Military-service Sentence Examples
He was appointed inspector-general of higher education in 1876, and after his election as life senator in 1881 he continued to take an active interest in educational questions, especially as affected by compulsory military service.
He had behaved like a cowardly recruit who mutilates himself to escape military service.
Ecclesiastical immunities, such as reservation of the criminal cases of the clergy, exemption from military service and other privileges, are expressly maintained in a certain number of pacts.
His military service terminated at the time of the Self-denying Ordinance in 1645; he had associated himself with the Presbyterian faction, and naturally enough was not included in the New Model.
The full number of persons liable to be called upon for military service and engaged in such service is calculated (1908) as 4,800,000, of whom 1,350,000 of the active army and the younger classes of army reserve would constitute the field armies set on foot at the outbreak of war.
The law of f875 therefore still regulates the principles of military service in Italy, though an important modification was made in 190719o8.
The system of obligatory military service for all, introduced in 1874, has been maintained, but the six years' term of service has Army.
Both the Molokani and the Dukhobortsi deny the authority of the civil government as such, and object on principle to military service.
Muromtsov, they drew up Vyborg and issued a manifesto calling on the Russian people mani- to refuse taxes and military service.
During the summer his fortunes ebbed, and he was soon superseded by his kinsman Owen Roe O'Neill, who returned from military service abroad at the end of July.
AdvertisementSoon after his accession he abolished the distinctive Jewish dress, abrogated the poll-tax, admitted the Jews to military service and their children to the public schools, and in general opened the era of emancipation by the Toleranzpatent of 1782.
In the heroic cycles the Druids do not appear to have formed any corporation, nor do they seem to have been exempt from military service.
The king's oath to his men binds him to respect and maintain their rights, which are as prominent as are his duties; and if the men feel that the royal oath has not been kept, they may lawfully refuse military service (gager le roi), and may even rise in authorized and legal rebellion.
The system of military service and the organization of justice corresponded to the part which the monarchy was thus constrained to play.
His early years were spent in alternate pleasure and military service.
AdvertisementHis colonial ancestors held official positions in the civil and military service of Virginia.
At Strassburg he was introduced to Prince Maximilian, afterwards elector of Bavaria, and was by him invited to enter the civil and military service of that state.
As these phalangites are distinguished both from the Greek mercenaries and the native Egyptian levies, it looks (although such a fact would be staggering) as if more Macedonians could be raised for military service in Egypt than in Macedonia itself (but see Beloch, p. 353).
For entering the military service or taking on him any state office a slave -, was punished with death.
He was the most active and effective critic of the three-years Military Service Law and other measures by which France sought in 1913 to meet German war preparations.
AdvertisementAll Turkish subjects, of whatever race or religion, have equal juridical and political rights and obligations, and all discrimination as to military service has been abolished.
In virtue of the enactments of May 1880, of November 1886, of February 1888 and of December 1903, military service had been obligatory on all Mussulmans, Christians having been excluded but under obligation of paying a " military exoneration tax " of T50 for 135 males between the ages of 15 and 75.
Under the new regime this system, which had greatly cramped the military strength and efficiency of the Ottoman Empire, has been changed, and all " Ottomans " are now subject to military service.
The conquered peoples fell into an inferior caste, made to work for, and to pay for the subsistence of, their conquerors, as under the Arab domination; the principal taxes exacted from them were the kharaj, a tax of indeterminate amount upon realty, based on the value of lands owned by unbelievers - (in contradistinction to the tithe [ashar] which was a tax of fixed amount upon lands owned by believers) - and levied in payment of the privilege of gaining means of existence in a Mussulman country, and the jiziye, a compulsory payment, or poll-tax, to which believers were not subjected, in lieu of military service.
The history of his youth reveals no special predilection for the military service - the bent of his mind was political far more than military, but unlike the politicians of his epoch he consistently applied scientific and mathematical methods to his theories, and desired above all things a knowledge of facts in their true relation to one another.
AdvertisementTowards 1637 he came to Italy, was hospitably received at Milan by a Burgundian gentleman, and entered, and for three years remained in, the French military service.
In the Domesday Survey it appears as a me g ne borough under Juhel of Totnes, founder of the castle and priory; it had 95 burgesses within and 15 without the borough, and rendered military service according to the custom of Exeter.
According to law military service is obligatory, but the government has been unable to enforce it.
On the other hand, the principle of the exemption of all the nobles from taxation is confirmed, as well as their right to refuse military service abroad, the defence of the realm being their sole obligation.
The lesser gentry were protected against the tyranny of the magnates, encouraged to appear at court and taxed for military service by the royal treasury direct - so as to draw them closer to the crown.
The fact that many Slovenes voted against Yugoslavia was largely due to a desire to escape from all military service.
It is drawn in imitation of European models, and makes military service compulsory for all Venezuelans between 21 and 50 years.
In 1779 he entered the French military service (Royal-Baviere), accompanied General Rochambeau to America as his adjutant, distinguished himself during the war with England, notably at the siege of Yorktown, 1781, and in 1785 was promoted to be colonel proprietaire of the regiment Royal-Suedois.
As in the last days of the Roman empire the poor landowner had found his only refuge from the exactions of the government in the protection of the senator, who could in some way obtain exemptions, so the poor Frank could escape the ruinous demands of military service only by submitting himself and his lands to the count, who did not hesitate on his side to force such submission.
This solved the difficulty of military service apparently, but with decisive consequences.
There is no trace of the distinctive marks of Frankish feudalism in Saxon England, not where military service may be thought to rest upon the land, nor even in the rare cases where the tenant seems to some to be made responsible for it, for between these cases as they are described in the original accounts, legally interpreted, and the feudal conception of the vassal's military service, there is a great gulf.
Now military service is obligatory for all Peruvians between the ages of 19 and 50, who are divided into four classes, first and second reserves (19 to 30, and 30 to 35 years), supernumeraries (those who have purchased exemption from service in the regular army), and the national guard (35 to 50 years).
Even his military service had not been distinguished.
The duties of his office obliged him to study the conditions of military service as they then existed in Italy.
Marches were formed on all the borders of the empire, and the exigencies of military service led to the growth of a system of land-tenure which contained the germ of feudalism.
The struggles of the Bundelas for independence resulted in the withdrawal of the royal troops, and the admission of several petty states as feudatories of the empire on condition of military service.
Certainly they were liable to military service and presumably to that taxation which fell upon Athenians at home.
The various inquiries instituted during the middle ages, such as the Domesday Book and the Breviary of Charlemagne, were so far on the Roman model that they took little or no account of the population, the feudal system probably rendering information regarding it unnecessary for the purposes of taxation or military service.
In 1909, as part of the same policy, a law was passed imposing compulsory military service on all Christian subjects of the empire for the first time.
By means of this coalition the Ministry succeeded, indeed, in passing the military service reforms on April 24 1911 (reduction of the three years' service to two years, combined with an increase in the contingent of recruits); but this completely exhausted its parliamentary strength, and the first parliamentary suffrage Parliament ended with but poor results in the midst of unsolved national problems.
His first military service at home was against the Cossack rising of Nalewajko as lieutenant to Zolkiewski, and he subsequently assisted Zamoyski in his victorious Moldavian campaign.
He studied at Franeker, entered the military service in the West Indies about 1625, and was director of the West India Company's colony of Curacao from 1634 to 1644.
They also renounced all participation in acts of violence, and therefore refused military service.
He entered the light-horse at fourteen and saw considerable military service before returning to Paris in 1766.
This legal capacity rendered them liable to military service as heavy-armed fighting men, and as such they were enrolled in the military units called centuriae.
For the white and mixed population military service is compulsory; from the eighteenth to the thirtieth year of age in the active army, and from the thirtieth to the fiftieth in the reserve.
In July 1859 Senator Alfred Iverson (1798-1874) declared that in the event of the election of a FreeSoil president in 1860 he would favour the establishment of an independent confederacy; later in the same year Governor Brown expressed himself to a similar effect and urged the improvement of the military service.
When submission to Rome had somewhat improved his position he squandered his last resources in a new and unsuccessful war with France (1214), and enraged the feudal classes by new claims for military service and scutages.
In Germany, moreover, the military service is designed not only to make the recruit a good soldier, but also to give him a healthy physical, moral and mental training.
Where conscription has existed for any appreciable time it has sunk into the national economy, and men do their military service with as little concern as if it were a civil apprenticeship.
Probably the most important were military service (fird, expeditio) and the repairing of fortifications and bridges - the trinoda necessitas of later times.
Had the fighting material been drawn from the ceorlisc class a warrior would surely have been required from each hide, but for military service no such regulation is found.
Compulsory military service was abolished in 1868, the army having till then been 91 strong.
The right of the burgesses to self-government and self-taxation is acknowledged and confirmed, they, on the other hand, being held bound to a constitutional obedience and subjection to the sovereign, particularly to the payment of definite imperial taxes, and the rendering of a certain amount of military service (as the ancient municipia had been).
Their military service was now far more the result of special agreement.
Hence the favourite expedient for men of birth, although not of fortune, was to attach themselves to some prince or magnate in whose military service they were sure of an adequate maintenance and might hope for even a rich reward in the shape of booty or of ransom.'
The order is conferred for long and meritorious military service.
He entered a dragoon regiment in 1704 and rose to the rank of captain; then, exchanging the military service for diplomacy, he was attached to the suite of Vice-Chancellor Shafirov.
The Belgian officer is technically as well trained and educated as any in Europe, but he lacks practical experience in military service.
The Catholic party also strove to mitigate the principle of obligatory military service by encouraging the system of volunteering and by a reduction of the time of active service and of the number with the colours.
On the 29th of September 1342 he was made earl of Richmond; as a child he was present at the sea fight with the Spaniards in August 1350, but his first military service was in 1355, when he was knighted.
During the month of July his own mind reached the virtual determination to give slavery its coup de grace; on the 17th he approved a new Confiscation Act, much broader than that of the 6th of August 1861 (which freed only those slaves in military service against the Union) and giving to the president power to employ persons of African descent for the suppression of the rebellion; and on the 22nd he submitted to his cabinet the draft of an emancipation proclamation substantially as afterward issued.
These dukes acquired large tracts of land of which they gave grants on conditions of military service to persons on whom they could rely; while many independent landowners sought their protection on terms of vassalage.
No real control was exerted by the crown over the heads of the various states, and, now that war was carried on mainly by mercenary troops, the mediate nobles did not hold their lands on condition of military service.
In 1868 there had been introduced compulsory military service in both Austria and Hungary; the total of the army available in war had been fixed at 800,000 men.
Universal military service has been introduced, and all this has been done in the presence of difficulties greater than existed in any other civilized country.
Thus, even now, 60% of the Sicilian conscripts come up for military service unable either to read or to write.
By a general outbreak on the death of William the Good, the Saracens, especially those of Palermo, were driven to take shelter in the mountains, where they sank into a wild people, sometimes holding points of the island against all rulers, sometimes taking military service under them.
Their training consisted of gymnastic and warlike exercises which developed strength and discipline that would be as useful in executing public works and in dragging large monuments as in strictly military service.
So large a proportion of the population had taken religious vows that under Valens it became necessary to abolish the privilege of monks which exempted them from military service.
They were long worked by convict labour, owing to their unhealthy atmosphere; and exemption from military service is granted to miners who have worked at Almaden for two years.
Even the studies of individual members of the foreign schools and institutes had been to some extent continued by these scholars in the course of military service with one or other of the combatant forces in the Near East.
On this footing the British foreign office, while it grants passports for travel to naturalized persons, will extend no protection to them against a claim of their former country, if they return to it, to exact military service due to it.
But in the matter of liability to the duties of citizenship, military service and taxation, he was entirely on a level with the patrician.
There were many who questioned at the time the justice of his estimate of the workmen's feelings; and, though he renewed his vehement protest against the first Military Service bill in Jan.
He stayed at Sarai, their Volgan capital, all the winter, and not only succeeded in obtaining a mitigation of the tribute, but also the abolition of the military service previously rendered by the Russians to the Tatars.
These include fragments of custumals, records of the military service due, of markets, mints, and so forth.
They were also obliged to pay the "royal tribute," perhaps a rent for domain-land which they occupied, and to render military service.
Under Augustus, the Carnutes, as one of the peoples of Lugdunensis, were raised to the rank of civitas socia or foederata, retaining their own institutions, and only bound to render military service to the emperor.
It would seem therefore that the meeting in Agamemnon's tent was only a copy or adaptation of the true constitutional " council of elders," which indeed was essentially unfitted for the purposes of military service.
The engagement made with Charles, then a prisoner in the Isle of Wight in 1647, which promised him support on condition of his sanctioning the Solemn League and Covenant and pledging himself to set up after three years a church according to the Confession of Faith, was protested against by the assembly; and from this came the famous " Act of Classes " by which the Covenanters disqualified for public office and even for military service all who had been parties to the engagement.
On the other hand, the First Chamber refused to listen to any abolition of the old military system, so long as the defence of the country had not been placed upon a secure basis by the adoption of general compulsory military service.
Under the law of the 5th of September 1900, military service is obligatory for all citizens between eighteen and forty-five years, all young men of twenty-one years being required to serve a certain period with the regular force.
Additional instructors were brought from Germany, and all arms of the military service were placed on a thoroughly efficient footing in matters of drill and discipline.
The whole population of the empire was alike bound to military service.
A conscription law of 1894 provides for a compulsory military service between the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, with two years' actual service in the regulars for those between twentyone and twenty-five, but the law is practically a dead letter.
The general, however, had passed his mature years wholly in military service and had never voted, much less strongly allied himself, with any political party.
By the system known as aforamento the lands were gradually parcelled out into a number of fiefs granted, under the crown of Portugal, to individuals or to religious corporations in return for military service or equivalent quit-rents.
The researches of HaSdeu, Xenopol and other historians tend to show the existence of a highly organized Vlach society in Transylvania, Oltland and certain districts of Hungary and Moldavia; of a settled commonalty, agricultural rather than pastoral; and of a hereditary feudal nobility, bound to pay tribute and render military service to the Hungarian crown, but enjoying many privileges, which were defined by a distinct customary law (jus valahicum) .
As the process of naturalization has never been accelerated, the 300,000 Jews said to inhabit Rumania are still regarded as foreigners; and although liable to military service and to the payment of taxes, are unable to own rural land or possess electoral or other civil rights.
Civil war has caused a large loss of life, and the withdrawal from their homes of a considerable part of the male population, some of them for military service and a greater number going into concealment to escape it, and it is certain that the rate of increase has been small.
The strength of the army is determined annually by congress, but every able-bodied citizen is nominally liable to military service.
By a law passed in 1878 every able-bodied man between eighteen and fifty is liable to military service without as well as within the limits of the state.
While the controversy on compulsory military service was raging in the late autumn of 1915, he stated his own view to be that it was a better system than the voluntary system, but could only be gained at too high a price - namely, the price of national unity.
But when circumstances had overcome Mr. Asquith's antipathy to compulsion, Mr. Law took charge of the first military service bill in the House of Commons in Jan.
All these are exempt from taxes in consideration of their military service.
Fort Clark was erected on the site in 1850 to protect settlers against the Indians; in 1851 the name was changed by order of the secretary of war to Fort Dodge in honour of Colonel Henry Dodge (1782-1867), who was a lieutenant-colonel of Missouri Volunteers in the War of 181 2, served with distinction as a colonel of Michigan Mounted Volunteers in the Black Hawk War, resigned from the military service in March 1833, was governor of Wisconsin Territory from 1836 to 1841 and from 1846 to 1848, and was a delegate from Wisconsin Territory to Congress from 1841 to 1845, and a United States senator from Wisconsin in 1848-1857.
What he really did do was to reconstruct society on the essentially feudal theory that the land was a gift from the king, held on conditions of homage and military service.
The elder Locke, a strict but genial Puritan, by whom the son was carefully educated at home, was engaged in the military service of the parliamentary party.
For example, we find him arguing for the legitimacy of judicial punishments and military service against an over-literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount; and he took an important part in giving currency to the distinction between evangelical " counsels " and " commands," and so defending the life of marriage and temperate enjoyment of natural good against the attacks of the more extravagant advocate of celibacy and self-abnegation; although he fully admitted the superiority of the latter method of avoiding the contamination of sin.
From the twentieth year began the Spartan's liability to military service and his membership of one of the &vSpeia or 4ul1.7-ta (dining messes or clubs), composed of about fifteen members each, to one of which every citizen must belong.
To avoid disbanding it, which might, as after the peace of Basel, have given the counter-revolution further auxiliaries, the Directory appointed Bonaparte chief of the Army of England, and employed Jourdan to revise the conscription laws so as to make military service a permanent duty of the citizen, since war was now to be the permanent object of policy.
Unlike the buccina, cornu and tuba, the other military service instruments of the Romans, the lituus has not been traced during the middle ages, the medieval instrument most nearly resembling it being the cromorne or tournebout, which, however, had lateral holes and was played by means of a reed mouthpiece.
Gunpowder, too, was invented; and now that the weight of the cavalry soldier was diminished by the substitution of lighter armour, a quicker and better bred horse was thought desirable for military service.
The island was seething with disorder, but by stern and sometimes cruel measures the emperor suppressed the anarchy of the barons, curbed the power of the cities, and subdued the rebellious Saracens, many of whom, transferred to the mainland and settled at Nocera, afterwards rendered him valuable military service.
During the American Civil War federal recruiting officers paid a cash bounty to each man who signed up for military service.
Two years ago, the ROC initiated a pilot program to allow conscientious objectors to fulfill their military service obligation in the diplomatic corps.
The last intake of French conscripts completed their military service at the end of 2001.
He was retired from military service by Presidential decree on 30 December 2000.
When the husband Mehmet returned from military service he is said to have threatened dire action to avenge the insult to his wife.
The right to conscientious objection to military service was recognized by the UN in 1987.
Driven into exile with other royalists, William Leslie and his son Patrick both rose to prosperity through military service.
The military service of the republic was reorganized in 1901, and is compulsory for all citizens between the ages of 20 and 45.
Fortifnately, however, this policy was not successful, as military service is less unpopular in Italy than in many other countries; aggressive militarism is quite unknown, and without it anti-militarism can gain no foothold.
He warmly advocated both the Munitions bill and the Registration bill, and had no hesitation in taking the further step of compulsory service, asserting, on the first Military Service bill, that the choice was between compulsion and defeat, and on the second bill, that the first had brought in more men than was expected and, therefore, that there was every reason to anticipate the success of the second.
Although he broke off the Magyar tribal system, encouraged the private ownership of land, and even made grants of land on condition of military service - in order to secure an armed force independent of the national levy - he based his new principle of government, not on feudalism, but on the organization of the Frankish empire, which he adapted to suit the peculiar exigencies of his realm.
The first authentic pacta conventa made between the Polish nobility and the Crown dates from the compact of Kassa (September 17, 137 4), when Louis of Hungary agreed to exempt the szlachta from all taxation, except two Polish groschen per hide of land, and to compensate them for the expenses of all military service rendered beyond the confines of the realm.
The law deals with the constitution of the local senates, for whose members qualifications of age (30 years) and military service are laid down, while persons who have suffered conviction for various specified offences, or who are insolvent, or who carry on discreditable or immoral trades are excluded.
An amnesty was proclaimed, but the greater number of the insurgents sought refuge in Montenegro rather than submit to military service.
In 1870 he quitted the military service and was attached to the translation bureau of the Sublime Porte.
The Billow family is one very widely extended in north Germany, and many members have attained distinction in the civil and military service of Prussia, Denmark and Mecklenburg.
The generous and enlightened policy of the imperial administration asked nothing of the people of Gaul but military service and the payment of the tax; in return it freed individuals from patronal domination, the people from oligarchic greed or Druidic excommunication, and every one in general from material anxiety.
While military service was less important to securing work in commerce, that was not a particularly noteworthy occupation.
The chief attraction of military service has consisted and will consist in this compulsory and irreproachable idleness.
As soon as he was released from military service he packed a rucksack and left England aboard a ship bound for Spain.
After recovering his health he joined Austrian military service as a cadet in ulan regiment number 10 on the 18th of May 1861.
Is there a history of military service in your family?
The family's long history of military service goes back to the 10th century, and though James resisted, it was understood from an early age that he, too, would be a military man.
After several years of military service he set out to make that dream a reality.
After 20 years of military service, active duty military service members qualify for retirement pay.
One study of American volunteers for military service reported a prevalence of 0.5 cases of TS per 1000 for males and 0.3 cases per 1000 for females.
With a death record, you will know the date and place of birth, marriage and death, surviving family members, occupation and military service.
Other information is often contained in the records as well, such as parent's names, birthplace, maiden name, and military service or fraternal organization membership.
Official military service records are maintained by the government.
A creative genealogist will use alternative sources to document military service.
Most military service records for the 20th century are kept at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis.
Applications for a bounty land warrant contain similar information as a pension, such as military service information, marriage licenses, and death information.
The most popular of the National Archives veterans records is probably the military service records.
Most genealogists have at least one ancestor who performed military service.
Veterans and other potentially eligible individuals may request a certificate of eligibility by submitting Form 26-1880 along with proof of military service to the VA eligibility center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Later, this tradition was incorporated as an art form into local operas and used in praise of military service or victory.
In many cases, the ring is presented before a long period of separation, such as when couples will be apart due to college or military service.
Upon leaving military service in 1946, he returned to his electronics business, but also began his new hobby involving hypnosis and psychology.
Additionally, the internal structure of the group is much like a military service.
Many zoos and museums across the United States offer free admission to veterans to recognize the importance of military service.
You may also see the country's devotion to its men and women in military service as the core sense of your patriotism.
If you served for a substantial amount of time, your military service should be included as part of your work history.
By the mid-60s, Elvis had lost most serious music fans, who considered him more of a cheesy actor than the star he was before his military service.
There is nothing like seeing a military service man or woman in their United States military formal uniform.
Like any branch of military service there are a number of uniforms worn for different functions.
In recent times they enter military service less and less, betaking themselves mainly to cultivation and to the carrying business connected with agriculture.