Messenger Sentence Examples
Their messenger won't wait long.
The messenger rushed across the street to deliver his package to the man on the corner.
Memon waved the messenger away.
A messenger was at once sent from Edinburgh to London with a letter from Lethington and a verbal message.
Glinka, the editor of the Russian Messenger, who was recognized (cries of "author! author!" were heard in the crowd), said that "hell must be repulsed by hell," and that he had seen a child smiling at lightning flashes and thunderclaps, but "we will not be that child."
The Emperor at once received this messenger in his study at the palace on Stone Island.
So you're a messenger of victory, eh?
I will show you how a messenger ought to behave.
Since his appointment as general on duty he had always slept with his door open, giving orders that every messenger should be allowed to wake him up.
The messenger bowed again and fled.
AdvertisementTelephone subscribers may also obtain the services of an express messenger by telephoning to the nearest post office connected with the exchange.
On the 23rd of July all was confusion at the depots, and the leaders were divided as to the course to be pursued; orders were not obeyed; a trusted messenger despatched for arms absconded with the money committed to him to pay for them; treachery, quite unsuspected by Emmet, honeycombed the conspiracy; the Wicklow contingent failed to appear; the Kildare men turned back on hearing that the rising had been postponed; a signal expected by a contingent at the Broadstone was never given.
He is the keeper of heaven's secrets and acts as messenger between gods and men.
Have just this moment received by special messenger very joyful news--if it's not false.
Meantime He is about to send His messenger to prepare His way before Him.
AdvertisementMalak-bel has been explained as " messenger of Bel "; but more probably Malak is the common Babylonian epithet malik given to various gods, and means " counsellor "; Malak-bel will then be the sun as the visible representative of Bel.
The bull escaped, but was overtaken, and by order of the Sun, who sent his messenger the raven, was reluctantly sacrificed by Mithras.
The domestic dog would be brought into the sacred circle through the increased veneration for animals, and the more pronounced view in later times of Anubis as servant, messenger and custodian of the gods.
In the Odyssey, however, he appears mainly as the messenger of the gods, and the conductor of the dead to Hades.
Bagration knew that as the distance between the two flanks was more than six miles, even if the messenger were not killed (which he very likely would be), and found the commander-in-chief (which would be very difficult), he would not be able to get back before evening.
AdvertisementSometimes he was represented in his pastoral character, as when he bears a sheep on his shoulders; at other times he appears as the messenger or herald of the gods with the KfpvKEiov, or herald's staff, which is his most frequent attribute.
At the chief entrance to the palace, however, an official came running out to meet him, and learning that he was a special messenger led him to another entrance.
When he awoke next morning the major-domo came to inform him that a special messenger, a police officer, had come from Count Rostopchin to know whether Count Bezukhov had left or was leaving the town.
Guess what came this morning, special messenger?
Thompson (1823-1873), widely known in his day as a poet and as the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in 1847-59.
AdvertisementIt could be explained as a contraction of Malachiah, messenger of Yahweh "; but the Septuagint is probably right in not regarding it as a proper name (" by the hand of His messenger ").
His strongest arguments are that the wind would easily develop into the messenger of the gods (Len oU pos), and that it was often thought to promote fertility in crops and cattle.
He was only the messenger.
Even worse - she'd lost the bribe she brought for the Oceanan messenger.
The messenger's voice was muffled by the door.
Dierdirien sent a messenger!
Subscribers to exchanges may also make arrangements to have all telegrams (except Press telegrams) ad - dressed to them delivered by telephone instead of messenger.
Every five years they selected by lot one of -the tribesmen as a messenger to the god.
In form the word means " my messenger."
The Kenyahs will not kill it, address to it thanks for assistance, and formally consult it before leaving home on an expedition; it seems, however, to be regarded as the messenger of the supreme god Balli Penyalong.
He founded the Sidereal Messenger in 1846, was one of the first to adopt (in 1848) the electrical method of recording observations, and published besides other works, The Orbs of Heaven (1848, &c.), and Popular Astronomy (1860), both reissued at London in 1892.
Elijah is the messenger of vengeance - sudden, fierce and overwhelming; Elisha is the messenger of mercy and restoration.
When forbidden to land, he told the messenger to inform the governor that he had seen Marius sitting as a fugitive among the ruins of Carthage.
The chief periodicals are the Vegetarian (weekly), the Herald of the Golden Age (monthly), the Vegetarian Messenger (monthly), the Vegetarian (American monthly), the Children's Garden (monthly).
Ultimately, while assisting his brother-in-law in an intrigue with the wife of a neighbouring knight, Tristan is wounded by a poisoned arrow; unable to find healing, and being near to death, he sends a messenger to bring Queen Iseult to his aid; if successful the ship which brings her is to have a white sail, if she refuses to come, a black.
Child labour is regulated by an act passed by the General Assembly in 1908; this act prohibits the employment of children less than 14 years of age in any gainful occupation during the session of school or in stores, factories, mines, offices, hotels or messenger service during vacations, and prohibits the employment of children between 14 and 16 unless they have employment certificates issued by a superintendent of schools or some other properly authorized person, showing the child's ability to read and write English, giving information as to the child's age (based upon a birth certificate if possible), and identifying the child by giving height and weight and colour of eyes and hair.
He is god of omens and ruler of the omen birds; but the hawk is not his messenger, for he never leaves his house; stories are, however, told of his attending feasts in human form and flying away in hawk form when all was over.
The rainbow-god of the Ewe was also conceived to have the form of a snake; his messenger was said to be a small variety of boa; but only certain individuals, not the whole species, were sacred.
When grown up, Orestes, in response to frequent messages from his sister, secretly repairs with Pylades to Argos, where he pretends to be a messenger from Strophius bringing the news of the death of Orestes.
The same messenger, who had already communicated the false report of the death of Orestes, informed her that he had been slain by Iphigeneia.
Other works are A Discourse concerning a New Planet (1640); Mercury, or the Secret and Swift Messenger (1641), a work of some ingenuity on the means of rapid correspondence; and Mathematical Magick (1648).
On the 9th of February a messenger from Kofi Karikari overtook Sir Garnet, who on the 13th at Fomana received the Ashanti envoys.
Having obtained their confidence, he sent a messenger to Tarquinius to inquire the next step. His father made no reply to the messenger, but walked up and down his garden, striking off the heads of the tallest poppies.
Berengaria sent for her son with such speed that her messenger reached Leon before the news of the death of the king of Castile, and when he came to her she renounced the crown in his favour.
It was suggested, however, at Constantinople that Ali would employ this force when he collected it for securing his own independence, and a messenger was sent by the Porte to the pasha with orders for his execution.
All, being apprised by his agents at the metropolis of the despatch of this messenger, ordered him to be waylaid and killed; the despatches were seized and read by All before an assembly of the beys, who were assured that the order for execution applied to all alike, and he urged them to fight for their lives.
On the clay following (May 28th) news came of the arrival at Alexandria of a messenger from Constantinople.
The messenger, however, was unable to penetrate to the spot; and the advanced guard, consisting of a detachment of the 31st, two companies of the 78th, one of the 35th, and De Rolls egiment, with a picquet of dragoons, the whole mustering 733 men, was surrounded, and, after a gallant resistance, the hurvivors, who had expended all their ammunition, became prisoners of war.
Hebrew prophets had foretold that God would send a " messenger "; that a voice would be heard saying, " Prepare the way of the Lord."
Please don't shoot the messenger - we're only passing on our visitors ' advice!
This monthly fee usually includes the ability to browse the member database, use e-mail, instant messenger and other features that will help you connect with potential dates.
Do not use instant messenger lingo in any school or business documents.
It acts by blocking a messenger chemical called glutamate which is produced by the brain cells damaged by the disease.
In Greek legend, Crocus was a beautiful young man who played a game of quoits in with the messenger god, Mercury.
Messenger is a popular instant messaging client and protocol provided by Yahoo!
Johnson sent a messenger to inform Wild of what had happened.
Are you sure you are not just blaming the messenger?
In this way, the same intracellular messenger, calcium, can be used to control all sorts of things without confusing the cell.
But the heavenly messenger also warned that the child would be a wild man and every man's hand would be against him.
Just looking for people to chat to on msn messenger.
The letter which had been the messenger of death for Milverton lay, all mottled with his blood, upon the table.
The authors developed a radioimmunoassay to provide further evidence that cAMP exists in plants and may therefore function as a second messenger.
The breed was developed in the USA from crossing a thoroughbred stallion imported in 1788, named Messenger, to local harness horses.
Yahoo messenger Don't use it.
The unity of procedure consists in the fact that every sacrifice involves putting the divine in communication with the profane by an intermediary - the victim - which may be piacular or honorific, a messenger or a means of divination, a means of alimenting the eternal life of the species or a source of magical energy which the rite diffuses over objects in its neighbourhood.
The typical bas relief, which is found in great abundance in the museums of Europe, invariably represents Mithras, under the form of a youth with conical cap and flying drapery, slaying the sacred bull, the scorpion attacking the genitals of the animal, the serpent drinking its blood, the dog springing towards the wound in its side, and frequently, in addition, the Sun-god, his messenger the raven, a fig-tree, a lion, a ewer, and torch-bearers.
Owing to the death of a messenger there was long delay in proclaiming the new monarchs in Maryland; this delay, together with a rumor of a Popish plot to slaughter the Protestants, enabled the opposition to overthrow the proprietary government, and then the crown, in the interest of its trade policy, set up a royal government in its place, in 1692, without, however, divesting the proprietor of his territorial rights.
His commanding stature, the symmetry of his form, the dark and melancholy beauty of his countenance, rather rendered piquant than impaired by an obliquity of vision, produced an imposing impression even before his deep and powerful voice had given utterance to its melodious thunders; and harsh and superficial half-truths enunciated with surpassing ease and grace of gesture, and not only with an air of absolute conviction but with the authority of a prophetic messenger, in tones whose magical fascination was inspired by an earnestness beyond all imitation of art, acquired a plausibility and importance which, at least while the orator spoke, made his audience entirely forgetful of their preconceived objections against them.
The pursuivant, he said, was " a welcome messenger."
Walid sent a messenger inviting them to a conference, thus giving them time to assemble their followers and to escape to Mecca, where the prefect Omar b.
The examination papers were given out at nine o'clock at Harvard and brought to Radcliffe by a special messenger.
The adjutant by his elaborate courtesy appeared to wish to ward off any attempt at familiarity on the part of the Russian messenger.
This messenger was Michaud, a Frenchman who did not know Russian, but who was quoique etranger, russe de coeur et d'ame, * as he said of himself.
Translation Messenger RNA then passes out of the nucleus and travels to small structures called ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
Gutin had sent a messenger through our lines under a safe-conduct given by Joan, to tell Talbot of the surrender.
The lord placed the scepter in the hands of the messenger going to the mountains.
The Messenger of Allah, on whom be peace and the bounties of Allah, stipulated this when he said.
So of course Nobody walks slower than you. ' ' I do my best, ' the Messenger said in a sulky tone.
Why not simply take Jesus into heaven or thwart the plots to kill his messenger without having anyone die at all?
That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His messenger, and Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
Elizabeth-Cousin of Mary who gave birth to the prophet and messenger John.
Luckily, if you have any questions regarding shipping or anything else, there several forms of contact, including an online form, e-mail, MSN Messenger and even Skype.
Asking your child to play messenger puts him/her in an awkward position.
The site includes a website game, an interactive fairy tale, behind-the-scenes campaign shoot, and downloadable items (including wallpapers, MySpace template, and instant messenger icons).
You can also get tools for MSN messenger and your website to translate for you as you go.
Yahoo offers its own web-based messenger.
Users can add Windows Live and mobile contacts in addition to chatting with other Yahoo Messenger users.
The web based Yahoo Instant Messenger offers all of the functionality of the downloadable program.
It is a good choice for using Yahoo Instant Messenger in your web browser if you also use other instant messaging programs.
Whatever your reason for seeking out a web based Yahoo Instant Messenger, select the site offering the interface and features you most desire.
One reason to use a chat room as opposed to using an instant messenger would be to meet people you did not know before, or to ask questions to a group of people about a specific topic.
If you only want to talk with people you know in real life, then an instant messenger would be better for you.
In addition, an instant messenger allows you to have a private conversation with someone, whereas a chat room is open for everyone to see.
A chat room also requires no download, so it is good for casual use, or if you are on a computer that does not have your favorite instant messenger installed.
Below is a list of the more commonly used text, instant messenger, and e-mail acronyms and abbreviations.
You can read the site's steps for quitting and receive either instant messenger or phone support from a National Cancer Institute counselor.
You can also chat with people in your e-mail address book with instant messenger systems, such as Yahoo Instant Messenger and Windows® Live Messenger.
Most chat rooms and messenger services have mechanisms for blocking people who become a nuisance.
If you use Windows Live Messenger or Hotmail, for instance, you should have one of these accounts.
Players do not have to be in the same physical location to engage in collusion; cheaters often use instant messenger services or phone calls to work the system.
I've been known to use Street Fighter themed video game pictures as my avatar on MSN Messenger.
For player who use Yahoo Messenger, Bounce Out appears on the games tab and will show you where your highest score ranks compared to your friends.
The fact that Yahoo Messenger keeps track of you and your friends' high scores can be fun, especially if you have competitive friends.
Messenger. The game is played exactly like it is in real life, so players familiar with dominos don't need to learn any new tricks.
Messenger a lot and remember to sign in to Pop n Drop before playing, you can go to Messenger's Games tab and see how your Pop n Drop score matches up to your friends.
In addition to packs, Gregory makes duffel bags, messenger bags and fanny packs.
Naturally, this Bold smartphone comes with all the usual functionality you've come to expect from a BlackBerry device, including push email and BlackBerry Messenger too.
The BlackBerry Messenger, push email, and BlackBerry Browser will not work.
Shape Service's IMPlus is one of the cool apps for the HTC Touch Pro, featuring access to AOL Instant Messenger, MSN, Windows Live, Yahoo, ICQ, Jabber, and Google Talk.
As such, one of the best free Apple apps for iPhone 3G is the Skype app.Use it to communicate with the instant messenger chat feature or launch into a full voice call right from within the app.
One of the cool free BlackBerry apps that allows you to communicate with friends is the Windows Live Messenger app.
This app allows you to chat with your Live Messenger friends via instant messaging.
Messenger app allows you to IM your Yahoo! contacts without sitting in front of a computer screen.
QuickIM MSN Messenger for Palm allows you to use Windows Live Messenger right on your Palm Centro.
You can download productivity apps like PDF readers and contact managers, games like Flood-It and Bejeweled 2, and communication apps like AOL Instant Messenger and Skype.
For instance, they are all equipped with what is known as BlackBerry Messenger.
When you leave your home or office with your laptop, you probably put it into a suitable backpack, messenger bag, or some other sort of sleeve.
If you want to use BlackBerry services, like BlackBerry Messenger and BlackBerry Browser, you need to register that PIN with the carrier too.
This PIN is what is used for BlackBerry Messenger and it must be registered with the carrier in order to use any of the other BlackBerry services, like BlackBerry Browser.
It is far from the latest and most advanced BlackBerry device, unfortunately, but it does offer the conventional BlackBerry trackpad, QWERTY keyboard, and BlackBerry Messenger utility.
Neurotransmitter-A chemical messenger that transmits an impulse from one nerve cell to the next.
Hormone-A chemical messenger secreted by a gland or organ and released into the bloodstream.
Calling in by phone or using an Instant Messenger system is another good way to keep in touch when you are working from home.
Does the service you are considering offer things like instant messenger, videos or chats?
I really like him but I introduced him to my friend through MSN Messenger.
It has been 6 weeks now and although he hasn't texted or phoned me since, he has however, spoken to me often (most evenings) on msn (messenger chat).
You can upload photos and use the website's instant messenger program.
Technical writers create the troubleshooting manuals used by technical support representatives who help end users identify and repair problems with their applications via telephone, email, and instant messenger chat.
Brighton handbags come in styles such as totes, shoulder bags, messenger bags, hobo bags, and satchels.
They carry hobos, messenger bags, satchels and more in a wide range of fabrics and colors.
The messenger is a contemporary must-have bag, and this one adds a touch of glam that you could carry right from day to evening.
The ultra-affordable Summer Croc Messenger Bag has everything you require to carry the books you don't read as well as flaunt the image of being scholastic.
Leather messenger bags are not only stylish; they are durable and functional as well.
The various methods for tanning and finishing leather allow for a huge variety of looks and colors in handbags, messenger bags, luggage, and more.
Perfect for work, weekends, and travel, a good leather messenger is an investment you won't regret.
For those on a budget, you can still find high quality, beautiful leathers from lower-end designers that carry leather messenger bags.
For genuine leather messenger bags, you're paying for bag with a high-quality material that takes ample time to tan and craft.
Check department stores for sales or try closeout stores such as T.J. Maxx, Marshall's, or Ross's for a quality leather messenger at a lower price.
For those lucky enough to afford leather messenger bags over $400, you'll find incredible quality and the softest leather available.
Although durable, you do want to treat leather messenger bags with care.
Store you messenger bag in a cloth bag when not in use.
The advantages of a briefcase over a messenger bag are clearly shown in this design, which is spacious enough to hold several textbooks.
More importantly, these bags can be converted between messenger and backpack styles.
Moreover, if you'll be traveling this summer, don't neglect Alina's spectacular line of shoulder and messenger bags that make for a perfect touring companion!
Available in in hobo, handbag, messenger and tote styles, this is a perfect accessory to add sophistication to any ensemble.
Unlike the subtleties of a Chanel clutch it is hard to go unnoticed when you're carrying a cowhide messenger bag that features dangling cords and patches of animal hair.
Check out Hot Topic's Olive Green Messenger Bag with a screened black print of Johnny and replete with two pink tattoos emblazoned with "I love Jack."
From the Disney Store, a Black Messenger with Red Screening that's versatile and priced right.
Although the following item hardly qualifies as "wild", the Case Logic Lifestyle Messenger Bag is just a prime example of one designer's divergence from the black nylon norm.
That's right, nearly any generic large messenger bag or backpack can serve as a laptop carrier, but what will ultimate ensure the safety of your precious computer is the amount of padding.
This Yves Saint Laurent messenger bag is done up in crisp white denim.
This is ideal for college students who want something that breaks out of the traditional messenger bag mold yet still retains the functionality expected of it.
Messenger bags are the ideal companion for youngsters who are headed off to school or to a friend's house for the evening.
This bright messenger bag depicts the one and only Cruella De Vil in all her cackling, evil glory, standing in front of the deserted mansion.
Also a limited edition piece, this messenger bag features the always cruel Evil Queen from Snow White, boasting her famous pursed red lips and cruel glare.
Both of these messenger bags are available online at Shelly's Gifts.
They are typically translucent to allow the messenger's literature to be clearly and immediately visible, and are available in a variety of sizes.
You can't go wrong with a messenger bag like this one by Timbuk2.
For business travel, you'll want to consider the Swiss Gear Saturn messenger bag.
Various mini styles are available and range from the city-chic SOHO Black Mini Backpack to the cute and classic Signature Mini Messenger.
A funky messenger bag can be a perfect way to showcase your unique personality!
It's very common to see messenger bags strapped to the backs of bike messengers as they whiz through busy city streets, but have you ever thought of buying one for yourself?
An unusual messenger bag can be a fun, yet practical way to schlep gear; it's incredibly compact and comes in a wide array of colors.
Love this fun and flirty messenger bag for its terrifically bright, juicy, orange color.
In fact, Patagonia promises that this bag will take you through an entire day of work and play, and when you see the craftsmanship of this messenger, you might just agree!
The term "satchel" is occasionally used to refer to what is more commonly recognized today as the messenger bag, or the type of bag favored by students that is slung over the shoulder and across the body.
Among them is a business-appropriate selection of satchels, messenger bags and flight bags that are ideal for everything from traveling to carrying downtown on a regular basis.
If you're in the market for a casually comfortable bag that multi-tasks, a satchel or a messenger bag may present the perfect solution.
Messenger bags have quickly replaced the bulky boxy shape of a typical briefcase and the school boy charm of rugged backpacks or bookbags.
Express Leather features a variety of messenger bags filled with pockets and plenty of stowaway spaces.
There are backpacks, messenger bags and briefcases that are perfect for carrying all your daily essentials.
Messenger bags are a popular choice for both men and women.
In lieu of a backpack purse, you might consider a zebra print messenger purse, which offers the same amount of functionality in a similar style.
The main difference is in the way this bag is carried - the backpack is worn over the back on both shoulders, while the messenger is typically slung across the body with a single sling.
Gucci does not categorize its bookbags as such, allowing you to use either a backpack, messenger bag or tote for the purpose.
If you are only carrying a few books and other items, a messenger bag might make more sense.
Many men and women prefer to use messenger bags in lieu of a briefcase these days.
There are several Gucci messenger bags, in the standard logo fabric with leather straps and trim.
You can get a messenger bag in a smaller or larger size, as suits your needs.
A backpack you might use for everyday toting, such as a school messenger bag or work bag, with or without a laptop, is something you can probably buy online, although it's always best to test it out first.
Solesu also makes a messenger bag that could suit a teacher.
Note that they make bags to order as well, so if you prefer the look of the messenger bag but need a larger size, they can accommodate you.
While most luggage stores and handbag shops will have a selection of leather bookbags and messenger bags, you will find the most options in a shop that specializes in leather.
You can get shoulder bags, totes, satchels, messenger bags, clutches and wristlets.
Roxy messenger bags are trendy and affordable messenger bags from the popular surf brand, Roxy.
Depending on the styling, the bags can be carried by either males or females, and you can find messenger bags made from all kinds of materials from vinyl and canvas to top quality leather and suede.
Depending on the brand and materials used, messenger bags can cost anywhere from about $10 to hundreds of dollars.
Messenger bags are a stylish replacement for backpacks and briefcases.
The messenger bags have been styled after bicycle messengers' bags, and they usually are large, high-capacity rectangular bags that drape over one shoulder and across the chest.
Most messenger bags have a lot of internal storage space and also feature exterior pockets for things like cell phones, keys and pens.
One of the reasons that messenger bags have become so ubiquitous and popular is that they have ample room for many items.
Along with Roxy messenger bags, Roxy also has a number of other handbags including totes, shoulder bags, beach bags, hobos and more.
Roxy has a number or cross-body bags in their current collection, and many true messenger bags from past collections.
Some styles include both the traditional messenger shoulder strap and a shorter handheld strap for versatility.
The Staying Alive crossbody bag from Roxy has classic messenger bag styling in black washed vinyl with exterior pockets and logo hardware.
With an edgy vibe and casual styling, Roxy messenger style bags are perfect for school, sports, and weekend wear.
Roxy has a website where you can purchase messenger bags, as well as a number of other items currently available from Roxy.
Many messenger bags available on eBay are in like new or never-been-used condition.
If you like to stay on top of trends and are looking for a stylish and affordable messenger bag or crossbody bag, then check out the messenger bags from Roxy.
With lines of messenger and cross body bags for both men and women, there are well-crafted, stylish bags for both genders.
Messenger bags have become very popular in the past several decade, and it looks like they are here to stay.
Typically, a messenger bag has a rectangular shape with a fold over flap that is held closed by a buckle, clasp, zipper or magnetic catch.
Some messengers, such as the Kristin large leather hobo, has the look of a classic messenger bag.
Kristin Hobo bags are a cross between a classic messenger bag and a hobo.
Large Leather Drawstring bags take the classic messenger size and shape, and seal it with a drawstring.
It also comes in metallic for a fun twist on a classic messenger bag.
Men's messenger bags cost anywhere from about $220 to about $600 depending on the size of the bag and materials used.
Mudd messenger bags are a stylish and affordable alternative to a traditional backpack.
Messenger bags are an increasingly popular backpack and briefcase alternative.
Traditional messenger bags are high-capacity satchels with a sturdy strap that drapes over one shoulder and across the body.
Messenger bags are made to carry a lot of things in the interior pouch.
Messenger bags from Mudd take the traditional styling of a bicycle messenger bag and add stylish and fun details that transform the look from traditional to trendy.
Mudd messenger bags, also known as cross body bags, have a stylish and fun appeal to them.
Messenger bags from Mudd used to be available in a variety of online and brick and mortar retail stores like JCPenney, Target and Sears; however, if you're looking there for Mudd products, you will no longer find them.
Kohl's is well-known for fashion at an affordable price, and they often offer Mudd's messenger bags at a discount.
If you're looking for a bright, fun, fashionable messenger bag then you can't go wrong with Mudd.
With great styling, terrific colors and a low price, messenger bags from Mudd can't be beat.
For instance, there is a Jimmy Choo bag that starts as a clutch but can be unfolded into a single flap shoulder bag or worn across the body as a messenger bag.
Bueno handbag sizes and shapes range from small clutches to large hobos and messenger bags.
You'll even find messenger book bags and coin purses featuring these popular young stars.
The style of the book bag is a messenger style, so this bag could easily double as a handbag when school is out or as an overnight tote bag.
Bag styles include messenger bags, backpacks and totes with colorful scenes from Naruto printed on them. - This large online retailer has a massive selection of Naruto bookbags, messenger bags, backpacks and more.
Imagine Anime - Imagine Anime has mostly messenger style bookbags that feature brightly colored scenes from Naruto.
Shoe has several sling messenger bags from which you can choose and the majority of the styles are quite fashionable.
Wheeled designer messenger bags are an interesting take on traditional bags.
You can find wheeled messenger bags in almost any brick and mortar store that sells luggage, although finding the traditional fold-over style may be challenging.
Many modern rolling laptop bags and some rolling luggage styles resemble the messenger bag design, so it can be helpful to browse those sections of handbag, backpack, or luggage shops.
You'll find a nice selection of wheeled designer messenger bags on Cool Computer Bags.
Although a traditional messenger bag has a fold over flap, not all of the modern varieties do.
This beautiful wheeled messenger comes in a range of bright colors.
This site offers rolling laptop cases with the messenger bag design people have come to know and love.
Solo offers a nylon messenger bag for your computer that is on wheels.
The design of this bag is a traditional messenger with the fold over flap and a clasp in the front.
Solo offers many other messenger bags, but not all of them are on wheels.
However, the organization that the messenger bag design offers is worth the extra time it might take you to find the right bag.
Messenger bags are extremely functional, so they are usually worth every penny - and they certainly don't have to be expensive to be reliable.
The ubiquitous messenger bag is one of fashion's most celebrated accessories.
Traditionally, professional messengers (like mail deliverers and couriers) used messenger bags, but today the bag is considered something of a fashion statement.
Though the majority of messenger bags are constructed of canvas, many of these designer versions are made of top quality leather.
Now, many smaller labels and companies have added some variation of leather messenger bags to their lineups.
Some lower priced messenger bags that contain leather are combined with nylon, polyester or canvas.
If you have decided to purchase a leather messenger bag but don't want to spend too much, you have plenty of options.
This is usually an important consideration for any handbag purchase, but since there are so many types of messenger bags available at so many different price points, you can afford to be slightly choosy here.
If not, you might consider choosing a leather messenger bag from a store like Catherines, Chico's or Spiegel, all of which carry styles under their own house labels for prices between $25 and $100.
The best looking ones can fall short if they lack the bells and whistles that make messenger bags such workhorses.
This may lower the price of a great quality messenger bag dramatically.
Stores like Target and even Costco also sell inexpensive messenger bags made from leather (or a leather-like material) from time to time.
Choose from sleeve, shoulder case, backpack, wheeled case or messenger bag, and simply narrow it down by size.
It's no wonder there is quite a debate about the choice to carry a shoulder bag versus a more common messenger bag.
The result is a bag that resembles a hip messenger more than a "murse" of any kind.
If you're traveling or spend a lot of time outside but don't want to deal with the bulk of a messenger bag, this may be a suitable alternative.
Those who are always on the run might enjoy the messenger bag model.
The following sites allow you to speak with live readers on the phone or via an instant messenger program.
This winged messenger is brilliant and has a mind that never stops turning.
Time is fluid to the "messenger of the gods", and she understands how important it is to be in sync with time.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods in mythology and astrology.
Mercury is the messenger of the Gods and also rules travel and commerce.
Don't use the child as a messenger between the parents.
His love for her and his duties as an angel compete, and it seems the only way to reconcile the two is to become a Messenger, an angel who became human once again.
The townspeople could have been receiving psychic visions of the bridge collapse or some kind of warning or messenger in the form of the Mothman.
Gabriel is a messenger angel, and is also thought to be the spiritual guide and protector of unborn babies.
Messenger and MSN Messenger so meeting participants can be notified of a scheduled meeting.
It clearly won't challenge the dominance of programs like AIM, MSN Messenger, and Yahoo!
Messenger, but the Ares chat platform does present a useful alternative.
While none of the men can communicate directly with the women (and vice versa) outside the dark room, they are able to set up dates via a computer-based messenger system inside the house.
However, even if eBuddy web messenger makes it possible for you to circumvent the rules, it doesn't mean you should.
Finding a free smiley for instant messenger, forum and chat room use can be a great way to bring some fun to your messages and let your personality shine through.
While most instant messenger, forum and chat room applications come with a range of different smileys or emoticons, many people like to display their individuality by having something a little different.
Many companies provide free smileys for instant messenger, forums,and chat rooms.
With the advent of the internet came the creation of instant messenger lingo.
The expression type of instant messenger lingo is used in the same way body language and sounds are used in everyday conversation.
Do not assume that the person you are chatting with will already know the same instant messenger lingo that you do.
Many chat clients such as Yahoo Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger have also built into their applications graphics that will appear when the user types in emoticons.
By clicking in the Find Friends tab, you can find your friends on Twitter by searching other services you use, like Windows Live, Hotmail, Instant Messenger, LinkedIn, Gmail, and Yahoo.
The assassin he'd killed earlier had a handler, one that acted as a messenger between him and Darkyn.
She approached, but Ne'Rin headed back to her with the messenger.
Taran pushed himself up with a curse, determined to tear the messenger apart for the disturbance.
A messenger sought him out the moment he sat with a hunk of bread and ale, ordering him back to the hold with no explanation.
In his letters to his friend Mathilde Wesendonck, it appears that while he was composing Tristan he already had the inspiration of working out the identification of Kundry, the messenger of the Grail, with the temptress who, under the spell of Klingsor, seduces the knights of the Grail; and he had, moreover, thought out the impressively obscure suggestion that she was Herodias, condemned like the wandering Jew to live till the Saviour's second coming.
Then one of the king's concubines and his cup-bearer, cook, groom, messenger and horses were strangled and laid by him, and round about offerings of all his goods and cups of gold - no silver or bronze.
Tradition centres rather upon the fox (kitsune) and the badger (mujina), which are credited with supernatural powers, the former being worshipped as the messenger of the harvest god, while the latter is regarded as a mischievous rollicker.
It is impossible to adopt the view that the Homeric poets turned the rude shepherd-god of Arcadia into a messenger, in order to provide him with a place in the Olympian circle.
His first recorded act was, after a synod had been held at Rome, to write to Constantius, then in quarters at Arles (353-354), asking that a council might be called at Aquileia with reference to the affairs of Athanasius; but his messenger Vincentius of Capua was compelled by the emperor at a conciliabulum held in Arles to subscribe against his will a condemnation of the orthodox patriarch of Alexandria.
With one more denunciation of the house of Ahab, Elijah's function as a messenger of wrath was fully discharged (2 Kings i.).
The massively moulded ormolu stair balustrade of Northumberland House, now at 49 Prince's Gate; the candelabra at Windsor and Buckingham Palace, produced in Birmingham by the firm of Messenger; the cast-iron railings with javelin heads and lictors' fasces, the tripods, Corinthian column standard lamps and candelabra, boat-shaped oil lamps and tent-shaped lustres with classic mountings, are examples of the metal-work of a style which, outside the eccentric Brighton Pavilion and excursions into Gothic and Elizabethan, was universally accepted in the United Kingdom from the days of the Regency until after the accession of Victoria.
He must be perfectly unembarrassed in the service of God, not bound by the common ties of life, nor entangled by relationships, which if he transgresses he will lose the character of a man of honour, while if he upholds them he will cease to be the messenger, watchman and herald of the gods.
A curious tradition, illustrating the efforts of the dispersed people to conciliate their oppressors, asserts that the Jews of Worms gave their voice against the crucifixion, but that their messenger did not arrive at Jerusalem until after the event.
This was done by making Ea confer on Marduk as his son the powers of the father, and by making Nusku a messenger between Ea and Marduk.
If the caliph then, as the chroniclers tell, sent a message to Moawiya for help, his messenger could not have accomplished half the journey to Damascus when the catastrophe took place.
Yusuf at the head of 2000 Syrians against Ibn Zobair in Mecca, and despatched a messenger toTariq b.'Amr, who 1 Formerly the capital of the homonymous province of Syria; it lies a day's march west from Haleb (Aleppo).
Sahl hastily sent a messenger to Harthama b.
To this heathen chief the Imam of the Moslems sent a messenger, inducing him to attack the prince of Khwarizm, who already had provoked the Mongolian by a disrespectful treatment of his envoys.
As such, the beadle goes back to early Teutonic times; he was probably attached to the moot as its messenger or summoner, being under the direction of the reeve or constable of the leet.
He was also employed as the messenger of the parish, and thus became, to a certain extent, an ecclesiastical officer, but in reality acted more as a constable by keeping order in the church and churchyard during service.
Colonel Farrant, then charg d affaires on shh the part of the British government, in the absence of - a Colonel Sheil, who had succeeded Sir John MNeill, had, in anticipation of the shahs decease and consequent trouhle, sent a messenger to summon him instantly to Teheran.
The shah received the intelligence with satisfaction, and despatched a firman, by return of the messenger, appointing Nasir Khan beglar begi (prince of princes) of all Baluchistan.
While at supper about 6 o'clock an anonymous letter was brought by an unknown messenger which, having glanced at, he handed to Ward, a gentleman of his service and an intimate friend of Winter, the conspirator, to be read aloud.
Later it is regarded as no more than a messenger.
Now here, we are told, there is a malicious allusion to the " messenger of Satan to buffet me " of 2 Cor.
He arrived at Massawa in July 1864, and immediately despatched a messenger requesting permission to present himself before the emperor.
Among numerous anecdotes the following is characteristic. Periander, on being consulted by the tyrant Thrasybulus of Miletus as to the best device for maintaining himself in power, by way of reply led the messenger through a.
Just then a messenger arrived with the news that his wife Yasodhara had given birth to a son, his only child.
Yahweh has sent a messenger forth among the nations to stir them up to battle against the proud inhabitants of Mount Seir, to bring them down from the rocky fastnesses which they deem impregnable.
Jehu, meanwhile, remained at the seat of war, and the prophet Elisha sent a messenger to anoint him king.
Upon receiving the mandamus Dr Pechell, the master of Magdalene College, who was vicechancellor, sent a messenger to the duke of Albemarle, the chancellor, to request him to get the mandamus recalled; and the registrary and the bedells waited upon Francis to offer him instant admission to the degree if only he would take the necessary oaths.
Under the belief that they were now led by a messenger from heaven, the Dauphinois fought with a fiery courage that they had never before displayed.
He is the messenger of the gods.
He soon became prominent; first by his contributions to its organ the Messenger; then by The Anxious Bench - A Tract for the Times (1843), attacking the vicious excesses of revivalistic methods; and by his defence of the inauguration address, The Principle of Protestantism, delivered by his colleague Philip Schaff, which aroused a storm of protest by its suggestion that Pauline Protestantism was not the last word in the development of the church but that a Johannean Christianity was to be its outgrowth, and by its recognition of Petrine Romanism as a stage in ecclesiastical development.
Ghasi Das gave himself out as a messenger of God; he prohibited the adoration of idols, and enjoined the worship of the Supreme Being without any visible sign or representation.
He proceeded to take off on an explanatory lecture that mentioned anandamides as brain messenger molecules and details about brain chemistry.
He said Landis planned to attack you this eve, and he sent his messenger ahead to warn you.
The messenger across the meadow waved and wheeled his horse.
Sirian can stall their messenger, but if I don't bring another soon, they'll go the way of Nilian and align with Memon against us.
Dismayed by the amount of fallen bodies wearing Tiyan's colors, Taran overlooked the messenger from the north the first time until he'd reached the walls.
What made the messenger so coherent with his message?
Requests for repair should be routed through departmental administrators to the Surveyor's Office by telephone, messenger, fax, or e-mail.
Can you imagine the astonishment when the messenger returned alone?
There may be an abnormality in brain biochemistry involving a chemical messenger called serotonin.
Messenger and integrates telephony capabilities, such as PC to phone calling, Internet call waiting, directory lookup and more.
Voice Messenger supports direct dictation into letters, forms or reports, and converts them to text in real time.
You could manually disable the Windows Messenger Service if you want or download the free " Shoot the Messenger " program.
They work by reducing the action of a particular chemical messenger in the brain called dopamine.
These are neurons that produce the chemical messenger dopamine.
This is normally prevented by a tiny messenger substance known as " GABA " which makes the nerve cells less excitable.
A messenger arrives demanding fealty to King John of France, to which Edward returns a challenge.
Lett mee bee your Messenger.
You're AIM, probably the most popular instant messenger out there.
Elizabeth sent conditional offers of help to her kinswoman, provided she would accept of English intervention and abstain from seeking foreign assistance; but the messenger came too late.
Before Belliard was out of sight, a messenger from another part of the battlefield galloped up.
Nine days after the abandonment of Moscow, a messenger from Kutuzov reached Petersburg with the official announcement of that event.
A Russian officer who had come up to the fire sent to ask his colonel whether he would not take a French officer into his hut to warm him, and when the messenger returned and said that the colonel wished the officer to be brought to him, Ramballe was told to go.
For example, MSN messenger offers a downloable version, and a widget on the Hotmail page.
If you don't want to download multiple programs, both Digsby and Trillian track all of your instant messenger accounts and let you communicate through all of them without having to have each individual program open.
This is true even from instant messenger program on your computer.
While the selection may not be as large, Jewish ecards are available to send over email or instant messenger.
Locating a messenger bag on wheels that also has a designer label may take some effort.
Private conversations are done through Instant Messaging, which works just like Yahoo Messenger or AIM.
There are also desktop images which can be used for MySpace backgrounds, as well as icons that are used for various social networking sites such as Twitter, AOL Instant Messenger and more.
Not only was an Other there, but so was Damian, the messenger he'd sent, Jonny, Jenn, and Xander.
Damian was the first to show his support by Traveling, taking the messenger with him.
The horses of Vermont have been famous in the development of American racing stocks; the Morgan stock is best known, and other famous Vermont strains are Messenger and Black Hawk.
Faraday's term " electrode," literally " a way (650s) for electricity to travel along," might be well applied to designate the insulated conductor along which the electric messenger is despatched.
So the governor sent a messenger to Delphi to ask the oracle what should be done with the tripod.
If they came from someone other than the man who'd supported his father and grandfather, he'd disregard the warning and have the messenger killed.
Knocking jarred him as he read, and he hid the book beneath a pillow before allowing Hilden's chosen messenger to enter.
They emerged from the dungeon and returned to the banquet hall, where a messenger stood beside Memon.
The messenger held out a small thumb drive with what Kris hoped contained a report identifying the two shapeshifter demons. He left, and Kris plugged the thumb drive into his small PDA. A single file was on the drive, and he opened it.
During his march a messenger from Omar arrived with a letter containing directions to return if he should have received it in Syria, but if in Egypt to advance, in which case all needful assistance would be instantly sent to him.
By the dusty clothing and sweating messenger, he was newly arrived.
The novelty Anna Pavlovna was setting before her guests that evening was Boris Drubetskoy, who had just arrived as a special messenger from the Prussian army and was aide-de-camp to a very important personage.
Will a messenger make it to our allies?
It is equally impossible to give a general survey of the purposes of sacrifice; not only are they too numerous but it is rare to find any but mixed forms; the scapegoat, for example, is also a messenger to the dead, and its flesh is eaten by the sacrificers.
She recognized the messenger boy the moment he was led into the chamber.