Midwifery Sentence Examples
Every medical officer, whether of a county or district, must now be legally qualified for the practice of medicine, surgery and midwifery.
The main hospital in Jassy is a large building, and possesses a maternity institution, a midwifery school, a chemical institute, an inoculating establishment, &c. A society of physicians and naturalists has existed in Jassy since the early part of the 9th century, and a number of periodicals are published.
Funding Nursing and midwifery students on diploma-level courses receive a non-means-tested bursary.
There was an overwhelming consensus among managers that staff shortages and inappropriate midwifery establishments underlay many of the problems that they faced.
Open and distance learning are possible for parts of the midwifery curriculum.
For nursing and midwifery diploma students, this will be the appropriate proportion of the full-time rate.
If the Trust has a midwifery shortage it can employ an independent midwife, as other Trusts have done.
If not then is she really ' practicing midwifery ' at all?
The role of the link tutor is highly valued by practice staff and students on health visiting, midwifery and nursing programs.
Promote women centered, evidence based midwifery practice. 18.
AdvertisementIt became clear that I was being trained to " do midwifery " rather than " to be a midwife " .
Having five sisters, who are all midwives, and a mother who has been practicing midwifery for some 30 years.
The unit is actively involved in the training of medical, midwifery, nursing and sonography students who attend clinics throughout the week.
Students who are studying for the pre-registration midwifery course at degree level are subject to a means tested bursary.
Final year pre-registration students or any post-registration midwifery student may request references obtained from any source, including the BNI.
AdvertisementShe has published widely in many journals and disseminated caseload midwifery practice as a workable national model in the NHS.
The threat that has been hanging over local community midwifery services is becoming a fact.
They then find that the NHS midwifery service is unwilling to provide a midwife to attend them anywhere other than hospital.
The study was preceded by a pilot comparison of caseload care and team midwifery involving 160 women and 8 midwives.
It is staffed by registered nurses with certificates in counseling who are compliant with the Nursing & Midwifery Council's Code of Professional Conduct.
AdvertisementEuropean Directives on midwifery, adopted 20 years ago, have yet to be fully transposed into national law.
A third great department of practice is formed by obstetric medicine or midwifery (see Obstetrics); and dentistry, or dental surgery, is given up to a distinct branch of the profession.
It is staffed by registered nurses with certificates in counseling who are compliant with the Nursing & Midwifery Council 's Code of Professional Conduct.
In 1936, Baird was appointed to the regius chair of midwifery at the University of Aberdeen.
It was not usual for a woman to want to train in Edinburgh at the newly established course on midwifery.
AdvertisementA salaried doctor for the poor was appointed in 1805, midwifery and venereal cases being excluded from his duties.
Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) and Certified Midwives (CMs) are educated in the disciplines of midwifery and nursing.
In 2005, The ACNM celebrated its 50th anniversary of midwifery in the USA.
One of the best books about birth is Spiritual Midwifery.
This is someone who has studied midwifery in addition to traditional nursing.
Some midwives with this type of professional background are certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board, which allows them to refer to themselves as Certified Midwives or Certified Professional Midwives.
The usual course for nursing is not less than three months, and for midwifery not less than six months; a premium is required of 12 or 13 guineas for three months, and 25 guineas for six months.
I certainly did not want to " do midwifery " which implied something very mechanistic.
Most US women practicing midwifery are part of professional associations which keep records, provide training, and require their members to aquire continuing education hours.