Met Sentence Examples
His solemn gaze met hers.
She met his gaze and smiled.
I have never yet met a man who was quite awake.
I have never met someone who returned from another country saying, Man, those guys are such jerks.
The day she met him he had been riding on the road.
We met a sweet little child.
She met his gaze.
This is where we met.
Wolf! they cried, as they met another farmer coming over the hill.
He lowered the glasses and met her gaze, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
AdvertisementHe met Laney's gaze.
It's like people know me somehow, even though I never met them.
I met him as he rode into town, and he said that he intended to stop at this hotel.
Finally he glanced up and met her questioning gaze.
After lunch, Giddon's offer to help Lisa with the dishes was met by a raised eyebrow from Sarah.
AdvertisementI've never met anyone who could evade a question as well as he can.
Grasping the break with one hand, she met his amused gaze.
She glanced up and met his intent gaze.
I loved you from the day we met, and it had nothing to do with guilt or pity.
How many met their spouses at college and stayed married?
AdvertisementAt the Woman's building we met the Princess Maria Schaovskoy of Russia, and a beautiful Syrian lady.
She met his gaze, her stomach tense as she steeled herself against the response to her next probing question.
I never met your mother, but if she was anything like you, I reckon he thought she'd do just that.
I guess I was already half in love with you when we met.
Finally she met his patient gaze.
AdvertisementHe lifted his head and met her gaze.
He met her gaze and his eyes warmed, his lips giving in to a smile.
Betsy and I met last fall while jogging in Central Park.
A movie or a trip to town was suggested and met with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.
Howie was due within the hour so only Quinn and Martha met us at the door.
Even the women were at odds, almost for the first time since they'd met.
She flew directly to Boston on Friday and I met her at Logan Airport at six.
Few cases met fell within our criteria.
It met all our criteria; a stable employment, reasonably priced homes, a state college and a regional hospital.
By the way, your competition met his maker.
Merrill Cooms new project, After, got off to a start the week we first met Julie.
We were met by three inquisitive stares.
It's not like you and I who remember our parents; he literally just met his mother for the first time!
Julie met me at the door before I turned off my car.
When I first met Howie in class I thought he was just this lonely guy but he seemed nice and we had coffee a time of two.
She looked up with a smile as Betsy met me with a kiss.
My sleepy greeting was met by a shout.
He tucked the phone away and met her gaze, watching the emotions that crossed her face.
She met his gaze again, her breath catching.
He seemed the most approachable of everyone she'd met.
He wasn't sure what her gift was or what she was trying to do, but he'd never met a Natural with her unique combination of power and strength.
He kicked himself mentally for not thinking before he made any sort of pact with the Watcher, even one that seemed so straightforward, until he met his target and realized she was an innocent caught in the crossfire.
He met her gaze, listening.
I never met a vamp who tried to keep a Guardian alive.
She'd met enough Guardians and vamps to know how unique each was, but she'd never met a creature like this one.
He met her gaze and saw the confusion that crossed her features.
She met his gaze with a nod, and they looked at each other until her face flushed.
He tugged her forward until their bodies met.
He didn't think he'd ever met a human or Guardian as honest as this one.
He met her gaze and saw her confusion.
We haven't formally met.
We met when he was a teen and went through some rough stuff together.
His eyes opened, and he met her gaze.
Oh, to have had this instinct years ago, when she met Wynn!
She met his gaze at last, a red flush creeping across her face.
Reminds me of when we just met.
He was the first real person she'd ever met.
She met Romas's eyes over her friend's head.
While he never believed he'd overlooked her among the throngs of women he'd met, he had heard even his sisters speak of the missing lifemate and how he had refused every woman on the planet and perhaps somehow overlooked her.
The thought of her in rough conditions or battle met instant instinctual resistance.
Even though he'd just met her, the bond between them was as strong as his father told him it would be.
I've never met anyone who talked like that.
She's met a gentleman, struck up a 'literary conversation,' as she tells it, and he's asked her to drinks and dinner.
He wanted to ask what she thought happened every time their eyes met.
Most of all, he wanted to tell her that he had never met a women who affected him the way she did, and he wanted to spend time with her, lots of time.
She met his eyes with a smile.
He met her eyes, then closed his and swallowed hard, fighting back tears.
She met his gaze, biting her lip.
What if he had met her years ago?
She drew back and met his hungry gaze.
He was the man she had always dreamed of, even though she had not met him yet.
He knew it the day they met, but it was impossible to say exactly why.
Lana met his gaze, hearing his Southern drawl for the first time.
I inherited property there from some uncle I never even met.
The rulers of the city met to decide what should be done with the corn.
But I have met with such bad luck that I am forced to sell them.
Dr. Keller met us in Memphis.
I met Teacher in the hall, and begged to be taken to the sea at once.
Whichever way we turned, it seemed that the heavens and the earth had met together, since he enhanced the beauty of the landscape.
They were met by a deacon with a censer and by a servant who passed out on tiptoe without heeding them.
When Rostov met Sonya in the drawing room, he reddened.
He felt this in the looks of the soldiers who, marching in regular ranks briskly and gaily, were escorting him and the other criminals; he felt it in the looks of an important French official in a carriage and pair driven by a soldier, whom they met on the way.
And so you have met Count Nicholas, Mary?
Twice she turned and looked at him, and her eyes met his beaming at her.
Princess Mary and Natasha met as usual in the bedroom.
He often surprised those he met by his significantly happy looks and smiles which seemed to express a secret understanding between him and them.
When the princess came out of the countess' room Nicholas met her again, and with marked solemnity and stiffness accompanied her to the anteroom.
She met his gaze defiantly.
If Katie hadn't disclosed that incident to her before she met Alex, would he have revealed that facet of his past?
She met his searching gaze.
Would she ever reach the point that she felt comfortable about spending the money he had earned before they met?
His father died shortly after Alex was born, so I never met either of them.
All this happened before they were married - before they met.
Surely he knew she wouldn't leave him over something that happened before they met.
When she met him outside, he was attaching a pillow to his ATV with bunji cords.
Lisa finally met Yancey's accusing gaze.
His hostile gaze met hers.
She met his somber gaze defiantly.
His troubled gaze met hers.
Letting go of her chin, his intent gaze met hers.
She met his scrutinizing gaze.
Yancey made no move to stop her, but he met her gaze desperately.
So that's why you were looking me up and down the day we met.
She met his gaze briefly and looked away.
All the same, Brandon introduced them as his parents - and Adrienne as a friend he had met in Tulsa.
Brandon met her gaze, and his somber expression finally melted into a smile.
She met his gaze soberly.
He shifted uneasily and then met her gaze.
He tossed the car keys to Adrienne and met her startled gaze.
She took a step backward and met his gaze angrily.
She glanced up and met his tortured gaze.
Getting upset about it wasn't going to change anything, though, so she forced a grin as she met the troubled gaze of Fritz.
She met his accusing gaze coldly.
There was something familiar about that face, yet she was certain she had never met him before.
A month ago she would have said she might never marry, and yet it had crossed her mind a number of times since she met Bordeaux.
As she watched, Bordeaux glanced up and met her gaze.
An old prospector told me about a woman he met in Ashley.
That evening everyone met in Springtown for an engagement party.
But if Mary and Cade met, there was no indication.
When I returned to my office, Betsy met me, a frown on her face.
Did I trust this man I'd never met, enough to hand over all our identities?
This aunt I never met... or maybe I did but don't know it... she thinks I'm like practically a priest and she wants me to do all this stuff at the memorial service, for our side of the family!
Half the services I've been to, the presiding reverend never met the deceased and still managed to say something nice.
I only first heard about Howie was when I met him last September.
Betsy rose and met her half way.
If a man could be more consoling, I've not met him.
Howie was paged down from intensive care and I met up with him in the main waiting room.
Mr. Gustefson, we haven't formally met.
She'd fallen for him the day she met him seven years ago.
She met his gaze with a frown.
They looked after him before she met Darian's gaze.
She met his gaze, her features warm.
A flash of cool energy zipped through him as their lips met.
He met Bianca's beautiful brown eyes.
Dusty hung up and met Bianca's gaze again.
She pulled away and met his gaze, surprised to see his resolve.
Jenn met his gaze, and he looked again towards the fire.
I see you've met my daughter.
She felt the truth in his words, perhaps because their souls had touched when they first met the day before.
She met his gaze again, caught in the dark eyes that seemed both warm and wary.
He'd met Jenn once and didn't know her well enough to know where she'd be.
She smiled and met Jule's gaze.
Never met anyone more lost than I am.
Her instincts on high alarm, she met Xander's gaze.
At least, he was finding it harder to resist her strange magic every time they met.
A heavy silence fell, and she met his gaze finally.
Yully met his gaze, utterly relaxed and content with his heat and power moving through her.
Yully smiled, at ease with the two women she'd met so far.
Yully, you've met Damian and Darian.
I've never met anyone as sweet as you.
Yully opened herself to him, and he shivered as their souls, then their bodies, met once again.
Damian met Dusty's clear blue eyes, blood boiling.
Jilian met Damian's sword with his own, barking orders to his vamps.
Damian met his gaze, and they sat in the kitchen, bloodied and breathing hard as they recovered.
She didn't want to look, sensing she'd met a source of their issues already.
She met Damian's gaze.
His warm lips met hers, and she opened her eyes, surprised.
She met Dustin's gaze, sensing he felt the same pain she did.
She met Dustin's penetrating gaze.
He met Dusty's pale blue eyes and saw his pain reflected in Dusty's tight face.
Her eyes had been shadowed since he met her, her own struggle with her new world taking a visible toll on her.
What kind of a person was he when you met?
He drew away from her, and she met his black gaze.
Dusty met his gaze with his clear blues, concerned and relieved.
That was right after I met them, before the Schism and being paroled to earth.
Jule met her gaze calmly, and she resisted the urge to run.
Dustin met her gaze, and he froze.
Damian was the strongest man Two had ever met.
He wasn't part of the plan to kill him, but he found out from Claire when they met shortly before Darian's death.
Deidre met his gaze.
His words struck her as true; they were the same doubts she'd had about Gabriel since she met him.
Darkyn tipped her chin up, until she met his gaze again.
They were the same she'd said to Gabriel on the beach, the night they met.
She met his gaze, uncertain what to tell him.
Another thought occurred to her as she thought about Katie, the half-demon's mate she met when last at the fortress.
She met his gaze then looked away quickly.
He was armed but hadn't yet replaced the trench coat she cost him soon after they met.
She met his gaze, surprised.
She met Selyn's confused gaze as the girl looked around the room.
A vision of the beach where she met Gabriel told her who it was.
A familiar face appeared from the words, the golden-skinned deity she nicknamed Mr. Checkmate the first time they met at the Immortal Sanctuary.
Her throat tightened at the memory of the night she met Gabriel.
You see me differently now, but did you when we met?
I've never met your mother but I'm sure she loves you too, just as much as we do.
They'd never made official application for custody, but when they broached the subject with the authorities it was met with less than enthusiasm.
Westlake's eyes met Dean's in knowing sympathy.
Dean knew Joe Calvia; they'd met when he was first dating Cynthia.
I see you've met Lydia.
Dean was thankful they both wore old hiking boots as they stepped forward, gazing with trepidation as the cool breath of the mine met them.
Dean's question was met with a smile and a kindergarten finger to Fred's shushing lips.
That's how they met!
He has no long-term ties to Colorado, nor has he met Fitzgerald.
We met at a school basketball game.
You'd think we were still sitting in the same high school bleachers where we'd met a decade earlier.
You're the guy I met in the coffee shop, aren't you?
She must have hiked down the back way and met up with him down at the bend in the road, below where our Jeep is parked.
It was only moments later when his fears were realized by the gnashing, booming, ripping sound of metal on rock, echoing across the valley like a clap of thunder, repeating and repeating, as if car after car had met a similar fate, further and further away.
Thoughts raced through his mind of another crash, when Bird Song's very first guest had met a similar fateābut on a traveled highway, not a remote Jeep road deep in the San Juans.
He thought she might be sleeping, but her place was ablaze with lights, and she met him at the door as if expecting him.
The greeting was met with polite nods.
The Deans met Maria's betrothed, Emilio, who spoke halting English and was as polite as his fiancƩe.
Dean's suggestion about a public Internet connection a block away on Main Street was met with a dumb stare.
When Dean arrived in the hall, he was met by two men in black and his political opponent, Seymour Fitzgerald.
Brandon Westlake met him in the hall.
He was met with a blank stare but kept going.
I wasn't a hundred percent truthful when we first met in the parkāat the doggy parade.
By then, my mother was a single mom but she'd met my stepfatherāmy only real fatherāand she opted to remain in California.
I suppose Paul recognized my name, either before or soon after we first met, back when I was a teenager.
We'd sort of made a pact that our lives began when we met each other so the past wasn't discussed much, if at all.
Cynthia accepted the news well, first on the phone amid post wedding hubbub, and the next day when he met her stepping off the plane.
But the day she met Gabriel, human-Deidre made an omelet.
She struggled to recall what her real mother looked like or the day she became Death or even the day she met Gabriel.
Gabriel met Cora's eyes.
She froze as their lips met.
He opened a portal and returned to the beach where they met.
If he'd met Carmen any later, she probably would have been married to Josh.
If he'd married Tess, he wouldn't have met Carmen at all.
Carmen had lost her parents before she met Alex.
She met his expectant gaze.
Alex could remember every one, even if he only met them once, but she had trouble remembering the names and faces of people she saw monthly.
You met Lori that day, didn't you?
After counting to ten and taking two deep breaths, she lifted her head and met his troubled gaze.
He met her half the distance and folded her in a warm embrace, his lips seeking hers briefly.
He put his hands on her shoulders and his troubled gaze met hers.
She sat there for a long time, leaning against the porch post and thinking about the first time they had met.
From the moment she met him, her heart had betrayed interest in him, even when she denied it.
Remember when we first met, Alex?
I took care of everything before I met Alex.
The nurse met her before she entered his room and filled her in on his progress.
He turned and met her unsteady gaze.
Brutus met her there.
Jonathan and SeƱor Medena hit it off from the minute they met, and by the time he left, Jonathan was calling him grandpa.
Considering how she was living when he met her, he could believe it... only she wasn't happy when he first met her.
Wynn met the deity's gaze, which flickered between all the colors in the universe.
He'd met Fate once.
For example, before you ran into her in the mortal world, there was a ninety seven percent chance you would've killed her the first time you met.
He hadn't expected anything different when he met the reincarnated Deidre a few years ago and started down this path.
Her time was too short to turn away a tall, dark, handsome, intriguing, dangerous stranger she met on the beach in the moonlight who smelled good.
He reached out to rest a hand on her belly, as he did every time they met the past few months.
Harmony met him in the woods, coming from the direction of the palace.
Rhyn met his gaze, surprised.
She found herself walking down the beach to where she'd met him the night before.
Harmony hesitated, and Darkyn met her gaze, sensing weakness.
He met her gaze then closed the laptop.
She had the same strange sense she did when she first met Gabriel, that he wasn't fully part of this world.
I just met the guy, Wynn.
As she walked up the stairs, she realized that Wynn read her the same way Gabriel had the night they met.
You flipped out when you realized you were shackled to me and tried not to kill me the next time we met.
She wasn't when I met her.
You've met Toby and my sister Hannah.
I certainly never met her.
Gabriel met her gaze.
She met his gaze, dreading his words.
He was already approaching her and stopped just before his body met hers.
Magic flared through her as their lips met.
Worse, whatever tormented him since they met was no longer an issue.
Your tumor was operable when I met you and for the entirety of first year.
He was no longer the conflicted man she'd met on a beach a few days before.
She spun at the voice, startled to see Mr. Checkmate, the man she'd met on the beach when she arrived at the Sanctuary the first time.
Deidre met the gaze of her betrayer.
She'd never met Toby before this day!
He remembered everything from where they met, their first kiss, their first night together.
She looked around until her eyes met those of the death dealer.
She met his gaze briefly in the mirror.
Kris met his gaze, and the intensity of the exchange left her no doubt as to their relationship.
She met Jade's gaze, unable to look away.
Gabriel crossed to the window and stared at where the dark ocean and night sky met in the distance.
She smelled his blood, felt the weakness of his body when their skin met.
Rhyn met his gaze, leery as Kiki turned, considering.
He's the least friendly Ancient I've ever met.
Gabriel met her question with silence and another look of passing amusement.
The girls wanted me to ask since they haven't met you yet.
Katie met her gaze.
Hannah, this is Rhyn, myā¦the guy I met in Ireland.
He met her gaze, and her body bloomed with warmth in response to the possessive gaze that swept over her from head to foot before his eyes settled on the demon.
She said nothing, and he met her gaze once more, genuinely surprised.
The snow began falling harder, and he met her gaze again finally.
He.d thought Lankha skittish when he met the healer but soon found all the healers quaking and hiding. both the brightest and dumbest man ever met.
Better than the last time we met.
The tallest looked a great deal like Andre, the deceased Immortal she.d met a short time before he was killed.
He.s the most flawed of anyone ever met, but he.s a more honorable man than you.ll ever be!
You've never met him!
The prisoner tucked her behind him with one hand and met the first attacker's blow, blocked it, and flung him down the hall.
The giants battled, and she couldn't help feeling awed by the prisoner's abilities as he met the blows of all three foes and remained standing.
He hadn't met a woman quite as rough around the edges as his was.
It was the first girl she met, the tall woman with a long face named Talal.
Kiera could be the most stubborn and frustrating woman Evelyn had ever met, and she'd sworn off any man, let alone an alien.
A'Ran met her blows gently, redirecting them without affecting her balance.
Jetr met his gaze with a small smile and deferential bow of his head.
She met his gaze, wondering if any part of him was capable of affection or if she'd wither like a dried-out flower.
He caught Ne'Rin before he met the visitor, and the two stopped.
I met all your Council members.
He met her gaze, and she shifted at his intensity.
Like you did when we met?
Surprised, she met his dark gaze.
Her body jolted in recognition as their bodies met, even though his face was shadowed.
The feel of the planet's life force through his body was staggering, the sensation similar to what he felt the first time he'd met his nishani.
She stood before her favorite, an image of A'Ran the way she remembered him from the day they'd first met.
She thought of the image she'd seen so long ago when she met A'Ran, the vision of them walking together on the dead planet.
Dean met Cynthia while officially investigating her first husband's disappearance.
Dean was reluctant to admit it, but the old gent had met with some success.
They said they always heard Aunt Annie lived in a fine rooming house before she met up with Reverend Martin.
Cynthia met him as he came down the hall.
But when I met her, the boy wasn't even with her and she laid this soap opera story on me about leaving Shipton and being pregnant.
It is Annie's diary, written when she first met Rev. Martin!
I never even met Fred until a couple of days before she died.
I walked by prior arrangement to the Portland Road where he met me.
Janet met him at the door, looking ready to cry.
And maybe met her at a bar.
When the two returned to Bird Song, Donnie met Martha at the stairs and tugged her up to his and Edith's second floor room.
He simply fell in love after he met her, while doing God's work.
Edith Shipton was, first and foremost, a very manipulative and self-centered woman who had a love-hate relationship with every man she ever met.
It was Martha who met him when he opened the front door.
Having met him, I'd have to say he was capable of it.
Connor met his eyes with grave emotion and barely choked out, "Deal."
The shopkeeper met them at the door with a smile.
Connor had been with many women, even lived with one for a year, yet he had never met anyone he had connected with like Sarah.
Turning to face him, she said, "Look, Mr. Parrish," and stopped in mid-sentence as their eyes met.
She seemed much less guarded than when they met.
She slowly raised her head and met his gaze.
I've just come from the park where I met Elisabeth Sidwell.
As they walked to the bar, he decided to make sure that the night they met wasn't just a fluke.
When their eyes met, it was evident she felt uncertain as well.
Jackson met Elisabeth midway down the walk.
Sarah met Consuelo on the stairs and kissed her cheek.
On the way out, he met up with Consuelo.
Each time we met, I couldn't bring myself to ruin the happiness.
Sarah met him at the base.
They pulled up in front of the house, and Sarah met them at the door.
I haven't hunted since before the day I met you in the park.
She met his eyes.
You are the kindest, sweetest person I have ever met.
Jackson fell silent for a moment then met her gaze.
Wow, I've never met a witch before.
Elisabeth related their story starting with the night they met straight through yesterday.
He considered the first night they met and how differently it would have played out if he had caught up to her in the parking lot.
We have just now met for the first timeā¦ I'm glad you are enjoying the party.
Elisabeth continued toward Victor, met him face to face, and growled, "Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"
And if you had met her all those years ago, do you think you would have?
Elisabeth met Miriam at the door and threw her arms around her.
Sarah met him at the door.
Jackson met them on the walk.
Sarah met them at the door and introduced herself, then turned to Elisabeth and grabbed her hand, Ahhhh!
She met his eyes and rasped, "Run," Jackson and Sarah both battled to break free, while Connor fought to remain calm.