Miner Sentence Examples
In order to get a practical knowledge of mining he worked for a few months as a miner at the Wiethe colliery.
We all know this guy was no miner.
In May the rivers open, the cleared land thaws out, and by June the miner is again at work.
From 1876 to 1897 the total value of the output of the Galena field was between $25,000,000 and $26,000,000; but at present Kansas is far more important as a smelter than as a miner of zinc and lead, and in 1906 58% of all spelter produced in the United States came from smelters in Kansas.
Friedel achieved distinction both in miner alogy and organic chemistry.
The Indian army consists of 138 battalions of infantry, 10 regiments of cavalry, 16 mountain batteries, i garrison artillery company, 32 sapper and miner companies (2 railways companies included).
Do you think this Josh character—the miner Fred found out about—might be her father?
By certain persons, who for different metals used rods of various materials, rods of hazel, he says, were held serviceable simply for silver lodes, and by the skilled miner, who trusted to natural signs of mineral veins, they were regarded as of no avail at all.
The life of a miner is certainly a stressful life to lead.
His old man was a miner and lived in Ouray when Fitzgerald was a kid—a snot-nosed bully, I suspect.
AdvertisementInto the " rocker " and the " tom " the miner shovelled dirt, rocking it as he poured in water, catching the gold on riffles set across the bottom of his box; thus imitating in a wooden box the work of nature in the rivers.
During the revolt of the miner Engelbrekt, it twice fell into the hands of the rebels - in 1434 and 1436.
Maybe some miner lost his finger and when they rushed him to a doctor the severed piece was lost.
Besides, I'd heard the story in general from my mother all my life—not about Paul's involvement, but Josh the randy miner and teenage Edith.
In mining, a "gouge" is the layer of soft rock or earth sometimes found in each side of a vein of coal or ore, which the miner can scoop out with his pick, and thus attack the vein more easily from the side.
AdvertisementGases, consisting principally of light carburetted hydrogen or marsh gas, are of ten present in considerable quantity in coal, in a dissolved or occluded state, and the evolution of these upon exposure to the air, especially when a sudden diminution of atmospheric pressure takes place, constitutes one of the most formidable dangers that the coal miner has to encounter.
Fred said Fitzgerald lived here in Ouray and his father was a miner.
The region is therefore generally unattractive to the farmer, but it is inviting to the lumberman and the miner.
When very young he began to work in the pits, and for many years led the life of a miner.
But the Josh I knew wasn't any miner.
AdvertisementFirst the " rocker," then the " torn," the " flume," and the hydraulic stream were the tools of the miner.
Near the city is the Judge Miner's Home and Hospital (Roman Catholic), a memorial to John Judge, a successful Utah miner.
His old man was a miner and lived in Ouray when Fitzgerald was a kid—a snot-nosed bully, I suspect.
Besides, I'd heard the story in general from my mother all my life—not about Paul's involvement, but Josh the randy miner and teenage Edith.
One US journalist described France as, " the coal miner's canary of modern European society " .
AdvertisementHere the gleam of the miner's lamp outshines the little coltsfoot that grows tenaciously on the spoil heap.
The Museum also possesses a flint miner's pick used for extracting flint nodules.
New species continue to arrive and spread rapidly, for example the horse chestnut leaf miner, which probably first appeared in 2002.
Anne Bebbington An investigation introducing plant defense mechanisms and the idea of adaptation 91 What happened to the holly leaf miner?
Streams uses Oracle's log Miner infrastructure to read redo logs.
Jenny Jones was about a welsh miner with 18 children who wanted to make it 21!
First, we are the largest gold miner in Venezuela, which means we get exposure to prime opportunities.
I am a GM Miner but cannot mine Rare ores like Dues + so on, I have runes to the mines but nothing.
Colin Wills, the last tin miner in St. Agnes will strike a symbolic sledgehammer blow linking the past with the present.
The coal miner and his wife gained many fans due to the integrity with which they played the game.
A light equipped with fully-charged batteries is also an essential part of a miner's work gear.
Learning to sleep during daylight hours and working at night can be very challenging for the miner, as well as his or her family members, who may need to make concessions to their schedule or activities because of the schedule.
The last time we blind tasted Pinots was three years ago and Miner surprised the group by finishing first.
A fee-based resource, Price Miner includes more than 27 million items, in 5,200 categories with more than 32 million images, in their database.
Most diamonds go from a miner to a cutter (lapidary) to an international buyer or wholesaler, to a jeweler, and finally to the consumer.
In reality, the hands are too smooth to be those of a miner.
Since the batteries are available, some helmets also have fans and face-shields to keep dust (such as coal dust) from getting to the miner's face and also to assist with cooling them off.
These, of course, should never be considered to be protective gear - but they would be suitable for a reproduction of a miner's uniform.
A coal miner's strike begins in Britain and is followed by a general strike and martial law.
Plus, given all those miner's helmets I couldn't help but get flashes back to MY BLOODY VALENTINE (1981 ).
He has carried home his miner's lamp to prepare it for the next day's work.
The diet of the noisy miner is mostly nectar and some insects, that of the spangled drongo mostly insects and some nectar.
A drunken man from Derwenlas... A weaver attacks a miner... The vicar 's son in trouble.
George Hearst, a wealthy miner, bought 40,000 acres in 1865, which included the Mexican Ranchos of Piedras Blancas, Santa Rosa, and San Simeon.
The stories of the origins of the name "Queenstown" are apocryphal, but one story suggests that a gold miner visiting the area suggested that its beauty made it fit for Queen Victoria.
Thomas Jones Woodward was born to a coal miner and his wife in Wales, England.
Did you do any more checking on Ed and Edith Plotke— the people from the 1961 newspaper—and missing Josh the miner?
These form the " float gold " of the miner.
Eisleben has long been the centre of an important mining district (Luther was a miner's son), the principal products being silver and copper.
A few months after his return, through Germany, to London in 1815, he was induced to take up the question of constructing a miner's safety lamp. Experiments with samples of fire-damp sent from Newcastle soon taught him that "explosive mixtures of mine-damp will not pass through small apertures or tubes"; and in a paper read before the Royal Society on the 9th of November he showed that metallic tubes, being better conductors of heat, were superior to glass ones, and explained that the heat lost by contact with a large cooling surface brought the temperature of the first portions of gas exploded below that required for the firing of the other portions.
Do you think this Josh character—the miner Fred found out about—might be her father?
Did you do any more checking on Ed and Edith Plotke— the people from the 1961 newspaper—and missing Josh the miner?
For those reasons the game can be called an arcade adventure, on a par with Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner.
A remarkable feature of the reflecting power of the moon, which was made known by Miner's observations, is that the proportion of light reflected by a region on the moon is much greater when the light falls perpendicularly, which is the case near the time of full moon, and rapidly becomes less as the light is more oblique.