Miniature Sentence Examples
Yeah, I think it's more like a miniature rodeo.
Dean explained that the miniature remains belonged to a very bad man.
Both maps abound in miniature pictures of towns, animals, fabulous beings and other subjects.
In her hands was a huge bouquet of miniature sunflowers.
The "Fuggerei," built in 1519 by the brothers Fugger, is a miniature town, with six streets or alleys, three gates and a church, and consists of a hundred and six small houses let to indigent Roman Catholic citizens at a nominal rent.
Here also is Skansen, an ingenious reproduction in miniature of the salient physical features of Sweden with its flora, fauna, and characteristic dwellings inhabited by peasants in the picturesque costumes of the various districts.
Cooper presented his native town with a public park of 42 acres, containing lakes representing on a miniature scale the British Isles.
Except for the absence of wings, the young are miniature models of the adult.
These styles can also be found in miniature versions.
The gradual elimination of the= nitrogen is tested at a moment's notice with a miniature spectroscope.
AdvertisementThe miniature daffodils are out around our bird table.
Coming soon, a fine report by our miniature railroad historian John Myers on the Rhyl Gala.
The cathedral of St Catherine is a miniature copy of that at Constantinople.
He had a miniature dachshund named Rusty, " He's a lovely little fellow.
Wingless insects, such as spring-tails and lice, make their appearance in the form of miniature adults.
AdvertisementHe governed his cathedral with great strictness and conscientiousness, and for years after Stella's death continued to hold a miniature court at the deanery.
The result might serve some students as a useful compendium in miniature.
Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips.
A miniature replica of the badge is presented to retiring presidents of the Society.
We chewed on last season 's dates and miniature unripe bananas.
AdvertisementWe have a Miniature Pinscher and a Chihuahua.
Navarre was not reconquered for the couple as Francis had promised, but ample apanages were assigned to Marguerite, and at Nerac and Pau miniature courts were kept up, which yielded to none in Europe in the intellectual brilliancy of their frequenters.
The body contains in miniature all the organs of the adult fluke, including the gonads and in addition "eye-spots," a stylet, rod-cells and cystogenous cells.
Schleswig-Holstein belongs to the great North-German plain, of the characteristic features of which it affords a faithful reproduction in miniature, down to the continuation of the Baltic ridge or plateau by a range of low wooded hills skirting its eastern coast and culminating in the Bungsberg (538 ft.), a little to the north of Eutin.
In places they rise in tiers, one above another, like miniature mountains, and are 200 to 300 ft.
AdvertisementAspiration - The use of a miniature vacuum system (called an aspirator) to remove saliva from the mouth whilst performing dental surgery.
The big island was full of miniature plastic birdhouses up with himthe.
The older fuse wire are being replaced gradually by their modern equivalent, the MCB or miniature circuit breaker.
Through frosted rococo cartouches she sings about the virtues of true love accompanied by miniature animated sequences.
Josepha seated herself by the open casement, and for the first time gazed on the miniature she wore.
Today's modern miniature smooth dachshund is a very intelligent, lively and courageous to the point of brashness.
For a long moment he concentrated on the miniature donkey nibbling the grass around the wooden zebra.
The Victorians invented miniature dustpans & brushes to clean up the crumbs between courses; well Crumb Pets are the 21st century fun version.
Tiny mosses, hardy ferns or miniature bulbs will add extra interest.
On arrival a miniature pony was up to its neck in rapidly rising floodwater.
This provoked a miniature flurry of responses from both members and non-members of MLS.
The Ordnance department's first products were highly classified miniature radio components for the proximity fuze.
Miniature dairy goats cause excitement in the caprine world!
Sport and Word Hook the biggest fish, jump the highest ski jump, or get your best score in miniature golf.
Items on display included incunabula, fine bindings, early historical works, miniature literary texts and children's books.
Ornate prospect glasses, French lorgnettes and miniature spyglasses became all the rage in pre-Revolutionary France.
With Hilliard, the portrait miniature became firmly established in English culture.
The hinged seats have misericords - miniature seats ' of mercy ' underneath.
It also has the spectral signature of a miniature bipolar outflow.
Among the items in the collection is a miniature medieval mermaid and an inscribed gold signet ring.
Armillary spheres These resemble a miniature Earth made from bands of metal.
Into its comfortably upholstered rear, Henry put a cardboard miniature of a Pullman section.
A spider's web is a breaker's yard in miniature.
She sat down at her writing table, on which stood miniature portraits and which was littered with books and papers.
Master puppeteer Gerald Balding will be creating a miniature puppet horse for the act.
You can also try your hand at metal detecting, archery, and miniature quad racing.
The Music Bayo 's way is really a miniature tuba concerto in one movement.
A spider 's web is a breaker 's yard in miniature.
Other gift basket items may include a miniature diaper cake and a personalized bib.
Using the small planters is great for miniature herb gardens in the kitchen.
These items actually look more like miniature furniture.
Instead, the look achieved is more of a cluttered house of miniature furniture.
Another option, if you have a specific favorite, is to buy a miniature.
They are typically offered in miniature tube form or on a small postcard.
Benefit's official website sells BADgal Lash in both its full size as well as a miniature version.
Each year the company offers miniature versions of their professional brushes.
Beachside guests adored their little bit of sand in miniature bottles.
Check out the decorated mint tins, miniature flower pots and leaf shaped ornaments.
When most people imagine a flower girl, they picture a miniature bride.
Be sure to have the miniature lights strung around the trees.
Whether you're creating a dream doll for your doll house, making a tiny tableau or shadow box, or just want to experience a fun craft, miniature porcelain doll making kits are a great way to make one-of-a-kind dolls.
Small-scale fabrics and trims will allow you to dress your miniature dolls up to the eyes with accurate representations of many different fabrics and beautiful laces.
Menu favorites include fried pickles and "chicken miners," which are miniature chicken sandwiches.
Bonnet affirms that, before fecundation, the hen's egg contains an excessively minute but complete chick; and that fecundation and incubation simply cause this germ to absorb nutritious matters, which are deposited in the interstices of the elementary structures of which the miniature chick, or germ, is made up.
Wasmann considers that ants are neither miniature human beings nor mere reflex automata, and most students of their habits will probably accept this intermediate position as the most satisfactory.
His only unfortunate contribution to entomology - indeed to zoology generally - was his theory of pre-formation, which taught the presence within the egg of a perfectly formed but miniature adult.
First, he made a number of leathern tubes the ends of which he contrived to fix among the joists and flooring of a fine upper-room in which Zeno entertained his friends, and then subjected it to a miniature earthquake by sending steam through the tubes.
The key to this miniature marvel is its 1.5 " wide high-resolution TFT (Thin Film Transistor) color screen.
My Dark Life and The Bridge I Burned are both miniature pop masterpieces at opposite extremes of Costello's musical approach.
It has just been reported that miniature fighter planes piloted by specially trained circus midgets, have flown several shorties against Iraq today.
Much in-camera superimposition and editing producing a delicate, finely detailed film with qualities of an Indian miniature.
You can own a special miniature bottle CHAS fundraiser Roslyn Neely among the 1000 whiskey miniatures.
It is anticipated that railways Restored 2006 will also include a larger selection of miniature railways than previous editions.
The set of 6 miniature designs include a cocktail shaker, olives, jigger, etc all in a lustrous silver finish.
Occasionally, miniature eye shadow pans are also available.
The Daisy set will delight anyone who loves to layer the fresh fragrance - it includes full size and miniature eau de toilettes, a body butter and a convenient rollerball to tuck into a purse or clutch.
Limited edition and available only at Sephora, it contains travel sizes of the original eau de parfum and body lotion, plus a miniature lip compact filled with a bold red lip gloss.
Look for deodorants, shower gels, body lotions and even miniature size eau de toilettes, which can be popped into purses or desk drawers for quick touchups.
Miniature deer may also stand atop hills or in meadows of green frosting, and - most popularly - the cake may be molded into the shape of a deer itself.
Garnish the plates with miniature flowers for a special outdoorsy touch.
Of course, feel free to dress up the dishes a bit; for example, opt for an "elegant" macaroni and cheese dish, an especially decadent soup dressed up with sour cream and chives or platters of miniature quiche.
Lighted trees, candles, and garlands are perfect Christmas wedding decorations, but equally gorgeous are centerpieces of pine boughs and glass ornaments, miniature decorated trees, gingerbread houses, or candy cane bouquets.
Miniature stockings, mittens, and small gingerbread houses are other Christmas themed options.
Another fun way to use wine bottles is to fill them up with miniature candies.
A jack-o-lantern lit from within using real or LED votives makes a great starting point, and can be combined with other elements such as small candles or miniature pumpkins.
Another idea is to surround the wedding cake with desert flowers and real miniature cacti when you display it for the reception.
In the entrance of your ceremony site, set up a guest book and decorate the table with miniature pumpkins.
Give adorable miniature pumpkins away as a keepsake for guests.
Heart shaped cupcakes are another fun miniature option.
In this day and age, the same accessories available to an adult are sold in miniature to accompany boys' suits for Easter.
A parent can expect to find miniature editions of the same blazers, ties, dress shirts, pleated or straight pants and shoe styles as you would find in the men's section.
Baby brother or sister can be dressed just like an older sibling when you purchase a top, bottom, or overalls in a miniature version.
Other sporting options may include miniature golf courses, in-line skating tracks, ice-skating rinks, jogging tracks, and basketball courts.
Teens will have a blast on the signature rock wall, in-line skating track, miniature golf, internet café, basketball court, pools, and music clubs.
For example, there is no miniature golf, climbing wall, or adults-only area on board.
If sitting still isn't your idea of fun, then hit the Conquest's miniature golf course or go for a jog on the ship's track.
In general, these miniature canines also cost less to maintain.
These miniature companions have been known to go after much larger dogs and have paid the price for their bravery.
Scissors or Shears are used for those breeds requiring a stylized trim, such as the Poodle or Miniature Schnauzers.
I have a Miniature Pinscher that is almost two years old.
I have two Miniature Pinschers that both seem to have skin problems.
I also have a female chocolate Miniature Pinscher who is two years old and has the same dandruff, but also has tiny lumps that get scabs.
Dear Kelly, I have an eight-month-old Miniature Pinscher puppy who has recurring skin problems.
A dog bed typically sits directly on the floor, unless it happens to be a luxury dog bed that more closely resembles a miniature version of furniture for humans.
For example, you can find dog beds in a variety of styles, ranging from elegant miniature sofas to novelty faux fur creations shaped like automobiles.
I have an eight-year-old Miniature Schnauzer, and I think she's pregnant.
A Miniature Labradoodle is a hybrid dog; the offspring of a Miniature Poodle and a Labrador Retriever.
In 1998 the miniature size was introduced through selective breeding.
Poodles come in three varieties; Toy, Miniature and Standard. the Mini is the medium size variety, so using it in the breeding program allowed Doodles to be downsized.
The Early Generation is the offspring of a toy or miniature Poodle and a Lab.
The miniature version is usually between 14 to 17 inches tall at the withers, or the tallest part of the shoulder.
The goal of reputable Miniature Labradoodle breeders is to develop a low allergy dog.
Like its parents, a Miniature Labradoodle may suffer from hip dysplasia, a genetic malformation of the hip socket.
Remember that the Miniature Labradoodle is not yet a recognized breed; instead it is a hybrid in development.
The breed is believed to have been founded in Munich, Germany and may be descended from breeding a Brussels Griffon and a Miniature Schnauzer.
The Miniature Schnauzer is a great family dog that gets along well with children of all ages.
The list of small dog breeds is large and continues to grow as more miniature and toy breeds are developed.
The plant forms a rosette of linear sheathing leaves, from which columnar spikes 1 to 2 feet high, bearing bright yellow starry flowers in a dense raceme, and having the aspect of a miniature Eremurus, issue.
H. cucumerifolius, the Miniature Sunflower, is a good annual, growing from 2 to 3 feet high, usually with purple mottling on the stems, the leaves thin, and bright apple-green.
C. scoparium (Belvedere) is a graceful annual plant, like a miniature Cypress in form, and worth a place among curious annual plants.
Greek Mallow (Sidalcea) - A group of graceful herbs from North West America, with showy white, pink, or purple flowers in long erect spikes like a miniature Hollyhock.
A. c. vivipara, with its panicles of graceful viviparous awns, resembles a miniature Pampas Grass.
Erodium Reichardi - A miniature species 2 to 3 inches high when in flower.
With their passion for the miniature, the Japs increase it in this way for their temple gardens, and these trees seldom approach the fine proportions of those growing untended on the mountain slopes of Nippon.
Common Zelkowa (Zelkowa Crenata) - A quickgrowing, handsome tree of marked characteristics, the main branches rising erect from one point, and spreading so slightly as to give an easily recognised form, each branch a tiny tree in miniature.
The idea of a miniature version of idealized nature came from gardens in China, and was brought to Japan by monks in the 6th century.
Although most crops that grow on vines need a lot of space to spread out, new varieties of bush or miniature fruits allow even patio gardeners to cultivate fruits that grow on vines.
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, herbs and even miniature varieties of melons can thrive in pots.
You may find miniature, dwarf, semi-dwarf and standard varieties.
Essentially a miniature greenhouse, a cold frame is normally little more than a sturdy box with a glass or clear plastic top to allow sunlight in.
For a more elaborate cold frame, consider this double-sided frame with two hinged sides on top, like the miniature greenhouse it is.
Whereas the original track lighting system resembled miniature spot lights laid into a monorail, new, flexible track lights offer more possibilities.
Each hand made bead is a miniature work of art and it can take several hours to make a single bead.
Every piece of gem stone wire wrapped jewelry is a miniature work of art.
One of the most popular is the tall boxes that can range in height from tiny miniature models which are only a few inches tall, to large and dramatic armoires that are several feet in height.
Photo charm bracelets are a wonderful way of keeping miniature pictures and their special memories with you wherever you go.
The passion for bicycles does not stop there, miniature bicycles made of everything from plastic to precious metals are a trendy popular necklace style.
The penny farthing necklace looks lovely as a three-dimensional pendant charm or as a miniature framed photograph art pendant hanging from a gorgeous chain.
Some people are looking for a pair of earrings with a realistic miniature model of a bicycle whereas others may look for a more stylized representation, for instance stud earrings that feature just a bicycle wheel.
Before photography, miniature portraits were commissioned to be placed inside the locket to keep the likeness of a loved one close to the heart.
Fully expanded, the bed can also be used as a miniature sofa.
Today's beads are miniature works of art in a variety of mediums like glass, resin and polymer clay.
Miniature cassette tape recorders are inexpensive, and most have easy-to-press buttons.
With this light magnification, when you place your eyes against the night vision goggles, you see a version of the outside world projected on two miniature "television" screens in front of your eyes.
For example, when playing miniature golf, allow faster players to play through and avoid crowding other guests.
Yet at this park, the thrill rides feature miniature duplicates so that children of all ages can participate in the excitement.
Ordering a miniature birthday cake from one of the park's full service restaurants to add a sweet touch to the celebration.
If that isn't enough, however, Soak City water park is adjacent to Cedar Point, as well as Challenge Park with its go karts, miniature golf, and extreme thrills attractions.
Furthermore, the resort is also home to an indoor amusement park with attractions such as a Ferris wheel, elevated go karts, laser tag, miniature golf, and a themed carousel.
Local attractions such as movie theaters, miniature golf courses or splash parks may also carry local theme park coupons.
While some are necessary to complete the adventures, others like a miniature golf game are there just to spice up the experience.
Pokémon - One of Nintendo's most popular franchises with the younger crowd, Pokémon is a simple role playing game where players capture and train miniature creatures to become the best trainer of them all.
Sometimes players even moved miniature figurines or tokens to represent their characters' progress.
One mission has you battling a gigantic Donkey Kong along with a miniature Kong.
You can also choose Special Rules Combat and engage in hyper battles, slow-motion fights, use gigantic characters or even miniature fighters!
You'll look at your world in a different way as you traverse, hoping to find a tiny door or miniature path you can crawl through.
Ruby Lane is a miniature set of seven shaped cookie cutters complete with their original storage tin dates from the late 1800s.
Miniature versions of the hats worn by the ladies and children of the times, antique doll hats offer a glimpse of fashion in earlier times.
When most people think of antique trains, the first thing that comes to mind is miniature versions of locomotives running on track systems.
Whether you are populating a miniature scene for a model railroad or just enjoy them, assembling and collecting antique toy tractor kits can be a relaxing hobby.
A pop up tent trailer for a motorcycle that is set up off the ground looks like a miniature of a normal pop up tent trailer that tows behind large vehicles.
One of the naming experts at Lexicon thought the miniature buttons on RIM's product looked like the tiny seeds in a strawberry.
Groom brows carefully with a miniature brush and specialized clippers to eliminate the need for hair removal altogether.
It is inappropriate to dress the flower girl up as a miniature bride, and therefore a hair style using a realistic veil is both awkward and impractical.
Check out the selection at Tiara Town, which has reasonably priced tiaras for little girls, all of which will make her look more like a princess than a miniature bride.
Almost everyone owns a slinky, and any type will do for this project, whether it is plastic, colored or a miniature one.
Hang them on a small branch or even a miniature pine tree that is displayed in the home year-round.
Tea bag folding, sometimes called kaleidoscope folding or miniature kaleidoscopic origami, originated in Europe.
Resist the urge to push your child to act like a miniature adult.
Keep in mind that Vitamin A's trademark detail, custom made miniature rings, will not rust, crack or get hot in the sun.
When crafted by a well-practiced hand, miniature porcelain fairy dolls exemplify artistic brilliance and mastery of detail.
Building miniature porcelain fairy dolls can be slow and fastidious.
Many people love to collect miniature porcelain fairy dolls as a hobby.
Christmas is a wonderful holiday for decorating the living room and Christmas tree with miniature fairy dolls.
Although the term more typically refers to miniature plastic toy horses with a toy rider, some also use the term to refer to rocking horses that can be ridden.
Again, many make realistic horse noises and some are the size of a miniature pony.
If you can't make up your mind between a rocking horse collection and a miniature horse collection, and space is not a consideration, why not go ahead and collect both?
Teenie Beanie Babies were miniature versions of regular Beanie Babies that came as McDonald's Happy Meal toys.
Specializing in miniature doll kits and all the supplies you need to complete your doll, Doll Artist's Workshop has a very wide range of kits, including babies and children, ladies, men, older adults, and more.
The process of making your miniature doll will be time-consuming, but the end product is exceptional.
Making a miniature doll is something you can do as a beginner, especially when you start with a kit.
The process of making a miniature porcelain doll is fun and creative, and the end result can be spectacular.
Every miniature dollhouse deserves a fitting collection of miniature porcelain dollhouse dolls.
The combination of dollhouses with miniature porcelain dolls is a match made in Heaven-functional for the playing child, collectible for the discerning adult.
The wide variety of miniature porcelain dollhouse dolls ensures that every race, culture, and time period is portrayed in vivid, lifelike detail.
MiniDolls- Not only will you find dozens of beautiful, lifelike miniature dolls on this website, you'll find all the accessories to enjoy these dolls to their fullest potential.
The Miniature Doll Artistry in Porcelain features a selection of stunning handmade miniature dolls in a range of sizes, fit for just about any type of dollhouse.
Elora Dollhouse also features high-quality furniture for miniature dolls, as well as full building kits for dollhouses and lighting sets to add a touch of home to the dollhouse set you've got sitting at home.
Doreen Sinnett Miniature Porcelain Dolls- Only the finest handiwork goes into the creations of Doreen Sinnett, whose wide variety of dolls come in sizes as tall as one foot and as tiny as just an inch in length!
Miniature framed paintings for display in a dollhouse are available, and miniature dinner sets, including a pumpkin pie with a slice placed onto a plate, will add to the realism of your dollhouse creation.
If your boy prefers creative creatures over talking trucks, you can give him Spike Jr., which is the miniature version of Spike the Ultra Dinosaur.
An Eyeclops Mini Projector is just what you would think the name implies; a miniature projector system.
However, they are relatively affordable compared to full-sized projectors that are similar to the miniature version.
Although pocket bikes hit the European world before making an appearance in the U.S., by 2004 the Razor Pocket Rocket began to make a name for itself as a miniature electric replica of an authentic racing pocket bike.
Much of the bike's popularity is due to its miniature motorcycle aerodynamic design, and while it's much smaller than a regular motorcycle, it still packs a punch for both youthful and adult thrill-seekers.
While 15 mph may not seem like a very fast bike, these miniature motorcycles offer more power than you might think.
Sega Toys, in conjunction with Spin Master, created a strategic game that uses metal cards and spring-loaded magnetic miniature sphere figures, which are Bakugan creatures.
Toys - While the larger Zhu Zhus mostly play with their habitats, kids can pretend to have the Babies play with miniature teddy bears, rattles and teething rings.
It also features a miniature toilet, bathroom rugs and a stool.
Kids instantly fell in love with them for many reasons, mainly because they could make believe they were grown-up while driving around their backyard in their own miniature battery powered vehicle.
As kitchens becomes smaller and more streamlined, miniature products like the the Sharp half pint microwave have become quite popular.
It includes 155 plastic miniature forces and is played on three separate boards including a three-level board that represents the palace.
Alternate candles in frosted glass votive holders with stacks of miniature wrapped gifts to make an interesting Christmas centerpiece.
Add miniature garden hooks to low floral centerpieces and suspend tea light or votive candle holders from the hooks.
Some manufacturers even offer miniature table chandeliers that have this same effect without the flowers.
Scentsy plug-in warmers are miniature versions of the full sized candle warmers that plug directly in to an outlet.
The majority of jeweled votive holders are simple cups that can be set on any flat surface, while more elaborate designs have pedestals or miniature centerpiece chandeliers trimmed with crystals and jewels.
Adding hobby ornaments to the wreath, like miniature motorcycles or purses/shoes.
Instead, you may choose to decorate your home with a miniature village.
In fact, many of the miniature villages become collector's items, and people enjoy adding to their village year after year.
Another popular miniature village is the one by artist Thomas Kinkade.
A wide variety of miniature villages are available.
Consider running a miniature train set through your village.
The best way to pack your miniature village is to re-use the original packaging.
Tables with a Santa theme could use a series of small red sleighs, filled with miniature packages.
Many of these items can be found in miniature versions, perfect for ornament size designs that will lend an Old World style to your Christmas tree.
In some rural villages, families would bring small replicas of their home to a festival where the entire community was recreated in miniature.
An animal lover may choose to hang pictures of Fido and Fluffy on their tree, complete with miniature bone ornaments.
Use leftover wreath-making supplies to create a miniature version for a neighbor.
A typical mascot costume comes with an oversized character mascot head with see-thru eye mesh, a furry bodysuit with attached tail and miniature brandy barrel, large paw-like mittens with hidden openings, and a pair of foot covers.
Enjoy a bowling or miniature golf game as romantic date ideas.
Go-karts, miniature golf, and arcade games are classic places for dates because of their fun factor.
Handmade cards are often miniature works of art and are long treasured.
The intricate carvings form individual and unique rings, each one a miniature work of art.
Today, Alex Sepkus rings are miniature works of art that can only be fully appreciated when examined in minute detail, even under the microscope.
At this time, Jewish engagement rings were ornate miniature sculptures with many compartments, intricate scrollwork and gems.
The wedding band was probably worn daily, while the engagement ring was only worn for special occasions because the miniature works of art were so large they were not practical for daily life.
Usually quite petite, this wallet is basically a miniature purse with built in pockets to incorporate the handbag-as-a-wallet concept.
If you're not the type who can easily pack lightly or who prefers carrying enormous tote bags filled to the brim, you may have a bit of trouble finding miniature bags very practical.
With 10 expandable pockets and an affixed miniature light to help you see within the dark depths of your purse, it's a genius organizer that will make finding your essentials doubly easy.
Nothing says summer quite like a fruity, ice cold drink with a miniature umbrella perched on top, a colorful new swimsuit, a wide-brimmed hat (to protect you from the sun's harmful rays, naturally) and a roomy beach bag.
It's also available in several sizes, from miniature to large.
Realistic Versions - This type of potty seat looks like a miniature version of the real thing.
Urinals - One of the newest updates in the potty chair market is not actually a seat at all, but a miniature urinal for boys.
Elmo. Barbie is wearing a mini skirt and an Elmo tee and comes with a miniature T.M.X.
If your preteen or young teen is itching for her own wheels, check out the Razor Pocket Mod Miniature Euro-style Electric Scooter.
Whether your children love to be in front or behind the curtain, this miniature stage has all the features of the real ones.
Battery powered ATVs are miniature versions of youth and adult sized ATVs.
If you're raising a miniature history buff, take him to the Chicago History Museum.
Who can forget the darling little elephant with his oversized ears and miniature best friend?
If you have a backyard or an area in your home that can be converted into a miniature greenhouse, you may consider growing your own fruits and vegetables.
In the Victorian times, people gave each other miniature porcelain shoes during the Christmas season.
Child shoe manufacturers have cleverly designed everything from glittery sandals to miniature Nikes, capitalizing on the "cute factor."
Even if your kid is the athlete in the family, you can rest assured that purchasing Under Armour kids cleats will leave your little sports star looking and playing like a pro, albeit a miniature one.
Every tat is a miniature work of art, so you need strong drawing skills to create one.
The vibrant colors of butterfly wings are actually miniature colored scales which can rub off when touched.
This feature not only allows children the opportunity to touch animals, they also have the ability to bottle-feed the young goats, horses, and miniature donkeys.
Fossil also offers a miniature PDA worn on the wrist, called Abacus Wrist PDA, the first company to do so.
In fact, some runners describe these new generation running watches as having a miniature trainer on their wrist.
Many alarm clocks are miniature works of art or perhaps have novelty styling, others are very utilitarian in design.
These include the world's first digital display watch, a watch with a miniature television built into it and the world's first watch with sound recording functionality.
Expanding technological frontiers has made it possible for engineers to devise miniature yet useful products like small clock radios or stereos.
As the history of electronics development suggests, ordinary consumers are as hungry for miniature electronics equipment as the scientists who conceptualize the devices.
Despite these necessary limitations, the world yearns for items in miniature and small electronic companies obligingly rush to meet the demand.
For miniature enthusiasts who can't get enough of a small thing, the products below deliver supreme satisfaction.
Small clock radios are just one example of the possibilities that miniature technology holds in store for the world.
One idea behind Kriya is that each of us is a miniature version of the entire cosmos, complete with a little piece of a divine being.
Some of the most beautiful ones look like miniature Persian rugs.
Does anyone remember having a Barbie that came with a miniature knitting machine?
I can imagine really great boxes decorated with Mardi Gras beads or Valentine hearts, even miniature Christmas tree ornaments.
You'll need a picture frame, some little holiday baubles like little red ribbons, candy canes, stockings or whatever you like (miniature ornaments are great for this), and some Christmas cards (if you want to do this as a gift).
David Green, founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby, began in the business by selling miniature picture frames.
A series of miniature Christmas ornaments is used to count down the days until Christmas arrives.
Needles are comprised of sharp points, with each point containing a miniature barb.
You can also use baking tins, miniature loaf pans, or cookie cutters for soap making, although you will want to keep tins used to create soap separate from those used to make food.
One way to keep this balance is to treat snacks as miniature meals, and plan for them accordingly.
In addition, they carry Gavottes Crêpe Dentelle Cookies, miniature butter crêpes that melt on the tongue and turn a dish of ice cream or mousse into a show-stopping dessert.
She has a tarantula, a miniature collie and a black cat named "Ziggy Stardust".
Cute baby shower favors might be candies in pink, blue or yellow, depending on whether the mom-to-be knows her child's gender, encased in a miniature baby bottle.
Give out miniature erasers in the shape of the graduate's school mascot.
Halloween party favors could be Dracula teeth or miniature pumpkins.
When you plan an activity-based party, such as an afternoon at a roller rink or a miniature golf course, there's usually no need to give the guests additional party favors.
Finger foods, pizza, cupcakes, single-serving ice cream, miniature candies, sliced fruits and vegetables with special dips, and small bags of chips are just some of the snack options for the evening.
Items with the graduation year, photo frames, miniature tassels, and other novelty items are perfect choices.
Miniature graduation caps are another popular party favor choice.
Setting up a miniature barnyard can be a harvest party idea to keep kids busy while the adults socialize.
From miniature hand-painted pictures to computer-aided photo cards, the card design is what will make it stand out.
Playing games like miniature golf, laser tag or bowling are lots of fun for kids at a party.
For example, if your child likes animals, you can dress up as a zookeeper and put on a miniature show with your own pets for less than it costs to visit a petting zoo.
Fill a large bowl with miniature footballs and add confetti to the base of the bowl.
Both boys and girls in this age group may enjoy parties at a bowling alley, miniature golf park, theme park, or zoo.
Hold a miniature contest and enjoy the fruits of everyone's labors together.
From beautiful sunsets to swimming dolphins to dramatic flames, you can get practically anything that you can imagine airbrushed onto your nails, leaving your hands nothing short of an impressive miniature art gallery!
Philosophy's miniature pads not only exfoliate, but also protect against free radical damage, moisturize, soothe, reduce redness, encourage radiance and help diminish the look of fine lines.
The company releases new sets all the time, ranging from four-packs of miniature bottles from current collections to kits created specifically for the holidays.
Neckties, posters, miniature replicas, and even truck hitch covers in the shape of your favorite team are available on the site.
However, officers wear these with miniature medals and badges, but without ribbons.
In fact, while holding firmly by the former, Bonnet more or less modified the latter in his later writings, and, at length, he admits that a " germ " need not be an actual miniature of the organism, hut that it may be merely an " original preformation " capable of producing the latter.4 But, thus defined, the germ is neither more nor less than the "particula genitalis" of Aristotle, or the "primordium vegetale" or " ovum " of Harvey; and the " evolution " of such a germ would not be distinguishable from " epigenesis."
Of the more conventional side of Late Minoan life a graphic illustration is supplied by the remains of miniature wall paintings found in the palace of Cnossus, showing groups of court ladies in curiously modern costumes, seated on the terraces and balustrades of a sanctuary.
This quarter of the palace shows the double axe sign constantly repeated on its walls and pillars, and remains of miniature wall-paintings showing pillar shrines, in some cases with double axes stuck into the wooden columns.
The eggs are dropped into the water by the female in large masses, resembling, in some species, bunches of grapes in miniature.
The norimono resembled a miniature house slung by its roof-ridge from a massive pole which projected at either end sufficiently to admit the shoulders of a carrier.
The naval crown (corona navalis), decorated in like manner with a series of miniature prows of ships, was the reward of him who gained a notable victory at sea.
It regards church authority as inhering, according to the very genius of the Gospel, in each local body of believers, as a miniature realization of the whole Church, which can itself have only an ideal corporate being on earth.
If it had achieved this as well, it would have given a model solution of the most difficult European problem; for Austria was Europe in miniature.
At Paris (31st of March 1814) Alexander, with his own hand, wrote the ukaz appointing him a field-marshal, but he refused the dignity, accepting, instead, a miniature portrait of his master.
To the east of the church stands a group of buildings comprising two miniature conventual establishments, each complete in itself.
This miniature man is the savage's conception of the soul; sleep and trance being regarded as the temporary, death as the permanent, absence of the soul.
Underneath it, to the right, was the principal entrance, and over it are three elegant windows with arches and miniature pillars.
This miniature code would thenceforth be developed by means of statutes passed by the town council.
The resemblance of these creatures to miniature Macrura is alluded to in the generic name Nannastacus, meaning dwarf-lobster.
Of Etruscan sarcophagi there are numerous examples in terracotta; occasionally they are miniature representations of temples, and sometimes in the form of a couch on which rest figures of the deceased; one of these in the British Museum dates from 500 B.C. The earliest Roman sarcophagus is that of Scipio in the Vatican (3rd century B.C.), carved in peperino stone.
At this period the college of ephebi was a miniature city; its members called themselves "citizens," and it possessed an archon, strategus, herald and other officials, after the model of ancient Athens.
This caused a miniature rebellion, and on its suppression five ringleaders were publicly hanged at the spot - Slachters Nek - where they had sworn to expel " the English tyrants."
The latter, designed as a miniature copy of Windsor Castle, in the midst of a park in the English taste, was formerly the summer residence of the emperor William I.
Lastly, from the cappa is probably derived the mozzetta, a short cape with a miniature hood, fastened down the front with buttons.
When Wilhelmina's husband came into his inheritance in 1 735 the pair set about making Baireuth a miniature Versailles.
Towards the middle of the 18th century Leipzig was the seat of the most influential body of literary men in Germany, over whom Johann Christoph Gottsched, like his contemporary, Samuel Johnson, in England, exercised a kind of literary dictatorship. Then, if ever, Leipzig deserved the epithet of a "Paris in miniature" (Klein Paris) assigned to it by Goethe in his Faust.
Extensive miniature woods of heaths are found in almost endless variety and covered throughout the greater part of the year with innumerable blossoms in which red is very prevalent.
Once more Colbert failed; with regard to internal affairs, he was unable to unify weights and measures, or to suppress the many custom-houses which made France into a miniature Europe; nor could he in external affairs reform the consulates of the Levant.
An illustration is, with the general run of mankind, more powerful to convince than an argument; and the cogency of the visible plea for the Copernican theory offered by the miniature system, then first disclosed to view, was recognizable in the triumph of its advocates as well as in the increased acrimony of its opponents.
Saint-Martin regarded the French Revolution as a sermon in action, if not indeed a miniature of the last judgment.
This lens is employed in articles found in tourist resorts as a magnifying glass for miniature photographs of the locality.
Golden Acre Park, Leeds opened in 1932 with a huge amusement park, boating lake, miniature railroad and many rides and attractions.
An adult carrot fly is a very small black fly which has been described as " a low flying miniature cruise missile " .
The nearest analogy to this miniature in medieval Armenian art is the one in the Matenadaran manuscript codex 7739 (dated 1001 ).
In the middle of the day the miniature eyebrights open up and are ideally viewed through a magnifying glass.
Vegetables on Ice for Miniature Piglets The recent heat wave has been exhausting for everyone and animals are no exception.
It's a great miniature motorbike that you can actually ride and will hurtle you about the place at speeds of up to 30mph.
Narcissused some miniature narcissi, the first we had seen growing although we had noticed children selling them by the roadside.
The lighting effects in the King's book are brilliantly orchestrated, attaining a high point in its miniature of The Nativity.
She worked for the royal family and probably taught miniature painting to Nicholas Hilliard when he was still a goldsmith.
You mean you don't know that Southern fried bread like a miniature corn pone - but glorified?
A couple from the Isle of Wight recently spent a weekend in North Devon to receive some help with their miniature poodle.
A horizontal steering wheel Miniature steering wheels are for people who have little strength or very restricted movement.
It was these miniature stepladders and ironing boards that inspired him to begin producing toys.
In 1997/8 a miniature stormtrooper graced the ceiling, hanging upside down with feet encased in a lump of blu tack.
The Seaton tramway The Tramway Today The Seaton Tramway is a charming narrow gage tram line operated by miniature replica streetcars.
A number of cremation burials were found, one of which contained the miniature bucket urn pictured below.
One of Harvey's prime objects is to defend and establish, on the basis of direct observation, the opinion already held by Aristotle, that, in the higher animals at any rate, the formation of the new organism by the process of generation takes place, not suddenly, by simultaneous accretion of rudiments of all or the most important of the organs of the adult, nor by sudden metamorphosis of a formative substance into a miniature of the whole, which subsequently grows, but by epigenesis, or successive differentiation of a relatively homogeneous rudiment into the parts and structures which are characteristic of the adult.
The two parts of Bonnet's hypothesis, namely, the doctrine that all living things proceed from pre-existing germs, and that these contain, one enclosed within the other, the germs of all future living things, which is the hypothesis of " emboitement," and the doctrine that every germ contains in miniature all the organs of the adult, which is the hypothesis of evolution or development, in the primary senses of these words, must be carefully distinguished.
That it had been already so granted is proved by a miniature containing the earliest extant representations of a mitre, in the Exultete rotula and baptismal rotula at Bari (reproduced in Berteaux, L' Art dans l'Italie meridionale, I., Paris, 1904).
The skim-coulter is shaped like a miniature plough, substituted for or fixed in front of the coulter; it is used chiefly on lea land, to pare off the surface of the soil together with the vegetation thereon, and turn it into the previous furrow, where it is immediately buried by the furrow slice.
At the same time his love of the marvellous found gratification in the wonders of the Arabian Nights, and it is further characteristically related of him that he used to carry continually in his waistcoat pocket a miniature copy of Ossian, passages from which he frequently recited with "sonorous elocution and vehement gesticulation."
This "subliminal" self (in modern terminology) has many forms. The Hurons thought that it possessed head, body, arms and legs, in fact that it was an exact miniature of a man.
And yet, while the miniature has a career of its own in artistic development which may be more conveniently dealt with under a separate heading (see Miniature), its decorative qualities are so closely bound up with those of the initial and border that an historical description of illumination must give full recognition to its prominent position in the general scheme of book-ornamentation of the middle ages.