Migrating Sentence Examples
Men of almost every degree of wit called on me in the migrating season.
It should be added that many of the migrating birds of North America pass the winter in Mexico.
It is an abundant bird in most parts of northern Europe, migrating in winter very far to the southward.
Are there many sightings of migrating ospreys in Ireland?
Rameses led out his army and fleet against them and struck them so decisive a blow that the migrating swarm submitted to his rule and paid him tribute.
In 1840 he was Privatdozent of theology at Tubingen, in 1847 professor of theology at Bern, in 1849 professor of theology at Marburg, migrating soon afterwards to the faculty of philosophy as the result of disputes with the Clerical party.
In the Netherlands the Hanseatics clung to their position in Bruges until 1540, while trade was migrating to the ports of Antwerp and Amsterdam.
Craniometrical evidence strongly favours the theory, now generally accepted, that they represent a branch of the pre-Aryan Dravidians of southern India, and that their ancestors probably made a settlement in the island of Ceylon in prehistoric times, detaching themselves from a migrating horde which passed through the island to find at last a permanent home in the continent of Australia.
The species was obviously migrating northwards in good numbers.
This chronicle might have gone on, had a large company of migrating birds not come and invested the area.
AdvertisementThe bay also is home to many of Britain's wildlife species including all bat species, migrating seabirds and bottlenosed dolphins.
Narrow, funnel valleys and dead ends were typically chosen, where migrating herds would be naturally slowed down or brought to a halt.
The bushy scrub provides shelter and food for migrating birds in spring and autumn and supports small numbers of breeding linnets and stonechats.
This raises the question as to how cells are organized into rosettes within the migrating primordium, and how the prepattern is maintained.
Given fine weather we may get our first views of migrating raptors from here.
AdvertisementWe did have the benefit of lots of migrating waders, including the white-rumped sandpipers.
It may stop migrating at any stage before it reaches the scrotum, in which case it is referred to as ' undescended ' .
Mykines is a tiny solitary retreat, unless you are a migrating seabird!
Also on the pelagic 20 Manx shearwater were seen well south of the islands flying strongly southwest, migrating?
Two ponds attract wild fowl and migrating waders including shelduck, greenshank and sandpiper.
AdvertisementThe main life stages of the salmon considered to be placed at risk were returning adults and migrating smolts.
Parr typically remain in rivers for up to 2 years before becoming smolt and migrating to the sea.
Its experimental facilities allow trapping and counting of wild salmon smolts (juveniles) migrating to sea and adults returning to freshwater to spawn.
The H5N1 strain, which is spread by migrating waterfowl, first appeared in Southeast Asia two years ago.
In addition to walrus the marine sanctuary is home to sea lions, seals and migrating gray whales.
AdvertisementThe Gambia has no migrating wildebeest, giraffes or any of the large animals commonly associated with Africa.
Its coastline includes some important seabirds cliffs, as well as tidal estuaries which are highly attractive to wintering and migrating wildfowl and waders.
The most famous breeds of Spanish sheep are the merinos or migrating sheep, which once brought immense revenues to the state as well as to the large proprietors to whom they mostly belonged (see MERINO).
Sulfur is the best element for rearrangement reactions and allows us to employ the novel strategy of migrating functional groups.
Schooling hammerheads, rare fish, migrating lobster, feeding whales - he 's got them all in the can.
It may stop migrating at any stage before it reaches the scrotum, in which case it is referred to as ' undescended '.
Mykines is a tiny solitary retreat, unless you are a migrating seabird !
Also on the pelagic 20 Manx Shearwater were seen well south of the islands flying strongly southwest, migrating?
Wetlands are transitional areas between deep water and drained uplands that provide home and shelter to fish, shellfish and migrating bird populations.
The G-Series line of cameras targets photography enthusiasts and semi-professional users who want the latest technology without migrating to a Digital SLR.
They are migrating or something and it's very cool to walk among them or fly over them.
The game began migrating to other countries through orders, and in some cases, illegal downloads.
These creatively inclined sisters are natives of exotic Cuba who, after migrating to the United States during their early teen years, commemorated their intense love of fashion with the institution of the Alina brand.
A rare mineral that can only be found on Pandora called unobtainium is the humans' sole reason for migrating to the planet.
Among the most frequent speculation by modern day enthusiasts is that the Loch Ness Monster is actually a plesiosaur or its descendant that survived the extinction of the dinosaurs by migrating between the sea and lochs.
Another risk is your body migrating or rejecting the piercing.
In severe cases, the body rejects the jewelry, migrating it forward until the jewelry falls out.
Additional things you may want to look for when you shop for your Sienna floor mats may be rolled edges, which keep any dirt on the mat instead of migrating to the rest of the vehicle's floor.
The Paussidae are a very remarkable family of small beetles, mostly tropical, found only in ants' nests, or flying by night, and apparently migrating from one nest to another.
Gulls and amphibious birds abound in large variety; three kinds of penguin have their rookeries and breed here, migrating yearly for some months to the South American mainland.
Their traditional history represents them as migrating to the borders of Egypt and living there for some centuries.
He dissuaded the Romans, disheartened by the devastation wrought by the Gauls, from migrating to Veii, and induced them to rebuild the city.
The route along the banks of the Euphrates from south to north was so frequently taken by migrating tribes that the tradition has nothing improbable in itself, but the prominence given in the older narratives to the view that Haran was the home gives this the preference.
After this the " French " slowly concentrated in Buddu in the south, the Protestants migrating thence.
Formerly these beautiful antelopes existed in countless numbers on the plains of South Africa, and were in the habit of migrating in droves which completely filled entire valleys.
In the temperate parts of the Old World this species is perhaps the most abundant of the plovers, Charadriidae, breeding in almost every suitable place from Ireland to Japan - the majority migrating towards winter to southern countries, as the Punjab, Egypt and Barbary - though in the British Islands some are always found at that season.
The most probable tradition represents the Ashanti as deriving their origin from bands of fugitives, who in the 16th or 17th century were driven before the Moslem tribes migrating southward from the countries on the Niger and Senegal.
The sea fauna also gradually changed, the arctic species migrating northward and being succeeded by the species existing on the coasts of Sweden.
The ducks include the mallard, black duck, canvas-back and red-head; the Canadian goose, the snowy goose and the blue goose also appear during the migrating seasons.
The wild boar is common in the reed thickets along the rivers and lakes, where it stays during the winter, migrating to the highlands in summer.
Of other Equisetales there are Schizoneura and Phyllotheca; the former first appears in Lower Gondwana rocks as a member of the Glossopteris flora, migrating at a later epoch into Europe, where it is represented by a Triassic species.
More than once at night migrating waders were heard, curlew being unmistakable.
The entire coastline is good for sea watching and also highly attractive to migrating passerines with many rarities recorded.
Jobs in the medical field have been migrating toward outpatient and ambulatory health care due to the overarching trend of cost containment.
Such profound changes must necessarily have been accompanied by enormous elimination; the migrating hosts were perpetually thinned by falling out on the way.
The Rarotongas call themselves Maori, and state that their ancestors came from Hawaiki, and Pirima and Manono are the native names of two islands in the Samoan group. The almost identical languages of the Rarotongas and the Maoris strengthen the theory that the two peoples are descended from Polynesians migrating, possibly at widely different dates, from Samoa.
The remedy they proposed was that the labourers should be prohibited from migrating from one estate to another, and an order to that effect was issued, with the result that the peasants, being no longer able to change their domicile and seek new employers, fell practically under the unlimited power of the proprietors on whose land they resided.
Migrating at an early age to England, the young Ranulf entered the chancery of William I.
Beyond this to the north are the " barren grounds " on which herds of caribou (reindeer) and musk ox pasture, migrating from north to south according to the season.
In March 1715 he entered at Oriel College, Oxford, but for some time found it uncongenial and thought of migrating to Cambridge.