Mes Sentence Examples
But Lauzun tyrannized over his wife, and it is said that on one occasion he addressed her thus, "Louise d'Orleans, tire-moi mes bottes," and that she at once and finally separated from him.
The mesodermic portion becomes charged with a yolk-like material (y), and, on the germination of the statoblast, gives rise to the outer layer (mes) of the bud.
Seen from the Adriatic, Monte Corno, as it is someti, mes called, from its resemblance to a horn, affords a magnificent spectacle; the Alpine region beneath its summit is still the home of the wild boar, and here and there are dense woods of beech and pine.
Quinet had already in 1858 published a semi-biographic book called Histoire de mes idees.
I promise I will be back one day to see you all again, mes chers amis.
One brewery saved the cost of its MES installation within one month â through the revelation of incorrect billing for consumption of materials.
The second part enters upon the history of the crusade itself, and tells how Joinville pledged all his land save so much as would bring in a thousand livres a year, and started with a brave retinue of nine knights (two of whom besides himself wore bannerets), and shared a ship with the sire d'Aspremont, leaving Joinville without raising his eyes,"pour ce que le cuer ne me attendrisist du biau chastel que je lessoie et de mes deux enfans"; how they could not get out of sight of a high mountainous island (Lampedusa or Pantellaria) till they had made a procession round the masts in honour of the Virgin; how they reached first Cyprus and then Egypt; how they took Damietta, and then entangled themselves in the Delta.
Anticholinergics, including trihexyphenidyl (Artane) and benztropine (Benztrop MES, Cogentin), block acetylcholine receptors in the brain.
Ancient historians (like many of modern t i mes) used the liberty of working up in their own language the speeches recorded by them.