he is not the owner of an exempted lot purchased from the state; and the exemption may be continued during the widowhood of his widow or the minority of his children.
Another long minority followed his death, during which his brother Otto, bishop of Utrecht, acted as guardian to his nephew William II.
All but the minority of the Gothic period (among which the canopied tombs of Edmund Crouchback and Aymer de Valence, in the sanctuary, are notable) appear incongruous in a Gothic setting.
In general, when the educated minority and the common people differ about the merit of a book, the opinion of the educated minority finally prevails.
The Pilgrim's Progress is perhaps the only book about which the educated minority has come over to the opinion of the common people.
In fact, the bill was called for by the glaring anomalies in the distribution of seats by which a minority of voters in the country districts returned a majority of members, and it left the towns still inadequately represented.
His minority ended in 1767, and his first act was the expulsion of the Jesuits.
Above all, his polemic is directed against the dying heresies of the 3rd century; and he writes with an absence of constraint which is not the language of one who lives amidst violent controversies or who is conscious of being in a minority.
After another minority of confusion, Alphonso, surnamed of the Rio Salado, from the great Alphonse victory he won over an invading host from Africa, XI., 1312ruled with energy and real political capacity.
Aided by the disorders of the minority of Louis XIV., she struggled on till the peace of the Pyrenees in 1659, by which Roussillon was ceded to France.
During his minority the government was directed by his mother and her successive favorites, the German Jesuit Nithard and the Granadine adventurer Fernando de Valenzuela.
Mr Chamberlain then called a general meeting on his own responsi bility in February, when a new constitution was proposed; and in May, at the annual meeting of the Liberal-Unionist council, the free-food Unionists, being in a minority, retired, and the association was reorganized under Mr Chamberlain's auspices, Lord Lansdowne and Lord Selborne (both of them cabinet ministers) becoming vice-presidents.
During the spring and summer of 1905 Mr Chamberlain's more active supporters were in favour of forcing a dissolution by leaving the government in a minority, but he himself preferred to leave matters to take their course, so long as the prime minister was content to be publicly identified with the policy of eventually fighting on tariff reform lines.
When the revolution broke out in the following year he offered to bring the peasants of Schonhausen to Berlin in order to defend the king against the revolutionary party, and in the last meeting of the estates voted in a minority of two against the address thanking the king for granting a constitution.
Towards the close of 1885 the French-Canadian mind was greatly agitated over the execution of Louis Riel, leader of the north-west rebellion, and in consequence of the attitude of Mercier on this question the Liberal minority in the Legislative Assembly, which had been reduced to fifteen, rapidly gained strength, until at the general elections held in October 1886 the province was carried in the Liberal interest.
She said ethnic minority lawyers were concentrated in the lower echelons of the service, with white managers failing to promote them.
Iraq's Sunni minority was dominant under Saddam and is believed to make up the backbone of the country's insurgency.
These groups include elderly people, young people, people with disabilities, Black and Minority Ethnic communities and rurally isolated communities.
Rather, they should restrict themselves from making offensive jibes at minority ethnic groups.
Such clones were a minority, compared with the number of cells with normal karyotypes in all three patients.
The only minority they do n't kowtow to is country folk.
Links to sites dealing with Italian dialects and European minority languages.
There is also an urgent need to appoint youth leaders from diverse minority ethnic communities to support young people.
Similarly, both parties have socially libertarian tendencies, which are a minority in each party.
His godly living was regular and consistent even when he was in a minority of one and even when he was being plotted against.
Cantle's report is the first time in an official document that the white working class is identified as an oppressed minority.
The project employs qualified black mentors and also works with the most socially excluded minority racial groups such as asylum seekers and refugees.
Are you a member of ASLEF who is black or from an ethnic minority?
We are a tiny minority in an alien land.
A sizeable minority, up to 14 per cent, reported substituting capital for labor.
They champion human rights and the protection of the Kurdish minority.
Only a small minority of partially sighted people have no useful sight.
The balance sheet non-equity minority interest includes amounts raised from the sale of units.
Locating the historic nation in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Mac Laughlin also examines the specificities of minority nationalisms in the nineteenth century.
Unionists thus see northern nationalists as an ethnic minority within Northern Ireland, and the UK generally.
Even if minority families agree to accept Arab nationality, their compliance is often only a prelude to further persecution.
This included Samuel Pollard, who became the most famed missionary leader among the Flowery Miao, a minority nationality.
It only takes a small minority of unsecured systems for viruses and SPAM to propagate at a lightning pace.
That's not a minority pastime or a soft option.
The Communists were primarily drawn from the ethnic Chinese minority of the Malay peninsula.
Applications are particularly welcome from women, people from ethnic minority backgrounds and disabled people from ethnic minority backgrounds and disabled people.
I am, perhaps, in a minority among socially permissive liberals in not viewing pornography as a ' victimless crime ' .
These include pidgins, creoles, regional dialects, minority dialects and varieties.
The guarantee of minority rights is the mark of a genuinely democratic polity.
Both crises have their roots in the alienation of a whole generation of our young, and especially our ethnic minority, urban poor.
The percentage of ethnic minority pupils in small schools is relatively low, with few having more than 5 per cent.
The basic concept of minority groups is highly questionable.
For many years reformism was completely dominant and revolutionary organizations existed as a minority.
The scrutiny therefore recommends that consideration is given to widening the remit of Operation Trident to include gun crimes on all minority ethnic communities.
The minority regime retaliated by murdering over a hundred peaceful demonstrators.