Memorial Sentence Examples
What a way to start a Memorial Day weekend.
They're going to hold a memorial service for Byrne at the Catholic Church.
Opposite the barracks is the memorial to the officers and men of the Royal Artillery who fell in the Crimean War, a bronze figure of Victory cast out of cannon captured in the Crimea.
Her mother was to arrive the next day and stay through the memorial service on the following Wednesday.
The memorial stands by the river above the church, and above again lie the Bancroft or Bank croft gardens where, in.
Nevertheless the Memorial is of great interest - e.g.
Of course you have read about the "Gordon Memorial College," which the English people are to erect at Khartoum.
People at the memorial service had contradictory stories and when Howie pressed them, no one seemed to have any real facts.
Many of these marbles contain memorial inscriptions relating to the English residents (voluntary and involuntary) of Algiers from the time of John Tipton, British consul in 1580.
That was a nice touch sending old Arthur to the memorial service to represent the firm.
AdvertisementBut the open space where is now a memorial fountain was the Rother market, and Rother Street preserves its name.
They're holding a memorial service for Jeffrey Byrne next week.
His blue mood following the memorial service dissipated with the passing days and he remained in fair spirits.
In 1869 the Old and New Schools in the North combined on the basis of the common standards; to commemorate the union a memorial fund was raised which amounted in 1871 to $7,607,492.
A memorial in Church Square commemorates the Franklin expedition to the discovery of the North-West Passage, and in particular Captain Francis Crozier, who was born at Banbridge in 1796 and served on the expedition.
AdvertisementBut the most remarkable memorial of the middle ages that exists in all this district is the monastery of Sumelas, which is situated about 25 m.
Just south of the city is Kemper Hall, a Protestant Episcopal school for girls, under the charge of the Sisters of St Mary, opened in 1870 as a memorial to Jackson Kemper (1789-1870), the first missionary bishop (1835-1859), and the first bishop of Wisconsin (1854-1870) of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
The churches of Dethic, Wirksworth and Chesterfield are typical of the Perpendicular period; that of Wirksworth contains noteworthy memorial chapels, monuments and brasses, and that of Chesterfield is celebrated for its crooked spire.
The Lord's Supper is a simple memorial.
She asked if I thought Martha would fly out for the funeral or memorial service.
AdvertisementSo why was he at the Byrne memorial service?
The Royal Society awarded him the Copley medal in 5892, and selected him as Croonian lecturer in the following year, his subject being the position of pathology among the biological sciences; and in 1898 he delivered the second Huxley memorial lecture at Charing Cross Hospital.
This aunt I never met... or maybe I did but don't know it... she thinks I'm like practically a priest and she wants me to do all this stuff at the memorial service, for our side of the family!
Other prominent structures are the U.S. government and the judiciary buildings, the latter connected with the capitol by a stone terrace, the city hall, the county court house, the union station, the board of trade, the soldiers' memorial hall (with a seating capacity of about 4500), and several office buildings.
The argument of Otis on the writs of assistance Americans, including Charles Francis Adams and Edward Everett, and also various descendants of Cotton, united to restore the southwest chapel of St Botolph's church, and to erect in it a memorial tablet to Cotton's memory.
AdvertisementSafford memorial library (1882), and is the seat of St Joseph's Loretto Academy (Roman Catholic, 186 4).
At Peekskill are the Peekskill military academy (1833, nonsectarian); St Mary's school, Mount St Gabriel (Protestant Episcopal), a school for girls established by the sisterhood of St Mary; the Field memorial library; St Joseph's home (Roman Catholic); the Peekskill hospital, and several sanatoria.
Bishop Memorial Training School for nurses, the Berkshire Home for aged women, the Berkshire Athenaeum, containing the public library, the Crane Art Museum and a Young Men's Christian Association.
The city has a Memorial Hall, erected in honour of the soldiers and sailors of Winnebago county, and in charge of the Grand Army of the Republic; a soldiers' memorial fountain; a Carnegie library, containing 51,340 volumes in 1909; and the Velie Museum of natural history.
In the large market place is the statue of the Prussian king Frederick William I., erected in 1824, and there is a war memorial on the Friedrich Wilhelm Platz.
The account of the death and cremation of the Buddha, preserved in the Buddhist canon, states that one-eighth portion of the ashes was presented to the Sakiya clan, and that they built a thupa, or memorial mound, over it.'
Both were afterwards removed to the memorial chapel at Farnborough in Hampshire.
The house was the residence not only of Napoleon III., but of the empress Eugenie and of the prince imperial, who is commemorated by a memorial cross on Chislehurst Common.
From the surplus of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was constructed in 1914 the Jefferson Memorial costing 8485,000 and devoted to the collections of the Missouri Historical Society.
About half a mile from the town is the Albert Memorial Middle Class College, opened in 1865, and capable of accommodating 300 boys.
This memorial is built principally of Milford (Mass.) granite, with a bronze statue of the president, and with sarcophagi containing the bodies of the president and Mrs McKinley, and has a total height, from the first step of the approaches to its top, of 163 ft.
The discontinued Harveian Institution for young men was named after William Harvey, discoverer of the circulation of the blood, a native of Folkestone (1578), who is also commemorated by a tercentenary memorial on the Lees.
In the city is the Speers Memorial hospital.
In the crypt of St Paul's Cathedral a memorial has rightly been placed to him as a statesman, not merely of Canada, but of the empire.
The memorial stands 14 m.
There is a fine statue of Queen Victoria by Hamo Thornycroft, R.A., in the public gardens, and a memorial to Vasco da Gama at the Point.
The site is marked by a memorial cairn on the west side of the road.
Constructed of two polished, black granite walls, the striking memorial is 246 feet 9 inches long and is inscribed with the names of those servicemen and women who died during the Vietnam conflict.
The impression made by him in parliament is in some danger of being forgotten, because he was not instrumental in carrying any great measure that might serve as an abiding memorial.
As a memorial of this you shall eat unleavened bread seven days, on the 14th day at eve until the 21st day at eve; when children shall ask what this service means, you shall say that it is the Passover of the Lord.
In the Public Square is a soldiers' and sailors' monument consisting of a granite shaft rising from a memorial room to a height of 125 ft., and surmounted with a figure of Liberty; in the same park, also, is a bronze statue of Moses Cleaveland, the founder of the city.
It is the seat of Blinn Memorial College (German Methodist Episcopal), opened as "Mission Institute" in 1883, and renamed in 1889 in honour of the Rev. Christian Blinn, of New York, a liberal benefactor; of Brenham Evangelical Lutheran College, and of a German-American institute (1898).
On the bank question he was at first at variance with the president; in January 1832 he presented in the Senate a memorial from the bank's president, Nicholas Biddle, and its managers, praying for a recharter, and subsequently he was chairman of a committee which reported a bill re-chartering the institution for a fifteen-year period.
The Royal Courts of Justice or Law Courts stand adjacent to the Inns of Court, facing the Strand at the point where a memorial marks the site of Old Temple Bar (1672), at the entrance to the City, removed in 1878 and later re-erected at Theobald's Park, near Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.
At its nearest point on the right of the British position, where the Mutiny Memorial now stands, the Ridge is only 1200 yds.
The Mutiny Memorial, which was erected by the army before Delhi, is a rather poor specimen of a Gothic spire in red sandstone, while the memorial tablets are of inferior marble.
Among the city's attractive features are Idlewilde Park and a beautiful auditorium, built as a memorial to the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War.
In the northeastern corner of the Maidan the Indian memorial to Queen Victoria, consisting of a marble hall, with a statue and historical relics, was opened by the prince of Wales in January 1906.
Auburn has a city hall, the large Burtis Auditorium, the Auburn hospital, two orphan asylums, and the Seymour library in the Case Memorial building.
A Memorial of Hume was published by his son Joseph Burnley Hume (London, 1855).
Among the principal public buildings are the Whittemore Memorial Public Library (1892), a fine high school and the large Salem school (part of the public school system), all given to the borough by John Howard Whittemore of Naugatuck, who in addition endowed the library and the high school.
The old church at St Mary Church, north of Torquay, was rebuilt in Early Decorated style; and in 1871 a tower was erected as a memorial to Dr Phillpotts, bishop of Exeter, who with his wife is buried in the churchyard.
At the west end of George Street, in the centre of Charlotte Square, stands the Albert Memorial, an equestrian statue of the prince consort, with groups at each of the four angles of the base.
It contains some good pictures by Pacchia and other works of art, but is chiefly visited for its historic interest and as a striking memorial of the characteristic piety of the Sienese.
This meeting is recorded by the memorial column still to be seen outside the Camollia gate.
At the same time the settlers, who numbered about 50, sent a memorial to the governor calling attention to the fact that they were acknowledged rulers over a large tract of territory south of the Tugela, and asking that this territory should be proclaimed a British colony under the name of Victoria and that a governor and council be appointed.
Its public institutions include the MorrissonReeves (public) Library (1864), one of the largest (39,000 volumes in 1909) and oldest in the state, an art gallery, the Reid Memorial Hospital, a Home for Friendless Women, the Margaret Smith Home for Aged Women (1888), the Wernle Orphans' Home (1879; Evangelical Lutheran), and the Eastern Indiana Hospital for the Insane (1890).
In the following year he exhibited at the Royal Academy " Professor Sharpley," in marble, for the memorial in University College; and " Mrs Mordant," a relief - a form of art to which he has since devoted much attention.
Turning to the ideal, in works entirely modern in motive and treatment, Hamo Thornycroft produced " The Mower " (1884) and " A Sower " (1886); the " Stanley Memorial " in the old church at Holyhead partakes of the same character.
Among the sculptor's principal statues are " The Bishop of Carlisle " (1895; Carlisle Cathedral), " General Charles Gordon " (Trafalgar Square, London), " Oliver Cromwell " (Westminster), " Dean Colet " (a bronze group - early Italianate in feeling - outside St Paul's School, Hammersmith), " King Alfred " (a colossal memorial for Winchester), the " Gladstone Monument " (in the Strand, London) and " Dr Mandell Creighton, Bishop of London " (bronze, erected in St Paul's Cathedral).
Mr Thornycroft's other memorials, such as the " Queen Victoria Memorial " (Karachi), the " War Memorial " (at Durban) and the " Armstrong Memorial " (at Newcastle), are well known, and his portrait statuary and medallions are numerous.
The public buildings include a town hall, library, cottage hospital, mechanics' institute and memorial hall.
One of the best known of these representations is that carved on the memorial stone placed by Tethmosis (Thothmes) IV.
The church of St Mary-le-Bow, in Cheapside, is built upon a Norman crypt, and that of St Olave's, Hart Street, which was Pepys's church and contains a modern memorial to him, is of the 15th century.
The front of the palace forms the background to the public memorial to Queen Victoria, at the head of the Mall.
The Guards Memorial, Waterloo Place, commemorates the foot guards who died in the Crifnea.
The Albert Memorial, Kensington Gardens, was erected (1872) by " Queen Victoria and her People to the memory of Albert, Prince Consort," from the designs of Sir Gilbert Scott, with a statue of the Prince (1876) by John Henry Foley beneath a huge ornate Gothic canopy.
At the eastern end of the Strand a memorial with statue by Hamo Thorneycroft of William Ewart Gladstone was unveiled in 1905.
As late as the year 1650 the Carpenters' Company drew up a memorial in which they " gave their reasons that tymber buildings were more commodious for this citie than brick buildings were."
The hospitals and charitable institutions include St Vincent's Orphan Asylum, the Lathrop Memorial (for children of working mothers), Albany City Hospital, the Homeopathic Hospital, St Peter's Hospital, the Albany City Orphan Asylum and the House of the Good Shepherd.
Kohler (Kohut Memorial Volume, 18 97, pp. 264-338) has given good grounds for regarding the whole work, with the exception of some interpolations, as "one of the most remarkable productions of the pre-Christian era, explicable only when viewed in the light of Hasidean practice."
The inn was purchased in 1901 by the Daughters of the American Revolution, who restored it and made it a Putnam Memorial.
The Scoville Memorial Library (1896) of the College had 23,000 volumes in 1909.
Adjoining the Maria Mitchell homestead is a memorial astronomical observatory and library, containing the collections of Miss Mitchell and of her brother, Professor Henry Mitchell (1830-1902), a distinguished hydrographer.
As a memorial of his work the Duff Hall was erected in the centre of the educational buildings of Calcutta; and a fund of Li 13000 was raised for his disposal, the capital of which was afterwards to be used for invalided missionaries of his own church.
Among other missionary labours of his later years, he helped the Free Church mission on Lake Nyassa, travelled to Syria to inspect a mission at Lebanon, and assisted Lady Aberdeen and Lord Polwarth to establish the Gordon Memorial Mission in Natal.
As a memorial of the miraculous interference, the Byzantines erected an altar to Torch-bearing Hecate, and stamped a crescent on their coins, a device which is retained by the Turks to this day.
Of memorial monuments the largest and most elaborate in Frankfort is that erected in 1858 in honour of the early German printers.
To this combination of modellers in European style and metal-workers of such force as Suzuki and Okazaki, Japan owes various memorial bronzes and effigies which are gradually finding a place in her parks, her museums, her shrines or her private houses.
Among the more prominent buildings are the court-house - the portion first erected being designed after the Parthenon - the Steele high school, St Mary's college, Notre Dame academy, the Memorial Building, the Arcade Building, Reibold Building, the Algonquin Hotel, the post office, the public library (containing about 75,000 volumes), the Young Men's Christian Association building and several churches.
Queen Victoria gave two memorial windows to Crathie church as a testimony of her admiration for his work.
In Westminster Abbey a public memorial to Wolfe was unveiled on the 4th of October 1773.
The Roman Catholic Cathedral at Westminster is his joint memorial with his predecessor, Cardinal Wiseman.
It is a memorial of the intellectual power and enthusiasm of John Knox.
Public monuments are few, but include a statue of Queen Victoria (1903) and a South African War memorial (1905) in front of the city hall; the Albert Memorial (1870), in the form of a clock-tower, in Queen Street; a monument to the same prince in High Street; and a statue in Wellington Place to Dr Henry Cooke, a prominent Presbyterian minister who died in 1868.
Most of the older churches are classical in design, and the most notable are St George's, in High Street, and the Memorial church of Dr Cooke in May Street.
For example, he proposed a Confederate memorial on Stone Mt.
Other works include the Sheridan monument in Washington; " Mares of Diomedes " and " Ruskin " in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; statue of Lincoln, Newark, N.J.; statue of Henry Ward Beecher, Brooklyn; the Wyatt Memorial, Raleigh, N.C.; " The Flyer " at the university of Virginia; gargoyles for a Princeton dormitory; " Wonderment of Motherhood " and " Conception."
A memorial was erected to his memory at Komarom in 1896.
The word has been also used of memorial services held in honour of a deceased person in churches other than the Roman.
A Biographical Memorial, by his widow, was published in 1904.
The city is the seat of the Bordentown Military Institute (with the Woodward memorial library), of the state manual training and industrial school for coloured youth, of the St Joseph's convent and mother-house of the Sisters of Mercy, and of St Joseph's academy for girls.
In Fayetteville there are a National cemetery with 1236 soldiers' graves (782 "unknown") and a Confederate cemetery with 725 graves and a memorial monument.
The principal buildings and institutions are the town hall and municipal buildings, the Princess Alice Memorial and other hospitals, a free library and, among many high-class schools, Eastbourne College for boys, founded in 1867.
In Queen Victoria Street, which runs along the west side of the gardens, are the Cape University buildings (begun in 1906), the law courts, City club and Huguenot memorial hall.
There is a statue in the parks of Dr Isaac Watts, the theologian (1674-1748), a native of the town, in whose memory the Watts Memorial Hall was erected in 1875.
This township produced manufactured goods in 1900 to the value of $3,990,731, jewelry valued at $2,785,567; it maintains the Richards memorial library.
Wordsworth's tomb, and also that of Coleridge, are in the churchyard of the ancient church of St Oswald, which contains a memorial to Wordsworth with an inscription by John Keble.
To afford a home for the centralized activities of the Union, the Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, London, was built on the site of the Fleet prison - soil consecrated by sacrifice for conscience under Elizabeth - and opened in 1875.
His work shows many signs of haste, but he more than compensates for this by the way in which he thus preserves a singularly interesting memorial of the and century.
Ingersoll (Chicago, 1873); and there is a Memorial of Horace Greeley (New York, 1873).
See Memorial of Bishop Hobart, containing a Memoir (New York, 1831); John McVickar, The Early Life and Professional Years of Bishop Hobart (New York, 1834), and The Closing Years of Bishop Hobart (New York, 1836).
The country threw itself into the celebration with unchecked enthusiasm; large sums of money were everywhere subscribed; in every city, town and village something was done both in the way of rejoicing and in the way of establishing some permanent memorial of the event.
The principal public buildings in the old town of Stoke are the town hall, with assembly rooms, law library and art gallery, the market hall, the Minton memorial building, containing a school of art and science; the free library and museum, and the North Staffordshire infirmary, founded in 1815 at Etruria, and removed to its present site in 1868.
See Memorial of Benjamin Helm Bristow, largely prepared by David Willcox (Cambridge, Mass., privately printed, 1897); Whiskey Frauds, 44th Cong., 1st Sess., Mis.
The headquarters of the London societies and of the "Union" are at Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, E.C.
Perhaps the memorial that attracts the greatest amount of public interest in Brussels is that to the Belgians who were killed during the fighting with the Dutch in September 1830.
But his most striking ministerial act was a memorial written in 1805, but otherwise undated, which aimed at transforming the whole map of Europe.
A monument to Joubert at Bourg was razed by order of Louis XVIII., but another memorial was afterwards erected at Pont de Vaux.
The principal buildings of the city are the Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital, the Federal Building and the Niagara Falls Power Co.
Near the Capitol, at the approach of the memorial bridge across the Park river, is the Soldiers' and Sailors' memorial arch, designed by George Keller and erected by the city in 1885 in memory of the Hartford soldiers and sailors who served in the American Civil War.
The name Jotunheim (giants' home) is a modern memorial of the mountain-dwelling giants of Norse fable; the alternative name Jotun Fjelde was the first bestowed on the region, when it was explored in 1820 by the geologist Balthasar Matthias Keilhau (1797-1858).
The taking of life and " moon-shining," however, have become less and less frequent among them, and Berea College, at Berea, the Lincoln Memorial University, and other schools in Kentucky and adjoining states have done much to educate them and bring them more in harmony with the outside community.
He was buried, according to his own wish, at Lexington, where a statue and a memorial hall commemorate his connexion with the place; and on the spot where he was mortally wounded stands a plain granite pillar.
The tower of the Kutubia is a memorial of the constructive genius of the early Moors; both it and the similar Hasan tower at Rabat are after the type of the contemporary Giralda at Seville, and if tradition may be trusted, all three were designed by the same architect, Jabir.
The Spanish ambassador in Paris declared in 1570 that he had been for two years engaged in collecting contributions from English churches for the assistance of the Huguenots in France; and he drew up a memorial depicting the dangers of Mary Stuart's presence in England and of the project for her marriage with Norfolk.
Joanna Baillie, the poetess,, was born in the manse, and a memorial has been erected in her honour.
The Cartwright memorial hall, principally the gift of Lord Masham, opened in 1904 and containing an art gallery and museum, commemorates Dr Edmund Cartwright (1743-1823) as the inventor of the power-loom and the combingmachine.
In this square are the oldest buildings of the foundation, dating in part from the close of the 17th century, and the modern Graduates' Memorial buildings (1904).
Edward C. Pickering carried on his study of stellar spectra with the funds of the Henry Draper Memorial at Harvard, endowed by his widow (née Mary Anna Palmer) .
Sidney has a public library, and a monumental building, a memorial, erected in 1875, to the soldiers in the American Civil War, and now devoted to various public uses.
Among the public buildings and institutions are the Marine Museum, the Public Library (founded in 1854 by Josiah Little and containing about 45,000 volumes), the old Tracy mansion (built in 1771 or 1772), which forms part of the Public Library building, the Anna Jacques and Homoeopathic hospitals, homes for aged women and men, a Home for Destitute Children, Old South Church, in which is the tomb of George Whitefield, and the Young Men's Christian Association building, which is a memorial to George Henry Corliss (1817-1888), the inventor, erected by his widow, a native of Newburyport.
There are seventeen buildings, among which the Holden observatory, the John Crouse memorial college (of fine arts), the hall of languages, the Lyman Smith college of applied science, the Lyman hall of natural history, the Bowne hall of chemistry, and the Carnegie library, are the most notable.
The greater part of the gardens, however, with the Albert Memorial, erected by Queen Victoria in memory of Albert, prince consort, the Albert Hall, opposite to it, one of the principal concert-halls in London, and the Imperial Institute to the south, are actually within the city of Westminster, though commonly connected with Kensington.
It contains the Albert Memorial Hall and the barracks for the sovereign's bodyguard, used when the king is in residence at Balmoral.
For a defence of Oakes Ames, see Oakes Ames, A Memorial Volume (Cambridge, Mass., 1884).
Ruins are also seen of a Franciscan foundation attributed to the 13th century; it was a celebrated seat of learning and an extant memorial of the work of its monks is the Book of Ballymote (c. 1391) in the possession of the Royal Irish Academy, a miscellaneous collection in prose and verse of historical, genealogical and romantic writings.
The fort, built in 1736, was first named Fort Augusta, and in 1780, at the time of the British occupation, was enlarged and renamed Fort Cornwallis; its site is now marked by a Memorial Cross, erected by the Colonial Dames of Georgia in the churchyard of St Paul's.
During the Civil War Augusta was the seat of extensive military factories, the tall chimney of the Confederate powder mills still standing as a memorial.
The only other monument - a South African War memorial - is outside and almost opposite Peel Park.
The Mary Hitchcock memorial hospital, a cottage hospital of 36 beds, was erected in 1890-1893 by Hiram Hitchcock in memory of his wife.
It possesses a town hall, a grammar school (1576), and a Martyr's Memorial HallThe most noteworthy building, however, is the parish church, restored in 1863, which contains a curious old fresco and several interesting brasses, and has a Norman tower.
On the same occasion the viceroy opened the Victoria College, founded to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee; and the Memorial Hospital, built in memory of the 'maharaja's father.
Within the plaza are a monument to the soldiers who fell in New Mexico during the Civil War and the Indian wars, a stone marking the spot where the first American flag was raised by General Kearny in 1846, and a bronze drinking fountain erected as a memorial to John Baptist Lamy (1814-1888), the first Roman Catholic bishop (1853) and archbishop (1815) of Santa Fe.
The inscriptions which have come down to us are engraved partly on memorial stones, which are not uncommon in the north of England, and partly on various metal objects, ranging from swords to brooches.
Coins with Runic legends were issued at least until the middle of the 8th century, and some of the memorial stones date probably even from the 9th.
A lofty column was raised to his memory on a hill near Butleigh, Somersetshire, and in Butleigh Church is another memorial, with an inscription written by Southey.
In the pre-revolutionary controversies he identified himself with the American Whigs; in 1773 he prepared for Salem a paper entitled State of the Rights of the Colonists; in 1 775 he drafted a memorial protesting against the Boston Port Bill; and in 1776 he was a representative from Salem in the general court of Massachusetts.
His reverent attachment to Faraday is beautifully manifested in his memorial volume called Faraday as a Discoverer (1868).
His mind was cultivated; he was a discriminating patron of literature, and Westminster Abbey is an abiding memorial of his artistic taste.
Among modern public buildings the principal are St Ninian's Episcopal Cathedral, in the Early Middle Pointed style, an important example (completed 1890) of the work of William Butterfield (1814-1900); the municipal buildings (1881); the city-hall; the Marshall Memorial Hall (1823), housing the public library and the museum of the Perth Literary and Antiquarian Society; the Perthshire natural history museum; the Sandeman public library (1898), founded by a bequest of Professor Sandeman of Owens College, Manchester.
The city has a soldiers' memorial hall, erected by popular subscription, and a Carnegie library.
Noteworthy public buildings are the County Court-house, the Public Library (about 85,000 volumes in 1910), the Soldiers' Memorial Building, the Toledo Club and the Toledo Museum of Art (1901).
The modern buildings of Allahabad include Government House, the High Court, the Mayo memorial and town hall, the Muir central college, the Thornhill and Mayne memorial library and museum, the Naini central jail, and the Anglican and Roman Catholic cathedrals.
The township has the well-equipped Pequot and Fairfield memorial libraries (the former in the village of Southport, the latter in the village of Fairfield), the Fairfield fresh air home (which cares for between one and two hundred poor children of New York during each summer season), and the Gould home for self-supporting women.
There are several seaside sanitoriums and hospitals, including the Atlantic City hospital, the Mercer Memorial home, and the Children's Seashore home.
From it some pretty gardens and promenades (Kaiserin Augusta Anlagen) stretch along the bank of the Rhine, and in them is a memorial to the poet Max von Schenkendorf.
The principal buildings in Mauch Chunk are the county court house, a county gaol, a Young Men's Christian Association building, and the Dimmick Memorial Library (1890).
Probably every king that included Thebes in his realm, except the Assyrians and the Persians, left his memorial there in chapels erected or sculptures added.
Japp, in the Kekule memorial lecture he delivered before the London Chemical Society on the 15th of December 1897, declared that three-fourths of modern organic chemistry is directly or indirectly the product of Kekule's benzene theory, and that without its guidance and inspiration the industries of the coal-tar colours and artificial therapeutic agents in their present form and extension would have been inconceivable.
Among the principal buildings are the state capitol, the state library, the city hall, the county court-house, the post-office, the Fowler public library, the state hospital, the state prison, the Centennial home for the aged, the Margaret Pillsbury memorial hospital, the Rolfe and Rumford asylum for orphan girls, founded by the countess Rumford, and several fine churches, including the Christian Science church built by Mrs Eddy.
Hay was an excellent public speaker; some of his best addresses are In Praise of Omar; On the Unveiling of the Bust of Sir Walter Scott in Westminster Abbey, May 21, 1897; and a memorial address in honour of President McKinley.
Contrary to his last wishes a memorial was erected to him in Milan cathedral, as well as a statue 70 ft.
After a term of mission work at Leith, he was appointed parish minister of Kelso in 1837, and at the Disruption of 1843 became minister of the newly formed Free Church, where he remained till 1866, when he went to the Chalmers memorial church, Edinburgh.
See Horatius Bonar, D.D., a Memorial (1889).
A library of twelve hundred volumes was presented to Bright as a memorial of the struggle.
Here also are the state normal and model schools (1855), the state library, housed in the capitol, the state school for deaf mutes, the state home for girls, one of the two state hospitals for the insane (opened in 1848), the state arsenal - the building being the old state prison - the state prison (1836), St Francis hospital (1874), Mercer hospital (1892), the William McKinley memorial hospital (1887), the city hospital, two children's day nurseries, the Friends' home, the Union industrial home (for destitute children), the Florence Crittenton home (1895), the indigent widows' and single women's home (1854), the Har Sinai charity society, the home for friendless children, and the society of St Vincent de Paul.
A similar feeling of pride at the completion of a great career is expressed in the memorial lines which he composed to be placed under his bust after death,- "Let no one weep for me, or celebrate my funeral with mourning; for I still live, as I pass to and fro through the mouths of men."
Could we assume that there is in the adult man reflex machinery which is of higher order than the merely spinal, which employs much more complex motor mechanisms than they, and is connected with a much wider range of sense organs; and could we assume that this reflex machinery, although usually associated in its action with memorial and volitional processes, may in certain circumstances be sundered from these latter and unattendant on them - may in fact continue in work when the higher processes are at a standstill - then we might imagine a condition resembling that of the somnambulistic and cataleptic states of hypnotism.
The presentation of the memorial provoked an outburst of indignation.
Originating in the common sentiment of humanity, which desires by some visible memorial to honour and perpetuate the memory of the dead, it was practised alike by peoples of high and of low development, and continued through all the stages of culture that preceded the introduction of Christianity.
This canvas is now in the Lee Memorial Chapel of Washington and Lee University.
The town has a Roman Catholic church, several schools and a memorial of the War of 1870-71.
Africa after the Boer War; and returned once more in 191 2 to unveil the Rhodes memorial on Table Mountain.
Spanning the Wepowaug river near a gorge and not far from its mouth is a granite bridge and tower, built, as a memorial to the first settlers, in 1889, in connexion with the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the town.
The rules of grammar are read out in the memorial verses of the Ajrumiya, and the teacher adds an exposition, generally read from a printed commentary.
Of a synod that was held at Armagh as early as 448, there is an interesting memorial in the Book of Armagh, an Irish MS. dating about A.D.
It has the Morrill Memorial Library (12,000 volumes in 1909).
Dunkirk is attractively situated high above the lake, and has several parks, including Point Gratiot and Washington; in the city are the Dunkirk free library, the Brooks Memorial hospital (1891), and St Mary's academy.
In Oneonta are a state normal school (1889), a state armoury, and the Aurelia Fox Memorial Hospital.
They are memorial sentences or verses intended to be learnt by heart.
On elevated ground near the harbour are the remains of a Roman fort guarding the entrance to the Tyne, where numerous coins, portions of an altar, and several sculptured memorial stones have been dug up, and testify to its occupation for a considerable period.
In that year the General Medical Council communicated to the Board of Education a memorial on the subject from the Headmasters' Conference.
The memorial was further communicated to various professional bodies concerned.
It is a residential suburb of Newark and New York, is the seat of a German theological school (Presbyterian, 1869) and has the Jarvie Memorial library (1902).
Among the public institutions are the State School for Feeble-minded Children, a cottage hospital and the Laconia Public Library, lodged in the Gale Memorial Library building (1903).
At last they made up their minds, and presented a memorial to the emperor (19th of February 1521) in which they reminded him that no imperial edict could be published against Luther without their sanction, and proposed that he should be invited to Worms under a safe-conduct and be there examined.
All these splendid structures, fronting one of the main streets in succession, form, even without the abbey church, a remarkable memorial of the wealth of the foundation.
Stevens's designs certainly directly raised the standard of production in several metal-working firms by whom he was employed; whilst in the Wellington Memorial in St Paul's Cathedral, and in Dorchester House, his work is seen unfettered by commercial considerations.
Beginning at the Punta fortress - where a park was laid out in 1899 in the place of an ugly quarter, with a memorial to the students judicially murdered by the Spanish volunteers in 1871 - and running along the line of the former city walls, past the Parque Central, through the Parque de Isabel II.
He was also, though he deplored the conduct of the militants, a decided supporter of woman suffrage; and he took an active interest in, and lent a helping hand to, many social movements, the Working Men's College, Toynbee Hall, the Hampstead Garden Suburb, Children's Country Holidays, the Shakespeare National Memorial, as well as to a number of miscellaneous church societies.
Tradition states that Asoka set up 64,000 memorial columns; and the thirty-five inscriptions extant in our own day show how widely these royal sermons were spread over India.
The drama closed with a bombastic proclamation from Lord Ellenborough, who had caused the gates from the tomb of Mahmud of Ghazni to be carried back as a memorial of " Somnath revenged."
St Swithin's church contains, among numerous ancient memorials, one of the iron memorial slabs (1507) peculiar to certain churches of Sussex, and recalling the period when iron was extensively worked in the district.
In 1904 the chapel of St Nicholas in the castle was reopened and reconsecrated, having been rebuilt as a national memorial of Charles I.
Again, since sense is the origin of memory and experience, memorial and experiential judgments are categorical and existential judgments, which so far as they report sensory judgments are always true.
Finally, since sense, memory and experience are the origin of inference, primary inference is categorical and existential, starting from sensory, memorial and experiential judgments as premises, and proceeding to inferential judgments as conclusions, which are categorical and existential, and are true, so far as they depend on sense, memory and experience.
Memory, however, is not that idea, but involves a judgment that there previously existed the hot now represented by the idea, which is about the sensible thing beyond the conceived idea; and the cause of this memorial judgment is past sense and present memory.
So sense, memory and experience, the sum of sense and memory, though requiring conception, are the causes of the experiential judgment that there exist and have existed many similar, sensible things, and these sensory, memorial and experiential judgments about the existence of past and present sensible things beyond conceived ideas become the particular premises of primary inference.
The real order is sensation and sensory judgment, conception, memory and memorial judgment, experience and experiential judgment, inference, inferential judgment, inferential conception.
To remember, we must have a present idea; but we must also have a belief that the thing, of which the idea is a representation, was (or was not) determined; and this belief is the memorial judgment.
These are conclusions which primarily are inferred from sensory and memorial judgments; and so far as inference starts from sense of something sensible in the present, and from memory after sense of something sensible in the past, and concludes similar things, inferential judgments are indirect beliefs in being and in existence beyond ideas.
So far as it depends on memory, an inferential judgment presupposes memorial ideas in its data; and so far as it infers universal classes and laws, it produces general ideas.
There are indeed differences between primary judgments, in that the sensory is a belief in present, the memorial in past, and the inferential in present, past and future existence.
The principal buildings of the university are Packer Hall (1869), largely taken up by the department of civil engineering, the chemical and metallurgical laboratory, the physical and electrical engineering laboratory, the steam engineering laboratory, Williams Hall for mechanical engineering, &c., Saucon Hall for the English department, Christmas Hall, with drawing-rooms and the offices of the Y.M.C.A., the Sayre astronomical observatory, the Packer Memorial Church, the university library (1897), dormitories (1907) given by Andrew Carnegie, Drown Memorial Hall, a students' club, the college commons, and a gymnasium.
Among the public buildings and institutions are the Cambria free library (containing about 14,000 volumes in 1908), the city hall, a fine high school, and the Conemaugh Valley memorial hospital.
Without Stevenson, Sterne would probably have been a more decorous parish priest, but he would probably never have written Tristram Shandy or left any other memorial of his singular genius.
The city has a number of good statues, chief among which are copies of the Farnese Hercules (Victoria Square) and of Canova's Venus (North Terrace), statues of Queen Victoria and Robert Burns, Sir Thomas Elder's statue at the university, and a memorial (1905) over the grave of Colonel Light, founder of the colony, in Light Square.
McKinley's funeral took place at Canton, Ohio, on the 1 9 th of September, the occasion being remarkable for the public manifestations of mourning, not only in the United States, but in Great Britain and other countries; in Canton a memorial tomb has been erected.
The wish expressed by the Whigs, that a member of the electoral family should be invited to England, had already aroused the queen's indignation in 1708; and now, in 1714, a writ of summons for the electoral prince as duke of Cambridge having been obtained, Anne forbade the Hanoverian envoy, Baron Schutz, her presence, and declared all who supported the project her enemies; while to a memorial on the same subject from the electress Sophia and her grandson in May, Anne replied in an angry letter, which is said to have caused the death of the electress on the 8th of June, requesting them not to trouble the peace of her realm or diminish her authority.
A Dutch translation appeared in 1594, and in 1598 he published his Relaciones, including the Memorial del hecho de su causa, drawn up in 1590, and many of his letters.
He addressed the Garfield Memorial Meeting at Exeter Hall, London, on the 24th of September 1881.
A Prussian national memorial was unveiled here in the presence of the emperor William II.
The church consists of a clerestoried nave and choir, with a western tower; the eastward extension of the choir, the construction of the retrochoir and other works were undertaken in 1900 and consecrated in 1905 as a memorial to Dr Walsham How, the first bishop. During restoration of the spire (the height of which is 247 ft.) in 1905, records of previous work upon it were discovered in a sealed receptacle in the weather-vane.
The quarter-centenary of the birth of Calvin occurring at the time of the Church assemblies of 1909 brought the Church of Scotland and the United Free Church assembly together for a memorial service in St Giles's; and a committee on union, consisting of 105 representatives from each assembly, was appointed.
In 1842, when the Quintuple Treaty was negotiated by representatives of England, France, Prussia, Russia and Austria for the suppression of the slave trade by the exercise of the right of search, Cass attacked it in a pamphlet entitled" An Examination of the Questions now in Discussion between the American and British Government Concerning the Right of Search," and presented to the French government a formal memorial which was probably instrumental in preventing the ratification of the treaty by France.
Land for the Spinoza Memorial Committee formed in Holland to celebrate the bicentenary of the philosopher's death appeared in 1882 and was reissued in three volumes in 1895.
It was settled by the Swedes about 1645, was called Upland and was the seat of the Swedish courts until 1682, when William Penn, soon after his landing at a spot in the town now marked by a memorial stone, gave it its present name.
Government offices and private villas are on either side of the palace, and beyond, on the east, are the Sudan Club, the military hospital, and the Gordon Memorial College.
Among them are the Mabel Tainter Memorial Library, the Dunn County School of Agriculture, the Dunn County Normal Training School, the Stout Institute for the training of teachers of domestic science &c., institutions in which public school children receive physical training.
He died on the 13th (1st) of February 1856 at Warsaw, where in 1869 a memorial was erected to him.
It has a fine memorial of the war of 1870-71.
The Cary Library in this village, with 25,000 volumes (1908), was founded in 1868, and was housed in the Town Hall from 1871 until 1906, when it was removed to the Cary Memorial Library building.
On his return from a delicate mission to Copenhagen, he presented to the empress "a memorial on political affairs" which comprised the first plan of a partition of Turkey between Russia and Austria.
He complained of this "diminution of his dignity" to the empress in a private memorial in the course of 1793.
Though Eck claimed the victory in argument, the only result was to strengthen the Swiss in their memorial view of the Lord's Supper, and so to diverge them further from Luther.
The Uitlanders once more petitioned, over 34,000 persons signing a memorial to the Raad for the extension of the franchise.
Karl Wilhelms (1815-1873), the composer of "Die Wacht am Rhein," was born here, and there is a memorial of him in the market-place.
In Kay Park (484 acres), purchased from the duke of Portland for 90co, stands the Burns Memorial, consisting of two storeys and a tower, and containing a museum in which have been placed many important MSS.
See Aus den Papieren des Grafen Aurel Dessewffy (Pest, 1843); Memorial Wreath to Count Aurel Dessewffy (Hung.), (Budapest, 1857); Collected Works of Count Dessewffy, with a Biography (Hung.), (Budapest, 1887).
The historian Barros tried his youthful pen in a romance of chivalry, the Chronica do Imperador Clarimundo, while in another branch, and a popular one in Portugal, the Arthurian cycle, the dramatist Ferreira de Vasconcellos wrote Sagramor or Memorial das proesas da segunda Tavola Redonda.
The Emeline Fairbanks Memorial Library (1882) contained 30,000 volumes in 1910, housed in a building erected in 1903 by Mr Crawford Fairbanks in memory of his mother.
The city has a public library (26,000 volumes in 1908), the Nathan Littauer memorial hospital, a state armoury and a fine government building.
In Golden Gate Park is a museum owned by the city with exhibits of a wide range, including history, ethnology, natural history, the fine arts, &c. Very fine mineral exhibits by the State Mining Bureau, and California Agricultural and Pacific Coast commercial displays by the CaliforniaDevelopment Board, are housed in the Ferry Building, and there is a Memorial Museum in Golden Gate Park.
These dates are given in the following memorial distich with a frank indifference to quantity and metre "Vult Crux, Lucia, Cinis, Charismata dia Quod det vota pia quarta sequens feria."
The public buildings include the Burgh Hall, the academy (with a graceful steeple), the county buildings, the Denny Memorial, a Literary and a Mechanics' institute, Masonic hall, two cottage hospitals, a fever hospital, a public library and the combination poorhouse.
In 1847 he founded the journal La Patria, and addressed to the grand duke a memorial suggesting remedies for the difficulties of the state.
The Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Building is occupied by the public library, which faces a monument to Nathan Hale on Main Street.
Later, the names of Turner, Rossetti, Whistler, Leigh Hunt, Carlyle (whose house in Cheyne Row is preserved as a public memorial), Count D'Orsay, and Isambard Brunel, are intimately connected with Chelsea.
The Handley library (1910), a memorial to John Handley, a part of whose estate was bequeathed to establish industrial schools for the poor of Winchester, and an auditorium are owned by the municipality.
Of modern erections, the concert hall, the law courts and a memorial fountain to the cartographer Gerhard Kremer (Mercator) are worthy of mention.
An account of Raoult's life and work was given by Professor van't Hoff in a memorial lecture delivered before the London Chemical Society on the 26th of March 1902.
On the south side of Dean's Yard is the Church House, a memorial of Queen Victoria's Jubilee (1887), consisting of a spacious hall of brick and stone, with offices for numerous Church societies.
Its chief buildings are a fine town-hall with lofty clock-tower and spire (1889), containing the municipal offices, free library, &c.; the exchange, county court, Dorman memorial museum and Roman Catholic cathedral.
Its criticisms on public affairs soon led to its suppression by the governor, and a memorial from the colonists to the king petitioning for a free press was the result.
Franklin has a public library (housed in the Ray memorial building and containing 7700 volumes in 1910) and is the seat of Dean Academy (Universalist; founded in 1865), a secondary school for boys and girls.
It is built on an eminence (1150 ft.), and has two public parks, a substantial court-house, a soldiers' and sailors' memorial building, a public library, a hospital and many fine residences.
In the city are the Wells Memorial Hospital, St Peter's General Hospital, a Carnegie library, a Federal building and a Soldiers' Monument.
The Buccleuch memorial hall, commemorating the 5th duke of Buccleuch, contains the Science and Art Institute and a museum rich in exhibits illustrating Border history.
Among the principal buildings are the county court house, a masonic temple, an Elks' home and a soldiers' and sailors' memorial building.
Near the city is the Judge Miner's Home and Hospital (Roman Catholic), a memorial to John Judge, a successful Utah miner.
The principal public buildings include the Turner memorial hospital, the Longmore hall, and the Institute.
At Columbia, also, are the Parker Memorial hospital, the Teachers College high school, the University Military Academy, the Columbia Business College, Christian College (Disciples) for women, established in 1851, its charter being the first granted by Missouri for the collegiate education of Protestant women; the Bible College of the Disciples of Christ in Missouri; and Stephens College (under Baptist control) for women, established in 1856.
In 1899 a school of medicine was established, in connexion with which the Eleanor Taylor Bell memorial hospital was erected in 1905.
In 1895 he founded for the education of the "mountain whites" the Lincoln Memorial University at Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
A memorial tablet, with an inscription by Archbishop Benson, is placed in the Cathedral at Truro; and Mr Passmore Edwards erected a public institute in his honour at Launceston, near his birthplace.
Sheldon Memorial Auditorium, in connexion with which is a School of Music, a Y.M.C.A.
There are monuments to the two former in the town, while the resting-place of the latter in the cemetery is marked by a less pretentious memorial.
The church of SS Mary and John the Baptist has rude Norman portions; and the poet William Shenstone, buried in 1763 in the churchyard, has a memorial in the church.
Among its chief features are the Virgin Martyrs' Memorial, representing in white marble a guardian angel and the figures of Margaret M`Lauchlan and Margaret Wilson, who were drowned by the rising tide in Wigtown Bay for their fidelity to the Covenant (1685);(1685); the large pyramid to the memory of the Covenanters, and the Ladies' Rock, from which ladies viewed the jousts in the Valley.
Another rich Norman doorway was exposed in the south wall in 1903, when masons were cutting a site for the memorial to the soldiers who had fallen in the South African War.
He was commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic from 1868 to 1871, and in this position successfully urged the observance of Memorial or Decoration Day, an idea which probably originated with him.
The village has a memorial hall, housing the public library, and in the township there is an excellent hospital, the gift of Eben.
Shortly afterwards he delivered one of his most eloquent addresses at the memorial services for President Harrison in Faneuil Hall, Boston.
Among the hospitals are the Mercy Hospital (1896, under the Sisters of Divine Providence), the Wesson Memorial (formerly Hampden Homeopathic) Hospital (1900), the Wesson Maternity Hospital (1906), and the Springfield Hospital (1883).
Legates were despatched to Constantinople; the memorial of the schismatic patriarchs was condemned; and union was resumed with the Holy See.
The state of Maine erected in 1907 a granite memorial to the soldiers from Maine who camped here, and in 1910 Massachusetts appropriated $5000 for a memorial to her troops.
The more extensive Zang (Zenj) empire, of which the name Zanzibar (Zanguebar) is a lasting memorial, extending along the sea-board from Somaliland to the Zambezi, was also extinct.
Liber, Rashi (1906), published as a memorial of Rashi on the 800th anniversary of his death.
Immediately north of Poughkeepsie is the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane (1871); in the city are the Vassar Brothers' Hospital (1878), with which a nurses' training school is connected; the Vassar Brothers' Home (1881) for aged and infirm men; the Poughkeepsie Orphan House and Home for the Friendless (1847); the Old Ladies' Home (1870); the Pringle Memorial Home (1899), for aged and indigent men, and the Adriance Memorial Library (45,000 volumes in 1909).
In 1851 the Royal Academy of History of Madrid began the publication of its Memorial histrica espanol, a collection of documents, &c. See also Dionisio Hidalgo, Diccionario general de bibliografia espanola, 7 vols.
Dumas was a prolific writer, and his numerous books, essays, memorial addresses, &c., show him to have been gifted with a clear and graceful style.
He was buried in the cathedral without any memorial at his own desire.
The motto that he adopted for use with the arms emblazoned for him as cardinal - Co p ad cor loquitur, and that which he directed to be engraved on his memorial tablet at Edgbaston - Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem - together seem to disclose as much as can be disclosed of the secret of a life which, both to contemporaries and to later students, has been one of almost fascinating interest, at once devout and inquiring, affectionate and yet sternly self-restrained.
Later in the year another convention, to which the proposed constitution had been referred, adopted instead the constitution of North Carolina with a few trifling changes, and William Cocke was chosen to present to Congress a memorial requesting recognition as a state.
A full funeral mass was not scheduled—only an informal memorial service.
Riley's comments were simple but moving and made Dean wonder if he were the eulogized party, who would speak so kindly of him—or, for that matter, even attend the memorial.
A call to Leland Anderson on Memorial day secured his superior's approval to move up his vacation from July—when he'd planned to bike in Iowa and since canceled—to June.
A completely alphabetical listing - names, rank, service, date of death and cemetery or memorial.
St Mary's Graveyard, Renaissance Enclosure Renaissance memorial complete with Corinthian columns and trumpeting angels.
Free Watery Workshop For Children At The Royal Albert Memorial Museum Still Time To get animated Still Time To Snap To It!
Their public commemoration in the new memorial in the national memorial arboretum is very fitting.
Activities included architectural modeling, psychological testing, map making, a photographic portraiture project, and a memorial plaque sculpture project.
Barthol Chapel war memorial A simple small stone tablet on a pediment of darker granite ashlar.
Jasenovac was, in its own way, as important a memorial to capitalist barbarism as Auschwitz.
Click on the thumbnail to see the memorial bench at Phil's old primary school.
Who took the decision to detonate a bomb at the War Memorial in Enniskillen on Remembrance Sunday?
The wooden bookstand in Clewer's Lady Chapel is a memorial to her and bears a brass plaque to that effect.
Recently, I caught wind of a charity group planning to erect a new memorial cairn on the summit.
The Bill Stuart memorial cairn stands a few yards further on.
There, a memorial slab in the floor has a cross in the middle and an inscription carved around the outside.
They then rejoin the main cavalcade and proceed up Scott Street heading toward the War Memorial, where only the Braw Lad remains mounted.
In London there is a large memorial called the cenotaph in Whitehall, and each Remembrance Sunday a big ceremony is held there.
On Holocaust Memorial Day itself there will be a non-religious ceremony at the Holywell Music Room.
During the memorial scene Naomi Watts snorts coke in the bathroom.
How do I apply for an infant memorial commemorative plaque?
Reg Woods awaiting commencement of the 1996 memorial service, in memory of his lost shipmates.
Either side of the memorial are two wooden crosses.
We were less pleased to see the desecration of a memorial to Graham Palmer, a pioneer of the restoration of the Montgomery canal.
Both memorial types are richly deserving of all the attention they receive.
Our memorial had been built to a very dignified design.
Does anyone have photo of the memorial erected in their memory?
This Saturday, I have been asked to deliver the eulogy at his memorial service at St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh.
Same Tone Let us rejoice, O ye faithful, for the annual memorial of Botolph is come again.
Banff Strike Wing Memorial Mosquito from Banff attacking shipping in Norwegian fiord, Spring 1945 Gp.
The area in the vast flatland of the Gusev Crater where Spirit landed this weekend will be called the Columbia Memorial Station.
At the back of the church is the octagonal font surmounted by a memorial canopy given by Flintshire Cricket Club.
These unique Books of Remembrance, written on cream goatskin parchment and bound in deep blue goatskin parchment and bound in deep blue goatskin leather, lie in the Memorial Cabinet.
He was an important figure in church life, yet we can find no headstone or memorial to him.
Our natural burial grounds do not have traditional headstones, instead graves can be planted with a tree to create a natural memorial.
You will not be able to claim money for the cost of a private burial space in the cemetery or a memorial headstone.
This is a great aid to finding a memorial without too much heartache.
There is a memorial in the churchyard to the Northumbrian lifeboat heroine, Grace Darling.
There has also been significant involvement in a trans-Atlantic prostate cancer histopathology project, jointly with the Memorial Sloan Kettering Institute.
The prize carries an honorarium together with a memorial scroll.
September 3 rd 1919 There was a rather hurried meeting called at Cavendish to discuss the proposed war memorial.
The public hustings will take place at the Wesley Memorial Church hall, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford.
You are now able to purchase a memorial bench, suitably inscribed, which would be placed either at the Club House or Farm.
King's Stanley Church memorial inscriptions, taken in 1879.
A memorial removed for the purpose of a further interment shall be transported from the Cemetery grounds.
Joseph sternberg memorial in all kinds.
It is traditional for the children to light a memorial candle, visit their parent's grave and recite the kaddish.
Hinds Groome's own memorial is a splendid little reredos, showing the Last Supper.
Any tree planted will be a living memorial of great longevity.
Your memorial mason should be able to offer you further advice.
The Astronomer Royal, Sir Frank Dyson, unveiled the memorial, slightly later than planned, in February 1927.
Char's Fund will be the means by which we will build a lasting memorial to our daughter.
He died at the age of 28 and his name is on the St Michael's WW1 memorial.
We plan to relocate the war memorial in front of the new building.
With the passing of seven decades, the roadside memorial made of stone quarried at Verdun, had developed a dangerous list.
Culblean Memorial A modern stone menhir with bronze plaque commemorating a 14th century battle.
One of his most striking projects was the decorative metalwork he made for the Albert Memorial in London.
Early Proposals for a Memorial In 1949 there was a proposal to erect a monument to the American airmen.
The spot where he, and many others, died so cruelly is today marked by a memorial obelisk.
A 60 ft granite obelisk at the city center end of the Park is a memorial to Samuel Smith who died in 1906.
Their function and meaning remain obscure, tho many have come from graves or shrines and so could either be deities or memorial images.
The MP will be joined by the Chair of St James Memorial Park Trust, Dr. Caroline Scott to present the petition.
There is an unusual memorial to wartime carrier pigeons surrounded by a carpet bed.
Memorial benches You can buy hardwood benches with engraved plaques for dedication at all of our cemetery sites.
On the church wall is a memorial plaque to the crew of a Greek ship lost in a storm in the twenties.
I particularly enjoyed ' Cut ', the first prizewinner of the Phillip Good Memorial Prize.
The legendary TV producer was laid to rest at the Hillside Memorial Park in west Los Angeles.
As well as traditional graves we have a garden of remembrance memorial garden where ashes may be buried under standard roses.
Captain Cook Memorial Museum This museum is housed in the building where James Cook lodged as an apprentice seaman.
Aldeburgh's memorial to Benjamin Britten was erected on an expanse of shingle shoreline in November 2003.
In this way it replicates the visual impact of the striking silhouette of March's memorial.
It is advisable to ensure the memorial and many stonemasons will be able to arrange this for you.
At the end of the main street is the war memorial.
The vault is sealed with a flat marble stone, recessed to take an inscribed memorial tablet.
To date it is the only tangible memorial to the fisherman.
Jacksdale School Pupils for laying floral tributes at the memorial.
Anne, Stuart and the Horizon team would like to thank all who contributed to the memorial tributed to the memorial tribute fund.
A Stagecoach Olympian, shortly to be replaced by new tridents, round the Memorial on the 100 service.
The Dixie Dean Memorial Statue outside Goodison, Home of Everton FC, has been attacked by Vandals who painted the statue red.
Also in the nave is a memorial to a former vicar.
Behind the war memorial is a ramshackle old fort with superb views over the surrounding valleys.
Besides recitation and residence halls, it has the Lawrence Hall Library (1846), containing (1910) 68,000 volumes, the Thompson Memorial Chapel (1904), the Lasell Gymnasium (1886), an infirmary (1895), the Hopkins Observatory (1837) and the Field Memorial Observatory (1882), the Thompson Chemical Laboratory (1892), the Thompson Biological Laboratory (1893) and the Thompson Physical Laboratory (1893).
First he attempted to hold Vienna against the imperial troops, and, after the capitulation, hastened to Pressburg to offer his services to Kossuth, first defending himself, in a long memorial, from the accusations of treachery to the Polish cause and of aristocratic tendencies which the more fanatical section of the Polish emigrant Radicals repeatedly brought against him.
This Latin treatise on mining and metallurgy had remained the standard text-book for almost 200 years after its appearance; the translation, with introduction, annotations, and appendices, was a pious memorial to a pioneer contributor to the knowledge of a great profession.
Now by the Malicious Damage Act 1861 the unlawful and malicious destroying or damaging any picture, statue, monument or other memorial of the dead, painted glass or other monument or work of art, in any church, chapel, meeting-place or other place of divine worship is a misdemeanour punishable by imprisonment for six months, and in the case of a male under the age of sixteen years with whipping.
Among the libraries are included the Public Library (1893) with 54,000 volumes in 1909, the library of the Oneida Historical Society (which occupies the Munson-Williams Memorial Building), the Utica Law Library and the Deutscher Leserverein.
Other periodicals which appeared in the 18th century were Mailer's Mercurio (1738); the Diario noticioso (1758-1781); El Pensador (1762-1767) of Joseph Clavijo y Fajardo; El Belianis literario (1765), satirical in character; the Semanario erudito (1778-1791), a clumsy collection of documents; El Correo literario de la Europa (1781-1782); El Censor (1781); the valuable Memorial literario (1784-1808); El Correo literario (1786-1791), devoted to literature and science; and the special organs El Correo mercantil (1792-1798) and El Semanario de agricultura (1797-1805).
He also took a prominent part in the proceedings which followed the Kentish petition, and was the author, some say the presenter, of the Legion Memorial, which asserted in the strongest terms the supremacy of the electors over the elected, and of which even an irate House of Commons did not dare to take much notice.
This widespread expectation has left its memorial in our book in xvi.
Among the most noteworthy churches of Syracuse are the Roman Catholic cathedral of the Immaculate Conception - Syracuse became the see of a Roman Catholic bishop in 1887 - and St Paul's Protestant Episcopal, the first Presbyterian, first Methodist Episcopal, Dutch Reformed and May Memorial (Unitarian) churches, the last erected in memory of Samuel Joseph May (1797-1871), a famous anti-slavery leader, pastor of the church in 1845-1868, and author of Some Recollections of Our Anti-Slavery Conflict (1873).
But the most striking memorial of his greatness was the union of Lublin, which finally made of Poland and Lithuania one body politic, and put an end to the jealousies and discords of centuries (see Poland, History).
Of their language as distinct from that of the Latins no articulate memorial has survived, but we have a large number of single words attributed to them by Latin writers, among which such forms as (I) fircus, Lat.
Literature.The vast mass of writing which has come down to us from the ancient Egyptians comprises documents of almost every conceivable kind, business documents and correspondence, legal documents, memorial inscriptions, historical, scientific, didactic, magical and religious literature; also tales and lyrics and other compositions in poetical language.
It is highly illustrative of the tenacity with which the ancient sepulchral usages were retained even after the introduction of Christianity that King Harold, son and successor of Gorm the Old, who is said to have christianized all Denmark and Norway, followed the pagan custom of erecting a chambered tumulus over the remains of his father, on the summit of which was placed a rude pillar-stone, bearing on one side the memorial inscription in runes, and on the other a representation of the Saviour of mankind distinguished by the crossed nimbus surrounding the head.
In the course of a visit which he made to Innocent in this year, the bishop laid before the pope and cardinals a written memorial in which he ascribed all the evils of the Church to the malignant influence of the Curia.
Colonel and Mrs Seymour of Brockham Park organized a memorial fund to provide the reredos of English oak, carved in Munich.
The Dyson Memorial in August 2002 The riverside promenade, c.1913, looking east.
Republican memorial, Crossmaglen, Armagh; sculpted by the Breton artist, Yann Goulet, 1979.
The Memorial commemorates almost 35,000 servicemen who have no known grave.
Aldeburgh 's memorial to Benjamin Britten was erected on an expanse of shingle shoreline in November 2003.
On the east bank is a memorial to 4 Clyde shipyard workers who drowned.
In this way it replicates the visual impact of the striking silhouette of March 's memorial.
It is advisable to ensure the memorial and many Stonemasons will be able to arrange this for you.
For him the memorial, not the journal, is the best record for temporary needs for instance in relation to subcontracted work.
These are the photographs of 24 tombstones in a little graveyard outside Castlederg each one a memorial to the terror of the IRA.
On the south transept wall is a memorial plaque.
The few sculptural or memorial schemes have been deliberately transient in nature.
Anne, Stuart and the Horizon team would like to thank all who contributed to the memorial tribute fund.
A Stagecoach Olympian, shortly to be replaced by new Tridents, round the Memorial on the 100 service.
Cuts vengeful understudies a policy well american memorial life insurance company united states globe life insurance 9 9 9 9 state claimants are either.
For most ceremonies, the interlude is the unity candle, memorial candle, or rose presentation.
It is a memorial to 296 unknown German soldiers who died in the Normandy campaign.
In June 1999 a Memorial Stone was unveiled to commemorate mining in the area.
Popular subjects were gala days, sports meetings, a work 's outing or the unveiling of a war memorial.
It is a very simple memorial in the shape of an upended concrete block.
The Dixie Dean Memorial Statue outside Goodison, Home of Everton FC, has been attacked by vandals who painted the statue red.
You may ask your memorial mason for a workmanship guarantee or in fact details of insurance.
Health & Safety policy 28 April - International Workers ' Memorial Day Worldwide millions die each year as a result of workplace hazards.
Photograph of Welsh survivors of the Spanish Civil War laying a wreath at the memorial.
These tributes can be simple statements placed on sympathy cards, or they may be long posts placed on an online memorial site.
When a big holiday is coming up (like Fourth of July or Memorial Day), keep an eye on the papers to see if there are any dealers giving any special rates or rebates.
Other popular holidays for retailer to promote sales are Memorial Day, Labor Day and Easter.
Sales around holidays, such as Memorial Day or the 4th of July, often lead to price cuts on popular electronics.
Some fireworks retailers are only open during the busy summer season, which encompasses Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day.
You'll find special sales during certain holidays like Memorial Day, Presidents' Day, Labor Day and the July 4th weekend.
Presidents Day, Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day hours change as well and that really depends on the day the sales fall.
For holiday sales like Presidents' Day, Memorial Day and others, visit the website for designated operating hours.
There are special hours for holidays such as President's Day weekend, Memorial Day and July 4th weekend, among others.
The Huntley Factory Outlet Mall has special hours for their various sales throughout the year, including a Presidents' Day Sale, Memorial Day Weekend Sale, Labor Day Weekend Sale and more.
The regular mall hours are Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, special events and holiday sales (like Presidents' Day or Memorial Day sales) may extend the hours.
The mall does have special hours during holidays and large sale days, such as Memorial Day and Labor Day, so be sure to check the website for information on specific hours.
According to their website, though, their hours remain the same as their regular hours for Presidents' Day Sale, Memorial Day Weekend Sale, July 4th Summer Sale and Labor Day Weekend Sale.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital provides thorough research citations on their overview of the acai berry.
The best time of year to locate decorating items with a patriotic theme is late spring and early summer, when retailers are marketing seasonal décor items for the Memorial Day and Independence Day holidays.
This organization, founded in 1927, created the Mark Twain Memorial and Library Commission to raise money for buying the house scheduled for demolition in 1929.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum offers an online workshop called Teaching About the Holocaust.
Whether you are gearing up to document New Year's Eve, Fourth of July or Memorial Day celebrations, you'll want to know how to photograph firework displays before taking aim at the night sky.
Those memorial keepsakes have a piece of us weaved into their creation, making it special and unique.
At the Lincoln Memorial don't forget to take a photo showing the sober Lincoln looking out over the reflection pool.
Additional information, such as a short paragraph on any memorial rituals or information about the bride's "something borrowed, something blue" may also be included in the program.
You might also include a memorial to deceased loved ones, or a special thank you to the guests.
Another 65 crashes happened on Labor Day weekend, and 72 took place around Memorial Day.
Anderson was the recipient of the first Linda McCartney Memorial Award in 2003 for her work on animal rights issues.
The pretty Aussie pair tied the knot June 25, 2006 at the Cardinal Cerretti Memorial Chapel on St. Patrick's Estate at Manly in Sydney, Australia, during a candlelight ceremony at sunset.
Monroe is buried at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, California.
In fact, after her death, he started the Lyn Irwin Memorial Fund, with proceeds going to the Iron Bark Station Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.
In June 2006, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban married at Cardinal Ceretti Memorial Chapel in Sydney, Australia.
On March 2, 2007, after a long court battle over where the former reality television star should be buried, she was placed in a lot at Lakeview Memorial Park cemetery in Nassau, Bahamas, next to her late son.
After rumors began to circulate that Lohan would be entering rehab, her rep confirmed the speculation, saying, "Lindsay admitted herself to an intensive medical rehabilitation facility on Memorial Day.
Richie, who has sought treatment for an eating disorder, tried to make a mockery of her situation by sending her friends a "weight-limit" e-mail invitation to a May 27, 2007 Memorial Day weekend party.
He graduated college in 1984 and served his residency at Huntington Memorial Hospital, where he continues to serve on staff.
Even with such a busy schedule of television and radio shows, Dr. Drew keeps up his own private practice, and is part of the staff at both Las Encinas and Huntington Memorial hospitals.
The Travoltas reportedly plan on bringing their son's body back to the States for memorial and funeral services.
In 1997, PAWS opened the Amanda Blake Memorial Wildlife Refuge at Rancho Seco Park in Herald, California.
For every memorial or tribute site, there is another that seems to approach celebrity deaths from a darker angle.
In addition to outfitting the First Daughters on Inauguration Day, JCrew also designed coats for Malia and Sasha to wear to the star-studded "We Are One" Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial.
Labor Day sales, Memorial Day sales, before Christmas sales, and sales for back to school are common.
Keep an eye on baby boy clothes during Memorial Day and Fourth of July.
You'll also find summer tees for Fourth of July and Memorial Day.
The Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest is held annually and awards four winners with college-scholarship money totaling $2,500.
The Lambert and Annetje Van Valkenburg Memorial Scholarship Fund was founded by the descendants of a man named Lambert Van Valckenburgh.
There's nothing wrong with holding a little memorial service or even having a special marker made for the spot of your choice.
Traditional fashion etiquette states that white should only be worn Memorial Day through Labor Day.
The highly acclaimed Texas Medical Center, home of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The Methodist Hospital, and Memorial Hermann Hospital, is located in the heart of Houston.
Hartford Memorial Hospital's Sleep Disorder Center offers help for people who have a number of sleep problems, including sleep apena, narcolepsy and periodic limb movement disorder.
The Upper Chesapeake Health Sleep Disorders Center at Harford Memorial Hospital is unique because it is the only hospital-based sleep facility in the area.
The only evidence for this claim was on a memorial for D'Armate that no longer exists.
Take a speedy spin on this vintage beauty at the Kit Carson County Fairgrounds from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom is open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day each year, where park hours vary.
The curtain is raised and out appears the President with an image of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., behind him.
Military members also get free admission on Memorial Day and Labor Day.
The best time to find bundles is during any type of holidays that facilitate sales like during the holidays or on Memorial Day.
As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen.
On the side of the memorial, 'In memory of those fallen in the defense of Earth and her colonies March 3, 2553'.
Duck Walk Vineyards - Located in Southampton, New York, this vineyard offers free tours of the estate from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.
The Tahoe Pines RV Campground in California is open Memorial Day through Labor Day.
The campground is open from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.
This is particularly true for holiday weekends like Memorial Day, Labor Day, and 4th of July.
Around this age, children are capable of taking part in rituals of death, such as visits with the deceased's family, the wake, and the funeral or memorial service.
The young boy who sang a Jackson 5 song for the auditions, and sang it again at Michael Jackson's Memorial in July 2009, Shaheen Jafargholi, was also loved by local and television audiences alike.
A short ceremony is performed that includes reading of psalms and a eulogy, followed by the memorial prayer, El Maleh Rachamim.
Arlington National Cemetery, located in Arlington, Virginia, may have started as a final resting place for Civil War casualties, but it now serves as an expansive cemetery and well-known memorial.
The Arlington Memorial Amphitheater is also highly recognizable site.
Finding a suitable Mobile memorial funeral home is not difficult since there are so many available, but this can still be a daunting task if you are in the process of grieving a recent loss.
Mobile memorial funeral homes must adhere to the standards specified by the Alabama Preneed Funeral and Cemetery Act.
Mobile Memorial Gardens Funeral Home operates under the larger corporation of Dignity Memorial, which is the largest network of funeral service providers available.
Funeral and memorial service needs vary from client to client.
A MySpace mourning page is a public memorial to someone who has died.
On May 4, 1990, 20 years after that fateful day, the May 4 Memorial was dedicated at Kent State University.
A total of 58,175 daffodils surround this memorial -- one for each American who died in the Vietnam War.
A year after the four students died, the Center for Peaceful Change was established as a living memorial to them.
Granite memorial stones are one type of pet memorial available online.
If desired, additional images can be added to the memorial stone as well.
This type of pet memorial is an upright stone designed to be displayed either indoors or outdoors.
After the animal has died, it is important to care for its remains, and if need be, hold a funeral or memorial service.
Allowing your child to help plan the funeral or memorial service is another way of helping them deal with the death of the pet.
When a grandmother or grandfather dies, you might be responsible for planning the funeral or memorial service.
Make sure the memorial you choose reflects your grandparent.
The art of humans immortalizing humans dates back to Ancient Egypt when memorial walls and stones were left in honor of kings and heroes who died.
Individuals today can create web pages memorializing the person who has died or they can add the obituary information to one of the many memorial websites available.
A free memorial obituary template will guide you on constructing an announcement of the death of a loved one.
As you study the free memorial obituary template you plan to use, you will be advised as to where the photo should be placed.
By reading over these, you will learn how to write the kind of memorial obit you need to compose.
Send the memorial obituary to family and friends who might not have access to your local newspaper.
Many people ask, "When was the Lincoln Memorial built?" when visiting the monument.
Building monuments is no easy and short process, as you will find out from the events that took place to create this magnificent memorial for our 16th President.
The first step in building Lincoln Memorial was the incorporation of Lincoln Monument Association into Congress.
At this time, the McMillan Commission decided that West Potomac Park would be the site for the memorial.
Ten years later, Congress authorized the construction of the Lincoln Memorial on February 9, 1911.
In 1914, construction for Lincoln Memorial began.
The outside of the memorial resembles a Greek temple and stands 19 feet tall, 19 feet wide and is made with 28 separated blocks of white Georgia marble.
It took three years (1914-1917) to build the Lincoln Memorial.
The memorial dedication to President Lincoln happened May 30, 1922 in a dedication ceremony.
If you are surprised by the long answer to, "When was the Lincoln Memorial built?" - don't be.
Every detail of the memorial from the site to the final structure that stands proudly today received serious consideration.
The open mall design of the memorial welcomes everyone to pay homage to President Lincoln anytime day or night.
Custis constructed the Arlington House as a living memorial to George Washington.
Arlington National Cemetery history provides you with an appreciation for what the memorial is today.
When you visit the Arlington National Cemetery, keep the people who made this memorial possible and special in your thoughts.
Learn about the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial, which is a place to remember the lives lost and changed forever.
After word of the bombing, Oklahomans began make shifting a memorial around the bomb site.
A task force of 350 members discussed ways to create a memorial that would forever keep the tragedy that took place fresh in people's minds.
Mayor Ron Norick wanted the task force to come up with a plan for the memorial.
The task force became the Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation.
The decision for the memorial included an Outdoor Symbolic Memorial and 30,000 square foot interactive memorial museum.
The designers Hans and Torrey Butzer along with Sven Berg created the memorial that you can visit today.
The Outdoor Symbolic Memorial is 3.3 acres and has 168 chairs with glass bases representative of the lives lost.
The memorial also includes Gates of Tim, Survivor Chapel, Survivor Tree, Rescuers' Orchard, 318 foot Reflecting Pool, and Children's Area.
The dedication of the Oklahoma City National Memorial happened on April 19, 2000, which was the fifth anniversary of the bombing.
If you are visiting the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, area, the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial should be on your list of places to see.