Memories Sentence Examples
His memories flashed as they made contact.
Dusty's memories righted themselves.
A thousand thought and memories shuffled through my brain like black jack deck.
Their kindness to me was the seed from which many pleasant memories have since grown.
It took her mind back to childhood memories of barefoot strolls down dusty lanes.
The memories came faster.
His stunted memories collided with the others running through her mind.
While he looked dead, he was alive enough for his memories to reach her.
Besides, this place holds terrible memories for me.
I still have confused memories of that illness.
AdvertisementDusty straightened, the pain of his memories subsiding.
She watched the memories in his head.
Her memories wiggled their way out of the mud of her mind, and she sat upright.
A hand swept the dark memories from her mind, and she sagged against Darian, feeling the same sense of peace overtake his mind.
If she closed her eyes, she would see the black memories crossing through his mind, but she allowed him his privacy.
AdvertisementThe vamp's memories were fading fast and growing blurry.
Such a storm of feelings, thoughts, and memories suddenly arose within him that he could not fall asleep, nor even remain in one place, but had to jump up and pace the room with rapid steps.
Parents love to preserve memories of their children.
When had he shut out those fond memories of rodeos and outings at the Medena hacienda?
His blood boiled more at the memories that pricked his mind.
AdvertisementThe dead vamp's memories were fresh in her mind, and she sought the sights he'd passed.
The curtain blocking him from his memories was less defined, like ice beginning to thaw.
She braced herself against the memories running through his head and the confusion as he tried to figure out where he was.
The memories were closing in on him again.
This brings back childhood memories.
AdvertisementHe paced, mind racing with memories he could no longer suppress, thoughts of his brother, of Claire, of Darian's death.
She rose to her tiptoes and kissed him, her own memories of Damian forefront in her mind.
I used it and filled its piney scent with sweet memories of my past successes.
He knows his way around the underworld. I'm old enough to start to access the angel memories. But I don't know if this has ever happened before.
Softened by memories of Princess Mary he began to pray as he had not done for a long time.
Men's cologne is not only great for memories and scent association, but also for attraction.
Hidden emotions and deep rooted memories, along with the variances of scent receptors and sensitivity, greatly influence our experience with odors.
A man says he still feels in love with his ex-wife when he smells the scent on someone else because it brings back memories, even though they haven't seen each other in over a year.
Most people will tell you playing nostalgic games brings back memories of wasting away the hours playing "just one more game" or attempting to beat an old high score, whether their own or a friend's.
Before video sharing websites became as common as they are today, the world of home video technology consisted of parents recording precious memories onto video tape, and then storing the VHS away in a closet for years.
Women associate scents to memories stronger than men, which is why so many ladies purchase colognes for their boyfriends and husbands.
Today, recording and sharing precious memories is so much faster and easier than it ever was before, thanks to the many online tools and resources that are available.
Your choice of Christmas photography backdrops could make the difference between mediocre holiday portraits and stunning holiday memories.
And when you're done, there's some famous and historic bars in town that will allow you to extend the memories.
Maybe it resurrected memories that were unpleasant - even painful.
It would be an excellent opportunity to get out of this house with its unpleasant memories.
It sounded like a good chance to get away from this house and the memories for a while.
A home with bittersweet memories - a home she could no longer have?
Darian's words haunted him again, and he quickly suppressed the memories.
Her memories overshadowed, she threw open the curtains.
Jilian injected me with something to kill me, she paused, shuddering at the flash of residual pain from the memories.
He was accompanied by Dustin and two other men, one she knew as Sasha, a man who'd struck her with his devotedness to his family, and Levi, a man who'd been present in many of his pre-Schism memories.
Memories of how much Darian loved Claire, of his own nights in her bed, overwhelmed him.
Though she wasn't hungry, she drank, exploring the black curtain shielding his memories as she did.
You were supposed to marry Claire … She went on, closing her eyes as she repeated everything from the memories of others.
Every step he took brought more memories of people and places he felt to his core he knew – but couldn't recognize.
His world was one of confusion, his memories overwhelming as the dam that had been in place for thousands of years crumbled.
Darian held his head, and she wrapped her arms around him, wishing she could protect him from the dark memories breaking free.
He was more and more appalled by the memories afflicting his brother, what he'd gone through since his supposed death.
The memories rippled through her then coalesced, locking themselves away in the back of her mind.
She was human in every way, including her memories.
I only have twenty-six years' worth of memories, thanks to Darkyn.
It was locked away with her memories.
She had no good memories of Paris and crossed her arms.
He tried not to think of that sad time, instead blinking away dark memories and focusing on the snow at his feet.
Dark memories lingered like smoke after a fire.
At the same time, some of the Greek legends seem to show that peoples, with whom the Greeks came into early contact, had vivid memories of the Hatti.
However this may be, remnants of their primitive superhuman qualities cling to the Celtic heroes long after they have been transfigured, under the influence of Christianity and chivalry, into the heroes of the medieval Arthurian romance, types - for the most part - of the knightly virtues as these were conceived by the middle ages; while shadowy memories of early myths live on, strangely disguised, in certain of the episodes repeated uncritically by the medieval poets.
His cloister, sanctified by memories of St Antonine and adorned with the inspired paintings of Fra Angelico, seemed to him a fore-court of heaven.
The artists of the Koun school, however, do much work which appeals to emotions in general rather than to individual memories.
He couldn't stem the memories flooding his mind and felt the wound of Darian's death reopen wider than it had originally been.
Dark memories crossed his mind, along with his resolve to finally let his brother's memory rest in the peace it deserved.
You were supposed to marry Claire … She went on, closing her eyes as she repeated everything from the memories of others.
She bit back her smile and returned to her myriad of ornaments, carefully laying a tissue paper over a packed box of delicate pieces, merged memories of two families, joined now by a few items of their first Christmas together.
Bird Song remained nearly empty during the week and half full weekends when get-away folks from Grand Junction, and sometimes even Colorado Springs or Denver, left the kiddies with grandma and snuck over the mountains for a little R and R. An occasional ice climber continued to remind the group of the receding memories of the recent tragic past.
Memories of almost being raped, of Brady killing someone in front of her … Her chest seized, and she dropped to her knees.
The histories of humanity – and Immortals – were passed down from angel-to-angel in the form of memories. He'd heard them mentioned before but didn't know much about angels.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone. Slaughtered by Rhyn, who had taken her head the same way his brothers took the head of Rhyn's demoness mother.
The alternative – that Death might see Rhyn as a viable leader for the Council – was inconceivable. No self-serving, reckless, half-evil being could be entrusted with the fate of humanity! Baffled by the deity's bizarre visit, Kris pushed the memories out of his mind. He had to find Rhyn. He picked up his rucksack and joined Kiki outside the tent. Kiki stood before a portal on the dark beach.
When Ully didn't follow, Toby turned to beckon him forward. The scientist looked in the direction of where Toby's angel memories told him the fortress was. Grudgingly, the Immortal followed him.
Something about the trees' reaction to Ully bothered him. They'd cleared a path for him then tried to obstruct the Immortal. It didn't make much sense. Toby rose and walked to the nearest tree, placing his hands against it. There were no angel memories about how trees communicated, but he willed it to speak to him anyway.
The angel memories convinced him that Ully's strange comments and the trees attempt to combat him indicated Ully really was a demon.
Both told childhood tales, stories of happy memories, each prompting the memory of yet another incident to their mutual delight.
He attributed his pleasant disposition to memories of the prior evening with Cynthia Byrne, the sweetheart of Maid Marian Lane.
It brings back a lot of memories — some of them not so good.
He found the dark memories of his enslavement were enough to motivate him without the heartache of remembering all that was good that would never be his again.
The new memories made him feel vulnerable when all he wanted to feel was ... nothing.
With the memories of a better time drifting through his mind were memories of a war brewing between Others and Watchers that ultimately ended in the Schism, the severing of the mortal and immortal worlds.
Memon was quiet for a moment, as if consulting the demon or his own memories.
Through memories, the person is kept alive in our minds.
Memories may become apparent during dream state or have a trigger event in the awakened state.
You may have flashbacks of stressful memories and you may become almost childlike in accepting ideas or suggestions about yourself.
But, except for these fleeting memories, if, indeed, they be memories, it all seems very unreal, like a nightmare.
In the autumn I returned to my Southern home with a heart full of joyous memories.
The teachers at the Wright-Humason School were always planning how they might give the pupils every advantage that those who hear enjoy--how they might make much of few tendencies and passive memories in the cases of the little ones--and lead them out of the cramping circumstances in which their lives were set.
In his person, honor was shown to a simple fighting Russian soldier without connections and intrigues, and to one who was associated by memories of the Italian campaign with the name of Suvorov.
Partly because of the depressing memories associated with Bald Hills, partly because Prince Andrew did not always feel equal to bearing with his father's peculiarities, and partly because he needed solitude, Prince Andrew made use of Bogucharovo, began building and spent most of his time there.
Memories of Austerlitz and of Dolokhov flashed rapidly and clearly through his mind.
Then who was executing him, killing him, depriving him of life--him, Pierre, with all his memories, aspirations, hopes, and thoughts?
The harder his position became and the more terrible the future, the more independent of that position in which he found himself were the joyful and comforting thoughts, memories, and imaginings that came to him.
The Victorian visage of the old building brought back happy childhood memories for the elderly woman.
Whether you are buying a men's cologne for yourself or another, keep that image in your mind - scent memories are ingrained within your soul.
Opening her eyes, she hesitated and moved away from the car in the direction of the source of the memories.
He forced calmness into his voice as the thought of a wayward body resurrected very unpleasant memories.
It's just that courthouses and judges and all that legal stuff have bum memories.
She cocked her head to the side and filtered through her memories.
His gaze lingered on human-Deidre, and he was troubled by the memories of the time they spent together.
It was still her house and there were a lot of good memories attached to it.
The way he had rescued her from the dogs, and from the fox in the chicken house - yes, there were a lot of wonderful memories on this farm.
There were too many memories inside, and he hadn't been able to return.
He put the ring back and closed the jewelry box, wishing he could shut off his memories as easily.
Thousands of years of love-hate memories left him conflicted.
Toby, what do the angel memories say about it?
Emotions, random sensations, memories, disjointed images.
The memories collided and tortured him, replaying with painful detail.
Memories of the massacre made bile rise and her chest clench.
He went through my memories, she said with a note of anger.
He rested his hand on her head and rifled through the half-dead woman.s memories.
He sifted through memories to find who might be connected to his youngest sister.
He'd tried to block all memories of a happier time for fear he'd never see such times again.
She'd forced herself to walk daily, if for no other reason than to keep her mind off the paintings and memories.
Not that she wouldn't mind some company; the house was too quiet this morning, and her memories refused to leave her in peace.
While the two maintained mutual respect, Jake Weller appeared unsettled in Dean's presence, a combination of insecurity over Dean's more extensive experience and memories of past encounters that had pushed the lawman into compromising situations.
Said it brought back sad memories.
One of his favorite memories was when he would do something un-gentlemanlike, which was often.
Jackson had not allowed himself to reflect on his relationship with Elisabeth prior to learning her secret, but now he let the memories rush in and in doing so, found some peace.
He focused straight ahead, painful memories bombarding him.
They played everything from cards to Clue, and the conversation was dominated by childhood memories shared between Alex and Katie.
They had shared so many memories - so many good times.
Few pleasant memories lay behind him in that office.
Memories of almost being raped, of Brady killing someone in front of her … Her chest seized, and she dropped to her knees.
She had few memories of her mother and grandparents and never crossed paths with anyone from the poor class.
The histories of humanity – and Immortals – were passed down from angel-to-angel in the form of memories. He'd heard them mentioned before but didn't know much about angels.
Kris's memories stirred stronger than he liked. He remembered Lilith, a beautiful Immortal whose laugh had filled him with happiness. Their love had been intense and brief, lasting less than a human year in total. One day, she was just … gone.
He knew about Death's domain from the angel memories.
Toby closed his eyes, focusing hard on searching the memories of all the angels that came before him.
Ully obeyed. They crept through the hallways, avoiding any that seemed crowded. Toby followed the directions he saw in his memories and led them to a small chamber near the center of the fortress. They entered and closed the door, seeing the open portal hovering in the middle. He took Ully's hand, and they stepped into it.
Toby didn't answer, unwilling to admit just how much Ully's words stung. He led them deeper into the jungle. The branches hurried to create a path for him, and he smiled at them. According to his angel memories, the trees were more than trees in Death's underworld. They were alive.
Finally, he broke through the thatch of branches and leaves blocking most of the sun. The day was darkening. In the distance, he saw the massive fortress that was Death's, and he saw the Lake of Souls he'd seen in angel memories. He saw birds but couldn't see through the jungle to where Katie might be. The branch holding him swayed in a heavy wind that smelled of rain.
I'm searching the angel memories to see why. Maybe they don't like Immortals.
In a couple of years, I won't have so many problems searching the memories. It'll be instantaneous, like that! he said and snapped his fingers.
The scene brought back a flood of memories to Dean.
The success of the restaurant rested more on out-of-date memories than the current excellence of its bill of fare.
Now she wanted to savor some memories.
Memories carried her into the kitchen.
Memories beckoned from the creek so she pulled off her shoes, rolled up her pants legs and waded in the cool water for a while.
It brings back a lot of memories — some of them not so good.
On the other hand, I have nothing but great memories of this house.
Little snatches of memories prickled her mind, and then they gradually all came together.
No longer filled with magic, the room would be haunted by bittersweet memories.
He'd begun to remember his life as the White God, memories that had been trapped in darkness for so long.
He didn't want those memories, though.
Darian stared at the portal, memories swirling through him.
It was not the time for memories, not when Jenn was caught between the two worlds.
Darian blinked his memories away before squatting.
He wanted to see what was on the other side, even if it brought up memories he wanted to forget.
Trust me, I need all the good memories I can keep, he said, a dark note in his voice.
Admittedly, it's hard to keep anything from a jackhammer like the Black God going through your memories.
She fell quiet for a moment, and Darian watched the disjointed images in her mind as she recalled the memories.
Darian closed his eyes and watched the discordant memories flickering through her mind, not wanting her to suffer alone.
Memories bombarded him, almost crippling him.
Memories of a time when he'd been happy as the White God with his Oracle at his side.
Memories of a time spent in a black hell while his mate helped the Black God keep him enslaved.
As she drifted into sleep, she was both comforted and tormented by memories of Taran's touch.
Taran bit his tongue, wishing he'd paid more attention to his words and less to the memories.
His body ached with repressed memories and disgust.
Plagued by the ill-formed memories, she looked at the scars lining her arms before stretching for the knife beside the bread.
In seven years they had made more memories on her place than she had in the previous twenty-five.
But the conditions under which it could arise, casting from itself all foreign and feudal trammels, recognizing its true past in ancient Rome, and reconstructing a civility out of the ruins of those glorious memories, were now at last granted.
They recognized the fact that their blood was Latin as distinguished from Teutonic, and that they must look to ancient Rome for those memories which constitute a pecples nationality.
The rebuke infuriated the Conservative deputies, who, protesting against Crispis words in the name of the sacred memories of their party, precipitated a division and placed the cabinet in a minority.
Many of Mill's letters are published in Mrs Grote's life of her husband, in Duncan's Life of Herbert Spencer, in the Memories of Caroline Fox, and in Kingsley's letters.
In the 4th century it is named by the poet Ausonius in his Ordo nobilium erbium, chiefly, perhaps, on the strength of its historic memories.
Memories of these customs lingered even if the practice had died out.
That poetry in its most elevated form aimed at being the organ of the new empire and of realizing the national ideals of life and character under its auspices; and in carrying out this aim it sought to recall the great memories of the past.
In addition to the presentation of revived memories, and of "objectivation of ideas or images consciously or unconsciously in the mind of the percipient," there occur "visions, possibly telepathic or clairvoyant, implying acquirement of knowledge by supra-normal means."
That part of the letter then, it is argued by many, is a forged interpolation based on Crawford's notes and memories.
Henderson prefers the hypothesis that Lennox had lost Crawford's notes; and that the identities are explained by the "remarkably good memories of Crawford and Mary, or by the more likely supposition that Crawford, before preparing his declaration for the conference" (at Westminster, December 1568) "refreshed his memory by the letter."
In isolation from its object the will is as much an abstraction as though apart from the world of precepts, memories and associations which give it content and stability.
European Liberalism, too, gagged and fettered under Metternich's "system," recognized in the Greeks the champions of its own cause; while even conservative statesmen, schooled in the memories of ancient Hellas, saw in the struggle a fight of civilization against barbarism.
The Trumpet of Nordland remains as fresh as ever in the memories of the inhabitants of the north of Norway; boatmen, peasants, priests will alike repeat long extracts from it at the slightest notice, and its popularity is unbounded.
Recent grail researches have made it most probable that that mysterious talisman was originally the vessel of the ritual feast held in honour of a deity of vegetation, - Adonis, or another; if the Round Table also, as Dr Mott suggests, derives from a similar source, we have a link between these two notable features of Arthurian tradition, and an additional piece of evidence in support of the view that behind the Arthur of romance there lie not only memories of an historic British chieftain, but distinct traces of a mythological and beneficent hero.
Yet, in spite of all, Frederick William was beloved by his subjects, who valued him for the simplicity of his manners, the goodness of his heart and the memories of the dark days after 1806.
It is a not uncommon theory that the fairies survive in legend from prehistoric memories of a pigmy people dwelling in the subterranean earth-houses, but the contents of these do not indicate an age prior to the close of the Roman occupation of Britain; nor are pigmy bones common in neolithic sepulchres.
But he has left nothing more graceful, naïve and pathetic than his early memories in Praeterita - a book which must rank with the most famous "Confessions" in any literature.
The haunting memories of these horrors played havoc with the nerves of a supersensitive child.
The scene at Canossa, which had at the moment a merely relative importance, remained in the memories of men as a symbol which was hateful or comforting, according to the point of view from which it was considered.
Kingsley's life was written by his widow in 1877, entitled Charles Kingsley, his Letters and Memories of his Life, and presents a very touching and beautiful picture of her husband, but perhaps hardly does justice to his humour, his wit, his overflowing vitality and boyish fun.
An Austrian ruler, even when he spoke only in the name of Austria, derived authority from the fact that as emperor he represented many of the greatest memories of European history.
In the nudes of the next four or five years, which included a "St Sebastian," the so-called "Four Witches" (1497), the "Dream" or "Temptation," the "Rape of Amymome," and the "Jealousy" or "Great Hercules," Venetian, Paduan and Florentine memories are found, in the treatment of the human form, competing somewhat uncomfortably with his own inherited Gothic and northern instincts.
It is replete with memories of the last earl of Derwentwater, who was beheaded in 1716 for his part in the Stuart rising of the previous year, and was buried in the chapel.
She went as a pilgrim to Jerusalem (c. 380), and from there traversed the whole of Palestine, in order to visit every site which was consecrated by memories of the Lord's earthly life.
St Paul had not been one of his personal disciples in Galilee or Jerusalem; he had no memories to relate of His miracles and teaching.
And we may be sure that any such narrative concerning One who was so deeply reverenced would be most carefully scrutinized at a time when many were still living whose memories went back to the period of Our Lord's public ministry.
St John's narratives are in large part personal memories, and in more than one incident he himself figures as the unnamed disciple " whom Jesus loved."
Goethe has also recorded his memories of another picturesque event, the coronation of the emperor Joseph II.
The months of absence, however, the change he had undergone, and doubtless those lighter loves of which the Romische Elegien bear evidence, weakened the Weimar memories; if he left Weimar as Frau von Stein's lover he returned only as her friend; and she naturally resented the change.
That is to say, Grote supposes that for at least eight and forty years, from 447 to 399, the paid professors had no professional title; that, this period having elapsed, a youthful opponent succeeded in fastening an uncomplimentary title not only upon the contemporary teachers, but also, retrospectively, upon their predecessors; and that, artfully enhancing the indignity of the title affixed, he thus obscured, perverted and effaced the records and the memories of the past.
If any system deserves that name, it is that of village assessment, which still lingers in the memories of the people in the south.
The disastrous retreat of Colonel Monson through Central India (1804) recalled memories of the convention of Wargaum, and of the destruction of Colonel Baillie's force by Hyder Ali.
Unlike the Christians of western Asia, they had a vigorous feeling of national pride, based upon glorious memories and especially upon a church having a connexion of the closest kind with the state.
It enables him to fix fleeting memories and to communicate with his fellows.
Human personality, we learn, is the temporary manifestation of a complex organization consisting of "seven principles," which are united and interdependent, yet divided into certain groups, each capable of maintaining temporarily a spurious kind GI personality of its own and sometimes capable of acting, so to speak, as a distinct vehicle of our conscious individual life Each "principle" is composed of its own form of matter, determined and conditioned by its own laws of time, space and motion, and is, as it were, the repository of our various memories and volitions.
It was Vittorino's care to see that, while their memories were duly stored with words and facts, their judgment should be formed by critical analysis, attention to style, and comparison of the authors of a decadent age with those who were acknowledged classics.
Thus the satires were published at different intervals, and for the most part composed between loo and 130, but the most powerful in feeling and vivid in conception among them deal with the experience and impressions of the reign of Domitian, occasionally recall the memories or traditions of the times of Nero and Claudius, and reproduce at least one startling page from the annals of Tiberius.
Such are Pioneer Hall, the home of the Society of California Pioneers (1850), endowed by James Lick; Portsmouth Square, where the flag of the United States was raised on the 8th of July 1846, and where the Committee of Vigilance executed criminals in 1851 and 1856; Union Square, a fashionable shopping centre, decorated with a column raised in honour of the achievements of the United States Navy in the Spanish-American War of 1898;; also the United States Branch Mint, associated with memories of the early mining days (the present mint dates only from 1874).
In 1908 he published Memories of My Life, and in 1909 he received a knighthood.
They are either connected with genuine memories of the Prophet and his times, or have spurious legends to conceal the fact that they were originally holy stones, wells, or the like, of heathen sanctity.
The Mercians gladly mingled with the West Saxons, and abandoned all memories of ancient independence.
Both in the north and in the south of this great and imperfectly explored continent, memories still clung which were ungrateful to imperialism.
See Mabel Collins, The Story of Helena Modjeska (London, 1883), and the (autobiographical) Memories and Impressions (New York, 1910).
It only marked at various stages the thwarting and suppression of his policy by colleagues who were haunted night and day by memories of the Crimean War, and not least, probably, by the fate of the statesmen who suffered for its blunders and their own.
Its memories perhaps encouraged the bias against public schools which afterwards disturbed his philosophic calm in his Thoughts on Education.
This yearning, he held, springs - like more sensual impulses - from a sense of want of something formerly possessed, of which there remains a latent memory in the soul, strong in proportion to its philosophic capacity; hence it is that in learning any abstract truth by scientific demonstration we merely make explicit what we already implicitly know; we bring into clear consciousness hidden memories of a state in which the soul looked upon Reality and Good face to face, before the lapse that imprisoned her in an alien body and mingled her true nature with fleshly feelings and impulses.
It thenes was a day of solemn and happy memories, a day devoted, in the celebration of the Great Mysteries, to sacred joy, - the day on which the glad procession of the Initiated returned from Eleusis to Athens.
Not only did certain newspapers, such as the Capitole and the Journal du Commerce, and clubs, such as the Culottes de peau carry it on zealously; but the diplomatic humiliation of France in the affair of Mehemet Ali in 1840, with the outburst of patriotism which accompanied it, followed by the concessions made by the government to public opinion, such as, for example, the bringing back of the ashes of Napoleon I., all helped to revive revolutionary and Napoleonic memories.
But men in Spencer's Mythopoeic age had much longer memories.
Moreover, savages do not worship ancestresses or retain lively memories of their great-grandmothers, yet it is through the female line in the majority of cases that the animal or other ancestral name is derived.
The memories of imperial Rome were for a third time, after Caesar and Charlemagne, to modify the historical evolution, of France.
This summoned up too vivid memories of the useless miseries of former over-sea expeditions.
For the first time since he left home, she consciously let her mind go back to those fond memories - times when she would snuggle up on her father's lap and fall asleep.
I can't comprehend losing three years of life and a lifetime of memories.
The visions in her head were dark and brutal, the memories of a man enslaved by the sadistic Black God for thousands of years.
He resisted the urge to reach out to her as he did Sofi when the Oracle cried after a particularly brutal session with Darian's bad memories.
Unlike touching Czerno, whose dark memories had overwhelmed her just standing near him, Jonny had only one bad memory, that of his first kill that turned him from human to immortal.
The memories surrounding his exile were deeply buried, but he did recall how pissed the immortals had been with him and wondered why his one choice mattered so much.
Pulling himself from his spotty memories, Jule looked up at an expectant Rourk.
Whatever had happened in the immortal realm to make him hate the little bastards, he was glad the sense of distrust wasn't wiped out with his memories.
He couldn't flush away the dark memories from his time after the Schism when he'd been enslaved by humans intent on using his god-powers, but he could protect her from a similar fate.
If there was a way to make him see what was in her head … to make him remember … she focused on Damian's memories, the ones before the dark age, when he and his brother were happy.
Every step he took brought more memories of people and places he felt to his core he knew – but couldn't recognize.
The fire burned hot enough to devour Czerno's dark memories.
His memories flashed, and she winced at the sight of the executions he'd committed for Czerno.
At least she had the mind of a deity still, the memories and … She froze.
I can see your memories are there, and I can see that they have been bound beyond your normal reach.
She felt Andre in her head with her, and together, they pushed away the dark wall that stood between her and her memories.
He pushed them aside to rifle through the man's mind as he sought specific memories and indications the man was a traitor.
Jade locking her in a trunk, Katie screaming at him not to cut off her hand while she writhed on the bed, Katie sobbing and bandaging her after, blurred memories, the vision of ocean and sand, nothing.
Atlas mountains visible through our balcony window, all memories of London stress forgotten.
Once settled it was time for a pipe and a few fond memories... " She used to wear pink bloomers, you know.
The old boathouse of which I have kind memories.
Personalized wedding favors, elegant bridal shower party favors create unforgettable memories for the bride and groom and their wedding reception guests.
Another aspect of cache memories that has to be taken into account in sophisticated systems is cache coherency.
Pulling me back, pulling me home, the memories of the soft caress of a sun kissed breeze stroking my face.
These memories of you I will always cherish, your in my heart never to perish.
However, Des was still churning out the memories.
May your memories live on forever my fellow commuters.
The very complimentary extract is included in the Memories section.
And they have lost comrades, more than 1,100 brave Americans, whose memories this nation will honor forever.
One of Woodall's earliest memories is making elderflower cordial in the kitchen of his grandmother's Georgian farmhouse - just down the road.
Her memories included hiding in the crypt of a church which was believed never to have had a crypt.
One of my abiding childhood memories is sitting in front of the television with a plate of orange iced cupcakes, watching Scooby-Doo.
Thoughts today, memories always of our much loved dad.
Together with cuts that almost decimates the entire plot, the show will probably leave fans with less than great memories.
Having the test for frontotemporal dementia by Louise Butler I have two memories of my grandad.
I would like to share with you some of my memories of our friend and neighbor who sadly departed from life too early.
The was particularly true in France where memories of the recently deposed monarchy were still strong and the political situation was volatile.
She wanted to create a shopping emporium that bought fond childhood memories and a touch of nostalgia together with a truly modern mix.
All images are digitally enhanced to provide unique and beautiful pictures that will provide fond memories - forever.
Some former evacuees have recorded their memories on tape instead of writing them down.
Here, acoustic guitar and bass, brushes and sparse piano create a melancholy evocation of memories of lost times and old friends.
Memories are notoriously fallible on material facts, vulnerable to suggestion, to rewriting, to complete erasure.
His dark muted scenes seem vaguely familiar, distant, like haunting memories.
People living with deep, cruel scars minds haunted by memories too fearful to share.
Reel memories Have you returned from your holidays with hours of unedited footage you don't know what to do with?
It produced a body of work that is still remembered, has provoked many happy memories and produced a life-long friendship.
The idea of a child might awaken many deep-seated anxieties within the mother, especially if she has difficult memories from her own girlhood.
His earliest memories were of her beauty and quite girlish grace.
It brings back lots of fine memories, such as the BBC1 globe, and the famous BBC Two '2 ' .
Treasured memories of a loving and much loved wife, mom, gran and great-gran.
Precious memories of a dear gran, making scones with the angels now.
Sure there's some memories stuck in the alcoholic haze still.
Daily Mirror JOHN HOLLINS is convinced Swansea's promotion drive has been fuelled by memories of last season's play-off heartache.
Are spatial memories strengthened in the human hippocampus during slow wave sleep?
Click to enlarge Male house sparrow on nest box This image brings back strong memories for me.
Whatever your reason for visiting Alton Towers leave the humdrum behind, come together and create some everlasting memories!
How tenacious are the memories that cling round that mighty old hunter!
Some of the children chose to write poems inspired by the older peoples ' memories.
I have found in my clients many instances where the memories of the mother are carried through.
I have fond memories of the cast iron range in the front room there.
Norman Barrington site includes some interesting jingles and some good memories.
What grand memories of chopping the huge lumps of coal with a butcher's knife.
The memories of 1991, when they rose against the dictator but received no Allied support, still loom large.
Me and her shared the best memories in my life and i do n't luv anything as much as I do Gilbert!
The motivation is likened to sexual masochism, and hypnosis serves to elaborate and maintain the false memories.
Museum of Childhood Memories A visit to the Museum of Childhood Memories is a uniquely memorable experience.
All their dreams of their children achieving a status in society that was denied to the parents are now mere memories.
Forever cursed (Or blessed) With memories Lagging behind... savoring the moments Or reliving the nightmares Like a lazy wanderer.
Special memories of a great nana, Gladys Lilian who passed away 2 years ago today.
Forever cursed (Or blessed) With memories Lagging behind... Savoring the moments Or reliving the nightmares Like a lazy wanderer.
Kendrick KM et al (1997) Formation of olfactory memories mediated by nitric oxide.
Science 2 April 2004 Perfecting recall Researchers using rodents have found that the neurotransmitter norepinephrine is essential in retrieving certain types of memories.
By the time of the above memories, the BH Concert Hall was the regular venue, suitably decorated with potted palms!
The long silence was full of formless historical memories of murdered husbands and poisonous paramours.
You will find all your wedding photography requirements on Our Wedding Memories.
I am more interested in the possibility or even probability of recovered memories of early childhood polio.
Memories are so precious, you know so I would like them to have all these memories of what they did with us.
A classic neo prog keyboard segue leads into the next part, ' Memories ', which is slightly more up tempo.
Correlation, 19 (2 ), 17-32 Rose, N. and Blackmore, S.J. (2001) Are false memories psi conducive?
These names have been gathered from reference books, magazine articles, recordings and the furthest recesses of people's memories.
Looking back to the end of those communist regimes, he says memories are short.
Talk to elderly relatives who may have memories of the person you are trying to find.
Over dinner everybody talked a lot about their current jobs, life, also relived their memories of the fantastic time in Leeds.
An appeal for memories of Steyning in 1985 resulted in many fascinating reminiscences from elderly residents.
I have vivid memories of being severely reprimanded by my head teacher for making my class laugh too much.
Raspberry ripple flavor ice cream still brings back memories of summer days at sports day.
My Dad will be 83 in a few days time, but his memories are quite clear if rather scant.
We all have fond memories of freshly baked scones every morning at coffee time.
You will then have a beautiful scrapbook from your wedding to hold your memories.
I have fond, if vague, memories of great scuba diving, the Dhoni races we had with everybody from Gan.
His somewhat senile mind was striving for forgotten memories.
Or do you know somebody who has memories of living, working or playing on or by the river who could tell their story?
Treasured memories of my very dearly loved son-in-law, with thanks for your help and kindness.
Click to enlarge male house sparrow on nest box This image brings back strong memories for me.
Thanks to the SteadyShot digital stabilizer, you can say goodbye to fuzzy films that spoilt your favorite memories.
Perhaps you have fond memories of a recent trip to the seashore where you voraciously devoured a juicy novel and some saltwater taffy.
With a superb seafood menu and a huge selection of lunchtime tapas, this swanky restaurant brings back the memories of those Maltese shores.
In addition, she also taunted Sora to forget his memories of Kairi and become more & more obsessed with Namine.
Paul Rooney created a triptych of videos with a soundtrack reflecting the previous owner's memories of her flat.
By contrast, the ability to lay down new memories was relatively unaffected by the patients ' semantic knowledge deficit.
Despite the memories of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990, there are strong undercurrents of anger in the Gulf.
Despite the painful memories of his rule, he had appeared untouchable in Chile even for many years after democracy took over in 1990.
The webmaster has childhood memories here of fisherman mending their nets and seeing urchins being prepared for eating.
I also have kept a journal, where I write down my memories and also write when I am feeling especially sad.
The beginning of his rule inherited a war with France and Holland; the former consequent on Cromwell's failure to obtain terms for the Huguenots or the cession of Dunkirk, and the latter - for which he was not responsible - the result of commercial rivalry, of disputes concerning the rights of neutrals, of bitter memories of Dutch misdeeds in the East Indies, and of dynastic causes arising from the stadtholder, William II.
Niccolini blasted tyranny in his tragedies, the novelist Guerrazzi re-evoked the memories of the last struggle for Florentine freedom in LAssedio di Firenze, and Verdis operas bristled with political double entendres which escaped the censor but were understood and applauded by the audience.
Where the orchestra shows that Parsifal is becoming half-conscious of his quest while Kundry is beguiling him with memories of his mother, - and also during the two changes of scene to the Hall of the Grail, where the orchestra mingles the agony of Amfortas and the sorrow of the knights with the tolling of the great bells, - the polyphony is almost as dramatic as in Tristan; while the prelude and the Charfreitagszauber are among the clearest examples of the sublime since Beethoven.
But he has left nothing more graceful, naïve and pathetic than his early memories in Praeterita - a book which must rank with the most famous "Confessions" in any literature.
At Athens, the philosophers who taught in the schools hallowed by memories of Plato still openly professed what passed for Paganism, though it was really a body of moral doctrine, strongly tinged with mysticism, in which there was far more of Christianity and of the speculative metaphysics of the East than of the old Olympian religion.
This is described as a long drawn-out dream of bitter memories - a vivid consciousness of failure without volition, or the power of initiative - a dream of lost opportunities and futile regrets, of ambitions thwarted and hopes denied, of neglected duties, abused powers and impotent hate; a dream ending ultimately in the oblivion of utter annihilation.
What many children think of with dread, as a painful plodding through grammar, hard sums and harder definitions, is to-day one of my most precious memories.
It seems strange that my first reading of Shakespeare should have left me so many unpleasant memories.
When you reach back into the mists of your most treasured childhood memories, can you recall a favorite toy?
Well, what I 'm really talking about here is the issue of recalling memories.
Like a dream, you usually only remember the best bits; recollecting those memories that are most poignant.
Looking back to the end of those Communist regimes, he says memories are short.
Record or write down the remembrances of the people in your family to save those memories.
New Exhibit ' Homefront Memories ' with newly produced DVD of local residents reminiscing about the years 1939 - 1945.
I 've been able to go into my own repressed memories to the night my sister disappeared.
Tell me about your memories of any utensils used in the kitchen to prepare food in your home at that time.
You'll simply be glad you made it a priority to preserve those special newborn memories.
When it comes to memories, parents can never have too many of their adorable baby.
Why not help the new parents create more memories and give them a unique gift at the same time?
Why not create unique shower invitations, however, that not only invite others to share this special day but also create wonderful memories for the parents-to-be?
As challenging as it might be, take the time to get lots of photos of your baby since you will certainly cherish the memories that pictures help you to resurrect.
As you shared your memories, your past, and your dreams with your new love, your bond grew stronger.
What a great way to preserve your little one's memorie