Mentioned Sentence Examples
I should not have mentioned that.
You've known this for months but not mentioned it to him?
Her age must have been mentioned at least a half-dozen times in the last six trips.
Yancey had never mentioned the meeting with Allen.
The realtor never mentioned it.
Annie was mentioned, but only that she was killed when they were children.
Later, when I talked to the FBI, they mentioned this turkey we're chasing plays the switch game with plates all the time.
He'd been furious when Katie mentioned Kris.
Darkyn had mentioned Selyn.
Neither of us mentioned the subject since we left New Hampshire.
AdvertisementNone was longer than a page and each asked after Annie's health and wellbeing and then added a few lines that mentioned that all was well in Boston.
One note described in two sentences a Sunday trip to the Public Gardens while another mentioned three years had passed since the sisters had seen one another.
And yet, Yancey had mentioned cocaine in his telephone conversation.
Three pairs of eyes went to Rhyn, who stood ready to take on any of them that mentioned leaving the Council.
I mentioned how this here place was a boarding house in the old days and now it's a fine bed and breakfast.
AdvertisementYou once mentioned considering the dissemination of miss information.
I thought I heard the name Dawkins mentioned in the litigation.
Never gave it a thought until Emma mentioned your opponent was all gussied up in flags and balloons.
What's this latest venture you mentioned?
But then, no one mentioned a child, either.
AdvertisementI spoke with her on the phone around Christmas and mentioned I was coming to Ouray for some ice climbing.
I mentioned Gregor Mendel, known as the father of genetics.
As she was walking down the hall, she heard her name mentioned.
Remember I mentioned a guy named Cooms?
Neither mentioned the late night phone call during Edith's nocturnal visit nor Cynthia's sudden, unannounced return.
AdvertisementSomeone would have mentioned it.
Don't tell me he's never mentioned me.
She never mentioned Lori or the man who had stabbed him – or anything else unpleasant.
Destiny no longer mentioned Alex, and even Jonathan seemed resigned to living without him.
The street below was narrower than it appeared on TV and packed with cars and elegantly dressed men and women walking to a gathering across the street --probably the soiree Andre had mentioned.
Four letters mentioned Rev. Martin and the wonderful work he and Annie were doing with 'the poor mistaken souls.'
He mentioned the term kidnapping, but of course being the saint he is he wouldn't press charges against his wife who according to him was just temporarily disturbed.
They hadn't spoken of the possibility of Cynthia's pregnancy since the topic was first mentioned.
Alex never mentioned their conversation again, and she was careful not to be caught alone with him.
I wasn't here five minutes before you mentioned Josh.
I know he mentioned that to you because he told me he did.
Tim had never mentioned Angel to him before asking him to take care of her.
You should have mentioned that before.
Tim had said not to mess with anything, but she'd heard the anger in Kelli's tone when she mentioned the feds.
The histories of humanity – and Immortals – were passed down from angel-to-angel in the form of memories. He'd heard them mentioned before but didn't know much about angels.
The sounds of fighting grew faint and then disappeared. The stream wound through the jungle until it reached a small waterfall that fed into a massive lake whose black surface reflected the stars and moon. Katie slid down the hill beside the waterfall to the lake's edge, uncertain what to do. Gabriel hadn't mentioned the stream ending or the lake.
The knee injury Mayer mentioned had occurred a year before and while it might have kept Byrne from jogging, it was no more than a temporary ailment.
Dean never mentioned this bit of detective work to anyone, but he could guess who had torn the page from the Parkside Library edition.
I gave her a ring last night, just to tell her nothing's new and I mentioned you were coming down.
As soon as Dean mentioned the luggage and briefcase locked in the trunk of the car, Fred insisted on protecting this valuable evidence by bringing them in—just for safekeeping.
Dean presented the facts unemotionally but as soon as he mentioned Scranton, the old man caught the coincidence and could hardly contain himself.
After the amenities were put to rest, Fred casually mentioned they were interested in Mr. Cleary, on Bascomb Place.
Fred mentioned there was no name on the mailbox for apartment C. Mrs. Glass said there had been a name the last time she was there, a couple of weeks ago.
He turned on his heels and left, making Dean sorry he'd mentioned Ethel Rosewater to Cynthia Byrne in the first place.
It was an unforgettable day and Dean never once thought of the missing Mr. Byrne until mid-afternoon while they were taking a short break and Cynthia mentioned his name.
Might it have been one of those situations where Fred mentioned something to Cora Abernathy who told it to her second cousin, once removed, whose brother-in-law's best friend was seeing the sister of Arthur's housekeeper?
He also mentioned the files missing from Rosewater and Atherton but was silent on Arthur's note to Cynthia Byrne.
He hadn't mentioned anything earlier about cutting the evening short so I figured it was an excuse.
Jeff never mentioned finding the money, not even after he thought it had been returned—just because of some silly sense of not placing me in harm's way.
They'd been married two years now and this was the first time he had mentioned it.
Fred mentioned she was a social minded do-gooder type citizen.
He's never even mentioned where he was born!
Cynthia asked when Ryland mentioned there was no charge.
Has Janet ever mentioned Mr. Shipton?
They didn't go to the room upstairs and neither of them mentioned it.
Maybe she shouldn't have mentioned that he was head of the household.
You never mentioned your family before.
Jonny hadn't mentioned knowing she was Darian's mate, but keeping anything from him just got harder.
Carmen was telling Katie about the new customers and mentioned that the morning storm had interrupted their plans to scout out a trail.
Forget I mentioned it.
We sat right up there in my office the day Morino died and you were the one who mentioned divorce, not me.
It wasn't until she mentioned that goats were as much a part of American history as Longhorns that he realized how much she missed them.
Maybe it would put him on his toes if she mentioned Keaton.
She explained why she was in Fayetteville and mentioned that Keaton had braved the storm to be with her.
She shouldn't have mentioned it, especially to the man she intended to rob.
She sensed some deep sadness when he mentioned his mother.
Jessi studied him briefly, sensing his mood darken, as it had yesterday when she mentioned dating Gerry.
Jessi appeared ready to refuse, until her cousins were mentioned.
The two books mentioned remained unnoticed by the reading public, and Lotze first became known to a larger circle through a series of works which aimed at establishing in the study of the physical and mental phenomena of the human organism in its normal and diseased states the same general principles which had been adopted in the investigation of inorganic phenomena.
We have already mentioned the final conception in which Lotze's speculation culminates, that of a personal Deity, Himself the essence of all that merits existence for its own sake, who in the creation and government of a world has voluntarily chosen certain laws and forms through which His ends are to be realized.
Horace Walpole, who gives an unfavourable picture of his private character, acknowledges that Stone possessed "abilities seldom to be matched"; and he had the distinction of being mentioned by David Hume as one of the only two men of mark who had perceived merit in that author's History of England on its first appearance.
It was famous in Greek mythology, and is frequently mentioned by the great poets, especially by Sophocles.
By Dr Paul Matschie several races of the African elephant have been described, mainly, as already mentioned, on certain differences in the shape of the ear.
Some of the main differences in the habits of the African as distinct from those of the Asiatic elephant have been mentioned under the heading of the latter species.
The church of All Saints is mentioned in Domesday, and tradition ascribes the building of its nave to King John, while the western side of the tower must be older still.
Among modern buildings may be mentioned the Bakewell and High Peak Institute, and the town hall and museum.
Other important structural features are mentioned below.
On stormy days, as already mentioned, the irregular changes hardly admit of satisfactory treatment.
Brine wells have been mentioned above; the salt industry is still carried on in Mason county, and in 1908 145,157 bbls.
Amongst these may be mentioned Virgil, the epic poet Ponticus, Bassus (probably the iambic poet of the name), and at a later period Ovid.
On the east and west the ravines already mentioned afforded, in the main, a sufficient protection, so that a massive wall was unnecessary, while near the south-eastern angle a breastwork was formed by the excavation of the natural rock, 2 which in later times was honeycombed with tombs.
The micrometer so mentioned fell into the possession of Richard Townley of Lancashire, who exhibited it at the meeting of the Royal Society held on the 25th of July 1667.
It should be mentioned that an essential feature of the travelling wire micrometer is that the eyepiece as well as the wire shall be moved by the micrometer-screw.
It is lighted by the two doorways already mentioned.
The Barbaricini are mentioned in the 6th century A.D.
The three Cipxovms who appear in the loth-century inscriptions just mentioned bear alternately the names Torcotorius and Salusius; and, inasmuch as this is the case with the judices of Cagliari from the 11th to the 13th century, there seems no doubt that they were the successors of these Byzantine ripXovrfs, who were perhaps the actual founders of the dynasty.
The ancient Roman city Naissus was mentioned as an important place by Ptolemy of Alexandria.
During the latter Sassanids it is seldom mentioned, and when the Arabs came to Khorasan (641-642) it was of so little importance that, as Tabari relates, it did not even have a garrison.
Among them the Villa Litta and the Villa Ponte may be specially mentioned.
As a proof of the seriousness with which he regarded the literary vocation, it may be mentioned that he used to write out his poems in printed characters, believing that that process best enabled him to understand his own peculiarities and faults, and probably unconscious that Coleridge had recommended some such method of criticism when he said he thought "print settles it."
In 1639 he published a series of arguments against atheism, in which the Cartesian views were not obscurely indicated as perilous for the faith, though no name was mentioned.
It is mentioned in 354 B.C. as a trading port, and became important as a naval harbour during the Punic Wars.
In connexion with this system of salaries should be mentioned a somewhat reactionary law carried by Pericles in 451, by which an Athenian parentage on both sides was made an express condition of retaining the franchise and with it the right of sitting on paid juries.
We find the office mentioned in a Corcyraean inscription dating probably from the 7th century B.C., and it continued to grow more important and frequent throughout Greek history.
The Prytaneum, mentioned by Pausanias, and probably the original centre of the ancient city, was situated somewhere east of the northern cliff of the Acropolis.
Ariminum became a place of considerable traffic owing to the construction of the Via Aemilia (187 B.C.) and the Via Popilia (132 B.C.), and is frequently mentioned by ancient authors.
Tubingen is mentioned as a strong fortress in 1078, and was ruled from 1148 by counts palatine.
Burton-upon-Trent (Burhton) is first mentioned towards the close of the 9th century, when St Modwen, an Irish virgin, is said to have established a convent on the Isle of Andressey opposite Burton.
Although the abbey ale was mentioned as early as 1295, the brewing industry is comparatively of recent development, having begun about 1708.
Among the most famous members of the house who ruled in Cyprus three may be mentioned.
It is mentioned in Domesday only as a bailiwick of Newbold belonging to the king, and granted to William Peverell.
This fair, which is still held, and another on Palm Tuesday, are mentioned in the Quo Warranto roll of 1330.
Two encyclopaedic treatises, dealing with philosophy, are often mentioned.
Philosophia Orientalis, mentioned by Roger Bacon, and now lost, which according to Averroes was pantheistic in tone.
Among his successors may be mentioned Vincenzo Dorsa and Demetrio Camarda.
The learned commentary of Marckius may be specially mentioned.
The Rabdologia attracted more general attention than the logarithms, and as has been mentioned, there were several editions on the Continent.
Its foremost representative was Francis Makemie, already mentioned, who, in 1683, as an ordained minister of the presbytery of Laggan, was invited to minister to the Maryland and Virginia Presbyterians.
A loose union, called the "Federal Council of the Reformed Churches in America," was formed in 1894 by the churches mentioned (excepting the Southern Assembly) and the Dutch and German Reformed churches.
A bishop of Parma is mentioned in the acts of the council of Rome of A.D.
None of the tributaries of the La Plata system thus far mentioned is navigable except the lower Pilcomayo and Bermejo for a few miles.
To the maritime ports mentIoned above must be added the river pcsrts of Bayonne (on the Adour), Bordeaux (on the Garonne), Nantes (on the Loire), Rouen (on the Seine).
There may also be mentioned the lakes of Bourget and Annecy (both in Savoy), St Point (Jura), Paladru (Isre) and Nantua (Am).
Among birds of prey may be mentioned the eagle and various species of hawk, and among game-birds the partridge and pheasant.
No great mountain chain was ever raised by a single effort, and folding went on to some extent in other periods besides those mentioned.
Some of these may be specially mentioned.
Silk-worm rearing, which is encouraged by state grants, is carried on in the valleys mentioned and on the Mediterranean coast east of Marseilles.
Of cattle besides the breeds named the Norman (beef and milk), the Limousin (beef), the Mont bfiard, the Bazadais, the Flamand, the Breton and tile larthenais breeds may be mentioned, societies and in many other ways.
Among the educational establishments of the place must be mentioned the classical school (Gymnasium), founded in 1560, and a school of navigation.
Among many hospitals, the county hospital (5828), "open to the sick and lame poor of every country and nation," may be mentioned.
The occurrence in the Santa Cruz beds of Patagonia of fossil marsupials allied to the living Caenolestes has been mentioned above.
North of the Temple enclosure there was a gate, known as the Sheep Gate, which must have opened into the third valley mentioned above, and stood somewhere near what is now the north side of the Haram enclosure, but considerably south of the present north wall of the latter.
Among such settlements may be mentioned Phaselis in Lycia, perhaps also Soli in Cilicia, Salapia on the east Italian coast, Gela in Sicily, the Lipari islands, and Rhoda in north-east Spain.
There are no other rivers of importance in South Australia, but the Torrens and the Gawler may be mentioned.
Besides those mentioned, there are a number of smaller rivers discharging on the north coast, and on the west shore of the Gulf of Carpentaria the Roper river discharges itself into Limmen Bight.
The country is naturally very healthful, as evidence of which may be mentioned that no great epidemic has ever visited the state.
Of those peculiar to Australian waters may be mentioned the arripis, represented by what is called among the colonists a salmon trout.
Two existing fishes may be mentioned as ranking in interest with the Myrmecobius (ant-eater) in the eyes of the naturalist.
Under the Constitution Act the Commonwealth is given the control of the postal and telegraph departments, public defence and several other services, as well as the power of levying customs and excise duties; its powers of taxation are unrestricted, but so far no taxes Dave been imposed other than those just mentioned.
As regards the last mentioned it may be said that it was accomplished from within, there being no real external necessity for the union of the states.
He is perhaps identical with the Artabanus mentioned in Trogus, Prol.
Behind the Royal Military Academy is a mineral well, the "Shooter's Hill waters" mentioned by Evelyn.
Woolwich (Wulewich) is mentioned in a grant of land by King Edward in 964 to the abbey of St Peter at Ghent.
In Domesday the manor is mentioned as consisting of 63 acres of land.
Bishops of Icosium - which was created a Latin city by Vespasian - are mentioned as late as the 5th century.
The position is strong, being protected by the two rivers mentioned, and the medieval fortifications, which are nearly 2 m.
Shortly afterwards he joined Essex with sixty horse, and was present at Edgehill, where his troop was one of the few not routed by Rupert's charge, Cromwell himself being mentioned among those officers who "never stirred from their troops but fought till the last minute."
Pudsey is mentioned in Domesday.
First mentioned in 1155, Byelaya Tserkov was destroyed during the Mongol invasion of the 13th century.
It never again played a prominent part in Ionian history, and is rarely mentioned.
It is first mentioned in the account of the war of 310 or 309 B.C. between the Etruscans and the Romans.
It is hardly mentioned except by the geographers until the middle of the 6th century, when it was captured by Totila after a long siege.
The limit of speed of lift of hand cranes has already been mentioned; for steam jib cranes average practice is represented by the.
It has the horizontal racking motion mentioned FIG.
In connexion with the stability of portable cranes, it may be mentioned that accidents more often arise from FIG.
Teignmouth is not mentioned in the Domesday Survey, but in 1276 what is now West Teignmouth appears as a mesne borough held by the dean and chapter of Exeter; what is now East Teignmouth continuing with the bishop, who was accused in that year of holding in his manor a market which should be held in the borough.
The Saturday market, which was held up to the 19th century, is mentioned in 1220, and was confirmed by royal charter in 1253, together with a fair at Michaelmas.
A bishop of Iguvium is mentioned as early as A.D.
The chief sources in which further information may be sought have been already mentioned.
It is not mentioned by any Roman historian, and first rose to importance under Moorish rule.
The position meter just mentioned is common to all the cords on one position and records all completed calls handled at the position.
Of lives of St Francis in English may be mentioned those by Mrs Oliphant (2nd ed., 1871) and by Canon Knox Little (1897).
It may be mentioned that the Bactrian camel, which is a shorter-legged and more ponderous animal than the Arabian species, grows an enormously long and thick winter coat, which is shed in blanket-like masses in spring.
The Apennines (q.v.), as has been already mentioned, here traverse the whole breadth of Italy, cutting off the peninsula properly so termed from the broader mass of Northern Italy by a continuous barrier of considerable breadth, though of far inferior elevation to that of the Alps The Ligurian Apennines may be considered as taking their rise in the neighborhood of Savona, where a pass of very moderate elevation connects them with the Maritime Alps, of which they are in fact only a continuation.
Proceeding south from the Trigno, already mentioned as constituting the limit of Central Italy, there are (1) the Biferno and (2) the Fortore, both rising in the mountains of Samnium, and flowing into the Adriatic west of Monte Gargano; (3) the Cervaro, south of the great promontory; and (4) the Ofanto, the Aufidus of Horace, whose description of it is characteristic of almost all the rivers of Southern Italy, of which it may be taken as the typical representative.
Of freshwater fish the trout of the mountain streams and the eels of the coast lagoons may be mentioned.
Pharmaceutical industries as distinguished from those above mentioned, have kept pace with the general development of Italian activity.
The insufficiency of rolling stock, and especially of goods wagons, is mainly caused by delays in handling traffic consequent on this or other causes, among which may be mentioned the great length ofthe single lines south of Rome.
The rise of the Lombard communes produced a sympathetic revolution in Rome, which deserves to be mentioned in this place.
The name of Italy is never mentioned.
Among the most noteworthy examples of such attempts maybe mentioned the revolt of the barons against Ferdinand I.
P. Orsis LItaiia moderna (Milan, 1901) should also be mentioned.
The long-promised abolition of the grist tax was not explicitly mentioned, opposition to the railway redemption contracts was transformed into approval, and the vaunted reduction of taxation replaced by lip-service to the Conservative deity of financial equilibrium.
Among the principal writers of this class who succeeded Cato, the following may be mentioned.
The writers mentioned dealt with Roman history as a whole; some of the annalists, however, confined themselves to shorter periods.
The autobiography of Sulla may also be mentioned.
Philo of Alexandria should also be mentioned.
James Ward's masterly criticism of Herbert Spencer (Naturalism and Agnosticism) has been mentioned above.
Addressing the gathering, Langton referred to the laws of Edward the Confessor as "good laws," which the king ought to observe, and then mentioned the charter granted by Henry I.
It should be mentioned that, although the charter was evidently not sealed until the 19th, the four existing copies of it are dated the 15th, the day on which John accepted the articles.
The preamble states that the king has granted the charter on the advice of various prelates and barons, some of whom, including the archbishop of Canterbury, the papal legate Pandulf, and William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, are mentioned by name.
The mesogloea in the hydropolyp is a thin elastic layer, in which may be lodged the muscular fibres and ganglion cells mentioned above, but which never contains any connective tissue or skeletogenous cells or any other kind of special mesogloeal corpuscles.
Besides the three types of individual above mentioned, there are other appendages of hydroid colonies, of which the individuality is doubtful.
Similarly the ring-canal runs round the edge of the lobe as the so-called festoon-canal, and then runs upwards under the peronium to the base of the tentacle as one of a pair of peronial canals, the limbs of the V-like figure already mentioned.
In this connexion must be mentioned, finally, the medusae budded from the fresh-water polyp Microhydra.
Jean Baptiste Rene Robinet' followed out much the same line of thought as De Maillet, but less soberly; and Bonnet's speculations in the Palingenesie, which appeared in 1769, have already been mentioned.
Other works which may be mentioned are Zeitgenossen, Biografien and Charakteristiken (Berlin, 1862); Bibliografia del lavori pubblicati in Germania sulla storia d'Italia (Berlin, 1863); Biographische Denkblatter nach personlichen Erinnerungen (Leipzig, 1878); and Saggi di storia e letteratura (Florence, 1880).
An example of this is found in the ninth canon of Chalcedon, which also illustrates the enforcement upon a clerical plaintiff in dispute with a brother cleric of that recourse to the arbitration of their ecclesiastical superior already mentioned.
This recourse in England sometimes took the form of the appeal to the king given by the Constitutions of Clarendon, just mentioned, and later by the acts of Henry VIII.; sometimes that of suing for writs of prohibition or mandamus, which were granted by the king's judges, either to restrain excess of jurisdiction, or to compel the spiritual judge to exercise jurisdiction in cases where it seemed to the temporal court that he was failing in his duty.
The position is the same now through all the British colonies (except, as already mentioned, Lower Canada or Quebec).
Among the other 55 churches may be mentioned that of St Nicholas, an Early Gothic building, the oldest church in date of foundation in Ghent, and that of St Michael, completed in 1480, with an unfinished tower.
It is mentioned so early as the 7th century and in 868 Baldwin of the Iron Arm, first count of Flanders, who had been entrusted by Charles the Bald with the defence of the northern marches, built a castle here against the Normans raiding up the Scheldt.
Dhammapala wrote also a commentary on the Netti mentioned above.
The amber of Sicily seems not to have been recognized in ancient times, for it is not mentioned by local authorities like Diodorus Siculus.
The myrrh mentioned in Gen.
A very common function of hairs is to diminish transpiration, by creating a still atmosphere between them, as in the case of the sunk stomata already mentioned.
Of the suspended substances, grains of caoutchouc, drops of resin and oil, proteid crystals and starch grains may be mentioned.
Even in the higher flowering plants, in which the processes of the absorption of substances from the environment has been most fully studied, there is a stage in their life in which the nutritive processes approximate very closely to those of the group last mentioned.
The absorption of these rays implies that the pigment absorbs radiant energy from the sun, and gives us some explanation of its power of constructing the carbohydrates which has been mentioned as the special work of the apparatus.
A survey of the vegetable kingdom indicates that evolution has proceeded, on the whole, from the simple to the complex; at the same time, as has been already mentioned, evidence of reduction or degeneration in common.
Beyerinck was led to take up the decided position just mentioned by his researches into the conditions determining the formation of plant-galls as the result of injury by insects.
The Persians are not mentioned in history before the time of Cyrus; the attempt to identify them with the Parsua, a district in the Zagros chains south of Lake Urmia, often mentioned by the Assyrians, is not tenable.
A Persian king, Artaxerxes, who was murdered by his brother Gosithros at the age of 93 years, is mentioned in a fragment of Isidore of Charax (Lucian, Macrobii, 15).
The legends are in Aramaic characters and Persian (Pahlavi) language; among them occur Artaxerxes, Darius (from a dynast of this name the town Darabjird, "town of Darius," in eastern Persia seems to derive its name), Narses, Tiridates, Manocihr and others; the name Vahuburz seems to be identical with Oborzos, mentioned by Polyaenus vii.
Ibn Batuta, the great Arab traveller, is separated by a wide space of time from his countrymen already mentioned, and he finds his proper place in a chronological notice after the days of Marco Polo, for he did not begin his wanderings until 1325, his career thus coinciding in time with the fabled journeyings of Sir John Mandeville.
It should be mentioned that while Sunderland was thus serving James II., he was receiving a pension from France, and through his wife's lover, Henry Sidney, afterwards earl of Romney, he was furnishing William of Orange with particulars about affairs in England.
The importance of the Act of Settlement appears from the fact that, in all the regency acts, it is mentioned as one of the 4 The title of king of France was retained by the British sovereigns until 1801.
Among the schools may be mentioned the magnificently equipped Rhenish-Westphalian Polytechnic School (built 1865-1870) and the school of mining and electricity, founded in 1897.
Of the muscles of the hind-limbs likewise only a few can be mentioned.
Only a few papers and works can be mentioned here, with the remark that few authors have paid attention to the all-important innervation of the muscles.
Here only few peculiar features may be mentioned.
Besides some occasional references in the text, only a few more of the general works dealing with the distribution of birds can here be mentioned.
Among the more curious forms of other land-birds may be especially mentioned the Megapodiidae, Lipoa and Talegallus, the rail Tribonyx and Pedionomus, which represents the otherwise palaeotropical Turnices in Australia.
But the characteristic nature of the avifauna is more clearly brought out when we learn that of the 2000 species just mentioned only about 1070 belong to the higher suborder of Oscines, that means to say, nearly one-half belong to the lower suborder Clamatores.
Of other families which, however, extend their range more or less far into the Australian realm, may be mentioned Otididae, the bustards; Meropidae or bee-eaters; Muscicapidae or flycatchers; Sturnidae or starlings.
Of the many characteristic birds may be mentioned Pycnonotidae or bulbuls, of which the Phyllornithinae are peculiar, Campephagidae or cuckoo-shrikes, Dicruridae or drongos, Nectariniidae or sunbirds; pheasants, together with Pavo and Gallus.
There may be mentioned further the old buildings of the grammar school, founded in 1563, and of the charity called Christ's Hospital (1583); while the town-hall in the marketplace, dating from 1677, is attributed to Inigo Jones.
Among the other chief cities mentioned in the inscriptions may be named Naditu, Khaltemas, Din-sar, Bubilu, Bit-imbi, Khidalu and Nagitu on the sea-coast.
Only the more representative names can be mentioned here.
From Australia, where we have the best chance of studying rudimentary religion in some bulk, comes a certain amount of evidence showing that in the two ways just mentioned some inchoate prayer is being evolved.
Thus the Book of the Wars of the Lord is mentioned in Num.
The Siddicr of Amram ben Sheshna has been already mentioned.
The commentaries of the Geonim have been mentioned above.
Some of his poems are extant, and an Introduction to the Talmud mentioned above.
Moses Giqatilla has been already mentioned.
From the 14th century onward only the most notable names'canbe mentioned.
The Synagogale Poesie has been mentioned above.
The three epistles mentioned are written to men rather than churches, and to men appointed to certain pastoral work.
Palestine, often mentioned in the Tell el-Amarna tablets.
By far the greater part of the country was a plain watered by numerous rivers, the chief of which have already been mentioned, with the exception of its great central stream, the Liger or Ligeris (Loire).
The former are for the most part concerned with questions relating to the theory of light, arising out of his professorial lectures, among which may be specially mentioned his paper "On the Diffraction of an Object-Glass with Circular Aperture."
Besides the rivers mentioned, the chief streams are the Santa Lucia, which falls into the Plata a little west of Montevideo; the Queguay, in Paysandu; and the Cebollati, rising in the sierras in Minas and flowing into Lake Mirim.
Thus the siskin perhaps may be regarded as one of the less modified descendants of a stock whence such forms as those just mentioned have sprung.
Kolomea is a very old town and is mentioned already in 1240, but the assertion that it was a Roman settlement under the name of Colonia is not proved.
Several theological works have been ascribed to Boetius, as has been already mentioned.
A council is mentioned, in which a letter was read, expounding the opinion of the Eutychians for the first time.
At that time it was a very flourishing city, and contained several stately buildings, among which was especially mentioned a Brahminical temple, not inferior to the largest monastery in Portugal.
There are other indications of bitumen, besides those mentioned, in the coast region of eastern Liberia.
The offer of Frederick the Great has already been mentioned.
The most important of them have been mentioned above, with the exception of the Opuscules mathematiques (1761-1780), 8 vols.
Vectius Marcellus (probably mentioned by Pliny, H.N., II., 19 9) and Helvidia Priscilla.
These stridulating organs were mentioned by C. Darwin as probable examples of the action of sexual selection; they are, however, frequently present in both sexes, and in some families also in the larvae.
Of the numerous other families of the Clavicornia may be mentioned the Cucujidae and Cryptophagidae, small beetles, examples of which may be found feeding on stored seeds or vegetable refuse, and the Mycetophagidae, which devour fungi.
Considerable diversity is to be noticed in details of structure within this group, and for an enumeration of all the various families which have been proposed and their distinguishing characters the reader is referred to one of the monographs mentioned below.
Their origin is unknown, but they are officially mentioned as early as 1765.
The second of the two innovations above mentioned was popular among all classes.
Rules may also be made in respect to other matters besides those mentioned in the schedule, and companies may be called upon to adopt or reject, as the case may be, any appliance, the use or disuse of which may be considered desirable in the interest of the men.
The rail-failures mentioned above also drew renewed attention to the importance of the thermal treatment of the steel from the time of melting to the last passage through the rolling mill and to the necessity of the finishing temperature being sufficiently low if the product is to be fine grained, homogeneous and tough; and to permit of this requirement being met there was a tendency to increase the thickness of the metal in the web and flanges of the rails.
The contract price of the New York underground railway, exclusive of the incidentals above mentioned, was $35,000,000 for 21 m., of which 16 m.
It should be mentioned that the act provided that the Treasury might advance a portion of the money required for a line in cases where the council of any county, borough or district had agreed to do the same, and might also make a special advance in aid of a light railway which was certified by the Board of Agriculture to be beneficial to agriculture in any cultivated district, or by the Board of Trade to furnish a means of communication between a fishing-harbour and a market in a district where it would not be constructed without special assistance from the s' ate.
Hadersleben is first mentioned in 1228, and received municipal rights from Duke Waldemar II.
The sacrifices of sacralization and desacralization mentioned above find their analogues in the Hindu scheme of the rite; sacralization and desacralization, sometimes performed by means of subsidiary sacrifices, are the essential elements of the preparation for sacrifice and the subsequent lustration.
Among human sacrifices may be mentioned the suttee, or custom of immolating a widow on the funeral pyre of the husband, and the Khond sacrifice of the Meriah, who was either purchased or the son of a victim father.
For, although the council of Trent recognized fully the distinction which has been mentioned above between the Eucharist and the sacrifice of the mass, and treated of them in separate sessions (the former in Session xiii., the latter in Session xxii.), it continued the medieval theory of the nature of the latter.
In connexion with the Monumenta Pertz also began the publication of a selection of sources in octavo form, the Scriptores rerum germanicarum in usum scholarum; among his other literary labours may be mentioned an edition of the Gesammelte Werke of Leibnitz, and a life of Stein.
This supreme official, who was destined ultimately to take the place of the king in the church-nation of post-exilian Judaism, is mentioned for the first time in Zech.
First among these may be mentioned Wisdom.
In Edward II.'s time, the king's forest of the Peak, in Derbyshire, is especially mentioned as infested with wolves, and it was not until the reign of Henry VII.
The asp (Pethen, ×ֶּתֶן) is mentioned in various parts of the Old Testament.
In Plato (Charmides, 158 B) he is mentioned with Abaris as skilled in the arts of incantation.
Of its many works of art may be mentioned the magnificent marble tomb of the founder and his wife, the empress Cunigunde, carved by Tilman Riemenschneider between 1499 and 1513, and an equestrian statue of the emperor Conrad III.
Bamberg, first mentioned in 902, grew up by the castle (Babenberch) which gave its name to the Babenberg family.
During the periods above mentioned the extent and boundaries of the city varied considerably.
Among his numerous works may be mentioned Introduction a la philosophie d'Hegel (1855; 2nd ed., 1865); Probleme de la certitude (1845); Le Hegelianisme et la philosophie 0860; Mélanges philosophiques (1862); Essais de philosophie Hegelienne (1864); Strauss, l'ancienne et la nouvelle foi (1873), an attack upon Strauss's last "confession," written from the standpoint of an orthodox Hegelian; and a comprehensive work in Italian, Il Problema dell' Assoluto (Naples, 1872-82).
She is rarely mentioned in Homer, nor is she included amongst the Olympian gods.
In 1674 he is mentioned as endeavouring to prevent the justices putting into force the laws against the Roman Catholics and Nonconformists.'
Conn O'Neill (c. 1480-1559), 1st earl of Tyrone, surnamed Bacach (the Lame), grandson of Henry O'Neill mentioned above, was the first of the O'Neills whom the attempts of the English in the 16th century to subjugate Ireland brought to the front as leaders of the native Irish.
An act of 1812-1813 excepts from these enactments "persons denying as therein mentioned respecting the Holy Trinity," but otherwise the common and the statute law on the subject remain as stated.
It has, moreover, been remarked that almost all the animals mentioned were at home in the Egypt of those days, or at least, like the elephant, were to be seen there occasionally, whereas the structure of the hedgehog, for instance, is explained by a reference to the sea-porcupine, better known to fish-buyers on the Mediterranean.
As a rule flies are of small or moderate size, and many, such as certain blood-sucking midges of the genus Ceratopogon, are even minute; as extremes of size may be mentioned a common British midge, Ceratopogon varius, the female of which measures only 14 millimetre, and the gigantic Mydaidae of Central and South America as well as certain Australian robber-flies, which have a body 1-11n.
Since the intrinsic energy of a substance varies with the conditions under which the substance exists, it is necessary, before proceeding to the practical application of any of the laws mentioned above, accurately to specify the conditions of the initial and final systems, or at least to secure that they shall not vary in the operations considered.
It is first mentioned in 705 as the place where St Aldhelm fixed his bishop-stool for the new diocese of Western Wessex, being chosen probably for its central position.
In Spain Jewish life had participated in the general life, but the expulsion - while it dispersed 1 On the writers mentioned below see articles s.v.
In 1320 a grant occurs of a Tuesday market, but no fair is mentioned.
Of the wild animals of Crete, the wild goat or agrimi (Capra aegagrus) alone need be mentioned; it is still found in considerable numbers on the higher summits of Psiloriti and the White Mountains.
A long series of insurrections - those of 1821, 1833, 1841, 1858, 1866-1868, 1878, 1889 and 1896 may be especially mentioned - culminated in the general rebellion of 1897, which led to the interference of Greece, the intervention of the great powers, the expulsion of the Turkish authorities, and the establishment of an autonomous Cretan government under the suzerainty of the sultan.
Among other Greek remains in the island may be mentioned, besides the great inscription, the archaic temple of the Pythian Apollo at Gortyna, a plain square building with a pronaos added in later times, excavated by Halbherr G 3' ?
Four different periods may be mentioned as connected with.
Amongst his publications may be mentioned The Church in Wales (1888); Common-Sense Patriotism (1894); and Landmarks Welsh Church History (1912).
Among the important matters which claimed his attention at Constance may be mentioned also the condemnation of the errors of Wycliffe and the trial of John Huss.
In 1920 Mr. Hoover was mentioned as a possible candidate for president.
Amongst his works may be mentioned Our National Defences (1860), War in Bulgaria, a Narrative of Personal Experience (London, 1879), Clouds in the East (London, 1876).
The contemplative asceticism of the Essenes of Judaea may be mentioned, and, somewhat later, the life of the Therapeutae on the shores of Lake Moeris.
The town is mentioned by the Arab geographer, Masudi, in the 10th century.
When we have mentioned vanilla, which consists of the fleshy pods of an orchid, we have mentioned about the only economic product that now comes into market.
In the restoration of the outlines of ancient and medieval geography in Asia Sven Hedin's discoveries of the actual remains of cities which have long been buried under the advancing waves of sand in the Takla Makan desert, cities which flourished in the comparatively recent period of Buddhist ascendancy in High Asia, is of the very highest interest, filling up a blank in the identification of sites mentioned by early geographers and illustrating more fully the course of old pilgrim routes.
Among these some forms, as among the trees, extend much be y ond the tropic and ascend into the temperate zones on the mountains, of which may be mentioned Begonia, Osbeckia, various Cyrtandraceae, Scitamineae, and a few epiphytical orchids.
Nepenthes may be mentioned as a genus specially developed in the Malayan area, and extending from New Caledonia to Madagascar; it is found as far north as the Khasi hills, and in Ceylon, but does not appear on the Himalaya or in the peninsula of India.
Of the domesticated animals of Asia may first be mentioned the elephant.
The Melanochroi are not considered by Huxley to be one of the primitive modifications of mankind, but rather to be the result of the admixture of the Xanthochroi with the Australoid type, next to be mentioned.
The extension of modified forms of the Mongolian type over the whole American continent may be mentioned as a remarkable circumstance connected with this branch of the human race.
The movements mentioned above have been the chief factors of relatively modern Asiatic history, but in early times the centre of activity and culture lay farther west, in Babylonia and Assyria.
David's hurried flight, attended only by his bodyguard, indicates that his position was not a very strong one, and it is difficult to connect this with the fact that he had already waged the wars mentioned in 2 Sam.
There may also be mentioned the Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, with museum; the Royal Colleges of Organists, and of Veterinary Surgeons, the College of Preceptors, the Jews' College, and the Metropolitan School of Shorthand.
Among interesting ancient buildings may be mentioned the palace within the fort, containing an armoury and fine library; and the Brihadiswaraswami temple, of the r rth century, enclosed in two courts, surmounted by a lofty tower and including the exquisitely decorated shrine of Subrahmanya.
A growth both of the funnel, which becomes multicellular, and of the rest of the nephridium produces the adult nephridia of the genera mentioned.
There are, however, in the Eudrilidae, as already mentioned, sacs envolving the ovaries which bore their own way to the exterior, and thus may be termed coelomoducts.
The letters just mentioned show clearly what Mirabeau did and what he saw, and equally clearly how unfit he was to be a diplomatist.
Closely related to magnetite is the rare volcanic mineral from Vesuvius, called magnoferrite, or magnesioferrite, with the formula MgFe 2 O 4; and with this may be mentioned a mineral from Jakobsberg, in Vermland, Sweden, called jakobsite, containing MnFe204.
This younger Germanus did nothing in after life to realize these anticipations; but the somewhat pointed way in which his name and his mother's name are mentioned by Jordanes lends some probability to the view that he hoped for the child's succession to the Eastern Empire, and the final reconciliation of the Goths and Romans in the person of a Gotho-Roman emperor.
Apart from the Mahratta Brahmans, as already mentioned, the Mahratta nobles and princes are not generally fine-looking men.
Lovering is first mentioned as master in 1619, so that Taylor probably spent seven years at the school before he was entered at Gonville and Caius College as a sizar in 1626, 1 eighteen months after Milton had entered Christ's, and while George Herbert was public orator and Edmund Waller and Thomas Fuller were undergraduates of the university.
The relations of this new foundation to the German hospital mentioned in 1143 cannot be traced.
An instrument of higher interest, the stereoscope, which, though of much later date (1849-1850), may be mentioned here, since along with the kaleidoscope it did more than anything else to popularize his name, was not, as has often been asserted, the invention of Brewster.
The very extensive internal trade with Russia can only be mentioned.
So early as the 4th century it is mentioned as an established office, and it is probable that it was in existence in the 3rd.
The fountain mentioned in 1 Sam.
Among other towns may be mentioned Ashover (2426), Barlborough (2056), Chapel-en-le-Frith (4626), Clowne (3896), Crich (3063), Killamarsh (3644), Staveley (11,420), Whitwell (3380).
The early divisions of the county were known as wapentakes, five being mentioned in Domesday, while 13th-century documents mention seven wapentakes, corresponding with the six present hundreds, except that Repton and Gresley were then reckoned as separate divisions.
Traces of it have been found in the Swiss lake-dwellings; it is mentioned in the oldest Greek writings, and was cultivated by the Romans.
Many other inquiries conducted by him might be mentioned, and some idea may be gained of his scientific activity from the fact that a selection only from his papers, published by the Cambridge University Press, fills three large volumes.
Among his articles may be mentioned those which he wrote for the ninth edition of this Encyclopaedia on Light, Mechanics, Quaternions, Radiation and Thermodynamics, besides the biographical notices of Hamilton and Clerk Maxwell.
Lime and marl are mentioned as common manures, and the former was sometimes spread on the surface to destroy heath.
Hops, which had been introduced in the early part of the 16th century, and on the culture of which a treatise was published in 1574 by Reginald Scott, are mentioned as a well-known crop. Buckwheat was sown after barley.
Hemp and flax are mentioned as common crops.
Carrots, cabbages, turnips and rape, not yet cultivated in the fields, are mentioned among the herbs and roots for the kitchen.
The famous meadows near Salisbury are mentioned, where, when cattle have fed their fill, hogs, it is said, " are made fat with the remnant - namely, with the knots and sappe of the grasse."
As a typical example of these organizations the Shire Horse Society may be mentioned.
In addition may be mentioned Dssa.
Among the early writings, besides the book of Curtis, there may also be mentioned a still useful little publication by Pohl and Kollar, entitled Insects Injurious to Gardeners, Foresters and Farmers, published in 1837, and Taschenberg's Praktische Insecktenkunde.
The magnificent gold work of the later period, preserved to us at Mycenae and Vaphio, needs only to be mentioned.
It was of the type mentioned first in the description of palace-plans above.
The early chroniclers declare that St Aldhelm founded a church near Wareham about 701, and perhaps the priory, which is mentioned as existing in 876, when the Danes retired from Cambridge to a strong position in this fort.
For our knowledge of their doctrinal system, however, we still depend chiefly upon the sacred books already mentioned, consisting of fragments of very various antiquity derived from an older literature.8 Of these the largest and most important is the Sidra' rabbd (" Great Book"), known also as Ginza - ("Treasure"), consisting of two unequal parts, of which the larger is called yamina (to the right hand) and the smaller s'znala (to the left hand), because of the manner in which they are bound together.
The D'mutha of Mana is the Damkina, the wife of Ea, mentioned by Damascius as zavKi 7, wife of 'Aen.
As previously mentioned, a pair of minute jaws - the maxillulae- are present in the lowest order of insects, between the mandibles and the first maxillae.
As mentioned above, respiration by means of airtubes (tracheae) is a most characteristic feature of the Hexapoda.
These modifications are mentioned below in the section on metamorphosis.
In conjunction with the association mentioned above of the most highly developed imaginal with the most degraded larval structure, it indicates clearly that the active, armoured grub preceded the sluggish soft-skinned caterpillar or maggot in the evolution of the Hexapoda.
A considerable number of birds are mentioned, and something said of almost each of them; but that something is too often nonsense according to modern ideas.
The revival of learning was at hand, and William Turner, a Northumbrian, while residing abroad to avoid persecution at home, printed at Cologne in 1544 the first commentary on the birds mentioned by Aristotle and Pliny conceived in anything like the spirit that moves modern naturalists.'
In the work just mentioned few details are given; but even the more elaborate classification of birds contained in his Lecons d'anatomie comparee of 1805 is based wholly on external characters, such as had been used by nearly all his predecessors; and the Regne Animal of 1817, when he 1 This was reprinted in 5882 by the Willughby Society.
All the foregoing publications yield in importance to two, that remain to be mentioned, a notice of which will fitly conclude this part of our subject.
Observations on birds form the principal though by no means the whole theme of this book, which may be safely said to have done more to promote a love of ornithology in England than any other work that has been written, nay more than all the other works (except one next to be mentioned) put together.
Though a comparatively small number of species of birds are figured in this magnificent work (seventeen only in the first series, and twenty-two in the second), it must be mentioned here, for their likenesses are so admirably executed as to place it in regard to ornithological portraiture at the head of all others.
Though the three works last mentioned fairly come under the same category as the Planches enluminees and the Planches coloriees, no one of them can be properly deemed their rightful Des Murs.
The few next to be mentioned, being of smaller size (octavo), may be within reach of more persons, and, therefore, can be passed over in a briefer fashion without detriment.
Concurrently with this volume appeared Lesson's Traite d'ornithologie, which is dated 1831, and may perhaps be here most conveniently mentioned.
Passing to Australia, we have the first good description of some of its birds in the several old voyages and in Latham's works before mentioned.
In regard to South Africa, besides the well-known work of Le Vaillant already mentioned, there is the second volume of Sir Andrew Smith's Illustrations of the Zoology of South Africa (4to, 1838-1842), which is devoted to birds.
Of special works relating to the British West Indies, C. Waterton's well-known Wanderings has passed through several editions since its first appearance in 1825, and must be mentioned here, West though, strictly speaking, much of the country he traversed was not British territory.
The local works on English birds are too numerous to be mentioned; almost every county has had its ornithology recorded.
The greatest benefit conferred by this memoir is probably that it stimulated the efforts, presently to be mentioned, of one of his pupils, and that it brought more distinctly into sight that other factor, originally discovered by Merrem, of which it now clearly became the duty of systematizers to take cognizance.
The latter's name seems not to be even mentioned by him, but Nitzsch was in Paris in the summer of 1827, and it is almost impossible that he should not have heard of L'Herminier's labours, unless the relations between the followers of Cuvier to whom Nitzsch attached himself, a