Microphone Sentence Examples
At first it was usual to join the microphone transmitter in the direct circuit.
He wore headphones and spoke into a microphone, simultaneously responding to half a dozen chat windows open on this computer.
Hughes invented the microphone, but did not apply for letters patent.
Another type of microphone which was used in Europe much more than in the United States was the multiple-contact instrument.
Instead, it is placed near where the string is plucked and a small microphone picks up the sound.
A good computer for gaming needs to have numerous ports including USB, FireWire, headphone, and microphone ports in order to accommodate all of these devices.
Hughes in England invented the microphone.
A cordless, wireless, radio or roving microphone has different microphone configurations.
British singer Amy Winehouse is hanging up her microphone to enter rehab to treat a drug and alcohol addiction, reported TMZ.com.
Experience with large crowds and microphone experience is preferred for these positions.
AdvertisementThe electric guitar has at least one pickup, which is essentially a large microphone of sorts that picks up the sound from the strings.
Similarly, the SingStar series will require you to have a microphone and Sports Champions requires you to have the PlayStation Move bundle in place.
You do need a headset to listen too, but you can use the built-in microphone on the models listed above to speak.
Other Shapes - Using the same technique as the paw print, you can also create cards from other relevant shapes, including musical notes, a microphone, or a basketball.
If you're focusing your invitation on a single image, like a microphone or paw print, the host of the party may want to draw it herself for a truly personalized invite.
AdvertisementYou can base it on each person's interests, so the jock will receive a basketball and the diva-in-training will find a microphone in her mailbox.
Reality TV actually started on the radio with Candid Camera precursor Candid Microphone in 1947.
In terms of sound the contestants wear microphone packs, and there is sound equipment throughout the set.
You can use a microphone for local chat, but keep in mind that even though the voice conversation is between two avatars, any character within hearing distance can listen in.
It can be as simple as a lav mic or as fancy as a USB Blue Snowball professional microphone, but your computer must also have a sound card.
AdvertisementTo get your podcast to their server you can upload files directly for combining (there are no editing tools), use your computer's microphone and the proprietary web browser recorder, or use their telephone service to call in your podcast.
Especially when I 'm used to sitting on my backside twiddling buttons and speaking into a microphone for a living !
The microphone on a digital camcorder should at least be external.
Equipped with dual screens (DS), a built-in microphone, and a touch screen, the Nintendo DS exploded onto the US market in November 2004.
The redesign featured a much brighter, crisper screen, bigger stylus, and repositioned buttons and microphone.
AdvertisementThis is one of the more high-tech models, complete with advanced lane guidance, photo viewing, built-in microphone, speed limit information, audio recording, emergency services, live help, and more.
Using the touchscreen on the bottom of the unit, you interact with your puppy/dog in order to train it, play with it and even speak to it (using the microphone).
I approached the DJ and informed him that he would not be paid if one more person stepped up to the microphone.
He understood this language, and after the song ended, he got on the microphone himself and said, "the bride from hell says we can't do anymore karaoke so I guess we won't be singing anymore.
My husband lost his temper and fired him on the spot for referring to me as, "the bride from hell," over the microphone.
Make sure that if the venue is large and there are a large number of guests, you have a working microphone available.
A lapel microphone may also be valuable when it's time to recite the wedding vows, especially if the venue is loud or you're having an outdoor wedding.
For singers, you'll need a USB microphone.
The bundled microphone is a standard Rock Band microphone.
In addition to the three main instruments, the Limited Edition Premium Bundle also comes with a microphone stand and Beatles-themed postcards.
This interactive game for the PS2 comes with a microphone that would be attached to the game.
Tap a fish, then make a sound into the microphone on the DS.
Using the included microphone (or a separate PS2 compatible mic), you must lip-sync your way from rap nothing to getting your own recording contract.
This is an over-the-head set with a boom microphone.
The microphone is bendable and can pivot from eye to chin if needed.
The actual headset and the in-line volume control seem a bit much, but the noise-canceling microphone is top notch for Internet chatting and gaming.
The noise-canceling microphone drowns out the loudest of settings so that you can concentrate only on winning.
While the drum set and guitar are wireless in the Guitar Hero World Tour band kit, the microphone is not.
The included microphone uses a standard USB connection, much like the microphone found in singing games like Karaoke Revolution and Boogie.
The microphone, manufactured by computer accessory company Logitech, is largely identical to the version found with the original Rock Band.
In addition to the drums, Guitar Hero World Tour also lets you sing along to all of its songs using a microphone.
There are also some activities that require vocal input using the microphone located in the center of the DS.
The built-in microphone lets you get involved in your games to a much greater degree.
Make relaxing ballads or a rockin' tune, all with the built-in microphone and touch screen.
One game has you escaping from the belly of a giant snake, another blowing out a candle with the microphone, and a third has you fanning a fire to keep her warm.
Karaoke Revolution utilizes a microphone, where players sing along to on-screen lyrics a la karaoke, and are scored on correct pitch.
You'll find a lot of clutter with a small drum set, a couple of plastic guitars, a microphone, and more.
Microphone - On the bottom of the system is a small opening that is a microphone.
A few examples utilized thusfar are recording small clips of speech, sounds, etc., shouting commands or blowing bubbles by breathing into the microphone.
Nintendogs allows gamers to own a virtual puppy to train, feed, bathe and become friends with, all through the use of the touch screen, microphone and other unique features to the DS.
Say the trick's name clearly into the microphone.
When teaching a trick to your puppy, be sure to speak clearly into the microphone.
This includes a wireless guitar, a drum set, and a microphone.
You could be banging on your drums in Detroit, while your pen pal in Vancouver belts out the lyrics on his microphone.
The kit comes with a drum set, a guitar, and a microphone for the singing portions.
So you talk to the baby, with the included microphone that hooks to your controller and you teach him how to speak.
To complete the band, you'll need a rhythm guitar, a bass guitar, a set of drums, and a microphone for the vocals.
I suppose I must mention that you must communicate with Seaman with the microphone.
If you want to record from a Nintendo DS or PSP, grab a line-in cable that connects the microphone port of the system to your computer.
The one feature that stands out is the noise canceling microphone technology that allows for crisper speech.
Most come with a headset which has a microphone built in that enables you to communicate with other players, and even mask or block other voices while the action takes place.
In both cases, the cell phone uses a small microphone, either attached to the earpiece or the speaker, to pick up the driver's side of the conversation.
Earbud headsets look much like the earbud headphones you use to listen to your favorite portable music player, except they include an in-line microphone.
Some integrate the microphone into the earpiece itself, but these are quite rare.
Boom style headsets usually take on a wrap-around-the-ear style, and have the microphone on a boom.
The difference, however, is that standard ear buds and headphones will not work directly with most cell phones as they must also have an in-line microphone for you to take voice calls.
It can serve as a handsfree device -- there is a microphone built into the cord -- and it can also serve as a set of headphones for listening to music.
The microphone may be "in line" or it could be a microphone boom.
A microphone can be found built into the car stereo's head unit itself and the incoming call can be heard over the car's speakers.
Instead, the Parrot Bluetooth kit for motorcycles places the speaker inside the motorcycle helmet and the microphone is placed much closer to the rider's mouth, not unlike a telemarketer's headset.
There are some Bluetooth headsets that have a retractable microphone boom.
There are openings for the microphone, speaker, and charging cord.
Talk about getting more out of your music phone.In a nutshell, you launch Shazam and allow the iPhone's microphone to pick up on the music around you.
There are even some iPod speaker docks and other similar systems that come equipped with Bluetooth; they are designed primarily for music, but sometimes come with an integrated microphone too if you want to participate in a voice call.
The three microphone multi-directional audio recording is great too, as are the apps available for it, like Skype Mobile, NFL Mobile, and more.
The Verizon Droid does not have a second microphone, while the iPhone has a noise-canceling second microphone.
Fitzgerald glared at Dean and reached for the microphone.
The disks and granules constitute a very powerful microphone.
It was soon found that it could only be used to advantage in this way when the total resistance of the circuit, exclusive of the microphone, was small compared with the resistance of the microphone - that is, on very short lines worked with FIG.
The resistance of the microphone can thus be made a large fraction of the total resistance of the circuit in which it is placed; hence by using considerable currents, small variations in its resistance can be made to induce somewhat powerful currents in the line wire.
Therefore the ideal fetal microphone does not load the maternal abdomen.
You can either connect the loop amplifier directly to your television or sound system, or you can put a microphone near the loudspeaker.
In balloon battle mode, you have to blow to the microphone to inflate the balloons.
Briefcase Digital Video Recording System This is simply a high quality leather briefcase Digital Video Recording System This is simply a high quality leather briefcase containing a cleverly concealed high-resolution color camera and high gain microphone.
The microphone used is a 3 terminal electret condenser microphone insert.
Captain Goede picked up his microphone and called the control tower at Kirtland AFB and reported what he and his crew had seen.
Its worth saying that we have had a few microphone issues, so please forgive the occasional crackle.
It has an integral high sensitivity electret microphone which can be mounted on the board or extended up to 50 feet using suitable cable.
It is fully tuneable from 100-120MHz and has high sensitivity on-board electret microphone able to clearly monitor sounds up to 25 feet away.
The Durlston Marine Research Area is home to the world's first permanent hydrophone (underwater microphone ).
It's a converter which changes two microphone inputs into a USB port.
It is used to mute the active microphone so that the other party cannot hear you.
These high tech poles are used to enable the sound operators to reach any part of the audience with a directional microphone.
A built-in microphone, which transmits sound across the Net, is also part of the package.
Both computers were connected to an omnidirectional microphone in the aviary.
For example, projects based on a series of interviews in potentially noisy situations may best suit a uni-directional microphone.
Examples A classic style of microphone for speech recording in interview situations is a hand-held dynamic cardioid microphone.
A type of port that gets audio from a built-in microphone or a microphone jack.
An additional circular plate included an opening for the holding electret microphone, flush mounted with the baffle plane.
For one-to-one interviews indoors, the best microphone is a small tie clip or lapel microphone.
Talking to your computer for free If you have access to a headset microphone or standard microphone you can record voice notes within Windows.
Our tiered theaters come supplied with a PA system and lectern microphone.
You also get to name your animal by saying its chosen moniker into the DS ' microphone.
High Impedance Mic A microphone designed to be fed into an amplifier with input impedance greater than 20 k ohms.
A built-in microphone preamp is also included for recording and processing vocals and acoustic instruments.
Microphone Input The SWP123 includes a high quality microphone preamplifier and features an XLR connector for easy connection to low impedance, balanced microphones.
The second channel can also be used with a suitable microphone preamplifier for sound measurements.
Or maybe I just wanted to sit in the dark with a microphone stuck to my head, screaming profanity at kids.
You can increase the volume and or microphone sensitivity by clicking on the bars and sliding them to the right.
How can you speak into a microphone when you can't speak into a microphone when you can't speak at all?
An exact copy of a 1930 broadcast microphone, the CLASSIC design is focused on the use with amateur radio transceivers.
They explained what they were doing by adding a voice-over through a microphone.
Sound is picked up by a microphone worn behind the ear, and the analog waveform passed to an external speech processor.
This has been achieved by employing a microphone transmitter at the sending end to vary the amplitude but not the wave-length of the emitted waves, and at the receiving end using an electrolytic receiver, which proves to be not merely a qualitative but also a quantitative instrument, to make these variations audible on a telephone.
I also found that I was shouting into the microphone like one of Alexander Graham Bell 's first customers.
The rat was doing a solo shrieking & squeaking into Nik 's microphone, along with spacey guitar & lotsa bleeps from me.
How can you speak into a microphone when you ca n't speak at all?
It uses a unidirectional microphone which eliminates up to 92% of all background noise in the office.
A lapel microphone may be most appropriate if the bride or groom is reading the poetry, so that their hands are free.
His microphone was cut off and Cook walked off stage angry, leaving his fans confused.
They are recommended for children ages six and up and amplify not only vision but hearing as well, thanks to a built-in microphone.
The boom microphone has noise-canceling capabilities and can be adjusted up and down to fit your needs.
With the microphone, you can talk to other plays in Wild World.
Similarly, the microphone is usually just as sensitive too, so it may not be the best idea to use one of these under noisier environments.
Audiometric testing with the audiometer is performed while the patient sits in a soundproof booth and the examiner outside the booth communicates to the patient with a microphone.
The first piece of a cochlear implant is the microphone.
After about a month, the surgical wounds will have healed, and the child returns to the implant clinic to be fitted with the external parts of the device (the speech processor, microphone, and transmitter).
Using a headset microphone and demonstrating on a raised platform can also make the entire process go smoothly.
Some good ones that can enhance pretend play are a trench coat, a voice-disguising microphone, a journal and pen for writing down observations and a small digital camera.
Megabyte Mic Microphone - During her live casts, Carly interviews friends and foes alike.
The microphone lets your kids conduct their own interviews, sing their own songs or lip sync to a portion of Miranda Cosgrove's "Leave it all to Me".
No Hannah Montana costume is complete without a headset microphone.
The web cams, along with optional microphone and speaker, allow you to see and talk with your date.
A microphone and speakers aren't required, but if you don't have them, will not be able to interact verbally with your date.
Put a Gemini in front of a microphone or a camera, and she's right at home.
He has a microphone on his cheek and he's a lecturer of the manschauvinist kind.
The preview starts with a microphone and Orson pumping his story of John Foster Kane by introducing the film's actors behind the scenes during its production.
Use an external microphone to capture only the sounds you want the audience to hear; no one wants to hear your actors sneezing in the background!
Your microphone will naturally pick up some unnecessary sounds, so it's helpful to use headphones while you're shooting to listen to everything the camera picks up.
It's also a good idea to use an external microphone as opposed to relying on the camera's built-in version.
It may be helpful, though, to invest in an external microphone if you want to capture sounds that may otherwise be muffled by the camera's microphone.
Later, the world of electronics allowed the conversion of sound waves from a microphone into "electromagnetic fluctuation" that gets imprinted into magnetic tape or, in the case of today's digital recorders, a digital memory chip.
When Stacy throws a surprise birthday party for her, Jane grabs the microphone to sing karaoke and stuns herself and Stacy when she discovers not only can she sing, she sings really well.
To hook up, you'll need a computer microphone, computer speakers, a computer with a sound card and a fast Internet connection provided by DSL or a cable company.
All you require is a headset and microphone combination to place calls from your PC worldwide.
When watching the movie, it helps to remember that the main character who is speaking has the advantage of a microphone and a sound editor to make sure people can hear her.
The first quilting audio podcast began on April 9, 2005 when Annie Smith turned on her microphone and broadcast Quilting Stash to her listeners.
At an April performance at England's "Give It a Name" festival, Lazzara accidentally knocked unconscious Rubano while wildly swinging his microphone, eventually sending him to the hospital for six stiches.
Some ideas include bouncing a basketball back and forth or passing around a microphone.
Acting upon this discovery, he constructed an instrument which he called a " microphone," 6 and which consisted essentially of two hard carbon electrodes placed in contact, with a current passing through the point of contact and a telephone included in the same circuit.
In circuit with this battery was placed the secondary circuit of an induction coil, the primary circuit of which contained a telephone transmitter or microphone interrupter.