Mice Sentence Examples
It will alert you when you have mice or termites.
An old Cat was in a fair way to kill all the Mice in the barn.
It grows rarely to a length of 4 ft.; it never bites, and feeds chiefly on frogs, toads and fishes, but mice are never taken.
They don't have mice in the Holiday Inn, do they?
The wild mouse, rat and rabbit are self-coloured, but the domesticated forms include various piebald patterns, such as spotted forms among mice, and the familiar black and white hooded and dorsal-striped pattern of some tame rats.
The typical rats and mice, together with their nearest relatives, constitute the sub-family Murinae, which is represented by more than three hundred species, distributed over the whole of the Old World except Madagascar.
The only cat we had was a stray and it was allowed to stay around because it killed mice.
It is of no particular service to man, neither its flesh nor its fur being generally put to use, while the statement that its presence is sufficient to drive off rats and mice appears to be without foundation.
The genus Mus, with about a couple of hundred species, includes the true mice A FIG.
Well, at least you won't have mice in the woodshed.
AdvertisementBy the time they were ready to leave, all of Bird Song was up and about, scurrying around like mice in a cheese shop.
Voles, as typified by the water-rat and the tailed fieldmouse, are stouter built and shorter-nosed rodentsthan the typical rats and mice, with smaller ears and eyes and shorter tails; all being good burrowers.
He was educated privately and was so precocious a boy as to translate a Latin version of the Battle of the Frogs and Mice into French in 1796, which was published by his father in 1797.
After unsuccessful attempts to rid themselves of the mice, the farmers appealed to the United States Biological Survey, and alfalfa hay poisoned with strychnia sulphate was used successfully in the Humboldt Valley in January 1908 and in the Carson Valley, where a similar plague threatened, in April 1908.5 Minerals.
They have very small eyes, blunt snouts, inconspicuous ears and short limbs and tails, in all of which points they are markedly contrasted with true rats and mice.
AdvertisementNoteworthy in the animal life of the lower Sonoran and tropic region are a variety of snakes and lizards, desert rats and mice; and, among birds, the cactus wren, desert thrasher, desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk, mocking-bird and ground cuckoo or road runner (Geococcyx Californianus).
The vaccine has been shown to clear clumps of the protein beta amyloid in the brains of genetically engineered mice.
Researchers have reported a powerful healing effect on mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, which mimics the symptoms of MS.
In order to image mice a specially made contact lens is necessary to correct for severe myopia [4] .
They 've been quiet as dead mice ever since.
AdvertisementFrom mice to shire horses, goats to guineapigs.
Information on pet and fancy mice, spiny mice and zebra mice - ranging from basic care, housing and handling to breeding.
We previously demonstrated the selective presence of 5T2MM cells in bone marrow and spleen of diseased mice.
These latter studies will require examination of spleen cells obtained from the mice at post-mortem.
Contrary to expectation, the weight of mice deficient in a major uncoupling protein, UCP2, has been found to be normal.
AdvertisementNevertheless, some mice will be operated on during the embryo transfer and vasectomy procedures but these operations will be performed under general anesthesia.
Written by a veterinarian, this document focuses on the diseases of mice.
It tastes like the sugar mice you can buy to hang on xmas trees !
We have set two dozen traps in an attempt to eradicate the mice from our house.
The big dividing line in the mouse world, however, is between wireless and corded mice.
Best Buy has corded and wireless mice for PCs and Macintosh computers.
The tree is a favourite with hares and rabbits, and the seedlings are apt to be destroyed by mice.
Of the lower animals, mice, rats, guinea-pigs, rabbits, squirrels and monkeys are susceptible to the bacillus; horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats are more or less resistant, but cats and dogs have been known to die of plague (Oporto, Daman, Cutch and Poona).
Many of the works once attributed to him are lost; those which remain are the two great epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, thirty-three Hymns, a mock epic (the Battle of the Frogs and Mice), and some pieces of a few lines each (the so-called Epigrams).
The waters of this cavern appear to be entirely destitute of life; and the existing fauna comprises only a few bats, rats, mice, spiders, flies and small centipedes.
The rodents are the most numerously represented order, which includes the coypu or nutria (Myopotamus coypus), the chinchilla (Chinchilla laniger), the tuco-tuco (Ctenomys brasiliensis), a rabbit, and 12 species of mice - in all some 12 genera and 25 species.
A similar increase in virulence appears to occur in plague, where animals, especially rats and mice, seem to be affected before human beings, and not only increase the virulence of the microbes, but convey the infection.
Rats and mice swarm, both kinds and individuals being numerous, but few present much peculiarity, a bamboo rat (Rhizomys) from the base of the eastern Himalaya being perhaps most worthy of notice.
Characteristic forms of the Upper Sonoran zone are the burrowing owl, Nevada sage-thrush, sagethrasher and special species of orioles, kangaroo rats, mice, rabbits and squirrels.
Its animal life is in the main distinguished in species only from that of the Upper Sonoran belt, including among birds, the desert sparrow, desert thrasher, mocking-bird, hooded oriole; and among mammals small nocturnal species of kangaroo rats, pocket mice, mice and bats.
Various species of small native mice and voles are abundant.
Sousliks feed on roots, seeds and berries, and occasionally on animal food, preying on eggs, small birds and mice.
Bancroft brings evidence to prove that the Mexicans supposed pregnant women would turn into beasts, and sleeping children into mice, if things went wrong in the ritual of a certain solemn sacrifice.
The mice are cared for by a team of highly-trained animal technicians fully apprised of the animals' needs.
Mice in the study that received treatment remained healthy for almost a year after untreated mice succumbed to the disease.
The infected fleas then fed on 15 mice that had been inoculated with the experimental vaccine containing an adjuvant (an immune booster ).
Furthermore, in mice we can model the phenomenon known as airway hyperresponsiveness, which is a feature of the asthmatic airway hyperresponsiveness, which is a feature of the asthmatic airway.
Trials on the regulation of IgE response in mice using modified birch pollen allergens.
This time, fully allogeneic CBA mice with the MHC haplotype H2 k were used as transplant recipients.
Twenty-eight days after intrathymic injection, the mice were transplanted with an H-2K b -positive, fully vascularised cardiac allograft.
Having been men, mice became mice, drastically altering the food chain, bringing to life spoons.
These mice provide an important animal model for study of the branched-chain amino acids metabolism and its toxicity.
Several regimens completely protected mice from injected and inhaled anthrax.
The other half is predominantly arable; foxes kill three of the major pests to arable farmers - rabbits, voles and mice.
The mice also showed symptoms of defective muscular coordination called ataxia, which has been linked to oxidative stress.
Members agreed that technical grade malathion had been tested in four long-term dietary bioassays in rats and two long-term dietary bioassays in mice.
The mouse bioassay involves inoculating mice with suspect tissue from a cow or sheep.
Even marginal biotin deficiency is teratogenic in mice [17] and implicated in human birth defects [18] .
The resulting mice showed an increased number of blood vessels in the skin, suggesting that AGF does indeed promote blood vessel formation.
The update indicated that experimental BSE in sheep had been transmitted to mice through the intracerebral inoculation of infected spleen material.
Transgenic'super fish ' could deplete natural ocean zones of all fauna and flora and'super mice ' could spread bubonic plague at will.
Studies in salamanders and mice show that low extracellular calcium increases calcium signaling between neurons in the eye as well as in the nose.
Every toxicologist, physiologist, medical doctor and most chemists know that... Cigarette smoke condensate applied to the backs of mice causes tumors.
Overall, these results show that the mice defecated in localized areas and preferred to defecate in areas containing sawdust.
So far all our mutant mice displayed very subtle differences from wild type animals and did not require any special treatments for adverse effects.
They eat anything edible including rats, mice and, rabbits.
Furthermore, treatment of mice with the extracts diminished the delayed-type hypersensitivity response to sheep erythrocytes.
But surprisingly, mice embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from these embryos proliferated normally and ERK activation was also completely normal.
Plague infected fleas lured from mice were used to produce a bacterium that was injected in to prisoners.
In a comparative test, they raised mice with and without immune systems to see how blood fluke populations would thrive.
The intracerebral inoculation of mice with herpes simplex virus produces lesions similar to those seen in the human herpes simplex viral encephalitis.
For instance, the slight response lag with wireless mice can be a problem for gamers.
For 10 years, they infected monkeys, rabbits and mice with HIV, but they never could duplicate AIDS in these species.
Other smaller mammals include muskrat Ondatra zibethicus, cottontail rabbit Sylvilagus floridanus, and a number of mice, mole and shrew species.
A gene in mice, similar to a human gene, has been shown to be important in making myelin.
The mice developed an inflammatory myopathy with clinical, biochemical, histological and immunological features similar to human myositis.
Malfunction of the orexin system causes narcolepsy in mice, rats, dogs and humans.
In the present study, we describe in vivo models of lung neutrophil infiltration and activation in mice and hamsters.
The mice fed the drug cocktail lived substantially longer, and had a delayed onset of nerve and muscle deterioration.
Tumor burdens in mice were completely eradicated and survival was significantly prolonged.
Researchers have developed a plant-based vaccine against bacterial Shiga toxin, and show that it is highly protective in mice.
The great British public would not care if T C Worsley had enjoyed sexual relations with mice.
Researchers transplanted retinal cells into adult mice lacking the genes for two proteins important in glial scar formation.
A similar value has been reported for sheep scrapie in mice.
A number of small mammals will also now be present, including shrews (left ), voles and mice.
There are healthy populations of hedgehogs, moles, field mice, common and Pigmy shrews, and short-tailed and bank voles.
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and Pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites!
Seven of nine infertile male mice that received the transplanted genetically modified male germ-line stem cells became fertile.
The transgenic stem cells were transplanted into infertile male mice that have no differentiating cells in their testes.
Mice and voles also find cover here, attracting predators including stoats, foxes and birds of prey.
In the wild, pink Chilean tarantulas kill prey such as toads, frogs and mice painlessly.
The mice will be kept in enclosures where they are cared for by trained animal technicians.
He concluded that if mice and rats prove sensitive to a chemical, it does not have to undergo further tests on dogs.
During that season (from October to March ), the presence of harvest mice was confirmed in 106 new tetrads!
Your fine timepiece was designed for rats, not mice.
Transgenic mice produced by retroviral transduction of male germ-line stem cells.
In mice, myosin V mutations lead to defects in synaptic transmission.
Most of the mice inoculated with highly variable BHK-21 cells developed malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT ).
The compound, curcumin, which gives the spice turmeric its yellow color, proved effective in tests on mice.
The same author was likewise of opinion that the domestication or taming of various species of wild cats took place chiefly among nationalities of stationary or non-nomadic habits who occupied themselves with agricultural pursuits, since it would be of vital importance that their stores of grain should be adequately protected from the depredations of rats and mice.
It is frequently raised at once by sowing the acorns on the ground where the trees are required, the fruit being gathered in the autumn as soon as shed, and perfectly ripe seeds selected; but the risk of destruction by mice and other vermin is so great that transplanting from a nursery-bed is in most cases to be preferred.
Leuckart proved experimentally that these young forms become encysted in the muscles of mice, and the cycle is completed after the mouse is devoured by a cat.
A singular menace to agriculture in Nevada was the plague in1907-1908of Carson field mice.
In addition to all sorts of vegetables and fruits, the squirrel is exceedingly fond of animal food, greedily devouring mice, small birds and eggs.
Coyotes are creatures of slinking and stealthy habits, living in burrows in the plains, and hunting in packs at night, when they utter yapping cries and blood-curdling yells as they gallop. Hares ("jack-rabbits"), chipmunks or ground-squirrels, and mice form a large portion of their food; but coyotes also kill the fawns of deer and prongbuck, as well as sage-hens and other kinds of game-birds.
Among its characteristic mammals and birds are the sage cotton-tail, black-tailed jack-rabbit, Idaho rabbit, Oregon, Utah and Townsends ground squirrels, sage chipmunk, fivetoed kangaroo rats, pocket mice, grasshopper mice, burrowing owl, Brewers sparrow, Nevada sage sparrow, lazuli finch, sage thrasher, Nuttall s poor-will, Bullocks oriole and rough-winged swallow.
Experiments with cats, rabbits, mice, with sheep and cattle, with fowls and pigeons, like the experiments with horses and dogs, fail to afford any evidence that offspring inherit any of their characters from previous mates of the dam; i.e.
They are no bigger than mice, and I'm sure mice are proper for me to eat.
One day the Mice met to talk about the great harm that she was doing them.
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites !
The young rat, pictured here, differs from mice in having a very thick, scaly tail.
Injection of schistosome eggs protects NOD mice against the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
It 's great fun with all the mice and chickens, secret recipes and more.
A number of small mammals will also now be present, including shrews (left), voles and mice.
We recently discovered that infection of mice with Friend retrovirus skewed the balance toward suppression by causing an expansion of immunosuppressive regulatory cells.
Tho I 'd hardly call the work being done to squeeze the last ounce of performance out of the mice trivial.
She heard him stammer auction seller something about the escape of the mice; she heard him asking her pardon.
Mice in the 17 month study treated with mAbs remain clinically healthy almost a year after the untreated mice succumbed to the disease.
The outcome will indicate whether Wld s mice constitute an effective model in which to study cellular and molecular mechanisms of synapse elimination.
The lines were maintained in vivo by intravenous transfer into young syngeneic mice.
Rats and mice synthesize vitamin C in their bodies; humans do not.
During that season (from October to March), the presence of harvest mice was confirmed in 106 new tetrads !
A suspension containing 0, 0.1 or 0.5 mg of carbon nanotubes was introduced into the trachea of the mice.
A number of transgenic mice have been established by various groups to study prion protein function.
Most of the mice inoculated with highly variable BHK-21 cells developed malignant rhabdoid tumor (MRT).
Mice missing the tyrosinase gene have been found to have developmental eye defects similar to those seen in human patients.
Mice vaccinated with the vaccine generated a strong antibody response against M2.
Circuit City sells several brands of mice, along with related accessories.
Mice play a strange role in our society, being detested as a pest, used as a lab subject, as well as being loved as a pet.
Mice are very active animals, are unlikely to sit still in your hand, but can be very entertaining to watch.
They aren't as skittish as mice or hamsters, nor are they so small and fragile.
Small animals like hamsters and mice are ideal for young children who are not yet ready for the responsibility of taking care of a cat or dog.
Some people purchase live mice for their cats to kill and eat, or buy frozen mice to feed to their cats.
From small stuffed mice to birds on a wand, there is an entire world of toys for your cat.
Whether they're scampering after string, swatting at toy mice or purring on your lap, kittens bring love into any home.
Birds chattering, mice squeaking, flies buzzing, and oddly enough, other cats calling are all music to a cat's ears.
Owners who keep cats as hunters to keep rats and mice at bay will look to reward the cat, whereas owners who do not welcome a cat's hunting skills may wish to discourage this behavior.
Any cat toy may interest your pet for a time, but toys that don't do much, like furry mice and scratching posts, can only keep your cat occupied for so long.
They can be designed in numerous shapes and are good for solitary play or interaction with a human.They are traditionally shaped like mice, but there is no reason why they can't be shaped as something else.
Chocolate mice, perhaps a white and a dark chocolate pair to represent both the bride and groom.
Walt Disney - Ironically, the founder of "The Happiest Place on Earth" was terrified of mice.
In fact, almost 25 percent of all boxers are entirely white, but unlike some species of mice, all-white Boxers are not albino.
Removing dead foliage also removes a warm, comfortable home for small animals like mice.
Dried sunflower seeds are a favorite of mice, chipmunks, squirrels and rats, so be sure to use a tight-fitting lid or else you will have very fat rodents and a very empty container in a few days!
There are some basic blues tabs, classic songs and a wide range of other songs, from Three Blind Mice to Sounds Like Metallica.
Some of the best natural food choices for cats to eat are, well, found in nature, such as live mice and insects.
Guaranteed to drive most people crazy trying to figure out why their mice won't work.
Get bonus points if you get to class early and do this prank to all of the mice in the room.
Don't let the name scare you because you might find yourself oohing and awwwing over the cute little mice, but soon you'll start getting frustrated like any good puzzle game should get you.
Your screen is a grid on which you must lay down your arrows on in a fashion that allows your mice to hit them and move in that direction.
From keyboards to joysticks, gamepads, gaming mice, speakers, video cards, etc., you will never find a shortage of extras to buy.
Remarkably, early findings indicate that resveratrol contributed to overweight lab mice living a healthy life.
Collectibles of mice, rats, snakes and lizards can also be found on the Internet.
Three of the more prominent names in the industry are Plantronics, Jabra and Logitech (yes, the same Logitech that makes computer mice, webcams, and other accessories).
Researchers are testing how effectively this protocol prevents immune abnormalities and immune-related cancers in these mice.
Rabies is most often spread by animal bites from dogs, cats, mice, raccoons, squirrels, and bats and may cause encephalitis.
Scientists have also been able to interrupt this gene in mice to produce defects similar to those seen in human nail-patella syndrome.
Researchers have found that giving artificial CD40 ligand to specially bred immunodeficient mice improves their ability to make IgA and IgG antibodies.
Nonetheless, after a number of years of refining the techniques in mice, researchers began human trials in 1998.
Other animals that can carry the types of bacteria responsible for this illness are mice, squirrels, weasels, dogs, and cats.
The parents of children living in rodent-infested conditions, or who have pet rodents (mice, rats, gerbils) should be vigilant to illness in their children.
Bites from mice, rats, or squirrels rarely require rabies prevention because these rodents are typically killed by any encounter with a larger, rabid animal, and would, therefore, not be carriers.
Ball Pythons eat rodents (mice or small rats), either live or dead and frozen (also known as pre-killed).
If your ball python was raised on live mice, he will not easily switch to frozen ones.
Feeding a live mouse to your ball python may end up being inconvenient since it means making a trip to the pet shop once a week or keeping several mice on hand in another cage.
Each has a roller ball on the underside of its belly, similar to what you'll see on the bottom of some computer mice.
In studies, mice fed only bee pollen thrived and remained healthy for an indefinite period of time.
The video also shows tests run on laboratory mice in which the resveratrol-ingesting mice outperform their control counterparts in athletic feats.
A cat chases the mice, removing them from the game.
Cinderella seems to be the epitome of a Disney princess, and every little girl wants to share in the magic of fairy godmothers, talking mice, and pumpkins that turn into carriages.
Why did she depend on her dreams to appease her and her fairy godmother and a few mice to help her out of her predicament?
Next, as if the walls had filled with mice, scrabbling sounds came from behind the walls, all the walls.
Gibson's free utility Mousetrap allows users to check if their systems have the Windows WMF Metafile image code execution (MICE) vulnerability.
Akterin found that mice developed chemical changes in the brain similar to those found in Alzheimer brains.
A group of laboratory mice on a high-fat diet were also fed acetic acid, one of the components of vinegar, and compared to a group of mice on the same diet that received only water.
None of the mice lost weight, but the mice receiving the acetic acid gained less than the control group.
Many sports medicine doctors actually recommend MICE, or Movement, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
Oh well, now she'll have plenty of reason to kill off the mice.
The refrigerator was clean and there was no sign of mice or insects.
The Rodents are also well represented by various squirrels, mice and hares.
Heating spirits of hartshorn, he was able to collect "alkaline air" (gaseous ammonia), again because he was using mercury in his pneumatic trough; then, trying what would happen if he passed electric sparks through the gas, he decomposed it into nitrogen and hydrogen, and "having a notion" that mixed with hydrochloric acid gas it would produce a "neutral air," perhaps much the same as common air, he synthesized sal ammoniac. Dephlogisticated air (oxygen) he prepared in August 1774 by heating red oxide of mercury with a burning-glass, and he found that in it a candle burnt with a remarkably vigorous flame and mice lived well.
Rats and mice, especially the guayabita (Mus musculus), an extremely destructive rodent, are very abundant.
The following is a brief notice of the species of true mice (that is to say, those generally included in the genus Mus) inhabiting the British Isles.
In recent years the successful experimental transplantation of new growths, occurring sporadically in white mice and rats, into animals of the same species, has thrown a fresh light on all the features of malignant growths.
The rodents are represented by an abundance of rats, with comparatively few mice, and by the ordinary squirrel, to which the people give the name of tree-rat (ki-nezumi), as well as the flying squirrel, known as the momo-dori (peach-bird) in the north, where it hides from the light in hollow tree-trunks, and in the south as the ban-tori (or bird of evening).
Some are said occasionally to resort to berries and other fruit for food, but as a rule they are carnivorous, feeding chiefly on birds and their eggs, small mammals, as squirrels, hares, rabbits and moles, but chiefly mice of various kinds, and occasionally snakes, lizards and frogs.
The pine-marten appears to have been partially domesticated by the Greeks and Romans, and used to keep houses clear from rats and mice.
Dasymys is an allied African genus; while Arvicanthis includes the African striped mice.
Rats have, however, generally more rows of scales on the tail (reaching to 210 or more) than mice, in which the number does not exceed 180.
Cuenot was the first to show this for albino mice.
Bears, foxes, otters and sables are numerous, as also the reindeer in the north, and the musk deer, hares, squirrels, rats and mice everywhere.
At the end of the season the net amount of cheese produced by milk from each cow is handed over to the owner of that particular cow, and is carried down by him to his home in the valley from the hut (a small building on four stone legs to secure the contents from mice) wherein the cheeses have been stored since they were made - this hut is called a Speicher.
A chevrotain is found in Balabac. The house rat, introduced by man, is a common nuisance, and mice occasionally seriously damage sugar-cane and rice.
In testing the effects of bacteria by inoculation the smaller rodents, rabbits, guinea-pigs, and mice, are usually employed.
Formerly bears, wolves and other wild animals took refuge in its fastnesses; and bats, rats, mice and salamanders are frequent visitors.
In the southern and western islands the fauna is restricted mainly to foxes, bats, rats, mice, the sea otter, the penguin and other aquatic birds, and various cetaceans in the surrounding waters.
Parker (Elementary Biology) cites a passage from Alexander Ross, who, commenting on Sir Thomas Browne's doubt as to "whether mice may be bred by putrefaction," gives a clear statement of the common opinion on abiogenesis held until about two centuries ago.
If he doubts of this let him go to Egypt, and there he will find the fields swarming with mice, begot of the mud of Nylus, to the great calamity of the inhabitants."
Thomas Bagley was accused of declaring that if in the sacrament a priest made bread into God, he made a God that can be eaten by rats and mice; that the pharisees of the day, the monks, and the nuns, and the friars and all other privileged persons recognized by the church were limbs of Satan; and that auricular confession to the priest was the will not of God but of the devil.
Foxes are common, both the white and the blue occurring; mice and the brown rat have been introduced, though one variety of mouse is possibly indigenous.
In the southernmost islands are a small monkey, rats and mice, treeshrews (Cladobates nic.), bats, and flying-foxes, but it is doubtful if the "wild" pig is indigenous; cattle, when introduced and left, have speedily become "wild."
Although mainly carnivorous, the polecat has a varied diet consisting of voles, mice, rabbits and rats.
Treatment with other enzymes called catalases has increased the survival of MND mice 18.
Acupuncture inhibits the decrease in brain catecholamine contents and the impairment of passive avoidance task in ovariectomized mice.
We are now using expression profiling in wildtype and Gli3 mutant mice to identify novel Wnt target genes in the developing cerebral cortex.
In contrast to transgenic pea, mice fed transgenic lupin or transgenic chickpea did not give DTH response.
When the DNA was switched on the mice showed all the symptoms of myotonic dystrophy.
The story of elephants being frightened of mice probably came about because elephants are frightened of sudden, unexpected noises or movements.
Further consideration was given to the negative results in the single dose UDS assay in the forestomach of mice using gavage dosing.
The next innovation in mouse genetics came with the development of knockout mice - mice lacking a specific gene - in the late 1980s.
The fairy godmother changed the mice into four lovely horses to pull the carriage.
The lungs of mice given high dose of either raw or purified iron-containing nanotubes showed prominent granulomas at 7days.
Mice became hyperactive in a testing box yet burrowed less in their home cages.
Neonate mice passively immunized by suckling from mice fed transgenic potatoes had less diarrhea than neonates unexposed to the vaccine [14] .
In some South American field mice and the Scandinavian wood lemming, XY females are commonplace.
The first was sarcoptic mange which might be caught from rats or mice or from unclean hay.
Mice colonies also grow faster than rats thanks to their ability to reach sexual maturity quicker.
Of the mice given methamphetamine, nearly 40% had seizures, but this was doubled if methamphetamine was combined with loud music.
Green hair and a pointy nose, Black cats who love to pose, Always pointy nose, Black cats who love to pose, Always pointy hats, With mice and rats.
Now, a study using genetically modified mice predisposed to Alzheimer's disease has shown that oxidative damage precedes the plaques.
It is also found in or on eggs, in unpasteurised milk, rats, mice, and domestic pets, including terrapins.
Squirrels and wild mice disputed for my store of nuts.
The team found the mystery protein through screening random mutations in mice.
Rabbits, hares, domesticated poultry, game-birds, and, when these run short, rats, mice and even insects, form the chief diet of the fox.
In common with lemmings and other representatives of the Microtinae, voles are, however, broadly distinguished from typical rats and mice by the structure of their three pairs of molar teeth.
Its food consists almost wholly of waterweeds, rushes and other vegetable substances, but it will also eat animal food on occasion, in the shape of insects, mice or young birds.
The spores of Rusts, Erysipheae an d other Fungi may be conveyed from plant to plant by snails; those of tree-killing polyporei, &c., by mice, rabbits, rats, &c., which rub their fur against the hymenophores.
Their investigations on cancers found in the lower animals, and the successful transplantation of such growths into a new host of the same species (mice and rats), have greatly advanced our knowledge of the etiology of this disease.
There are several varieties of grasshopper mice (Orychomys), white-footed mice (Peromyscus), harvest mice (Reithrodontomys), rice-rats (Oryzomys), wood-rats (Neotoma), voles (Microtus), &c. Bats inhabit caves in Burnet, Williamson, Lampasas, Gillespie and other counties.
A pig (Sus papuensis), a dingo, several species of mice (of which Chiruromys is a peculiar genus), a few squirrels, and a considerable number of Chiroptera (bats) inhabit the country.
Some of its characteristic mammals and birds are the long-eared desert fox, four-toed kangaroo rats, Sonoran pocket mice, big-eared and tiny white-haired bats, road runner, cactus wren, canyon wren, desert thrashers, hooded oriole, black-throated desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk and Gambels quail.
In America, where the more typical kinds are known as white-footed, or deer, mice, the cricetines absolutely swarm, and include a host of genera, the majority of which are North American, although others are peculiar to Central and South America.
The spiny mice, Acornys (or Acanthomys), of Western Asia, Cyprus and Africa, take their name from the fur being almost entirely replaced by flattened spines, and are further distinguished by the rudimentary coronoid process of the lower jaw.
In fact, as mentioned in the article Mouse, there is no possibility of defining the term "rat" when used in a sense other than as relating to the two species above mentioned; while there is also no hard-and-fast limit between the terms "rats" and "mice" when these are likewise employed in their now extended sense, "rats" being merely larger "mice," and vice versa.
To gamekeepers and those interested in the preservation of game, all animals such as the pole-cat, weasel, stoat, hawks, owls, &c., which destroy the eggs or young of preserved birds, are classed as "vermin," and the same term includes rats, mice, &c. It is also the collective name given to all those disgusting and objectionable insects that infest human beings, houses, &c., when allowed to be in a filthy and unsanitary condition, such as bugs, fleas, lice, &c.
Cuenot, in order to explain certain features in the hereditary transmission of coat colour in mice, postulated the hypothesis that the grey colour of the wild mouse (which is known to be a compound of black, chocolate and yellow pigments) may be due either to the interaction of a single ferment and three chromogens, or vice versa, to one chromogenic substance and three ferments.
This is likewise true of albino mice when they carry the determinants for more than one colour.
Although the British representatives of this group should undoubtedly retain their vernacular designations of water-rat and short-tailed field-mouse, the term "vole" is one of great convenience in zoology as a general one for all the members of the group. Systematically voles are classed in the mammalian order Rodentia, in which they constitute the typical section of the subfamily Microtinae in the Muridae, or mouse-group. As a group, voles are characterized by being more heavily built than rats and mice, and by their less brisk movements.
There are no cows here to give milk; or any mice, or even grasshoppers.
Zoologically, there is no distinction between mice and rats; these names being employed respectively for most or all of the smaller and larger "mouselike" and "rat-like" representatives of the Muridae, whether they belong to the genus Mus or not.
Among the rodents there are hares, marmots, beavers, squirrels, rats and mice, the last in enormous swarms. Of the larger game the chamois and deer are specially noticeable.
The asphodel was also supposed to be a remedy for poisonous snake-bites and a specific against sorcery; it was fatal to mice, but preserved pigs from disease.
The fruit garden must be protected from the ravages of mice in winter.
Mice will nest about the plants if there is straw or other litter around them.
It grows to a length of 5 ft., climbs extremely well, feeds chiefly on mice, and becomes very tame.
Mice, rats, water-rats and moles, as well as frogs, constitute its principal food.
For the distinctive characteristics of the family Muridae and the genus Mus, to which true rats and true mice alike belong, see Rodentia.
Some domesticated mice are entirely white with the exception that they have black eyeballs; and individuals of this type are known in which there is a reduction of pigment in the eyeballs, and since the colour of the blood is then partially visible these appear of a reddish-black colour.
With rabbits and mice there must be a still larger number.