Metaphor Sentence Examples
I discuss various special cases of this conceptual metaphor in my speech.
The song used sunshine as a metaphor for joy.
Her art uses metaphor and allegory as a subtle way to introduce difficult topics.
About the Artist I use watercolors to create imperfect portraits, in which the mutilation is a metaphor for genuine experience.
To really understand RSS, a magazine metaphor works well.
Though there is nothing to show that Fischer intended, by what is here said, to do anything else than illustrate more fully the marvellous interconnexion of different animals, or that he attached any realistic meaning to his metaphor, his words were eagerly caught up by the prophet of the new faith.
The bishop emphasizes the distinction between metaphor and analogy; though the conceived attributes are not thought as they are in themselves, yet there is a reality corresponding in some way to our ideas of them.
You explored the ancestral history of the teacher in order to discover a redemptive metaphor which was used to heal the child at school.
Food is often used as a metaphor for other needs.
Literary devices - The language in the story is artful and incorporates creative writing techniques like foreshadowing, metaphor and irony.
AdvertisementWhether blatantly describing the act of sex and intimate body parts or using clever metaphor and innuendo to imply carnal subjects, erotic poetry is serious.
Peter, Paul and Mary - This folk singing trio might be best known for their drug metaphor song Puff The Magic Dragon, but their catalog is filled with protest songs, especially songs about the civil rights movement, and later, Vietnam.
A better way to think about it is to use a metaphor of "property."
In the early days of the web, pages were indexed (or "spidered" or "crawled", depending on your preferred metaphor) based on the text in the HTML document.
The utility of the computer metaphor to understand human cognition will be considered.
AdvertisementThat baptism is called the Seal (vdpa'yls), and Illumination (4ceno-phs) in the 2nd century has been set down to the influence of the pagan mysteries; but as a matter of fact the former term is a metaphor from military discipline, and the idea conveyed in the latter that gnosis or imparting of divine love is an illumining of the soul is found both in the Old and New Testaments.
His model was Xenophon, whom he has imitated with a tolerable measure of success; he abstains from an excessive use of simile and metaphor, and his style is concise and simple.
This writer's thought is coloured by the older speculations of Philo, who in metaphor called the Loges the heavenly bread and food, the cupbearer and cup of God; and he seems even to protest against a literal interpretation of the words of institution, since he not only pointedly omits them in his account of the Last Supper, but in v.
Counterpoint the surrealism of the underlying metaphor of the, er...
But the effect of the adoption of these conclusions has been rather to substitute a new metaphor for that of Bonnet than to abolish the conception expressed by it.
AdvertisementHe had the sweet and patient temper which knew how to live, unrepining and unsoured, in the midst of the most watchful persecution, public and private; and it is wonderful how rarely he used his splendid rhetoric for the purposes of invective against the spirit and policy from which he must have suffered deeply, while, it may be added, he never hid an innuendo under a metaphor or a trope.
The metaphor is taken from the division of the Roman people into classes by Servius Tullius, those in the first class being called classici, all the rest infra classem, and those in the last proletarii.
As Dr Sanday finely says, " If the church is in something more than mere metaphor the Body of Christ, if there is circulating through it a continual flow and return of spiritual forces, derived directly from him, if the Spirit which animates the Body is one, then the Body itself also must be in essence one.
He even used the metaphor of the cross which was carried by the sufferer to the place of execution.
The Topics deal with dialectic and constitute an anatomy of argumentation, or, according to what seems to be Aristotle's own metaphor, a survey of the tactical vantage-points (7-67rot) for the conflict of wits in which the prize is primarily victory, though it is a barren victory unless it is also knowledge.
AdvertisementHistorically he appears to have been under the dominance of the Platonic metaphor of an alphabet of nature, with a consequent belief in the relatively small number of ultimate principles to be determined, and of Plato's conception of Division, cleared of its dialectical associations and used experientially in application to his own molecular physics.
Moreover, he did not spare his own estate, for in his Sexagesima sermon he boldly attacked the current style of preaching, its subtleties, affectation, obscurity and abuse of metaphor, and declared the ideal of a sermon to be one which sent men away "not contented with the preacher, but discontented with themselves."
If metaphors appeal to you, choose a metaphor for each moment.
Use a metaphor - These are those statements that compare one thing to another.
Visualizing the image of a closed door offers a powerful psychological metaphor for seekers who want to understand who they are and why they are here.
She explains that, in Japan, the cherry blossom is a metaphor for life, making it a perfect symbol for her endeavor and her attitude toward healthy, beautiful skin.
To change the metaphor - the ideal was always in sight, and Wagner never swerved from his path towards it; but that path began in a blaze of garish false lights, and it had become very tortuous before the light of day prevailed.
There are indeed 'but few specimens of Syriac verse which exhibit high poetic quality; except for a fairly copious and occasionally skilful use of simile and metaphor, there is little of soaring imagination in Syriac poets.
The statement that the little stream Pactolus which flowed through the market-place rolled over golden sands is probably little more than a metaphor, due to the wealth of the city to which the Greeks of the 6th century B.C. resorted for supplies of gold; but trade and the organization of commerce were the real sources of this wealth.
He left a hypothesis to be worked out by others; this done, he would criticize with all the rigour of logic, and with a profound distrust of imagination, metaphor and the attitude known as the will-to-believe.
The style is heavy and involved, loaded with metaphor and bizarre expressions, and verbose to excess.
The rally from the rout in Aristotle's famous metaphor is of units that already belong together, that are of the same regiment or order.
Bacon summing up the movement so far as he understood it, in a rather belated way, has no theory of knowledge beyond the metaphor of the mirror held up to nature.
The metaphor of Renaissance may signify the entrance of the European nations upon a fresh stage of vital energy in general, implying a fuller consciousness and a freer exercise of faculties than had belonged to the medieval period.
The popular autos that have survived are mainly religious, and show the abuse of metaphor and the conceits which derive from Gongora.
The English teacher used a tree as a metaphor for her students' abilities to grow into strong, capable adults.
The English teacher used a tree as a metaphor for her students' abilities to grow into strong, capableadults.
Kiana tried to find a symbol or a metaphor to use so that she would not be so blunt.
The old American melting pot metaphor is challenged as no longer being valid.
Whether or not this is a metaphor for relationships is not exactly clear, but the dance itself has an exciting element of danger to it.
Areas such as assonance, dissonance, metaphor and simile are also important.
It pioneered the techniques of easy uploading for users, and also made it very easy to organize the photos using the familiar "album" metaphor.
It has come down in a very corrupt state, and its difficulties are increased by the unpoetical nature of the subject, the straining after conciseness, and the obtrusive use of metaphor.
This strange metaphor also illumines the concept of the Word of the Lord held by Jeremiah's contemporaries.
For instance ' Mary Jane ' is actually a metaphor for weed.
Mary Jane ' is actually a metaphor for weed.
Consequently, the virtual city is being used as an interface metaphor to information and services on the WWW.
Metaphor has replaced metaphysics and the Western-style rhetoric has replaced mystery.
Must it rhyme, must it follow iambic pentameter; must every object be described through a metaphor?
Once a space becomes psychoactive for a person they are effectively ' living in their metaphor ' .
When engaging with Zulu society, the theme of the nation was in focus, in the shape of a metaphor of national rebirth.
To think about the roles involved, we use the metaphor of a barefoot statistician, itself based on the " barefoot doctor " .
The metaphor of the park, or more generally of landscape, is an important touchstone here.
He is called by Hermogenes 6 xpLetvos Anµoa8 vns, a metaphor taken from barley compared with wheat, or beer compared with wine, - a Demosthenes whose strength is rougher, without flavour or sparkle.
This form of free verse uses metaphor to describe the lust for sexual conquest.
This brings us back to Todorov's metaphor of the Faustian bargain.
The "last breath" has meant more than a mere metaphor.
Now you say we don't understand the nature of metaphor or this process completely.
That of Renaissance, Rinascimento, or Renascence is sufficient for the purpose, though we have to guard against the tyranny of what is after all a metaphor.
To think about the roles involved, we use the metaphor of a barefoot statistician, itself based on the " barefoot statistician, itself based on the " barefoot doctor " .
You do seem to have a liking for metaphor in your films.
These responses are not merely fanciful, music here is a useful metaphor.
It is scarcely the military metaphor.
Suddenly, to continue the metaphor, you're standing in a large crowd of people with a distinctly chilly feeling down below!
Metaphysics as Metaphor Many philosophers think that physicalism is a naturalistic metaphysics as Metaphor Many philosophers think that physicalism is a naturalistic metaphysics.
A metaphor can be contained in a single sentence or it can be used as an underlying device throughout an entire story.
The whole speech was connected to a single metaphor, so the audience was slightly confused.