Mildest Sentence Examples
It is mildest in the centre, where, e.g.
Autumn is the mildest season; spring lasts only for a few weeks.
It is mildest in the valleys of the Elbe, Mulde and Pleisse and severest in the Erzgebirge, where the district near Johanngeorgenstadt is known as Saxon Siberia.
Asperger's syndrome is considered the mildest of the autism spectrum disorders.
But with a strange want of delicacy, to use the mildest term, she made love at the same time to a young Venetian doctor whom she had called in, by name Pagello.
His was the mildest and least reactionary of all the Italian despotisms of the day, and although always subject to Austrian influence he refused to adopt the Austrian methods of government, allowed a fair measure of liberty to the press, and permitted many political exiles from other states to dwell in Tuscany undisturbed.
The contrasts of heat and cold are furnished by the valley of the Rhine above Mainz, which has the greatest mean heat, the mildest winter and the highest summer temperature, and the lake plateau of East Prussia, where Arys on the Spirdingsee has a like winter temperature to the Brocken at 3200 ft.
The mildest of men, a crowned monk, who let slip the reins of government from his hands while he busied himself in prayer and church building, he lowered the kingly power to a depth to which it had never sunk before in England.
But it is also true that even the mildest depiction constitutes an affront of sorts to most unionists.
The skin cleanser used should be the mildest form which works to remove any contamination.
AdvertisementYou can, for example, ban all sites that contain even the mildest expletives but allow ones with a bit of fighting.
In its mildest form, eczema is simply a tendency to have itchy, dry skin.
Therefore, even the mildest fever should be acknowledged and checked to ensure it is not becoming worse.
Since this anti-anxiety drug is one of the mildest and doesn't produce sedating effects nor is it addictive, it's perfect for individuals who have a history of drug abuse.
This is the mildest form of the disorder, but it can last the longest.
AdvertisementClub Palm (Cordyline) - Fine-leaved shrub plants common in green-houses, but only in the mildest parts of England and Ireland can they be grown well in the open air.
L. crenulata is similar, but not quite so hardy, though it succeeds in the mildest localities, as will also the Chili L. chilensis, a tree Fern of noble growth.
It had been the mildest late winter in years and the lack of high country snow had opened the Jeep roads weeks earlier than usual.
The south-eastern coast and islands are mildest.
This is considered the mildest and most salubrious place in Siberia, and is remarkable for certain tumuli (of the Li Kitai) and statues of men from seven to nine feet high, covered with hieroglyphics.
AdvertisementThe mildest measure adopted towards these refugees was banishment from the kingdom, and a large number suffered at the stake.
Podocarpus - Evergreen trees of the Yew tribe, tender in Britain save in the mildest parts.
Four different groups of Shigella can affect humans; of these, S. dysenteriae generally produces the most severe attacks, and S. sonnei the mildest.
Type 1 is the most common and mildest form and results when the body produces slightly decreased amounts of normal vWF.
Type 1, the mildest form of VWD, is usually associated with easy bruising, recurrent nosebleeds, heavy menstrual periods, and prolonged bleeding after surgeries and invasive work.
AdvertisementOf these disorders, high functioning autism, or HFA, and Asperger syndrome are considered the mildest, the two very similar in presentation.
Asperger syndrome is considered to be the mildest of the group of pervasive developmental disorders classified on the autism spectrum.
A dirty coffee pot can affect the flavor of your coffee, turning even the mildest of beans into a bitter brew.
Miliaria crystalline is the mildest form of heat rash.