Men-s Sentence Examples
In a pleasant spring morning all men's sins are forgiven.
She could wear men's clothes and crack that whip all she wanted, but she was still a woman at heart - and he knew it.
You have to go to the men's wing.
Besides the University Library, there are a Public Library (1887), containing about 80,000 vols., the library of the Young Men's Institute (1826) and the collection of the New Haven Colony Historical Society.
So who says pants are men's clothing?
At the ladies' end an even chatter of voices was heard all the time, at the men's end the voices sounded louder and louder, especially that of the colonel of hussars who, growing more and more flushed, ate and drank so much that the count held him up as a pattern to the other guests.
The translator was dead and picked up none of the men's terse discussion.
The writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia had become well known in the West, especially since the strife over the "three chapters" (544-553), and the opposition of Islam also partly determined the form of men's views on the doctrine of Christ's person.
Not in so many words, but it says women shouldn't dress in men's clothing.
The two exchanged pleasantries and blatant flirtations as they walked to Chapman's, an upscale men's clothier.
AdvertisementRissa was dressed in clean men's clothing, her hair braided once more.
He heard the distant movement as attackers neared, the adjustment of the men's emplacement, even the loading of arrows and stretching of bows.
He took other men's labour as his due, and impressed their words, of which he had suggested the underlying ideas, with the stamp of his own individuality; his collaborators themselves did not complain - they were but too glad to be of help in the great work of controlling and forwarding the French Revolution through its greatest thinker and orator.
He recognized in the genius of the poets of that time, not only the truest ornament of the court, but a power of reconciling men's minds to the new order of things, and of investing the actual state of affairs with an ideal glory and majesty.
Among the products are cotton goods (the product value of which in 1905 was 1 4% of the total value of the city's manufactures), foundry and machine-shop products, lumber, patent medicines, confectionery, men's clothing, mattresses, spring-beds and other furniture.
AdvertisementAt that meeting he was struck for the first time by the endless variety of men's minds, which prevents a truth from ever presenting itself identically to two persons.
They broke down the intense narrowness of the life of those feudal times, enlarged men's conceptions and introduced new ideas into their minds.
If it succeeds, there will be a new line of communication along which that great personality will tell on men's minds and hearts.
Wollaston also published anonymously a small book, On the Design of the Book of Ecclesiastes, or the Unreasonableness of Men's Restless Contention for the Present Enjoyments, represented in an English Poem (London, 1691).
No man ever so thoroughly used other men's work, and yet made it all seem his own.
AdvertisementOne name, and one alone, leaped to men's thoughts, that of Bonaparte.
Other leading manufactures are malt liquors ($21,620,794 in 1905), railway rolling-stock consisting largely of cars ($21,428,227), men's clothing ($18,496,173), planing mill products ($17,725,711), carriages and wagons ($16,096,125), distilled liquors ($15,976,523), rubber and elastic goods ($15,963,603), furniture ($13,322,608), cigars and cigarettes ($13,241,230), agricultural implements ($12,891,197), women's clothing ($12,803582), lumber and timber products ($12,567,992), soap and candles.
Most of the automobiles are manufactured in Cleveland; most of the cash registers and calculating machines in Dayton; most of the rubber and elastic goods in Akron; nearly one-half of the liquors and about three-fourths of the men's clothing in Cincinnati.
Naturally spirits of these latter kinds are more valuable as familiars than ordinary dead men's souls.
He could be broken but never bent, and his rude frankness accorded with his hard, sombre face, and alienated men's sympathies though it did not lose him their respect.
AdvertisementIt is divisible into two well-marked periods - the first extending to the end of the 12th century and embracing as its chief names Roscellinus, Anselm, William of Champeaux and Abelard, while the second extended from the beginning of the 13th century to the Renaissance and the general distraction of men's thoughts from the problems and methods of Scholasticism.
The end of the period was thus brought about by the internal decay of its method and principles quite as much as by the variety of external causes which contributed to transfer men's interests to other subjects.
Erigena pronounces no express opinion upon the question which was even then beginning to occupy men's minds; but his Platonico-Christian theory of the Eternal Word as containing in Himself the exemplars of created things is equivalent to the assertion of universalia His whole system, indeed, is based upon the idea of the divine as the exclusively real, of which the world of individual existence is but the theophany; the special and the individual are immanent, therefore, in the general.
But the different nations and tongues of modern Europe were now beginning to assert their individuality, and men's interests ceased to be predominatingly ecclesiastical.
Worsted cloths for men's wear seem to have been made first about 1870 at nearly the same time in the Washington mills here, in the Hockanum mills of Rockville, Connecticut, and in Wanskuck mills, Providence, Rhode Island.
To the west of the main shaft were three square pits with horses and their harness, and by them two pits with men's skeletons.
Unfortunately the exact nature of these men's performances is not quite clear, for it is said to have been connected with " harps set to the sheminith," or according to another interpretation, with " harps over the tenors."
But in this aspect he is rather to be regarded as the diligent expositor of other men's views than as an original thinker.
Sydenham showed that these processes might be profitably studied and dealt with without explaining them; and, by turning men's minds away from explanations and fixing them on facts, he enriched medicine with a method more fruitful than any discoveries in detail.
It is more economical Lowerin g to save the men's strength, however, by raising men.
The War of Independence had started conflicting tendencies in men's minds.
Other important manufactures are iron and steel, slaughtering and meat-packing products, boots and shoes, cigars, furniture, men's clothing, hosiery and knit goods, jute and jute goods, linen-thread, malt liquors, brick, cement, barbed wire, wire nails and planing-mill products.
In a sermon on the Apocalypse he shook men's souls by his terrible threats of the wrath to come, and drew tears from their eyes by the tender pathos of his assurances of divine mercy.
In the Positive state, inherent volition or external volition and inherent force or abstraction personified have both disappeared from men's minds, and the explanation of a phenomenon means a reference of it, by way of succession or resemblance, to some other phenomenon, - means the establishment of a relation between the given fact and some more general fact.
Subsequent sociologists may have conceivably to men's minds were in the theological state, political events, for example, were explained by the will of the gods, and political authority based on divine right.
Among the more prominent buildings are the court-house - the portion first erected being designed after the Parthenon - the Steele high school, St Mary's college, Notre Dame academy, the Memorial Building, the Arcade Building, Reibold Building, the Algonquin Hotel, the post office, the public library (containing about 75,000 volumes), the Young Men's Christian Association building and several churches.
He helped to found Queen's College for the education of women (1848), and the Working Men's College (1854), of which he was the first principal.
Hamilton (Discussions, p. 197) allows greater sagacity to Collier than to Berkeley, on the ground that he did not vainly attempt to enlist men's natural belief against the hypothetical realism of the philosophers.
The sooty-grey colour that, deepening into blackish-brown on the crown and quills, pervades the whole of its plumage - the lower tailcoverts, which are of a deep chestnut, excepted - renders it a conspicuous object; and though, for some reason or other, far from being a favourite, it is always willing when undisturbed to become intimate with men's abodes.
The clergy were bidden to exhort their hearers to the " works of charity, mercy and faith, specially prescribed and commanded in Scripture, and not to repose their trust or affiance in any other works devised by men's phantasies beside Scripture; as in wandering to pilgrimages, offering of money, candles or tapers to images or relics, or kissing or licking the same, saying over a number of beads, not understood or minded on, or in such-like superstition."
The storming of their favourite positions - stockades strengthened with rifle-pits - was often costly; and a strange anti-Christian fanaticism, the Hau-Hau cult, encouraged them to face the white men's bullets and bayonets.
The Brothers of Mercy have charge of some of the men's hospitals, and also carry on a remarkable system of district nursing.
Anselm and the scholastics regarded the atonement as an offering to God of such infinite value as to outweigh men's sins, a view sometimes styled the " Commerical Theory."
Two tendencies appeared in the thought of the primitive Church, the one to regard Christianity as a law given by God for the government of men's lives, with the promise of a blessed immortality as a reward for its observance; the other to view it as a means by which the corrupt and mortal nature of man is transformed, so that he becomes a spiritual and holy being.
While these thoughts were filling men's minds, opposition to the papal rule over the Church was also gaining continually in strength.
It is men's opinions or unwarranted judgments about things, say the sceptics, which betray them into desire, and painful effort and disappointment.
Among the social clubs of the city are the Queen City Club, organized in 1874; the Phoenix Club, organized in 1856 and the leading Jewish club in the city; the Cuvier Club, organized in 1871 and originally an association of hunters and anglers for the preservation of game and fish; the Cincinnati Club, the Business Men's Club, the University Club, the Art Club, and the Literary Club, of the last of which many prominent men, including President Hayes, have been members.
He was prominent in raising money for Farwell Hall in Chicago (1867), and in 1865-1869 was president of the Chicago Young Men's Christian Association.
In the value of fertilizers manufactured, and in that of oysters canned and preserved, Maryland was first among the states in 1900 and second in 1905; in 1900 and in 1905 it was fourth among the states in the value of men's clothing.
More important still was the growing perception of the general uniformity of nature, which had forced itself with increasing insistence upon men's minds as the study of the natural sciences progressed in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Among the principal buildings are the city hall, the post office, the Young Men's Christian Association building, and the High School.
In 1548 he is described as the protector's master of requests, which apparently means that he was clerk or registrar of the court of requests which the protector, possibly at Latimer's instigation, illegally set up in Somerset House "to hear poor men's complaints."
The Reformation quickened men's interest in the Scriptures to an extraordinary degree, so that, notwithstanding the adverse attitude adopted by the Roman Church at and after the council of Trent, the translation and circulation of the Bible were taken in hand with fresh zeal, and continued in more systematic fashion.
Money, however, is in men's actual transactions the measure of value, as well as the vehicle of exchange; and the precious metals are best suited for this function, as varying little in their own value for periods of moderate length; for distant times, corn is a better standard of comparison.
The cumbrous mythology and cosmogony of Mithraism at last weakened its hold upon men's minds, and it disappeared during the 4th century before a victorious Catholicism, yet not until another faith, equally Iranian in its mythology mad cosmological beliefs, had taken its place.
This new faith was that of Mani, which spread with a rapidity only to be explained by supposing that Mithraism had prepared men's minds for its reception.
Of course men's bodies as well as the souls of the unsaved, who according to the oldest conception have in them no light whatever, fall under the sway of the powers of darkness.
Among the public buildings and institutions are the Marine Museum, the Public Library (founded in 1854 by Josiah Little and containing about 45,000 volumes), the old Tracy mansion (built in 1771 or 1772), which forms part of the Public Library building, the Anna Jacques and Homoeopathic hospitals, homes for aged women and men, a Home for Destitute Children, Old South Church, in which is the tomb of George Whitefield, and the Young Men's Christian Association building, which is a memorial to George Henry Corliss (1817-1888), the inventor, erected by his widow, a native of Newburyport.
At first he adopted the somewhat ascetic views of his master about soul and body, and about goods of body and estate; but before Plato's death he had rejected the hypothesis of forms, formal numbers and the form of the good identified with the one, by which Plato tried to explain moral phenomena; while his studies and teaching on rhetoric and poetry soon began to make him take a more tolerant view than Plato did of men's passions.
Mazarin was not a Frenchman, but a citizen of the world, and always paid most attention to foreign affairs; in his letters all that could teach a diplomatist is to be found, broad general views of policy, minute details carefully elaborated, keen insight into men's characters, cunning directions when to dissimulate or when to be frank.
Hughes, and several of the new school of painters, in teaching classes at the Working Men's College.
Green's Prolegomena to Ethics can see how awkward is the Hegelian transition from " one spiritual principle" to different men's individual freedom of choice between good and evil.
These, he declared, served as poor men's clubs.
Sheetings for home trade are often double-warp, and double-warp twills and Wigans were and are used for the old-fashioned type of men's night-shirts.
It was originally made in blue and white stripes and was used largely and is still used for men's shirts.
Hindu tract societies and young men's associations, which are modelled on Christian organizations.
The fame of Maurice, a consummate general at the early age of twenty-four, was on all men's lips.
The great question of the Spanish succession was looming in all men's eyes, and though partition treaties between the interested powers were concluded in 1698 and 1700, it is practically certain that the French king held himself little bound by them.
The sea otter, one of the richest and rarest of furs, especially for men's wear, is an exception to this unhairing process, which it does not require, the hair being of the same length as the wool, silky and bright, quite the reverse of the case of other aquatic animals.
It is a very useful fur for men's coat linings and ladies' driving or motoring coats, being warm, durable and not too heavy.
They are excellent for men's coat linings and the outside of ladies' coats, for stoles, muffs, collars and cuffs.
Formerly the fur was only used for hatters' felt, but with the rise in prices of furs these skins have been more carefully removed and-with improved dressing, unhairing and silvering processes-the best provides a very effective and suitable fur for ladies' coats, capes, stoles, muffs, hats and gloves, while the lower qualities make very useful, light-weighted and inexpensive linings for men's or women's driving coats.
Both as a fur and as a pelt it is extremely strong, but owing to its short and close wool it is usually made up for the linings, collars and cuffs of men's coats.
Raccoons are used in enormous quantities in Canada for men's coats, the fur outside.
Some of the better haired sorts are dyed black and brown and used for men's motor coats when quite a waterproof garment is wanted, and they are used also for this quality in China.
Motoring or driving coat, full length Weight and Durability of Furs for Men's Coat Linings.
The principal buildings in Mauch Chunk are the county court house, a county gaol, a Young Men's Christian Association building, and the Dimmick Memorial Library (1890).
The Wolkenburg, a fine Gothic house of the 15th century, originally a patrician residence, was restored in 1874, and is now the headquarters of the famous men's choral society of Cologne (Kolner Mannergesangverein).
There, and there only, one seems to find a common and a satisfactory ground, supposing always that all men's feelings give the same answer.
These and similar phrases, such as the excuse for withdrawing the Reform Bill in the year of the great budget of 1860 - "you cannot get twenty wagons at once through Temple Bar" - were in all men's mouths.
Even then the fear of a "difference" between Monmouth and James, duke of York, exercised men's minds, and every caress or promotion kept the fear alive.
Not stopping to reflect that in the angry and suspicious state of men's minds he was sure to lose as much in one direction as he would gain in the other, Justinian entered into the idea, and put forth an edict exposing and denouncing the errors contained in the writings of Theodore generally, in the treatise of Theodoret against Cyril of Alexandria, and in a letter of Bishop Ibas (a letter whose authenticity was doubted, but which passed under his name) to the Persian bishop Marls.
The art of printing had been invented in good time to help and hasten the new movement of men's minds.
The picture painted by Darer on this commission was the "Adoration of the Virgin," better known as the "Feast of Rose Garlands"; it was subsequently acquired by the emperor Rudolf II., and carried as a thing beyond price upon men's shoulders to Vienna; it now exists in a greatly injured state in the monastery of Strahow at Prague.
When two thinkers of such eminence (probably the two greatest ethical thinkers of antiquity) have arrived independently at this strange"--conclusion, have agreed in ascribing to cravings, felt in this life, so great, and to us so inconceivable, a power over the future life, we may well hesitate before we condemn the idea as intrinsically absurd, and we may take note of the important fact that, given similar conditions, similar stages in the development of religious belief, men's thoughts, even in spite of the most unquestioned individual originality, tend though they may never produce exactly the same results, to work in similar ways.
He had promised to fulfil men's highest expectations, if only they would not doubt His willingness and power.
Fuller says (Church History), " God's pardon and all good men's pity along with him."
The city has a Carnegie library, a railway Young Men's Christian Association, and a hospital for the employes of the Wabash railroad.
The men's hair is cut short but their beards are allowed to grow.
He was also, though he deplored the conduct of the militants, a decided supporter of woman suffrage; and he took an active interest in, and lent a helping hand to, many social movements, the Working Men's College, Toynbee Hall, the Hampstead Garden Suburb, Children's Country Holidays, the Shakespeare National Memorial, as well as to a number of miscellaneous church societies.
So completely did this system in the course of time sway men's minds that the cult, from being an expression of animistic beliefs, took on the colour derived from the "astral" interpretation of occurrences and doctrines.
This we should expect indeed from its insistence upon individual freedom; yet, notwithstanding certain notable exceptions, amid the diversity there is a substantial unity, a unity which in our day finds expression in common organizations for great practical ends, for example in the " Bible Societies," " Tract Societies," the " Young Men's Christian Associations," " Societies of Christian Endeavour," &c., which disregard denominational lines.
The plastic arts were left for Italy, where antique models were at hand, and the glory of its achievement in the 15th and 16th centuries was so great as to obscure in men's eyes what had been done before.
He was also one of the principal founders of reformatory and refuge unions, young men's Christian associations and working men's institutes.
Then as these fragmentary structures met, there were seen horned heads on human bodies, bodies of oxen with men's heads, and figures of double sex.
He and his followers maintained that the will of man is determined by the practical judgment of the mind; that the cause of men's doing good or evil proceeds from the knowledge which God infuses into them; and that God does not move the will physically, but only morally, by virtue of its dependence on the judgment of the mind.
The fire of human enthusiasm burnt low in the 18th century, and theologians shared the general conviction that self-interest was the ruling principle of men's conduct.
The union of the Burgher and the Antiburgher bodies in 1820 in the United Secession - both having previously come to hold Voluntary principles - added to the influence of these principles in the country, while the political excitement of the period disposed men's minds to such discussions.
This committee publishes a magazine of " Life and Work," which has a circulation of over 10o,000, and has organized young men's gilds in connexion with congregations and revived the ancient order of deaconesses.
But Danby purposely delayed; an impeachment was hanging over his head, and anything which took men's minds off that was welcome.
He was accused 2 " I wax now somewhat ancient; one-and-thirty years is a great deal of sand in the hour-glass....I ever bare a mind (in some middle place that I could discharge) to serve her majesty; not as a man born under Sol, that loveth honour; nor under Jupiter, that loveth business (for the contemplative planet carrieth me away wholly); but as a man born under an excellent sovereign, that deserveth the dedication of all men's abilities.
The matter is of the familiar, practical kind, that " comes home to men's bosoms."
Attendance at the camp training, in so far as the claims of men's civil employment do not infringe upon it, is compulsory, and takes place at one time for all - generally the first half of August.
The men's course is held in winter; and a women's course, in some instances, in summer.
It was Stoicism, not Platonism, that filled men's imaginations and exerted the wider and more active influence upon the ancient world at some of the busiest and most important times in all history.
The way was now open to a rapid fall from the simplicity of early Buddhism, in which men's attention was directed to the various parts of the system of self-culture, to a belief in a whole pantheon of saints or angels The five Y ?
The Marian persecution was still fresh in men's minds, and the graphic narrative intensified in its numerous readers the fierce hatred of Spain and of the Inquisition which was one of the master passions of the reign.
Whether He intervenes directly by miracle, or merely sets His laws in operation, He is master of men's fate.
There can also be little doubt that the social reforms of Lord Dalhousie and his predecessors had disturbed men's minds in Bengal.
The exclusive preoccupation of men's minds with the question of knowledge during the neo-Kantian revival in the 'seventies of the last century drew from Lotze the caustic criticism that "the continual sharpening of the knife becomes tiresome, if, after all, we have nothing to cut with it."
Among the principal buildings are the county court-house, the city hall, the Young Men's Christian Association building, and Beck's theatre, with a seating capacity of 2200.
The most prominent items in this were slaughtering and meat-packing products (value $60,031,133 in 1905); tobacco (in 1905, $30,884,182), flour and grist-mill products (in 1905, $38,026,142), 1 malt liquors (in 1905, $24,154,264), boots and shoes (in 1905, $ 2 3,493,55 2), lumber and timber products (in 1905, $10,903,783), men's factory-made clothing (in 1905, $8,872,831), and cars and general shop construction and repairs by steam railways (1905, $8,720,433).
Interest was stimulated in the National War Bonds by various devices from time to time, such as the use of " tanks " as collecting boxes, the institution of a " Business Men's " week and a " Feed the Guns " week, and the transformation of Trafalgar Square in Oct.
There is a Young Men's Christian Association (organized in 1890).
The idea of a calyculate ancestor, though by no means connoting fixation, turned men's minds in the direction of the fixed forms, simply because in them the calyx was best developed.
But it is more probably related to furvus, fuscus, and signifies one of the spirits of darkness, who watched over men's lives and haunted their abodes.
On the other hand, the still half-heathen world outside broke every moral law with indifference; and in the effort to restrain men's vices church discipline became mechanical instead of sympathetic, penal rather than paternal.
According to the traditional story, when Cleomenes, king of Sparta, invaded the land of the Argives in 510 B.C., and slew all the males capable of bearing arms, Telesilla, dressed in men's clothes, put herself at the head of the women and repelled an attack upon the city of Argos.
The great writers of the early centuries were to tell on men's minds not in the breadth of their treatment but in a theological pemmican.
On the other hand if our belief in the necessity of causal connexion is the result of custom, to custom will be due also the belief in a necessity governing human actions observable everywhere in men's ordinary opinions and practice.
Contrasted with this belief in necessity the supposition we have of freedom is illusory, and, if extended so as to involve a belief that men's actions do not proceed from character or habitual disposition, immoral.
Law, for instance, depends, or at least ought to depend, upon men's need for and consciousness of justice.
It is perhaps easy to understand how, in the crisis of 1640, when the ethico-political system of Hobbes first took written shape, a peace-loving philosopher should regard the claims of individual conscience as essentially anarchical, and dangerous to social well-being; but however strong might be men's yearning for order, a view of social duty, in which the only fixed positions were selfishness everywhere and unlimited power somewhere, could not but appear offensively paradoxical.
But metaphysical systems of ethics are no novelty even in England, and, while the increased interest in ultimate issues of philosophy has enormously deepened and widened men's appreciation of moral problems and the issues involved in conduct, the actual advance in ethical theory produced by such speculations has been comparatively slight.
Similarly the comparative failure of science to satisfy men's aspirations alike in knowledge and, so far as the happiness of the masses is concerned, in practice has been largely instrumental in producing that revolt against material prosperity as the end of conduct which is characteristic of idealist moral philosophy.
Yet such a view would be totally at variance with much that Spencer says (especially in his treatment of justice) concerning the trustworthiness and inevitable character of men's constant appeal to the intuitions of their moral consciousness.
And very frequently arguments are adduced by evolutionists to prove that men's belief in the absolute character of moral precepts is one of the necessary means adopted by nature to carry out her designs for the social welfare of mankind.
The Reformation in Iceland wakened men's minds, but it left their circumstances little changed.
In the 13th century it is put to a third use, to tell the plain story of men's lives for their contemporaries, after satisfying which demand it dies away for ever.
Other prominent buildings are the Masonic Temple, the Chamber of Commerce, the Lumber Exchange, the Bank of Commerce, the Auditorium; the buildings of the Metropolitan Life (formerly the Guaranty), the Security Bank, the Northwestern National Bank, the First National Bank, the Andrus, the New York Life, and the Young Men's Christian Association; Hotel Radisson and West Hotel.
The allegorical interpretations and metaphysics which had been imported into religion had taken men's minds away from the plain sense of the Koran.
The problem of the heavens is essentially a mechanical one; and without the mechanical conceptions of the dependence of motion upon force which Galileo familiarized to men's minds, that problem might have remained a sealed book even to the intelligence of Newton.
Dr Wilde insists on there being "nothing incongruous with the laws of nature in the theory that the sun, moon and stars influence men's physical bodies and conditions, seeing that man is made up of a physical part of the earth."
Among the other public buildings are the town hall, the public hall, the market hall, and the working men's institute.
The leading manufactures of the city are flour and grist mill products (valued at $4,242,491 in 1905), lumber and timber products - Nashville is one of the greatest hard wood markets in the United States, and in 1905 the value of lumber and timber products was $1,119,162 and of planing-mill products, $1,299,066 - construction and repair of steam railway cars ($1,724,007 in 1905), tobacco ($1,311,019111 1905), fertilizers ($846,511 in 1905), men's clothing ($720,227 in 1905), saddlery, harness, soap and candles.
The teaching of Jesus even in this matter may be accounted for as either an accommodation to the views of those with whom he was dealing, or more probably as a proof of the limitation of knowledge which was a necessary condition of the Incarnation, for it cannot be contended that as revealer of God and redeemer of men it was imperative that he should either correct or confirm men's beliefs in this respect.
Among the manufactures are stoves and furnaces, foundry and machine shop products, carriages and wagons, flour and grist mill products, malt liquors, dairymen's and poulterers' supplies, showcases, men's clothing, agricultural implements, saddlery and harness, and lumber.
It is a shipping point; the Standard Oil Company has a large refinery here, and among its manufactures are asphaltum for street paving, linoleum and men's garments.
The meeting got off to a lively start with the first motion proposing the abolition of the Men's Officer.
That which the learned call Arminianism is nothing else but the carnal reason of men's hearts, which is enmity to God.
But no one who needs or has ever needed repentance can ever atone for other men's sins.
Christmas double as Uppies take men's ba ' Clutching his prize, Uppie Garry Cooper is congratulated after winning the ba ' .
Britain's Gregor Tait celebrated his 25th birthday in style on 20 April by winning gold in the men's 100m backstroke.
For example, we aim to dispel concerns over ' gender bender hormones ' in drinking water through articles in men's health magazines.
The ground beneath men's feet shook with each repeated cannon blast, the Highlanders began to fall in their hundreds.
Getting it sorted The men's Health Forum's definitive blueprint for improving men's health is based on two years of consultation.
Leander's ' old men's ' eight saved British blushes in the blue-riband event against the Belgians.
Turning to the right after leaving the boardroom, we pass at once to the men's wards.
They look so bony and huge, they look like men's feet.
The European junior champion won a fine men's singles tussle with Nathan Rice of Bucks.
The archery contest began on Monday, with Jim Middlemas and Graham Brough in 8th and 25th place respectively in the men's recurve.
On Sunday the wheelchair curlers play Switzerland and Denmark, while Russell Docker and Sean Rose compete in the men's Downhill competition.
One True Saxon offering many styles of men's jeans all using hand made antique Japanese denim.
He became steward of the local Working Men's Club and after attending evening classes he became a pit deputy.
At one stage he ended up destitute in a homeless men's hostel.
The men's four was equally dominant in their semi-final.
In the morning it was admitted that during the night snoring had been an issue in the men's dorm.
They were a key part of men's clothing and were usually made out of parrots, macaws and harpy eagles ' feathers.
Fatherhood project - Nonprofit that examines the future of fatherhood project - Nonprofit that examines the future of fatherhood and develops ways to support men's involvement in child rearing.
Response The turn of the lasses to detail men's foibles.
The new store allows greater focus on men's casualwear and womenswear whilst still dedicating 3 floors to men's formalwear.
Paul Hartland just missed out on a medal, ending fourth in the vet men's team competition.
The men's diet was assessed and cognitive function was evaluated in 1990 and 1993 using the Mini-Mental State scale.
The seven-year-old gelding easily won a maiden at the track last season before going on to take a good quality Buccleuch Men's Open.
Two men's reflections on everyday life has never been so glorious.
It would have been incredibly rare to find a woman sporting this type of men's hairstyle back then.
The unions were deeply implicated in helping create a climate in which men's needs were seen to be paramount.
These self-improving working men's adult education colleges were often funded by wealthy local industrialists.
This maybe a grossly exaggerated generalization of black men's infidelity and perhaps all black men shouldn't be painted with the same brush.
Earlier in the day the B finals featured the GB lightweight men's four and the lightweight double scull.
Nick Dempsey has earned Britain's fourth Sailing medal, with bronze in the men's mistral.
Serving six monarchs of his native Great Britain, he has served all men's freedom and dignity.
Both the Athenaeum and the Working Men's College were in decline and Mander's Art School continued to struggle in a financial morass.
He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men's hearts.
Jermyn Shirts Jermyn Shirts offers a range of high quality Men's Shirts, designer silk neckties and hand made cuff links.
I don't think they sold women's stuff, I think it was a men's outfitters.
Despite several careless jumps, Coolefind comfortably took The Men's Open to give rider Stuart Morris his 100 th career point-to-point success.
The actress ' famous luscious pout was named in a list of the worl d's sexiest things conducted by British men's magazine FHM.
For the past two years we have run a senior 3 men's quad.
Already the number is half that of a men's restroom.
Britain has also qualified a men's open quadruple scull for the Games.
Athlete Nigel Thomson did not compete in the men's 100m - presumably due to his injured shoulder.
Noel Baxter showed that he has put his career threatening knee injury behind him with a 26th place in the men's slalom.
Tommy Hilfiger, Inc. designs, sources, and markets men's and women's sportswear, jeanswear.
The men's A 100m sprint was a fast one.
The building on the right with the white horizontal stripe is the enlisted men's barracks.
The lower ground floor contained a men's hairdressing salon and the town's biggest toyshop.
Monday, 07 February 2005 Do we need a men's health tsar?
There is one page on men's undergarments, but that's the brunt of it.
Work is well underway on the project to renovate the men's changing rooms in the main club house.
The history of men's underwear is full of ' revolutions ' .
In Britain years ago one could see similar signs pointing to a men's urinal.
Belisarius remained at Constantinople in tranquil retirement until 559, when an incursion of Bulgarian savages spread a panic through the metropolis, and men's eyes were once more turned towards the neglected veteran, who placed himself at the head of a mixed multitude of peasants and soldiers, and repelled the barbarians with his wonted courage and adroitness.
On the other hand, nearly all systems of philosophy have discussed the underlying problems. Such questions as the origin of the cosmos as a whole, the production of organic beings and of conscious minds, and the meaning of the observable grades of creation, have from the dawn of speculation occupied men's minds; and the answers to these questions often imply a vague recognition of the idea of a gradual evolution of things.
With the memory of Tilsit still fresh in men's minds, it was not unnatural that to cynical men of the world like Metternich he merely seemed to be disguising " under the language of evangelical abnegation " vast and perilous schemes of ambition.
When war was declared, and fortune at first went against the colonists, Paine, who was then serving with General Greene as volunteer aide-de-camp, wrote the first of a series of influential tracts called The Crisis, of which the opening words, "These are the times that try men's souls," became a battle-cry.
Their filthy habits and disgusting practices of gross promiscuous feeding, even to the extent of eating offal and dead men's flesh, look almost like a direct repudiation of the strict Brahmanical code of ceremonial purity and cleanliness, and of the rules regulating the matter and manner of eating and drinking; and they certainly make them objects of loathing and terror wherever they are seen.
Among the prominent buildings are the United States Government building, the county Court house, Cotton Exchange, Business Men's Club, Goodwyn Institute, containing an auditorium and the public library, the Cossett Free Library, Grand Opera House, Lyceum Theatre, Auditorium, Gayoso Hotel, Memphis Evening Scimitar building, the Union and Planters' Bank and Trust Company building, Equitable building, Memphis Trust building, Tennessee Trust building, the Bank of Commerce, Woman's building (containing offices for business women), Masonic Temple, Odd Fellows' building and the Commercial Appeal building.
It was from Helvetius that he learnt that, men being universally and solely governed by self-love, the so-called moral judgments are really the common judgments of any society as to its common interests; that it is therefore futile on the one hand to propose any standard of virtue, except that of conduciveness to general happiness, and on the other hand useless merely to lecture men on duty and scold them for vice; that the moralist's proper function is rather to exhibit the coincidence of virtue with private happiness; that, accordingly, though nature has bound men's interests together in many ways, and education by developing sympathy and the habit of mutual help may much extend the connexion, still the most effective moralist is the legislator, who by acting on self-love through legal sanctions may mould human conduct as he chooses.
I should be glad if all the meadows on the earth were left in a wild state, if that were the consequence of men's beginning to redeem themselves.
The wax candles burned brightly, the silver and crystal gleamed, so did the ladies' toilets and the gold and silver of the men's epaulets; servants in scarlet liveries moved round the table, the clatter of plates, knives, and glasses mingled with the animated hum of several conversations.
It was evident that the affair so lightly begun could no longer be averted but was taking its course independently of men's will.
Princess Mary as she sat listening to the old men's talk and faultfinding, understood nothing of what she heard; she only wondered whether the guests had all observed her father's hostile attitude toward her.
Take a large pair of men's pants and find some items that can be strapped onto guests' middles (inside the pants) that add not only bulk, but also weight.
Gap has the advantage of offering Gap Kids brands for younger teens, and men's sizes for older teen boys.
Check out the A-Z directory of colognes in the men's fragrances section.
Drop by The Perfume Spot to shop for men's and unisex fragrances.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's dress boots online.
Nordstrom has a unique selection of high quality men's dress boots available.
The Sierra Trading Post, "your in-home outlet mall", offers a massive selection of women's and men's hiking boots and shoes, including footwear designed specifically for light hiking and trail running.
If buying men's pants off the rack, make it a point to try on different pairs from the same manufacturer because each has different standards for fit and style.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's pants online.
Marks and Spencer has a really vast selection of men's pants in an assortment of styles, materials and cuts.
Dockers is a popular and well known brand that offers men's pants in a variety of styles and fabrics.
Backcountry is known for a wide array of men's pants suited for active, outdoor situations.
Forzieri offers premium Italian brands with a very wide selection of men's dress shirts.
You can find a "middle budget to premium" range of men's dress shirts here.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's sleepwear online.
Macy's offers a variety of men's sleepwear and robes at fair prices.
Take these basic facts into consideration before buying your next pair of men's socks.
Some people are allergic to certain materials and if you find that you experience itching or irritation when using men's socks of a particular material, you may need to select another in keeping with your body's requirements.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's socks online.
In the past decade, men's underwear has become available in a vast variety of styles.
Athletic supporters provide additional support to the genital region, while other varieties of men's underwear feature hidden pockets for valuables and money.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's underwear online.
Macy's carries every major band of men's underwear.
Men's Underwear Store offers a wide range of premium men's underwear.
Women around the world like to sleep in their underwear, in oversized t-shirts and men's boxer shorts or in other lingerie such as slips.
Other women prefer to spend the night in men's pajamas.
These days, men's sneakers are available in a mind-boggling variety of styles guaranteed to confuse even the most die-hard shoe fan.
You can buy men's sneakers from shoe outlets, sports stores and even fashion accessory stores online.
Keep the below advice in mind when you go shopping for a men's sports watch.
Head out to sporting goods and department stores to peruse the selection of men's sports watches.
Be sure you understand the warranty and return policy for the men's sports watch you want to purchase.
Look for a men's sports watch that has a battery and wristband that will be easy to replace (i.e. go with a sports watch made by a well-known and dependable company, like Timex or Jaeger).
Buying a men's sports watch online is a cinch.
Search for walking shoes in the men's and women's departments by price, length or width.
Be sure to check out the sale sections in both the men's and women's departments.
It also offers a full line of children's, men's and women's clothing.
Wholesale furniture establishments cut out those pesky middle men, and those middle men's price sticker raising salaries, and pass that savings right on to you.
Assured to all be genuine brands and not imitations, they provide over 8,000 products in women's and men's perfumes, gift sets, aromatherapy, skincare, hair products and even candles.
Advertised as having the largest inventory available of discounted brand-name fragrances, Perfume Outlet sells women's and men's perfumes, gifts, and body products.
Providing all authentic products, retails women's and men's perfumes, gift sets, testers, hair and skin care, and candles.
Whether you are buying a men's cologne for yourself or another, keep that image in your mind - scent memories are ingrained within your soul.
The main fragrance categories are the same for both men's and women's scents.
One of the best selling mass-market men's fragrances of all time is Old Spice.
Keep this in mind while shopping for a men's cologne.
If buying men's cologne as a gift - unless it is already a scent he wears - buy it in small amounts.
To gain the most from a men's cologne, keep the following in mind.
Avoid using men's cologne as an after-shave.
I can direct you to a few websites that may help you sells skincare, cosmetics and other grooming products specifically designed for men's unique needs.
Forty years ago, Ralph Lauren broke into the fashion apparel business selling men's ties.
It was the first time a company launched a men's cologne and women's perfume at the same time.
As men's fragrances stack the shelves, it is obvious fragrance isn't just for the ladies anymore.
Men's cologne has gone way beyond Old Spice and is taking the lead on both the men's and women's shopping lists.
Always a popular choice for the male population, Calvin Klein leads the way in men's fragrances.
Contradiction has a woodsy smell, which is the most popular genre of scent for men's fragrances.
The men's version is a carefree blend of citrus, jasmine, sandalwood and musk, while Candies for women is sharply sweet, with grapefruit, gardenia and peach notes.
The men's scent intertwines notes of cardamom, rum, honey and fig, while the women's is sweetly kissed with honey caramel, rose, champagne, cinnamon and vanilla.
The men's version is a blend of violet, aldehyde, lime, coriander, green tea, vetiver, white pepper and musk, while the women's version contains frosted citrus, ginger, green tea and peony, among other notes.
Fruit dominates both versions, though the men's is a bit spicier with hints of moss and musk to liven it up.
The men's scent is mature, with notes rich in violet, lime, white pepper and musk.The women's scent is fresher and more youthful, boasting a green lotus, lily, cactus flower and nutmeg blend.
The men's version of the original fragrance contains notes of fig leaf, green mango, sage, juniper bud, hydroponic basil, vibrant Moroccan cedarwood, cucumber, amber and woods.
The men's version of Just Me is a blend of lemon zest, bergamot, tangerine, blackcurrant, crushed grass, lime, clove bud, sage, lotus, redwood, patchouli, moss, incense and amber crystal.
A darkening of the upper lid can give men's eyes a more distinct appearance, and depending upon the color and thickness of the permanent cosmetic line, it can be quite subtle.
Cool Water men's gift sets are a great option for the holidays, birthdays, Father's Day or simply just because.
Breezy and bold, the packaging is instantly recognizable as a staple at men's fragrance counters all over the world.
Some of the more practical choices for gift-giving purposes are Cool Water men's gift sets, which offer a variety of products for reasonable prices.
Marc Jacobs Men is the men's fragrance collection that includes the men's perfume along with other body care products in a scent that is at once classic and contemporary, masculine and refreshing.
Other men's care products available in the scent include a 4.2 ounce after shave, 5.1 ounce after shave gel, a 6.7 ounce combination hair and body shampoo, and a 2.6 ounce deodorant.
Every fragrance has its own personality, but while some scents, like Xeryus Rouge by Givenchy, are more intense, the Marc Jacobs men's fragrance is more understated.
Rated as one of the top men's modern cologne by Ask Men, Marc Jacobs Men received rave reviews because of its ability to be noticeable without overbearing, its subtle sex appeal, and sense of softness and mystery.
Drugstores are also great places to shop for men's fragrance gift sets, particularly during the holiday season.
Chances are you'll get more bang for your buck when buying a set with several items as opposed to just a bottle of men's cologne.
Probably the best place to find a deeply discounted men's scent is at an online retailer.
With over 1500 men's scents to choose from, there's something for everyone.
In such cases, you're best off keeping an eye on eBay, particularly for those newer men's scents that are getting a lot of beauty industry attention.
The men's departments within these stores usually offer a decent range of fragrances, and they're always priced at reduced rates.
The newest member of the Ed Hardy men's collection is Love and Luck.
Selecting the right men's meditation cushion means having extra comfort during your meditation sessions.
Finding the right men's meditation cushion is extremely important if you plan to have long meditations.
Before you start your search, it may be helpful to note that there are no specific men's meditation cushions, just meditation cushions.
Lee also caters to men's needs for style, wearability and comfort by providing a full range of jeans, jackets and pants to choose from.
In the men's sleepwear department, guys can also find pajamas along with novelty boxers featuring cartoon characters and other fun logos.
While guys don't get a separate "junior boys'" shoe section, men's footwear includes teen-friendly names like Skechers, Vans, and Converse.
The men's accessories department features a number of baseball caps perfect for teens.
For the most part, men's fashion styles vary little from year to year, but that doesn't mean that there aren't overall trends you can incorporate into your fashion look.
However, sizing is different in women's clothing than in men's.
There is even a specialty section for guys and men's fashions.
This site has men's clothing, as well as a women's section, and accessories for both genders. men's medieval clothing that can be purchased for a guy's prom outfit.
The rental shop did not have the men's morning suits ready quite in time, so they offered them for free.
With over fifty years in the tuxedo business, After Hours offers long-standing expertise and a wide selection of priced-right men's formalwear.
The merging of several tuxedo stores spurred the development of After Hours Tuxedo; leading to the largest chain of company owned men's formalwear.
After Hours Tuxedo boasts some of the hottest designer names in men's formalwear.
If your town is like most, there are several men's formal wear rental shops in the area.
Picking out men's silk shirts for beach weddings is an important part of dressing the groom and his men.
If you choose to have a relaxed and carefree beach wedding, a men's silk shirt choice could be one with short sleeves and a beach "print."
To care for your silk men's shirts, be sure to tell the groom and groomsmen not to wear them before the ceremony.
With colored wedding dresses becoming a popular trend, men's formalwear has been updated to match.
Color choice is also affected by current men's fashions.
A tuxedo rental company may not offer children's shirts in colors, as their boys' selection is often much smaller than the men's selection.
Aside from the more formal wear required for the ceremony, the men's wardrobe should consist largely of khakis, polo shirts, golf shorts, and loafers or boating shoes.
For example, use one main color for the bridesmaids' dresses, a second for the men's attire and the third in the boutonnières and bouquets.
In fact I've met with a small men's group and told my divorce story, trying to help someone.
These include men's only programs at Sunrise Recovery, The Landing for Men and the The Cabrito House.
He's also got his own line of clothing under the label William Rast, and has become a men's fashion icon in his own right.
Fox has earned mentions in men's magazines as one of the hottest celebrities, including several appearances on Maxim's Hot 100 list and her own FHM title as "The World's Sexiest Woman."
Ray posed for the men's magazine FHM in 2003.
The men's web site targets guys ages 18 to 34.
She refuses to pose for men's magazines.
Additionally, men's magazines, such as Maxim, have cornered the market on featuring celebrities in all of their sexy glory.
Maxim - The online version of this men's magazine features a gallery with plenty of slideshow categories to keep you entertained.
A year later she posed naked again, this time with a men's suit painted on her body.
She's since kept busy, starring in Broadway's Festen (The Celebration) in 2006 and although she's past the age where Hollywood actresses are considered sexy commodities, she's won acclaim from men's magazine GQ.
Not surprisingly, the lithe and exotic Alba often lands on men's lists of sexy celebrity women.
The brand is known for its conservative collections of men's and women's clothing, accessories, and shoes.
Since women often wore men's clothing in the old West, the western style evolved over time into something that was always practical but sometimes feminine as well.
In 2005, Emquies extended Splendid's line to include children's, babies' and even men's clothing.
Initially the brand was created as a men's hosiery line but quickly expanded into a line for women.
A parent can expect to find miniature editions of the same blazers, ties, dress shirts, pleated or straight pants and shoe styles as you would find in the men's section.
Boys' tuxedos are nowhere near as expensive as men's tuxedos because they don't require a lot of tailoring.
As boys' fashion suits started to take on the look of men's suits, the usual exception being that a boy wore a bow tie while a man wore a long tie, they were not bought or cut to fit.
It helps to take boys shopping in shops that only carry boys or men's clothing, as they will usually feel more comfortable and be more open to suggestions.
The National College Athletic Association (NCAA) oversees Division I and Division III Men's Ice Hockey.
There are fourteen men's conferences within the NCAA, six in Division I, and eight in Division III.
Like men's ice hockey, the division is divided into East and West regions.
The American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) started out as a men's collegiate hockey league in 1992, but it quickly morphed into a league hosting over 150 teams in three men's divisions.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association sites for men's ice hockey and women's ice hockey have news, scores, and stats.
Cuyahoga Community College also has a successful Division II men's basketball team.
The school has several active sports teams with men's varsity sports in basketball, cross-country, and golf and women's varsity teams in basketball, cross-country, softball, tennis and volleyball.
Presently, there are men's sports in baseball, basketball, soccer, cross country and distance track.
There are opportunities to compete in softball, baseball, men's and women's basketball, men's golf and volleyball.
The school has men's sports in baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer and tennis.