Microbes Sentence Examples
We have considered how these may be disturbed by microbes from without and from within.
It is, therefore, seen that at least three different microbes play an important part in the same disease.
You will often hear people call microbes - GERMS.
Both inflammation and fever are protective processes calculated to defend the organism against the attacks of microbes.
In process of time it became clear, however, that the worse the condition of a filter bed, in the then general acceptation of the term, the better it was as a microbe filter; that is to say, it was not until a fine film of mud and microbes had formed upon the surface of the sand that the best results were obtained.
Cinnamon may also pack a powerful punch against microbes.
Our immune system protects us from disease, destroying invading microbes with a swarm of attacking cells.
Examined from this point of view the majority of domestic filters were found to be gravely defective, and even to be worse than useless, since unless they were frequently and thoroughly cleansed, they were liable to become favourable breeding-places for microbes.
Fever is not to be looked upon as an unmitigated evil, to be removed if possible, but rather as a defensive mechanism by which the organism may prevent invasion from noxicus microbes.
A similar increase in virulence appears to occur in plague, where animals, especially rats and mice, seem to be affected before human beings, and not only increase the virulence of the microbes, but convey the infection.
AdvertisementFollowing upon Dr Koch's discovery of a method of isolating bacteria, and of making approximate determinations of their number in any volume of water, a most remarkable diminution in the number of microbes contained in sand-filtered water was observed; and it is now well known that when a properly.
The sand, which is nominally the filter, has interstices about thirty times as wide as the largest dimensions of the larger microbes; and the reason why these, and, still more, why organisms which were individually invisible under any magnifying power, and could only be detected as colonies, were arrested, was not understood.
The effect is to produce between the sand or other grains a glutinous substance which does the work performed by the mud and microbes upon the surface of the sand filter.
By the use of such tanks, however, when the condition of the water demands it, and by passing the effluent water through sand filters when in good condition, the number of microbes is found to be reduced by as much as 97 or even 99%.
If organic matter were first sterilized and then prevented from contamination from without, putrefaction did not occur, and the matter remained free from microbes.
AdvertisementUsing microbes to produce enzymes for scientific use is an industry in its own right.
Probiotic bacteria modulate the immune system and provide an ecological balance in the gut that excludes disease-causing microbes.
These ' good ' organisms compete with and dominate the more harmful microbes.
Liquid feed can be drained off and is alive with with beneficial microbes.
But the ruminant is equipped with the rumen microbes to degrade and utilize such material for food production for humans.
AdvertisementTo investigate the potential of marine and freshwater microbes for use in the biotechnology industry.
They found that gut microbes can open the ' ' gates ' ' fat uses to enter the body's fat cells.
They could grow better on contaminated land with help from soil microbes.
The dark film, known as desert varnish, traps microbes and other life forms in its sticky surface.
These microbes absorb the soluble nutrients and exude enzymes to chemically breakdown the material further.
AdvertisementThe toxin released into the soil affected the enzymes of soil microbes, increasing soil acid phosphatase and decreasing soil urease [10] .
Add microbes to begin the " culture " Like making a yogurt, you need to add a good starting culture.
This result is doubtless largely dependent on the existence, the distribution and the condition of the appropriate microbes for the due infection of the different descriptions of plant, for the micro-organism that dwells symbiotically with one species is not identical with that which similarly dwells with another.
Not only is the influence of bacteria in the causation of many of them newly revealed, but it is now recognized also that, even in skin diseases not initiated by microbic action, microbes play a considerable and often a determining part in their perpetuation; and that the rules of modern aseptic surgery are applicable with no little success to skin therapeutics.
By therapeutic measures we strive to limit as far as possible the entry of injurious microbes into the organism, to expel or destroy them and their harmful products, and to maintain the strength of the organism itself.
Imagine being Jenner and not even knowing you were dealing with microbes.
These are a build up of microbes and slime on any surface and once established they are difficult to remove.
Microbes that occur naturally in the environment and normally don't make an animal sick may pose a serious threat to a cat with feline leukemia virus.
Salmonella, e Coli, and other dangerous microbes may be present if the food is not cooked.
However, since many pets spend a great deal of time outdoors, the numerous other microbes than a pet can attract can easily infect an irritated ear canal.
Once you have added your layers of green and brown materials and mixed them a bit, a shovelful of garden soil or finished compost will help ensure that the proper microbes are in place to begin breaking down the compost material mixture.
You add some natural ingredients (purchased with the device) that consist of little microbes that help break up the waste.
Dead leaves, branches and flowers can harbor insects or microbes that can attack the plant next spring.
As moisture and microbes slowly break it down, it crumbles and adds vital nutrients to the soil.
Over time, heating and cooling system components can become coated with dust, dirt, pollen and microbes.
Alfalfa meal has carbohydrates and protein, making it a soil conditioner that also encourages the growth of beneficial microbes.
These covers can also block mold, bacteria and other microbes that cause allergic reactions and might be living in your mattress.
Scarlet fever is caused by group A streptococcal bacteria (S. pyogenes), highly toxic microbes that can also cause strep throat, wound or skin infections, pneumonia, and serious kidney infections.
Many of the infections that occur in children with immunoglobulin deficiency syndromes are caused by bacterial organisms or microbes.
Factors such as age or genetic differences among persons with HIV, the level of virulence of an individual strain of virus, and co-infection with other microbes may influence the rate and severity of disease progression.
Doctors are increasingly aware of the importance of checking animal bite wounds for anaerobic organisms, which are microbes that can live and multiply in the absence of air or oxygen.
They use proprietary Truman Cell technology to capture 95 percent of the microbes and particulates from the air circulating within your home, and then destroys them with using UV technology.
Most homes are filled with microbes including germs, viruses, bacteria and mold and particulates like allergens, dust, dust mites and pet dander.
For example, many kids have stuffed animals, but how many have stuffed microbes?
Since the air is being re-circulated it is easy to understand that microbes, dust, and pollen in the atmosphere will end up in your air ducts.
When your digestive tract is sluggish and full of rancid slow-transit foods, it throws off the pH and allows less beneficial microbes to dominate.This can greatly affect your digestion.
In the mutual behaviour of such cells, toxins, and antitoxins, and again of microbes themselves, we may demonstrate even on the field of the microscope some of the modes of such actions, which seem to partake in great measure at any rate of a chemical quality (agglutinins, coagulins, chemotaxis).
If this exhalation is stopped or lessened the digestion in its turn is also stopped, the leaf remains longer than usual in the intestines, the microbes multiply, invading the whole body, and this brings about the sudden death which surprises the rearers.
Disease of the whole body may thus be produced by overaction or under-action of some part of it, but such causes of disease are slight as compared with the effect of external noxious influences, and more especially the effect of microbes.
On the skin we have a thick epidermis through which microbes cannot pass, although if an entrance is obtained for them by a prick or cut they may readily grow in the tissues below and spread from them throughout the whole body.
The greater the number of leucocytes that can reach the spot where the invading microbes enter the more quickly can the microbes be destroyed and general infection prevented.
By inoculation with increasing doses of these the resistance of the organism is greatly increased and the invading microbes destroyed.
After the struggle between the organism and the microbes is over, even when it has ended victoriously for the former, injuries are left behind which require repair.
Poisons formed by microbes are partly eliminated by the kidneys, partly by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and possibly also by the skin.
One of the influences which is most injurious to the body, and favours most the invasion of microbes, is chill.
Therapeutic measures which are commonly adopted in the treatment of a cold have for their object, to destroy the microbes before they penetrate fairly into the organism, and to restore the balance of the circulation and increase the strength of the invaded parts.
Thus if a little diphtheritic sputum were coughed into a person's eye, or some blood containing anthrax bacilli were to touch a raw spot upon the hand, the removal of microbes in either case by washing with simple water might be regarded as a means of passive defence, whilst washing them away with an antiseptic lotion might be regarded as active defence, because the antiseptic would tend not only to remove but to destroy the microbes.
In the same way, washing the skin with spirit would tend to harden the epidermis and thus prevent the entrance of microbes; and the application of an ointment to an abrasion would have a similar action.
The treatment of inflammation of mucous membrane is based upon the same principles as inflammation of the skin, and there too we usually associate means (I) for removing microbes, (2) for destroying them, (3) for lessening the irritation they produce, and (4) for repairing any mischief they have done.
In the stomach we aid the vomiting by which microbes or the products of decomposition of food are usually eliminated by giving to the patient repeated draughts of hot water so as to wash the stomach clean.
What occurs with snake venom takes place also when the toxins are formed by microbes, and a new method of treatment by anti-toxic serums has been introduced of late years with great success.
Flatulence and diarrhoea as well as many general disorders are often due to intestinal depression caused by microbes.
To these injurious microbes Metchnikoff has given the name of "wild," and he proposes to restore health by giving "tame" microbes, such as lactic acid bacilli.
It is capable of repelling bacteria and other microbes, releases a biocide and can also remove the organism on contact.
Our final symposium of the year was on inflammatory bowel disease crossroads of microbes, epithelium and immune systems.
Mastitis caused by these microbes is often chronic and causes elevated SCC levels.
It does contain five strains of microbes, one of which is a nitrogen fixer.
Understand how microbes cause food poisoning What will the course cover?
He set out to find dyes that would destroy other infectious microbes within the body.
A short period under high light conditions will effectively kill the microbes.
In early inquiries a great point was made of the prevention of putrefaction, and work was done in the way of finding how much of an agent must be added to a given solution, in order that the bacteria accidentally present might not develop. But for various reasons this was an inexact method, and to-day an antiseptic is judged by its effects on pure cultures of definite pathogenic microbes, and on their vegetative and spore forms. Their standardization has been effected in many instances, and a water solution of carbolic acid of a certain fixed 'strength is now taken as the standard with which other antiseptics are compared.
Of late years enormous impulse has been given to our knowledge of the causation of disease by microbes, through the works of Gaspard, who injected putrid matter into the veins of a living animal; by Villemin, who discovered that tuberculosis is infective; by Davaine; and especially by Pasteur, Koch and others too numerous to mention, who have worked, and are still working, at the microbic causation of disease with marvellous success.
The microbes appear in many cases to attract the leucocytes (positive chemiotaxis), but when very virulent they usually repel the leucocytes (negative chemiotaxis) and excrete toxins which kill the leucocytes.
The irritation caused by the microbes generally is followed by dilatation of the vessels of that part and thus more leucocytes are brought up to the fight.
The toxins produced by microbes, if too weak to destroy the leucocytes, induce them to secrete antitoxins, which not only act as antidotes to the toxins and are injurious to the microbes, but also increase the phagocytic power of the leucocytes (opsonius of Wright).
The vaccine is usually made by sterilizing a virulent culture and the proper dose is ascertained by noting 'the extent to which the power of the leucocytes to envelop and digest the microbes is increased.
The defensive powers of the body against microbes, when actually on or in it, may be classed as means (z) of passive defence, (2) of active defence, and (3) of repair.
When this is healthy the attacks of microbes are resisted, wounds heal readily, and patients recover from serious diseases which in persons of debilitated constitution would prove fatal.
Various other microbes are also present in large numbers, but are not believed to be pathogenic or disease-producing in character.
Massart and Bordet, Leber, Metchnikoff and others have studied the phenomenon in leucocytes, with the result that while there is evidence of their being positively chemiotactic to the toxins of many pathogenic microbes, it is also apparent that they are negatively influenced by such substances as lactic acid.
Thus carbolic acid or carbolized ammonia are sniffed into the nose to destroy the microbes there, or the nose is washed out by an antiseptic solution as a nasal douche; bismuth or morphine are insufflated, or zinc ointment is applied, to cover the mucous membrane, and protect it from further irritation; and various antiseptic gargles, paints and powders applied to the pharynx in order to prevent the microbic inflammation from extending to the pharynx and down the trachea and bronchi, for many a severe bronchitis begins first by sneezing and nasal irritation.