Miners Sentence Examples
The miners work in the bottom in the same manner as divers in an ordinary diving-bell.
At Broken Hill mines about 11,000 miners are employed.
In Victoria the production of antimony gave employment in 1890 to 238 miners, but owing to the low price of the metal, production has almost ceased.
Dean dreamed of white-dressed hookers smiling and calling to a line of seven little miners who looked suspiciously like Snow White's benefactors.
My own flesh and blood, selling herself to half-drunk miners for a few gold coins.
Just think—handsome gamblers, rich miners, everyone dancing with music and liquor and lively fun every night!
A considerable proportion of the emigrants are miners who proceed to Tunis, and remain only a few years, but emigration to America is increasing.
He entered the engineer branch in 1838, served in the campaigns in the Caucasus, rose to be colonel, and commanded the sappers and miners at the siege of Kars in 1855.
The Chinese difficulty, so far as the mining population was concerned, was solved by the exhaustion of the extensive alluvial deposits; the miners' prejudice against the race, however, still exists, though they are no longer serious competitors, and the laws of some of the states forbid any Chinese to engage in mining without the express authority in writing of the minister of mines.
Before coming, however, to the history of federation, and the evolution of the Labour party, we must refer briefly to some other questions which have been of general interest very soon after the gold discoveries, the European miners objecting strongly to the presence of these aliens upon the diggings.
AdvertisementAfter the year 1884 Labour troubles became very frequent, the New South Wales coal miners in particular being at war with the colliery owners during the greater part of the six years intervening between then and what is called the Great Strike.
A strike of the Newcastle miners, after lasting twenty-nine weeks, came to an end in January 1890, and throughout the rest of the year there was great unrest in Labour circles.
They consist of a number of circular or rectangular pits sunk from the cap of a hill, and going down to a depth of in some cases as much as 120 ft., until in fact the miners have been stopped by being unable to cope with the quantity of water made when the level of the valley was reached.
Soon after her marriage miners had been brought from Lorraine to dig for gold at Crawford Moor, and she now carried on successful mining enterprises for coal and lead, which enabled her to meet the expenses of her government.
He also welcomed on behalf of the Government an Eight Hours Miners bill.
AdvertisementThese miners' schools (Bergschule, ecoles des mineurs) give elementary instruction in chemistry, physics, mechanics, mineralogy, geology and mathematics and drawing, as well as in such details of the art of mining as will best supplement the practical information already acquired in underground work.
The shafts are placed so close together that in many instances they are divided by only a couple of feet of solid ground, but at their bases a considerable amount of gallery work has been excavated, though it is possible that this was done by miners who came after the people who originally sank the shafts.
In the absence, however, of any relics of a kind which might lead to the identification of the ancient miners, their nationality and origin are matters which must continue to be mere questions of speculation and conjecture.
In 1859 the mines were worked only for their gold; the ignorant miners threw away the " black stuff " which was really valuable silver ore with an assay value four times as great as that of their ores of gold; and when this was discovered there came a period of unprecedented silver production.
By way of reprisals for the Hussite outrages in Prague, the miners of Kuttenberg seized on any Hussites they could find, and burned, beheaded or threw them alive into the shafts of disused mines.
AdvertisementMiners' lamp oil consists of the bleached oil mixed with kerosene.
It early became a trading centre of importance, well known as an outfitting point for miners and other emigrants to the Rocky Mountain region and the Pacific coast.
The society grew in strength during the Civil War, when the increased demand for coal caused an influx of miners, many of them lawless characters, into the coal-fields, and in1862-1863it opposed enlistments in the Federal Army and roughly treated some of the enlisting officers.
The miners and prospectors did not, however, exceed a few hundred for several years.
In 1890 a feeling of considerable irritation had grown up among the Uitlanders at the various monopolies, but particularly at the dynamite monopoly, which pressed solely and with peculiar severity upon gold miners.
AdvertisementThe alluvial extracted, which in the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago carries from 5 to 60 lb of tinstone (or "black tin," as it is termed by Cornish miners) to the cubic yard of gravel, is washed in various simple sluicing appliances, by which the lighter clay, sand and stones are removed and tinstone is left behind comparatively pure, containing usually 65 to 75% of metallic tin (chemically pure tinstone contains 78.7%).
A stope is that portion of the working assigned to a party of miners, and the block of ground is usually A s /u//, ?l'?//?
While a shift of men is being lowered the miners of the preceding shift are usually raised to the surface in the ascending cages, the entire shift being thus changed in the time required for lowering.
When the shafts are deep and the number of miners large man-cars are sometimes employed.
As the rods make their measured strokes one of the miners, starting from the surface, steps on the first platform as it rises to the surface landing and is then lowered on the down stroke.
The flying fragments of rock have frequently injured and sometimes killed miners.
While in some cases these laws are unnecessarily stringent and tend to restrict the business of mining yet on the whole they have had the effect of reducing greatly the loss of life and injuries of miners where they have been well enforced.
This danger can be reached only in small degree by laws and inspection; but the safety of the men must depend upon the skill and care of the miners themselves and the officers in charge of the underground work.
While mining is not necessarily an unhealthy occupation, miners are subject to certain diseases resulting from vitiated air, and from unusual or special conditions under which at times they are forced to work.
Recent investigations have shown an alarming increase in mortality from miners' phthisis in Cornwall, South Africa and elsewhere.
The miners, to save time, often return to their work after blasting before the powdersmoke and dust have been sufficiently removed.
In some mines dust seems to have but little effect on the health of the miners; indeed it is even claimed by some that coal dust decreases the mortality from phthisis.
The care of the health of the working force should be entrusted to competent mine physicians, thoroughly familiar with the conditions under which the miners work, and with the special diseases to which they are subject.
A small battalion of Karens enlisted as sappers and miners proved a failure and had to be disbanded.
The miners are all Kachins, and the right to collect the jade duty of 331 is farmed out by government to a lessee, who has hitherto always been a Chinaman.
There are two distinct general types - the coast tribes occupying the fertile river valleys, who are employed on the plantations, in domestic service in the cities, or in small industries of their own, no longer numerous; and the sierra tribes, who are agriculturists, miners, stock-breeders and packers, still comparatively numerous.
The principal causes of death, both among the white and coloured inhabitants, are diseases of the lungs - including miners' phthisis and pneumonia - diarrhoea, dysentery and enteric. The death-rate among young children is very high.
The term is, however, a convenient one, and one whose use is almost a necessity, from its having an almost universal currency among coal miners.
In the southern coalfields it is usually known by the miners' name of " Farewell rock," from its marking the lower limit of possible coal working.
The miners are protected by the frozen wall, which may be 4 or 5 ft.
Methods for enabling miners to penetrate into workings where the atmosphere is totally irrespirable have come into use for saving life after explosions and for repairing shafts and pit-work under water.
This corps rendered invaluable service at the exploring and rescue operations after the explosion at Courrieres in March 1906, the most disastrous mining accident on record, when 110o miners were killed.
It is customary to have a curved sheet iron roof or bonnet when the cage is used for raising or lowering the miners, to protect them from injury by falling materials.
Coal lying under the sea below low-water mark belongs to the crown, and can only be worked upon payment of royalties, even when it is approached from shafts sunk upon land in private ownership. In the Forest of Dean, which is the property of the crown as a royal forest,there are certain curious rights held by a portion of the inhabitants known as the Free Miners of the Forest, who are entitled to mine for coal and iron ore, under leases, known as gales, granted by the principal agent or gaveller representing the crown, in tracts not otherwise occupied.
European industries include gold mining, in which 500 miners, besides natives, are engaged (chiefly in the Louisiade Archipelago), and the beche de mer and pearl-shell fisheries, which were formerly more productive than at present.
In the former act he embodied a provision regulating and giving authority to the peculiar customs, usages, and regulations voluntarily adopted by the miners in various districts of the state for the adjudication of disputed mining claims. This, as Judge Field truly says, "was the foundation of the jurisprudence respecting mines in the country," having greatly influenced legislation upon this subject in other states and in the Congress of the United States.
In 1854, in their resistance of an arbitrary tax, the miners came into armed conflict with the authorities; but a commission was appointed to investigate their grievances; and a charter was granted to the town in 1855.
Gold was first discovered in French Creek, Custer county, on the 27th of July 1874 by miners who were with Custer's expedition.
In 1770 the miners accidentally discovered a complete gallery, which has been driven many hundred yards into the bed of coal, branching into thirty-six chambers dressed quite square, and in a workman-like manner.
In respect of the former an increase of 30% in the payments to the insured as compared with July I 1917 was made, while at the same time better terms were given in the insurance of miners and of railwaymen; insurance against sickness was completed by extending it to agricultural and domestic workers as well as to the families of the insured.
Another enactment assures to miners a 10% share of the net profits, this sum to be employed for educative, philanthropic, or other purposes of utility for the benefit of the miners.
The first strike, which was for an eight-hour day and $3.00 wage, was won by the miners.
The second, for the recognition outright of the union organization of the miners, secured only a reaffirmation of the former conditions.
During the 17th century gold-washing was carried on by English miners in the Motagua valley, and is said to have yielded rich profits; hence the name of "Gold Coast" was not infrequently given to the Atlantic littoral near the mouth of the Motagua.
In the latter part of the decade1850-1859the territories adjacent to California on the east, north and south were overrun by thousands of miners from the Sierra Nevada goldfields, and within a few years an extraordinary number of discoveries were made, some of which proved to be of great importance.
In early days the placer gold mines of the Columbia, Fraser and Caribou attracted miners from everywhere, but these have declined, and lode mines supply most of the gold as well as the other metals.
In 1898, owing to the influx of miners, the Yukon territory was constituted and granted a limited measure of self-government.
It was developed from classes initiated in 1859 by the Miners' Association, and a three years' course of instruction is provided.
He preached a farewell sermon to the miners in Durham cathedral at their annual festival on the 29th of July.
In 1902 he gave energetic support to the miners of Carmaux who went out on strike in consequence of the dismissal of a socialist workman, Calvignac; and in the next year he was re-elected to the chamber as deputy for Albi.
Immediately after his return he sent to Austria and Prussia for as many sappers, miners, engineers and carpenters as money could procure.
A museum attached to the science and art schools and a miners' hospital are notable institutions in Redruth.
The term survives in the Forest of Dean, for leases granted to the "free miners" of the forest, granted by the "gaveller" or agent of the crown, and the term is also applied to the royalty paid to the crown, and to the area mined.
A monument was erected in 1905 to prominent members of the Yorkshire Miners' Association.
Such a change is very common on the outcrop of mineral veins, forming what miners call "gozzan."
It is common in mineral-veins, usually associated with quartz, and is often known to miners as "mundic."
He saw all the mechanical difficulties that had to be overcome in mining; he learned the nature and succession of rocks, the physical properties of minerals, ores and metals; he got a notion of mineral waters; he was an eyewitness of the accidents which befel the miners, and studied the diseases which attacked them; he had proof that positive knowledge of nature was not to be got in schools and universities, but only by going to nature herself, and to those who were constantly engaged with her.
Socialism of a German type had taken deep root among the working men of the Flemish towns, especially at Ghent and Brussels; socialism of a French revolutionary type among the Walloon miners and factory hands.
In 1902 he became assistant secretary of the Fife and Kinross Miners' Association, and in 1908 its general secretary.
The diamond here occurs in river gravels and sands associated with the same minerals as in Minas Geraes; since 1844 the richest mines have been worked in the Serra de Cincora, where the mountains are intersected by the river Paraguassu and its tributaries; it is said that there were as many as 20,000 miners working here in 1845, and it was estimated that 54,000 carats were produced in Bahia in 1858.
They were long worked by convict labour, owing to their unhealthy atmosphere; and exemption from military service is granted to miners who have worked at Almaden for two years.
The strike of miners in the Pas de Calais after the disaster at Courrieres, leading to the threat of disorder on the 1st of May 1906, obliged him to employ the military; and his attitude in the matter alienated the Socialist party, from which he definitely broke in his notable reply in the Chamber to Jean Jaures in June 1906.
The former are worked by the Ruby Mines Company or by licensed native miners under the)(Iv.
In 1848 $500-$700 a day was not unusual luck; but, on the other hand, the income of the great majority of miners was certainly far less than that of men who seriously devoted themselves to trade or even to common labour.
The miners were an energetic, covetous, wandering, abnormally excitable body of men.
The massive and compact mineral frequently exhibits this iridescent tarnish, and is consequently known to miners as "peacock ore" or "peacock copper."
The massive mineral sometimes occurs in mammillary and botryoidal forms with a smooth brassy surface, and is then known to Cornish miners as "blistercopper-ore."
On the 2nd of September 1885 the miners at Rock Springs attacked about 400 Chinamen who had been brought by the railway to work in the mines, killing about fifty of them and driving the remainder from the district.
A law establishing an eighthour day for underground miners and smelter employees (1899) was unanimously voided by the state supreme court, but in 1902 the people amended the constitution and ordered the general assembly to re-enact the law for labourers in mines, smelters and dangerous employments.
The state maintains an insane asylum at Las Vegas, a deaf and dumb asylum and penitentiary at Santa Fe, an institute for the blind at Almagordo, a reform school at El Rito and a miners' hospital at Raton.
At 22 years he was acting as local miners' secretary.
After victimization in consequence of a strike he obtained work at Cumnock, Ayrshire, and was shortly afterwards elected secretary of the Ayrshire Miners' Association.
He helped Henry George in his land agitation and was a staunch co-worker with Robert Smillie in the miners' movement.
In the great strike in the South Wales coal-field in 1898 he addressed, together with Robert Smillie, huge meetings of miners, and in the general election of 1906 he was reelected to Parliament for Merthyr Tydfil.
Native copper, sometimes termed by miners malleable or virgin copper, occurs as a mineral having all the properties of the smelted metal.
Yet Butler was keenly interested in those very miners of Kingswood among whom Wesley preached, and left £50o towards building a church for them.
There has been no direct immigration from Europe, though Europeans of various nationalities have found their way into the country and settled there as miners or traders.
In Cornwall fluorspar is known to the miners as "cann."
Occasional labour troubles have been very severe in the Coeur d'Alene region, where the attempt in 1892 of the Mine Owners' Association to discriminate in wages between miners and surfacemen brought on a union strike.
Rioting followed the introduction of non-union men, the Frisco Mill was blown up, and many non-union miners were killed.
Haywood, secretary of the Western Federation of Miners, who was charged with conspiracy in connexion with the murder, attracted national attention; it resulted in Haywood's acquittal.
Silver chloride, AgC1, constitutes the mineral cerargyrite or horn silver; mixed with clay it is the butter-milk ore of the German miners.
The dominating ambition of his life was to achieve fame, but though that sometimes betrayed him into petty jealousy, it did not leave him insensible to the claims on his knowledge of the "cause of humanity," to use a phrase often employed by him in connexion with his invention of the miners' lamp. Of the smaller observances of etiquette he was careless, and his frankness of disposition sometimes exposed him to annoyances which he might have avoided by the exercise of ordinary tact.
As the clay pits contain only small amounts of any one kind of clay, it has proved more profitable for manufacturers to buy their raw materials from a number of miners than for them to operate the mines themselves, and consequently clay mining and the manufacture of clay products are largely distinct industries.
In 1862 the agitation against the Chinese assumed importance, and the attitude of the miners at Lambing Flat was so threatening that a large force, military and police, was despatched to that goldfield in order to protect the Chinamen from ill-treatment by the miners.
It is lowest, naturally, in the mining districts, as Glamorgan, Monmouth, Durham, Northumberland; but an exception may be noted in the case of Cornwall, where a high proportion of females is attributed to the emigration of miners consequent upon the relative decrease in importance of the tin-mines.
Among the mountains, gold was perhaps worked under Trajan, who first appointed a Procurator Metallorurn, or overseer of mines, for Dacia; certainly in the 14th century, when immigrant Saxon miners established a considerable trade with Ragusa, in Dalmatia.
But this movement of hunters, trappers, traders, Mormons, miners and homeseekers left nothing to show of settlement in Kansas, for which, therefore, the succession of Territorial governments organized for the northern portion of the Louisiana Purchase had no real significance.
Indian miners were soon driven out of business and were nearly crowded out of their homes.
Among the manufactures of Alton are iron and glass ware, miners' tools, shovels, coal-mine cars, flour, and agricultural implements; and there are a large oil refinery and a large lead smelter.
Between the Nile at Wadi Halfa and the Red Sea are the remains of towns inhabited by the ancient miners who worked the district.
The number of tin miners in the state is about 1170.
The icicles are prison bars on our windows, trapping us, prisoners to this life of sin and degradation, giving miners a few minutes of pleasure for the pittance of coins it takes them weeks to earn in the bowels of the earth, performing unspeakable labors for the wealth of others.
It is Saturday night, the worst time of the week, when the miners descend from the mountains, all afrenzy with their lust for drink and acts of the flesh.
Just think—handsome gamblers, rich miners, everyone dancing with music and liquor and lively fun every night!
We've grown accustomed to a Britain without miners.
The church was decked in some very original batiks which represented a variety of scenes from the bible interlinked with the miners life.
The trade union bureaucracy For nine days the working class was solidly behind the miners.
A few similar badge examples are known from the 1992 campaign against pit closures plus the 1972 miners strike.
Trawlers, the strip miners of the sea, often precipitate the collapse of fish stocks from years of over-harvesting.
The semi-detached miners ' cottages now form part of a conservation area designated in 1980.
For example, blue jeans originated as the humble pants of American cowboys and gold miners.
By November many branches had collected money for the miners who were, by now, suffering extreme distress.
The majority of activists were met with a huge police presence drafted in from across the country in eerie echoes of the miners strike.
In addition to the 10 miners originally entombed it is feared that one of the rescue parties has perished.
There is nothing better in the world, actually, than something haunting, played by miners.
Synopsis On the run from the wicked queen, Snow White becomes housekeeper to a bunch of diminutive miners.
Much housing was built in the later 19th century to accommodate the influx of miners to the town.
Also, in 1885 there was a gold rush at Hall's Creek 100km to the south, bringing an influx of miners.
The miners at this time at Eastern still used carbide lamps.
In Ukraine, we follow a group of miners so desperate for work that they've taken over an abandoned mine for themselves.
Flooding on Sunday also trapped 69 miners underground at a mine in Jiaohe city in China's northeastern Jilin province, Xinhua reported.
The fire burned for two days, killing 54 miners in total.
It is entirely inhabited by miners engaged at the colliery.
A few years later, in 1984, the North of England the was scene of violent clashes between police and striking coal miners.
Still, Hatfield said the trapped miners could still be alive.
But there are still the numbers of retired miners in Lothian to justify this home staying open.
With the river ahead the route passes the hanging garden which forms a lovely landscape feature and was built by unemployed miners in 1830.
Two injured miners were brought out of the mine earlier.
The miners of the village worked on the hall for free during the miners strike of 1926.
A 6th C saint who was the patron saint of tin miners.
However, its input into the miners ' strike was somewhat muted.
The early miners found plenty of iron ore at or near to the surface of the ground.
Photograph of children pickets holding placards with the slogan " Victory to the miners.
Every few days, the miners had to shore up their tunnel with timber pit props.
This failure is now somewhat redeemed by the 1994 agreement which, however, heavily favors the sea-bed miners.
Among the many users of machine learning systems are a new wave of computer scientists calling themselves " data miners " .
A commemorative serviette produced as a ' Souvenir in Affectionate Remembrance of the miners who lost their lives in the Bentley Pit disaster ' .
Note the ruins of the miners ' barracks on the lake shore.
In the 1980s, she performed stand-up at miners ' strike benefits.
Times were tough at his father's shop as the miners ' strike hit the local economy.
The Wilson government gave in to the miners and began to impose higher taxation on the wealthy.
The bosses used hired thugs to kill 11 miners, in an action which was hardly reported in the national media.
Zimbabwe was given a big thumbs down by the miners.
Some miners used this as an excuse for smuggling contraband tobacco underground.
The Hartley Bank Disaster (1862) saw miners trapped underground when their one entrance/exit shaft was blocked.
It was a bit like Durham Miners Gala with a bizarre twist.
The Communist Party followed the ' left ' leadership of the miners ' union in fighting the miners ' strike as an isolated battle.
Asbestos miners and workers in Africa have been largely unprotected from the dangers of asbestos fibers during their working lives.
However, an Address to the Coal Miners develops into a very zealous piece of propaganda.
The mines, which have been constructed for the purpose of working quartz lodes containing gold, are very extensive, and argue a high stage of civilization possessed by the ancient miners.
The miners of Derbyshire formed an independent community under the jurisdiction of a steward and barmasters, who held two Barmote courts every year.
An important act was passed in 1908, limiting the hours of work below ground of miners.
The Indian sulphur miners go down by means of ladders, or are lowered by rope and windlass, and the mineral is sent down the mountain side in a chute 2000 to 3000 ft.
The presence of this and other trails to California was of great importance during the gold excitement of 1849, when many miners outfitted at Salt Lake City and the Mormons grew rich in this business.
However, the service has been totally disrupted by rebel militia and invasion by miners.
Reports of decisions of the Industrial Tribunal in matters relating to Redundancy Payments Act 1965 and the entitlement of redundant miners to redundancy payment.
Among the many users of machine learning systems are a new wave of computer scientists calling themselves " data miners ".
Only the miners ' and the seafarers ' unions were willing to do so and they could not win on their own.
A commemorative serviette produced as a ' Souvenir in Affectionate Remembrance of the miners who lost their lives in the Bentley Pit disaster '.
Around 1776 the Duke of Northumberland used miners to sink a vertical shaft down through the middle but found nothing of interest.
This leads to price-fixing, with politicians siphoning off profits and leaving farmers and miners all the poorer.
Devon 's tin miners enjoyed a substantial degree of independence through Devon 's stannary parliament, which dates back to the twelfth century.
Times were tough at his father 's shop as the miners ' strike hit the local economy.
McCarthy called for John L. Lewis and the striking miners to be drafted into the Army.
Many miners were sacked after they were convicted on trumped-up police evidence.
Mines are created deep in the earth and miners ride elevators down to where the coal is.
The miners would hike up the mountain on their Indian feet, and then ski down on their snowshoes.
The company that started with a rugged brown canvas pair of pants for miners in 1853 at the height of the California gold rush has grown exponentially from its San Francisco roots.
If necessary, neem oil is among the best defenses against leaf miners.
As word spread of this new stone, miners rushed to the area to seek out the stone and between two million carats of gem quality tanzanite had been mined.
As you may have guessed, he soon found miners who needed sturdy working pants, and rose to the occasion.
The West Virginia Office of Miners' Health Safety and Training states that in 2010, 18,764 people worked in coal production.
The third most common cause of injuries to miners in WV in 2010 was machinery, with 21 incidents reported.
Miners need to wear a helmet, as well as special clothing and shoes.
Protective clothing for miners allows a person working below ground to sweat.
By working underground, miners are exposed to humid surroundings, as well as other occupational hazards, such as dust and noise from equipment.
Less apparent are the health risks to miners from the work environment itself.
Working underground is not the usual environment for most people to spend their time on the job, and miners must be ever mindful of safety hazards while at work.
Center staff also contact the Director of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training, the appropriate district mine inspector and the mine rescue stations that service the area where the accident occurred.
Manganese toxicity in miners has been documented in Chile, India, Japan, Mexico, and elsewhere.
While the mining work itself isn't all that stressful, miners experience the stress of working in very close quarters deep underground every day.
With mining accidents seen in locations like New Zealand, Kentucky and Chile, miners know that accidents know no boundaries, and can lead to immediate death or disability.
Yet the Soviet miners prevented these problems by using jet engines and dynamite.
Some technical writers write about advanced equipment that can be used by professionals in a given field, such as firefighters, engineers, miners and race car drivers, just to name a few.
The same year, a group of miners claimed that they shot and killed one of the creatures.
The Pope had just passed away no more than ten weeks before this mining accident where 18 other miners died.
Bonanza City was founded in 1880 by miners looking for precious metals.
It was designed with miners in mind and was called the "Hard-Boiled Hat" because of the way it was manufactured from steamed canvas, glue, and black paint.
Helmets designed for miners provide important protection for individuals performing dangerous mining work and other jobs that pose similar risks.
It wasn't until 1915 when Bullard added stiffened canvas helmets to his inventory that miners and construction workers began using them.
Aside from the dangers of falling debris, which construction workers faced along with miners, the added problems of darkness and air quality kept the Bullard company developing new ways to protect workers.
Aside from the needs of protection, miners need to see, and even before Bullard was putting out helmets he was selling carbide lamps mounted on the bills of the miners' caps.
In addition, the yellow stripe down the middle of the black helmets is representative of the headlamps worn by the coal miners.
In addition to the miners, railroad builders and cattlemen populated the western areas.
Menu favorites include fried pickles and "chicken miners," which are miniature chicken sandwiches.
I can close my eyes and see the hustle-bustle of the village, the children playing, the pack mules and miners, the ladies decked out in long dresses and fur muffs.
This was the first of the many rich discoveries in the same district which have made Western Australia the chief gold-producer of the Australian group. In 1907 there were eighteen goldfields in the state, and it was estimated that over 30,000 miners were actively engaged in the search for gold.
Repeated doses also lead to fibrosis, called pneumoconiosis in miners.
I think aught will come of their rantings as the miners swear they'll flee the area for a more obliging locale if such nonsense were to happen.
He had no adequate corps of sappers and miners, or transport train.