Milch-cows Sentence Examples
In 1900 there were 868,832 and in 1910 947, 000 milch cows in the state.
Although used in the early days to a limited extent as a food for milch cows and other stock, and to a larger extent as a manure, no systematic efforts were made anywhere in the South to manufacture the seed until the later 'fifties, when the first cotton seed mills were established.
The censuses from 1860 to 1900 showed a far greater number of neat cattle on farms and ranges in Texas than in any other state or Territory; in 1900 the number was 7, 2 79,935 (excluding spring calves); and in 1910 there were 8,308,000 neat cattle including 1,137,000 milch cows.
In 1910, out of a total of 2,587,000 neat cattle, there were 1,506,000 milch cows.