Mentor Sentence Examples
Or maybe, the right mentor had chosen him.
Encourage your child to be a mentor for his younger sibling.
Andre had been his confidante and mentor whose guidance had helped him navigate his role as the Immortals. leader.
To perfect his game, the rookie golfer watched every nuance of his mentor’s swing.
He served as mentor, friend, confidant and protector.
She becomes a mentor and mother figure to Kris.
He recalled too little of Jame's wisdom, but the disjointed words of his mentor soothed him nonetheless.
Also, I was always impressed by the breadth of his football knowledge. ' Mentor?
The trainee will need to meet their research mentor at least twice yearly to discuss progress with research and audit.
Perhaps you should do more research on the two breeds you have in mind, and locate a breeder who would be willing to mentor you.
AdvertisementYoung boys with lots of energy often will love having an older mentor who can help them learn to pitch tents or teach them to fish.
With the help of mentor Don Yute and producer Jeremey Harding (who was behind Beenie Man's crossover success), Sean Paul released his first single in Jamaica in 1996.
In his quest for moral certitude, Garcia's search for a mentor can only complicate his existence.
These are peer-led, each cell leader being supervised by an adult mentor.
In addition to learning woodworking, he also learns spiritual lessons from his mentor, professing " God is not visible.
AdvertisementA triangulation interview brings together the student, specialist practice mentor and the link tutor to verify evidence of achievement at each assessment point.
Choosing the last name of a friend, mentor, or close relative is also a great way to personalize your child's name.
You may recognize Eastman's style since Dr. Seuss was his mentor.
This puts considerable pressure on the training program for mentors, and some institutions involve teachers other than the designated mentor in the training.
An experienced business mentor can play a key role in steering a new business to success.
AdvertisementThe word "mentor" is now used in the sense of a wise and trustworthy adviser, a meaning probably connected with the etymology of the name, from the root mon-, seen, in Lat.
Look for single parent organizations such as Parents Without Partners and Web MD. The Big Brothers/Big Sisters Organization is a great way to find a mentor for your child and some much needed extra time for you.
An apprenticeship can be further enhanced by reading books on professional digital photography and having your mentor answer questions that may come up as you progress through the text.
If you decide to launch your own business, either work for a pro or consult an adult who can be a mentor to you, such as a member of the Small Business Administration.
As awkward and intimidating as it may sound, administering sex education for teens is one of the most important jobs you can have as an advocate, mentor, teacher, or friend to this diverse and often challenging demographic.
AdvertisementBeing a mentor to a teen who does not have any good parental figures or role models in his life can drastically change the teen's outlook on life.
A quote can help a friend, parent, or mentor to reassure a nervous student.
The Eagle Scouts program, created to keep boys engaged in the scouts after they reached Eagle Scout, challenges youths and young men to mentor others, provide community service and work to improve the quality of life in their areas.
Ensure the mentor preparation pack influences the development of mentor preparation pack influences the development of mentor support materials across all programs.
When it came to his turn Peter Taaffe implied that his one time leader and mentor was getting crusty, if not senile.
He decides to use this opportunity to search for a mysterious woman shaman he had been told about by his mentor, Socrates.
Most designers that we mentor only produce a showman 's collection and then sell from the samples.
With several grunts he was up and we were left with the proposition of emulating this apparently supernatural feat from our alpine mentor.
The role of the mentor In 1992, the emphasis of initial teacher training shifted to schools.
The Teahouse is where you meet your mentor and devoutly perform the ritual of tea ceremony as part of your quest for spontaneous enlightenment.
The support you receive through your mentor is part of your supernumerary status in the clinical setting.
Study hard, volunteer your time to charities, read great books, give back, mentor, stand up straight, and walk tall.
Despite falling out with his mentor, Mr. Vegas, he went on to perform at the Summer Jam 2000 in New York City, and then released his first album, Stage One, in the fall of that year.
At the time, I was hungry for more opportunity, but with a mentor who would give me the responsibility and resources to excel, like Donald Trump.
Each floor is supervised by a resident assistant (RA), sometimes called a mentor or a similar name.
You will also benefit greatly by having an established breeder as a mentor.
While it lacks the exchange you'd have with a live mentor, you can still benefit from the wealth of knowledge the author has to share.
He makes a great boss since his managerial style is one of being a mentor and teacher.
Older couples in the church have already raised their families and might be willing to mentor your family as you move through child rearing, into the teenage years and finally into the empty nest years.
Her mentor was Ethel Meglin, a woman who helped launch Shirley Temple's career.
Currently trying to pursue his apprenticeship as a tattoo artist, Dizzle has hit a major speed bump, having been cut loose by his mentor Twig.
Every apprenticeship is unique, but in most cases you'll have to work your way up the ladder - starting with unpaid grunt work around the studio, learning safety and sterilization techniques, and observing your mentor in action.
During these months you'll also be given drawing assignments that your mentor will mercilessly critique until his/her standard of perfection has been met.
If your mentor is truly impressed with your skills, you may just get the ultimate honor of tattooing him/her yourself.
Once your mentor considers your apprenticeship fulfilled, you are almost ready to begin your career.
He has always been a mentor to me and because of him I am who I am today.
In addition, families with new diagnoses may benefit from talking to a mentor in this organization who can offer advice and guidance.
A good place to find an experienced business person who can mentor you through your startup phase is SCORE, an organization of retired business people who are available to provide one-to-one advice.
Cowell immediately saw her potential and continued to mentor her and sing her praises long after the show completed taping - an unusual twist for Cowell.
Lewis had a stroke of luck when she was paired with Simon Cowell as her mentor.
An interesting facet of Bravo TV Project Runway is the mentor assigned to the contestants.
Tim Gunn of Liz Claiborne not only tells contestants about upcoming challenges, but he also acts as a mentor to the contestants and helps them think through their designs before judging occurs.
She is the agent for all the models but also acts as a mentor in an effort to help the models learn the necessary skills in order to become successful in the field of modeling.
Some of the male models even attempt to flirt with Janice, which she appears to accept to a certain point but then she reclaims the role of agent and mentor.
Also in striking similarity to Project Runway, Rene Fris is to the hairstylists on Shear Genius what Tim Gunn is to the designers on Runway, acting as a mentor.
John Homa also gives the girls help when they need it, but he is more of a judge than mentor.
Niki Taylor did not return to the show, but Australian model Nicole Trunfio was brought in to mentor the female contestants.
Tyson Beckford stayed on as host, but his role has also expanded to become a mentor for the male contestants.
He acted as a mentor to many greenhorns on board his vessel, including his sons Joshua and Jacob.
With an on-set mentor and creative horror movie themed challenges, the girls find that winning Scream Queens 2 might be harder than they first thought.
When a young thief breaks into his place, he recognizes an incipient Immortal, and becomes a mentor for Richie Ryan (Stan Kirsch).
The first four volumes, originally published in Mentor Books and recently reprinted by Scarecrow Books, trace the origins of science fiction from Lucian of Samosata through Wells, Heinlein, and Asimov, up to George Alec Effinger.
Her mentor was Admiral Paris, the father of Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill), the convict who becomes her pilot on Voyager.
Picard also has a mentor relationship with android officer Data, the only android serving in Star Fleet, whose express desire is to become more human.
The final draft for film included Luke's mentor Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi and the hero's name as Luke Skywalker.
Albus Dumbledore - In a stunning turn of events, Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts and Harry's mentor dies in the fiery conclusion of the series penultimate novel.
Remus and Nymphadora Lupin - Remus Lupin, the last of Harry's father's friends and a mentor to Harry himself was a blow, but in addition to Remus was his wife Nymphadora.
Merlin was both mentor and advisor to King Arthur until Merlin fell to the persuasive charms of Nimue (although some tales say it was the Lady of the Lake) and imprisoned for all time.
For example, if you would love to get into copywriting and would like to use someone as a mentor, now is your opportunity!
He saw first of all that he'd chosen the right mentor.
Even before their father's death, Andre had taken on the duty to raise and mentor them all.
He did mention his interview with Cece Baldwin, describing Byrne's relationship with the young lady as that of a compassionate mentor.
Although acting as minister of foreign affairs he was never made chancellor; but he was the political mentor of Catherine during the first eighteen years of her reign.
From that time he was under the influence of two personages, who dominated him completely for the remainder of his life - Diane de Poitiers, his mistress, and Anne de Montmorency, his mentor.
The Sidonian king Tennes considered resistance hopeless, and betrayed the town to the Persian king, assisted by Mentor, who had been sent with Greek troops from Egypt to defend the town.
The traitor Tennes was put to death, but Mentor rose high in the favour of the king, and entered into a close alliance with the eunuch Bagoas, the king's favourite and vizier.
There aren't any living Oracles to mentor her, either.
It's unfortunate you don't have a mentor to show you more about your talents.
But fear of seeing disappointment in the eyes of her mentor kept her silent.
The mentor should foster a relationship that is conducive to learning.
Unexplained absences will be followed up by the school Learning Mentor and/or the Education Welfare Officer.
At no time do the mentee and mentor meet and all correspondence is made anonymous.
Elton John has remained a close mentor to Ryan during his move to solo artist.
They will support you and consult with your mentor about your work-based assignments.
This year marks the birth centennial of my mentor, Josei Toda, the second president of the Soka Gakkai.
The Faculty will endeavor to put you in touch with a mentor geographically convenient for you through its Divisional network.
This is a real minefield in Mentor and has caused much gnashing of teeth in previous years as well.
He said Grand National winning jockey Jimmy Frost has been his mentor.
Students will also be asked to nominate a local mentor for personal support.
Very little is made by most mythologists of his relationship to the greatest of the Satyrs, Silenus, who was Dionysus's mentor.
Eight teams of teenage boys, each team with its own mentor, meet to play soccer every Friday evening.
The desire for this can come from Mentor or Student, or may even arise unbidden from the sharing of intense magical experiences.
Merck (1741-1791), an army official in the neighbouring town of Darmstadt, he found a friend and mentor, whose irony and common-sense served as a corrective to his own exuberance of spirits.
In addition to learning woodworking, he also learns spiritual lessons from his mentor, professing God is not visible.
This might include help with advertising and marketing, networking with other professional stagers, or mentor assistance.
My recommendation is to enjoy your Shih Tzu just for her own charms; then if you're seriously interested in breeding, purchase a young healthy bitch from a breeder willing to be your mentor.
You may even find a kennel club in your town that can put you in touch with breeders who will mentor you as you learn.
Put your long-acquired business acumen to good use as a mentor in the Service Corps of Retired Executives.
Foster Grandparents- a mentor program that allows seniors to influence children in daycare centers, youth organizations and schools.
A study done by the Kauffman Foundation found that as life expectancy and better health become the norm for mature adults, Baby Boomers are more and more likely to start their own businesses or mentor younger adults.
The game has a simple guy just trying to exact revenge of the people who killed his mentor.
Your horse mentor early in the game tells you not to spur your horse to much or it will injure him.
With the help of former Broncos star running back Terrell Davis, who serves as your player's mentor throughout Superstar mode, your player will begin his career.
In Revenge of the Sith, you play as Anakin Skywalker or his mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi.
In order for children to heal from the emotional pain of parental divorce, they need an outlet for open expression of their feelings, whether it is a sibling, friend, adult mentor or counselor, or a divorce support group.
Actor, comedian, musician, action hero, and mentor, his achievements are numerous and he made a great contribution to the arts.
For subjects that are beyond your level of expertise in a given area, seek out experts who might be willing to mentor your child.
Along with ensuring that each location meets its sales targets, the district manager acts as a mentor to the studio manager.
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If you are lucky enough to find a mentor, this is the best way to learn.
A mentor can impart knowledge to you that has been learned over a career.
A divorced, single mother at the beginning of the show's sixth season gave Bailey options beyond that of mentor, mother, teacher and reality checker.
The mentor helps them develop their performances each week, and then each contestant is judged on that performance by the other mentor/judges.
Designer Todd Oldham serves as mentor to the contestants.
Actor Gary Busey came into the center on condition that he would act as an inspirational mentor to the patients.
It's also about helping them understand and learn the nuances of Chess and being a mentor to them.
If you are unable to find an online writing lab that you'd like to be a part of, you might consider starting your own and finding an experienced writer to act as mentor and moderator.
She is a mentor to the girls on the show and helps improve their skills.
It seems that about 340 the island was conquered for the Persian king by his Rhodian admiral Mentor; in 332 it submitted to Alexander the Great.
Mentor after the conquest of Egypt rose high in the favour of the king, and Memnon, who had taken refuge with Artabazus at the Macedonian court, became a zealous adherent of the Persian king; he assisted Mentor in subduing the rebellious satraps and dynasts in Asia Minor, and succeeded him as general of the Persian troops.
During the absence of the latter, Mentor was entrusted with the care of his household and the guardianship of his son Telemachus.
Mentor proposes to "change the tastes and habits of the whole people, and build up again from the very foundations."
Most of them obeyed; Artabazus of Phrygia, who tried to resist and was supported by his brothersin-law, Mentor and Memnon of Rhodes, was defeated and fled to Philip of Macedon.
He saw his mother's beloved mentor, and his own best friend, Artamon Matvyeev, torn, bruised and bleeding, from his retaining grasp and hacked to pieces.
The New English Dictionary points out that the transferred use is due less to Homer's Odyssey than to Fenelon's Telemaque, in which Mentor is a somewhat prominent character.
After his return to Susa, Bagoas ruled the court and the upper satrapies, while Mentor restored the authority of the empire everywhere in the west.
Thus the young princess was surrounded by enemies both at court and in the dauphin's household, and came to rely almost entirely upon the Austrian ambassador, the comte de Mercy-Argenteau, whom Maria Theresa had instructed to act as her mentor, at the same time arranging that she herself should be kept informed of all that concerned her daughter, so that she might at once advise her and safeguard the alliance.
They were to be supported by five bombarding monitors ("Marshal Soult," "Lord Clive," "Prince Eugene," "General Crawford," M24 and M26) and covered by five British destroyers ("Swift," "Faulknor," "Matchless," "Mastiff" and "Afridi"), with three British destroyers and six French torpedo boats attending on the monitors ("Mentor," "Lightfoot," "Zubian," "Lestin," "Capitaine Mehl," "Francis Gamier," "Roux," "Bouclier").
Having been dismissed by Timotheus (362) he joined the revolted satraps Memnon and Mentor in Asia, but soon lost their confidence, and was obliged to seek the protection of the Athenians.
Mentor was the treacherous contriver of the death of Hermias (345-344 B.C.).
He threw in his lot with the Rhodian condottiere Mentor, and with his help succeeded in subjecting Egypt again to the Persian empire (probably 342 B.C.).
Augustine describes a day when he saw his mentor, Ambrose, looking intently at an open book.