Midwives Sentence Examples
Practical experience forms part of the course and was initially gained by working alongside midwives and health visitors in the HOTS drop-in antenatal clinic.
Under the disguise of doctors, midwives, school teachers, governesses, factory hands or common labourers, they sought to make proselytes among the peasantry and the workmen in the industrial centres by revolutionary pamphlets and oral explanations.
In the special 1 In 1902 an act was passed to establish a Central Midwives Board and regulated the training and employment of midwives.
Women are in excess in the occupations of boarding and lodging house keepers, housekeepers, launderers, nurses and midwives, and servants and waiters.
Under the Midwives Act 1902, every council of a county or county borough is the local supervising authority over midwives within its Midwives.
The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address.
For many years (1862-1896), all medical aid to the sick, the formation of hospitals and dispensaries, the training of native doctors, midwives and nurses, and the production of medical literature was entirely due to the Protestant missionaries, viz.
If introduced, enterprise liability is widely expected to erode even further the autonomy of midwives and of women in childbirth.
Many midwives will be aware of the devastating effects skin blemishes on new born babies can have for parents.
In fact we were able to establish that this time I was not even borderline hypertensive - except in the presence of midwives.
AdvertisementNurses and midwives are pretty canny about the needs for eHealth in their practice!
Midwives used frankincense to relieve her anxiety, tension and stress after she came out of the birthing pool.
I totally support the fantastic job done by most midwives.
Having five sisters, who are all midwives, and a mother who has been practicing midwifery for some 30 years.
The study was preceded by a pilot comparison of caseload care and team midwifery involving 160 women and 8 midwives.
AdvertisementBut maybe also these midwives are just getting too uppity and need to learn their place.
Overworked, and underpaid, Dutch midwives point out that, in recent years, there has been an increasing shortage of new midwives.
If the midwife has any concerns she should be able to discuss them with a Medical colleage or her supervisor of midwives.
I am an honorary vice-president of the Royal College of Midwives.
If breastfeeding, the mom will face frustrations in the early days, but help is on hand from nurses and midwives to ensure that a good technique is adopted before going home.
AdvertisementMidwives and natural health practitioners sometimes recommend black cohosh to induce labor in women who are near or past their due dates.
Scholarships for nursing include those for military, Native Americans, holistic nurses, midwives, men in nursing, and much more.
If you want a home birth you should start researching midwives.
Many Ob/Gyns and midwives work in practices where you can choose the practice and then select a care provider.
Sometimes women want to choose midwives for their pregnancy care.
AdvertisementMidwives are trained in different ways, and meet certain requirements for education and licensure.
Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives (CMs) are educated in the disciplines of midwifery and nursing.
They are Certified by the American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM), and they complete a comprehensive course of study which prepares them for all aspects of pregnancy and birthing.
Certified Professional Midwives (CPMs) are individuals who have completed a specific course of study and go through a process of certification and examination.
The examination is based on Core Competencies established by the Midwives' Alliance of North America (MANA).
Direct-entry Midwives are women who do not have a nursing degree but have obtained their training through a variety of other routes.
This category includes very experienced and well-trained midwives.
Some midwives are part of religious groups and practice only within a specific communities.
Midwives without licenses practice independently, and in a few states, they are practicing illegally.
Most midwives share the philosophy that birth is a family and woman-centered event, and they are experts of normal, low-risk birthing.
Our expert editors - including certified midwives and nurses - review our content to make sure that the information we give you is accurate and dependable.
Many physicians and midwives have strict rules.
She was able to find a team of two midwives, one of them a Registered Nurse, who were actively involved in assisting women with home-delivery of their children.
Episiotomies are controversial; many doctors and midwives believe they are not necessary in most cases.
Many doctors and midwives will let the father do this.
Women who choose to eat in a vegan way while pregnant may find little support from doctors and midwives.
Many midwives and women feel that more time should be given to allow natural labor to start.
If you're interested in a home birth, it's very important to spend as much time as possible interviewing potential midwives.
Also, some certified nurse midwives practice out of hospitals and birth centers if you later decide this option is a better choice for you.
Direct entry midwives, sometimes known as lay midwives, are those who receive their training by acting as apprentices to other midwives.
Some midwives with this type of professional background are certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board, which allows them to refer to themselves as Certified Midwives or Certified Professional Midwives.
The Midwives Alliance of North America has a page explaining some of these laws, although it appears that information is not available for all states.
Some midwives will also allow you to work out payment arrangements.
The comfort is one reason why a submerged birth has become popular among some midwives.
Pediatricians and midwives may have some free samples available for newborns, or parents can often write to the manufacturer and request a sample.