Mingle Sentence Examples
He lived a very retired life, and saw little or nothing of society; when he did mingle in it, his dogmatism and pugnacity caused him to be generally shunned.
These wild mammals of the ocean swim into the shallows to mingle with people.
On the right-hand side is a box that says Mingle.
To diversify properly and mingle well together the reds, whites, purples, yellows and blues, with all their intervening shades, requires considerable taste and powers of combination; and ascertained failures may be rectified at the proper time the next season.
Its waters, as stated above, mingle with those of the Victoria Nile, their united volume flowing north towards the Mediterranean.
Is this a sit down dinner party or a stand and mingle party?
The pedestrian-friendly streets make for ideal places to walk pets and there are plenty of dog parks for pups to mingle and socialize.
Neotropical and distinctively Sonoran insects mingle with members of the Holoarctic fauna across a wide " transition zone " in North America.
The bull was to be sacrificed to Mithras, who was to mingle its fat with consecrated wine and give to drink of it to the just, rendering them immortal, while the unjust, together with Ahriman and his spirits, were to be destroyed by a fire sent from Heaven by Ormazd.
Shibuichi and shakudo are melted separately, and when they have cooled just enough not to mingle too intimately, they are Cast into a bar which is subsequently beaten flat.
AdvertisementOne often-overlooked feature is the mingle option.
The very first thing you do is to make sure that your Mii is set to Mingle.
He did not mingle much with the villagers and mostly kept to himself.
During your trip, sample some tasty southern cuisine, mingle with the locals, or "dive in" to some scrumptious seafood offerings.
In his imagination he appointed days for assemblies at the palace of the Tsars, at which Russian notables and his own would mingle.
AdvertisementNot only do these chemicals cause cropland to store more heat due to the high percentage of nitrogen, they also create nitrogen oxides that are released into the air and mingle with the carbon dioxide to create greenhouse gasses.
It's important to be honest on these, especially about being divorced, because for some people that can be a dealbreaker.One problem that Christian Mingle does have is that it is not able to list all of the Christian denominations.
Plus you go to the prom to dance, to mingle, to pose.
Games that require guests to mingle and move around are often the biggest hits.
These functions were the rare times when young and old alike had time to mingle and get to know one another.
AdvertisementMost clubs do not fill their dance floor until well after opening time, so feel free to mingle and find a seat.
You may have a traditional Easter egg hunt or Christmas Eve dinner to bring all members of the family to one place to mingle and celebrate.
Affix the card to the player's forehead with tape and then let the players mingle, asking questions about their card's identity.
A few games can break the ice and get your guests to mingle.
It takes a couple of days for any Miis set to Mingle to appear.
AdvertisementDon't forget enough room to mingle and a dance space if desired.
The northern half is more broken and irregular; elevations, usually rounded, mingle with depressions some of which are occupied by small shallow lakes or ponds, the characteristic physical features of this region being due to glaciation.
The Laos predominate in northern and eastern Siam, Malays mingle with the Siamese in southern Siam, and the Chinese are found scattered all over, but keeping mostly to the towns.
While he loved the exhilarating feeling of biking alone or on an organized tour, the après ride time was nearly as enjoyable when you could mingle with others with like interests.
The animal which popular belief identified with the corn demon is sometimes killed in the spring in order to mingle its blood or bones with the seed; at harvest-time it is supposed to sit in the last corn and the animals driven out from it are sometimes killed; at others the reaper who cuts the last ear is said to have killed the "wolf" or the "dog," and sometimes receives the name of "wolf" or "dog" and retains it till the next harvest.
The scents of smoking incense mingle with rich spices to transport them to a foreign land.
Consider hosting a cocktail wedding finger food reception, where servers mingle throughout the guests, offering hearty portions of delicious hors devours and desserts.
Not only will the photographs reflect nature's beauty, but the open space will provide your guests with plenty of opportunity to mix and mingle at the reception.
Cabin sizes vary though all are sparse and small, giving passengers more reason to mingle on deck rather than relax in their staterooms.
The experiences doesn't cater specifically to gay passengers, but if you'd prefer to mingle with gay and straight alike, this is a good place to start.
There is also a variety in which golden or striped leaves mingle with the green ones in a pretty way, but this variegation is apt to disappear.
Tall, blowsy perennials mingle with shorter flowers with equal ease, and while some like to plant hues of similar colors, many cottage gardeners just fill their gardens with a profusion of blossoms in whatever colors strike their fancy.
Once your Mii can Mingle, you have two ways to get the Mii into the Mii Parade.
It's natural for the group to split into male and female clusters at first, but eventually, everyone will relax and be able to mingle with each other.
Finger foods can be set up in an area where guests mingle and pass by.
Guests should mingle with each other attempting to learn the name of everyone in the room.
The guests have been invited to the party by the host, and are there to mingle and to shop.
Non-human races mingle with humankind, and a corrupt government tries to maintain control over all.
Pack a pair of flip flops in your gym bag and be sure to use them before you mingle in public areas.
On clearing the land south of the Cape the waters of the Agulhas current meet those of the west wind drift of the Southern Ocean, and mingle with them in such a manner as to produce, by interdigitation, alternate strips of warm and cold water, which are met with at great distances south-west and south of the Cape.
Near its mouth, the Xingu expands into an immense lake, and its waters then mingle with those of the Amazon through a labyrinth of canos (natural canals), winding in countless directions through a wooded archipelago.
While the Akils mingle frankly with the common people, and are remarkably free from clerical pretension, they are none the less careful to maintain their privileges.
The flavors mingle up, rounding and filling, making the soup feel really quite luxurious in your mouth.
Finally, make some time before, between, and after events for everyone to mingle with the new or expecting mom.
Private gardens become public tea shops as Brighton residents mingle and admire the sculptures.
She felt a tinge of contempt mingle itself with her pain at having refused him.
Mingle with actors in period costume as they demonstrate weaponry and talk about their lives.
The former of these two islands belongs to the Indian Region, the latter to the Australian, and between them there is absolutely no true transition - that is, no species are common to both which cannot be easily accounted for by the various accidents and migrations that in the course of time must have tended to mingle the productions of islands so close to one another.
But these did not mingle readily with the indigenous population; as each wave of barbarian invasion fell back, these refugees returned to their mainland homes, and it required the pressure of many successive incursions to induce them finally to abandon the mainland for the lagoon, a decision which was not reached till the Lombard invasion of 568.
Invite guests to mingle around the bar with raised bar seating or bistro tables.
The latter allows you to learn new techniques and mingle with fellow crafters without traveling long distances, spending a ton of money, and being away from your family for an extended amount of time.
Your wedding DJ can invite guests table by table up to the buffet to get food, which also gives guests an opportunity to mingle with one another while standing in line.
Decorators with artistic flair enjoy making up their own cake designs, and the Christmas holiday provides an opportunity to mingle new ideas with favorite traditional themes.
In order to mix and mingle with formal dresses, designers have created the footless tight, which is a legging created in thinner stocking material.
There are no fixed dining times or seating assignments, allowing passengers to mingle more freely than under stricter, more regimented arrangements.
The activities aren't as customized, but some people prefer this type of cruise since they can mingle with all types of people.
The channel offers more than just Mii creation; you also mingle with other Miis and set up Mii Parades to showcase the Miis on your system.
Name you Mii, pick your favorite color, and decide whether you want your Mii to mingle.
Since Wiis are still in short supply, letting your Mii mingle on other Wii can net you some online players.
To check the Mingle status, go to the main screen of the Wii and select the Mii Channel.
Whatever your use of the Mii Parade, the most important thing to remember is that each Mii must be set to Mingle... otherwise, your Mii may never have any friends!
It's easy to make and serve in large quantities, which gets you out from behind the bar so you can mingle with guests.
For the best way to make sure you are at your party rather than stuck in the kitchen, think along the lines of a buffet that can be set up beforehand, leaving you free to mingle.
Not only does this give the salad a cooling and refreshing temperature, often a plus in the heat of summer, but it also gives the flavors of the salad a chance to mingle.
The purpose is, of course, to allow the families some down time and the children a chance to relax, but it's also an opportunity for these families to mingle with one another and share their experiences.
Touted as the most trusted and largest hair and beauty resource for women of color, this hair forum is a great place to meet and mingle with other people who adore long hair and the science of keeping it healthy.
You're headed to a holiday party, but you don't necessarily want to wear a sweater over your lovely cocktail dress as you mingle with the crowds.
Once everyone has arrived and had a chance to mingle, have people turn in their guess of character.
These vampires strive to fit in along the edges of society and curb their instinct as predators to mingle with the general population.
Advertised as a 100% free dating forum, Mingle 2 has tons of threads for meeting new people.
Christian Mingle - If it's important to you to find a fellow Christian to fall in love with, this site is for you.
Some large organizations hire professional escorts to mingle with their guests and provide the image of a large function.
Why be content with one sexual partner when you can mix and mingle with like-minded individuals?
Try Jewish Café, Muslim Friends or Salaam Love for Muslims, LDS Planet for Latter Day Saints, or Catholic Mingle for Catholics.
This is where online dating sites like Christian Mingle step into the picture, giving divorcees an easy way to connect.
Christian Mingle makes it much easier with easy one-click questions about your appearance, your Christian affiliation, and your plans for the future.
However, with some digging, you might find something like Christian Mingle or Lesbotronic, which are both free and focused on bringing together people within a specific demographic.
Christian Mingle is a more robust free site, with features like quizzes, chat rooms, and dating advice tailored specifically to your faith.
For example, Christian Mingle is part of the larger set of Spark Network dating sites, but that includes sites like Catholic Mingle, LDS Mingle and Adventist Singles Connection, all of which are for more specific Christian faiths.
This is a popular time because it gives everyone a chance to mingle, dine, sip a few cocktails and listen to a few speeches before the gift-giving commences.
While older kids are more likely to mingle without as much direction, a video of birthday greetings will make for a fantastic video later.
In other words, Optimus Prime in the form of a semi-truck would not necessarily mingle with the transformers of Beast Wars.
Savvy savers know where to hunt down Phoenix Zoo coupons, so they can mingle with monkeys, talk to tigers and chat with chimps, without burning a hole in their budget.
As The World Turns Fan Discussion Group - The discussion group allows ATWT fans to mingle, chat and post their own fan fiction.
New fans and old mingle, sharing their joint passion for Guiding Light and the characters that populate the town of Springfield.
Stop for a refreshment at a café and listen to the languages of the city as they mingle in casual conversation.
You will often be allowed to chat and mingle as you look over the merchandise before making a final selection.
This creates a more casual atmosphere and offers people a chance to mingle more intimately.
Finger foods and a variety of teas are available, and guests can be seated or left to mingle with one another.
Have a selection of finger foods, appetizers and hors d'oeuvres so guests can mingle with one another during the evening.
Have guests mingle and ask each other questions about the names on their backs such as "Am I a girl?"
If the guests will mingle for more than an hour, plan to have easy party appetizers on hand for guests to munch on while they await the dinner.
You need to not only greet your guests and mingle, but make sure there are plenty of drinks available and that the meal is being prepared on time.
During this game, guests visit and mingle normally as they eat food and talk with other party guests.
You'll be able to cook outside and still mingle with guests, and you won't heat up the house with a hot oven.
The men guard the women's town in return for the produce of the women's agriculture and technology, and periodically throughout the year, the genders meet and mingle and find ways to continue the species.
Thus Rome allowed the wolves to mingle with the dogs in watching over the flock, just at a time when the civil wars of the 4th century had denuded the Rhenish frontier of troops, whose numbers had already been diminished by Constantine.
Whatever other elements may mingle with and dignify war, this at least is never absent; and however reluctantly men may enter into war, however conscientiously they may endeavour to avoid it, they must know that when the scene of carnage has once opened, these things must be not only accepted and condoned, but stimulated, encouraged and applauded.
Religious considerations arising out of the attitude of the government towards the " German Catholics," and a new constitution for the Protestant Church, began to mingle with purely political questions, and Prince John, as the supposed head of the Jesuit party, was insulted at a review of the communal guards at Leipzig in 1845.
Besides his work as editor, he was always writing himself some book or pamphlet called for by the event of the day, some general fray in which he was compelled to mingle, or some personal assault which it was necessary to repel.
After his final peace with Seleucus, Ptolemy no longer engaged actively in war, although his forces might occasionally mingle in the broils of Asia Minor, and he supported the enemies of Macedonia in Greece.