Metabolism Sentence Examples
They lessen the general metabolism and lower febrile temperature.
Yes, my metabolism is a lot faster than a human, so my temperature runs about a hundred and two degrees.
The effect of common salt on the metabolism of plants is not understood.
A fast metabolism was part of the reason.
It has some power of affecting the general metabolism, but no wholly satisfactory explanation is forthcoming.
In diabetes mellitus, in which there is marked derangement in metabolism, extreme fatty changes are occasionally found in the organs, and the blood may be loaded with fat globules.
The enhanced metabolism creates a current of draught on the supplies of available food-stuffs around.
It therefore increases all the secretions, especially those of the skin and kidneys, while it also stimulates the general metabolism of the body and the excretion of nitrogenous products.
Haematoidin in normal metabolism is largely excreted by the liver in the form of bilirubin.
The health of the body depends upon the proper kind and supply of food, upon its proper digestion and absorption, on the proper metabolism or tissue-change in the body, and the proper excretion of waste.
AdvertisementEating breakfast gets your metabolism going for the whole day.
Like alcohol and prussic acid, quinine interferes with oxidation, so that oxyhaemoglobin is relatively unable to give up its oxygen to the tissues, the metabolism of which is therefore greatly modified.
As the cell fails and shrinks, so does it become more and more unable to make good the waste due to metabolism.
One of the best foods for speeding up metabolism are eggs.
The number of these instances, and the variety of them, are now known to be very large; and it is supposed that what is true of these simpler agents is true also of far more elaborate phases of vital metabolism.
AdvertisementLike all alkalis if given in quantities they increase metabolism.
The hypophosphites have been recommended in pulmonary affections, being said to act as free phosphorus without being irritant, and the glycero-phosphates are certainly useful to stimulate metabolism.
In small doses they somewhat increase general metabolism.
From the stomach and intestines they are rapidly absorbed, and rapidly excreted from the blood, increasing all secretions and the general metabolism.
Baths containing sulphuretted hydrogen or alkaline sulphides have a slightly irritating effect upon the skin, and stimulate the general metabolism.
AdvertisementThese mice provide an important animal model for study of the branched-chain amino acids metabolism and its toxicity.
This strategy could allow a comparative analysis of metabolism regulation of both amino acids within the same organism.
Their active metabolism (also that of many winter and high-altitude insects) is due to a natural antifreeze.
Neither emtricitabine nor tenofovir inhibited in vitro drug metabolism mediated by any of the major human CYP450 isoforms involved in drug biotransformation.
The mineral boron is known to affect estrogen metabolism.
AdvertisementIt also helps prevent the build ups of toxic byproducts of metabolism in the body.
Diabetes mellitus Nicotine releases catecholamines which can affect carbohydrate metabolism.
Possibly we are dealing with a genetic defect in the metabolism of the satin cavy.
Envelope membranes from spinach chloroplasts are a site of metabolism of fatty acid hydroperoxides.
Rarely, inactivation of vitamin B12 may occur which can then interfere with folate metabolism which can result in bone marrow changes.
Main current research is on the transcriptional control of lipid metabolism in farmed fish species, funded by the EU.
No reports of adverse effects on lipids or carbohydrate metabolism.
Nicotine is also subject to a significant first-pass metabolism.
The results show that no single enzyme controls glucose metabolism.
Other inherited disorders of lipoprotein metabolism are rarely expressed in childhood.
As temperature decreases drug metabolism and excretion also decreases thereby prolonging recovery.
Two other disease complexes of adult ruminants related to energy metabolism have been identified.
Metabolism can be influenced by age, sex, and certain foods that are eaten.
Repeat this sequence three or four times for a calorie burning workout that revs your heart rate and metabolism while giving your legs a great workout.
When you add coconut oil into your diet you burn off more calories because your metabolism increases.
This metabolism is a key component of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle.
Drugs that induce cytochrome P450 activity may reduce the availability of some protease inhibitors by increasing first pass metabolism.
There are also two new isotope ratio mass spectrometers for in vivo studies of energy and protein metabolism in patients.
Hence, strong inhibitors of this enzyme may inhibit the metabolism of clarithromycin, resulting in increased plasma concentrations of clarithromycin.
The pills also purport to stimulate the metabolism, breaking down fat.
Iodine is required by the thyroid glands which regulates body metabolism.
Such blockages will disrupt the balance of all circadian mediated metabolism throughout the body.
I've read on an on-line debate on smoking that chrome and iodine accelerate the metabolism.
The tissues have to undergo anaerobic metabolism, producing lactate, to meet the energy needs of essential processes within the tissue.
Minimal oxidative metabolism (a phase I reaction) has been observed in all species evaluated.
However use of these agents are not recommended below one year of age due to the possibility of immature renal function and hepatic metabolism.
The process by which muscles obtain energy from glucose in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic metabolism.
Methotrexate which interferes with purine metabolism was introduced almost 50 years ago.
Members agreed that metabolism of 1,3-DCP was likely to produce the reactive epoxide metabolite that could damage DNA.
This hydrogen is the waste end product of the metabolism of other, heterotrophic microorganisms.
The researchers concluded that being born preterm may have a long-term effect on cholesterol metabolism in children 8 to 12 years later.
The very large sauropods could not eat enough to have sustained endothermic metabolism, given likely estimates of bite size and nutrient values.
This entails investigating mitochondrial glutathione and protein thiols and the enzyme systems involve in their metabolism.
They probably express a variation which may have occurred in a far-back ancestor, or in one more recent, and render the individual vulnerable to the attacks of parasitic fungi, or, it may be, become manifest as errors of metabolism.
The part played by fats and closely allied compounds in normal and abnormal metabolism need not here be discussed, as the subject is too complex and the views on it are conflicting.
This increased osmotic pressure is again due to accumulation of crystalloids in the tissues, either products of metabolism due to deficient oxidation from alteration in the blood or other cause, or, it may be, as in some cases of nephritis, owing to a.
Amongst these, the most important is fever with increased protein metabolism, attended with disturbances of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Nervous symptoms, somnolence, coma, spasms, convulsions and paralysis are of common occurrence.
Thus, axon protection is likely to be mediated by altered ubiquitination or pyridine nucleotide metabolism.
Altered erythrocyte nucleotide patterns are characteristic of inherited disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism.
Furthermore smoking increases the metabolism by five to ten per cent and when you quit smoking this will decrease.
Iodine is an essential component of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine, which is the master regulator of metabolism.
Annex 3 Glucose signaling The phosphoprotein Ure2p is a central repressor of genes involved in nitrogen metabolism.
Its prime function is to help scavenge harmful free radicals which are by-products of oxygen metabolism.
Domain superfamilies of metabolism, e.g. enzymes, are the most abundant category.
Vitamins A and E have a synergetic relationship with the metabolism of the epithelial cells and progesterone production.
In this particular exercise we want to find all genes involved in the widest sense in the threonine metabolism.
The aim of this project is to understand the role of trehalose synthesis and metabolism in the infection cycle of Magnaporthe grisea.
Involved in iron metabolism and uric acid production (excreted in the urine).
This is a semi fermented tea that is said to boost metabolism among other health benefits.
Generally speaking, the larger the breed, the lower its metabolism.
Cell turnover will slow down alongside the cat's metabolism and neurological processes.
From metabolism to cardiovascular system, cayenne seems to be the hardest working herb on the planet.
Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, the natural byproduct of metabolism that can damage cell DNA and eventually cause tumors and cancer.
They are needed for digestion and metabolism.
Chicory root contains choline, which is thought to aid in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism.
Yellow is though to speed the metabolism, but people also have more arguments in yellow rooms.
Unless you have a great metabolism, it is likely that you might need to look into losing a few pounds if you're not very active.
Vitamin B - this is used by the body to support the metabolism system.
This is because anemia can slow down your metabolism due to lack of oxygen in the blood.
Once the blood becomes healthy again, metabolism stabilizes and extra pounds can be easier to lose.
It also raises the metabolism and decreases appetite, and it can even help boost depression and relieve anxiety.
For the role, Damon lost 40 pounds without the aid of a nutritionist and suffered over a year of illness regaining his metabolism.
One of the reasons why female celebrities might be sticking with the smokes is that smoking can boost metabolism.
They have a higher metabolism, so their bodies process poisons more quickly than larger dogs.
Hypothyroidism can cause your pet's metabolism to slow to a crawl and is sometimes the actual cause of obesity, rather than simple overeating.
An increase in exercise and a gradual decrease in calories should adjust your pet's metabolism.
Chromium Picolinate supports a healthy metabolism to keep your weight at healthy levels.
Chair exercise for seniors will help you stay in shape and increase your metabolism without worrying about aching bones and joints.
It helps increase your metabolism, energy levels and alertness.
Exercise revs your metabolism and boosts your energy levels.
The same study reported that when you consume alcohol, it slows your metabolism by nearly 73 percent.
Without alcohol, the wine will be slightly less calorically dense, and your fat metabolism will continue as always.
Hypothyroidism-A disorder in which the thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone causing a decrease in the rate of metabolism with associated effects on the reproductive system.
Phenylketonuria-A condition caused by a genetic error of the body's metabolism, characterized by the absence of phenylalanine hydroxylase (an enzyme that converts phenylalanine into tyrosine).
Some poisons interfere with the metabolism.
Because narcotic analgesics stimulate the production of enzymes that cause the metabolism of these drugs, patients on narcotics for a prolonged period may require increasing doses.
Children with this condition should be managed by a medical specialist in biochemical genetics or metabolism, as well as a registered dietitian who can provide nutrition support and information.
Nutrient-Substances in food that supply the body with the elements needed for metabolism.
Single gene defects such as phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inborn errors of metabolism may also cause mental retardation if they are not found and treated early.
Inborn errors of metabolism can cause brain damage and mental retardation if left untreated.
Phenylketonuria, Tay-Sachs disease, and galactosemia are inborn errors of metabolism.
The body maintains stability within this range by balancing the heat produced by the metabolism with the heat lost to the environment.
Vitamins-Small compounds required for metabolism that must be supplied by diet, microorganisms in the gut (vitamin K) or sunlight (UV light converts pre-vitamin D to vitamin D).
The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that controls body temperature, cellular metabolism, and such basic functions as appetite for food, the sleep/wake cycle, and reproduction.
Over 30 different disorders of fat metabolism are related to genetic defects.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)-A hormone produce by the pituitary gland that stimulates the thyroid gland to produce the hormones that regulate metabolism.
This disease blocks the baby's metabolism and can cause a range of symptoms, including abnormal genitals.
Free radicals are necessary molecules in the body's metabolism, but in excess they can also destroy cells and harm the body.
The utilization of fat in the body, or fat metabolism, is a complex process, complicated even more by abnormally high levels of cholesterol found circulating in the blood.
Severe alterations in copper metabolism occur in two genetic diseases, Wilson's disease and Menkes disease.
With regard to disorders of copper metabolism, Wilson's disease can be successfully controlled by lifelong treatment with d-penicillamine, trientine, and zinc acetate.
Changes (mutations) in genes involving the metabolism of folic acid are believed to be significant genetic risk factors.
A PET scan, which evaluates cerebral blood flow and brain metabolism, may be of help in diagnosing mild head injury.
When used to assess the brain, it produces a three-dimensional image that shows anatomy and function, including such information as blood flow, oxygen consumption, glucose metabolism, and concentrations of various molecules in brain tissue.
Strength and resistance training increases muscle strength and mass, bone strength, and the body's metabolism.
In most cells, heme is a key building block in the construction of factors that oversee metabolism and transport of oxygen and energy.
Cytochrome P450 is involved in the metabolism of chemicals, vitamins, fatty acids, and hormones; it is very important in transforming toxic substances into easily excretable materials.
Genetics influence how the body regulates appetite and metabolism, while certain environmental factors encourage excess calorie consumption.
The body requires a certain amount of energy for basic metabolism and to support additional physical activity.
The consumption of alcohol directly contributes to malnutrition because it contains no vitamins or minerals, and it uses up what the woman has for metabolism.
Phosporus is needed for energy production, metabolism, and healthy bone development.
In addition to abnormalities in the production or absorption of these chemical messengers, imaging studies indicate that the blood flow and metabolism in a part of the brain called the basal ganglia are abnormally low.
Up to 80 percent of such women develop toxemia, a disturbance of metabolism that can potentially lead to convulsions and coma.
It is important in the response to stress and partially regulates heart rate and metabolism.
It is the most common genetic disease involving amino acid metabolism.
It is necessary for normal growth and development and for normal protein metabolism.
Oxygen in the inspired air is exchanged within the alveoli of the lungs for carbon dioxide, a waste product of human metabolism.
When they do not get enough oxygen, cellular metabolism is disrupted and eventually cells begin to die.
In the hospital, fluids and electrolytes are given to correct imbalances that have arisen from the breakdown of cellular metabolism.
The excessive amount of thyroid hormones in the blood increases the body's metabolism, creating both mental and physical symptoms.
Glucocorticoids-A general class of adrenal cortical hormones that are mainly active in protecting against stress and in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.
In addition to measuring iron itself (Fe) and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin and transferrin saturation tests may be performed to evaluate iron metabolism.
Understanding iron metabolism and the ways to ensure that iron deficiency anemia in infants and children can be successfully treated and prevented from recurring may be concerns of parents.
Except in osteoporosis, copper deficiency is rare, although dramatic changes in copper metabolism occur in two serious genetic diseases, Wilson disease and Menkes' disease.
Vanadium-vital to cell metabolism, and helps reduce cholesterol and form healthy bones and teeth.
Symptoms include fatigue, anxiety, poor protein metabolism, and glucose intolerance (as in diabetes).
Catabolism-A process of metabolism that breaks down complex substances into simple ones.
In-born errors of vitamin D metabolism can also cause vitamin D deficiency and rickets; these children cannot convert inactive vitamin D to active vitamin D and suffer the same symptoms as children with a nutritional deficiency.
Laser combs have long been recommended by hair restorative clinics and dermatologists throughout Japan and Europe to promote cellular metabolism, which in turn promotes increased blood circulation and stimulates hair growth.
A study published in the June 2009 issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that monthly injections with testosterone are safe, reliable, and effective at preventing pregnancy.
The problems can affect metabolism, sensory processing, the brain and nervous system.
Any abnormality in the structure, function, or metabolism of an infant at birth can be defined as a birth defect.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, a developing baby's metabolism is not equipped well enough to metabolize caffeine effectively.
These benefits include, but are not limited to, vital bodily functions like cardiovascular health, bone metabolism, embryonic development in pregnant women and maintaining genetic integrity.
The free radicals are formed from the body's normal metabolism and environmental factors such as environmental pollutants and cigarette smoke.
One fringe benefit of caffeine-based supplements is that they hike your metabolism.
Forty percent of bee pollen consists of protein, and the human body has to do little to break this type of protein down, making bee pollen very easy to digest and good for the metabolism.
Vitamin B5 is necessary for the metabolism and is essential in creating hormones and HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol).
While the body naturally produces free radicals during metabolism, other contributors include alcohol, smoking, and environmental pollution.
The parathyroid produces hormones responsible for calcium metabolism.
It increases metabolism by making your body more efficient, even at rest.
Protein metabolism helps form new proteins in your body such as muscle fibers and other body tissue.
For example, the vitamin list for proper metabolism includes vitamins D, E, B2, and B6.
It may be effective in improving body composition to a healthier profile, which can lead to increased metabolism.
Vitamins such as niacin (B3) and pyridoxine (B6) help your body's metabolism.
Vitamin D is essential for many body processes, including calcium metabolism.
Vitamin B1, or thiamin, performs many functions including support for fat and protein metabolism.
It also plays a role in fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism.
The Energy, Metabolism and Immune blend also contains numerous herbs and food substances such as cocoa and green tea, known to contain caffeine.
Lastly, the Super Energy, Metabolism and Immune blend includes cocoa and green tea, both substances containing caffeine.
Different formulations focus on different health issues such as digestion, metabolism and immunity.
Without the presence of these vitamins, many of the enzymes necessary for the metabolism of fat, protein, and carbohydrate would not function properly.
Metabolism of these nutrients becomes extremely impaired without the presence of biotin.
Biotin plays a role in cell growth and fat and protein metabolism.
Vitamin D is very important for muscle health because it plays a crucial role in the metabolism of the minerals calcium and phosphorous.
By increasing muscle activity, metabolism is stimulated and as a result, you will burn extra calories.
However, yoga practice increases the body's metabolism and a higher metabolism burns more calories.
As a result, the body is able to burn fat more successfully and efficiently, and those practicing are able to increase their metabolism to help break down glucose and fatty acids.
Some feel mornings are best because that early morning workout can give your metabolism a jump-start that keeps you burning calories all day long.
According to the American Council on Exercise, today's sedentary lifestyles lead to weak joints as well as a slower metabolism.
Exercise stimulates the metabolism and also the flow of lymphatic fluid responsible for the movement of many toxins.
Long term, however, these diets will promote hefty nutritional problems which may damage the metabolism further.
For instance, chromium is a mineral with the ability to stabilize blood sugar levels and boost fat-burning metabolism for energy, but its use has not been proven to decrease actual body weight.
Besides PPA, there are caffeine and other stimulants used in these pills to speed up the metabolism and control appetite.
Skipping breakfast can cause the metabolism to slow (reducing the number of calories burned) and can interfere with the ability to concentrate.
These patches generally claim to suppress appetite or speed up the metabolism.
Some of these ingredients are known appetite suppressants; others are known to have effects on metabolism.
Finally, according to Cruise, frequent eating also teaches the body to reset its metabolic reactions, speeding up the metabolism and aiding fat-burning.
Ketones are a by-product of fat metabolism, and the state of ketosis should not be confused with ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening condition that may be developed by diabetics who are burning fat too quickly.
The second reason a low-carb dieter may suffer dehydration is the increased fat metabolism.
It is possible, with the increased excretion of water and the accelerated metabolism of fat, to induce a state of hypokalemia, lack of potassium in the blood.
It's also a good sign if the book describes the functions of metabolism and digestion, and how your eating habits may affect you positively or negatively.
The body has grown used to so few calories and a slowed metabolism that even returning to healthy eating can cause rapid regain.
On the contrary, the company recognizes the importance of snacking both psychologically and to keep the body's metabolism and blood sugar levels in optimum ranges.
Guarana - from the shrub Paullinia Carpana native to the Amazon region, its extremely high level of caffeine stimulates metabolism which in turn causes the body to expend more energy.
Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells - 35 to 50 calories per day at rest - which increases a body's overall metabolism.
Contradictory to the school of thought that believes the way to lose weight is to quit eating, you actually need to eat something to kick your metabolism into gear.
Choosing foods that boost your metabolism is a good way to lose a little extra weight.
The faster your metabolism, the more calories you will burn as you go about your normal daily activities.
Basically, metabolism is a term for the chemical processes that takes place in cells.
For the purpose of this article, metabolism has to do with the process of converting food into energy and how efficiently your body burns calories as you consume them.
Weight gain may not specifically be caused by low metabolism; instead, it is affected by consuming more calories than are burned.
There are a lot of theories about what to eat if you want to give your metabolism a boost.
Manipulating metabolism to lose weight doesn't just have to do with foods that boost your metabolism.
How you eat, or, more specifically, how often you eat also plays a big role in boosting your metabolism.
It is often advised that people who want to lose weight should eat about six small meals a day, or every three or four hours, to help boost their metabolism and lose more weight.
Another great way to boost your metabolism is to exercise regularly.
It's no secret that metabolism changes with the influx of menopause.
Your doctor and a registered dietician can help you incorporate foods that boost your metabolism into your daily diet.
The problem with this approach is that reducing your muscle mass also lowers your metabolism.
A slower metabolism makes it hard to keep the weight off, causing many dieters to find themselves not only back where they started, but many times even heavier.
Once the body no longer takes in carbs to produce glycogen, and after the glycogen is depleted from the liver, a change in metabolism uses stored fat and dietary fat for fuel.
Food is fuel, and you'll need it to keep your metabolism high.
Aerobic exercises are a necessary element to your exercise plan because they burn a lot of calories and speed up your metabolism.
However, foods work differently with each dieter, as each dieter has a different metabolism.
The faster your metabolism is to begin with, the better these foods work to help your body burn fat.
Ok, never in a million years would it be advised for you to become a coffee-aholic or a soda pop junkie, but caffeine is a proven chemical to speed up your metabolism.
It makes your heart beat faster and your body's metabolism more efficient.
Whole grains take longer for your body to digest, leaving you feeling fuller longer and causing your metabolism to work harder.
It works by increasing your metabolism and gives your body a burst of energy, which is why it is often fused with caffeine to give you optimal results.
Your metabolism, age, genetic makeup, daily diet and activity level all have a direct bearing on your ability to lose weight.
Green Tea-Comes in capsule, tablet, or tea bag, and can increase your metabolism.
Your body is deprived of nutrients and your metabolism will slow down.
Many oral contraceptives and anti-depressants can cause your metabolism to change enough to allow your body to gain weight.
Most runway models are in their teens, twenties, and maybe thirties, so they haven't experienced the slow crawl that their metabolism will experience in their forties.
This 10-day program claims to increase the metabolism rate and to burn calories.
The thyroid gland, which is located below the Adam's apple, produces hormones that help regulate metabolism.
Pregnancy and menopause are both times of hormonal fluctuations that affect the metabolism and emotional states of women.
Two things you'll want to be sure to avoid are pills with the potential for dependence, and pills that may disrupt your metabolism.
This happens if the pills reduce your appetite to the point that your caloric intake is too low and thus slows your metabolism.
Chromium Polynicotinate facilitates the metabolism of sugar, fat and cholesterol in the body, as well as the function of insulin.
Oat bran provides soluble fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol and improve glucose metabolism for diabetics.
Eating small meals several times during the day is easier on your digestive system, and it also revs up your metabolism, helping you lose those extra pounds.
The elderly often experience a slower metabolism.
This helps preserve muscle mass and keep your natural metabolism going, which is a key determinant to your progress.
How many calories you should aim for depends on your body size and current metabolism, but let's say you normally take in about 2000 calories per day as a break-even point.
Instead, you'll cannibalize muscle mass, which in turn reduces your metabolism (i.e. the calories you burn around the clock just to stay alive).
This in turn helps keep metabolism up to speed, meaning your system can burn calories properly.
Eat a lot early in the day to kick your metabolism into gear right from the start.
Adding foods that speed metabolism to your diet is a great way to lose extra pounds while becoming healthier and more energized.
Metabolism has a great effect on body weight.
If you've heard of metabolism but aren't quite sure how it works, it refers to how quickly your body uses energy, or burns the calories you consume.
For example if a person with a fast metabolism and one with a slow metabolism eat the same foods, the one with the fast metabolism will burn more calories.
You will lose weight, feel better and have more energy.In order for a food to speed metabolism, the body must burn more calories digesting it than the food contains.
As you get older your metabolism naturally slows down.
Other causes of a slowed metabolism include a high intake of foods and drinks with a high sugar content, a thyroid gland that is under active and a lifestyle that is sedentary.
The following healthy eating tips will help to increase your metabolism.
Eating a breakfast rich in complex carbohydrates and protein will start your day with a healthy meal and a kick start to your metabolism.
Eat three small meals and have snacks in between choosing from healthy foods that boost your metabolism.
Choose foods that are nutritious and metabolism boosters making sure to have lots of protein rich meals.
Your body then burns more calories to cool itself and at the same time speeds up your metabolism.
A safe way to lose weight and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle is eating foods that speed metabolism and adding exercise to your daily routine.
Or you may be surprised to learn you're not eating enough calories which slows your metabolism and stops you from losing the weight.
The belief that nutrient cycling is closely tied to metabolism has been around for decades, even though it hasn't caught on among the general population to the extent of other, more mainstream approaches to dieting.
After a grueling workout, one of the best things the 20-year old can eat is actually a load of sugar, since this prevents his muscle tissue from cannibalizing itself and thus reduce his metabolism.
This has two aspects; your base metabolism and your specific workouts.
We already have a clue of your base metabolism (2,100 calories in the example above).
Weight training also burns calories, especially since it gives the body a temporary bump in metabolism as kind of an "afterglow" effect.
When this happens, your body is designed to protect your energy storage (fat) and your metabolism will kick into survival mode because it thinks you're starving.
The result is slower metabolism and less calories burned.Eating 1500 calories is right for many people, but if too few calories enter your body for an extended time, nutritional deficiencies may occur.
Your metabolism is an important part of losing weight.
Metabolism is a bio-mechanical process that helps your body break down the food you eat.
If your metabolism is low, your body has a tough time efficiently using the calories you eat.
There are actually several different forms of metabolism going on in your body.
The liver can't metabolize fat, and your metabolism slows.
Drinking enough water is essential to keeping your metabolism clipping along at a rate that helps you lose weight.
Along with this, it is said to boost your metabolism, which results in more calories burned.
The acai berry is loaded with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, both of which help boost metabolism and satiate hunger.
Adding acai berries to your diet is an easy way to boost your metabolism and repair muscles.
The berry's high antioxidant properties combined with its healthy amino acids boosts metabolism and more.
Fatty acids like the omegas are essential for a healthy metabolism.
In fact, the diet claims, "your shape is a signal of the type of metabolism you have."
Whichever one of these glands is the strongest in your particular metabolism, will dictate your body type.
Metabolism is recognized by the person's physical shape.
The Body Type Diet suggests that you can determine which of four glands regulate your metabolism by looking at your figure.
While each comes into play in the regulation of your metabolism, one is most influential.
Metabolism is a word we throw around quite a bit in the dieting arena, but to break it into easy-to-remember terms, it's the rate which your body burns calories.
If you want to read more on this, you can check out the findings in the December 2008 issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
According to Cynthia Sass, R.D., coauthor of Your Diet Is Driving Me Crazy, cutting more than 500 calories a day from your diet at once can slow your metabolism.
Strength training - Adding muscle not only helps firm you up and make you look, feel and perform your best, but it also can boost your metabolism.
During middle age, metabolism slows, activity naturally decreases, and hormone levels begin to decline.
Your age - You can't really do much about this one, but age does have an affect on metabolism.
Hormones - Your hormones can also wreak havoc on your metabolism - especially for women who are in perimenopause or menopause.
Additionally, hormonal imbalances of the thyroid and pituitary glands can also affect your metabolism and require medical support.
This is because this cycle of dieting wreaks havoc on your metabolism.
While it has been shown that green tea does, indeed, have an effect on metabolism, the metabolic boost isn't necessarily huge.
Therefore, if you are using green tea to boost your metabolism, it is important to understand that the boost you get from green tea isn't a blank check to consume more calories because the green tea will burn them.
Finding food combinations for increasing metabolism doesn't have to be difficult.
Because diet plays a significant role in how metabolism functions, eating foods that actually burn fat and support the digestive system simply makes sense.
This can be done in several ways, including exercise, caloric reduction, and high metabolism boosting foods.
There are numerous food combinations for increasing metabolism, but you have to educate yourself in order to understand what these foods are and how they work.
When you combine these and other healthy foods, you can increase your metabolism, lose weight, and feel good!
Because every time you eat, you are kick-starting your metabolism.
Those people that mistakenly think they can skip a meal and lose weight are missing out on another opportunity to rev up their metabolism and burn more fat!
Drinking a glass or two of very cold water along with your breakfast has also been thought to jumpstart your metabolism as well.
Jump start your morning with a drink that combines water, lemon juice, honey, and a small amount of cayenne pepper, all great metabolism boosters.
Other benefits include nourishing the skin and even speeding up the metabolism, though the rate at which water affects your metabolism is trivial.
Metabolically, whenever your body converts fuel (food) to energy, the result is ATP (andenosine triphosphate), which transports energy within cells for metabolism.
Sugar is the basis of the most vital of body functions, including energy production and metabolism.
When you lose lean muscle, your metabolism slows and you'll burn calories slower.
This is the best way to ensure your metabolism stays on track and you don't become so hungry that you are tempted to binge.
Healthy snacks regulate your blood sugar levels, give you a boost of energy, stoke your metabolism and help you to concentrate better.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day to get your metabolism going.
Interestingly, drinking more milk is not a good answer to the problem, as the animal proteins in dairy products actually balance the calcium needed for protein metabolism, resulting in no net increase in bone mineral density.
Uric acid is produced through metabolism of purines.
Consuming too few calories can lower your metabolism, which is the opposite of what you want when you're trying to shed weight.
This can also help with your metabolism.
When you add these 8 metabolism boosting foods to your diet, you can be happy knowing the food you're eating is helping your body burn calories instead of holding on to them.
Eating breakfast every day can raise your metabolism by as much as 10 percent which helps you start your day by burning calories right away.
It slows the metabolism and tells your body to store fat for energy until the perceived "famine" is over.
Lean proteins in general will give your metabolism a boost.
In moderation, almonds help jump-start your metabolism with essential fatty acids.
Water is essential in keeping your metabolism running optimally.
When you are dehydrated, your metabolism slows down.
By adding these 8 metabolism boosting foods to your daily diet, your metabolism will burn calories and unwanted fat.
By controlling carbohydrates in your diet, you can minimize the role insulin plays in your body's fat metabolism.
These fatty acids have been reported to help increase metabolism, which can elevate the number of calories an individual burns during exercise or even at rest.
Strength training activities increase muscle mass, which has been shown to increase metabolism slightly.
Finally, exercise helps burn calories, increase muscle mass (and therefore metabolism), and maintain heart health.
Strength training can help to speed up your metabolism, as can certain types of exercise such as interval training.
The original 2 day diet generally includes the use of Japanese herbal supplements, which purportedly boost metabolism and may help you lose weight.
Additionally, Japanese lingzhi supplements have been linked with the ability to boost body metabolism, effectively helping you burn more fat and calories.
This similarly named diet is based on eating right for your metabolism.
The result is suppose to be a boosted metabolism that is said to cause you to burn more calories than you take in without counting calories or feeling hungry.
D'Adamo links eating the wrong foods for your blood type with health issues such as inflammation, slowed metabolism and even cancer.
According to the diet's website, Hoodia works with your metabolism to help you drop those unwanted pounds without any negative side effects.
If you are not careful, you may gradually gain more weight than you lost in the first place because of changes in your metabolism.
Staying on the diet longer can slow down your metabolism for the long term.
Once the diet is completed, it may be difficult to increase your metabolism and rebuild muscle that you may have lost - especially if you have extended the diet for 40 days.
This approach is thought to decrease calories overall without lowing their metabolism.
Moreover, your liver ceases to effectively regulate fat metabolism, which leads to uncontrolled weight gain and an increasingly larger storage of fat in the liver.
The first 21 days of the diet are called the "21 Day Metabolism Makeover." By starting this plan, you should be able to optimize your glycemic profile with the endpoint being regulation of the insulin levels in your body.
You will also learn how to incorporate snacks - two to three each day - into your metabolism makeover.
Severely restricting your diet or "Master Cleansing" yourself down a dress size may affect your metabolism negatively in the long run.
Exercise can go a long way toward improving your metabolism.
This causes a slight increase in metabolism.
This may seem counterintuitive until you consider the impact of muscle mass on your metabolism.
If you let your body start cannibalizing its muscles, your metabolism will drop like a rock and you will have a harder time shedding those last few pounds.
Maintaining muscle mass is very important to keep your metabolism up (which burns calories around the clock).
The weight training will keep your muscles stimulated and make sure you don't cannibalize your muscle mass while cutting calories, and may even boost your metabolism -- meaning you'll burn more calories even as you sleep.
Lifting weights also increases metabolism by increasing lean tissue mass.
A study by German scientists recently found that doing this boosts metabolism by 24 percent for 90 minutes afterward.
What's more, building muscle boosts your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories, which results in a sexier, more sculpted body.
Secondly, it jolts your metabolism, which enhances the "afterglow" of training.
In fact, studies have shown that resistance exercise can raise your basal metabolic rate slightly -- there is still some controversy over just how effective these exercises are on a person's metabolism.
This type of training can help you build muscle definition and help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism.
Strength training will increase your metabolism and have your body continually burning calories.
This is especially bad since it wrecks your metabolism and thus make it increasingly harder to lose any fat at all.